Free vertical oscillations in rowing/ Laisvas vertikalusis akademines valties supimas.
Bingelis, A. ; Pilkauskas, K. ; Pukenas, K. 等
1. Introduction
When equally skilled competitors excellent in their techniques are
competing the victory can depend on parts of a second that's why
all the factors having an influence on the rowing process should be
evaluated not just the main of them. One of such factors is vertical
oscillation of academic boat.
The facts of mentioning the existence of vertical free oscillations
in rowing were not met in literature. These oscillations can hardly be
distinguished when visually observing the rowing process due to clearly
expressed and effective movements of a rower. Sequentially it is hard to
notice the mentioned effect. The phenomenon of vertical oscillations was
noticed by the authors [1], when they were analyzing parameters of
forced oscillations of keel boats recorded by other authors. The free
oscillations are excited by force impulses which act on the seat during
each stroke.
When rowing the academic boat human body contacts the boat in three
places: by feet, by oars and by seat. At these points interaction forces
between human body and the boat appear and they have an effect on the
boat's movement. In Fig. 1 impulses of oar force [F.sub.D](t) (with
duration [t.sub.D]) periodically acting on the oar handle with the rate
frequency SF or period [T.sub.Z] are presented. During the performance
of drawing of an oar rower's body becomes almost completely
suspended on the handles and footrests and that's why the force
effect [F.sub.S](t) on the seat decreases. When the legs are completely
stretched and the drawing phase is being terminated by the movement of
back and arms the force impact effect [F.sub.S](t) on the seat appears
with time delay [t.sub.V] with respect to the drawing phase beginning.
Maximum magnitude of the force can significantly exceed the rower's
weight D. During the time period [t.sub.S] the boat is plunged down.
After this free vertical damped oscillations of the boat which can be
defined by the change of draught [zeta](t) with respect to static
draught [T.sub.0] proceed. Usually during the stroke period [T.sub.Z]
the oscillations are not fully damped. As the result in steady state
rowing the total (summed up) increment [[zeta].sub.[SIGMA]](t) is
formed. Due to the effect of damped oscillations with the increase of
rowing rate SF the mean draught [bar.[zeta]] increases together
increasing the wetted surface of the boat S by an increment [DELTA]S.
With the increase of the wetted surface the resistance force of the
water increases as well in this way decreasing the rowing effectiveness.
In a number of research papers mathematical modeling of academic
rowing process, the analysis of biomechanical, psychological and
physical factors are presented [2-4]. Nevertheless their research is
limited on the analysis of basic biomechanical and physiological
factors, which predefine the rowing performance effectiveness. The
examination of the diversity of the boats does not cover all classes of
boats examples [5]. It is stated that their influence is negligible.
Researchers [4] give an explanation that vertical oscillations do not
have substantial influence on the rowing effectiveness, because the
forced vertical oscillation related to the rowing rate does not change
the mean value of draught. The researcher [6] by processing results of
the rowers' test has determined that the rowing effectiveness is
decreased with the increase of the rowing rate. According him rowing
efficiency (of a boat) is determined by the ratio of oar force and the
force of water resistance. Sequentially with increase of the rate water
resistance increases as well. Theoretical proof is not provided. A
special attention the researcher [7-12] pays to differences in the
results of rowers of high excellence, prize winners in high rank
competitions and that's why makes analysis of the factors the
influence of which equals to units or parts of percents. The decrease in
efficiency is explained by the change in wave resistance when the keel
boat oscillates with the frequency equal to the rowing rate.
Aims of the research--to determine rowing effectiveness parameters
for different classes of academic boats conditioned by the factor of
vertical free oscillations of the boat complex, to determine the
dependence of the effectiveness parameters on characteristics of the
boat hull and intensity of the rowers action to the seat, to compare
different boats and the possibilities provided by them, to verify
theoretical dependence of rowing effectiveness on rowing rate by
practical data and elaborate the recommendations to increase rowing
The following problems are solved:
* realistic parameters for different classes of academic boats
necessary for the calculation of the influence of vertical oscillation
on rowing effectiveness are determined;
* by the method of mathematical modeling according data of boat
complexes and the rowers' the draught increment caused due to free
vertical oscillations was calculated;
* using the increment of water resistance the dependence of rowing
effectiveness change on stroke rate and the strength of vertical action
are determined, the theoretical results are compared with practical data
obtained by other authors.
