Control algorithm to reject the effect of iron sleepers for magnetic levitation vehicle using LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil/ Geleziniu pabegiu poveikio pasalinimo transporto priemonei su magnetine pagalve valdymo algoritmas naudojant linijinius sinchroninius variklius su nuolatiniais Halbacho magnetais ir gelezies neturinciomis ritemis.
Zhang, Xiao ; Cheng, Hu ; Li, Yungangm 等
1. Introduction
In magnetic levitation (maglev) system, suspension, guidance and
propulsion are provided by magnetic forces. Basically, there are two
kinds of linear motors utilized to provide propulsion force for maglev
vehicles [1, 2]. One design is called linear synchronous motor (LSM),
and the other is linear induction motor (LIM). LSM possesses the
dominant advantage of high efficiency, and is widely applied in
high-speed maglev vehicles, such as Germany TR maglev vehicle and Japan
MLU/MLX superconductive maglev vehicle. LIM is widely used in low-speed
maglev systems, such as Japan HSST maglev vehicle. The reason is that
LIM suffers from the influence of eddy current [3], which in return
generates acceleration resistance for the maglev vehicle. As the
increase of people's demands for rapidity and energy-saving, it is
appreciable that the tendency of propulsion system for maglev vehicles
is toward LSM.
Typically, LSM in the maglev system is composed of iron coils on
the guideway supplying primary magnetic field and electromagnets on the
vehicle offering secondary magnetic field. There are energy-consuming in
both the electromagnets and the iron coils in this kind of LSM. One
method to reduce the energy-consuming on the vehicle is to replace
electromagnets with Permanent Magnets (PMs) [4, 5], which can provide
field without power supply. The improvement of the performance of PM
materials [6] and the present of Halbach array [7] greatly promote the
application of PM in LSM. Currently the maximum magnetic energy product
of permanent magnets applicable to commercial manufacture has achieved
at 397.9 kJ/[m.sup.3]. And Halbach array is an innovative combination of
PMs arranged with different magnetization directions and it can enhance
the magnetic field on one side while weaken the magnetic field on the
other side. Iron coils should not be utilized if the magnetic field on
the vehicle is provided by PM Halbach, or there will be strong
attractive force (normal force) between the PMs on the vehicle and the
iron on the guideway. Thus LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil is a
good candidate to maglev propulsion system, and it has the
characteristics of zero power supply on the vehicle and zero normal
force. This innovative structure of LSM has been successfully utilized
in American GA maglev vehicle.
The magnetic field and force generated by LSM with PM Halbach and
ironless coil are studied in previous literatures. H. Bergh et al.
presented the approximate analytical solution to magnetic field of
Halbach near the surface and deduced the propulsion and normal force
generated by the LSM [8]. To investigate the magnetic field far away
from the surface, J.F. Hoburg analyzed the static magnetic field of dual
Halbach array for GA maglev vehicle by magnetization charge theory, but
the results are quite complicated [9]. C.S. Li et al. investigated the
optimization technique of PM Halbach array for electrodynamic suspension
(EDS) maglev [10]. Magnetic field and optimization design of rotary
motor using PM Halbach are conducted by Z.P. Xia et al. [11] and M.
Markovic et al [12]. X. Zhang et al. investigated the magnetic field and
the magnetic force of LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil by
introducing surface current theory [13].
However, no attention has been paid to the iron sleepers on the
guideway, with which attractive force can be generated between the PM
Halbach and the guideway. The direction of this attractive force is
opposite to the suspension force, which will increase the suspension
load and affect the suspension performance.
This paper focuses on analysis of the effect of the iron sleepers
on the suspension system using LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil and
the design of the control strategy to reject this effect. The analytical
model of the attractive force is proposed by introducing the approximate
analytical expression for the field of PM Halbach. And then the
suspension performance under consideration of the iron sleepers on the
guideway is testified by simulation, which demonstrates that the effect
of iron sleepers on the suspension system cannot be ignored. The control
strategy to reject this effect is designed, and its effectiveness is
illustrated by simulation.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
structure of LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil, and the iron
sleepers on the guideway. Section 3 introduces the analytical
description of the magnetic field of PM Halbach, and develops analytical
solution to attractive force generated by PM Halbach and iron sleepers.
