Mild combustion in micro organic dust cloud considering radiation effect/Nesmarkus degimas organiniu mikrodaleliy dulkiu debesyje.
Bidabadi, M. ; Mostafavi, S.A. ; Asadollahzadeh, P. 等
1. Introduction
Energy efficiency and clean combustion are two main challenging
issues in recent fuel utilization. Flameless Oxidation (FLOX), also
known as High Temperature Air Combustion--(HTAC), or Moderate and
Intensive Low oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion is a promising
combustion technology among various techniques [1, 2] capable of
accomplishing high efficiency and low emissions. It is based on delayed
mixing of fuel and oxidizer and high flue gas recirculation in the flame
zone [3].
A combustion process is named mild when the inlet temperature of
the reactant mixture is higher than mixture auto-ignition temperature
([T.sub.reactant] > [T.sub.ignition]), whereas the maximum allowable
temperature increase during combustion is lower than mixture
auto-ignition temperature, due to dilution ([DELTA][T.sub.combustion]
< T[.sub.ignition]) [4].
Flameless combustion was first developed to suppress thermal
N[O.sub.x] formation, which plays a key role in ozone depletion and the
generation of photochemical smog, in burners for heating industrial
furnaces using preheated combustion air [5]. After accounting as an
advanced combustion technique designed to reduce N[O.sub.x] emissions,
it is also known as a means which increases energy efficiency of high
temperature furnaces. The use of a recuperative or regenerative system
in a burner allows the optimization of the energy efficiency thanks to
the heat transfer from hot exhaust gases to inlet combusting air [6].
Many studies on HTAC have been done in the recent years, and it has
been proved that HTAC technology has many features that are superior to
that in conventional combustion [7-11]. A comprehensive review paper
summarizing both the development and current status of this technology
can be found in [12]. High temperature air combustion technology was
first applied in gaseous fuel combustion. When this idea is applied to
combustion of pulverized coal, the same advantages as for gaseous fuels
can be expected, including the enhancement of combustion stability and
increase of combustion efficiency, the ability to use low-volatile coal
like anthracite, and also lower pollution emissions [13-16]. Kiga et al.
[13] presented the experimental results of pulverized coal combustion in
high temperature and low-oxygen condition. The results indicated that
increasing air preheat results in increased combustion efficiency and
reduced N[O.sub.x] emission, whereas decreasing the oxygen content of
the combustion air leads to large reduction in combustion efficiency,
accompanied with a slight decrease or increase in N[O.sub.x]. Suda et
al. [14] conducted experiments by injecting pulverized coal from a
nozzle co-axially placed at the preheated air inlet. The results showed
that for both bituminous and anthracite coals, release rate of volatile
contents were remarkably enhanced and flame front distances from coal
nozzle became less when air temperature increased. N[O.sub.x] emission
also became less with temperature increasing. The corresponding
numerical studies were performed later. Numerical simulation results
were of great consistency with experimental results [15]. Hannes et al.
[16] carried out a set of experiment to investigate the N[O.sub.x]
emission of high temperature air combustion under Ar/[O.sub.2] as well
as C[O.sub.2]/[O.sub.2] atmospheres in order to quantify the ratio of
fuel N[O.sub.x] to thermal N[O.sub.x]. This investigation showed a high
reduction of thermal NO as well as an increase of fuel-NO which was
primarily related to the decrease of the peak flame temperature.
Within a decade or two, it has been developed from laboratory tests
to industrial applications which certainly are an extraordinary progress
as for an energy technology. Some of industrial applications are heat
treating and heating furnaces in the steel industry, gas turbines, bio
gas burners, glass industry, chemical industry, combined heat and power,
burners for hydrogen reformers and burners for combined heat and power
(CHP) units. From viewpoints of the environment and fuel cost reduction,
small scale biomass CHP plants are in demand, especially waste-fueled
system, which are simple to operate and maintenance with high thermal
efficiency similar to oil fired units. To meet these requirements,
Stirling engine CHP systems combined with simplified biomass combustion
process has been developed in which powder of less than 500 [mu]m is
mainly used, and a combustion chamber length of 3m is applied [17].
