Authenticity analysis of personal identity documents by the methods of holographic interferometry/Asmens tapatybe patvirtinancio dokumento autentiskumo tyrimai holografines interferometrijos metodais.
Greicius, S. ; Janusas, G. ; Vasiliauskas, R. 等
1. Introduction
New information technologies with increasing rate are entering into
our daily life, internet commerce and different payments are spreading
rapidly, more and more contracts are being signed by electronic
signatures. Nevertheless paper or other material-based documents (cash
banknotes, identity documents, acts of civil certificates, etc.) still
are and will be a very important and inevitable in our lives. Under such
regulative function of the documents, they are often counterfeited with
selfish motivation. The problem of falsification and counterfeiting of
the travel documents (mainly passports the Republic of Lithuania and
other countries) becomes of crucial importance at the border crossing
checkpoints where procedures of the document authenticity verification
is performed or in case the indicators of any possible falsification
methods are suspected the rapid decision on the right of the document
holder to cross the border should be made. The term "travel
documents" usually means common passports of the citizens. The
other documents which can be included into this group are passports of
foreign counties citizens, seaman's books, national personal
identity cards and other.
Inspection procedures of travel documents of the citizens from the
third countries usually take only a few minutes [1], therefore the role
of both the human factor and technical means and methods applied to
detect partial changes in a document or totally counterfeited document
in the phase of primary inspection becomes very important. The view of
border checkpoint workplace is presented in fig.1. Attention should be
paid to the fact that according statistics of the State Border Guard
Service more than 29 million citizens crossed the borders of the
Republic of Lithuania through border checkpoints in 2010-2012 year [2].
OF THE COUNCIL of 28 May 2009 amending Council Regulation (EC) No
2252/2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports
and travel documents issued by Member States is stated that Additional
technical specifications in accordance with international standards,
including in particular the recommendations of the International Civil
Aviation Organisation (ICAO), for passports and travel documents shall
be established--additional security features and requirements, including
enhanced anti-forgery, counterfeiting and falsification standards [3] At
Pan European High Security Printing Conferences which took place in the
years 2010 and 2011 [4, 5] the issues of document falsification and
counterfeit prevention and inspection were discussed and the latest
technological means for document protection were presented. Relevance of
the issue was also emphasised by Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania as
the Criminal and Administrative Offences Code amendments in which the
responsibility for counterfeit, possession, falsification of personal
identity documents (passports, personal identity cards, birth
certificates, certificates of employment, state social security
certificates, driving licenses and others) as well as for usage of such
falsification is defined. For illegal production, forgery or counterfeit
of passports, driving licenses and other identity documents, or usage
and possession of such false identity documents from now stiffer
penalties--arrest or imprisonment from four to six years are being
faced. Preparation of such amendments was stimulated by the growing
number of the cases of forgery of passports and other identity documents
in Lithuania as well as the fact that counterfeit and realisation of
such documents takes a business like character.
At present 188 countries of the world (ICAO members) have the
signed treaty on issuing Machine Readable Travel
Documents--MRP--passport which complies ICAO recommendations, the
requirements of ISO/IEC 7810:1995 and , ISO/IEC 7810:1995 standards [6].
MRP data page, which is the main object of falsification shall have the
following basic sizes: 88.0 [+ or -] 0.75 mm x 125.0 [+ or -] 0.75 mm.
MRP data page thickness including any final preparation (e.g. laminate),
shall be as follows. No minimum thickness is specified. However, states
are advised that currently available materials are unlikely to provide
an adequately robust data page if the thickness is below 0.15 mm.
Maximum thickness is 0.90 mm. Typical MRP data page (hereinafter--page)
produced in the majority of EU countries has the recommended structure
consisting of several polycarbonate foil layers and a layer of synthetic
material, e.g. teslin. Page of the passports produced in Republic of
Lithuania has analogous structure which is presented in Fig. 2. One of
the European manufacturers of polycarbonate foil used for the pages is
German company Bayer Material Science AG [7].
It can be distinguished the two main methods of the document
forgery: making (by any method) a totally new document or by changing
some part of an original document--adding (printing) falsified data,
changing the original content by mechanical (erasing, scraping and
similar) or chemical (washing, etching, painting by corrective material
and other) means thus substituting the primary original data by other
data. Rapid developments in the areas of science, engineering and
technologies enhances the possibilities not only for experts but for
counterfeiters as well, therefore classical areas of document expertise
very often merge with the new areas or even transfer them the objects of
analysis. The documents forged applying modern computer technologies
rarely causes suspicions to the users as even stamps or signatures
printed by high resolution colour of laser printers look like original
if observing by naked eye and having no without expert skills.