Section 4 investigates the effect of iron sleepers on the suspension
system by adding the proposed force to suspension system, and simulation
result shows that the attractive force brings resonance to suspension
system with typical state feedback controller. In section 5, a nonlinear
controller is designed using a feedback linearization technique, and
simulation result shows that it is quite effective to reject the
resonance resulting from sleepers. Finally, a brief summary are
discussed in Section 6.
2. System description
2.1. Structure of the LSM with PM Halbach and the ironless coil
The basic structure of LSM with PM Halbach and ironless coil is
shown in Fig. 1 [14]. The PM Halbach is located under the maglev
vehicle, and the ironless coil is installed on the guideway. The
magnetization directions of the magnetic cubes in the array among a
period are different from each other, and Fig. 1 shows an example that
the magnetization directions change by [pi]/4 orderly. When three-phase
current is added into the ironless coil on the guideway, there will be
magnetic forces generated between the vehicle and the guideway. The
vertical force acts as normal force, and the horizontal force acts as
propulsion force. Under synchronous control strategy, the propulsion
force can reach its maximum value while the normal force is zero. Thus
the LSM has the characteristics of zero power supply on the vehicle
because of PM Halbach array and zero normal force because of ironless
coil on the guideway.
2.2. Structure of the iron sleepers on the guideway
The simple structure of the iron sleepers on the guideway is shown
in Fig. 2 [15, 16]. The iron sleepers are utilized to connect the guide
rail and the girder, and they are periodically distributed along the
guideway. As the sleepers are made of iron, attractive force will be
generated between the PM Halbach on the vehicle and the iron when the
vehicle passes through the guideway. Obviously, the attractive force
acting on the vehicle points downwards and it accordingly adds extra
suspension load on the vehicle. Moreover, the attractive force acts
periodically pulsate, which will continuously affect the performance of
the suspension system.
3. Calculation of the force between PM Halbach and the ironless
The attractive force between the PM Halbach and the iron sleepers
acts as magnetic force between PM and ferromagnetic material. The
calculation starts from the magnetic field generated by PM Halbach.
3.1. Expression of the magnetic field of the pm halbach
Motors in the maglev vehicle are all linear. The PM Halbach
utilized to the LSM is linear Halbach, as shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1,
the magnetic field under the array is enhanced, while the magnetic field
above the array is greatly weakened. Here only the magnetic field on the
enhanced side is concerned.
As shown in [8], the peak magnetic field at the surface of Halbach
array [B.sub.0] can be calculated as
where [B.sub.r] is the residual PM flux density, d is the thickness
of the array, n is the number of magnets in one period of array, and
k = 2[pi]/[lambda] (2)
with [lambda] being the wavelength of the Halbach array. The
structural parameters [lambda] and d are shown in Fig. 1. From Eq. (1)
it can be seen that [B.sub.0] is a constant if the structure of the
array is established.
Build coordinate Y-O-Z for the array as shown in Fig. 1. The axis
OY points rightwards, the axis OZ points downwards, and the origin O
locates on the surface of one cube with the magnetization direction
pointing upwards. It is known that, the peak of the magnetic field of
the array decreases exponentially as the distance from the surface
increases. And then the peak magnetic field when the vertical coordinate
equals to z is [9]
[B.sub.m] = [B.sub.0][e.sup.-kz] (3)
Also it is known that the magnetic field changes sinusoidally along
the axis OY and cosinusoidally along the axis OZ. And then the
expression of the components of the magnetic field at point (y,z) can be
described as [9]
[B.sub.y] = [B.sub.m] sin (ky)} [B.sub.z] = [B.sub.m] cos (ky)} (4)
3.2. Calculation of the attractive force
The attractive force F between the PM Halbach and the iron sleepers
can be approximately established by the following equation [17, 18]
F = [B.sup.2] S/2[[mu].sub.0] (5)
where B is the magnetic induction, [[mu].sub.0] is permeability in
the vacuum, and S is the area of the ferromagnetic material vertically
to the direction of the magnetic field.
