Calibration of the multiangular prism (polygon)/ Daugiakampes prizmes kalibravimas.
Brucas, D. ; Giniotis, V. ; Augustinavicius, G. 等
1. Introduction
The autocollimator/multiangular prism (polygon) angle measurement
principle has been considered as the most precise means of angular
position determination for a long time. This method of angle
determination still remains as the national angle reference in most of
the countries. Therefore the calibration of one of the elements of the
measurement system--the multiangular prism--is of extreme importance.
The multiangular prism is a precise polygon that has precise flat
mirror faces; the angle between the mirrors is being known and very
precise. Usually a multiangular prism consists of 12-20 or 24, 36 or
even 72 faces (Fig. 1). Multiangular prisms are usually produced from
certain steel or quartz glass. Often for the determination of small
angles a single measuring mirror is being used instead of the entire
multiangular prisms [1].
The angle between the surfaces of the multiangular prism is
considered to be the reference angle and in most cases its error value
does not exceed a tenth of an arc second. The main disadvantage of a
multiangular prism is that positioning angles of the tested devices
equal to the angles between the polygon edges are measured. Thus with
the help of one polygon and one autocollimator it is possible at a
certain pitch (depending on the number of polygon edges) to determine
edge values of the tested device (test rig in our case) within a full
circle. Alternatively the very small angular values can be determined
using the same face of the multiangular prism.
While being one of the most accurate means of angular position
determination, the autocollimator/multiangular prism is still not free
of errors. Main systematic errors (biases) of the measurements can be
caused by both the autocollimator and the multiangular prism. To obtain
precise angle measurements both of these instruments must be calibrated.
Autocollimators are usually calibrated against small angle
generators of various constructions, therefore the calibration curve for
each particular autocollimator is obtained [2]. Generally the sources of
systematic errors of the measurements performed by autocollimators are:
* influence of the nonparallelism of beams (autocollimator is not
focused to infinity);
* systematic errors of the CCD matrix;
* errors caused by the optical system of the autocollimator;
* errors caused by the CCD orientation (CCD matrix is not
perpendicular to the beams).
The systematic errors of multiangular prism are usually caused by:
* deviations of the angles between mirror faces;
* pyramidality of mirror faces;
* flatness deviations of the mirror faces.
Since the influence of pyramidality of mirror faces on the accuracy
of measurement is not clearly defined by today (though that influence is
clearly present) there is still no unambiguous method for elimination of
these errors.
Similarly, the effect of flatness deviation of the mirror surfaces
can be determined (Fig. 2). Its influence on the measurements however
can not be clearly evaluated and the errors compensated. A large number
of methods for reduction of mirror flatness deviation errors exist but
there is still no single unambiguous method proposed [3].
On the other hand the deviations of angles between the mirror faces
of the multiangular prism can be clearly determined, evaluated and quite
easily corrected in the course of measurement data processing.
There are various calibration methods of angles between mirror
faces of multiangular prism (polygon) most of which are based on the
cross, direct comparison or simple calibration principles [4, 5].
In this paper we describe the experiment of calibration of
Hilger&Watts based on a 12 sided multiangular prism by the use of a
precise automated rotary table produced by the Wild company (now Leica)
and two autocollimators.
2. Settlement and the experiment
The Hilger&Watts 12 sided (having 12 reflective surfaces)
precision polygon is very frequently used for the tasks in the
calibration laboratory of the Institute of Geodesy of Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University (VGTU). The mentioned polygon has been calibrated
at PTB (Physikalische-Technische Bundesanstalt) National Metrology
Institute in Braunschweig, Germany in 2007. In order to accomplish the
time-span control of the accuracy of the polygon the calibration of the
same polygon was performed at VGTU.
For the calibration (of the base table) a rotary table has been
constructed by the Wild Heerbrugg company (now Leica) in Switzerland and
transferred to VGTU. It was formerly used by the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology. The rotary table includes a dynamic encoder for angular
position determination and was used for testing of geodetic angle
measuring instruments in the past [6]. It has a rotation step length of
4.5. and a measuring sensibility of 0.0324". The theoretical
repeatability of the system is in the range of 0.03", and the
experimental standard deviation stated by the manufacturer has never
exceeded 0.32" [7]. The systematic errors of the particular rotary
table have not yet been determined (since there were no devices of
higher accuracy available for use as reference), but the standard
deviation of measurements have been experimentally determined and did
not exceed 0.166".
