Attitude control of small unmanned four-rotor helicopter based on adaptive inverse control theory/Keturiu rotoriu mazo bepilocio sraigtasparnio padeties kontrole remiantis adaptyviaja inversine kontroles teorija.
Jin-song, Li ; Xi, Cao
1. Introduction
Small unmanned four-rotor helicopter (four-rotor) is a kind of
noncoaxial, multirotor, dished vehicle with vertical take off and
landing (VTOL) ability. Due to the complexity, strong coupling and
sensitivity effects on the environment of four-rotor's dynamic
model, the controller must have high quality of robust and adaptive.
According to these requirements, a lot of control theory have been
proposed, including Backstepping [1], LQG [2], ADRC [3] and adaptive
sliding mode [4]. This paper propose a new method that applying the
adaptive inverse control (AIC) theory to attitude stabilization control.
The AIC theory uses output difference of real object and its co-input
model to drive the inverse model. This model can generate a filtered
noise and interference. And the ultimate input is the difference between
previous one and this filtered signal.
Sections 2-3 construct the experimental platform hardware and
dynamic model of four-rotor; Section 4 conducts the structure of AIC
controller; Section 5 gives the final result of applying AIC theory to
four-rotor attitude control experimental.
2. Experimental platform hardware system of four-rotor
The experimental platform for four-rotor is shown in Fig. 1.
The experimental platform has orthogonal glass-fiber pipes
structure, 4 Hi-Model brushless motors and 4 rigid plastic rotors. When
the rotors on X-axis rotate clockwise, the other rotors on Y-axis will
rotate counterclockwise simultaneously so that the anti-torque can be
cancelled out. In the process of flight control, changing the speed of
all rotors equally at the same time will cause the up-and-down motion of
the four-rotor. Increasing the speed of one rotor meanwhile equally
decreasing the one belongs to the same group (each two rotors on the
same axis is called a group), the pitch and rolling motion can be
accomplished. In addition, the yaw motion will be genera-ted by
increasing the speed of one group while decreasing the speed of the
The hardware of this system consists of power unit, inertia
measurement unit (IMU), airborne GPS navigation and positioning unit,
wireless communication unit, height measurement unit, motor speed
measurement unit and embedded microcontroller unit. The detailed devices
of each module are shown in Table.
3. Dynamic model of four-rotor
Two coordinate systems are set up to describe the dynamic model of
four-rotor, which are shown in Fig. 2.
E(X, Y, Z) is an absolute ground coordinate system which relatives
to a stationary reference point. The center of frame, says O, is chosen
as the origin. The velocities and displacements of the four-rotor are
measured in this system. And the body coordinate system B(x, y, z) is a
system whose origin is the geometric center of four-rotor. The pitch
angle [theta], roll angle [phi] and travel angle [psi] (Euler attitude
angles) are described in this system.
According to Newton-Euler equation [5-8], we can get
where m is the mass of model; [F.sub.x], [F.sub.y], [F.sub.z], are
the components of the lift force belong to each axis. Air resistance is
assumed to be proportional to the speed of model, with a coefficient
[k.sub.1]. Therefore, [k.sub.1][??], [k.sub.1][??], [k.sub.1] is the air
resistance which is opposite to the speed vector. Furthermore, there is
a relationship as shown in Eq. (2)
where [F.sub.1], [F.sub.2], [F.sub.3], [F.sub.4] are the lift
forces of each rotor, which are proportional to square of rotation
speed; [A.sup.BE] is defined as a transfer matrix between body
coordinate system and the inertia one. Rearrange Eqs. (1) and (2), the
displacement dynamic equation can be described by Eq. (3)
Similarly, the angular velocities p, q, r can be described by Euler
angels [psi], [phi], [theta] which is shown in Eq. (4)
According to Newton-Euler equation, we can get
where l is the distance from the center of the model to the center
of any of the rotors (the action point of lift force); [lambda] is a
scale factor between z axis torsional torque and the lift force;
[I.sub.x], [I.sub.y], [I.sub.z] are the rotating moments of the
four-rotor reference to axis x, y, z, respectively. Therefore,
([I.sub.y] - [I.sub.z])qr, ([I.sub.z] - [I.sub.y])rp, ([I.sub.x] -
[I.sub.y])pq reflect of the gyroscopic effect of the model; and
[-I.sub.R]q ([-[omega].sub.1] + [[omega].sub.2] - [[omega].sub.4] +
[[omega].sub.3], [-I.sub.r]P([- [omega].sub.1] + [[omega].sub.2] -
[[omega].sub.4] + [[omega].sub.3] the gyroscopic effect of the rotors.
In order to take further derivation, some more variables are
defined: [u.sub.1] is defined as the sum of [F.sub.1], [F.sub.2],
[F.sub.3], [F.sub.4]; [u.sub.2] is the resultant moment of the rotors
which generate the roll angle, while [u.sub.3] is the resultant moment
of the rotors which generate the pitch angle; finally, [u.sub.4] is
defined as the travel moment due to adjusting the rotor speed, which is
proportional to the lift force. So there is a matrix
Taking [I.sub.x] = [I.sub.y] into consideration and neglecting the
gyroscopic effect of the rotors. Rearrange Eqs. (4)-(6), the dynamic
equations of the Euler angles can be described by Eq. (7)
Therefore Eqs. (3), (7) are the dynamic equations of the
4. Design of AIC controller
AIC is successfully utilized in many fields [9]-[13], and
especially suitable for the control objects having multivariable,
nonlinear, strong coupling and interference sensibility. The completed
structure of controller is shown in Fig. 3, which was in the published
paper of authors [14]. Under the ideal forward and inverse model
condition, the unique antiinterference structure can make the transfer
function, the ratio of output and the noise from sensors, approach to
zero. Which means the noise and interference can be effectively
restrained at the output [15, 16]. Due to this characteristic, the AIC
theory can be applied to antiinterference and attitude control of
According to the form of the dynamic equations, the flight control
of the four-rotor is divided into four independent channels. They are
roll angle control channel, pitch angle control channel, travel angle
control channel and height control channel. The structure of four-rotor
control system based on AIC is shown in Fig. 4.
