Thermal state and hydrodynamics of evaporating hydrocarbon droplets. 1. A possibility of natural circulation of the liquid in the droplet/Garuojanciu skysto angliavandenilio laseliu termine busena ir hidrodinamika. 1. Savaimines skyscio cirkuliacijos kilimo galimybe.
Miliauskas, G. ; Talubinskas, J. ; Adomavicius, A. 等
1. Introduction
In boilers, internal combustion engines and rocket engines liquid
fuel (generally liquid hydrocarbons or their mixtures) is combusted in
the sprayed form. Droplet evaporation speed is one of the factors
essentially influencing the efficiency of the combustion process. The
evaluation of evaporation speed using direct measurements in the flaming
torch is very complicated. Thus, a lot of theoretical droplet
evaporation research methods have been developed and applied [1-3]. A
wide range of heat and mass transfer process research tasks with the
experimentally determined values of the critical Rayleight criterion for
the spherical water volume [4] in sprayed liquid systems is reflected by
a variety of possible research methods. All these methods have a common
starting point--the modelling of the evaporated liquid droplet, usually
known as the "droplet task". The "droplet task" is
integrated and consists of "internal" and "external"
tasks. Both of them depend on multiple heat and mass transfer processes
in the droplet and its surroundings. Their peculiarities should be taken
into account when the mathematical models for the "droplet
task" are being prepared. Generally, in the "external droplet
task", heating of the droplet by thermal convection and radiation
simultaneously needs to be evaluated. Thus its model includes heating
and evaporation models. The correlation between the processes of heat
convection and radiation in the gases surrounding the droplet is
negligible, so both processes can be described independently. The
influence Stefan's hydrodynamic flow has on the speed of droplet
evaporation and intensity of heating by convection, however, can not be
neglected. When evaporation models are based on the methods of
similarity theory, the influence of Stefan's hydrodynamics flow on
droplet's evaporation speed is evaluated by the Spalding mass
transfer parameter [B.sub.M] function [Sh.sub.m] [equivalent to]
Shf([B.sub.M]) [2, 5, 6]. In analytical models of the Stefan
hydrodynamic flow, the influence on the speed of droplet evaporation is
evaluated by logarithmic function of liquid vapour pressure difference
between the surface and the surroundings of the droplet [7, 8].
The influence Stefan's hydrodynamic flow has on the intensity
of the evaporating droplet heating by convection is evaluated by
multiplying the convective solid particle heating criterion by the
Spalding heat transfer corrective coefficient [B.sub.T] function. The
corrective function in the models of equilibrated evaporation of a
droplet, heated by convection is based on the classical expression of
Spalding's heat transfer parameter. Equilibrated evaporation is the
case when all heat transferred to the droplet from its surroundings is
used up to evaporate the liquid. In the case of combined heating of the
droplet, the surrounding heat transfer by radiation must be taken into
account. When nonequilibrated evaporation processes are being modelled,
the intensity by which the liquid inside the droplet is being heated
needs to be evaluated [6, 8]. Because of that, some additional modelling
problems and tasks typical to the "internal droplet task" are
necessary to be solved. One of these problems is that the heat transfer
inside of the droplet is combined. The correlation between heat transfer
by conduction, convection and radiation in the liquid can not be
neglected. Modelling of these interactions is made more complicated by
the need to take spectral radiation characteristics of semitransparent
liquid absorption and light's optical effects on the surface of the
droplet into account. These effects are assessed in the spectral
radiation models [8-11]. They are effective in the case of integrated
heat transfer inside of the droplet by thermal conductivity and
radiation. However, the use of such models when heat convection in the
liquid occurs is a very delicate matter. That leaves the problem of
stability assessment in the droplets of evaporating liquid. Spontaneous
circulation in the nonisothermal liquid droplets may be the effect of
Archimedes forces, while forced circulation inside of the droplet can
cause friction on the surface of it when the speed of the moving droplet
is different than that of the surrounding gasses. Thus, when the heating
and evaporation of the fuel droplet is being modelled, the hydrodynamic
conditions inside of it should be evaluated.
A liquid gravitational film forms on the channel's surface
when a two-phase flow flows in it [12]. The interaction between the
liquid film and steam, in turn, changes the course of condensation [13].
In order to model heat and mass transfer processes "droplet"
and "film" models should be aggregated. The fluid hydrodynamic
regime problem is relevant to both of them. Therefore, the hydrodynamic
stability evaluation received in the "droplet task" is
essential to the development of a complete two-phase flow and heat
exchange model.
