Some considerations on the mechanical testing of aluminum-steel conductors and their cores/Aliuminio ir plieno laidininku ir ju serdziu mechaniniu bandymu svarba.
Dumitru, I. ; Marsavina, L. ; Faur, N. 等
1. Introduction
Mechanical testing of aluminum-steel conductors and their cores is
essential in preventing excessive plastic straining or even early
failure of high-voltage overhead power lines.
One of the basic experimental procedures consists of tensile
testing the conductors and their cores to failure. A particular aspect
of such tests is the fact that they are carried out on high length
specimens, having in some cases over 10 m in length. Thus, the tensile
testing machines for conductors are horizontal and differ significantly
from the universal tensile testing machines.
Some of the conditions this type of machines have to meet are:
distance between test-piece holders greater than 5 m, possibility of
using special test-piece holders for mounting flexible pieces,
possibility of operating as a creep testing machine, ensuring the
horizontality of the conductor during testing, etc.
The tensile testing to failure of aluminum-steel conductors
consists of several phases (loading-unloading cycles) and its aim is to
plot the stress-strain ([sigma] - [epsilon]) curve [1] to [5].
The conventional stress [sigma] is given by the ratio of the
applied load P and the total cross-sectional area [S.sub.t] of the
conductor: [sigma] = P / [S.sub.t].
The strain [epsilon] is defined as ratio of the total elongation of
the gauge length [DELTA]L and its original dimension [L.sub.0],
[epsilon] = [DELTA]L/[L.sub.0].
In contrast with usual tensile tests, strain [epsilon] is computed
from elongations [DELTA]L measured after certain periods of time, which
can be either 30 or 60 min [1] to [5]. It can be deduced that the
plotted stress-strain curve also includes the effect of creep at
different loadings over short periods of time [6] to [7].
The authors point out the fact that in case of certain conductors,
the stress-strain curves plotted based on strains measured after the
time periods specified in the standards and the curves plotted based on
strains measured at the beginning of each hold period respectively,
differ significantly. This remark should be taken into account in
standards regulating conductors' tensile testing, given that
initial strains can be measured at different test phases.
The paper also contains some remarks regarding the testing of high
rigidity conductor cores, where applying current standards limits
testing conditions to the elastic region only.
In order to compare different conductors by their rigidity, the
elastic compliance c is utilized, computed from the following equation:
[epsilon] = cP, (1)
c = 1/E[S.sub.t], (2)
Elastic compliance can thus be defined as an elastic strain
[epsilon] (mm/mm) produced by a force of 1 N (E is conductor's
elastic modulus, [S.sub.t] is conductor's total cross-sectional
According to BS EN 50182:2001, the elastic compliance of frequently
utilized aluminum-steel conductors ranges from 6.93x[10.sup.-7] to
0.153x[10.sup.-7] mm/mm N.
2. Experimental setup
The experimental tests were carried out on a horizontal tensile
machine MOT 2500kN/13m, designed and built at the
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara [8] to [9] (Fig. 1).
The mechanically driven machine develops a force up to 2500 kN, and
allows the testing of conductor and core samples up to 13 m in length.
Load measurement (Fig. 2) is carried out using interchangeable load
cells (9) for different ranges, according to the conductor's rated
tensile strength [(RTS).sub.C]. For strain measurement, inductive
transducers are utilized, allowing the change of gauge length [L.sub.0]
according to the tested conductor sample length.
The data acquisition system is comprised of an ESAM Traveller 1
(Measurement Group) amplifier (1) with ESAM software and a Compaq laptop
3. Material and sample characteristics
The tensile tests were carried out on two aluminum-steel
conductors, designated as 51-AL1/30-ST1A and 490-AL1/64-ST1A, having a
length of 12.3 m (Fig. 3).
The characteristics of the conductors according to BS EN 50182:2001
are presented in Table 1. The same table also contains the elastic
compliances of the conductors and their cores, computed from the
corresponding elastic modulus and cross-sectional areas.
After analyzing the rigidity based on the elastic compliances, it
has been found that 490-AL1/64-ST1A has a 4.42 times higher rigidity
than 51-AL1/30-ST1A.
4. Experimental results
4.1. Conductor testing
The experimental tensile testing of the aluminum-steel conductors
has been carried out according to the current European standards [1] to
[4]. Thus the conductor has been initially loaded with 2%|[(RTS).sub.C]
in order to straighten it and to equalize strains in the component
After this, the conductor was loaded with a force equal to
30%|[(RTS).sub.C] and the load was maintained constant for 30 minutes,
meanwhile the strains were measured after 0, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes.
This procedure was repeated for the other load levels, i.e.
50%|[(RTS).sub.C], 70%|[(RTS).sub.C] and 85%|[(RTS).sub.C], and the
strains were measured after 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes (Fig.
After unloading the conductor from 85%|[(RTS).sub.C], it is loaded
again at a constant rate until failure (Fig. 4). The strains
corresponding to previous loading levels are registered again.
The experimental results for conductor 51AL1/30-ST1A are presented
in Table 2.
