Fiber Bragg grating sensors--based mechanical structure damage identification/Pluostinis tinklinis Braggo jutiklis mechaniniu konstrukciju pazeidimo vietos nustatymui.
Liu, Mingyao ; Zhou, Zude ; Tan, Yuegang 等
1. Introduction
Localized damages to a mechanical structure affect the structural
safety, reliability and operational life. Therefore the prediction,
detection and monitoring of damages in structures has been the subject
of intensive investigation. Displacement--related indexes (natural
frequency or mode shapes) are not sensitive to local damage because they
reflect structural global changes. Localized damage always contributes
to stress/strain concentration around the damage areas according to the
Theory of Elastic Mechanics, hence the strain--related damage
identification methods have received more and more attention for decades
[1-4]. Yam et al. [5, 6] have given some comparative sensitivity
analysis of several strain--related damage identification indicators,
the results of their works shows that strain frequency response function
(SFRF) index is the simplest and most effective one and easy to be
realized in practical applications.
Local damage is tiny and in unknown location. Therefore, the
prerequisite of successful damage identification by strain--related
index depends on accurate measurements of strain field in structure,
which requires strain transducers extensively used. However, traditional
strain gage has a problem of trivial wiring, and electric transducer is
vulnerable to electromagnetic interference. Capoluongo et al. [7]
demonstrates the capability of modal analysis and damage detection by
fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, have tested and verified the
superiority of FBG sensor's application in structural health
monitoring over other transducers (strain gage and accelerometer). The
most advantages of FBG sensors are reduced dimensions combined with the
intrinsic capability to measure several parameters simultaneously; the
high resistance to corrosion and fatigue, good compatibility with most
advanced composite materials exploited in the aeronautic and aerospace
field, immunity to electromagnetic interference, the wide bandwidth
operation and an excellent multiplexing capability. These
characteristics make FBG sensors easy to carry out distributed sensing
network strain field measurements in mechanical structures.
In this work, a SFRF--based index adapted to FBG distributed strain
field measurement is proposed. Then finite element numerical analysis
and experimental tests are implemented to verify the feasibility of this
damage index.
2. Damage identification index based on SFRF
Since frequency response function parameter can provide much more
information on the desired frequency range than modal data, and SFRFs
are verified as effective for estimation of damage location and severity
in structure. Initially, the strain frequency response function
[H.sup.[epsilon]] at point i due to the excitation j can be expressed as
[H.sup.[epsilon].sub.ij]([omega]) =
[[psi].sup.[epsilon].sub.i][[LAMBDA].sup.- 1][[PHI].sub.j] (1)
where [psi].sup.[epsilon].sub.i], [[LAMBDA].sup.-1], [[PHI].sub.j]
are the i-th row of the strain mode shape matrix, the displacement
transfer function and the j-th column of the displacement mode shape
matrix, respectively. Yam, Li and Wong [5] have given the SFRF index
with the consideration of damage severity which can be expressed as
where [alpha] is a value of damage severity, [[omega].sub.k] and
[[??].sub.k] are the natural frequency respectively for the intact and
defective case, [H.sup.[epsilon].sub.ij] and [[??].sup.[epsilon].sub.ij]
are respectively strain frequency response function between points i and
j of the intact structure and the damaged case. L is the number of
frequencies in the desired frequency range, and [r.sub.n] is the number
of nodes in one element.
For a certain [alpha], damage location can be identified from the
peaks of [beta]([alpha]). For a varying, [beta]([alpha]) is a function
of [alpha] at the detective area. Yam investigated the sensitivity of
that index through numerical analysis, no experiment tests according to
which were given. In Yam' s method, the frequency response function
of each node in each element must be calculated, that is not suitable
for practical test. Hence, in this work another similar form index is
given for the strain measurement by FBG sensing
3. FBG distributed sensing
The principle of FBG sensing is the changes of strain, temperature
or other physical quantity around gratings make grating cycle or the
refractive index of fiber core variation, consequently the wavelength of
grating's Bragg signal shifts. So any change of the physical
quantity can be obtained from the shift of FBG wavelength.
