Elaboration of analytical thermo-mechanical cutting model matched by numerical and experimental results/Analitinio termomechaninio pjovimo modelio, tenkinancio skaitinius ir eksperimentinius rezultatus, paruosimas.
Salvatore, F. ; Mabrouki, T. ; Hamdi, H. 等
1. Introduction
Cutting processes are widely used in different industries to cut
various engineering parts. Usually the optimization of these processes
is made by experimental methods often expensive and not able to be
extrapolated to other machining configurations. To overcome these
drawbacks, numerical simulations have been carried out by many
researchers but the major inconvenience of those methods are the long
computing time, the high cost of numerical software, etc. For all these
reasons, in manufacturing industry, a high interest in analytical
methods such as that of Merchant [1, 2] and Lee and Schaffer [3] are
usually adopted because they are practical and simple to use. Other
authors such as Gilormini, Molinari, Moufki, and Oxley [4-8] have
proposed pertinent thermo-mechanical cutting models but not convenient
to use and not taking into account the cutting radius influence,
ploughing and the spring back.
For all those reasons the present work is both complete and
predictive in order to be really interesting compared to experimental
and numerical methods.
It is based on a new "phenomena split approach"
(PS-approach) (Fig. 1) which can be directly and efficiently exploited
also from practical point of view.
This methodology stems from experimental observations in the case
of turning. In fact, burrs appear during the cutting process for
different manufacturing input parameters or when a threshold of tool
wears is reached. Burr is the result of a plastic flow of material
similar to ploughing observed in scratch tests [9-11].
Consequently, it is assumed (Fig. 1) that a cutting phenomenon can
be decomposed as a sum of three elementary phenomena: pure cutting,
ploughing and spring back, where R is the tool cutting radius, f is the
uncut chip thickness, [f.sub.cr] is the critical feed rate
characterizing the limit value between ploughing and "pure
cut" (i.e. chip formation).
The proposed analytical model of the chip formation is performed
using the mechanical balance formulation [1, 2] and the assumption that
the shear zones thickness, where deformations are considered
concentrated, are constants [8] but the calculation of the temperature
in those zones are a function of different partition heat coefficients.
Others new hypothesis and equations are introduced by the use of
FEM studies, in particular, stresses and forces distributions,
triaxiality close to the tip of the tool.
Those numerical contributions substitutes the equations based on
the minimization of the cutting energy like acted by Merchant and
Gilormini [1, 2, 4].
The influence of tool geometry in terms of chip formation is also
studied and an equivalent cutting angle is introduced to replace the
cutting radius. In this way the rake face stay plane and, the forces and
temperature formulations are simpler than those proposed by Albrecht
[12] and "linked" to the thermo-mechanical approach.
First experimental tests, materials employed and the measured data
such as forces and chip thickness are presented. Then a cutting
numerical simulation based on ABAQUS Explicit is developed in order to
identify more accurately the influences of physical phenomena.
Afterwards the general PS-approach assumptions are presented but only
the "pure cut" contribution is described in detail. Finally,
the most important results of the sub-model "pure cut" are
presented, discussed and compared to Merchant.
2. Experimental study
In this section the experimental cutting tests are presented. In
order to replicate orthogonal cutting conditions, the machining
operation was carried out on discs each one with a diameter of 70 mm and
a thickness ([a.sub.p]) of 3 mm, which is also the cutting depth.
The cutting tool is in a carbide grade (referenced TPKN 16 03 PP R
SM30) with cutting edge radius R of 30 |am. The machined material is a
steel alloy AISI 4140.
The values of [a.sub.p] and R were chosen to minimize ploughing
effects (lateral burrs). In fact in this paper the adopted "PS
approach" is presented, but only the elementary model "pure
cut" is adopted, verified and fitted with experimental and
numerical methods. For that, in the next the value of[f.sub.cr] is
considered equal to zero.
Cutting speed variations were made in order to measure machining
forces using a dynamometer Kistler 9257 A with a sampling frequency
about 2 KHz (Fig. 2).
