Location and evaluation of bearings defects by vibration analysis and neural networks/Guoliu defektu vietos aptikimas ir ivertinimas virpesiu analizes ir neuroniniu tinklu metodu.
Boukhobza, M.E. ; Derouiche, Z. ; Foitih, Z. Ahmed 等
1. Introduction
The bearings are one of the weaknesses of a rotary machine for
their support of the dynamic forces of a shaft. They are the most
critical elements and therefore the elements to watch for the most [1,
Much research has been performed in this field to determine at an
early stage any form of cracks leading to chipping and then to ruin the
bearing [3, 4]. In general three approaches are used for detection of
bearing defects. The first is based on scalar measurements such as root
mean square (RMS), crest factor and the kurtosis [5] which gives a
reasonably global defect indication without the possibility of its
location in the bearing.
The second approach is based on the application of the algorithm of
fast Fourier transform. However the total spectrum of the vibration
signal (shaft and bearings) obtained does not show an obvious
characteristic frequency of pulses trains generated by the defects. This
problem was overcome by the high frequency resonance technique (HFRT)
[6] which use a band pass filter to isolate one of the resonant
frequencies of a structure and then to eliminate unwanted vibrations
from other sources (e.g. the rotation shaft). We then apply to a
filtered signal a demodulation by envelope detection. Finally we
calculate the spectrum of the demodulated signal and low frequency lead
to the characteristic frequency of defect. However, the latter method
has some drawbacks.
The user has to accurately know the position of the band pass
filter around one resonance frequency. In addition this method is
ineffective in the presence of a high noise levels.
The third approach combines techniques based on time frequency
demodulation with wavelets [7]. Pulses signal can be detected by high
frequencies of the wavelet with good resolution [8]. Due to its
complexity this technique is still very rarely applied in industry
compared to the Fourier transform.
In this paper we apply neural networks to locate and quantify the
size of a defect on one element of a bearing. The network's inputs
are time indicators from a vibration signal measured on a mechanical
component in progressive wear. It has two outputs one indicates the
position of the defect and the other the size.
It is critical to know the position of defect: the inner ring, the
outer ring or the bearing balls. This localization and monitoring of
flaw size is used to estimate the remaining operating life before
replacement. This life time is different depending on each bearing
element load [9].
With such tool, maintenance technicians will avoid stopping a
machine too early to change a bearing, as it can still work without
damaging equipment. This condition ensures the best performance of
machinery while minimizing the cost of spare parts [10].
The ongoing monitoring of variables indicative of damage is
tedious, as it a repetitive procedure established to interpret each
iteration level of the selected indicators. Otherwise it is easier to
the use of neural networks enable the automation of the defect
monitoring process, easily providing the operator automated results
2. Measurement of defects ball bearing
"Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland
Ohio's" has such an appropriate test bench for experiments
necessary for detection and monitoring of bearing defects [12]. Thanks
to the computer center which provides access to data stored on tests
ball bearing for normal and defective bearings. Vibration measurements
were conducted using the test set-up pictured in Fig. 1.
Accelerometers are used to measure vibration in a radial plane.
They are arranged on bearings on which are sewn, by electro-erosion,
characterized point defects of a certain diameter and a certain depth
(Fig. 2).
The defects were inserted on the bearings of the motor shaft. A
single point of failure is produced by each operation bearing with a
depth of 0.30 mm and diameters of default variables.
Defects are inserted separately on the three elements of the
bearing as follows: the outer ring, inner ring and rolling elements. The
defects studied on the turnover of the coupling end (drive side) are
characterized by the following parameters:
- diameter of the defect = 0.20 and 0.50 mm;
- depth of defect = 0.30 mm.
3. Diagnostic system and bearing tracking defects
Our project consists in developing a system to trace the source of
the fault to estimate its severity and location, or to assess the
absence of defect.
Several studies have been made in the field. Researchers have
developed a system that can provide an output only capable of
identifying the severity of the defect on a bearing using neural
networks and genetic algorithms [13]. Other researchers have developed a
neural network using time and frequency input variables as indicators
associated with defects of the bearing.
Three frequency parameters were selected:
* the defect frequency of the outer ring; * the defect frequency of
the inner ring; * the defect frequency of the rolling element.
To these frequency parameters were added time indicators to form a
neural network for locating the site and to determine the diameter of
the defect [14].