The conditions decreasing fatigue of arms are determined.
2. Methodology
Due to complicated form of the vertical force acting on the seat
(Fig. 1) for further calculations its linear approximation by broken
line is used
[F.sub.S](t) = [k.summation over (j=0)] [a.sub.j](t -
[[tau].sub.j]]u(t - [[tau].sub.j]) (1)
where k is the number of sections of the line, j is the number of a
break point, [[tau].sub.j] is time at the j th point of the broken line,
values of force [F.sub.S](t) at time instants [[tau].sub.j], u(t -
[[tau].sub.j]) is unit step function (u = 0, when t < [[tau].sub.j];
u = 1, when t [greater than or equal to] [[tau].sub.j]).
Based on the theory of ships with all assumptions and
simplifications made in it the process of vertical oscillations of the
boat complex mathematically can be described by second order linear
nonhomogenous differential equation
where m is mass of the boat complex (the boat, the oars and the
crew), [eta] is angular frequency of vertical oscillations of the boat
[eta] = 2[pi]/2.5[square root of T] (3)
v is damping coefficient of vertical oscillations determined from
the graphs of Salkajev [13] according dimensions of the boats.
Due to the effect of single force [F.sub.S](t) impulse (1) the
solution of Eq. (2) giving the change of the draught in time [zeta](t)
has the following expression
where [omega] angular frequency of the oscillations taking into
account damping:
[omega] = [square root [[eta].sup.2] - [v.sup.2]] (5)
The process of vertical oscillations of the boat complex can be
considered as steady state as is can be described by the following
relationship [1]
[[zeta].sub.[SIGMA]](t) = [5.summation over (i=1)] u(t - (i -
1)[T.sub.Z])[zeta](t - (i - 1)[T.sub.Z]) (6)
where [[zeta].sub.[SIGMA]](t) is total increment of the draught, i
is number of the stroke, u(t -(i - 1)[T.sub.Z]) is unit step function (u
= 0, when t < (i - 1)[T.sub.Z] and u = 1, when t [greater than or
equal to] (i - 1)[T.sub.Z], [zeta](t - (i - 1)[T.sub.Z]) is change of
the draught increment under the action of single force [F.sub.S](t)
impulse [I.sub.S] starting from the time instant t < (i -
Mean increment of the draught during one stroke
Mean increment of the draught during drawing of the oar
Mean increment of the draught during lift
Increment [DELTA]S of the wetted surface S of the boat caused by
the draught increment [[bar.[zeta]].sub.Z] can be defined as follows
[DELTA]S = [B.sub.ST][[bar.[zeta]].sub.Z] (10)
where [B.sub.ST] is proportionality coefficient in the dependence
of wetted surface S of the boat on draught T.
The force of water resistance is proportional to the wetted surface
area. This fact allows expressing the change of the influence of
vertical oscillations for different values or stroke rate by the
effectiveness coefficient
[EK.sub.S](SF) = S/S + [DELTA]S(SF) (11)
For practical analysis line drawings of academic boats (single 1x
six types, double scull/coxless pair 2x/- eight types, quadruple
scull/coxless four 4x/- three types and eight 8+ two types) were used.
Majority of the boats were designed and manufactured at the Experimental
design centre "Latvijas laivas" (Latvia's ship). Great
diversity allowed to cover wide range of the boats from the widest (Type
8303 (1x), Type 7606 (2x/-), Type 8750 (4x/-) and Type 7801 (8+)) to the
narrowest (Type 8701 (1x), Type 8906 (2x/-), Type 8650 (4x/-) and Type
8585 (8+)) ones. An average difference of the widths was about 10%.
From line drawings using trapezium method [9] dependences of boat
parameters relating load with boat complex mass m (the boat, oars,
crew), boat draught T, the wetted surface area S and from Salkajev
graphs [10] coefficients of vertical oscillations v were determined.
