Investigation of geometrical and physical--mechanical parameters of Braille by assessing the different types of cardboard materials/ Brailio rasto geometriniu ir fizikiniu-mechaniniu parametru tyrimai, ivertinant skirtingo tipo kartono medziagas.
Kibirkstis, E. ; Venyte, I. ; Mayik, V. 等
1. Introduction
Since 2005 in many countries, including Lithuania, it has been a
legal requirement to incorporate legible Braille onto pharmaceutical
packaging. This enables the blind to easily integrate into society.
Braille is a system of raised dots which can be read by touch.
Braille can be formed in three ways: by using screen or digital printing
and embossing. Embossing is most common in the production of
pharmaceutical packages. Pharmaceutical packages, like many other
packages, undergo handling and transportation during their life cycle,
therefore they may be damaged by various mechanical factors. As Braille
is read by touching the dots and the package is exposed to different
mechanical factors, deformation properties of paperboard are extremely
important; they may vary depending on parameters, such as type of
material, composition etc. It is essential to make the right choice from
a large variety of paperboard types, and to form appropriate parameters
of Braille. Besides, during the process of formation, values of the
parameters can be affected by pressure which may cause cracks in the
material [1].
The key parameters of Braille are height and distance between the
dots as well as their diameter. Both a separate parameter and a set of
them are very important for the readability of Braille as the absence of
just one dot or incorrect formation of it could change the meaning of a
word. Thus, the right choice and proper formation of geometrical
parameters of Braille is of key importance. For this purpose, extensive
experimental investigations were performed [2] and from the obtained
results the European standard EN 15823:2010 was developed, which was
later adapted as the Lithuanian standard [3]. The basic parameters (Fig.
1) and their values specified in the standard are given in Table 1.
One of the basic parameters of Braille is the height of Braille
dots. Although the results of the studies showed that some of the
respondents were able to read the presented information in relatively
low-height symbols (0.18 or 0.12 mm) [2, 4], it is recommended to form
higher dots of Braille (up to 0.45 mm), so that older people, whose
finger sensitivity is reduced, could also read the Braille [1]. The
results of the studies that were carried out to investigate the impact
of Braille parameters on readability have revealed that the Braille with
a larger dot diameter and a narrower interdot space takes a longer time
to read and more mistakes are made in the evaluation [5]. As with many
other kinds of packaging, pharmaceutical packages undergo rigours of
transportation and handling. Besides, during the reading process, when
the reading finger moves along the reading surface, the vibrations
dominate. The influence of oscillation on legibility and reading speed
has been analyzed [6]. As Braille is read by touching, the package is
constantly affected by mechanical friction, i.e. by the friction between
a finger and surface of the package material. A study has set up a
coefficient of friction depending on material and human fingertip skin
[5], but no papers have been found on the impact of mechanical factors
on the change of height of Braille dots, Braille being formed on
different paperboard materials. The effect of friction body curvature to
coefficient of friction was investigated in paper [7]. Cardboard types
differ in their chemical composition, physical, mechanical properties
and characteristics. These parameters influence the different resistance
to deformations, permanent stresses and mechanical strength to friction.
The aim of this paper is to determine the change of geometrical
parameters of Braille dots under the cyclic mechanical influence (cyclic
wearing), when Braille is embossed on the different types of cardboard
2. Experiment equipment and method
Experimental tests were carried out using different pharmaceutical
packages made from different type and grammage paperboard:
cellulose-pulp and recycled pulp. Alaska 200 g/[m.sup.2], Alaska 250
g/[m.sup.2], Alaska 275 g/[m.sup.2], Arktika 200 g/[m.sup.2], Arktika
230 g/[m.sup.2], Arktika 250 g/[m.sup.2], SBS 200 g/[m.sup.2]
(cellulose-pulp) and Obuhiv 180 g/[m.sup.2], Chromerzats MM 235
g/[m.sup.2], Umka Color, Hansol HI-Q, Exprint 225 g/[m.sup.2], Mirabell
320g/[m.sup.2] (recycled pulp). For the evaluation of dispersion of the
parameters of Braille on pharmaceutical packages, measurements of
Braille dot height and other parameters were made using the
"[BRAI.sup.3] Braille Dot Checker" device (Fig. 2, a).
When reading Braille elements, fingers touch relief-dot images and
the wear resistance of Braille elements to their actions is important.
To simulate the effects of reading fingers of the blind, studies of wear
resistance of Braille elements have been conducted applying specially
developed techniques.
