Development of decision support system for fused deposition modelling manufacturing cost estimation/Sprendimu priemimo sistemos sukurimas gamybos sanaudoms ivertinti taikant lydzios mases formavimo technologija.
Rimasauskas, M. ; Rimasauskiene, R.
1. Introduction
Additive layer manufacturing has been known for many years. But the
development of electronic and computer technologies has dramatically
changed its processes and products. In addition, the global market
counts new and new rapid prototyping technologies that allow fulfilling
growing consumer requirements [1]. Rapid prototyping is a reliable
technology that allows developing complex prototyping models and
checking their design in early manufacturing stage. More over, rapidly
developing technologies and the variety of new materials made it
perfectly suitable not only for serial production of small complex
parts, but also for such specific areas as biomedicine, aviation, and
aerospace industry [2, 3]. In contemporary global competition
environment, various rapid prototyping technologies find their place.
More over, today we use the term "rapid manufacturing" that
overwhelms the entire product design and manufacturing cycle, and is
characterized by the use of extremely sophisticated designing and
manufacturing tools and processes. Thus we can maintain that rapid
manufacturing became one of the most important elements of virtual
manufacturing, which might be successfully used not only in traditional
manufacturing, but also in rapid prototyping, teaching, and other areas
[4]. Meanwhile, virtual manufacturing might be described as a process
when physical manufacturing processes are designed with a help of
artificial intelligence techniques leading to the reduction of
production costs [5]. Thus, product designer must keep tight connection
with the manufacturer, understand manufacturing processes used, and
apply design for manufacturing (DFM) principles. Constant cooperation of
various functional divisions, design and improvement of technological
processes, and the application of optimisation and decision support
processes lead to digital manufacturing [6]. Recent progress in computer
aided design (CAD) and rapid prototyping technologies gave designers the
tool to rapidly create an initial prototype from the concept only [7].
In order to fulfill growing consumer requirements, manufacturers must
take into account not only functional characteristics of materials, but
also such features of prototypes as aesthetic look, preciseness, and
colour. Manufacturing costs, i.e. manufacturing time, model and support
materials consumed, post-processing time, and similar expenditures, play
an extremely significant role too. However, the system that might be
capable of evaluating manufacturing costs of all rapid prototyping
technologies in general is almost impossible; as such technologies and
their manufacturing costs extremely differ. Slovenian scientists
revealed technical features, especially, manufacturing rate and
preciseness, of various rapid prototyping systems in their numerous
publications. One of their conclusions states, that precise evaluation
of manufacturing rate is impossible without the pre-testing of the
machine [8]. The variety of materials, processes, and systems do not
allow making conclusions on all technologies. However, 40% of all rapid
prototyping systems of the world are marked with Stratasys brand. Such
systems use fused deposition modelling technology. Fused deposition
modelling is a solid-based rapid prototyping process where thermoplastic semi-finished products are extruded layer by layer in order to build
functional models [9]. This technology has several advantages, but
probably the most important one is simple and user-friendly environment
[10]. We can outline few factors influencing the popularity of fused
deposition modelling technology all over the world. First and the most
important one is the variety of materials capable for being used in
various industries.
Therefore, this article will concentrate on the analysis of fused
deposition modelling processes. It has been noticed, that scientists
lack for the information in regards to the calculation of manufacturing
costs using fused deposition modelling technology, especially, in early
stage of manufacturing process. This article will reveal such features
of prototype construction and manufacturing process that have the
greatest influence on manufacturing costs. Decision support system
(DSS), created by the authors should help designers to evaluate
alternative prototypes and allow manufacturers to optimally prepare
manufacturing process already in early manufacturing stage.
2. Methodology
Fused deposition modelling technology has been widely described in
a large number of scientific publications [11-13]. However, few facts,
showing why it is so special, are worth to mention. First of all, this
technology differs from the other technologies since it uses melted
thermoplastic as model material; it might be recyclable production-grade
thermoplastic acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS); polycarbonate (PC),
which has better mechanical properties than ABS; and polyphenylsulfone
(PPSU/PPSF) featuring good strength, heat, and chemical resistance
properties necessary for aerospace, automotive, and medicinal
applications. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is the most popular
thermoplastic with such application, since it is ideal for the purpose
of conceptual prototyping through design verification and is available
in a variety of standard and custom colours [14]. Fused deposition
modelling requires two types of material: model and support materials.
Model and support material are melted in a plastifying unit and extruded
through a die onto a platform to create a two-dimensional cross-section
of the model. Subsequently, the platform is lowered and the next layer
is extruded and fused onto the previous layer. A strand of melted
plastic forms a frame of one layer obtained after decomposing
part's CAD model to the layers. Model decomposition to the layers
is performed using special software, which is acquired together with the
machines involved. Here it is important to mention, that strands of
overlapping layers are positioned with a turn at 90[degrees]. Layer
images are presented in Fig. 1, disclosing also layers "N" and
"N-1" what ensures better homogeneity and mechanical
properties of the prototype. One of the main weaknesses of fused
deposition modelling is surface roughness, which happens due to some
specialities of the technological process. Of course, there are methods
that help making surface quality better, but they need additional work
and other expenditures [14, 15].