In accordance with the current European standards, the
stress-strain curves are plotted based on the conventional stresses a,
corresponding to loading levels 30%|[(RTS).sub.C], 50%|[(RTS).sub.C],
70%|[(RTS).sub.C] and 85%|[(RTS).sub.C], and the strains [epsilon],
corresponding to the above mentioned loading levels, measured after 30
and 60 min, respectively (Figs. 5 and 6).
The continuous line in Fig. 5 represents the stress-strain curve of
the conductor 51-AL1/30-ST1A based on the strains [(epsilon)] obtained
at the end of the hold periods, after 30 or 60 min respectively. The
dashed line in the same figure represents the stress-strain curve of the
mentioned conductor, but plotted based on the initial strains, measured
at the beginning of each hold period. The differences between the
strains recorded at the beginning respectively the end of the hold
periods with constant loading are the results of two phenomena: on one
hand the rearrangement of the wires in the conductor starting from the
moment of tensile load application while on the other hand the creep
tendency over short periods of time. It can be seen that the last two
levels of loading (70%|[(RTS).sub.C] and 85%|[(RTS).sub.C], which can be
considered as overloads in creep testing) generate greater strain
differences than the first two levels (30%|[(RTS).sub.C] and
In case of conductor 490-AL1/64-ST1A no significant difference has
been recorded between the stress-strain curves obtained for strains
measured at the beginning of each hold period, respectively the ones
obtained for strains measured after each hold period (Fig. 6).
Fig. 7 presents the experimental procedure flowchart, according to
which the stress-strain curves in Figs 5 and 6 were obtained.
The tensile failure of conductor 490-AL1/64ST1A is presented in
Fig. 8. Necking of the aluminum wires can be observed in the failure
region. Furthermore, failure of the core's steel wires occurred at
a distance of 100 to 150 mm from the failure of the aluminum wires.
For comparison, Fig. 9 presents the loading scheme of
aluminum-steel conductors in accordance with the standard ASG Rev. 1999
[5], [10] to [12]. It can be seen that after maintaining the constant
load of 30%|[(RTS).sub.C] for 30 minutes, the holding periods of the
next two loading cycles (50%|[(RTS).sub.C] and 75%|[(RTS).sub.C]
respectively) are 60 min long.
The 75%|[(RTS).sub.C] load cycle is followed by tensile loading to
failure [1] to [4]. The last load cycle, corresponding to
85%|[(RTS).sub.C] represents one of the toughest testing phases for
aluminum-steel conductors, during which many conductors fail. However,
this standard does not contain this load cycle.
Furthermore, in case of some conductors the ultimate tensile
strength is strongly influenced (i.e. lowered) by the 60 min long hold
period at 85%|[(RTS).sub.C]. During this period high plastic strains
appear in the conductor, influencing the conductor's behavior
during the last loading to failure (Fig. 4).
4.2. Core testing
According to current European standards, tensile testing of steel
cores first of all requires the measurement of strains e0 produced by
load P' equal to 30%|[(RTS).sub.CO], 50%|[(RTS).sub.CO],
70%|[(RTS).sub.CO] and 85%|[(RTS).sub.CO] during the conductor tensile
testing, as presented in Fig. 4.
According to the mentioned measurements, the core can now be loaded
with P", a load that, when reached, produces the strain
[epsilon].sub.0] in the core (Fig. 7). For example [P.sub.1]" is
the force which, applied to the core, produces a strain equal to the
strain [epsilon].sub.0] measured on the conductor when loaded with
P' = 30%|[(RTS).sub.CO].
During the 30, 60 min long hold periods with load P" , the
strains [epsilon].sub.5]", [epsilon].sub.10]",
[epsilon].sub.15]", [epsilon].sub.30]",
[epsilon].sub.45]" and [epsilon].sub.60]" are registered (Fig.
Based on the above mentioned strain values and on the stress
[sigma]", computed as the ratio of load P" and the core's
cross-sectional area, the stress-strain curves are plotted for the
conductors' cores (Figs. 10 and 11).
In case of conductor 490-AL1/64-ST1A, having rigidity 4.42 times
higher than the other conductor, the stress-strain curve of the core is
reduced to a straight line (Fig. 11). The applied load P" being
much smaller than the ultimate tensile strength of the core, the
obtained stress-strain curve only depicts the core's behavior in
the elastic region, not showing what happens at loads greater than the
yield point.
This calls for the revision of testing standards concerning the
cores of high rigidity aluminum-steel conductors.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents the tensile testing procedure for
aluminum-steel conductors and their cores, 12.3 m in length, according
to the loading-unloading cycles specified in the current European
standards [1] to [4], implemented on a horizontal tensile machine MOT
2500kN/13m, designed and built at the "Politehnica" University
of Timisoara, Romania.
The experimental results in case of two conductors with different
rigidity values (having a rigidity ratio of 4.42) are presented in the
paper. The conductors' rigidity has been defined using the elastic
compliance, defined as the strain [epsilon] (mm/mm) produced by a load
of 1 N.