From an experimental study on time indicators, it was observed that
they vary with the size of the defect and its position on the bearings.
They can therefore be used to monitor the development of the fault and
locate its location on the bearing. This task of identification may also
be obtained using spectral indicators.
This system has the distinction of being simple to prepare as it
uses time indicators calculated vibration signals directly without any
treatment of temporal frequency which reduces computation time. In
addition, this system is more easily adoptable in industry because its
application is very simple.
It was observed during our experimental study that the temporal
indicators associated with defects of rolling elements (balls) are
proportionally lower compared to the indicators associated with defects
of rings. For this reason we have divided our system into two neural
networks. The first network is used to diagnose faults of rings, and
indicate their diameter, and may also indicate the presence of non
defective rings. The second network treats the case of the rolling
elements (balls), it has to diagnose the presence of the defect and
indicate its diameter. It can also confirm the lack of defects.
4. Configuration of neural networks
The configuration of neural networks has been the crucial step in
developing our system for locating and assessing the severity of the
defect. It must be based on data inputs and outputs. The literature
review on studies conducted in this area suggests the adoption of a
multi-layer neural network [11, 13]. Not to unnecessarily increase the
complexity of the network, we decided to use a single hidden layer.
The implemented neural network is composed of three layers: an
input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer.
Input layer: the number of neurons in input layer depends on the
number of time indicators used in our case we have four and they are:
- The RMS value given by the following expression:
where x(n) is the time measured vibration signal, [N.sub.e]
represents the number of samples from the signal. This value provides
information on the overall level of vibration but provides no
information on the defective mechanical component.
--The peak value.
--The crest factor CF of the vibration signal is defined as the
ratio between the peak and RMS value.
It provides timely information on the degradation of the bearing,
while remaining independent of the operating characteristics (the
bearing size, load, speed, etc).
The CF presents a drawback because it decreases as the defect
CF = [V.sub.peak] / [V.sub.RMS] (3)
--The Kurtosis: the vibration types or sinusoidal impulse generate
all gaits of curves with different densities. The Kurtosis, which
quantifies the difference, is given by:
Kurtosis = 1 / [N.sub.e] [[N.sub.e].summation over (n=1)] [(x(n) -
[[bar.x]).sup.4] / [[sigma].sub.x.sup.4] (4)
with: [bar.x] the average value and [[sigma].sub.x] the standard
The Kurtosis quantifies the flattening of the curve of probability
density of the recorded signal. It gives great importance to the high
amplitudes while weighting the isolated events, unlike the crest factor.
Output layer: the number of neurons is set to 2. A first output DC
indicates the severity of the defect by calculating its diameter. A
second output [E.sub.i] indicates its location on the bearing if the
defect exists; otherwise [E.sub.i] indicates the absence of defect.
Index i is assigned as: i = 1, for the output corresponding to the
rings: [E.sub.1]; i = 2, for the output corresponding to the balls:
Hidden layer: The numbers of neurons in hidden layer and activation
functions were selected experimentally; we chose the best performing
This system takes into account the defect tracking in the database
of neural networks based on measurements of various diameters for
different defects.
Neural networks are developed using vibration data recorded on
healthy bearings and bearings with defects.
4.1. Design of neural network specialized in the defects of rings
The developments of neural networks are done experimentally. Such a
network would have 4 input neurons corresponding to the number of
indicators used in the temporal network input and two output neurons
since we want to calculate the diameter of the defect DC, and identify
the defect type [E.sub.1] , such as:
if [E.sub.1] [approximately equal to] 1 [??] defect on the outer
if [E.sub.1] [approximately equal to] 2 [??] defect on the inner
if [E.sub.1] [approximately equal to] 0 [??] no defect ring.
Network experiments were performed with the number of neurons in
hidden layer ranging from 1 to 10. Three transfer functions were
considered: a linear function "purelin", and two sigmoid
functions, one for positive and negative output 'tansig', the
other to output only positive "logsig".
Learning is performed for each configuration, with the following
Maximum number of iterations (Epochs) = 100. Maximum gradient =
Learning is stopped if any of these conditions is satisfied.
Performance criteria of the neural network are to examine the
performance of each neural network. The sum of squared errors (SSE) and
the mean square error modeling (MSE) [13] associated with the diameter
of the defect were derived as described below.