Details of the averages of cutting forces [F.sub.x], feed forces
[F.sub.y], and primary shear angle [PHI] are presented in Table 1 and 2
in the section "analytical results and discussion", compared
to numerical and analytical data.
3. Numerical study
Numerical simulations based on Abaqus\Explicit (Lagrangian
formulation) were performed in order to both understand the physics of
cutting and improve the analytical method. The Johnson and Cook's
law [13] is used for the workpiece material behaviour.
The workpiece is geometrically modelled according to Mabrouki [14].
Parameters of the tool and the work-piece are extracted from Barge study
[15] and the material to cut is characterized with also the Johnson and
Cook damage law [16].
From contact point of view, the "surface to surface"
interaction option and the penalty contact method were chosen. Also, it
is considered that [micro] = 0.39 for [V.sub.c] = 42 m/min, [micro] =
0.30 for [V.sub.c] = 126 m/min, [micro] = 0.25 for [V.sub.c] = 378 m/min
according to experimental results of Zemzemi [17].
In order to find the good mesh dimensions for the numerical
simulations, the influence of the primary shear zone thickness [d.sub.1]
versus the cutting speed [V.sub.c] for different vertical mesh sizes was
made (Fig. 3).
In this specified study frictionless assumption was adopted for the
chip-tool contact. The cutting angle [gamma] was considered equal to
From this last figure, it is possible to underline that smaller the
mesh size values, smaller the primary shear zone thickness. This is due
to the strain localization phenomenon which induces high temperature
(Fig. 4). The material softening induces lower forces and, by the same
way, lower thickness of the primary shear zone.
The computed primary shear zone thickness for a mesh size varying
from 5 to 10 [micro]m is close to the value (25 [micro]m) given by Shaw
Consequently 10 Lim mesh size is adopted in this study and seems in
agreement with Barge [15].
Using a 10 Lm mesh dimension and the previous friction coefficient,
it is then possible to perform numerical simulation and compare results
to experimental and analytical cutting forces (Fig. 5) and primary shear
angle [PHI], (Table 1 and 2).
a Time [s] b Time [ms]
Fig. 5 Measured forces (a) and computed one's with FE (b)
versus time in the case of a mesh 10 x 10 [micro]m for different cutting
speeds, f = 0.15 mm and [gamma]= 0
In the presented FE simulations the deformation is supposed to be
uniform. This assumption is justified by the manner of the calculation
of the primary shear angle as a function of feed rate divided by chip
For the different outputs presented, numerical results are in
concordance with the experimental ones. It is then considered that the
present numerical model reproduces the real phenomena and will be used
to calibrate further analytical cutting modelling.
In order to have numerical simulations without the influence of the
friction coefficient, the principal outputs using the
"frictionless" option in the contact between the tool and chip
are now studied. The cutting radius is considered null and [f.sub.cr]
It is decided to chose four chip sections (Fig. 6). Primary shear
zone is delimited by section 1 and 3. Section 4 is the
"interface" between tool and chip.
In Fig. 7 to 9, the normal and tangential stresses distributions in
the primary shear zone and the normal distribution in the secondary one
are presented in the case of f= 0.15 mm, R = 0, [gamma]= 0, [micro]= 0.
In Fig. 7, [[sigma].sub.n1] distribution is similar in every chosen
section inside the primary shear zone, close to the tool. In this zone
the triaxiality is high. In the primary shear zone region close to the
free surface, it is possible to capture the opposite situation; along
section 1 the stress value is the bigger and along section 3 it is close
to zero. In fact, in this last section, and close to the free surface,
the chip is still formed and the effects of the compression in zone 2
are far. Consequently it is acted that the plastic strain can be
considered concentrated in the shear zones. This hypothesis will be done
in the analytical section and is in accordance with [5-8].
In the same way, the tangential stress distribution in the primary
shear zone (Fig. 8) is quite similar in every chosen section close to
the tool.
