Multi-valve intake port parametric design and performance optimization of the horizontal diesel engine/ Horizontalaus dyzelinio variklio daugiavoztuvio isiurbimo kanalo projektavimas ir charakteristiku optimizavimas.
Changming, He ; Sichuan, Xu ; Chaofeng, Zuo 等
1. Introduction
The combustion process of diesel engine directly affects the whole
power output, fuel consumption and emissions level. The in-cylinder air
motion, mixture formation and combustion process is closely related with
the intake and exhaust ports, valves and combustion chamber shape [1,
2]. The in-cylinder turbulence and eddy motion also depend upon the
intake port geometry and combustion chamber profile [3, 4]. Therefore,
the trapped mass during the intake stroke is an important index that
measures the entire engine performance. Besides the challenge of
increasingly stringent emissions regulations, modern low-emission diesel
engine designers still keep high thermal efficiency of engine as a goal.
However, the key is how to achieve exact match of the high-pressure fuel
injection and in-cylinder swirl intensity. As fuel injector is porous
and injection pressure higher, a relatively lower swirl level enough to
make the fuel spray mix well with air charge. This shows that the
in-depth study of the relationship between intake port geometry and its
performance is significantly crucial.
For current researches, the inlet design mainly focus on taking the
existing inlet port as the initial model, CAD model is usually derived
by 3D coordinate scanner based on reverse engineering method, then
followed by amendments and improvements for intake ports [5-8]. The
limitations of this approach are that the parametric relationship of
inlet model curves and its surfaces is inexistence, and just only the
local structure area can be adjusted, so that it restricts the design
and development of innovative inlet port types, especially restraining
the application and evolution of the multivalve technology on the
traditional engine. But present research in this area is relatively rare
and most of them are confined to reverse engineering design, meanwhile
lack of more experimental verifications.
In this paper, a new advanced design method is adopted to build up
a dual inlet port physical model. The sensitive areas which affect the
helical port performance are calibrated by the in-cylinder flow field
analysis and steady-state flow test, and finally three ports with
different structural parameters are made into cylinder head products,
the steady-state flow test during the intake process is completed on the
test bench.
2. Advanced design method of multivalve intake port
2.1. Spiral curve equation for helical intake port
The UG software is selected as the modeling tool, the establishment
of helical port model needs to build a series of controlled trajectory
curves as the basic conditions, and then create the joint surfaces.
First of all, it is to determine the geometry shape at port entrance and
the relative position at the cylinder head side, and the position that
valve center line is relative to the cylinder liner axis, and then
helical intake port is divided into two parts to deal with, i.e. the
helical segment and direct flow section for flow orientation. Controlled
trajectory curves of helical segment are structured by applying the
Logarithmic spiral and Archimedean spiral equations. The above spiral
formulas are all converted into codes which UG software can identify.
The Logarithmic spiral equation is
The Archimedes spiral equation is
where t is the default variant of the system; [a.sub.1], [a.sub.2]
are the amplification factor of the curves; [A.sub.1], [A.sub.2] are the
rotation angles, [d.sub.1], [d.sub.2], [d.sub.3] and [d.sub.4] are the
offsets relative to the coordinate system.
The following general formula depicts the spiral curves variation
trend along the Z axis
z (t) = [a.sub.0] [(t + k).sup.s] + [d.sub.0] (3)
where [a.sub.0], k, [d.sub.0] are constant coefficients for this
equation and s is the index.
The bridge characteristics and association properties are applied
to construct direct flow segment of intake port for the better
transition between helical segment and the inlet entrance. The overall
framework for the space curves is just shown in Fig. 1. In the initial
phase of the design, it needs to consider the spatial layout influence
of the parting lines on core box production, thus to facilitate sand
mould demolding.
2.2. The establishment of the cross-section curve equation
The cross-section shapes, both the oriented sections of the
tangential port and the direct flow segment of the helical port are
generally similar to oval, round or square approximation. Despite the
evident differences in cross-section curve shapes, but in the plane
perpendicular to the gas flow direction, cross-section curve shows
symmetric characteristics. Therefore, only a quarter-section curve is
established by the mathematical equations, the rest of the curves can be
characterized by the mirror feature method.
The function of cross-section curve in the Cartesian coordinate
system is g (x), and Q ([x.sub.0], 0) is the intersection point of the
curve and x axis, P (0, [y.sub.0]) is the intersection point of the
curve and y axis. a is the draft angle, its rang is 3-5[degrees], the
slope and equation of line l1 are: [k.sub.1] = tg ([alpha] + [pi]/2)
< 0 and y = [k.sub.1] (x - [x.sub.0]), respectively. y = [y.sub.0],
the point M (([x.sub.0] + [y.sub.0]/[k.sub.1]), [y.sub.0]), which is
made from [l.sub.1] and [l.sub.3], can be confirmed, as Fig. 2 shown.
