Development of cavitation applications for the remediation of contaminated water/Kavitacijos naudojimo uzterstiems vandenims valyti tyrimas.
Bubulis, A. ; Bogorosh, A. ; Jurenas, V. 等
1. Introduction
The objective of this paper is to develop understanding of the
reactions of organic and nonorganic water compounds in the presence of
high intensity cavitation.
The development of applications of cavitation for remediation of
the contaminated water is presented. Performance data, such as scale
control, corrosion and bacteria reduction, are presented. The screw
propeller-type, piston-type and membrane-type cavitators were developed
and investigated [1-5].
Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can form damaging scale
deposits when exposed to the conditions commonly found in water supply
systems with heat exchangers. The results of chemical and quantitative
analyses of water after hydrodynamic cavitation showed the sharp decline
of dissolved salts such as calcium, magnesium, etc.
The solid precipitate is easily removed from the water through the
use of a cyclonic separator or filtration system. While scaling is
prevented through the precipitation of calcium carbonate and its
subsequent removal by filtration, the hydrodynamic cavitation minimizes
the potential for oxidation and corrosion of metal surfaces of heat
exchangers by removing oxygen, C[O.sub.2] and other dissolved gases from
the water [6 - 8].
Because both calcium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate are
simultaneously removed from the water, the solubility limit of calcium
carbonate is not reached and scaling is inhibited.
The hydrodynamic cavitation treatment [9, 10] of the water also
controls biological fouling. According to the obtained results, high
temperatures and changing pressures generated by the cavitation process
are sufficient to destroy the microorganisms that would otherwise cause
bacterial, algal, and fungal blooms. No additional chemical inputs are
Raw and melt water has got different structures, what inter alia
depend on the type of diluted minerals, organic elements and other
additives, including the mechanical ones, that function as open, dynamic
and structurally complex systems where the steady-state condition may be
easily destroyed by external forces. Cavitation is one of such hydro
mechanical forces that makes water discharge of dissolute gases, and
forms bubbles between hardly compressible turbulent water flows.
Continual stirring changes density of the water--light, easily
compressible air-gas bubbles rise to the top and burst increasing water
density underneath. At the same time, the water exposes different pH
levels as before and after stirring, depending on consistency of
hardness salts; this happens due to the junction of mineral ions with
gases and diluted anions forming hard residual salts on surfaces
involved. Such reactions happen more intensively under the increased
temperature or low pressure conditions that are common around a screw
2. Experimental investigation
Simulation of cavitation effect has been performed using specially
designed equipment. See Fig. 1 exposing the layer of vacuum cavitator.
Water 5 is situated in the sleeve 1 which is closed with a
retaining piston 2. A standstill condition is achieved using elastic
polyurethane pocket 4 tightly attached to the body of sleeve 1 through a
sleeve gasket 3. The equipment must be completely hermetical.
Principle of operation. When the piston 2 is moved along the sleeve
1 in direction a, and contact between the sleeve 1 and the piston 2
remains completely hermetical, the water is discharged and, due to
cavitation bubbles appearing during gas phase 6, it comes to boil at a
room temperature. At this moment, dissolute salts join oxygen and
inspire nonreversible chemical reactions resulting in disintegration of
hydrocarbonates and formation of solid insoluble calcium and magnesium
sulphates and carbonates (basic components of hard water salts). The
piston moves backwards, in direction b, automatically under the effect
of vacuum.
After 2-3 moves of the piston 2 a researcher can notice residue of
insoluble hard salts in the water.
Chemical qualitative and quantitative analysis of the water before
and after the cavitation exposed significant reduction of dissolute
hydrocarbonate and other salts. At the same time the water becomes less
alkali; filtrated becomes more transparent and freezes more quickly;
melted is suitable for drinking.
The main element of another experimental equipment this equipment
was a membrane pump. The empty space 5 is filled with unclean water that
is pressed with a membrane 4 fixed on a sliding cylinder 3 using an
alternate differential 2 eccentric 1 (Fig. 2). After several discharges
in area 5, residual salts appear. Then surface water flows into the
opening sleeve 6, accumulates in tube 7, travels through valve tray down
the sliding cylinder 8 and lifts a shutter 9. The equipment is powered
by a motor 10.
Vibrations generate cavitation effect and reduce the level of
hardness salts. Experimental rig is shown in Fig. 3.
3. Quantitative evaluation of cavitation
Separated according to [5], the cavitation can arbitrarily be into
three stages: generation (formation of supercritical bubbles);
development, and disappearance (collapse of bubbles). The stages of
appearance and development of the cavitation are a function of
physicochemical properties of the liquid, the presence of solid or
gaseous contaminants (nuclei) in it, the temperature and pressure in the
cavitation zone, and a number of other factors.
If static pressure in the liquid suddenly increases to above the
pressure of its saturated vapors that fill the cavitation bubbles in any
way after the first two stages, condensation of these vapors on the
walls of a bubble and collapse of the bubble are almost instantaneous.