Boat parameters were calculated inside the mass interval of boat
complexes 86-126 kg (1x), 167-247 kg (2x/-), 332-492 kg (4x/-) and
707-1027 kg (8+). The mass m consists of equal masses of all the rowers
m, in the limits from 65 to 105 kg, the coxswain mass of 50 kg for the
boat (8+) and the remaining mass of the boat complex--mass of the boat
itself and mass of the oars.
Dependences of boat parameters are presented graphically in Figs.
Based on linear regression analysis the dependence of generalized
wetted surface S (with determination coefficient [r.sup.2] > 0.997)
on draught T is expressed by regression Eq. (12) the coefficient values
of which are presented in Table.
S = [A.sub.ST] + [B.sub.ST]T (12)
When calculating the draught increments during a stroke
([T.sub.Z]), oar drawing ([t.sub.D]) and lift ([t.sub.DZ]) phases at
different rowing rates the values of oar drawing time [t.sub.D], impulse
[I.sub.S], delay [t.sub.V], and maximum value [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] of vertical force [F.sub.S](t) were evaluated
and the dependence of the force action time on stroke rate was taken
into account. Based on them the dependences of force and time parameters
on stroke rate were obtained in the form of regression equations as
[t.sub.D] = -0.0083SF + 1.0173 with [r.sup.2] = 0.2762 (13)
[t.sup.V] = -0.0055SF + 0.7196 with [r.sup.2] = 0.2016 (14)
[t.sub.V] = -0.008SF + 0.7766 with [r.sup.2] = 0.2074 (15)
The impulse of oar force [F.sub.D](t) is presented by a positive
half period of sinusoid: the amplitude [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] corresponds time instant 0.5[t.sub.D]. Oar angle
during drawing phase changes from 30 to 120 degrees independently on the
stroke rate.
When calculating real draught increments according formula (4) the
form of the force FS (() similar to the one presented in Fig. 1 is used.
That's why in formula (1) it is used k = 6. Time and amplitude
parameters of separate points on broken line are represented in the form
of the ratio of time and amplitudes [14]. The parameter values are
obtained from the data of force [F.sub.S](t) measurement and result
averaging. The ratios of time and amplitude are kept constant when
values of the parameters [t.sub.S] and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] themselves change according formulas (15) and
(16) in dependence on the stroke rate. Increasing or decreasing
amplitude of the vertical force effect the draught increment changes
proportionally as expressed by formula (4).
3. Results and discussion
As it is presented in Fig. 2 draught of the wider boats is lower
and their wetted surface area is bigger to compare with the narrower
boats. Sequentially the lower water resistance force is characteristic
for narrower boats. The draught and wetted surface area of higher class
boats is bigger. The natural frequency of vertical oscillations [eta] is
decreased with the increase of boat class and the mass of boat complex
m. The increase of damping coefficient of vertical oscillations v is
proportional to the number of rowers in a boat (Fig. 4). For separate
boat classes this parameter depends on mass m insignificantly. For
narrower boats both [eta], and v are lower.
The results of the investigation of vertical oscillations were
obtained for the rowing rates range from 21 to 50 1/min and with mean
values of masses (106, 207, 412 and 867 kg). The calculated mean values
of draught increments --instantaneous and of drawing ([t.sub.D]) lift
([t.sub.DZ]) and stroke ([T.sub.Z]) phases are given in Figs. 5-8.
The instantaneous values of draught increments due to vertical
oscillations at the time instant corresponding the centre of oar force
impulse for the investigated boat classes are summarized in Fig. 5. The
greatest change of the draught increment is characteristic for the 1x
type boats. The bigger is the boat the less it oscillates.