The experiment of Braille resistance to wear was carried out using
the device HMP-1 whose working run is 50 mm (Fig. 2, b). The conditions
of the tests were close to the performance conditions of reading with
fingers imitation. The experiment was carried out applying the excursion
motion in horizontal position at the regular speed of 60 cycles/min.
During the experiment, the samples were affected by the mechanical force
and after 50, 100 and 150 cycles measurements of Braille dot height were
The visual typical digital images captured by using a microscope
and a computer with the integrated DN-CAM camera are provided (Figs.
3. Results and discussion
The results of dispersion of the measurement of Braille font
geometrical parameters before mechanical effect indicate that the
deviation of the dot height from the average value is 0.01-0.04 mm, so
the scatter of height values is not of great significant. As a paper
suggests [5], another important parameter is the diameter d of a Braille
dot. From the obtained measurements of geometrical parameters, it was
determined that the value of a Braille dot diameter has direct effect on
other values of geometrical parameters, namely [b.sub.1], [b.sub.2],
[b.sub.3], [h.sub.1], [h.sub.2] (Table 2).
When forming the Braille fonts onto packages, it is necessary to
leave a safe gap between the edge of the package and the folding line.
The value of this safe gap should be 5-10 mm, thus, as can be seen from
the results provided in Table 2, the distances from the package
horizontal side partly meet the requirements, but from the vertical
side, 37% of samples exceed the default values.
From the obtained experimental tests of mechanical effect, it can
be seen that, depending on paperboard type, composition and properties
of paperboard surface, packages wear differently. The digital images
show the obvious surface wear difference between different paperboard
types (Figs. 3-5). It can be noticed that the surface of cellulose pulp
paperboard wears gradually under mechanical effect (Figs. 3 and 5, d),
while on the surface of recycled pulp paperboard tears (Figs. 4 and 5,
b) which can affect the readability of Braille font elements can be
In digital images (Fig. 5), after some time of wearing large local
areas of tearing and cracks in the Braille fonts formed on the packages
from recycled pulp paperboard can clearly be seen (Fig. 5, b), while in
the case of cellulose pulp packages, the fonts are only compressed and
the changes are insignificant (Fig. 5, d). It is determined by different
paperboard properties.
The results of the experimental tests suggest that the most stable
Braille dots are the ones formed on the cellulose pulp paperboard with
double-layer coating. As it is seen from the graphical dependency (Fig.
6), the height of Braille elements on cellulose cardboard with
doublelayer coating GC2 at 50 cycles of wear decreases in cardboard
Alaska (200 g/[m.sup.2]) by 13%, Alaska (250 g/[m.sup.2]) by 21% of
initial height, at 100 cycles--Alaska (200 g/rtf) by 20% and in
cardboard Alaska (250 g/[m.sup.2]) by 39%.
Fig. 7 presents the similar change of Braille dot height on
cellulose pulp paperboard with double-layer coating GC1: after 50 cycles
the Braille dot height of the paperboard Arktika 200 g/[m.sup.2]
decreased by 9%, for Arktika 230 g/[m.sup.2]--19%, for Arktika 250
g/[m.sup.2]--8% from the original dot height, and after 100 cycles for
Arktika 200 g/[m.sup.2] from the original dot height--44%, for Arktika
230 g/[m.sup.2]--42% and for Arktika 250 g/[m.sup.2]--27%. Upon further
wear, there appear naps on the cardboard surface that will likely
interfere with the perception of Braille elements by blind people. Thus
further deterioration of relief-dot image was suspended.
The results of dot height change of Braille formed on the packages
of recycled pulp paperboard are presented in Fig. 8. The research of
wear resistance of Braille dots on recycled paperboard revealed that the
height of Braille dot on the recycled paperboard type GT2, GD2, with the
double-layer surface at 50 cycles of wear decreases for paperboard
Hansol Hi-Q by 33%, for paperboard Exprint by 30% from the original
height of the dot, at 100 cycles--Hansol Hi-Q by 45%, paperboard Exprint
by 39%.
The analysis of the received results has shown that in the initial
stage of abrasion--at 50 cycles, Braille elements created on recycled
pulp paperboard wear out faster in comparison with cellulose pulp
paperboard, and the studied paperboards have double-layer coating of the
front side. At 100 cycles, the wear of decreasing Braille elements
height on recycled pulp paperboard slows down and the process of wear is
almost as fast as on cellulose paperboard.
4. Conclusions
1. The results of the tests show that for packages with Braille,
cellulose pulp paperboard is most commonly used.
