Vibration characteristics of periodic structure with micro octagon-like unit cell/Periodines konstrukcijos su astuonkampiu mikroelementu svyravimo charakteristikos.
Mei, Yulin ; Wang, Xiaoming ; Wang, Xiaofeng 等
1. Introduction
Nowadays, periodic composites and structures with damping
performances have been widely applied to engineering fields, such as the
mechanical field, aerospace industry or electronic industry and so on.
Developed composite damping structures indicate that various damping
requirements can be met through simple composition of several damping
materials. However, a set of systemic and effective theories and
methods, which can guide the design, have not come into being yet [1].
Recently, researches on vibration characteristics of periodic composites
and structures have attracted many attentions around the world [2]. In
the early 50 s, composite damping structures made of viscoelastic materials have been studied. In China, the study about this started in
the 70 s [3]. One of the light composite structures is called periodic
truss sandwich structure, which is considered as the most promising
internationally [4]. The lattice sandwich structure is introduced by
professor Evans and the others recently. It looks like a spatial
latticed truss structure, and it has many kinds of topological
structures including tetrahedron, pyramidal and diamond [5]. The length
of truss is usually 10 ~ 100 mm [6]. It has many excellent properties
such as light weight, energy absorption, noise reduction and so on. Wang
Haiqiao et al. reviewed the status of various damping materials and
discussed advanced damping materials and advanced damping technology
[7]. Chae-Hong Lim et al. studied the fabrication of sandwich panels
with periodic cellular metal cores and discussed its mechanical
performances [8]. Ragulskis, K. et al. investigated vibration
characteristics of a three-layered polymeric film, in which the upper
and lower layers are stiff and do not deform in the transverse
direction, while the internal layer can deform in the transverse
direction [9]. Vaicaitis, R et al. studied nonlinear dynamic response
and vibration control capabilities of Electrorheological materials based
adaptive sandwich beam [10]. Mei et al. researched the damping
characteristic of composite material with periodic microtruss structure
[11, 12].
In this paper, we establish two periodic structure models with
micro octagon-like unit cell: one is with a heavy sphere in the unit
cell, another is without the sphere. By analyzing and comparing the
vibration characteristics of the two models, it can be concluded that
the damping characteristics of the model with a heavy sphere in the unit
cell is better; meanwhile, properly choosing the weight of the sphere
can make the band-gap starting frequency and cut-off frequency drop
sharply and the band gap range be come wider, in this way, the effect of
vibration alleviation can be improved much better within a given
frequency range.
2. Theory
Damping characteristics are related to dynamic loads, and dynamic
loads usually contain harmonic load, impact load, sudden load, and
random load. In this paper, the harmonic load is used, which can provide
the continuous dynamic performances or damping characteristics of
structures in accordance with load frequencies. Generally, the
technology to analyze structures under harmonic load is called as
Harmonic Analysis in literature.
In order to build the computational models, Finite Element Method
(FEM) is applied to discretize the structure. After discretizing the
computational models, assembling element matrixes and applying boundary
conditions, the dynamic equations of the structure can be found, which
governs the vibration of the structure. Here, it is assumed that M, C
and K stand for structural mass matrix, structural damping matrix and
structural stiffness matrix and that b, x be used to denote the harmonic
load vector, and harmonic nodal displacement vector, respectively.
For the sake of simplicity, matrix A is defined as
A = K - [[omega].sup.2]M + i[omega]C (1)
where [omega] is circular frequency, i is imaginary unit. According
to the theory of FEM for structure analysis, matrix K, M, C, thus A can
be supposed to be symmetric matrixes.
Thus, x satisfies the following complex linear equation with
symmetric matrix A
Ax = b (2)
For every given load frequency f or circular frequency [omega], all
the nodal complex displacement in the structure, which describes the
amplitude and phase of nodal vibration, can be obtained by solving Eq.
2. In this study, Eq. 2 is solved by the preconditioned conjugate
gradient method [13], which is applicable to solve system of large scale
complex linear equations. The method is described simply as follows:
1. give initial value [x.sub.0] and allowable tolerance [epsilon];
2. compute [r.sub.0] = b - A[x.sub.0], [z.sub.0]= [Jacobi.sub.n]
([A.sup.- 1][r.sub,0],
[p.sub.1] = [z.sub.0], [[??].sup.0] = [r.sup.*.sub.0], [[??].sub.1]
= [r.sup.*.sub.0];
3. iterate for subscript k to compute
4. if ([??],[z.sub.k])/([??],[z.sub.0]) < [epsilon], output
[x.sub.k], otherwise k = k + 1 and go to step 3.
where [z.sub.k] = [Jacobi.sub.n] ([A.sup.-1][r.sub.k]) means to use
Jacobi iterative method to solve linear equations A[z.sub.k] =
[r.sub.k], and the iterative number is n, and superscript * stands for
complex conjugate operator.