The result presented in Eq. (5) is only applicable to the cases
that the magnetic field is evenly distributed. For Eq. (4), the magnetic
field changes to the position y. Then the attractive force between the
PM Halbach and the iron sleepers should be calculated by implementing
integral of y.
As shown in Fig. 3, only the magnetic field along z axis [B.sub.z]
contributes to the attractive force. Suppose the length of the Halbach
is infinite along Y axis. Consider one piece of iron sleeper, and denote
the left of the sleeper locates at (y,z). Choosing an arbitrary point on
the surface of the sleeper as (y', z), then from Eq. (5) the forces
acts on the area with width dy' is
Supposing the width (the length vertical to the surface of the
paper) of the LSM is l, the width of the sleeper is w, and substituting
Eqs. (1)-(4) yields
Conducting integral of Eq. (7) with respect to y' yields
It can be seen that [F.sub.z] relates to y and z.
4. Effect of sleepers on the suspension system
4.1. Model of a single-point suspension system
A single-point system is the basic unit for the maglev suspension
system, and its structure is shown in Fig. 4, where [delta] is the
suspension gap between the guideway and the magnet, u is the voltage
added to the coil, i is the current in the coil, F is the suspension
force generated by the electromagnet, m is the mass of the
electromagnet, and [F.sub.z] is the attractive force generated by
Halbach array and the iron sleepers.
Choosing the state as x = [[[delta] [??] i].sup.T], the model of
the suspension system can be described as [19, 20]
where g is the gravity acceleration, R is the resistance of the
coil and [k.sub.a] is a parameter determined by the experimental setup.
To investigate the effect of the sleepers, following a full state
feedback controller is designed and the control performance is testified
for the suspension system Eq. (9) under both [F.sub.z] = 0 and [F.sub.z]
[not equal to] 0.
4.2. Full state feedback controller design
In experimental setup, the operation point is selected as
[[delta].sub.0] = 0.01m. Then according to Eq. (9), the equilibrium is
Linearizing Eq. (9) at the equilibrium Eq. (10) yields
Obviously system (11) is controllable. Thus its poles can be
arbitrarily placed with the following control law [21]
[DELTA]u = r - [k.sub.1][DELTA][x.sub.1] -
[k.sub.2][DELTA][x.sub.2] - [k.sub.3][DELTA][x.sub.3] (12)
Choose the parameters as shown in Table for the system. Under the
performance requirements proposed in [19], the closed-loop poles can be
chosen as
p = [[-40 -45 -200].sup.T] (13)
Then the following control parameters can be obtained
[k.sub.1] = -436208, [k.sub.2] = -8817, [k.sub.3] = 122 (14)
4.3. Performance testification under [F.sub.z] = 0
Utilizing controller Eq. (12) with parameters Eq. (14) in system
(9) with [F.sub.z] = 0 yields the response of the suspension gap shown
in Fig. 5.
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the performance is good and the
response of the suspension gap is satisfactory even in enlarged view
under the condition that the attraction force [F.sub.z] generated by the
sleepers is ignored.
4.4. Performance testification under [F.sub.z] [not equal to] 0
In experiment setup, z in Eq. (8) and [x.sub.1] in Eq. (9) satisfy
the following equation
z + [x.sub.1] = a, a = 0.12 (15)
Moreover the variable y in Eq. (8) denotes the position of the
vehicle on the guideway. For simplicity, let the speed of the vehicle is
1m/s, then
y = t (16)
Substituting parameters in Table, Eqs. (15) and (16) to (8) yields
Utilizing controller Eq. (12) with parameters Eq. (13) in system
Eq. (9) with [F.sub.z] described in Eq. (17) yields the response of the
suspension gap shown in Fig. 6.
It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the system can also be stabilized
around [[delta].sub.0] = 10 mm using full state feedback controller when
[F.sub.z] is considered. But the performance is not satisfactory. In the
enlarged view, resonance can be seen. And the amplitude of the resonance
is about 0.05 mm. Although the resonance is small and passengers cannot
feel it, it is bad for the suspension system. The resonance can be
amplified under some unexpected situation, such as the elasticity of the
guideway, disturbance from the wind and so on. Also, the frequency of
the resonance is proportion to the speed of the vehicle, which increases
the possibility of unsatisfactory performance.