In this paper, the results of modeling of liquid n-decane unsteady
temperature evaporated droplet heated by radiation are presented. The
simulation results of spontaneous circulation are summarized by
Rayleight's criterion. The possibility of spontaneous circulation
in a nonisothermal hydrocarbon droplet was evaluated by comparing the
results of modelling with experimental data of symmetrical heating of
spherical water volume [4].
2. Research methodology
The intensity of heat and mass transfer in the system of gas and
dispersed liquid droplets is determined by the processes of transfer
inside and outside of the droplets. Heating of the droplets influences a
number of phenomenons, including the liquid self-circulation caused by
changes of the density. The intensity of natural circulation inside of
the liquid droplet can be expressed by the criterion of Rayleight which
is calculated by multiplying Grashof's and Prandtl's criteria
[Ra.sub.l] = [Gr.sub.l][Pr.sub.l] (1)
The criterion of Grashof takes into account Archimedes forces
acting in the nonisothermal droplet and the Prandtl criterion assesses
the peculiarities of liquid physical properties
[Gr.sub.l] = [beta][gl.sup.3]/[v.sup.2][DELTA][T.sub.l]; [Pr.sub.l]
= v/a (2)
Before Grashof's and Prandtl's criteria can be
calculated, the geometric shape of the analysed volume and temperature
distribution in it should be taken into account. The assumption that the
spherical droplet is being heated symmetrically has to be made (Fig. 1).
In this case, heating a droplet by heat flux from its surroundings is
uniform on the whole surface of it and can be expressed by this equation
[q.sup.+.sub.[SIGMA]]([tau]) = [Q.sup.+.sub.[SIGMA]]/A([tau])
[equivalent to] [Q.sup.+.sub.c]([tau]) +
[Q.sup.+.sub.r]([tau])/4[pi][R.sup.2]([tau]) (3)
The time dependant temperature field of warming droplet is uniquely
determined by the droplet radial coordinates and the time function
T(r,[tau]), which must satisfy the condition of the droplet temperature
field symmetry center-wise
The symmetrically heated droplet temperature range can be defined
by the difference of temperature between the surface and center of the
[DELTA][T.sub.l]([tau]) [equivalent to] [T.sub.R]([tau]) -
[T.sub.c]([tau]) (5)
In this way, the droplet characteristic dimension in Grashof's
criterion is the droplet radius: l [equivalent to] R([tau]).
Physical properties of the liquid in Prandtl's criterion are
selected according to the nonisothermal droplet mass average temperature
Rayleigh's criterion for the symmetrically heated spherical
liquid droplet is described as
[Ra.sub.l,m]([tau]) [equivalent to]
[v.sub.m]([tau])[a.sub.m]([tau])[DELTA][T.sub.l]([tau]) (7)
The function T([eta],[tau]) of the temperature field of the heated
droplet can be expressed as an infinite integral equations line [6]
Until functions f ([eta],[tau]) and [f.sub.n]([tau]) are defined,
expression (8) is formal and the temperature field of the droplet can
not be calculated. The specific shape of the functions f([eta],t) and
[f.sub.n]([tau]) is obtained when the initial conditions are formulated
and appropriate assumptions about physical properties of the liquid are
selected [8, 14, 15].
When defining the function [f.sub.n]([tau]), the following must be
taken into account: the droplet surface temperature variation rate, the
absorbed radiation heat flux and the initial distribution of
droplet's temperature
When defining the function f([eta],[tau]), the droplet surface
temperature [T.sub.R]([tau]), of the selected control point in time
([tau] [equivalent to] t), and the potential impact of the initial
temperature distribution [T.sub.0]([eta]) is evaluated [14]
f ([eta],[tau]) [equivalent to]
[T.sub.0]([eta])[[T.sub.R](t)/[T.sub.R,0]] (10)
For the initial state of isothermal droplet f([eta],[tau])
[equivalent to] [T.sub.R]([tau]).
The change of temperature on the surface of the evaporating droplet
is determined by the heat flux affecting it. Assuming that the transfer
processes are quasistationary, it is stated that the instantaneous speed
of unsteady heat and mass transfer processes corresponds to the
stationary processes, which take place in the selected instantaneous
boundary conditions. Because of that, the function [T.sub.R]([tau]) of
the aforementioned droplet surface temperature can be defined on the
heat flux balance condition
In Eq. (11) the vapour mass flux density on the surface of the
droplet is defined by the expression [7]
while the gradient of temperature in the droplet is found by
differentiating expression (8)
The local radiation flow in the semitransparent droplet is
calculated by [8] methodology. The function [T.sub.R]([tau]) for
temperature on the surface of the droplet is determined by iterative
calculations. The fastest descent method was used for heat flux balance
on the surface functional (11).
