Study on crack extension of the AC layer of CRC+AC composite pavement/Plysio plitimo CRC+AC grindinio kompozito sluoksnyje tyrimas.
Li, Sheng ; Liu, Zhaohui
1. Introduction
The early damage of the asphalt pavements of our country is very
serious, and the service life of the asphalt pavement of the expressway
is shorter than the designed purpose frequently. Therefore, it is urgent
to improve the durability of the road works as well as promote the rapid
and better development of the domestic transportation business. And, the
continuously reinforced concrete and asphalt composite pavement (CRC+AC)
is featured by high integral structure strength, superior driving
comfort, long service life, and low maintenance cost, which is deemed as
the development direction of the long-life asphalt pavement structure of
the heavy-load transportation expressway [1-3]. Furthermore, the
traditional road works analysis program can't solve the mechanical
response problem of the composite pavement structure under the
conditions of the CRC layer with cracks as well as fail to simulate the
singularity of the stress and displacement field near the crack tip.
Currently, there are few studies on the crack extension of the CRC+AC
composite pavement d at home and abroad, especially, there is no study
on the surface and base temperature-type cracks of the AC layer.
The paper, based on the fracture mechanics, elastic multilayer
theory, and other fundamental theories, are applied with the finite
element method and stress intensity factor to describe the crack
extensions, establish the relationships among the stress intensity
factor, structural layer thickness, modulus, crack length, and crack
extension period, and study the crack mechanism of the AC layer of the
CRC+AC composite pavement as well as the influence factors of the crack
extension strength of the AC layer under the effects of the load and
temperature as well. And, the study results can be made as the reference
basis of the rational design of the CRC+AC composite pavement.
2. Relevant theory and model parameters
It shall be guaranteed that the pavement structure design has
sufficient fatigue lives, which are composed of four stages of the crack
generation, microcrack extension, macrocrack extension, and final
fracture [4]. And, the crack extension has its own uncertain factor, and
the crack generation and crack extension occupy the main part.
According to opinions of the fracture mechanics [5-7], the crack
extension has 3 kinds of displacement modes: open mode (type I),
shearing mode (type II), and tearing mode (type III). As it is hard to
obtain the analytic solution of the stress intensity factor for the
actual engineering problems, the finite element method is applied for
the numerical calculation generally.
2.1. Relevant theory
Concerning the plane crack shown in the Fig. 1, the origin of
coordinates O is selected to be located at the crack tip. the r and
[theta] refer to polar coordinates, x, y refers to the rectangular
coordinates, u, and v refers to the displacement component x direction
and y direction, respectively.
And, the stress intensity factor can be defined by the
corresponding stress field and displacement field [8]
[[sigma].sub.rr] = [[K.sub.1]/[square root of 2[pi]r]] cos
[[theta]/2] (1 - sin [[theta]/2] sin [3[theta]/2]) - [[K.sub.11]/[square
root of 2[pi]r]] sin [[theta]/2] (2 + cos [[theta]/2] cos [3[theta]/2])
[[sigma].sub.y] = [[K.sub.1]/[square root of 2[pi]r]] cos
[[theta]/2] (1 + sin [[theta]/2] sin [3[theta]/2]) + [[K.sub.11]/[square
root of 2[pi]r]] sin [[theta]/2] cos [[theta]/2] cos [3[theta]/2] (2)
[[tau].sub.xy] = [[K.sub.1]/[square root of 2[pi]r]] cos
[[theta]/2] sin [[theta]/2] cos [3[theta]/2] + [[K.sub.11]/[square root
of 2[pi]r]] cos [[theta]/2] (1 - sin [[theta]/2] sin [3[theta]/2]) (3)
u = [[K.sub.1]/4G][square root of [r/2[pi]]][(2[chi] - 1) cos
[[theta]/2] - cos [3[theta]/2] + [[K.sub.11]/4G] [square root of
[r/2[pi]]] [(2[chi] + 3) sin [[theta]/2] + sin [3[theta]/2]] (4)
v = [[K.sub.1]/4G][square root of [r/2[pi]]][(2[chi] + 1) sin
[[theta]/2] - sin [3[theta]/2] - [[K.sub.11]/4G] [square root of
[r/2[pi]]] [(2[chi] - 3) cos [[theta]/2] + cos [3[theta]/2]] (5)
where G is shearing modulus, G = E/[2(1 + [v.sub.e])], E is
expresses modulus of materials, [v.sub.e] is expresses Poisson's
ratio of materials. x = [3 - [v.sub.e]]/[4 + [v.sub.e]] (plane stress),
x = 3 - 4[v.sub.e] (plane strain).
