Analytical model for the investigation of RC slab behaviour under impact load/Impulsinio smuginio poveikio veikiamos gelzbetonio plokstes tyrimo analizinis modelis.
Dorosevas, V. ; Vaiciunas, J.
1. Introduction
The interaction problem of reinforced concrete (RC) slab with shock
impact load leads to more or less efficient methods for solving the
motion equation, for example using mathematical model based on the
approach derived in HEMP-3D by Wilkins [1] and used of the
three-dimensional Lagrange processor in the explicit dynamics
capabilities of ANSYS [2]. There are carried out studies for ballistic
regimes [3, 4] but need investigations for low velocity situations,
which is of most relevance to civil engineering structures. This paper
describes investigations of the impact behaviour of RC slabs, subjected
to falling weight loads, using analytical model. The main objective of
the present study is to find the way to analytically determine
displacements of RC slab impacted by falling impactor and analysis of
the dynamic processes of reinforced concrete structures under low
velocity impacts. The created technique and obtained results of the
analytical calculation were compared to the results of numerical
calculation from finite element analysis carried out using ANSYS.
2. The analytical model
Interaction of the analytical model of RC slab with an impactor is
based on the mathematical model derived by calculation displacements of
particles of RC slab under drop-weight impact load in the Cartesian
system of axis. The analytical model of interaction of RC slab and an
impactor for calculating displacement is shown schematically in Fig. 1.
We shall suppose that:
* RC slab is a homogeneous elastic body;
* impactor is absolutely rigid and in equilibrium;
* reinforced concrete density [rho], elasticity modulus E,
Poisson's ratio v and a shear modulus G are known;
* characteristics of RC slab strength and geometric measurements
are known;
* rate of external surface force, i.e. drop-weight impact load is
* external volume forces (i.e. reinforced concrete mass) are
Thus we have a heterogeneous system of physical and mechanical
parameters of the two body surfaces. We shall analyze the displacements
of the RC slab material point, coming through the impact of drop weight
and dependence of displacements on the impact load location and
The structural model was set up in which the four corners of RC
slab are fixed. The aim is to calculate the displacement of reinforced
concrete points under the impact of drop weight in the known place.
3. Mathematical model
The resulting displacements have been analysed in the Cartesian
system of axis and mathematical model is based on Hamilton principle
Let's suppose that displacements in Ox direction are u, in Oy
direction--v, in Oz direction--w in the Cartesian system of axis.
Displacements u, v and w are to be found for the boundary conditions:
* displacements of RC slab particles u = 0 at the x = [+ or -] a;
* displacements of RC slab particles v = 0 at the y = [+ or -] a;
and in for the case of initial conditions:
* u = v = w = 0 displacements of the RC slab particles of the
initial instant t = 0 are equal to zero. Let's suppose that
separation functions are
u = Uq ; v = Vq ; w = Wq (1)
where U = U(x, y, z); V = V(x, y, z); W = W(x, y, z); q = q(t) .
Functions U, V and W are selected according to the boundary
conditions, i.e. they should fit for the body presented in Fig. 1.
m[??] + kq = F (2)
where [bar.Z] is external surface force; S is integration area,
i.e. the surface part subjected to external surface forces.
Let's suppose that RC slab impacted by falling impactor is
shown schematically in Fig. 1. Applying the principle of work and energy
to each point A and O the obtained velocity [v.sub.O]
[v.sub.O] = [square root of 2gh] (6)
Applying the principle of impulse and momentum to each point A and
O the obtained impulse is
In this case, Eq. (5) can be rewritten
Thus, in order to find q, we have to solve the integral
differential equation
where [tau] is impulse duration.
In this case, the integral differential Eq. (10) is solved
approximately by means of the iteration method, for example of the fifth
Coefficients of the chosen function U, V and W can be found using
Galiorkin method [6]
Knowing m, k, U, V, and W we can calculate approaches for finding
the approximate value q according to the Eq. (11) and displacements of
RC slab particles
[u.sub.i] = U[q.sub.i]; [v.sub.i] = V[q.sub.i]; [w.sub.i] =
W[q.sub.i] (13)
Hereby presented, this theoretical study allows to solve
approximately integral differential Eq. (10) and to calculate
displacement of the material point of RC slab under the action of
4. Numerical examples
In order to determine the adequacy of the created analytical model,
the numerical test was done and the obtained results of the theoretical
modeling can be compared to the modeling with ANSYS ones [7]. All
geometrical and material parameters of the analytical model were
selected as in the real experiment [5]. For this case taking into
account the model of a RC slab for displacement analysis (Fig. 1), the
geometrical values a = 0.4 m, b = 0.1 m and h = 2 m. Let's suppose
that [rho] = 2314 kg/[m.sup.3], E = 11250 MPa, v = 0.2.