In this case it is decided to formalize the uniform distribution
for the analytical modeling.
In Fig. 9, the normal stress distribution in the region of the chip
close to the tool is represented (section 4). For every condition there
is a uniform part from the tip of the tool to the "f" value
and, from f to the contact length lc, the distribution became
triangular. This is verified for three cutting speeds and, for different
Johnson and Cook parameters, in the case of [V.sub.c] = 378 m/min.
Afterwards, the forces distribution hypothesis, acted in Fig. 10,
are validated in this section.
Afterwards the triaxiality is big in the region of the piece close
to the tip of the tool. The normal stress value in the primary shear
zone is close to the normal stress value in the interface tool-chip
(Figs. 7-9).
From those considerations it is possible to extract new simple Eqs.
(1) and (2) where the maximum value of the normal stress
[[sigma].sub.n2max] is a function of the tangential one [[tau].sub.1].
The normal force [N.sub.2] in the secondary shear zone is a function of
where [gamma]* is the equivalent cutting angle explained in the
next section. Eqs. (1) and (2) are verified for different Johnson and
Cook parameters (Fig. 9). For those reasons it is considered that it can
be applied for different types of materials.
4. Cutting analytical model
4.1. Introduction
Orthogonal cutting represented by a 2D model is considered in the
present study. The cutting tool removes a specific layer of work
material (Fig. 11). f is the theoretical uncut thicknesses to remove
with the tool, R is the cutting edge radius, f - [f.sub.cr] the real
layer of work material removed. In fact for low values of the f/R ratio
f < [f.sub.cr]) the chip formation does not occur; only spring back
and ploughing appear (in case of 3D approach). The chip formation is
only possible if f is greater than [f.sub.cr]: in this case it is
supposed that the cutting process is made with a virtual tool, with a
cutting edge radius R = 0 (Fig. 11), and the effective layer work
material removed is f--[f.sub.cr].
[f.sub.cr] gives the supposed position of the separation line
between the material that will became chip and the part of metal that
will slide under the tool (spring back) or will be displaced laterally
The ploughing and spring back phenomena are concentrated in the
layer defined from the point C to the point G.
It is also supposed that the ploughing and spring back variables
only depend on [f.sub.cr] value. It will thus be possible to apply the
effect superposition principle and study separately all those phenomena.
In the proposed approach the ploughing and spring back phenomena
are caused by the cutting radius and, if it is zero, only the pure
cutting condition will exist.
Moreover the effects of the cutting radius exists in "pure
cutting case" too; it will be explained in the next section.
4.2. Modeling of cutting radius contribution
The cutting radius contribution must be taken into account when
sliding and normal forces on the tool rake face are considered. Both
cutting radius and rake face are modeled by a single equivalent rake
face without cutting radius (R = 0) and consequently with an equivalent
cutting angle [gamma]* (Fig. 11).
The latter angle is the summation of 2 contributions. The first one
is the local cutting angle caused by the cutting radius; its action is
localized in the layer "R--[f.sub.cr]" (AG).
The second one is the contribution of the angle [gamma]in the
"f--R" layer (AB).
It is remembered that the part "CG" of the cutting edge
[gamma]* is the ploughing contribution not presented in this paper.
Based on geometrical considerations the equivalent cutting angle r*
is given by equation
It is noted that, when the ratio f/R is very big, [gamma]* is close
to r. In the opposite situation, when f/R is close to 1 [gamma]* is
similar to [[gamma].sub.R].
Having now the calculation of the equivalent cutting angle it is
possible to compute forces [F.sub.x] and [F.sub.y].
Based on the ploughing [F.sub.pl] and friction force [F.sub.ad] in
the layer defined by "CG", and, according to Fig. 11 the
cutting and feed force can be presented respectively by Eqs. (4) and
where [N.sub.2] is the orthogonal force on the tool rake face,
[T.sub.2] is the tangential or friction force, [T.sub.1] and [N.sub.1]
are the tangential and normal forces in the primary shear zone,
All those last variables are to be computed, as what it is
suggested in section 4.3.