The power method is applied in FEM software ABAQUS For definition
of [K.sub.I] and [K.sub.II].
The prediction of fatigue life for pavement structure can be
acquired by calculation of two stages, namely the crack generation and
crack extension. We can use Paris formula to predict the crack
propagation life of [N.sub.p].
[N.sub.p] = [[integral].sup.C1.sub.C0] [1/A[([increment of
K]).sup.n]] dc (8)
where [increment of K] is stress intensity factor variation, A, n
is the material fracture parameters, (asphalt mixture with A = 3.5 x
[10.sup.-6], m = 3); C0 is initial crack length; C1 is critical crack
length, traffic loads usually adopts the structural layer thickness.
Because the pavement structure is assumed to be linear elastic
model, so in the absence of external loads, pavement structure without
stress field, of course, pavement crack stress intensity factor is 0, so
the equation [increment of K] can be directly used to calculated
pavement crack stress intensity factor.
Based on the Eq. (8), we can calculate the pavement crack fatigue
life, namely the load cycle number.
2.2. Calculation model and parameters
The AC layer is with the thickness h = 8 cm, elastic modulus E =
1200 MPa, and [v.sub.e] = 0.3. The CRC layer is with the thickness h =
20 cm. When the [empty set] 16 mm deformed steel bar is used as the
longitudinal bar, the reinforcement ratio [[rho].sub.1] = 0.6%.When the
[empty set]10 mm deformed steel bar is used as the transverse bar, the
reinforcement ratio [rho] = 0.1%. And, the steel bar is set as the 1/2
place of the CRC layer, which is with the concrete modulus E = 2.9 x
[10.sup.4] MPa, [v.sub.e] = 0.167, and coefficient of linear expansion
of 1.0 x [10.sup.-5]. The steel bar is with the modulus E = 2.0 x
[10.sup.5] MPa, [v.sub.e] = 0.28, and coefficient of linear expansion of
9.5 x [10.sup.-6].The base material is the cement-stabilized macadam,
which is with the thickness h = 20 cm, elastic modulus E = 1.0 x
[10.sup.3] MPa, and Poisson's ratio of 0.25. The sub-grade modulus
is 50 MPa, and [v.sub.e] = 0.4.
3. Study on the load-type crack extension
No matter the type II stress intensity factor [K.sub.II] is
positive or negative; the crack extension will make contributions.
Therefore, the calculation results of the paper will take the absolute
value of the [K.sub.II]. During the crack extension layer, under the
effect of the shearing type stress intensity factor, the crack extension
will make some angle changes. However, in the condition of the one-time
driving load effect, it can be assumed that the crack is of the vertical
and upward extension. In the paper, when the ratio between the crack
length and the asphalt layer thickness is 0.5, it is defined as the
medium term of the crack extension. Considering that the influence of
the structural layer thickness and the modulus to the crack extension is
not related to the crack extension period. Unless otherwise specified,
the calculation results in the paper refer to the stress intensity
factor in certain extension period (medium term of the crack extension).
3.1. Study on the load-type crack extension of the AC layer surface
It is intended to completely analyze the crack extension of the AC
layer surface under the deviatoric load effect, calcualte and analyze
the relationships among the stress intensity factor [K.sub.II] of the
type II, crack extension period, crack length (length of the crack along
the vertical depth direciton of the pavement), structural layer
thickness, and modulus, as well as study the influence factor and
impacting the crack extension of the AC layer surface.
3.1.1. Analysis on the impact of the crack extension length and the
structural layer thickness on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 3 that, under the effect of the
deviatoric load, [K.sub.II] increases to the peak value and slowly
reduces along with the constantly downward extension of the crack. When
the surface crack extends downwards to the place where the surface layer
is with the thickness of about 0.6, the extension strength will be the
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 4 that, when the crack length is
kept fixed, the thicker the AC layer is, the distance between the crack
tip and the CRC layer support is farther, and the extension strength is
larger. When the AC layer thickness is increased by 1cm, the crack
extension strength will be increased by 3.5% approximately. However, as
the extension path will also be increased, the increased AC layer
thickness will delay the time required by the surface crack to run
through the AC layer. It can be seen from the Fig. 4 that such delay
effect is much larger than the effect caused by the increased extension
3. It can be seen from the Fig. 5 that, in certain extension
period, with the increased AC layer thickness, the distance between the
crack tip and the CRC layer will increase too. Accordingly, the
extension strength will be linearly increased and the extension path
will be increased as well. The influence relationship between the
increased extension strength and extension path and the crack extension
of the AC layer surface is that: the delay effect of the increased
extension path to the crack extension is 2-3 times of the increase
effect of the increased strength factor.
