Influence of boundary conditions on the vibration modes of the smart turning tool/Krastiniu salygu itaka ismaniojo tekinimo peilio virpesiu modoms.
Vaicekauskis, M. ; Gaidys, R. ; Ostasevicius, V. 等
1. Introduction
The paper presents analysis of smart turning tool dynamics. It is
well known that turning process is often used in different metal parts
manufacturing process. The growing demand for fast and low cost part
manufacturing brought in to the day light vibration assisted turning
systems, which have several advantages over ordinary turning process. It
also well known that post treatment of the machined parts cost a lot of
The authors of [1] have carried out an experiment with vibration
assisted turning and have obtained data which showed that usage of
ultrasonic vibration reduces the roughness of the surface.
According to [2] ultrasonic turning can reduce the cutting force up
to 47% compared to conventional turning.
Authors of the [3] have proposed metal cutting by using ultrasonic
frequencies vibrations which are more rational compare with traditional
cutting method. Research was applied in turning process. For this
purpose was created the special cutting knife with ultrasonic vibration
actuator of piezoceramics. Results proved theoretical research, which
says that by using ultrasonic frequencies the surface of machined detail
is improved.
In work [4] vibration-assisted machining tool forces were compared
to the conventional turning process forces. The forces in the
vibration-assisted machining were reasonably lower then those occurring
in the conventional turning. It was also stated in this paper [4] that
vibration-assisted machining extends tool life several times.
Ultrasonic vibrations are also used in the vibration assisted
drilling process. Authors of the [5] have carried out comprehensive
investigation of the vibration assisted drilling. This study was
concerned with application of numerical-experimental approach for
characterizing dynamic behavior of the developed piezoelectrically
excited vibration drilling tool with the aim to identify the most
effective conditions of tool vibration mode control for improved cutting
efficiency. 3D finite element model of the tool was created on the basis
of an elastically fixed pre-twisted cantilever (standard twist drill).
The model was experimentally verified and used together with tool
vibration measurements in order to reveal rich dynamic behavior of the
pretwisted structure, representing a case of parametric vibrations with
axial, torsional and transverse natural vibrations accompanied by the
additional dynamic effects arising due to the coupling of axial and
torsional deflections ((un)twisting). Numerical results combined with
extensive data from interferometric, accelerometric, dynamometric and
surface roughness measurements allowed to determine critical excitation
frequencies and the corresponding vibration modes, which have the
largest influence on the performance metrics of the vibration drilling
process. The most favorable tool excitation conditions were established:
inducing the axial mode of the vibration tool itself through tailoring
of driving frequency enables to minimize magnitudes of surface
roughness, cutting force and torque. Research results confirm the
importance of the tool mode control in enhancing the effectiveness of
vibration cutting tools from the viewpoint of structural dynamics.
Differences between conventional and ultrasonic turning in stress
distribution in the process zone and contact conditions at the tool/chip
interface are investigated in the [6].
In this paper modal and harmonic analysis of the vibration assisted
turning tool is presented in order to find the useful frequencies for
lowering the cutting force and decreasing the surface roughness.
Longitudinal and transverse turning tool vibration modes are
investigated while changing the turning tool fixation areas.
2. Modal analysis
The goal of modal analysis is to determine the natural mode shapes
and frequencies of a structure. The finite element method (FEM) is
commonly used to perform this analysis.
Modes are inherent properties of a structure. Modes are determined
by the material properties (mass, stiffness), type, configuration and
boundary conditions of the structure. Each mode is defined by a natural
(modal or resonant) frequency, modal damping, and a mode shape. If
either the material properties or the boundary conditions of a structure
change, its modes will change. At or near the natural frequency of a
mode, the overall vibration shape (operating deflection shape) of a
machine or structure will tend to be dominated by the mode shape of the
resonance. All vibration is a combination of both forced and resonant
vibrations. Forced vibrations occur due to the fact of:
* internally generated forces;
* disbalances;
* external loadings;
* ambient excitation.
Resonant vibrations typically amplify the structure response far
beyond the level of deflection, stress, and strain caused by static
A modal analysis determines the vibration characteristics (natural
frequencies and mode shapes) of a structure or a machine component. It
can also serve as a starting point for another, more detailed, transient
and harmonic response analysis, or a spectrum analysis. The natural
frequencies and mode shapes are important parameters in the design of a
structure for dynamic loading conditions.