The object of this research is to study the mild combustion mode of
particulate reactive flow in which biomass particles are used as a main
fuel. This can be applied in the combustion chamber used in a Stirling
engine system. An analytical approach is presented to evaluate the flame
characteristics and their variations with respect to the percent of
recirculated products. Here, Soret and Dufour effects which are
described as a flow of matter caused by temperature gradient and flow of
heat caused by concentration gradients, respectively, are ignored. Also,
diffusion caused by pressure gradient is negligible and all external
forces including gravitational effects are assumed to be negligible.
2. Formulation
2.1. Mathematical model
In the present model, a steady state and planar laminar flame
propagates in a combustible mixture in one dimension. In this mixture,
volatile fuel particles are uniformly distributed in the air and then
they vaporize completely to create a gaseous fuel with a definite
chemical structure. The combustion air is diluted with a large amount of
recirculated exhaust gasses; the oxygen concentration in the main
reaction region is reduced to a lower concentration with respect to the
case of undiluted air, allowing for a better control of the reactants
kinetic and average temperature. Since oxidization of fuel takes place
in the gas phase, surface reactions can be neglected.
The reaction model between fuel and oxidizer is described through
an overall one-step reaction as:
Also, reaction rate is obtained from Arrhenius formula:
K = B exp (- [E.sub.a]/R[T.sub.f]).
where the symbols F, [O.sub.2], P denote the fuel, oxygen and
product, respectively; also, the quantities [[upsilon].sub.F],
[[upsilon].sub.Prod] denote their respective stoichiometric
coefficients, B denotes the frequency factor, [E.sub.a] is the
activation energy of the reaction, is the gas constant and [beta] is a
percentage of exhaust gas which is recirculated.
Fig. 1 shows the schematic illustration of the flame structure.
As it can be seen in this figure, there are three zones:
1- broad preheat vaporization zone, 2- thin reaction zone, 3- broad
convection zone, where in the preheat zone the temperature of particles
is lower than the ignition temperature; therefore, particles start to
heat up until mixture temperature reaches to the ignition temperature.
Afterwards, the chemical reaction zone is started where the particles
burn, and temperature remains approximately constant. It is assumed that
some exhaust gases recirculate to the preheat vaporization zone, and the
rest of them go to the convection zone. In the convection zone, the
temperature of the combustion products falls to the ambient temperature
at infinity. This division helps us to solve governing equations in each
zone separately. To do so, firstly, Zeldovich number is defined as:
[Z.sub.e] = E([T.sub.f] - [T.sub.u])/R[T.sub.f.sup2),
where f, u denote the conditions related to flame and ambient
reactant stream, respectively. From this equation, it can be inferred
that when Zeldovich number is sufficiently large, the activation energy
is large too, and the combustion is instantaneous, which leads to have a
thin reaction zone as opposed to the preheat zone.
2.2. Governing equations
To linearize the governing equations, the following procedure is
Therefore, the governing equations for mild combustion of organic
dust particles can be written as follow.