The SSE is given by the following equation [15]:
SSE = [[N.sub.T].summation over (k=1)][[y.sub.m] (k) - [y.sub.c]
[(k).sup.2]] (5)
where [N.sub.T] is the number of elements of the test set;
[y.sub.m] is the actual measured values of the process to be modeled;
[y.sub.c] is the values calculated by the model.
The MSE is written as follows:
MSE = [square root of (1/[N.sub.T] [[N.sub.T].summation over
(k=1)[[[y.sub.m] (k) - [y.sub.c](k)].sup.2])] (6)
The SSE and the MSE are calculated during the test phase, there
decreasing is synonym that the neural network is performing. These two
parameters are associated with the diameter of the defect because it is
its size which strongly influences the decision of changing the ball
bearing. Fig. 3 shows the selected ANN.
4.2. Design of neural network specialized in the defects of rolling
elements (BALL)
The dedicated network defects in rolling elements has 4 input
neurons which correspond to the number of time indicators used at the
entrance of the network, and two output neurons since we want to
calculate the diameter of the defect DC and identify the defect type
[E.sub.2], such as:
if [E.sub.2] [approximately equal to] 1 [??] defect on the rolling
if [E.sub.2] [approximately equal to] 0 [??] healthy bearing ball.
The design of a neural network specific to the defects of rolling
elements is performed in the same way that the previous network shown.
Figure 4 shows the selected ANN.
4.3. Vibratory signals used for diagnosis and monitoring of drive
end and fan end bearing defects
The signals used in the applications of table 4 and table 5
originate from the database of CWRU. The signals were respectively
collected from SKF 6205 drive end bearing (Table 1) and SKF 6203 fan end
bearing (Table 2) with different severities of inner race and outer race
faults (Table 3). Drive end bearing specifications, including bearing
geometry and defect frequencies are listed in the bearing
Vibration data was collected using accelerometers, which were
attached to the housing with magnetic bases. Accelerometers were placed
at the 12 o'clock position at both the drive end and fan end of the
motor housing.
Data was collected for normal bearings, single-point drive end and
fan end defects. Digital data was collected at 12000 samples/second for
fan end bearing and at 48000 samples/second for drive end bearing
experiments. Data files are in Matlab format.
4.4. Application system for diagnosis and monitoring of drive end
bearing defects
Table 4 below provides an example on how to implement the system to
diagnose and monitor the condition of bearings, with:
DR means the diameter of the actual defect; DC means the calculated
diameter of the defect; ER is the location of the actual defect;
[E.sub.1] is the location of the defect found by the network
specializing in defects rings; [E.sub.2] is the location of the defect
found by the network specializing in defects of rolling elements.
We considered the following cases of measures: Case a: Healthy
The four inputs of neuron networks, RMS, peak, crest factor and
kurtosis, are calculated from the temporal signal vibratory. Both
networks, rings defect and rolling elements defect, give the output
[E.sub.1] = [E.sub.2] = DC = 0 indicating that the bearing is healthy.
Case b: Bearing with inner ring defect.
The four time indicators listed before are calculated in this case
on a vibratory signal measured on a bearing with a point defect on the
inner ring. We find that the location parameter [E.sub.1] is very close
to 2 meaning that the defect is in the inner ring and the calculated
diameter corresponds to the actual diameter.
Case c: Bearing with outer ring defect.
The point defect is located in the third case on the outer ring;
its diameter is 0.50 mm. Shocks appear clearly through the temporal
signal that is used to calculate the time indicators. This case shows
positive results as the calculated diameter DC = 0.53 mm is very close
to the actual diameter of 0.50 mm. The defect location is also justified
by the output [E.sub.1] = 3.
Case d: Bearing with rolling element defect.
In the latter case the defect is made by electroerosion on a ball
bearing. The first application of neural network, defect ring, provided
for defect location [E.sub.1] = 0.1325. We can consider that this result
is close to zero and therefore we can assume that the defect is not on
the outer ring or on the inner ring.
4.5. Application system for diagnosis and monitoring of fan end
bearing defects
The location of the defect has an important influence on the
lifetime of the defective mechanical element. A statistical study [11]
showed that 45 % of the bearings affected by a defect on the internal
ring were replaced against 25% of the bearings affected on the external
This finding implies that the propagation of a fault on the inner
ring is almost twice as fast as a defect on the outer ring. For these
reasons, we are interested in locating in what part of the bearing the
defect is.