Investigation results of the identity document (passport) forgery
and counterfeit carried out by the institutions of The Ministry of the
Interior of the Republic of Lithuania show that most frequently the
pages are damaged by mechanical means in the zone of photo and data
recording area. After damaging the page structure and putting efforts to
restore its initial state, always residual technological defects remain
(joining of polycarbonate foil layers and teslin layer by fusion or
applying gluing materials and other). In Fig. 3 section view of a page
which was mechanically damaged and then efforts to restore its primary
state were made is presented.
When performing inspection of the possible page forgery at primary
border checkpoints or the later analysis in the specialised laboratories
various methods of non-destructive testing which differ by principles,
hardware and software applied are used. The methods of visual
inspection, laser, ultrasonic, acoustic emission, vibration methods,
mechanical loading, thermo graphic, thermal emission and other methods
can be applied. In publication [8] the method applied for authenticity
verification a passport page which is in fact a multilayer polycarbonate
teslin structure is based on the analysis heat transfer analysis.
Particular values of physical parameters (in the case under analysis of
thermal conductivity) in mechanically damaged and non-damaged zones were
investigated experimentally.
The results of thermal transfer process modelling in the page
structure when one side of it is heated uniformly by a constant
temperature heat source are presented in the research. The obtained
results prove that temperature difference on the opposite side surface
of the page at damaged and non-damaged zones is sufficient to be
detected by modern means and duration of the process and diapason of
heating temperatures are suitable for practical application of the
proposed methods for the inspection of travel documents. Nevertheless
the proposed method is practically applicable for the page analysis only
in statistically determined zones as inspection of the whole is
relatively long in time.
Thermal load is also applied when performing holographic
non-destructive testing of products. The first investigations in this
area were carried out even in 1974. By means of holographic
interferometry mechanical deformations of the whole surface of an object
caused by changes in its surface temperature can be analysed. The
analysed object can be heated by the flow of high temperature air,
infrared or halogen lamps or other heat sources.
Taking into account technological peculiarities of the
passport's data page manufacture (fusion of the layers data
recording, introducing protective elements and other), a hypothesis is
assumed that after mechanical damaging of the page and then restoring
its primary state residual mechanically damaged zones appear (air micro
gaps, lack or excess of gluing material, fusion of the layers and
After applying a heat load on a page its physical and mechanical
properties (such as thermal expansion including in the direction of page
thickness) should change what would allow authenticity assessment of the
page under inspection. In order to verify the hypothesis theoretical and
experimental research applying one of the methods of non-destructive
testing--the method of two exposition holographic interferometry having
the resolution up to tenth parts of light wave length and the real time
method which enables to observe thermal expansion process of the page in
real time were carried out.
2. Experimental set up
The carried out experiment is based on thermal expansion of the
page in the direction normal to its surface. Analysis of the expansion
is performed simultaneously throughout the whole surface of the analysed
structure when one side of the sheet is uniformly heated by a heat
source of certain (selected) temperature and the results are fixed by
the method of two exposition holographic interferometry. The principle
of two exposition method is that in one hologram two different states of
the page are fixed. For the first time the page being in its
initial--stationary state is fixed, for the second time the page is
fixed in its deformed due to thermal load state. In both cases the
support wave (beam) illuminating the hologram remains unchanged. When
recovering such hologram both fixed images of the page interfere one
with another making a holographic interferogram
(hereinafter--interferogram). Interference fringes can be observed on
the page image recovered by the hologram. Localization, density and
shape of the fringe lines on the page surface is the main qualitative
indicator allowing to reveal even the smallest changes in surface
deformations, which appear in between two expositions. The method can be
implemented using constant radiation or pulse laser [9].
In order to analyse the influence of technological defects and
forgery (local damages of polycarbonate film and teslin layer,
application of inappropriate materials for joining the layers and other)
on thermal expansion of the page in normal to its surface direction,
holographic research stand PRISM (the faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and Mechatronics of KTU) [10] and special holding frame of the page were
used. The page is fixed in this frame along its all sides with the
selected clamping force. Optical--structural scheme of holographic
system PRISM presented in Fig. 4 allows implementing the method of
holographic interferometry which is applied for non-destructive testing
of the objects.
According this scheme beam of the laser 1 is split by mirror 2 to
object beam, which with the help of lenses system 3 is spread and
illuminates surface of the analysed page 4, and light reflected from it
reaches video camera 8. Support beam which is formed by mirrors 9,
[9.sup.1] and lenses system [3.sup.1] also enters video camera 8 where
interferes with light reflected from the surface of investigated page.
The obtained interference image is processed by special programme in
computer 7. The obtained result is the image of interference fringes on
the surface of investigated page and can be monitored on computer screen
6. Adjustable heat source ensures the desired thermal load on the
analysed page.
During experimentation by the method of two exposition holographic
interferometry data pages of three passports were investigated: A
passport--Lithuanian with reference (specimen) data page and other
two--A and B with evident indicators of data page forgery.