Mass conservation:
[rho]V = Const. (1)
Energy conservation:
[rho]VC dT/dx + [beta][rho] dT/dx = [[lambda].sub.u]
[d.sup.2]T/d[x.sup.2] + [w.sub.F] [[rho].sub.u]/[rho] Q -
-[w.sub.[upsilon]] [[rho].sub.u]/[rho] [Q.sub.[upsilon]] +
[[rho].sub.u]/[rho] [Q.sub.r]. (2)
Gaseous fuel conservation:
[rho]V d[Y.sub.F]/dx + [beta][rho]V d[Y.sub.F]/dx =
[[rho].sub.u][D.sub.u] [d.sup.2][Y.sub.F]/d[x.sup.2] - [w.sup.F]
[[rho].sub.u]/[rho] + [w.sub.[upsilon]] [[rho].sub.u]/[rho]. (3)
Mass fraction of particles:
[rho]V d[Y.sub.s]/dx + [beta][rho]V d[Y.sub.s]/dx = - [w.sub.v]
[[rho].sub.u]/[rho]. (4)
Equation of state:
[rho]TT = cte, (5)
where [beta] is the effect of recirculated mass; [rho], [Y.sub.F]
and v stand for mixture density, mass fraction of gaseous fuel and
superficial flow velocity, respectively. Also, [lambda] denotes thermal
conductivity coefficient which is proportional to T, while D (diffusion
coefficient) is proportional to [T.sup.2]. Moreover, [w.sub.F] is the
reaction rate defined as a gaseous fuel mass consumed per unit volume
per second; Q is the heat released per unit mass of a fuel burned;
[Q.sub.v] is related to the heat of vaporization per unit mass of fuel;
C is the heat capacity defined as a combined heat capacity of the gas,
[C.sub.p], and of the particles, [C.sub.s], which can be calculated from
the formula:
C = [C.sub.p] +
4[pi]([r.sup.3][C.sub.s][[rho].sub.s][n.sub.s])/3[rho], (6)
where [[rho].sub.s] is the density of fuel particles presumed to be
constant. Vaporization kinetics is also presumed to be calculated by the
following expression:
[w.sub.[upsilon]] = A[n.sub.s]4[pi][r.sup.2][T.sup.n], (7)
where r is radius of fuel particle and [n.sub.s] is local number
density of particles (number of particles per unit volume)
The general equation of radiation transfer is:
dI/dx = [K.sub.a]I + [K.sub.s]I - [K.sub.a][I.sub.b] -
[K.sub.s]/4[pi] [[integral] over (4[pi])] I ([OMEGA]) P ([theta], [PHI])
d [OMEGA], (8)
I (II) (III) (IV)
where the terms (I), (II), (III) and (IV) are radiation intensity
caused by absorption, scattering, emission, and incoming scattering
brought by other particles, respectively. [K.sub.s], [K.sub.a] and I are
scattering coefficient, absorption coefficient, and radiation intensity,
respectively. P([theta], [PHI]) is phasic function of scattering.
Since absorption coefficients of gases and particles are strongly
related to the particles size and particles density, the following
expressions for these parameters can be written. The absorption
coefficient for particles is:
[K.sub.a] = 3/2 [Q.sub.a] [sigma]/[rho]d. (9)
By considering the light scattering which is only caused by
particles, it yields:
[K.sub.s] = 3/2 [Q.sub.s] [sigma]/[rho]d; (10)
[K.sub.a] + [K.sub.s] = [K.sub.t]. (11)
By solving Eq. (8) with respect to required boundary conditions,
the following general expression for the radiation transfer is obtained:
[I.sub.f] = [K.sub.a]/[K.sub.t] [sigma][T.sup.4]/[pi].
The boundary conditions for the model are considered as:
where [T.sub.b] denotes the final adiabatic flame temperature and
[Y.sub.Fu] is the mass fraction of the fuel available in the particles.
2.3. Nondimensionalization
In order to simplify the governing equations, following
dimensionless parameters are defined:
where [T.sub.f], [V.sub.u] represent maximum temperature and the
burning velocity of the propagated flame in a combustible mixture of
organic fuel particles, respectively. Using following parameters which
are defined as:
Non-dimensionalized governing equations are obtained as follow:
For simplicity, Lewis number which is defined as a ratio of
diffusion of heat to diffusion of mass is assumed to be unity:
Le = [lambda]/[rho]CD = 1. (17)
Dimensionless forms of the boundary conditions are:
Since q (i.e. as a ratio of the required heat for vaporizing the
fuel particles to the overall released heat in the flame) has a small
amount, it can be neglected (q = 0). By considering above explanation
and m = 1, [theta][degrees] denotes the nondimensionalized temperature.
Thus, governing equations can be rewritten as:
In order to obtain solutions for these differential equations, in
the limit of Ze [right arrow] [infinity] with assumption [??] = O(1),
the asymptotic approach is utilized. Now, the conservation equations
governing in each zone are solved separately.