4. It can be seen from the Fig. 6 that, as the impact of the CRC
layer thickness on the crack extension strength of the type II crack of
the AC layer surface is minor; the impact of the base thickness on the
type II crack extension strength of the surface can be neglected.
Therefore, no calculation will be made in the paper.
3.1.2. Analysis on the modulus impact on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 7 that, the increased modulus of
the AC layer will increase the [K.sub.II] value, however, the influence
is minor.
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 8 that, the modulus of the CRC
layer will not impact the type II crack extension strength of the
surface fundamentally. Accordingly, it is not necessary to consider the
impact of the modulus of the base and soil base on the crack extension
strength of the surface.
In the CRC+AC composite pavementstructure, transverse cracks of the
CRC layer will appear in the AC layer base due to the concentrated
stress. In addition to the above, under the effect of the exterior
factor, cracks will constantly develop upwards. Finally, reflection
crack will appear, which will seriously impact the durability of the
CRC+AC composite pavement. Accoridngly, it is significant to study
factors and affecting the crack extension of the AC layer base.
3.2.1. Analysis on the impact of the crack extension length and the
structural layer thickness on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 9 that, under the effect of the
deviatoric load, the strength factor [K.sub.II] of the crack extension
of the AC layer base will increase along with the upward extension of
cracks, and the increase amplitude of the [K.sub.II] of the crack
extension in the later stage is obviously larger than that in the
earlier stage.
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 10 that, when the crack length is
kept fixed, the increased thickness of the AC layer will reduce the
crack extension strength. In addition to the above, along with the
increased extension path, the increased AC layer thickness will delay
the time required by the surface crack to run through the AC layer.
3. It can be seen from the Fig. 11 that, in certain extension
period, with the increased AC layer thickness, the extension strength of
cracks will be linearly increased and the extension path will be
increased as well. The influence relationship between the increased
extension strength and extension path and the crack extension of the AC
layer base is that: the delay effect of the increased extension path to
the crack extension is 4-6 times of the increase effect of the increased
strength factor.
4. It can be seen from the Fig. 12 that, as the impact of the CRC
layer thickness on the crack extension strength of the type II crack of
the AC layer base is minor; the impact of the base thickness on the type
II crack extension strength of the base can be neglected. Therefore, no
calculation will be made in the paper.
3.2.2. Analysis on the modulus impact on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 13 that, the increased modulus of
the AC layer will increase the [K.sub.II] value. However, the influence
is minor. Along with each additional 200 MPa of the modulus, the
strength factor [K.sub.II] of the base crack extension will be increased
by 4% approximately.
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 14 that, the modulus of the CRC
layer will not impact the type II crack extension strength of the base
fundamentally. Accordingly, it is not necessary to consider the impact
of the modulus of the base and soil base on the type II crack extension
4. Study on the temperature-type crack extension
The temperature-type crack of the AC layer is mainly composed of
the open mode (type I). Along with the temperature changes, the
temperature gradient has been formed in the CRC+AC composite pavement
structure. Owing to the effect of the temperature gradient, certain
temperature stress will be generated inside the structural layer. And,
the asphalt mixture is a kind of typical temperature sensitive material,
under the long-term effect of the temperature stress, the
temperature-type crack will appear in the AC layer of the CRC+AC
composite pavement, which will extend along the crack tip. The extension
strength can be shown by the stress intensity factor [K.sub.I].
Currently, the domestic design theories and methods concerning the
composite pavement are insufficient [9], and there are few studies on
the crack extension of the CRC+AC composite pavement at home and abroad.
Therefore, the paper will study and analyze the extension strength of
the temperature-type crack of the AC layer surface by applying the
finite element method.
It is intended to completely analyze the crack extension of the AC
layer surface under the temperature effect, calcualte the max. stress
intensity factor [K.sub.I] of the CRC+AC composite pavement under the
continuous temperature change conditions, establish the relationships
among the stress intensity factor [K.sub.I], crack extension period,
crack length, structural layer thickness, and modulus, and study the
influence factors of the crack extension of the AC layer surface as
4.1. Analysis on the impact of the crack extension length and the
structural layer thickness on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 15 that, under the effect of the
temperature, the [K.sub.I] will increase along with the downward
extension of cracks, and the increase amplitude of the [K.sub.I] of the
crack extension in the earlier stage is obviously larger than that in
the later stage.
