Cylindrical piezoelectric mobile actuator based on travelling wave/Cilindrinis pjezoelektrinis judesio keitiklis, veikiantis beganciosios bangos principu.
Bansevicius, R. ; Kulvietis, G. ; Mazeika, D. 等
1. Introduction
Piezoelectric actuators are widely used for high precision
mechanical systems such as positioning devices, manipulating systems,
control equipment and etc [1, 2]. Piezoelectric actuators have advanced
features such as high resolution, short response time, compact size, and
good controllability [1, 2]. Many design principles of piezoelectric
actuators are proposed and used [3].
The piezoelectricity in such a material may be due to several
effects, thus research into the mechanism of piezoelectricity and the
enhancement of activity by new forming and poling processes and
synthetic methods is still required [4].
Summarizing its all the following types of piezoelectric actuators
can be specified: traveling wave, standing wave, hybrid transducer, and
multimode vibrations actuators [2, 5].
Piezoelectric actuators have advanced features compare to others
and are widely used for different commercial applications [1, 5]. A lot
of design and operating principles are investigated to transform
mechanical vibrations of piezoceramic elements into elliptical movement
of the contact zone of actuator [2,3,6,7]. Traveling wave piezoelectric
actuators fall under two types--rotary and linear. Rotary type actuators
are one of the most popular because of high torque density at low speed,
high holding torque, quick response and simple construction. Linear type
traveling wave actuators feature these advantages as well but
development of these actuators is complex problem [8].
In general many design principles of piezoelectric actuators are
proposed. Summarizing the following types of piezoelectric actuators can
be specified: traveling wave, standing wave, hybrid transducer, and
multimode vibrations actuators.
Piezoelectric actuator of upper traveling wave type is presented
and analyzed in this paper.
2. Design and operating principle of piezoelectric actuator
The model of a piezoelectric actuator is composed of cylinder made
of PZT-8 piezoceramic material (Fig. 1). The polarization vector is
directed along the width of the cylinder. The detailed properties of
this material are provided in Table 1.
Sinusoidal voltage with the different phase shifted by 2[pi]/3 is
applied on each piezoceramic element.
Travelling wave is generated in the upside of the cylinder when
axial type oscillations are applied. In general case several waves can
be generated, but we narrow down to one wave.
In the electrode configuration diagram (Fig. 2) electrode plates
are attached to the outer cylinder planes every other 120[degrees]
degrees. Altogether three electrode plates are attached. Grounded is the
inner cylinder plate.
Connecting the electrodes to the electrical current and grounding
according to above-described electrode configuration a travelling wave
at the top of the cylinder is created.
3. The influence of geometric parameters on domination coefficients
During numerical analysis as only geometric parameters of actuators
change, the problem of the change in the sequence of eigenforms arises,
and that means that an unsuitable eigenvalue can be chosen on the level
of the scheme for determining rational geometric parameters Fig. 2.
Since vibration equipment usually functions in one of its
eigenfrequencies, as the sequence of eigenforms changes the solution
usually does not converge, and numerical analysis becomes meaningless.
Usually, for numerical analysis of piezoactuators the software such
as ANSYS is used. By the algorithm of eigenvalue problem
eigenfrequencies for the systems are sorted in the ascending order;
thereby the sequences of eigenforms change. This rule for sorting
frequencies is disadvantageous when numerical analysis of
multidimensional piezoactuators needs to be automated. This problem is
also important for optimization, since calculations are tied both to
eigenfrequencies and eigenforms. If the eigenfrequency is chosen
incorrectly, the piezoactuator will not function, so it is very
important to numerically determine eigenforms and place them inside the
eigenform matrix of the construction model [9].
The authors propose for a given construction to calculate
eigenfrequencies and forms of the construction. Then for the nth
eigenfrequency the following sum can be formed
[S.sup.n.sub.k] = [r.summation over (i=1)([[A.sup.n.sub.ik].sup.2],
r = l/k (1)
where k is the number of degrees of freedom in a node, l is the
number of nodes (degrees of freedom) in the model, r is the size of the
form vector for the kth coordinate, [A.sup.n.sub.ik] is the value of the
eigenform vector for the ith element. Then the ratio is formed
[m.sup.n.sub.jk] = [S.sup.n.sub.j]/[S.sup.n.sub.k], j [not equal
to] k (2)
where [m.sup.n.sub.jk] is the oscillation domination coefficient.
The sum [S.sup.n.sub.k] corresponds to the oscillation energy of the nth
eigenfrequency in the kth direction, and the ratio [m.sup.n.sub.jk] is
the ratio of oscillation energies of the nth eigenfrequency in the
coordinate directions of j and k.