According to the data in [6, 7], cumulative stream lines arise when a
bubble collapses as a result of nonspherical compression, and energy is
released in the vicinity of the site where the bubble disappears. The
temperature can attain 104 K and the pressure can reach 200 - 400 MPa at
the point of collapse of the bubble. The appearance of cumulative stream
lines and extremely high values of these parameters are probably also
the cause of local perturbations of propeller shaft blades, turbine
blades, etc. [5, 6].
We performed a quantitative energy assessment for the possibility
of using cavitation for cracking of hydrocarbons in petroleum feedstock.
According to [5], when a cavitation bubble collapses, the energy
released is
[E.sub.c] = 4/3 [pi]([R.sup.3.sub.0]-[R.sup.3])[P.sub.[infinity]]
where [R.sub.0], R are initial and current radii of the bubble, m;
p" is pressure of the liquid far from the cavern, Pa. Since radius
of the bubble r returns to zero when the bubble collapses, Eq. (1)
[E.sub.c] = 4/3 [pi][R.sup.3.sub.0] [P.sub.[infinity]] (2)
For a quantitative estimation of the energy released when a
cavitation bubble collapses, we set [R.sub.0] = 1 mm, [P.sub.[infinity]]
= 106 Pa. Then according to Eq. (2), we will have:
[E.sub.c] = 4x[10.sup.-3] J (3)
The energy [E.sub.b] of breaking some chemical bonds for one mole
of several types of compounds is reported in [8]. As we see, that for
breaking a bond of the C-C type in one molecule, for example, of
paraffins, it is necessary to consume:
where [N.sub.A] is Avogadro's number. The number n of
molecules in which a bond can be broken when one cavitation bubble
collapses is thus
That is, when one bubble with a radius of [R.sub.0] = = 1 mm
collapses, sufficient energy is released for cracking [10.sup.16]
molecules of hydrocarbons.
Collapse of [N.sub.[mu]] bubbles is required to break bonds of the
C-C type in each of the molecules in 1 mole of hydrocarbons
[N.sub.[mu]] = [N.sub.A]/N = 6.022x[10.sup.23] / [10.sup.16-
[approximately equal to] [10.sup.7] (6)
Such a number of bubbles will occupy the volume
Let the volume fraction of cavitation bubbles in the stream of a
petroleum product be 10% of the total volume. Then for cracking 1 mole
of hydrocarbons, it will be necessary to "pump" 360 liters of
petroleum product through the cavitation apparatus. If we assume that
the molecular weight of the hydrocarbons is [mu] = 100-300 and their
density is [??] = 700-900 kg/[m.sup.3], then after 360 liters of
petroleum product has been pumped through the cavitator, approximately
0.1-0.3 kg of hydrocarbons can be cracked. The possibility of cracking
petroleum hydrocarbons by hydrodynamic cavitation was thus demonstrated.
To increase the yield of cracking products it will be necessary by the
cavitation apparatus to ensure a multicyclic cavitation process and
create cavitation bubbles of the maximum density in the petroleum
product stream.
Experimental research shows that the cavitation treatment changes
hardness of water as presented in Fig. 4.
Thereby water pH level changes too (Fig. 5).
Cavitation treatment helps to clean water from various biological
substances. Fig. 6 shows the changes of bacteriological water level
depending on cavitation time.
Examination of residue in ordinary mineral water and that after the
cavitation (using electronic scanning microscope JSM-U3) showed
significant differences. For instance, in ordinary mineral water,
residual particles are scalenohedral (shapeless); most of them adsorb
organic and biological elements and compound polydisperse environment
with particles from 3 nm to 100 m[micro] and larger ones. Some particles
reached even 1 mm. After cavitation residue gets monodisperse structure,
the size of particles is between 0.3 and 10 nui, and the particles have
clear shape of trigonal crystals CaC[O.sub.3] corresponding to that of
calcites, aragonites, and bicarbonates. Such conclusion was made on the
basis of differential thermal, X-ray-graphic and X-ray phase analysis
using Paulik-Erdey type derivatography and DRON-0,3 X-ray equipment,
Gondolyfi type cameras, and general methods of determining phase
structure in solid residue.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion we assume that cavitation leads to stratification and
activation of water, destroying cluster structures and saturating it
with mono particles.
In medicine, stock breeding and crop raising such water is called
live. Foremost it activates metabolic processes and encourages the
discharge of biological waste products; second, monoparticles of water
remain chemically active in regards to crystal hydrates, for example,
junctions of calcium carbonate (CaC[O.sub.3]). In result salty residue
falls to small pieces and, under the effect of activated water, is
easily removed from a live body or artificial system.
Therefore the outboard water around a screw propeller, where the
cavitation reaches the highest level, is mostly suitable for cooling the
surface of marine motors and using in sea water distillation equipment.
Received December 07, 2009 Accepted February 05, 2010
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A. Bubulis *, A. Bogorosh **, V. Jurenas ***, S. Voronov **
* Kaunas University of Technology, Kestuao 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev Polytechnic
Institute, av. Peremogy 37, 03224 Kiev, Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]