Accordingly, the equation of line [l.sub.3] is
y = [k.sub.2]x = [k.sub.1][y.sub.0]/k.sub.1][x.sub.0] + [y.sub.0] x
Assuming the distance between M and N, [absolute value of MV] =
[lambda], according to the slope of line [l.sub.2]: [beta] =
[tan.sup.-1] ([k.sub.2]); such as in Rt[DELTA]MNG, [absolute value of
MG] = [lambda]cos [beta] and [absolute value of NG] = [lambda]sin
[beta]; according to the conditions above and the value of known point
M, the intersection N on line [l.sub.2] can be calculated, as shown in
the Eq. 5
By the Eq. 5, the coordinate position of point N is the univalent
function about [lambda], the curve sharp changes along with the changing
of [lambda]. The closed region area A([lambda]), which is formed by
curve g(x) and coordinate axis, when [lambda] infinitely tends to 0, and
the maximum sectional area A[([lambda]).sub.max] will approximate to the
area of right trapezoid PMQO, the relationship between them is
As the value of [x.sub.0], [y.sub.0] and [lambda] can be determined
by the design requirements of the inlet port geometry, thus, E, the
intersection point coordinate of [l.sub.2] and curve [bar.PQ] is
By the sectional curve characteristics of the inlet port, the
numeric range of [lambda] is 0 < [lambda] < [absolute value of
ME]. As points P and Q are known, the position of point N shift along
with the variation of X. In the system of coordinates, the generic
equation of sectional curve meets
(x + a)(y - c) = b (9)
where a, b and c are nonzero constants.
Supposed that y = g (x) and the factor (x + a) [not equal to] 0,
the curvilinear function g (x) meets the formula
g (x) = b/x+a + c (10)
In the Eq. 10, the constants a, b and c are undetermined
coefficients. According to the values of P, N and Q, and curve g(x) must
pass these three points, all undetermined coefficients can be
calculated, the computational formulas are as follows
By now, the basic conditions of forming inlet port section curve
have been founded. Firstly, assuming [x.sub.0] = 25 mm and [y.sub.0] =
22 mm. In MATLAB software, corresponding M file is built, choosing
[lambda] as the equation independent variable, by adjusting the [lambda]
values, a series of curves with evident profile differences will be
generated, seen in Fig. 3.
In order to build section curve in UG software, curve g(x) and its
equations need to be transformed to distinguished code. Firstly, fix the
relative position and dimensions of air inlet entrance at side of
cylinder head. Take the centre of inlet port entrance section as the
origin point, a relative coordinate system is founded, running the law
curve command, the generated plane curve form is as Fig. 4 shown.
3. Numerical simulation of the steady-state flow
3.1. Visualization of gas flow in intake process
The velocity field streamlines can be seen in Fig. 5: after the air
flows into the helical intake port entrance, it is approximately divided
into two shares of the airflows, a part of them entering into the spiral
chamber through the valve forms strong air-rotation motion, the other
directly passes into the cylinder along the valve cone angular
direction, i.e. so-called spiral airflow and tangential airflow,
respectively. The distribution ratio of two parts is directly related to
the flow capacity and the formed swirl intensity. If to change its
overall performance of the intake port, it should adjust the allocation
proportion of flow rate and flow direction of the two streams. Due to
the mutation of the air flow direction, the hindrance force blocking
fluid motion is formed, which causes the local energy loss, the rotated
movement around the cylinder axis is strengthened in the cylinder,
whereas the intake efficiency is reduced. On the other hand, tangential
airflow without passing through helical chamber flows into the cylinder
directly, and the energy loss is relatively smaller.
3.2. Evaluation parameters and performance analysis
For searching for the sensitive areas where impacts the performance
of intake port observably, the comparative analysis of the flow field
for two intake ports with quite different structure form is carried
through to seek the sensitive locations. At the maximum valve lift, the
simulation results show that the flow coefficient is 0.658 for the inlet
model I, while the model II as high as 0.736. Based on the above two
kinds of intake ports it is not difficult to discovery that based on
velocity streamlines charts: (1) for the inlet model I, after the
tangential air flowing into the virtual cylinder the rotary movement
around a axis that perpendicular to the cylinder axis emerges at the
bottom of valve plate, which indicates the formation of tumble. The
inlet model II in the virtual cylinder has not formed strongly air
rotation airflow around the axis of cylinder, but split into more tiny
vortices; (2) from the structure shape properties, there are significant
differences between the two models, which demonstrating that by
adjustment structure shape of the inlet port by small-scale it can be
achieved more changes in the intake performance [9], as shown in Fig. 6.
With the purpose of interpreting impact of shape properties on
performance of intake port, defining three main structural parameters,
it includes: (1)transition angle a, which is the angle of the minimum
cross-section normal located the transition section between helical
segment and direct flow one with inlet entrance plane normal. (2) Helix
slope angle [beta], the intersection angle between tangent line of
helical slope surface and the entrance plane normal. (3) The angle
formed by the entrance plane normal and the tangent line of the bottom
surface is defined as the bottom slope angle [zeta], as illustrated in
Fig. 7.