In order to determine the reference deformation character of the
data page expressed by interferograms (the reference for comparison of
the future obtained results) data pages of Lithuanian and Norwegian
passports were analysed the first by heating their surfaces and varying
fixing conditions in the specially designed positioning frame (Fig. 5).
As the applied holography methods enable to obtain deformation character
simultaneously on all the surface of the investigated side of the page,
the external heat inflow was uniformly distributed over all surface of
the opposite side of the page. Uniformity of the distribution was
controlled by electronic thermometers with 0.1 [degrees]C accuracy. As a
heat source the device with halogen lamp (300 W), the radiated heat flow
and temperature of which were adjusted with the help of diaphragm and
heating duration by a shutter was used.
3. Results
During experimentation optimal distance between the heat source and
the data page, temperature of the heat flow, optimal heating duration
parameters of the data page fixing along its perimeter and the necessary
clamping force were determined. Taking into account the fact that all
sides of the page are to be fixed evenly with the same clamping force
along the entire perimeter, it was determined that it is sufficient to
monitor thermal deformation of the page surface only in normal to it
Results of experimental research are presented in Figs. 6-7. At the
initial stage using the method of real time holographic interferometry
temperature diapason of the heat source inside which thermal
deformations of the data page holding frame were not observed was
determined. Thus it remained stable and had no influence on deformations
of the page. Further investigations were performed in this temperature
diapason. Environment temperature during experimentation was in the
range of 20-21 [degrees]C. At the next stage an influence of the page
holding frame on the character of the surface deformations was analysed.
From the data of the interferograms obtained with varied clamping force
which can be adjusted by nuts 3 (Fig. 5) it was determined that the data
page should be fixed in the frame uniformly clamping all its sides. In
such case it is sufficient to observe deformation of the page surface
only in normal direction. Uniform pre-stressing of the nuts was achieved
with the help of dynamometric wrench. As only qualitative assessment of
the obtained results (deformation character of the page and its relative
value are defined by location shape and density of interference fringes
on the page surface) is to be performed deformation direction (in the
direction of laser object beam or in the heat source direction) of the
page was not determined.
In Fig. 6, a, b, c interferograms of the reference data page of
Lithuanian passport obtained during experimental research are presented.
The character of its deformation with respect to the holding frame sides
due to heating reveals even distribution in normal direction of the page
surface of close loop shaped interference fringes. The character of the
location of the interference fringes with temperature growth of the
supplied heat flow remains the same, just density of the fringes change.
There is no interference fringes at the sides of the holding frame, what
confirms that neither temperature change nor fixation of the page have
any influence on the obtained results and are optimally chosen. There
are no other indicators of deformations, therefore it can be stated that
structure of the page is homogeneous with no qualitative damages. Such
location of interference fringes can be considered as the reference one.
In Fig. 7 interferograms of the falsified data page of passport A
of the Republic of Lithuania are presented. They were obtained under the
same conditions of experimentation as were applied for the reference
passport. Location and shape of the obtained interference fringes is
obviously different if compared with the ones of reference passport
pages. The zones of face image and data recording are damaged due to
delamination of polycarbonate layers, mechanical removal of the primary
data, new data recording and subsequent non even joining of the layers.
Due to these reasons physical and mechanical properties of the data page
were changed what led to the change of heat conduction properties at
different zones of the page and together non even expansion of the page
in normal direction. In the obtained interferograms three separate
locations of close loop shaped interference fringes at the zones of face
image and personal data recording can be observed. These zones
practically do not change their location with temperature increase of
the thermal load, but the observed change in density and shape of the
fringes provides information on the character of growing deformation of
the page in normal direction to its surface. The interferograms a, b, c
in Fig. 7 are arranged in ascending order of the heat flow temperature.
4. Conclusions
1. The proposed metodology for MPR data page authenticity
nondestuctice verification based on the influence of heat expansion
properties on its surface deformation which are visualized by the
methods of high resolution holographic interferometry can be applied for
primary inspection of travel documents.
2. A holding frame ensuring even fixing of the data page of a
passport along its sides was designed.
3. The performed experimental research of MPR data page by non
destructive testing methods of holographic interferometry and selecting
thermal loads on the data page and its fixing conditions enabled to
determine optimal surface deformation shapes of the MPR data page which
can serve as the reference for surface deformation analysis of the other
inspected passports.
cross ref
Received February 11, 2013
Accepted December 10, 2013
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S. Greicius, Mykolas Romeris University, Kaunas Faculty of Public
Security, V. Putvinskio 70, 44211 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
G. Janusas, Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
R. Vasiliauskas, Mykolas Romeris University, Kaunas Faculty of
Public Security, V. Putvinskio 70, 44211 Kaunas, Lithuania,
[email protected]
K. Pilkauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, Mickeviciaus 37,
44244 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]