In the "pure cutting case" [F.sub.ad] and [F.sub.pl] are
considered equals to zero.
4.3. Pure cutting case
Pure cutting involves f > [f.sub.cr]. Chip formation is made
using an "equivalent" tool with a cutting radius R = 0, a
cutting equivalent angle r* (Eq. (3)), and the layer of material removed
is f - [f.sub.cr].
The chip is assumed rigid and uniform except in zone 1 and 2 where
all the deformations are localized [5-8]. This last assumption is in
concordance with the results given by FE cutting model. The thicknesses
of these zones are [d.sub.1] and [d.sub.2]. In both zones, the
assumption of thermo-viscous-plastic-hardening material behaviour is
made [13].
According to Fig. 10 and when applying the force equilibrium
conditions on the chip (forces and momentum), it is possible to write
Eqs. (6)-(8).
[xi] is the distance between the tip of the tool and the point
where the force N2 is applied. This variable can be computed using Eqs.
(1) and (2) in Eq. (8).
From Eq. (6) it will be possible to extract N1, from Eq. (7) the
shear angle [PHI] and from Eq. (8) the contact length lc.
[[sigma].sub.n2max] and [N.sub.2] can be computed with Eqs. (1) and
(2). Forces and stresses distribution are in accordance with Fig. 10.
By applying the Johnson and Cook law (Eq. (9)) in the zone 1, the
tangential force T1 can be calculated by Eq. (11). In this case the
tangential stress r1 calculation is proposed in shear formulation.
where l1 is the length of the primary shear zone, A, B, n, C, m and
are Johnson and Cook parameters.
The unknown parameters in Eq. (9) are now computed; in particular
the strain is given by Eq. (11) and the strain rate by Eq. (12).
In Eqs. (11) and (12), d1 and [V.sub.1] are, respectively, the
thickness and the shearing speed along [l.sub.1] in the primary shear
zone. The first of those equations is similar to Moufki [7] and it can
be considered a generalised version because it takes into account the
cutting radius R with the equivalent cutting angle [gamma]*.
Now, in order to compute the temperature [T.sub.emp1] in the
primary shear zone, it is considered that the force T1 produce the work
[Q.sub.1] to shear the primary zone with a strain done by equation
[l.sub.1]. It is also considered that 90% of this work became heat and
this last variable is multiplied by a partition heat coefficient to take
into account the part of heat that is conduced into the workpiece.
Afterwards the volume where the heat is generated is defined by
[d.sub.1], [l.sub.1] and [a.sub.p] (Fig. 11).
Consequently it is possible to compute equation
In order to have a low sensibility of [d.sub.1] in the case of very
negatives angles ([gamma]*) computed values, it is decided to use Eq.
(14). It is still close to Oxley estimation [8] where d1 is equal to 10%
of the primary shear zone length.
[d.sub.1] = 0.2 (f-[f.sub.cr]) (14)
In Eq. (13), 31 is the heat partition coefficient between the chip
and the workpiece and Temp10 is the initial temperature in the primary
shear zone, equals to the initial temperature of the workpiece. In this
paper the method of Gilormini [4] to compute 3 is adopted
where [k.sub.2] and [C.sub.p] are, respectively, the conductivity
and the specific heat of the workpiece.
The last variable to be computed to solve the system is the
friction force at the interface tool-chip [T.sub.2].
It is supposed a sticky contact from the point B to G and a sliding
contact from B to C. This is based on numerical simulations (Fig. 9)
where from the point B to G the normal stress is constant and from B to
C it degrease to zero.
In the present work the partition of the secondary shear zone is
similar to the Bahi works [19] where the sticking and sliding contact is
defined and based on the measurement of the friction coefficient. In our
case the approach is more easy and predictive.
It is also supposed that the thickness of the secondary shear zone
[d.sub.2] is equal to d1.