Using fused deposition modelling technology, manufacturing costs
depend on various parameters. Before going into details of the process,
it is worth defining its three stages: preparation, manufacturing, and
post-processing. Then manufacturing time may be calculated as follows
[T.sub.t] = [T.sub.p] + [T.sub.m] + [] (1)
where [T.sub.p] stands for the preparation time, [T.sub.m] stands
for the manufacturing time, [] stands for support time. The
preparation involves designing, converting data to "stl"
format, searching and correcting errors, transmitting data to the
machine, and preparing the machine. Support time encompasses
prototype's taking out of the machine, removing support materials,
and preparing for work. The author of the article does not take into
account the preparation and the support times of the model provided
herein, since they greatly depend on human factors and the structure of
the part. Thus, the manufacturing time may be calculated as follows
[T.sub.m] = [n.summation over (i=1)]([tm.sub.i] + [ts.sub.i] + tc)
+ th (2)
where [tm.sub.i] is the time of spraying one layer of model
material, [ts.sub.i] is the time of spraying one layer of support fill,
tc is the time spent on cleaning a nozzle end for one layer, and th is
the time necessary for the machine to reach work temperature. Although
th is easily found and usually depends on the type of the machine used,
other variables are not so easily assessed and controlled. Designers can
modify product's structure and reduce the volume of model material
with a help of traditional 3D CAD modelling systems and DFM principles.
However defining the quantity of support fill is extremely difficult or
it required additional software. On the other hand, the estimation of
manufacturing costs also needs additional software. Therefore,
designers, aiming to check several constructional alternatives and their
manufacturing costs, must use special software or their own experience
[16]. Prototype's manufacturing time depends on model and support
materials consumed. Fig. 2 shows the dependence of manufacturing time on
quantity of the materials. However, it also obvious that manufacturing
time differs up to several hours even when the material quantity is very
similar. Thus, the manufacturing time also depends on other parameters,
such as positioning of the prototype, layer thickness, support fill, and
model interior.
One of the objectives of this article is to identify the main
parameters that affect manufacturing costs and propose a decision
support system that would allow minimising manufacturing costs in early
manufacturing stage. Another objective is to check whether the algorithm
used by the program "CatalystEX" always rationally chooses
positioning of the prototype. Prototyping was performed with a help of
3D CAD modelling system "SolidWorks". The CAD data were
converted into standard triangular language (STL) format.
Manufacturing costs' modelling was performed using fused
deposition modelling manufacturing preparation program
"CatalystEX". The research involved one hundred prototypes of
various geometrical shapes and sizes that are commonly available in
plastic parts. Table delivers marginal parameters of parts used for the
creation of decision support system. Other important parameters, such as
prototype's preciseness and roughness as well as hardness of
prototype surface, are not analysed in this article. Fig. 3 shows
percentage distribution of model and support materials. It is important
to note that the parts were ranged by quantity of the model material in
ascending order. We can see that bigger prototypes need less quantity of
support material, while smaller prototypes may need up to 60% of support
material. The quantity of support material may be reduced by changing
positioning of the prototype during the manufacturing process. In
addition, certain prototype design rules must be obeyed.
Also, it is important mentioning that the results shown in Fig. 2,
where obtained using standard parameters of program
"CatalystEX", when layer thickness is 0.254 mm, model interior
is solid normal, support fill is sparse, and prototype positioning is
performed with a help of function "auto orient".
Of course, when aiming to reduce the manufacturing time, it is
necessary to reduce prototype's height in the direction of Z axis,
but the experiments show that prototype's positioning in X-Y plane
is important too. Here, the manufacturing time greatly depends on
parameters of the machine. It was defined that the machine performs
greater work movement in the direction of X or Y axis than when
it's moving by a curve. However, the software does not always
assess it properly, thus the manufacturing time and material
expenditures become non-rational. The experiments were performed using
fused deposition modelling machine BST 768. It is a middle-class machine
with mechanically removed support material.
3. Results
The analysis of the manufacturing time in relation to layer
thickness was performed first. In the first case, we have used standard
thickness of 0.254 mm and then modelled the same parts with layer
thickness of 0.3302 mm. Positioning was not changed, i.e. we used
function "auto orient" in both cases. Fig. 4 clearly shows
that the manufacturing time was reduced by 20-40% after the increase of
layer thickness. Data shown in Fig. 4 are ranged by the quantity of
model material in ascending order. The figure also shows the presence of
some parts that did not feature the change of manufacturing time after
changing the layer thickness. This is characteristic to parts with small
volume and height in the direction of Z axis. Two parts distinguish by
the decrease of their manufacturing time by 50-60%.