The experimental study has shown that in case of conductors
characterized by high elastic compliance, the stress-strain curves
plotted based on the strains measured at the beginning of each hold
period and the ones plotted based on the strains measured after the
holding periods of 30 or 60 min respectively, may differ significantly.
Highlighting this remark is very important, since it shows the
conductor's creep tendency when subjected to overloads over short
periods of time. Even though the influence of creep on tensile testing
of conductors is not dealt with in current standards, it is worth
mentioning in experimental reports of conductor testing.
The present study has also shown that, given the interconnections
specified in the current standards, the stress-strain curve for high
rigidity conductor cores is limited to the elastic region.
Both findings can be the starting point for adapting current
standards or completing them with new paragraphs regulating the
influence of conductor creep tendency over short periods of time, as
well for revising steel core testing procedures.
This work was partially supported by the strategic grant
POSDRU/88/1.5/S/50783, Project ID50783 (2009), co-financed by the
European Social Fund--Investing in People, within the Sectoral
Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013.
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[7.] Farzanehm, M.; Savadjiev, K. 2007. Evaluation of tensile
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Received March 15, 2012
Accepted June 17, 2013
I. Dumitru, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara,
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mihai Viteazu Bd. 1, 300222 Timisoara,
Romania, E-mail:
[email protected]
L. Marsavina, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara,
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mihai Viteazu Bd. 1, 300222 Timisoara,
Romania, E-mail:
[email protected]
N. Faur, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara,
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mihai Viteazu Bd. 1, 300222 Timisoara,
Romania, E-mail:
[email protected]
L. Kun, National R&D Institute for Welding and Material
Testing--ISIM Timisoara, Mihai Viteazu Bd. 30, 300222 Timisoara,
Romania, E-mail:
[email protected]
cross ref
Table 1
Mechanical characteristics of the tested conductors and cores
according to BS EN 50182:2001
Conductor 51-AL1/30-ST1A
Cross-sectional Aluminum Steel Total
area, m [m.sup.2] ([S.sub.AL]) ([S.sub.ST]) ([S.sub.t])
51.2 29.8 81
No. of wires Aluminum Steel
12 7
Wire diameter, mm Aluminum Steel
([d.sub.AL]) ([d.sub.ST])
2.33 2.33
Diameter, mm Core Conductor
([D.sub.CO]) ([D.sub.C])
6.99 11.7
RTS, kN Core Conductor
37.5 42.98
E, N/m [m.sup.2] Core Conductor
2.1 x 1.07 x
[10.sup.5] [10.sup.5]
Elastic compliance, Core Conductor
mm/mm N ([c.sub.CO]) ([c.sub.c])
1.6 x 1.15 x
[10.sup.-7] [10.sup.-7]
Conductor 490-AL1/64-ST1A
Cross-sectional Aluminum Steel Total
area, m [m.sup.2] ([S.sub.AL]) ([S.sub.ST]) ([S.sub.t])
490.3 63.6 553.9
No. of wires Aluminum Steel
54 7
Wire diameter, mm Aluminum Steel
([d.sub.AL]) ([d.sub.ST])
3.4 3.4
Diameter, mm Core Conductor
([D.sub.CO]) ([D.sub.C])
10.2 30.6
RTS, kN Core Conductor
81.8 150.81
E, N/m [m.sup.2] Core Conductor
2.1 x 0.7 x
[10.sup.5] [10.sup.5]
Elastic compliance, Core Conductor
mm/mm N ([]) ([c.sub.c])
0.748 x 0.26 x
[10.sup.-7] [10.sup.-7]
Table 2
Measured strains for conductor 51-AL1/30-ST1A
Load t, min 5 10
30%|[(RTS).sub.C] [sigma], MPa 163.98 163.98
12.89 kN [epsilon], % 0.11171 0.11244
50%|[(RTS).sub.C] [sigma], Mpa 273.30 273.30
21.49 kN [epsilon], % 0.24097 0.24122
70%|[(RTS).sub.C] [sigma], Mpa 382.62 382.62
30.09 kN [epsilon], % 0.41171 0.41203
85%|[(RTS).sub.C] [sigma], MPa 464.61 464.61
36.53 kN [epsilon], % 0.51179 0.52114
Load 15 30 45
30%|[(RTS).sub.C] 163.98 163.98 --
12.89 kN 0.11333 0.11382 --
50%|[(RTS).sub.C] 273.30 273.30 273.30
21.49 kN 0.24187 0.24260 0.24357
70%|[(RTS).sub.C] 382.62 382.62 382.62
30.09 kN 0.41333 0.41528 0.41658
85%|[(RTS).sub.C] 464.61 464.61 464.61
36.53 kN 0.52423 0.53171 0.53496
Load 60
30%|[(RTS).sub.C] --
12.89 kN --
50%|[(RTS).sub.C] 273.30
21.49 kN 0.24496
70%|[(RTS).sub.C] 382.62
30.09 kN 0.41951
85%|[(RTS).sub.C] 464.61
36.53 kN 0.56732