2. The measurements of dispersion of Braille geometrical parameters
before mechanical effect have shown that the change of dot height is
insignificant and the deviation from the average value is 0.01-0.04 mm.
3. It was determined that the surface of a package wears
differently depending on the paperboard type, composition and properties
of the paperboard surface.
4. Braille dots formed on the packages of recycled pulp paperboard
wear faster than the ones on the packages produced from cellulose pulp
5. After more than 100 mechanical effect cycles, on the surface of
paperboard picking of fibers was formed which caused trouble in the
readability of Braille.
6. It was determined that the Braille formed on the packages
produced from cellulose pulp paperboard manifest greater resistance to
mechanical effect: after 50 mechanical effect cycles the greatest change
of Braille dot height is 21% and after 100 cycles--44%.
7. Braille dots formed on the packages from recycled pulp
paperboard are less durable: after 50 mechanical effect cycles the
greatest change of dot height is 33% and after 100 cycles--45%.
Received February 09, 2011
Accepted December 15, 2011
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[2.] University of Birmingham. Braille dot height research:
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[5.] Watanabe, T.; Oouchi, S. 2003. A study on legible Braille
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[6.] Fagiani, R.; Massi, F.; Chatelet, E.; Berthier, Y.; Sestieri,
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[7.] Svetnickienr, V.; Ciukas, R. 2009. Investigation of friction
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E. Kibirkstis *, I. Venyte **, V. Mayik ***, D. Vakulich ****
* Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Pidholosko 19, 79020 Lvov,
Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Pidholosko 19, 79020 Lvov,
Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
The values of Braille parameters [3]
Parameter Notation Size, mm
Horizontal distance between [b.sub.1] 2.5
centers of the dots
Distance between two [b.sub.2] 6.0
letters of the same word
Distance between words [b.sub.3] 12.0
Dot diameter d 1.6
Distance between lines [h.sub.1] 10.0
Vertical gap between centers of the dots [h.sub.2] 2.5
Dot height H 0.2
Distance from package folding line L 8.0
Table 2
The values of Braille font geometrical parameters formed on the
packages till mechanical effect
No. Material type Grammage, Average Deviation
g/[m.sup.2] of dot of dot
height, mm height, mm
[H.sub.v] [H.sub.s]
1 Alaska 275 0.11 0.03
2 Alaska 275 0.09 0.02
3. Alaska 275 0.11 0.04
4. Alaska 275 0.11 0.02
5. Alaska 275 0.10 0.01
6. Alaska 275 0.10 0.01
7. Alaska 275 0.10 0.01
8. Mirabell 320 0.16 0.01
9. Mirabell 320 0.18 0.01
10. Alaska 275 0.11 0.01
11. Alaska 275 0.07 0.01
No. Material type Dot Horizontal Horizontal
diameter, mm distance distance
between between
centers of letters, mm
the dots mm
d [b.sub.1] [b.sub.2]
1 Alaska 1.85 2.66 7.06
2 Alaska 1.8 2.59 6.78
3. Alaska 1.60 2.41 4.38
4. Alaska 1.61 2.50 5.96
5. Alaska 1.58 2.49 6.04
6. Alaska 1.61 2.31 6.13
7. Alaska 1.60 2.56 6.05
8. Mirabell 1.63 2.29 6.12
9. Mirabell 1.60 2.51 3.54
10. Alaska 2.17 3.27 8.74
11. Alaska 1.36 1.89 5.10
No. Material type Distance Distance Vertical Min.
between between distance distance
words, mm lines, mm between from the
centers of horizontal
two dots, package
mm side, mm
[b.sub.3] [h.sub.1] [h.sub.2] [L.sub.h]
1 Alaska -- 10.00 2.67 5.5
2 Alaska -- 2.48 10
3. Alaska -- -- 2.37 11.00
4. Alaska -- -- 2.49 5.00
5. Alaska -- 9.96 2.61 5.00
6. Alaska 9.70 -- 2.31 6.50
7. Alaska -- -- 2.54 7.00
8. Mirabell -- -- 2.13 9.00
9. Mirabell -- -- 2.57 7.00
10. Alaska 13.16 3.24 9.00
11. Alaska -- 7.67 1.92 5.00
No. Material type Min.
from the
side, mm
1 Alaska 9.5
2 Alaska 9
3. Alaska 9.00
4. Alaska 21.00
5. Alaska 14.50
6. Alaska 5.00
7. Alaska 21.00
8. Mirabell 5.00
9. Mirabell 22.00
10. Alaska 8.50
11. Alaska 7.00