Figs. 5, a-c illustrate three vibration signals measured on the
bearings having respectively inner ring defects, made by
electro-discharge, of 0.20, 0.35 and 0.50 mm diameter. As seen in the
following figures the vibration amplitude increase with the size of the
From these three signals are determined the following scalar
indicators: RMS value, Peak Value, Crest Factor and Kurtosis. The values
of these indicators supply the neural networks whose outputs provide
information on the location and size of the various defects (Table 5).
The informations collected are decisive in the monitoring of the
mechanical state of rotating machines and in particular the bearings. If
the defect appears on the inner ring the monitoring will be done at
close intervals.
5. Conclusion
The application of neural networks and vibration signal processing
were used in locating and monitoring the progress of a defect on a ball
The sum of squared errors and mean squared error are used as a
benchmark of different ANN.
Our system has demonstrated the efficacy of ANN for the diagnosis
and monitoring of the progression of defects on a ball bearing. With the
help of ANN, an operator may decide to intervene in a timely manner.
This project also allowed us to verify the effectiveness of ANN
from the choice of the number of neurons and transfer functions used.
The main advantage of neural networks is their ability to machine-learn,
which allows solve complex problems without having to write complex
The system is developed by the pairing of time indicators from the
vibration signals with neural networks. These indicators have the
advantage of being very simple to use and highly effective in the
diagnosis and monitoring of defects in ball bearings.
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Received Mai 18, 2012
Accepted August 21, 2013
M. E. Boukhobza *, Z. Derouiche **, Z. Ahmed Foitih ***
* Signals, Systems and Data Laboratory, Electronics department,
USTO, Algeria
** Signals, Systems and Data Laboratory, Electronics department,
USTO, Algeria, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Power Electronic and Automation Laboratory, Electronics
department, USTO, Algeria, E-mail:
[email protected]
cross ref http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.mech.19.4.5051
Drive end bearing:
6205-2RS JEM SKF, deep
groove ball bearing,
size in mm
Inside Outside Thickness Ball
diameter diameter diameter
25 52 15 8
Defect frequencies
(multiple of running
speed in Hz)
Inner ring Outer ring Cage train Ball
5.4152 3.5848 0.39828 4.7135
Inside Pitch
diameter diameter
25 39
Defect frequencies
(multiple of running
speed in Hz)
Inner ring
Fan end bearing: 6203-2RS JEM SKF,
deep groove ball bearing, size in mm
Inside Outside Thickness
diameter diameter
17 40 12
Defect frequencies (multiple of
running speed in Hz)
Inner ring Outer ring Cage train
4.9469 3.0530 0.3817
Inside Ball Pitch
diameter diameter diameter
17 6.75 28.5
Defect frequencies (multiple of
running speed in Hz)
Inner ring Ball
4.9469 3.9874
Diameters and depths of the
defects located on the
drive end and fan end
Position of bearing Location fault Diameter,
Drive end Inner and outer 0.20
bearing ring and ball
Drive end Inner and outer 0.35
bearing ring and ball
Drive end Inner and outer 0.50
bearing ring and ball
Fan end Inner ring 0.20
Fan end Inner ring 0.35
Fan end Inner ring 0.50
Position of bearing Depth,
Drive end 0.30
Drive end 0.30
Drive end 0.30
Fan end 0.30
Fan end 0.30
Fan end 0.30
Diagnosis examples of Inner
race defects
Actual diameter of Scalar indicators
inner race defect RMS Peak
DR, mm value value
0.20 0.14 0.81
0.35 0.18 1.12
0.50 0.32 1.90
Actual diameter of
inner race defect Crest Kurtosis
DR, mm factor
0.20 5.78 5.40
0.35 6.22 5.65
0.50 5.94 6.96
Actual diameter of ANN results
inner race defect Calculated Type of defect
DR, mm diameter of [E.sub.1]
the defect
DC, mm
0.20 0.18 very close to 2
0.35 0.36 so defect in
0.50 0.53 inner ring
Actual diameter of
inner race defect
DR, mm [E.sub.2]
0.20 Close to 0 no
0.35 ball defect