5. Control design to reject the effect of the sleepers on the
Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (9), the model of a single-point
suspension system can be rewritten as
In the expression [k.sub.s], y is the only variable. In
experimental setup, there is position and speed detection system, from
which y can be directly measured. Then [k.sub.s] can be regarded as a
known parameter.
It is surmised that the resonance shown in Fig. 6 results from the
strong nonlinearity shown in Eq. (18). To reject the resonance, a
nonlinear controller will be designed by feedback linearization. One
reason to use feedback linearization is that it provides a technique for
designing and synthesizing nonlinear systems by linear control theory,
and the other reason is that it is simple to implement, which is quite
important for the current experimental setup.
The first step is to check if the system (18) is feedback
linearizable or not. Considering the following nonlinear SISO system
{[??] = f(x) + g (x)u (20) [y = h (x)
where x [member of] [R.sup.n], f (x) and g (x) are sufficiently
smooth on a domain D [subset] [R.sup.n], and u [member of] [R.sup.l] is
a control function. The nonlinear system could be feedback linearized by
input-state if and only if there exists a region [OMEGA] [member of]
[R.sup.n], in which the following two conditions hold [22-25].
The vector fields {g, [ad.sub.f] g, ..., [ad.sup.n-1.sub.f] g}
linearly independent in [OMEGA].
The set {g, [ad.sub.f]g, ..., [ad.sup.n-2.sub.f] g} involved in
It is easy to check that system (18) satisfies the above conditions
i and ii. And the transformation matrix T can be obtained as
Substituting Eq. (21) into system (18) yields the following linear
where u = [alpha](x) + [beta] (x) v, and
It is obvious that linear system (22) is controllable. Then the
following controller can be obtained choosing the same closed-loop poles
described in Eq. (13)
v = r - 359999 [z.sub.1] -18799 [z.sub.2] - 285 [z.sub.3] (24)
Combining Eq. (23) and Eq. (24) yields the resultant controller
u = [alpha](x) + [beta](x)(r -359999[z.sub.1] - 18799[z.sub.2] -
285[z.sub.3]) (25)
where Z is determined by Eq. (21).
Utilizing controller Eq. (25) in system Eq. (18), the response of
the suspension gap under the nonlinear controller for the suspension
system (18) with consideration of the sleepers on the guideway can be
obtained as shown in Fig. 7.
It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the suspension performance is
satisfactory using the proposed feedback linearization controller with
consideration of the effect of the sleepers on the guideway. Comparing
Fig. 5 with Fig. 7, it can be concluded that the proposed control
algorithm is better than typical state feedback control strategy. And
the obtained nonlinear controller can entirely reject the resonance
caused by the effect of the sleepers.
6. Conclusion
In this work, an engineering problem is proposed and solved for LSM
with PM Halbach located on the vehicle and ironless coils on the
guideway. This kind of LSM has been utilized in GA maglev vehicle. It is
a good candidate for propulsion system. Above all, the effect of the
sleepers on the guideway is investigated. And the following results are
obtained. First, the closed-form of the attractive force is deduced from
the expression of the magnetic field of Halbach array. Second, the
analytical result is added to a suspension system, the result of which
shows the phenomenon of resonance. That is to say the typical state
feedback control strategy can not guarantee the suspension performance
while there are iron sleepers on the guideway. The proposed analytical
model of the attractive force generated between the sleepers and the
Halbach on the vehicle is simple, and suitable for analysis and
controller design. Thus a nonlinear controller is designed using a
feedback linearization technique. Simulation result shows the proposed
control algorithm can effectively reject the resonance resulting from
the effect of the sleepers on the guideway.
Received March 21, 2011
Accepted December 15, 2011
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Xiao Zhang, Hu Cheng, Yungang Li College of Mechatronic Engineering
and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
410073, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Parameters of the LSM and the sleeper
Parameter Value Parameter Value
[lambda] 400(mm) l 500(mm)
d 50(mm) w 100(mm)
n 8 [B.sub.r] 1.085(T)
R 3(Q) m 1000(kg)
[k.sub.a] 0.0025 g 10(m/[s.sup.2])