The equation of motion for an undamped system, expressed in matrix
notation is [1]:
[M]{u}+[K]{u}={0} (1)
where [M] is the mass matrix and [K] is the structure stiffness
matrix, including prestress efects.
The solution of Eq. (1) has the general form:
{[u.sub.i]} = [{[PHI]}.sub.i] cos [[omega].sub.i]t, (2)
where {[PHI]} is the eigenvector representing the mode shape of the
i-th natural frequency and [[omega].sub.i] is the i-th natural circular
frequency. Thus, Eq. (1) becomes:
(-[[omega].sup.2.sub.i][M]+{K})[{[PHI]}.sub.i] = {0}. (3)
Rather than outputting the circular frequencies [[omega].sub.i] the
natural frequencies were output:
[f.sub.i] = [[omega].sub.i]/2[pi]. (4)
The normalization of each eigenvector [[PHI].sub.i] was in respect
to the mass matrix:
[{[PHI]}.sup.T.sub.i][M][{[PHI]}.sub.i] = 1. (5)
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are the solutions of the equation:
[k]{[PHI]} = [[lambda].sub.j][M]{[[PHI].sub.j]}, (6)
where [K] is the structure stiffness matrix, {[[PHI].sub.j]} is the
eigenvector, [[lambda].sub.j] is the eigenvalue and [M] is the structure
mass matrix.
3. Harmonic analysis
Harmonic response analyses are used to determine the steady-state
response of a linear structure to loads that vary sinusoidally
(harmonically) with time, thus enabling to verify whether or not your
designs will successfully overcome resonance, fatigue, and other harmful
effects of forced vibrations.
Harmonic response analysis gives for the ability to predict the
dynamic behaviour of cutting tool structures. This technique is used to
determine the steady-state response of a linear structure to loads that
vary harmonically with time [7].
The general equation of motion for a structural system is [8]:
[M]{u}+[c]{u}+[K]{u} = {[F.sup.a]}, (7)
where [M] is structural mass matrix; [C] is structural damping
matrix; [K] is structural stiffness matrix; {u} is nodal acceleration
vector; {u } is nodal velocity vector; {u } is nodal displacement
vector; {[f.sub.a]} is applied harmonic load vector.
As stated above, all points in the structure are moving at the same
known frequency, however, not necessarily in phase. Also, it is known,
that the presence of damping causes phase shifts. Therefore, the
displacements may be defined as:
{u} = {[u.sub.max][e.sup.i[PHI]]} [e.sup.i[OMEGA]t], (8)
where {[u.sub.max]} is maximum displacement; i is square root of
-1; [OMEGA] = 2[pi]f is imposed circular frequency (radians/time); f is
imposed frequency (cycles/time); t is time; [PHI] is displacement phase
4. Model of turning tool
Experimental model of the vibration assisted turning tool was
created by faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics of Kaunas
University of Technology. The model is composed of the following main
parts (Fig. 1): carbide insert 1, turning tool 2, tool holder 3, two
fixation bolts 4. Langevin type piezoelectric transducer [9] which
contains of horn 5, piezoelectric rings 6 and backing 7. Properties of
the parts are listed in the Table.
The model was transferred to the CAD system Solidworks, after the
dimensions were taken. The main feature of the model is the four contact
areas. These areas will act as the representation of bolts used in the
real model.
It is known that boundary conditions are very important for the
analysis results and for the dynamics of the turning tool. In our model
boundary condition is the locations of the contact areas. These areas
are changed during the analysis to investigate influence to tool
dynamics. Because there is a lot of variations of contact areas and this
would cause to solve optimization task in this paper six different sets
of contact areas were analysed (Fig. 2).
The 3D model of turning tool was transferred to FEA
software--ANSYS. For the modal and harmonic response analysis of the
turning tool was chosen the SOLID98 finite element. In the [8] this
element is described as the element which has a quadratic displacement
behavior and is well suited to model irregular meshes (such as produced
from various CAD/CAM systems). When used in structural and piezoelectric
analyses, SOLID98 has large deflection and stress stiffening
capabilities. The element is defined by ten nodes with up to six degrees
of freedom at each node.
In Fig. 3 the meshed turning tool with the 20042 nodes and 10925
elements is presented. Green areas are the highlighted contact areas.
5. Modal analysis results
Modal analysis of the turning tool was carried out between 0 and 40
kHz frequency. As it was stated in the [2] and [5] the longitudinal
vibrations are very useful for decreasing surface roughness. It was
determined first vibration assisted turning tool longitudinal vibration
mode at 5.3 kHz, second at 27.6 kHz (Fig. 4).