3. Solutions
3.1. Preheat zone (- [infinity] < x < [0.sup.-])
It is assumed that the reaction zone is located at z = 0; thus, z
< 0 represents the preheat zone, and z > 0 represents the
convection zone. In the preheat zone, the chemical reaction between fuel
and oxidizer is small; as a result of which the conservation equations
for this zone are obtained by balancing between the convective,
diffusive, and vaporization terms. Hence, it yields:
(1 + [beta]) d[theta][degrees]/dz =
[d.sup.2][theta][degrees]/d[z.sup.2] + B'/[V.sub.u.sup.2] exp
(C'/[V.sub.u] z). (20)
Since [T.sub.f] is the flame temperature in the reaction zone, the
boundary conditions for above equation is:
z = 0 [right arrow] [theta][degrees] = 1; z = -[infinity] [right
arrow] [theta][degrees] = 0. (21)
The dimensionless temperature in preheat zone is obtained as:
Regarding the following boundary conditions:
It yields:
where the superscript - ([0.sup.-]) denotes the conditions on the
interface between the preheat zone and the reaction zone.
3.2. Reaction zone ([0.sup.-] < x < [0.sup.+])
Since the reaction zone is very narrow, as a result of large value
of Zeldovich number, the convective and vaporization terms are small in
comparison with diffusive and reactive terms. In this zone, particles
are oxidized and burnt, and the burning velocity is obtained by
analyzing this zone. Thus, the governing equations are followed as:
In order to solve the equations in the reaction zone, the following
expansion variable (1/[epsilon]) is defined:
Here, it is needed to define boundary conditions. Boundary
conditions can be obtained by matching this zone with the solutions
obtained in the preheat zone ([eta] [right arrow] -[infinity]) and with
the convection zone ([eta] [right arrow] [infinity]):
It yields:
t = y. (29)
Since, the analysis is restricted to the cases where fuel is the
limiting reactant in the reaction zone and oxygen is in excess, the
reaction rate [w.sub.F] can be written
as: [w.sub.F] = [[upsilon].sub.F] [W.sub.F] K [C.sub.F] ; K = B exp
(- E/RT),
where C, W and [upsilon] are the molar concentration, molecular
weight and stoichiometric coefficient of the fuel components. k is the
rate constant of the overall reaction, respectively:
w = [[lambda].sub.u][w.sub.F] /
w = [[lambda].sub.u][[upsilon].sub.F][W.sub.F][C.sub.F]B /
[([[rho].sub.u][V.sub.u]).sup.2]C[Y.sub.FC] exp (- E/RT). (30)
From above equations, it is concluded that:
[d.sup.2]t/d[[eta].sup.2] = [LAMBDA](b + y)exp(-t), (31)
where [LAMBDA] =
[[upsilon].sub.F][[lambda].sub.u]B[[epsilon].sup.2] /
[[rho].sub.u][V.sub.u.sup.2]C exp (- E/R[T.sub.f]).
It yields:
2(1 + b)[LAMBDA] = [(1 + [beta]).sup.2]. (32)
Now, the burning velocity can be evaluated as:
[V.sub.u.sup.2] = 2(1 +
+ [beta]).sup.2] exp (- E/R[T.sub.f]). (33)
If the values of parameters b and [T.sub.f] are known, [V.sub.u]
which is defined as a burning velocity calculated by neglecting
vaporization heat of fuel particles can be evaluated. Since the
thickness of reaction zone is too small, it is justifiable to set
[y.sub.Ff] = 0 ; it means b = 0. For calculating the burning velocity
([V.sub.v]), the following equation is used:
[V.sub.v] = [V.sub.u] exp (-qZe/2). (34)
In order to obtain [T.sub.f] in the reaction zone, the following
condition is used:
where the superscript + ([0.sup.+]) denotes the conditions on the
interface between the convection zone and the reaction zone. By
considering O([epsilon]) for gradients at [0.sup.+], and substituting
Eqs. (25) and (28) into Eq. (35) with respect to [y.sub.Ff] = 0, it
3a[[alpha].sup.2/3] / (1 + [beta]) - 3[a.sup.2][[alpha].sup.1/3] /
[(1 + [beta]).sup.3] + [a.sup.3] / [(1 + [beta]).sup.5] - (1 + [beta]) =
0. (36)
4. Results
It is assumed that the gas released from vaporization of fuel is
methane. Therefore, products are C[O.sub.2], [H.sub.2]O, [N.sub.2].