These prototypes are of cylinder shape with two large openings. As
for manufacturing of larger prototypes, the change in layer thickness
reduces manufacturing time at greater extend. However, this experiment
showed that the changed layer thickness influence the change in
quantities of model and support materials. If model material changes at
minor extend (decreases after the increase of layer thickness), the
quantity of support material changes greatly and, in most cases, it
increases. This might be explained by the fact that the parts need
better support systems after reduction of layer thickness. Fig. 5 shows
the consumption of model and support materials when the layer thickness
is 0.3304 mm. The results are compared to the basic, when layer
thickness is 0.254 mm. Fig. 5 shows that model material might be saved
up, however support materials lacks, i.e. it will be used at greater
extend when the layer is thicker. Although, the fluctuations are not
large, they should be taken into account when designing and
manufacturing the prototype. In this case, model and support materials
have the same price, thus the most important figure is material
consumption rate. Total material consumption rate of 82 parts was
negative, since they needed more materials. After changing the layer
thickness, 2 parts needed the same amount of materials, but the rest of
them needed less.
The decision support system created was employed for the analysis
of manufacturing costs. The experiment involved 100 parts. As it was
mentioned before, manufacturing costs mostly depend on the manufacturing
time and material consumption. The reference point was the automatic
positioning performed with the help of the program
"CatalystEX". Then, the positioning was repeated employing the
rules defined. The research of model material consumption disclosed that
the model material is consumed almost without changes. In addition, the
research disclosed the interrelation between the consumption of model
material and the positioning of parts. There is a tendency that the
quantity of model material of small parts changes at greater extend, and
it may constitute up to 3% of total quantity of the model material.
While, the change in model material consumption of bigger parts (with
volume above 35 [cm.sub.3]) does not exceed 1%or remains unchanged in
most cases. Changing positioning of the parts discloses more clear
tendencies when comparing the quantities of support material. Fig. 6
shows changes in support material followed by the changes of
After the change of part positioning, the quantity of support
material slightly increased or remained the same in most cases. However
the figure shows a few parts where the quantity of support material
increased significantly. This might be explained by the fact that DSS
was aimed at minimisation of manufacturing time. The increase in
quantity of support material should not necessarily lead to the increase
of the manufacturing time. On the other hand, the Fig. 6 shows a
presence of the parts with significantly decreased quantity of support
material. Extremely outstands part 26. However, the analysis shows that
it was a part of cylinder shape with a big opening inside.
One of DSS rules maintains that interior openings of the parts
shall be oriented vertically, if possible. Thus, in the first case, when
the part was laid horizontally, all its openings had to be filled with
support material, what is not necessary in this case. While the main
objective of the article is to create a DSS that would enable rational
choice of the best manufacturing alternative using fused deposition
modelling technology, the focus should be on the optimisation of
manufacturing time. Fig. 7 shows the manufacturing time before and after
the use of DSS. Thirty nine parts of one hundred used showed equal
manufacturing time in both cases. After a closer look at the structure
of these parts, it was noticed that they are mostly small cylindrical
parts. Fifty three parts needed less manufacturing time after the
application of DSS. In eight cases, manufacturing time increased after
the application of DSS. In total, the manufacturing time of one hundred
parts decreased by 1554 minutes. Twenty six parts reduced their
manufacturing time by 315 minutes; the consumption of support material
significantly decreased too. Thus, we can conclude that the
manufacturing time was reduced due to the difference of materials
consumed in this case. However, the manufacturing time of other parts
decreased by 1.4-30% in comparison to the manufacturing when the DSS was
not used. In regards to the increased manufacturing time, there was only
one part with the increase of 19%, and the other seven showed not
greater increase than 7%. The biggest part of them were small sized
4. Conclusions and discussions
The article analysed the impact of various parameters on
manufacturing costs when using one of rapid prototyping
technologies--fused deposition modelling. Manufacturing costs were
forecasted in early manufacturing stage, and the DSS created will enable
engineers choosing the best solution in real manufacturing processes.
The article identified the most important parameters that influence the
manufacturing costs; they are: material consumption, structure of the
parts, and manufacturing parameters (layer thickness and positioning
during the manufacturing). The presented methodology and DSS provide a
solution that fills the research gap and might be helpful for making
decisions in everyday practice. Performed research enables to make
following conclusions:
1. The manufacturing time decreases from 20 to 40% after the
increase of layer thickness from 0.254 to 0. 3303 mm. The manufacturing
time changes when the height of the part in direction of Z axis is
2. The change in layer thickness leads to greater consumption of
support material and less consumption of model material; however, it
does not have significant impact on manufacturing costs.
3. The manufacturing time of 53 parts used within the research
decreased by 1.4-30% after the use of DSS, 39 parts remained unchanged
and of 8 parts increased.
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M. Rimasauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
R. Rimasauskiene, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera st. 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland,
[email protected]
Received August 23, 2011
Accepted October 19, 2012
Design parameters for the decision support system
Design parameter Parameter range
Model material, [cm.sup.3] 0.08-657
Support material, [cm.sup.3] 0.12-65.09
Material type ABS
Layer thickness, mm 0.254, 0.3302
Support fill Basic, sparse, minimal,
break-away, surround
Model interior Solid-normal, sparse