In addition, two autocollimators (initially produced by
Hilger&Watts) were also used for calibration. Both autocollimators
were modified at Kaunas University of Technology by fitting the CCD
matrices to the optical autocollimators and thus obtaining the digital
output of measurements. Autocollimators return the position (in the
horizontal axis) of the reflected mark (stroke) in the form of the
number of pixels from the beginning of the axis. In the computer program
the view received from the CCD matrix is analyzed and depending on the
CCD pixels illumination (y axis) dependence of pixel position (x axis)
graph is created. The position (x axis) value of the peak centre is
established in pixels; therefore later the device needs to be calibrated
to attribute the pixels values to arc seconds. The experiment performed
is especially interesting since two autocollimators calibrated have been
constructed by modifying the optical instruments. Since the
autocollimators have been custom made, their performances are not
clearly known.
Before the polygon calibration, both autocollimators were
calibrated at a pitch of 9" using the same rotary table and
characteristic curves of autocollimator measurements were determined
[8]. Mentioned characteristic curves were evaluated using 3rd order
polynomial for autocollimator I:
y = - 1.084.[10.sup.-8] x [x.sup.3] + 1.57. [10.sup.-5] [x.sup.2] +
0.205x (1)
and for autocollimator II
y = - 1.048.[10.sup.-8] x [x.sup.3] + 1.2.[10.sup.-5] [x.sup.2] +
0.330x (2)
where x is autocollimator measure in pixels, and y is the value of
determined angular position in arc seconds (determined regarding the
reference measure).
These equations were used for transformation of pixel measurements
to arc seconds during the experiment.
During experiment the calibrated polygon was placed on the rotary
table and two autocollimators were pointed to different mirror faces (of
polygon). Initially autocollimator I was pointed to 0[degrees] and
autocollimator II to 30[degrees] mirror surface (Fig. 3). After the full
circle measurement (with the measurement stops at every 30[degrees])
autocollimator II was pointed to 60[degrees] mirror face of polygon and
measurements were repeated. Therefore autocollimator II was consequently
moved each time next to another polygon surface and full circle
measurements were repeated (Fig. 4).
After the mentioned measurements the accuracy of polygon could be
determined in two almost independent (disregarding the measures of
autocollimator I) ways--direct comparison (comparation) of
polygon/autocollimator I (or II) measures to the ones obtained by the
encoder of rotary table (i.e. angular position of polygon); and
"simple" calibration by means of two autocollimators
(Autocollimator I/Autocollimator II) [5].
3. Results of the experiment
After processing of the experiment data (including autocollimators
calibration data) the results were obtained. It was determined that
standard deviation of measurements performed by autocollimators (in this
case, since the position of polygon was determined by rotary table
encoder, standard deviation could be considered as combined one of the
table encoder/polygon/autocollimator) were for Autocollimator
I--0.127" (uncertainty 0.223") and for Autocollimator
II--0.381" (uncertainty 0.671"). Its obvious that standard
deviation of Autocollimator II measurements is much higher (thus
accuracy lower) which could be explained by the lower resolution of
Autocollimator II (2) therefore accuracy is lower and probably due to
the influence of repositioning of the autocollimator along the circle
(lower stability of repositioned object temperature changes due to
manual repositioning, etc.) according to the calibration method.
The direct comparison of the measurements of Autocollimator I and
Autocollimator II (with sequential shift of data by 30[degrees]) to the
rotary table angular position (measured by the table encoder) are shown
in Table and Fig. 5.
After the calculation of "simple" polygon calibration the
deviations of the polygon mirror faces were determined disregarding the
rotary table positioning errors (Table and Fig. 5).
As it can be seen from Fig. 5 polygon face angular deviation
determined by different means is very similar. Though it should be
noted, that according to calibration results the tested polygon is not
of a highest quality.
Considering that the polygon calibration data determined by PTB was
reference (since the equipment of much higher stated accuracy was used)
the deviations of all types of calibration measurements performed were
calculated (Table and Fig. 6).
As can be seen from Table and Fig. 6 the highest deviations form
the reference values (PTB data) are of the measurements performed by
Autocollimator II/rotary table (standard deviation--0.116",
uncertainty--0.204"), the most accurate measurements being by
Autocollimator I/rotary table (standard deviation--0.245",
uncertainty--0.409") and "simple" calibration has been
influenced by both autocollimator measurements (standard
deviation--0.125", uncertainty--0.220").
According to the results both rotary table encoder and
Autocollimator I showed quite high accuracy (which was predictable for
Autocollimator I), the deviations from reference values being not larger
than 0.17". Since Autocollimator II showed quite poor results
(largest deviation 0.438") the results of "simple"
calibration (Autocollimator I/Autocollimator II) are also of quite low
accuracy (largest deviation--0.236").