The mean values of draught increment [[bar.[??]].sub.D] at the
drawing phase are presented in Fig. 6. The mean values of draught
increment change more for narrower boats than for wider boats. For the
1x class boats the lowest mean increment of the draught
[[bar.[??]].sub.D] is at the stroke rate SF of about 35 1/min. With the
increase of SF [[bar.[??]].sub.D] increases also and reaches its maximum
at 45 1/min. For the 2x/ class boats the lowest value of
[[bar.[??]].sub.D] is at 30 1/min and the maximum at 40-42 1/min. For
the 4x/ class boats the lowest value of [[bar.[??]].sub.D] is at 35
1/min and decreases with the increase of SF. For the 8+ class boats the
increment [[bar.[??]].sub.D] increases insignificantly with the increase
of SF. Such draught increment due to free vertical oscillations changing
non proportionally to the stroke rate can be used to perform the drawing
phase more effectively. Investigating fatigue of the rowers the
researchers [15] have determined that arms become tired in a shorter
time period than legs. That's why it is recommended to save arms.
Mostly the arms are tired at the drawing phase. So having in mind the
draught increment change nonproportional to the rowing rate, the stroke
rates at which mean draught is lower can be selected.
The mean values of draught increment [[bar.[??]].sub.DZ] at the
lift phase are summarized in Fig. 7. Nonlinear change of the draught
increment is characteristic for small boats. The greater increment is
characteristic for bigger boats. But in this phase the arms do not take
The mean values of draught increment [[bar.[??]].sub.Z] during a
stroke are presented in Fig. 8. The higher values of the draught
increment correspond to the bigger boats. They increase with the stroke
rate increase. The change of mean value of the draught increment
practically is linear. The draught increment of the narrower boats
changes more than that of the wider boats.
The strength of the vertical action is evaluated by calculating the
values of mean draught increments changing force [F.sub.S](t) in the
limits from 0.5[F.sub.S](t) to 1.5[F.sub.S](t). The draught increments
are proportional to the magnitude of acting force [F.sub.S](t). The
shape of their dependences is similar to the ones presented in Figs.
Practical data on the dependences of boat rowing effectiveness
[EK.sub.S] on stroke rate [6] are presented in
Fig. 9. They are grouped according specifics of sweep and sculling
and do not reflect peculiarities of boat classes and the magnitude of
vertical force action on the seat. The latter factor can be used to
define the data spread. As a result of our investigations rowing
effectiveness [EK.sub.S] dependences for the boat classes'
determined according formula (11) are presented in Fig. 9. Rowing
effectiveness for the boat classes 1x, 2x/- and 4x/- almost coincides,
rowing effectiveness of the 8+ boat class is higher. Rowing
effectiveness for all boat classes decreases with the rowing rate
increase. The difference of the two dependence families is predefined by
different force action onto the seat (for higher
dependences--[F.sub.S](t), for lower 1.5[F.sub.S](t)). The higher is
[F.sub.S](t) the lower is the effectiveness [EK.sub.S]. The data of
theoretical dependences of the effectiveness on the rate are in
satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Summarizing it could be
stated that the existence of free vertical oscillations could be the
reason of the change of rowing effectiveness in dependence on the rate.
The phenomenon is expedient to be taken into account when analyzing the
factors influencing rowing techniques of highly skilled rowers.
4. Conclusions
1. The change of rowing effectiveness based on the theory of
vertical free oscillations in dependence on stroke rate practically
corresponds with experimental data obtained by other researchers.
2. As the reason of the change of rowing effectiveness in
dependence on stroke rate the fact of the existence of free vertical
oscillations can be considered.
3. When force action on the seat is strengthened the rowing
effectiveness is reduced proportionally.
4. Recommendation to save arms during rowing can be related to the
selection of stroke rate, when the possibilities of reduction of mean
draught increment at drawing phase are known.
Received November 22, 2010
Accepted May 11, 2011
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A. Bingelis, Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6,
44221 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
K. Pilkauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, A. Mickeviciaus 37,
44244 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
K. Pukenas, Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Sporto 6,
44221 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
G. Cizauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, A. Mickeviciaus 37,
44244 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
The values of regression coefficient for Eq.(12)
Boat class Coefficient Value
1x [A.sub.ST] 0.5877
[B.sub.ST] 0.0159
2x/- [A.sub.ST] 0.9912
[B.sub.ST] 0.0194
4x/- [A.sub.ST] 1.6035
[B.sub.ST] 0.0245
8+ [A.sub.ST] 3.0851
[B.sub.ST] 0.0348