Here, the values of parameters used in calculations are summarized as
[[lambda].sub.u] = 14.644 x [10.sup.-2] j/msk); [[rho].sub.u] =
1.135 kg/[m.sup.3]; [Q.sub.a] = 0.8;
[[rho].sub.s] = 1000 kg/[m.sup.3].
Parameters of the appropriate overall chemical kinetics rate are E
= 96.23kj/mole and B = 3.5 x [10.sup.6] mo[l.sup.-1][s.sup.-1].
Calculations of flame characteristics based on present model have been
done, and the following results are derived.
The variations of burning velocity ([V.sub.V]) versus equivalence
ratio ([[phi].sub.u]) for different values of [r.sub.u] are shown in
Fig. 2. It can be seen, for given value of [[phi].sub.u] the burning
velocity increases with decreasing the value of [r.sub.u]. In Fig. 3
flame temperature as a function of equivalence ratio for different
values of particle radius is plotted.
As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, the smaller particles are, the higher
flame temperature and burning velocity will be. By decreasing the radius
of particles, the ratio of the surface to the volume of heat transfer
increases, which is led to enhancement of heat transfer rate to
particles; therefore, the particles vaporize and reach to the ignition
temperature sooner; finally, burning velocity and flame temperature
increase with decreasing the particles radius.
Later studies have shown that in combustion problem due to high
level of temperature, radiation plays an important role in flame
structure and its characteristics such as flame temperature and burning
velocity. This effect becomes more obvious in combustion of solid
particles. Since the absorption coefficient of particles is higher than
absorption coefficient of gasses, the radiation should be taken into
account in combustion of particles. In the present study, the radiation
emitted from the reaction zone to the preheat zone has been considered.
We can infer from the Fig. 4 that the radiation results in temperature
rise of the particles and gas mixture. In Fig. 5 the variations of the
burning velocity versus equivalence ratio by considering radiation
effect are plotted.
Since the modeling of radiation term in the combustion of fine
particles is complicated, some simplifications were made in order to
find the influence of radiation on flame velocity and flame temperature.
Not only a source term is needed to be considered in the preheat zone,
leading to increase in flame velocity, but also an additional sink term
neglected in this study is required to be taken into account in the
flame zone. Thus, the flame velocity and temperature presented here is
somewhat overestimated, but it is more reliable than the case in which
radiation effect is ignored; higher flame velocity is gained when the
radiation term is considered.
In Figs. 6 and 7 the variations of the burning velocity and flame
temperature versus equivalence ratio for different amounts of
recirculated products are reported. By increasing the recirculation
amount of hot exhaust gases, the combustion air is diluted more, as a
result of which flame temperature and burning velocity are reduced. As
combustion proceeds in lower temperature through increase in
recirculated mass, lower level of N[O.sub.x] emission is gained, which
is very important in control of pollutants.
6. Conclusions
The mild combustion mode of particulate reactive flow in which
biomass particles are used as a main fuel has been investigated. An
analytical approach has been used to evaluate the flame characteristics
and their variations with respect to the percent of recirculated
products. The radiation and particle size effects have been also
studied. It has shown that the radiation effect causes flame temperature
to increase and smaller particle to culminate to higher flame
temperature. Utilizing exhausted gases recirculated leads to a lower
flame temperature, thereby hazardous emissions are reduced. Furthermore,
there is a limitation in recirculated gases amount.
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Received January 28, 2012 Accepted June 17, 2013
M. Bidabadi *, S. A. Mostafavi **, P. Asadollahzadeh ***
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science
and Technology, Iran, E-mail:
[email protected] ** Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran,
[email protected] *** Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, E-mail:
[email protected]
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