The variation of the grating cycle [LAMBDA] or the effective
refractive index of fiber core [n.sub.eff] can lead to the shift of FBG
Bragg wavelength. Their relationship can be expressed as
[[lambda].sub.B] = 2[n.sub.eff][LAMBDA] (4)
By neglecting the temperature effect, the shift of Bragg wavelength
caused by the change of stress or strain can be written as
[DELTA][[lambda].sub.[epsilon]] =
(1-[p.sub.e])[epsilon][[lambda].sub.B] = K[epsilon][[lambda].sub.B] (5)
where [p.sub.e] is elastic--optic coefficient, [[lambda].sub.B] is
the wavelength without strain affecting, [epsilon] is the axial strain,
K is relative strain sensitivity coefficient of FBG,
[DELTA][[lambda].sub.[epsilon]] is the strain change caused by the
wavelength shift. Usually, K is a constant value when the material of
FBG is selected. For example, K of molten quartz fiber material is
0.784, if wavelength of grating is 1.312 [micro]m, by Eq. (5) the
wavelength shift caused by the unit axial strain of FBG is 1.03 pm.
In this work wavelength division multiplexing technique has been
adopted for FBG distributed sensing. A schematic illustration for FBG
distributed sensing measuring system is shown in Fig. 1. From this
picture, in an optic fiber FBG sensors with different Bragg wave--length
are connected one by one, broadband light source is emitted from a super
light emitting diodes (SLED) system to a coupler, then to FBG sensors,
and each grating reflects a narrowband light wave back with unique Bragg
wavelength. From the reflected light, the wavelength shift quantity of
each grating can be detected by wavelength demodulation system.
According Eq. (5), the strain at each grating can be acquired from
wavelength shift quantity every point. Then the strain field along this
fiber can be obtained from the wavelength shift of gratings.
4. Numerical analysis
In many areas of engineering applications such as aerospace,
automotive, civil and mechanical engineering, plate--like structures are
widely used as an important structural component. Consider a simply
supported plate (a x b x h, divided into 100 rectangular elements) with
defective areas occurring at the surface as shown in Fig. 2. The
structure for numerical analyses is the same as experiment test samples,
and four--corner are all constrained. And defect is simulated by
reducing the thickness of the damage areas shown in Fig. 2. The
dimensions of the plate and the defective area are 500 x 500 x 3 mm and
50 x 50 x [h.sub.c] mm, ([h.sub.c] is the thickness of damaged area),
respectively. A sine force F = 100 sin ([omega]t+[pi]/4) N is imposed on
the geometric center of the plate as exciting force. The x--direction
strain of each point (where marks "x") in the plate in
frequency domain are acquired for the intact and damaged conditions, and
the difference between these cases is calculated and processed using the
finite element analysis by commercial soft--ANSYS.
For an illustration of sensitivity estimation using the SFRF index
[[beta].sub.sfrf], assume that only one damage occurring at area A1 with
the reduction of thickness (Fig. 2). The numerical analysis results show
that almost no change to the natural frequency after damaged (for an
example, the 1-st natural frequency shifts from 50.302 Hz to 50.286 Hz).
The SFRF amplitude of 1-st natural frequency shows little change, the
2-st one is taken for analysis. Set the reduction thickness of area A1
to be 0.1 mm, and consider the frequency range from 144 Hz to 184 Hz,
the [[beta].sub.sfrf] index of every point marked can be calculated
using Eq. (3), then the results are plotted in Fig. 3.
One significant peak at A1 is observed form Fig. 3, and the
sensitivity of the SFRF to damage is confirmed by the accurate
identification of damage location. To illustrate severity estimation
performance of the SFRF index, the structure with single damage at A1
with depth changing from 0.3 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm to 2.5 mm is taken for
analysis, the values of [[beta].sub.sfrf] index for these four cases are
3.011, 3.801, 5.512 and 8.134. With quartic curve fitting, the tendency
of [[beta].sub.sfrf] vs the severity of damage is plotted in Fig. 4,
based on the curve the severity can be estimated from the figure by
taking a value of [[beta].sub.sfrf] index.