Thus functions U, V and W are selected on the basis of the boundary
conditions, i.e. they should fit for a room presented in Fig. 1.
U = [([a.sup.2] - [x.sup.2]).sup.3] [([b.sup.2] + [a.sup.2]).sup.2]
(x[a.sup.4] + [k.sub.1]x[y.sup.2][z.sup.2])/[a.sup.15] (14)
V = [([a.sup.2] - [y.sup.2]).sup.3] [([b.sup.2] + [a.sup.2]).sup.2]
(y[a.sup.4] + [k.sub.2]y[x.sup.2][z.sup.2])/[a.sup.15] (15)
W = 1/[a.sup.15] ([a.sup.2] - [x.sup.2])([a.sup.2] -
[y.sup.2])[([a.sup.2] + [z.sup.2]).sup.2] x [([b.sup.2] +
[a.sup.2]).sup.2] ([a.sup.3] + [k.sub.3][z.sup.3]) (16)
All parameters for the calculation of Eqs. (14)-(16), (2) and (3)
are shown in Table 1.
The numerical examples of analytical model were done in the
different place of RC slab presented in Fig. 2.
In order to determine the adequacy of the created analytical model,
the model of ANSYS was done and compared with experimental test [7].
Taking into account principal scheme where is displacements of the point
calculation (Fig. 2), the obtained results of the analytical and
numerical tests in different point of calculation are presented below in
Fig. 3 and shows that numerical and analytical by calculated
displacement of the point approach one-to-one and in a certain moment of
time are equals.
After beyond of this value, calculated displacement of the point
becomes different. It can be explained by time factors in the numerical
model and numbers of iterations in the analytical model. The modelling
with ANSYS using explicit time integration is limited by the CFL
(Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy) condition [8]. This condition implies that the
time step is limited so that a disturbance (stress wave) cannot travel
further than the smallest characteristic element dimension in the mesh,
in a single time step. Thus the time step criteria for solution
stability is
[increment of t] [less than or equal to] f[[[h/c].sub.min]] (17)
where [increment of t] is the time increment, f is the stability
time step factor (0.9 by default), h is the characteristic dimension of
an element, c is the local material sound speed in an element.
The modelling using analytical model and obtained results adequacy
is limited by approximation level which depends of iteration number in
solving Eq. (10). For example 8th iteration is presented in Eq. (18) and
is more unwieldy, but it allows to calculating displacement with Eqs.
(10) and (13) of point about 0.2 x [10.sup.-6] s longer time duration of
the shock. It should be noted that RC slab interaction under impact load
time duration depends of iteration number of Eq. (10) and must be
consider. The accuracy of analysis using analytical method depends of
time factors in the calculations and is more suitable for RC slab
interaction under very short impulse.
The numerical and analytical solutions of point displacement are
approximately equal, for example in this case (Fig. 3, a, b, c) inside
of interval of 1.4 x [10.sup.-5]/1.8 x [10.sup.-5] s.
5. Conclusions
The proposed and developed 3D analytical method allows the
interaction analysis of RC slab with impact load. The analytical method
with properly chosen duration time of impact load enables:
1. to calculate approximately the displacements of RC slab
particles appeared under impact at a specific place;
2. to create precondition for evaluating dynamical influence on RC
slab quality.
Received July 29, 2011
Accepted April 12, 2012
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V. Dorosevas, Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty Civil
Engineering and Architecture, Studentu 48, 51367 Kaunas, Lithuania,
[email protected]
J. Vaiciunas, Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty Civil
Engineering and Architecture, Studentu 54, 51367 Kaunas, Lithuania,
[email protected] 10.5755/j01.mech.18.2.1571
Table 1
Parameters for the calculation
Parameters Value
[k.sub.1] -282.621
[k.sub.2] -282.621
[k.sub.3] 1.2789
m 77.862
k 5.19 x [10.sup.11]