For the calculation of droplet's evaporation dynamics, the
effect of phase transformations on the droplet surface and the impact
caused by thermal expansion of the heated liquid on the change of
droplet's size are taken into account by the following equation
[[rho].sub.l]([tau])[d[R.sup.3]([tau])/d[tau]] =
[R.sup.3]([tau])[d[[rho].sub.l,m]([tau])/d[tau]] -
3[R.sup.2]([tau])[m.sub.v]([tau]). (14)
2. Research results
Higher saturation temperature is typical to hydrocarbons with
longer chain molecules [16]. Until the droplets of such liquid will
reach the state of equilibrium conditioned by evaporation, more
favorable conditions for higher temperature gradients inside the droplet
will be reached [17].
For the analysis discussed in this paper, n-decane, a widely
applied fuel in liquid fuelled rockets was used. Warming and evaporation
of a droplet of this fuel's are simulated in different cases of
heating. Heating conductivity is modelled supposing that the droplets
are carried out by a dry airflow without slipping. In case of combined
heating, the black body with outside air temperature was stated as
radiation source.
Disregarding the method of heating, in the initial stage of
intensive droplet warming, a sufficient non-stationary temperature field
inside of the droplets is observed (Fig. 1). In Fig. 2 the
aforementioned time dependent temperature field is represented by the
surface of the droplet, the centre of mass and the average mass
The evaporation time and thermal state of the droplet depends on
the size of it (Fig. 3, a). Therefore, real-time scale analysis of heat
and mass transfer parameters of the dispersed liquid droplets of various
sizes is quite tricky. A dimensionless form is convenient for analysing
the unsteady temperature field
T(r,[tau]) [equivalent to] [bar.T]([eta],Fo)
where [bar.T] [equivalent to] T([eta],Fo)/[T.sub.0,l] [eta]
[equivalent to] r/R(Fo), Fo [equivalent to]
When the temperature for the sprayed liquid and its surroundings is
known and partial steam pressure is defined, then the function
[bar.T]([eta],Fo) is the same for all conductively heated droplets [18].
When time is expressed as a Fourier criterion, temperature of the
droplet surface, its centre and the average mass temperature
[[bar.T].sub.x](Fo) are independent from the diameter of the droplet
(Fig. 3, b).
In the initial stage of droplet evaporation, the different rate of
heating on the surface and the central part of the droplet may cause
significant differences of temperature between them (Fig. 4). However,
at the initial stage of droplet evaporation, the method of heating does
not have significant influence on the temperature difference between the
surface and the centre of the droplet [DELTA][bar.T] [equivalent to]
[[bar.T].sub.R] - [[bar.T].sub.C] (Fig. 5).
Initially temperature in the surface layer changes much more
intensively than in the centre (Fig. 4). While heating rate of the
droplet surface declines consistently, warming rate of the central layer
accelerates until reaching its peak. After that, the temperature
difference between the surface and the centre of the droplet begins
decreasing. From this moment, thermal conditions inside the droplet are
heavily influenced by the method by which it is being heated (Fig. 5).
The thermal conditions are distinctive to the size of the droplet when
it is being heated conductively and presented in a real time scale (Fig.
6, a), but when time is expressed by the Fourier criterion, its
distribution is universal (Fig. 6, b). Therefore,
[DELTA][[bar.T].sub.k+r](Fo) deviation from the conductively heated
droplet universal [DELTA][[bar.T].sub.k](Fo) curve in the case of
combined heating shows the influence of radiation and droplet's
size (Fig. 5).
For smaller than 100 micrometres n-decane droplets the radiation
influence is negligible, but for large droplets with a diameter larger
than 500 micrometers, the influence of radiation is quite strong. The
absorbed radiation flux inside of them causes the overheating of the
inner droplet layers and creates preconditions for the occurrence of a
negative temperature field gradient. This causes the second
[DELTA][bar.T](Fo) peak observed in larger droplets of n-decane (Fig. 5,
4, 5 curves).
The change of temperature field causes changes in the liquid
droplet density, which brings Archimedes forces into effect. At the
initial stage of the evaporation process, the increase of Archimedes
forces is highlighted by Rayleight's criterion, which, in this
case, reaches its peak (Fig. 7).