Where AIC1, AIC2, AIC3, AIC4 is in roll angle, pitch angle, travel
angle and height control channel, respectively.
Least mean square (LMS) algorithm is a typical control algorithm of
AIC method. Since simulation results show that, for the model presented
in this paper, LMS algorithm has a slow convergence rate and easily
divergent. Therefore, N-LMS algorithm is used to identify the parameters
of the controller and the reference model. The iterative formula is
shown in Eq. (8)
[W.sub.k+l] = [W.sub.k] + [mu] [e.sub.k] [X.sub.k]/[[gamma] +
[[parallel] [X.sub.k][parallel].sup.2]] (8)
where [X.sub.k], [W.sub.k] and [e.sub.k] are the output vector of
filter, desired output, weight vector and error; [gamma] > 0 is a
positive, which is small enough to confirm the step is bounded; 1 >
[mu] > 0 is the weight coefficient. Taking the roll angle control
channel for example, the iterative formula is
[[[phi].sub.k+1] = [[phi].sub.k] + [mu][[phi].sub.k] /[[gamma] +
[[parallel][[ PHI].sub.k][parallel].sup.2]] (9)
Similar for the other three models, the rotation speed of the
rotors is described by Eq. (10).
The rotation speed of rotors is controlled by processor so that the
lift force, further the flight attitude, can be stabilized.
5. Attitude control experiment of four-rotor
In actual experiment, the length and width of Four-rotor are equal,
L = W = 0.54 m; height H = 0.15 m; l = 0.24 m; m = 0.725 kg. Sunplus
microcontroller SPMC75F2413 is used to generate the PWM to control the
brushless motor. The lift force is measured by high-accuracy electronic
balance (force sensor).
According to the measurement, the relationship between lift force F
and PWM can be described as shown in Eq. (11)
PWM = 1105 - 261 x F + 22.23 x [F.sup.2] (11)
Through three-line pendulum, the moment can be calculated by Eq.
J = [mga.sup.2]/4[[pi].sup.2]b [T.sup.2] (12)
where a is the distance from suspension line to body of four-rotor,
b is the length of suspension line. And T is the swing period.
Therefore, the rotating moment is obtained as
[I.sub.z] = [mga.sup.2]/4[[pi].sup.2]b [[T.sub.z.sup.2] = 0.0664 kg
[I.sub.x] = [I.sub.y] = [mga.sup.2]/4[[pi].sup.2]b
[[T.sub.xy.sup.2] = 0.0479 kg [m.sup.2]
where a = 0.512 m, b = 1.2 m, [T.sub.z] = 1.33 s, [T.sub.xy] =
0.777 s.
And the relationship of [u.sub.i] and [F.sub.i] are described by
Eq. (13)
Then combined with Eq. (11), [u.sub.1] ~ [u.sub.4] can be easily
calculated. Moreover, using these values [[omega].sub.i] can be obtained
by Eq. (10).
Setting [k.sub.1] = 2.703 x [10.sup.-4]. Then, at time 4 s, the
rotation speed of the rotors can be calculated as [[omega].sub.1] =
30.7667 r/s, [[omega].sub.4] = 31.1167 r/s, [[omega].sub.2] = 30.8167
r/s, [[omega].sub.3] = 30.8627 r/s, ([u.sub.4]/[lambda] = ([F.sub.1] +
[F.sub.4] - [F.sub.2] - [F.sub.3])/4 , [lambda] can be divided out so
that there is no value set for it).
And the values sampled by Hall sensors are [[omega].sub.1] =
30.6167 r/s, [[omega].sub.4] = 30.9267 r/s, [[omega].sub.2] = 30.7447
r/s, [[omega].sub.3] = 30.8627 r/s. The errors are in 0.5%, which meet
the requirement of the experiment. In this experiment, the average
values of these two o are used as the samples of rotation speed and a
desired result was obtained. Since the rotation speed has a great
influence on lift force, and the Euler angles. Therefore, the flight
attitude control can be accomplished by rotation speed regulation.
The control experiment was conducted on the platform, which was
proposed in Section 2. The initial state was: roll angle - 1.3 rad,
pitch angle - 1.3 rad and travel angle - 5.2 rad. In the process, all
these angles were turned to 0 rad. The stable attitude state of the
four-rotor is shown in Fig. 5.
In this experiment, the attitude is measured by IMU. Then, under
the control of ARM7, the sampled signals are transmitted to PC through
wireless module. After analyzing, the effect of AIC control can be
obtained and the input signal can be compensated by the feedback.
6. Conclusions
1. Though the experiment, it can be concluded that the steady-state
error of Euler angles, which is caused by the sensor noise can be
limited in a small interval by AIC method.
2. It also can show the robust of AIC method. Moreover, AIC is
proved to suitable for the control of the four-rotor which has the
requirement of stability and rapidity. 10.5755/j01.mech.18.1.1288
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Li Jin-song, Eng. Training Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Cao Xi, School of Electronic Information and Electrical
Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China,
[email protected]
Received March 23, 2011
Accepted February 02, 2012
Detailed devices of each module
Module Devices
GPS navigation Dagama SG-959
Wireless communication APC802-43
Height measurement URM05 (ultrasonic)
Rotor speed measurement Hall sensor
Central processor ARM7