These coefficients have to be called partial domination
coefficients since they estimate energy only in two coordinate
directions. The domination coefficients discussed above have the
following shortcomings.
Not normalized. Because of this the range of the domination
coefficients calculated vary from 0 to infinity.
In the case of three dimensions, six domination coefficients
result. Such a number of coefficients aggravate analysis.
To solve this problem the following algorithm is proposed: find the
sum of the amplitude squares of piezoactuator oscillations in all
directions of the degrees of freedom for a point, i.e., the full system
energy in all directions [10, 11]
[S.sup.n.sub.k] = [r.summation over
(i=1)][([A.sup.n.sub.ik]).sup.2] (3)
where n is the eigen frequency for the system, k is the number of
degrees of freedom in a node, [A.sup.n.sub.ik] is the value of the
eigenform vector for the ith element.
Then the ratio is calculated [11]
[m.sup.n.sub.j] = [S.sup.n.sub.j]/[k.summation over
(i=10)][S.sup.n.sub.i] (4)
where [m.sup.n.sub.j] is the oscillation domination coefficient
corresponds to the nth eigenform. The index j of domination coefficients
indicates, in which direction the energy under investigation is the
largest. j can assume such values: 1 corresponds to the x coordinate, 2
- y, and 3 - z, etc. Having calculated domination coefficients in all
directions of degrees of freedom and having compared them to each other,
we can determine the dominant oscillation type. The domination
coefficients calculated according to formula (4) are normalized, so
their limits vary from 0 to 1. It is very convenient for analyzing the
influence of various parameters on domination coefficients.
To clearly determine the eigenform and its place in the eigenform
matrix of the construction model, it is not enough to calculate only the
oscillation domination coefficients. Domination coefficients only help
to differentiate eigenforms by dominating oscillations, for example,
radial, tangential, axial, etc.
Because of this an additional criterion is introduced into the
process of determining eigenform, individual for each eigenform, i.e.,
the number of nodal points or nodal lines for the form. That depends on
the dimensionality of the eigenform. During calculations the number of
nodal points of beam-like and two-dimensional piezoactuators is
determined by the number of sign changes in oscillation amplitude for
the full length of the piezoactuator in the directions of coordinate
Summarizing the algorithm for determining eigenforms of
piezoactuator oscillations, we can note that it is composed of two
integral stages: calculating domination coefficients and determining the
number of nodal points or lines of the eigenform. This algorithm is not
tightly bound to multidimensional piezoactuators, so it can be
successfully applied in analysing oscillations of any constructions.
When solving dynamics problems of piezoactuators for high precision
microrobots where repeated calculations with higher eigenfrequencies are
involved, it is proposed to modify the general algorithm introducing the
stage of determining eigenforms with the help of domination coefficients
4. Results of numerical modeling
Numerical modeling of piezoelectric actuator was performed to
validate actuator design and operating principle through the modal and
harmonic response analysis.
Recent applications of the piezoelectric finite elements were
directed towards techniques of post processing. Precisely by recommended
simplifications, they consist on using standard finite elements to
calculate mechanical displacements, then to deduce the electric entities
(potential, load) by post processing [12].
FEM software ANSYS 11.0 was employed the for simulation and FEM
model was built (Fig. 1). PZT-8 piezoceramic was used for the cylinder.
Dimensions of piezoelectric cylinder were set to (D x d x h): 50 x 35 x
20 mm.
Modal analysis of piezoelectric actuator was performed to find
proper resonance frequency. Material damping was assumed in the finite
element model. No structural boundary conditions were applied.
During analysis the dimensions of cylinders height have been
changed. Geometric parameters proportions used in the finite element
model modal analysis are R/h = 0.5; R/h = 1; R/h = 1.5; R/h = 2 (Fig.
3). For each case considered an eigenvalue problem have been solved and
harmonic analysis performed; the amplitudes for the contact point, and
the system eigenfrequencies have been calculated for each construction
The detailed measurements of geometric parameters are provided in
Table 2.
Domination coefficients (Fig. 4) and eigenfrequencies (Fig. 5) have
been also calculated. A more detailed analysis is provided below.
The largest domination coefficients (Fig. 4) are in the y, z
directions, and that means that flexional oscillations dominate.
Having compared the influence of geometric parameters on domination
coefficients (Fig. 4) and eigenfrequencies (Fig. 5), we can claim that
with the help of domination coefficients we can partially determine the
eigenform of traveling wave.
Harmonic response analysis was performed with the aims to find out
the actuator's response to sinusoidal voltage applied on electrodes
of the piezoceramic elements, to verify operating principle. Analyzing
oscillation characteristics travelling wave vibrations on the upside
cylinder of the actuator will be manifested.