Consequently, the strain and the strain rate are given by the
following equations, respectively
In the same way as it was computed [T.sub.emp1], it is now
suggested the temperature [DELTA][T'.sub.emp2s] generated in the
sticky zone in the secondary shear zone (Eq. (18)).
[[delta].sub.2s] is heat partition coefficient between the tool and
the workpiece computed with Jaeger method [20] in the case of sticky
contact, as shown in equation
where [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] are the conductivities of the tool
and the workpiece, respectively. [[sigma].sub.2] is the diffusivity of
the steel.
[[tau].sub.2s] in Eq. (18) is the tangential sticky shear stress in
zone 2 computed with Johnson and Cook law (Eq. (20)).
[T.sub.emp2s] is the temperature in this sub zone (sticky). It is
the summation of the temperature of the zone 1, displaced to the
secondary shear zone during the chip evolution, and
Consequently it is possible to write
In the zone BC, a sticky-sliding contact is assumed. Here the
strain and the strain rate are not constants like considered in the
sticky zone. In fact it is supposed that in the point B the contact is
still sticky ([V.sub.g] = 0) and in the point C totally sliding
([V.sub.g] = [V.sub.t]). In order to easy compute variables of this
zone, an only sticky contact is supposed in half distance BC. In the
other half distance a totally sliding contact is considered ([micro] =
0). Consequently
The temperature generated by heat [DELTA][T'.sub.emp2g] is
presented in equation
where, [[delta].sub.2g] and [[gamma].sub.2g] are computed with
Jaeger and Johnson and Cook formulations, respectively (Eqs. (25) and
[T.sub.emp2g] is done by Eq. (27), where [T.sub.emp2s] is the
"initial" temperature of this sub-zone, because of the
displacement of the chip. [T.sub.2] is resolved using Eq. (28).
Now it can be allowable to compute the friction coefficient in the
interface between the tool and the chip as the ratio between [T.sub.2]
and [N.sub.2].
4.4. Analytical results and discussions
According to Fig. 11, the most important variables of the study are
resumed in Table 1 and 2, compared to numerical and experimental
The values of analytical forces and temperatures presented in
Tables 1 and 2 are similar to experimental [21] and numerical ones.
Concerning the primary shear zone angle [PHI], the analytical
calculation is accurate for cutting speeds major than 126 m/min if f is
bigger than 0.15 mm.
In the case of feed rate equal to 0.07 mm, it appears that, for low
cutting speed (42 m/min) the analytical calculation of [PHI] is
accurate; this is due to the equivalent cutting angle [gamma]* equal to
-0.33 rad. Feed force [F.sub.y] is also close to experimental data.
The presented "pure cut" sub-model is based on a
thermo-mechanical approach using Johnson and Cook's law in the
shear zones 1 and 2. Stresses value in those zones are a function of the
shear strain, shear strain rate and temperature. The firsts one are
function of the equivalent cutting angle [gamma]* and, consequently the
cutting radius R. The temperatures are function of the strains but also
of the heat partition coefficients. In particular those last variables
depend on the diffusivity of the material and the cutting parameters f
and [V.sub.c].
For low values of f and [V.sub.c] the heat partition coefficients
[[delta].sub.1] are close to 1 and for high values of those
"machining parameters" it is close to 0. This leads to low
temperatures and high forces because the "softening"
contribution in Johnson and Cook equations became small.
Finally, concerning the comparative with Merchant calculation, it
is possible to act (Table 1) that the precision in terms of [F.sub.x]
and [F.sub.y] is lower than the proposed "pure cut" model.
Only the angle [PHI] is more accurate here because it is the "set
parameter". [F.sub.y] values are smalls because the cutting radius
effect is not taken into account.
5. Conclusions
In this paper an analytical model of material removal is presented.
This model is based on the new assumption that cutting operation can be
defined as a sum of three contributions: ploughing, spring back and pure
It was decided to present and study in details the "pure
cut" sub-model where the chip formation is investigated. In this
case the analytical model was fitted with FEM simulations and verified
with experimental tests.
