首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月07日 星期五


  • 标题:Influence of ply orientation on mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of woven carbon and glass composites/Angliaplastikio ir stiklaplastikio sluoksniu armavimo kampu itaka irimo tarpsluoksnyje tasumui atplesiant.
  • 作者:Kersiene, N. ; Ziliukas, A. ; Kersys, A.
  • 期刊名称:Mechanika
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-1207
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:March
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
  • 摘要:The problems of toughness of steels, metal alloys, plastics and composite, and strain mechanics that are tackled show up during extreme loads. Various tests predicting behavior of materials and structures [1-3] were performed trying to manage the mechanical characteristics of materials and the best of them in developing innovative mechanical systems and technologies. Therefore investigation of the most widely used composite materials is relevant.
  • 关键词:Carbon;Composite materials;Epoxy resins;Fracture (Materials);Glass;Laminated materials;Laminates;Strength (Materials);Strength of materials

Influence of ply orientation on mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of woven carbon and glass composites/Angliaplastikio ir stiklaplastikio sluoksniu armavimo kampu itaka irimo tarpsluoksnyje tasumui atplesiant.

Kersiene, N. ; Ziliukas, A. ; Kersys, A. 等

1. Introduction

The problems of toughness of steels, metal alloys, plastics and composite, and strain mechanics that are tackled show up during extreme loads. Various tests predicting behavior of materials and structures [1-3] were performed trying to manage the mechanical characteristics of materials and the best of them in developing innovative mechanical systems and technologies. Therefore investigation of the most widely used composite materials is relevant.

Because composite laminates are high performance structural materials, there is a need of accurate evaluation of the interlaminar fracture toughness for optimal design and material selection of composite structures. Various test methods were developed to measure critical strain energy release rate [G.sub.Ic]: the double cantilever beam test (DCB), is used for Mode I, the 3 point end notch flexure test (3 ENF) or the 4 point end notch flexure test (4 ENF) is used for Mode II and the mixed-mode bending test (MMB) is used for mixed-mode I/II [4-7]. The specimen usually contains an implanted delamination in the form of a nonadhesive insert and is used for unidirectional fiber reinforced composites. However, the most practical applications involve woven reinforced and cross-ply multidirectional laminates where delaminations occur between the plies of different orientations. Therefore, it is essential to characterize the delamination resistance [G.sub.Ic] with various stacking sequence along the interface for the development of more accurate design methods. Several studies were already performed on the mode I and mode II fracture of multidirectional laminates [8, 9] and the majority of those results were affected by intraply damage and crack jumping to another interface.

The aim of this paper is to study the effects of ply orientation on the interlaminar fracture behavior of mode I in woven carbon and glass composites. For defining the exact instant of crack initiation the nonlinearity (NL), 5% offset or maximum force criteria were used.

2. Double cantilever beam (DCB) test details

The specimens of woven carbon and glass composites were used in DCB tests to determine critical strain energy release rate Gc. Mode I (DCB) test were performed on twill woven carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composite systems. The specimens (width 25 mm, length 150 mm) were made in an enterprise "Sportine Aviacija" (Fig. 1). The matrix of laminar composite was reinforced with glass 92 125 and carbon 98 131 fibre 2/2 twill woven fabrics. Tenax HTA type filaments were used in carbon fibre fabrics. Epoxy/hardener system L285/287 was used to manufacture laminar composites. The initial fracture was made by inserting aluminium foil of 30 Lim thickness into the middle of the sample edge. Under the critical load applied this crack propagates into the specimens' delamination plane. To determine the influence of reinforced angles of the layers between inserts on critical strain energy release rate [G.sub.Ic], the layer reinforced angles in four specimens (I-IV) groups of woven carbon and glass composites were arranged as follows:

I - [[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/[0.sub.2]//[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]],

II - [[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]//90/[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]],

III - [[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]/ + 45//- 45/[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]],

iv - [[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]//+ 45/[([0.sub.2]/90).sub.3]/ [0.sub.2]].

With such layout of the layer reinforcement angles the extreme influence of the elasticity bonds on the [G.sub.c] should be reduced because they generate asymmetrical delamination front. Such sequence of ply layout was chosen to meet the obligatory condition, i.e., to avoid great shifts in the layer of plastic deformations and damages. Delamination spread in middle part of the sample marked with a symbol "//" in parallel direction to the adjacent layers. The layer reinforcement angles in the middle part of the specimen are 0//0, 0//90, + 45//- 45 and 0//+ 45.