Compound parameters of the ellipses, i. e. dependencies of the
ratio of major and minor axis and rotation of major axis are given in
Table 3, Table 4.
Calculations in Table 3, Table 4 can be used to define operating
frequency of actuator based on parameters of the ellipses.
By observing elliptical trajectories of the contact point motion
and their parameters it can be concluded that the trajectories has
opposite directions at different frequencies. It means that slider will
have direct and reverse motion at these frequencies.
Analyzing ellipsis parameters at axis x, bigger ratios are at 1st
and 3rd points, while at axis y bigger ratios are at 2nd and 4th points.
Ellipsis at 35.4 kHz has larger major semiaxis and bigger area then
at 23.4 kHz and 48.8 kHz (Fig. 6).
5. Geometric path-planning algorithm for cylindrical piezoelectric
mobile actuator
This cylindrical piezoelectric actuator construction can be used
not only for vibromotors, but also as a moving in two-dimensional space
piezorobot (Fig. 7).
Two electrodes exciting schemes are used for the excitation of
piezoelectric actuator.
1. One electrode sector is excited at a time, which generates
rectilinear motion in XY plane.
2. All three electrode sectors are excited at a time with a phase
difference 120[degrees]. In this case piezorobot will rotate around its
central axis. Rotation can be clockwise and counterclockwise.
Using these two excitation schemes the path-planning algorithm was
developed. Problem is analyzed when original trajectory is curve, which
is formatted between given points ([x.sub.0]; [y.sub.0]), ([x.sub.1];
[y.sub.1]),([x.sub.i+1]; [y.sub.i+1]) ([x.sub.N]; [y.sub.N]), where N
[greater than or equal to] 2. Curve functions are cubic splines in
parametric form
where t is parameter of parametric function.
The main requirement for motion path is that the center of
piezorobot would be at minimum distance from the original trajectory
[S.sub.i]. Thus, accuracy would be the maximum deviation from this
Geometric path-planning algorithm:
Initial data: [epsilon]--maximum deviation from the function,
[[alpha].sub.0]--angle between the first electrode segment and x axis.
1. First, determine whether the piezorobot can move from itself
point ([x.sub.rj]; [y.sub.rj]) to a given point ([x.sub.i+1];
[y.sub.i+1]), i. e. it must be determinated, whether a straight line
L(t) between these points does not cross the threshold of coordinates
g(e, S) [13]. Solving the system of equations were calculating the
intersection points ([x.sub.g]; [y.sub.g]):
where, [t.sub.g], [t.sub.L] are parameters of parametric functions.
2. Calculating intersection points quantity Q.
3. Checked whether the condition Q [less than or equal to] 1 is
a. If is it true, then [x.sub.rj+1] = [x.sub.i+1], [y.sub.rj+1] =
b. Else:
b.1. Calculating tangent point ([x.sub.T]; [y.sub.T]) at marginal
coordinates [14]
where T is equation of the tangent.
b.2. Calculating piezorobot movement coordinates between three
[[x.sub.rj+1] - [x.sub.rj]]/[x.sub.Ti] - [x.sub.rj]] =
[[y.sub.rj+1] - [y.sub.rj]]/[[y.sub.Ti] - [y.sub.rj]] (8)
4. Go to the next original trajectory function i = i + 1.
5. Steps 1-4 are repeating until the final goal will be reached.
6. Then straight line orientation angle of the x-axis against can
be calculate [14]
[A.sub.Lj] = arctg [[[y.sub.rj+1] - [y.sub.j]]/[[x.sub.rj+1] -
[x.sub.j]]] (9)
7. Calculate piezorobot rotation angle for each power actuator,
when the piezorobot is rotating clockwise [15]
360[degrees] + [[gamma].sub.c]([[alpha].sub.j]) - [A.sub.Lj]
[equivalent to] [[theta].sub.c1] (mod360) (10)
and counter clockwise
360[degrees] + [[gamma].sub.c]([[alpha].sub.j]) - [A.sub.Lj]
[equivalent to] [[theta].sub.c2] (mod360) (11)
where [[gamma].sub.c] are angles between each piezoelectric
actuator and x axis, c is piezoelectric actuators number.
8. Piezorobot turning angle will be [[theta].sub.min] =
9. By this value place in the matrix [theta] can be determined turn
direction (by column number) and which power actuator must be active to
move on (by row number).
10. Go to the next straight line coordinates j = j + 1.
11. Recalculating [[alpha].sub.j] ([[theta].sub.min]).
12. Steps 7-11 are repeated until all piezorobot rotating angles
are found.
After the completion of the tangents algorithm is available the
following data: coordinates of the motion ([x.sub.r]; [y.sub.r]),
activated contact numbers (c), size of the rotation angle ([theta]),
rotation direction (D). These data can be used in piezorobot control
Numerical experiment results are shown in Fig. 8 and in Table 5.