For simulating multi--damage states, the other two cases are set,
there are two damaged areas at A1 and A2 that is one case, and three
damaged areas appear at A1, A2 and A3 that is the other case. The
results of the two cases are plotted in Fig. 5, which shows that the
SFRF index can also be adequate to identify multi--damages.
5. Experimental test
In order to verify the effectiveness of the SFRF index for the
damage identification, experimental tests using steel plate was
conducted. The structure is the same as the model in Fig. 2. The intact
plate was firstly tested, then the damaged one with a hole milled in the
location of L3 in Fig. 7, the diameter of the hole is 20 mm. Fig. 6
shows the experimental setup used for testing. A sinusoidal signal was
generated and amplified by a vibration analyzer system (B&K 7700
PULSE), then drive a modal exciter (B&K 4824), and a force was
imposed vertically on the center of the plate. An optic fiber grating
signal demodulation device (MOI Sm130-700) was taken for FBG signal
acquisition. The strain responses in x direction were sensed by seven
FBG sensors naked adhered on the plate (three at L1, L2 and L3, three at
L4, L5 and L7, and one at L6 in Fig. 7).
The plate was excited by harmonic sweep frequency force, for
example, when 10 N harmonic force of 60 Hz was use, the FBG response in
time--domain is shown in Fig. 8. The SFRF amplitude of 60 Hz can be
obtained by calculating the ratio between the peak values of Fourier
form of the wavelength response and the time domain force, similarly
other SFRF amplitudes in the sweep frequency range can be obtained,
connecting all the SFRF amplitude points into line makes the strain
frequency response function curve.
The SFRF curves received from FBG at L3 was plotted in Fig. 9 from
68 Hz to 110 Hz, among which there is a natural frequency 78 Hz (the
intact case), the natural frequency of damage case (85 Hz) shifted for
nearly 5 Hz, the reason must be the irreversible changes caused by the
milling process for damage simulation. Substituting the SFRF of intact
and damaged structures into Eq. (3) consider SFRF index value of the
point considered.
Fig. 10 shows the histogram of SFRF index at measuring locations.
The SFRF index [[beta].sub.sfrf] achieves its maximum at L3 which is the
damage location. Peaks of [[beta].sub.sfrf] also appear at locations L1
and L2, the reason were that they were close to the damaged area. From
the discussion above, obviously, [[beta].sub.sfrf] index is a sensitive
parameter for damage location identification. And the strain field can
be well measured by FBG distributed sensing network.
6. Conclusion
1. FBG distributed sensing is suggested to apply to strain field
measurement of mechanical structure. Experimental tests results show
that this technique is convenient and effective for mechanical
structural health monitoring.
2. Based on strain frequency response function, a damage
identification index [[beta].sub.sfrf] adapted to FBG strain sensing is
3. From numerical analysis results, the proposed [[beta].sub.sfrf]
index is quite sensitive to local damage, and can discern multi--damage
in one structure. Also, the relationship curves between the damage
severity and the SFRF index can be used for damage severity
4. From the results of [[beta].sub.sfrf] index calculated from SFRF
of measurement points, it is verified that the index [[beta].sub.sfrf]
is an accurate and effective damage identification indicator for
practical application. 10.5755/j01.mech.18.1.1291
This project was financially supported by the State Key Program for
National Natural Science of China (Grant No. 50935005) and
self-determined and innovative research funds of Wuhan University of
Technology (Grant No. 2010-ZY-JD-011).
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Mingyao Liu, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070 Wuhan, China,
[email protected]
Zude Zhou, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070 Wuhan, China,
[email protected]
Yuegang Tan, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070 Wuhan, China,
[email protected]
An Ling, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070 Wuhan, China,
[email protected]
Menglong Ke, Wuhan University of Technology, 430070 Wuhan, China,
[email protected]
Received March 15, 2011
Accepted January 11, 2012