Cantilever made from aluminum alloy was glued to the specimens with the cold-welding type adhesive during DCB test. The pull force of cantilever of aluminium foil-absent was 3 kN, i.e., 30 times exceeding the required proper adhesion. For better visual observation of the crack front propagation the measure was drawn on the white background on the specimen side beginning from the end of aluminum foil (Fig. 1).

Tests were made in the Centre for Strength and Fracture Mechanics of Kaunas University of Technology using the universal tension and compression test bench produced by Swiss company "Amsler" (the greatest load 50 kN). DCB test was made in accordance with standard ASTM D5528 [5] crack is opened by tearing in the woven carbon and glass composite specimens. During this test the specimen was loaded by tension in the direction perpendicular to middle plane of the specimen while the force was distributed in cantilevers (Fig. 2).



Delamination developed in accordance with the mode I crack in the middle plane of the specimen. Crack opening displacement [[delta].sub.1]--the crack opening height was measured during the experiment. Crack length a was visually determined during the test. The push was from 0.5 to 1.0 mm/min. Because stable crack increase (dG/da < 0) was observed in the course of DCB test, the unloading was done at the beginning of the test at 2.0 and 3.0 mm, and later increments of 5.0 mm.

In conformity with the tests results the critical values of force [F.sub.c], displacement [[delta].sub.c], crack length [a.sub.c] and compliance C were defined. Alternative nonlinearity (NL) and 5% offset from the initial curve rise or the maximum force (MF) criteria [8, 9] were used in practice to estimate the inter-laminar critical strain energy release rate to precisely determine the fracture initiation (Fig. 3). NL characterized the crack advance at the moment when the force-displacement curve diverged from the linearity.

Because DCB test was used to determine the mode I fracture toughness [G.sub.c] may be found from the force and deflection data by compliance calibration using the fundamental Eq. (1)

[G.sub.c] = [F.sup.2]/2 dC/dA = [F.sup.2]/2b dC/da (1)

where b is the specimens width.

A compliance calibration is therefore required and this can be performed using one of two modified beam theory expressions


where [[DELTA].sub.I] is the correction to the crack length to take account of imperfectly clamped beam boundary condition, and is defined as the intercept on the x axis of a plot of cube root of compliance ([delta]/F) versus crack length. For Berry method the compliance as a function of crack length may be obtained for each specimen from the slope of its load versus deflection data. The method of least squares can be used to obtain the coefficients k and n from C - [ka.sup.n] into equation


where FI and 8 are the load and deflection, respectively, at the onset of crack advance.


When the load-displacement curves for the cracked specimens exhibit a linear elastic response, the change in total energy in the body due to crack extension from a to (a + [DELTA]a) is simply the area A between the loading and unloading curves. Thus [G.sub.Ic] is given by


where [[delta].sub.1] and [[delta].sub.2]--displacement, estimated respectively by loading and unloading cracked specimens.

3. Influence of ply orientation on fracture toughness

Relationships of the force F and crack opening displacement [[delta].sub.I] of the specimen with initial crack were obtained during the test (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).



The investigation results showed that in the case of carbon/epoxy specimen when compared with lass/epoxy, the smaller offset of the relationship of load force displacement and crack opening displacement from the linearity was determined. In glass/epoxy composite relationship nonlinearity from 10 to 20 times greater could be visually observed.


The increase of load force value at the beginning of fracture in glass/epoxy specimens had an influence on the sharp increase of critical strain energy release rate. This determined the formation of great plastic zone in the crack tip depending on the type of reinforced material. Unstable crack propagation was noticed in carbon/epoxy specimen during the experiment due to the influence of brittle fabric of carbon fibre on the crack propagation in the epoxy resin. This consistent pattern was reflected in the nature of relationships between F and [delta] (see the vertical apexes in Fig. 4).

Test results were processed on the basis of Eqs. 2-4 using the crack length correction and Berry methods, estimating the compliance C and beam theory (F, a) and area integration methods. The crack length a was determined visually after each unloading of the specimen until its general predetermined value was reached. [G.sub.Ic] is required for crack propagation for some particular value [a.sub.i] expressed by the area limited with load-offset curve excluding elastic energy, and estimated as the beam compliance C (mm/N).


But in glass/epoxy specimen during crack propagation the significant increase of [G.sub.Ic] was obtained as the result of the initial delamination branching into additional layer of the specimen delamination plane. The increase of the values of [G.sub.Ic] during crack propagation was set in most of glass/epoxy specimen. It was specified that when the layers were reinforced at the angles + 45//- 45 in the delamination plane, the crack was branching into the adjacent 0//+ 45 layers after the area a - a0 = 30 - 40 mm was reached. When the reinforced angles of the layers in delamination plane were arranged as 0//0 and 0//90, the increase of [G.sub.Ic] was noticed when the value a-a0 reached 30 mm length.