3. Numerical examples
In order to study the vibration characteristics of periodic
structure with micro octagon-like unit cell, two models are established
A. Model 1--periodic structure model without a sphere in the
octagon-like unit cell
The model is a cube with periodic micro octagon-like structures, as
shown in Fig. 1, a. Fig. 1, b is the micro octagon-like structure, which
is the unit cell of the model. In the unit cell, each edge is a rod with
70.7 mm length and cross-sectional area 25 [mm.sup.2], which is assumed
to be made of aluminium with density [rho] = 2800 kg/[m.sup.3], modulus
of elasticity E = 7E+10 Pa and Poisson's ratio v = 0.3; and all the
other areas are filled with rubber, which parameters are density [rho] =
1000 kg/[m.sup.3], modulus of elasticity E = 5E+6 Pa, Poisson's
ratio v = 0.47 and damping loss factor 0.05.
During the simulating process, the displacement excitation is
applied to the central point on the top surface of the model. We
simulate displacement transfer function frequency curves of some
observation nodes, which are chosen from the top surface to the bottom
surface of the model, as shown in Fig. 2, here node No. 0 is the central
point of the top surface, to which a harmonic excitation is applied. The
simulation results are illustrated in Fig. 3, where the two coordinate
axes of the rectangular coordinate system are frequency and displacement
transfer function, respectively. The displacement transfer function is
expressed in the form of 20 log ([U.sub.o]/[U.sub.1]), where [U.sub.o]
is the displacement of node No. 0, and [U.sub.i] is the displacement of
the other observation nodes. In Fig. 3, a, curve 1, curve 2 and curve 3
stand for displacement transfer function-frequency curves of nodes No.
1, No. 5 and No. 10, respectively. In Fig. 3, b, curve 1, curve 2 and
curve 3 denote the simulation results of nodes No. 10, No. 15 and No.
20, respectively.
B. Model 2--periodic structure model with a sphere in the
octagon-like unit cell
Encouraged by the fact that dynamic damping systems possess high
damping characteristics, we further modify the first model. A sphere is
applied to the center of every unit cell, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
Here, the sphere acts as the mass ball of a mass-spring system, and the
rubber acts as the spring of the mass-spring system. The sphere is 0.15
kg. The displacement transfer function-frequency curves of the chosen 5
nodes are illustrated in Fig. 5. Here, Fig. 5 , a is the simulation
results of the nodes No. 1, No. 5 and No. 10, and Fig. 5, b is the
simulation results of the nodes No. 10, No. 15 and No. 20.
4. Discussion
A. Comparison between model 1 and model 2
By comparing the simulation results of model 1 in Fig. 3 with the
results of model 2 in Fig. 5, we can conclude that model 2 has the
better performances of energy absorbing and shock absorption. In this
section, the displacement transfer function-frequency curves of the two
models are compared in Fig. 6. Here, Fig. 6, a-c are simulation results
of nodes No. 9, No. 10 and No. 11, respectively, and curve 1 is for
model 1 and curve 2 is for model 2.
B. Comparison among model 2 with different weight sphere in unit
I have concluded that model 2 has the better performances of energy
absorbing and shock absorption. However, whether can the weight of the
sphere affect the vibration characteristics of the structure?
In this section, we offered three numerical examples of model 2
with different weight spheres in unit cell, and the simulation results
are compared in Fig. 7. Here, Fig. 7, a-c are simulation results of
nodes No. 9, No. 10 and No. 11, respectively; and curve 1 is for sphere
= 0.05 kg, curve 2 is for sphere = 0.15 kg and curve 3 is for sphere =
0.25 kg. By analyzing the vibration characteristics of the three
numerical examples, we can find out that when the sphere is a little
heavier, the band-gap starting frequency and cut-off frequency can drop
sharply, the band gap range can become wider, and the effect of
alleviation of vibration can be better. It demonstrates that suitably
choosing the weight of the sphere can further improve the effect of
vibration alleviation of the structure.
5. Conclusions
We build two periodic structure models: one is with a sphere in the
micro octagon-like unit cell, another is without the sphere. By
comparing and analyzing, we can draw the conclusions.
1. The periodic structure model with a sphere in the micro
octagon-like unit cell has the advantage of vibration alleviation;
2. When the weight of the sphere in the unit cell is chosen
properly, the band-gap starting frequency and cutoff frequency can drop
sharply, the band gap range can become wider, and the effect of
vibration alleviation can be improved much better within a given
frequency range. 10.5755/j01.mech.18.1.1285
This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 50875030, No. 10872039) and Great Research Scheme of National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90816025) as well as Program
for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China (No. 050284).
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Xiaoming Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Peng Liu
Yulin Mei, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning,
116024, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Xiaoming Wang, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning,
116024, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Xiaofeng Wang, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning,
116024, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Peng Liu, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning,
116024, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Received February 17, 2011
Accepted February 02, 2012