It should be noted that the experiment was held on a sunny day with
the sun constantly appearing from the cloud and therefore causing
unstable refractions of optical instruments (it was tried to avoid such
effect during measurements nonetheless it was present) disturbing the
measurements, additionally constant moving of the Autocollimator II by
the operator could cause unpredictable fluctuations of air masses of
different temperature thus causing instabilities of measurements (such
effect was observed during other measurements) [9]. As was mentioned
before the instabilities of the placement of Autocollimator II due to
its constant movements could also influence the accuracy considerably
[10]. Thus avoiding of all of the mentioned factors--shading the sun
light, automated moving of the autocollimator without physical
interruption of operator and remote control of equipment (without the
need for operator to be at the same room) should influence the
increasing of general measurements accuracy.
Additionally the deviations of the polygon/autocollimator
measurements depend on the flatness deviations of the polygon faces,
therefore measurement accuracy depends on the polygon face area
autocollimator is pointed at and such influence can not be unambiguously
evaluated [3]. Such effect could influence the accuracy of
measurements--Autocollimator I was constantly pointed to the same area
of mirror faces though Autocollimator II was each time pointed to a
different face area (due to repositioning it was impossible to point to
the same area). Having in mind that polygon tested has quite significant
mirror surface flatness deviation (surface flatness deviations of tested
polygon were measured at PTB, Fig. 2), especially at the sides of the
mirrors, mentioned errors could be present. Same can be said about the
calibration procedure performed at PTB--it is unknown at what areas of
polygon mirror surfaces autocollimator (used for calibration) was
Having in mind that standard deviation of polygon calibration is
stated 0.1", calibration performed by Autocollimator I/rotary table
can be evaluated as having total standard deviation of 0.151"
(uncertainty--0.266"), Autocollimator II/rotary table--0.161"
(uncertainty-- 0.283"), "simple" calibration
(Autocollimator I/Autocollimator II)--0.287"
According to the results of calibration it might be stated that the
best results at present conditions can be obtained implementing
Autocollimator I and rotary table. "Simple" calibration
procedure can not be straightly implemented (despite quite high
accuracy) since it depends on Autocollimator II measurements results of
which are quite unpredictable.
It should be also noted that the results obtained can hardly be
checked due to the lack of instrumentation of sufficient accuracy not
only in Lithuania, but also in the world (there are very few
laboratories worldwide capable of high accuracy angle measurements).
5. Conclusions
1. Two methods of precision polygon (multiangular prism)
calibration were tested--"simple" calibration and direct
comparation using high accuracy rotary table and an autocollimator;
2. The experimental total standard deviation of the calibration was
Autocollimator I/rotary table--0.151" (uncertainty--0.266"),
Autocollimator II/rotary table--0.161" (uncertainty--0.283"),
"simple" calibration (Autocollimator I/Autocollimator
II)--0.287" (uncertainty-- 0.505");
3. The results of the highest accuracy were obtained by simple
comparison between the autocollimator (Autocollimators I) measurements
and the angular position of rotary table. This method of polygon
calibration can be implemented "as is" at present conditions;
4. Both Autocollimator II/rotary table and "simple"
calibrations showed worst results due to the influence of errors of
Autocollimator II which can hardly be decreased at present conditions.
5. The accuracy of calibration (and measurements in general) could
be increased by implementing better control of the laboratory
environment, i.e. increasing the level of automation and the settlement
time before the measurement begins.
This work has been funded by the Lithuanian State Science and
Studies Foundation, Project No B32/2008.
Received March 17, 2010 Accepted June 21, 2010
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D. Brucas, V. Giniotis, G. Augustinavicius, J. Stepanoviene
D. Brucas*, V. Giniotis**, G. Augustinavicius***, J.
* Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
10223 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
10223 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Results of the angle measurement tests
Polygon Polygon face deviation (arc sec), determined by:
face, deg PTB "Simple" cali- Autocollimator Autocollimator
bration I/rotary table II/rotary table
0 1.18 1.299 1.295 1.229
30 -1.70 -1.936 -1.870 -2.015
60 0.27 0.227 0.401 -0.039
90 -1.09 -1.237 -1.129 -1.231
120 2.04 2.183 1.923 2.478
150 0.63 0.670 0.671 0.604
180 0.11 0.297 0.053 0.528
210 -1.85 -1.904 -1.919 -1.976
240 1.13 1.125 0.964 1.248
270 0.92 0.905 1.047 0.796
300 -0.26 -0.352 -0.147 -0.379
330 -1.38 -1.277 -1.290 -1.244
Polygon Deviations from PTB data, arc sec
face, deg "Simple" Autocollimator Autocollimator
calibration I/rotary table II/rotary table
0 0.119 0.115 0.049
30 -0.236 -0.170 -0.315
60 -0.043 0.131 -0.309
90 -0.147 -0.039 -0.141
120 0.143 -0.117 0.438
150 0.040 0.041 -0.026
180 0.187 -0.057 0.418
210 -0.054 -0.069 -0.126
240 -0.005 -0.166 0.118
270 -0.015 0.127 -0.124
300 -0.092 0.113 -0.119
330 0.103 0.090 0.136