In particular the stresses distribution is numerically studied and
the outputs of this investigation were acted in new formulations based
on triaxiality and forces distributions applied to the chip.
In the sub-model "pure cut", the chip is considerate
rigid and the static equilibrium of the chip leads to the definition of
three simple equations like Merchant [1, 2]. The thermo-mechanical
assumption was made in the shear zones 1 and 2 where the strain is
supposed to be concentrated [5-8].
The temperature calculation is made using the definition of
specific heat in the shear zones.
The cutting radius of the tool is modelled using an equivalent
cutting angle what is new compared to the pre-cited works. The ratio f/R
is important and define 2 different conditions. If it is big the cutting
radius R can be considered null, but if it is low, it is necessary to
model the radius R. It is the industrial case of damaged tools.
The calculations of the variables of the model are only functions
of input parameters (process parameters and thermo-mechanical data) and
no experimental setting like chip thickness measurements are required.
The analytical equations can be directly used for industrial
application or for scientific purpose, in order to have easier data to
understand the removal material problem before a more intense research.
The proposed analytical model can be employed for several steels if
parameters of Johnson and Cook law exist.
"PS approach" can be exploited to predict residual
stresses after machining, where the cutting radius and the ploughing are
important for the accuracy of the study.
Received August 29, 2011 Accepted November 15, 2012
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F. Salvatore*, T. Mabrouki**, H. Hamdi***
* Universite de Lyon, ENISE, LTDS, UMR 5513 CNRS, 58 rue Jean
Parot, 42023 Saint Etienne, France, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Universite de Lyon, INSA Lyon, LAMCOS, UMR 5259 CNRS, 18-20 rue
des Sciences, 69621 Villeurbanne, France, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Universite de Lyon, ENISE, LTDS, UMR 5513 CNRS, 58 rue Jean
Parot, 42023 Saint Etienne, France, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
Analytical, experimental and numerical results in case of AISI 4140
steel, carbide tool, f = 0.15 mm, [gamma]* = -0.15 rad.
In brackets Merchant [1, 2] calculation
[V.sub.c], Computing Cutting force Feed force
m/min method [F.sub.x], N F[gamma], N
42 Analytical 1056 (1447) 611 (434)
Experimental 1118 563
Numerical 1150 556
126 Analytical 981(826) 512 (207)
Experimental 1052 495
Numerical 1102 457
378 Analytical 949 (699) 474 (140)
Experimental 998 412
Numerical 982 393
Contact [T.sub.emp1],
[V.sub.c], Primary shear length/feed, [degrees]C
m/min angle [PHI], Rad [l.sub.c]/f (zone 1)
42 0.58 (0.45) 3.02 (2.12) 432
0.48 2.41 451
126 0.61 (0.58) 2.81 (1.7) 485
0.57 2.31 495
378 0.62 (0.60) 2.74 (1.57) 509
0.58 2.19 521
[T.sub.em2s], [T.sub.em2g,]
[V.sub.c], [degrees]C [degrees]C
m/min (zone 2 sticky) (zone 2 sliding)
42 885 1048
931 1024
126 960 1130
991 1051
378 1006 1171
1021 1146
Table 2
Analytical and experimental results in case of AISI 4140 steel,
carbide tool, f = 0.15 mm, [gamma]* = -0.15 rad
Feed f, Computing force Feed force
mm/rev method [F.sub.x], N [F.sub.y], N
0.07 Analytical 554 311
Experimental 512 304
0.225 Analytical 1459 741
Experimental 1552 798
Contact zone 1
Feed f, Primary shear length/feed [T.sub.emp1],
mm/rev angle [PHI], Rad [l.sub.c]/f [degrees]C
0.07 0.51 3.81 375
0.225 0.62 2.75 439
Temperature Temperature
zone 2 zone 2
Feed f, [T.sub.emp2s], [T.sub.emp2g],
mm/rev [degrees]C [degrees]C
0.07 830 1001
0.225 960 1129