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 16 that, when the crack length is
kept fixed, the thicker the AC layer is, and the extension strength is
smaller. In addition to the above, along with the increased extension
path, the increased AC layer thickness will delay the surface crack
3. It can be seen from the Fig. 17 that, when the extension period
is kept fixed, along with the increased thickness of the AC layer, the
surface crack extension strength will be of small changes. However, as
the extension path will also be increased, the increased AC layer
thickness will delay the temperature-type crack extension of the
4. It can be seen from the Fig. 18 that, as the impact of the CRC
layer thickness on the temperature-type crack extension strength of the
AC layer surface is minor, the impact of the base thickness on the
temperature-type crack extension can be neglected, and therefore, no
calculation will be made in the paper.
4.2. Analysis on the modulus impact on the crack extension
The above calculation results show that:
1. It can be seen from the Fig. 19 that, the increased modulus of
the AC layer will linearly increase the [K.sub.I] value of the
temperature-type crack of the AC layer surface. Along with each
additional 200 MPa of the modulus, the base crack extension strength
will be increased by 18% approximately.
2. It can be seen from the Fig. 20 that, the modulus of the CRC
layer will not impact the temperature-type crack extension strength
fundamentally. Accordingly, it is not necessary to consider the impact
of the modulus of the base and soil base on the temperature-type crack
extension strength of the AC layer surface.
5. Conclusions
As the fatigue life of the AC layer of the CRC+AC composite
pavement is depended on the service life of the crack extension stage,
the study on the crack extension of the AC layer can be made as the
reference basis of the rational design of the CRC+AC composite pavement.
The main study conclusions of the paper are as follows:
1. Under the effect of the deviatoric load, the surface load-type
crack of the AC layer will increase to the peak value and slowly reduces
along with the constantly downward extension of the crack. When the
surface crack extends downwards to the surface layer thickness of about
0.6, the extension strength will be the maximum. The strength factor
[K.sub.II] of the crack extension of the AC layer base will increase
along with the upward crack extension, and the increase amplitude of the
[K.sub.II] of the crack extension in the later stage is obviously larger
than that in the earlier stage.
2. The load-type crack extension strength of the AC layer will
linearly increase or slightly reduce along with the increased thickness
of the AC layer. However, as the increased thickness of the AC layer
will increase the extension path and delay the crack extension, and such
delay effect is much larger than the effect caused by the strength
factor changes. Obviously, the increased thickness of the AC layer will
delay the load-type crack extension of the AC layer, especially the
load-type crack extension of the AC layer base.
3. The impact of the thickness of the CRC layer on the load-type
crack extension strength of the AC layer is minor; the impact of the AC
layer modulus on the load-type crack extension strength of the AC layer,
and the modulus of other structural layers doesn't impact the
load-type crack extension strength of the AC layer fundamentally.
4. The [K.sub.I] value of the temperature-type crack of the AC
layer surface will increase along with the constantly downward extension
of cracks, and the increase amplitude of the [K.sub.I] of the crack
extension in the earlier stage is obviously larger than that in the
later stage.
5. The temperature-type crack extension strength of the AC layer
will reduce along with the increased thickness of the AC layer. And the
extension path will be increased along with the increased thickness of
the AC layer. Obviously, the increased thickness of the AC layer will
reduce and delay the temperature-type crack extension of the AC layer.
6. The thickness of the CRC layer doesn't impact the extension
strength of the temperature-type crack of the AC layer surface
7. Along with the increased modulus of the AC layer, the [K.sub.I]
value of the temperature-type crack will linearly increase, and the
modulus of the CRC layer, base and soil base doesn't impact the
temperature-type crack extension strength of the AC layer fundamentally.
Through the above-mentioned calculation and analysis, we find out
that, under the deviatoric load effect, the AC layer mainly shows the
type II open mode. However under the temperature effect, it mainly shows
the type I open mode. Accordingly, under the coupled load and
temperature effects, the crack extension strength has no changes
fundamentally, and no further calculation and analysis will be made
This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant No. 51178062 and No.51038002, and by
Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Special Environment Road Engineering of
Hunan Province under Grant No. kfj110401.
Received March 23, 2011
Accepted March 08, 2012
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Sheng Li, Zhaohui Liu
Key Laboratory of Special Environment Road Engineering of Hunan
Province, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha
410004, China, E-mail:
[email protected] 10.5755/j01.mech.18.2.1559