To verify the influence of structural parameters on volumetric
efficiency of intake port, adjusting the parameters and implementing
simulated calculation by means of a lot of simulation data analysis and
accumulated experiences, it is found that structural parameters for
performance influence shows a certain regularity, which could be
realized from Fig. 8. 1. With the transition angle [alpha] and the
bottom slope angle [zeta] increases, the swirl intensity becomes weaker,
giving rise to a corresponding increase in volumetric efficiency, which
is due to airflow entering into the cylinder directly has been
significantly enhanced. 2. The influence of helix slope angle [beta] on
the inlet performance did not show a fixed rule, so according to this
parameter it is difficult to make direct judgments for performance
change trend. From the above analysis, it is known that the transition
angle a and the bottom slope angle [zeta] are all very important
structural parameters. Meanwhile, the minimum cross-section position is
one of the most sensitive areas for helical intake port.
3.3. Adjustment of the physical model
Since most of the controlled trajectory curves are all formulized
or associated bridge curved features, the spatial surface will change
along with the adjustment of curves distribution. In the process of
creating the intake port model, the overall design concept is critical,
we should focus on the sequence of generating the curves or surfaces and
the associated matching characteristics, so curved surface can be
updated automatically. By adjusting the structural parameters, a series
of inlet physical models can be obtained. Finally three design schemes
are identified. The first step is to acquire sand core model of inlet
port model, and then cast into cylinder head products depending on CAD
models. The main difference is the structure shape of helical segments,
on account of the distribution of cylinder head bolts, the direct flow
segment shape essentially remains unchanged.
4. The steady-state flow test
4.1. Experimental method and general conditions
The horizontal two-cylinder direct injection diesel engine is
selected as the test object, its basic specifications are: Bore D is 115
mm and Stroke S 120 mm.
Test environmental conditions:
1. the atmosphere pressure at high altitude is 81.6 kPa;
2. laboratory indoor temperature is 295.15 K;
3. the air density is equal to 1.058 kg/m3.
The AVL evaluation method of inlet performance is put into
implement in the test. The cylinder head production workflow based on
CAD/CAM is not elaborated here. During actual production process of
cylinder head, the casting deviation and machining error will lead to
the relative position deviation among valve guide pipe, valve seat and
the intake port that dissatisfying the design requirements, hence it
should try to reduce the impact of casting process on the inlet
Furthermore, to verify the reliability of simulation results, the
calculated values are compared with the experimental data. The
integration way of numerical simulation and experimental study can fully
understand the gas flow in the cylinder [1]. At the maximum valve lift,
the calculated values compares with the experimental values aiming at
swirl ratio and flow coefficient of the three intake ports. In Table it
shows that: the maximum deviation of the flow coefficient and swirl
ratio between calculated and experimental values are 3.5% and 5.4%,
respectively. The simulation results are consistent with the
experimental data in the total tendency.
4.2 Test results comparison
From Figs. 9 and 10 it can be known that: the flow coefficient of
cylinder heads which are included three different intake ports increases
with the valve lift rising. When being the lower valve lift, as valve
opening is little, air flows through the throat position, and the
circulation area is smaller, so the throttling effect is remarkable
accordingly, and flow coefficient are not obviously different in the low
valve lifts. With the increase of valve lift, the air circulation area
also become larger, the structure geometry of the intake takes the
dominant role in flow capacity at present, the quantity variance of flow
coefficient are extremely different among the various intake ports.
Swirl intensity is also strengthened equally with the increase of the
valve opening level. For No. 2 of cylinder head the average swirl ratio
is maximum, while cylinder head No. 3 is minimum, nevertheless flow
coefficient variation is the opposite accordingly. This is just because
the flow coefficient and swirl ratio are two dimensionless parameters
and contradictory factors. To improve flow capacity of inlet, the swirl
strength which is formed in the cylinder will be weakened subsequently.
5. Conclusions
1. On the basis of the advanced design method, the multivalve
physical model can be directly constructed by the way of combination of
the spiral equations and the associated sectional curves. According to
digital model, the intake port can be rapidly processed into wooden core
2. The inlet space curves are built up based on the mathematical
equations, by changing the corresponding parameters the shape of curves
is also altered, the multivalve intake port models is more robust.
3. Adjusting the structure parameters of the transition angle
[alpha], the helix slope angle [beta] and the bottom slope angle [zeta],
the inlet performance shows notable alteration at the maximum valve
lift, and their flow coefficient varies from 0.563 to 0.736.
4. Cylinder head products are fabricated based on the identified
schemes. The test results are comparable with the calculated values, and
the relative errors between the both values are all less than 6%.
Therefore the simulation results can perfectly predict the variation
tendency of inlet performance.
Received March 15, 2011
Accepted December 15, 2011
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He Changming *, Xu Sichuan **, Zuo Chaofeng ***, Chen Xin ****, Li
Chuanyou *****
* Tongji University, Shanghai, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Tongji University, Shanghai, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Goptima, Shanghai, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Goptima, Shanghai, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
***** Goptima, Shanghai, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Comparison of test values and calculated ones
Cylinder Flow coefficient Experimental Swirl ratio Experimental
head Calculated values Calculated values
values values
No.1 0.691 0.676 1.65 1.74
No.2 0.673 0.651 1.72 1.81
No.3 0.658 0.635 1.95 2.01