During crack opening, the values [G.sub.Ic] were calculated at the points of crack initiation, i.e., NL and MF. The values of critical strain energy release rate during crack initiation were determined with the help of initial crack length. Analogous variation in amplitude response of the [G.sub.Ic] of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy specimens was obtained using the method of crack length correction and Berry method.

Figs. 6 and 7 show the results of [G.sub.Ic] of delamination in the middle plane of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy specimen at the angle of 0//90 by using maximum force criteria. The values of [G.sub.Ic], defined by the nonlinearity criterion to values of [G.sub.Ic], defined by maximum force criteria were compared. In the case of carbon/epoxy the nature of relationships of [G.sub.Ic] and crack growth for all four groups of the reinforced angles in the middle plane during crack propagation remained constant.


The application of area integration method resulted in significant variation of estimated values. Beam theory method used in case of glass/epoxy specimens showed the variation of relationships analogous to the crack length correction and Berry method. But the values determined with the help of nonlinearity and maximum force criteria in Beam theory method significantly exceeded the values of [G.sub.Ic] obtained with more conservative methods (Figs. 8 - 11).

On the basis of nonlinearity criterion in Berry method, the following [G.sub.Ic] values of mode I and mode II were obtained for glass/epoxy specimen types: [G.sub.Ic] = 0.577 kJ/[m.sup.2] [0//0] and [G.sub.Ic] = 0.591 kJ/[m.sup.2] [0//90].

DCB test defined the relationships of the critical strain energy release rate of composite materials and crack increase describing the character of the crack propagation and [G.sub.Ic-prop] values (Table). The values of [G.sub.Ic] in carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy specimens were calculated. They were estimated in relation to the reinforced angles of the layers in the delamination plane and the calculation methods of the crack initiation and crack propagation in various change areas (NL and MF).

In carbon/epoxy specimens when the angles 0//0 were used to reinforce layers in delamination plane and using the method of crack length correction the values of [G.sub.Ic] in the delaminating area were 0.28 - 0.42 kJ/[m.sup.2] and using Berry method the values were 0.20 - 0.23 kJ/[m.sup.2]. [G.sub.Ic] values in the maximum force (MF) area were 0.32 and 0.23 kJ/[m.sup.2], approximately.



When [G.sub.Ic] values of the specimen were estimated at the maximum force equal to [0//0] using the crack length correction method, the critical strain energy release rate values of glass/epoxy specimens were 0.83 and 0.77 kJ/[m.sup.2] when Berry method was used. [G.sub.Ic] values of the carbon/epoxy specimen changed by 33% in the initiation-propagation area of maximum force when the crack correction method was used, and by 1.3% when Berry method was used, thus this made significantly smaller part if compared with the change of the [G.sub.Ic] values of the polymer composites reinforced with glass fibre fabric.


For glass/epoxy specimens 52 % change was determined in the first instance, and 18 % variation was defined in the second instance. The estimated significant increase of the [G.sub.Ic] determines the greater than actual values in many specimen types, especially mode I [0//0]. But the most conservative Berry method was chosen for the more precise values of the [G.sub.Ic]. Table and Fig. 12 demonstrated the values of compliance C (mm/N) and coefficient n used in this method.

Figs. 13 and 14 demonstrated the relationships of [G.sub.Ic] values of the carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy specimen groups of modes I-IV on the angles that reinforced the layers in the delamination plane using Berry method.

The values of [G.sub.Ic] of the critical strain energy release rate of glass/epoxy specimens by 2.8, 2.76, 1.78 and 2.21 times are greater if compared with the [G.sub.Ic] values of carbon/epoxy specimens using NL criterion at the corresponding angles of layer reinforcement in delamination area: 0//0, 0//90, 0//+ 45 ir + 45//- 45. The more significant variation of specimens was obtained for MF criterion, i.e., 3.96, 5.01, 2.37 and 2.06 times, respectively. This showed greater resistance of glass/epoxy specimens to delamination when the crack was opened by tearing (mode I) and especially, in the case of mode II [0//90] and mode I [0//0] specimen groups at NL and MF load.


[G.sub.Ic] values of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy specimen were the greatest in the interlayer of + 45//- 45. It has been determined that the variation of the angle [theta] in the sequence of 0 [degrees], 45 [degrees] and 90 [degrees] in the delamination plane of layer reinforcement, the equivalent change of the [G.sub.Ic] in the glass/epoxy specimens was obtained when the difference of the crack length was 20-30 mm.