The internal circulation inside the droplets caused by Archimedes
forces begins if Rayleigh's criterion reaches a critical value
[]. According to experimental results of the natural
circulation of water in spherical volume [4] values of [] are
highly dependent on heating conditions. In the case of symmetric
heating, the critical value of the Rayleigh's criterion for water
is about two thousand, but when it is heated asymmetrically it is equal
to a few hundred [4]. Diameter of the volume was taken as a
characteristic dimension in the criteria when experimental data was
summarised [4]. In expression (7) for symmetric heating of a fuel
droplet the droplet's radius was taken as characteristic dimension.
Therefore, for the thermal state assessment of the n-heptane droplet
from the point of view of liquid self-circulation possibility
[] of few hundred was stated.
The size of a droplet and the temperature gradient are the key
elements that affect the possibility of Archimedes forces to influence
heat transfer inside the droplet. While heating rate of the droplet
surface layer slows down, and the rate of heating of central layers
increases, the temperature field gradient inside of the droplet
decreases. The change in the aforementioned factors influences the
effect of Archimedes forces to sharply decrease (Fig. 7). Along with
rising temperature, the evaporation process intensifies and the size of
the droplet decreases rapidly (Fig. 8).
3. Conclusions
1. The thermal state of the liquid hydrocarbon droplet changes
during evaporation. The peculiarities of this change are influenced by
the method of droplet heating, droplet diameter and liquid fuel
molecular weight.
2. A numerical study of the n-decane droplet heating and
evaporation showed that in the case of heating the droplet conductively,
the thermal state change expressed using Fourier's criterion is
universal and can be stated with typical droplet surface, centre and
average mass temperature describing curves.
3. When time is expressed by Fourier's criterion, other
conductively heated droplet heat and mass transfer parameters can be
described and presented in a non-dimensional form. In the case of
combined droplet heating, a deviation in the heat and mass transfer
parameters regarding universal curves obtained from conductive heating
helps evaluate how the radiation affects them.
4. According to the results of the provided numerical investigation
of evaporating pure hydrocarbon n-decane droplet thermal conditions, it
is clear that Archimedes forces in high molecular weight hydrocarbon
droplets caused by internal temperature gradient are insufficient to
cause spontaneous fluid circulation in the common for thermal
technologies range of droplet size.
5. The temperature difference between the surroundings of the
droplet and the droplet itself affects the thermal and hydrodynamic
state of the evaporating hydrocarbon droplet. Therefore it is important
to investigate the process of droplet evaporation in different initial
temperature conditions of the droplet and its surroundings.
A--droplet surface area, [m.sup.2]; a--thermal diffusivity,
[m.sup.2]/s; [B.sub.M]--Spalding mass transfer number;
[B.sub.T]--Spalding heat transfer number; [c.sub.p]--specific heat,
J/(kgK); Fo--Fourier number; Gr--Grashof number; L--latent heat of
evaporation, J/kg; l--characteristic dimension, m--vapour mass flux
density, kg/(s x [m.sup.2]); n--number of the term in infinite sum;
q--heat flux density, W/[m.sup.2]; p--pressure, Pa; R--radius of the
droplet, m; r--coordinate of the droplet, m; Ra--Rayleigh number;
Nu--Nusselt number; T--temperature, K; [beta]--thermal volumetric
expansion coefficient, [K.sup.-1]; [eta]--droplets dimensionless
coordinate; [lambda]--thermal conductivity, W/(m K); [rho]--density,
kg/[m.sup.3]; [tau]--time, s.
Subscript: c--heating by convection; g--gas; f--phase
transformation; k--conductive; l--liquid; m--mass average; r--heating by
radiation; R--droplet surface; 0--initial state; [infinity]--far from a
Superscript: m--modified; + --external side of droplet surface; -
--internal side of droplet surface.
Received May 11, 2011
Accepted April 12, 2012
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G. Miliauskas, Kaunas university of technology, K.Donelaicio 20,
44239 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
J. Talubinskas, Kaunas university of technology, K.Donelaicio 20,
44239 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: _julius.
[email protected]
A. Adomavicius, Kaunas university of technology, K.Donelaicio 20,
44239 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
E. Puida, Kaunas university of technology, K.Donelaicio 20, Kaunas,
LT-44239, Lithuania, E-mail: epuida@ktu. lt 10.5755/j01.mech.18.2.1573