Other numerical experiment results with different trajectories are shown
in Figs. 9 and 10.
6. Conclusions
Results of numerical modeling and simulation of piezoelectric
actuator of upper traveling wave type is presented and analyzed in this
In numerical modeling part modal and harmonic analyses were
performed, domination coefficients, eigenfrequencies calculated,
elliptical trajectories of the contact point motion presented.
Elliptic trajectories of the four arbitrary points of the top
surface of the actuators were calculated and travelling wave
oscillations were shown.
Experimental studies confirmed that travelling wave oscillations
were obtained on the top surface of the actuator.
This work has been supported by Research Council of Lithuania,
Project No. MIP-122/2010.
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R. Bansevicius *, G. Kulvietis **, D. Mazeika **, A. Drukteiniene
**, A. Grigoravicius **
* Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio 11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Received April 12, 2011
Accepted October 12, 2012
Table 1
The properties of the material used for modeling
Material property Piezoceramics PZT-8
Jung modulus N/[m.sup.2] 8.2764 x [10.sup.10]
Puason coefficient 0.33
Density kg/[m.sup.3] 7600
Dielectric permittivity x [[epsilon].sub.11] = 1.2;
[10.sup.3]F/m [[epsilon].sub.22] = 1.2;
[[epsilon].sub.33] = 1.1
Piezoelectric matrix x [[epsilon].sub.13] = -13.6;
[10.sup.-3] C/[m.sup.2] [[epsilon].sub.23] = -13.6;
[[epsilon].sub.33] = 27.1;
[[epsilon].sub.42] = 37.0;
[[epsilon].sub.52] = 37.0
Table 2
The detailed measurement of geometric parameters
Measurement of cylindrical actuator
R/h = 0.5 R/h = 1 R/h = 1.5 R/h = 2
Outer radius R, m 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
Inner radius r, m 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125
Height h, m 0.03 0.015 0.01 0.0075
Table 3
Trajectories dependencies of rotation
of major axis are given when used schemes
Fig. 2 to generate traveling wave
kHz Angle (deg) by x axis
1 2 3 4
23.4 22.43 84.4 22.3 64.14
35.4 78.81 84.47 81.48 81.29
48.8 70.44 85.06 75.71 68.28
Angle (deg) by y axis
1 2 3 4
23.4 79.7 23.54 81.06 22.7
35.4 70.37 61.14 70.82 62.76
48.8 80.86 79.33 87.14 71.49
Table 4
Trajectories dependencies of the ratio
major and minor axis are given when the
schemes in Fig. 2 are used to generate
traveling wave
kHz Ratio by x axis
1 2 3 4
23.4 5.82 2.22 5.18 1.82
35.4 5.73 2.68 4.39 2.07
48.8 5.27 2.06 3.92 1.69
Ratio by y axis
1 2 3 4
23.4 1.55 2.46 1.52 2.23
35.4 1.83 2.33 1.82 2.37
48.8 1.55 2.29 1.44 2.43
Table 5
Piezorobot control data
j c [THETA], o [D.sup.*] [x.sub.r] [y.sub.r]
1 1, 2, 3 39.7354 2 0 1
2 3 0 0 0.5723 0.78869
3 1, 2, 3 34.0234 1 0.5723 0.78869
4 3 0 0 0.96018 0.2491
5 1, 2, 3 26.6327 1 0.96018 0.2491
6 3 0 0 1 0
7 1, 2, 3 30.6562 2 1 0
8 1 0 0 0.78869 -0.5723
9 1, 2, 3 34.0234 1 0.78869 -0.5723
10 1 0 0 0.2491 -0.96018
11 1, 2, 3 26.6327 1 0.2491 -0.96018
12 1 0 0 0 -1
13 1, 2, 3 29.3437 1 0 -1
14 1 0 0 -0.57231 -0.78869
15 1, 2, 3 34.0234 1 -0.57231 -0.78869
16 1 0 0 -0,96018 -0,24915
17 1, 2, 3 26.6327 1 -0.96018 -0.24915
18 1 0 0 -1 0
19 1, 2, 3 30,6562 2 -1 0
20 2 0 0 -0.78869 0.5723
21 1, 2, 3 34.0234 1 -0.78869 0.5723
22 2 0 0 -0.24915 0.96018
23 1, 2, 3 26.6327 1 -0.24915 0.96018
24 2 0 0 0 1
* 1-clockwise, 2-counterclockwise
Fig. 5 The influence of geometric parameters on eigenfrequencies
when geometric parameters proportions
0.5 59136
1 88604
1.5 107613
2 129220
Note: Table made from line graph.