But this consistent pattern could not be used with carbon/epoxy specimens. Great result variation was obtained during the trail in carbon/epoxy specimen due to unstable crack propagation (dG/da > 0, [a.sub.0] < L/[cube root of 3]). Thus the estimation of more precise [G.sub.Ic] values was impossible to determine.



After the layer reinforcement angles in the delamination plane were arranged in + 45//- 45 the extremely great variation from 0.91 to 0.54 J of [G.sub.Ic] values was obtained. If compared with the values of critical strain energy release rate obtained at the angle 0//0 arrangement that varied in the range from 0.3 to 0.13 J, the variation was by 2.5 to 4 times greater. With such result variation in the crack propagation area, it was appropriate to determine [G.sub.Ic] values in the zone of initial fracture where the actual delamination in the sample interlayer started.

3. Conclusions

In order to determine the influence of angles used to reinforce the layers between inserts on the critical strain energy release rate, the quasi-stationary test analysis was used to open the crack by tearing the woven carbon and glass composites. In accordance with the test results with carbon/epoxy composites from 10 to 20 times less deflection from linearity was defined for the relationships between load force and the crack opening displacement. The increase of the load force value in glass/epoxy specimens at the fracture initiation has significant influence to the increase of [G.sub.Ic] that determined the formation on the great plastic zone on the crack tip determined by the type of reinforcement material.

When nonlinearity criterion was used the value of [G.sub.Ic] of glass/epoxy specimen was by 2.8, 2.76, 1.78 and 2.21 times greater if compared with [G.sub.Ic] values of carbon/epoxy specimen of the corresponding angles of layer reinforcement in delamination area: 0//0, 0//90, 0//+ 45 and + 45//- 45. This showed greater resistance of glass/epoxy specimens to delamination when the crack opened by tearing.

It was determined that [G.sub.Ic] in glass/epoxy significantly increased when the crack branching in the delamination plane occurred. The variation of critical strain energy release rate was obtained in crack propagation area due to unstable crack propagation in carbon plastics; thus this energy in the crack propagation area should be defined in the initial crack zone.

The values of critical strain energy release rate determined with area integration method showed great variation of results. For this reason the conservative Berry method (mode I) and nonlinearity criterion were chosen for the result estimation. NL criterion made it possible to predict the increase of the damages in the microlevel.

After the estimation of the influence of the angles used to reinforce the layers on [G.sub.Ic] the conclusion was made that the reinforcement at the angles of 0//0 and especially 90//0 was the most dangerous. Thus in the structures the layers should be reinforced at the angles of 0//+45 because [G.sub.Ic] was by 1.4 times greater if compared with the instance of 0//0 angles.

Received February 03, 2010 Accepted April 15, 2010


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N. Kersiene *, A. Ziliukas **, A. Kersys ***

* Kaunas University of Technology, Kqstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: [email protected]

** Kaunas University of Technology, Kqstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: [email protected]

*** Kaunas University of Technology, Kqstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: [email protected]

Critical strain energy release rate employing Berry method


Composite                             [G.sub.Ic-init.],
system         Interlayer   C, mm/N     kJ/[m.sup.2]

Glass/epoxy       0//0       0.100          0.774
92 125//         0//90       0.091          0.919
L285/287        0//+ 45      0.085          1.030
               + 45//- 45    0.070          1.274

Carbon/epoxy      0//0       0.085          0.227
98 131//         0//90       0.069          0.247
L285/287        0//+ 45      0.070          0.292
              + 45//- 45     0.037          0.405


Composite                             [G.sub.Ic-init.],
system         Interlayer   C, mm/N     kJ/[m.sup.2]

Glass/epoxy       0//0       0.094          0.577
92 125//         0//90       0.075          0.591
L285/287        0//+ 45      0.074          0.721
               + 45//- 45    0.068          0.895

Carbon/epoxy      0//0       0.079          0.205
98 131//         0//90       0.061          0.214
L285/287        0//+ 45      0.070          0.292
               + 45//- 45    0.037          0.405

Composite                   [G.sub.Ic-prop.],
system         Interlayer     kJ/[m.sup.2]

Glass/epoxy       0//0           0.911
92 125//         0//90           1.178
L285/287        0//+ 45          1.130
               + 45//- 45        1.554

Carbon/epoxy      0//0           0.230
98 131//         0//90           0.355
L285/287        0//+ 45          0.477
              + 45//- 45         0.754