The first transverse mode of the turning tool was determined at 9.9
kHz and the second at 35.1 kHz.
Analysed turning tool transverse and longitudinal frequency
dependence from contact area position are showed in Fig. 5. We can see
that modes that we are interesting most efficiently separates--differs
in frequency, when fifth contact area set is used.
This is very useful when we want to achieve needed vibration mode
and the mode's frequencies do not overlap each other. Such
overlapping we can see in the second and third contact area fixing set.
The modal analysis of the turning tool with different contact areas
has showed that (Fig. 5.) the position of the contact areas have large
influence for tool dynamics. For example the eigenfrequency difference
between first transverse mode in Set 1 f = 10 kHz) and the same
transverse mode but in Set 4 is two times lower f = 4.9 kHz). The
eigenfrequency of the second transverse vibration mode of the turning
tool is approximately more than three times greater. Lowest
eigenfrequency of the transverse vibrations second mode is then contact
area Set 3 and f = 27.6 kHz. Highest vibration in the transverse mode is
reached when tool vibrates with the frequencies equal to f = 39.6 kHz
(Set 6).
Longitudinal vibrations are one of the main vibrations which are
used to lower surface roughness and cutting forces and to extend tool
life. In our model longitudinal vibrations are achieved in high
frequencies. The range in which longitudinal vibrations occur are from f
= 25-32 kHz. The large difference of frequencies of the first and second
modes that we had in the transverse vibrations did not occur in the case
with the longitudinal vibrations.
The obtained data gives the possibility to predict that exciting
turning tool to according frequencies we can control the vibration modes
which leads to control the useful vibrations.
The more accurate data for the frequencies needed for tool
excitation could be found if the contact areas locations were find out
during optimization. But this task is time consuming and further
investigation should be carried out before proceeding to optimization
6. Results of harmonic analysis
The harmonic analysis of the vibration assisted turning tool was
carried out in order to get quantitative results of the analysis. From
the modal analysis results (Fig. 5) we can see that in the contact area
Set 5 we have turning tool modes that are separated quite evenly. For
this reason we have chosen the contact area Set 5 for harmonic analysis.
Furthermore in the Set 5 we have good localization of the vibration
modes. This feature is very important, because such good localization of
the modes will enable to excite interested modes of the turning tool to
get needed useful vibrations.
Harmonic analysis was carried out in the range from f = 15-40 kHz.
The material properties and the mesh were used the same as in the modal
The results of the harmonic analysis are presented in the Fig. 6
and Fig. 7. The Fig. 6 shows turning tool tip amplitude-frequency
characteristic in the axis Z along the tool holder direction, contact
are Set 5. The peak amplitude reaches in when the tool is excited with
the frequency equal to 26.5 kHz and the displacement is 2.29x[10.sup.-3]
mm. This peak amplitude corresponds to the first longitudinal vibration
mode of the tool. Second peak occurs at the frequency equal to 30.5 kHz
and the displacement is 3.63x[10.sup.-4] mm. At same frequency as the
second peak (Fig. 6) in the Fig. 5 we see second longitudinal vibration
mode of the tool. From this comparison we can state that exciting tool
to according frequencies useful displacements of the vibration assisted
turning tool can be achieved.
Three peaks of tool amplitude (Fig. 7) were observed when tool was
excited harmonically using contact area set 4. First peak f = 20 kHz and
the displacement is 1.54x[10.sup.-3] mm corresponds to second transverse
vibration mode. The last two peaks occurring respectively 22.8 and 28
kHz represents first and second longitudinal vibration modes of the
turning tool.
Harmonic analysis of the vibration assisted tool showed that using
correct excitation frequencies we can achieve useful displacement of the
turning tool tip.
Further work will be carried out in order to check the computer
analysis data with the real experiment data.
7. Conclusions
1. FEM analysis of the turning tool holder with the vibration
amplifier was modeled with six sets of different locations of contact
areas positions.
2. Turning tool modal analysis has showed transverse and
longitudinal vibrations frequency dependence from location of contact
areas position. Found sets where vibration mode and the mode's
frequencies overlap and do not overlap each other.
3. Turning tool harmonic analysis has showed that the peak
amplitude of the tool longitudinal vibration reaches in when the tool is
excited with the frequency equal to 26.5 kHz, and the tool tip
displacement is 2.29x[10-.sup.3] mm. This peak amplitude corresponds to
the first longitudinal vibration mode of the tool.
Received October 25, 2012 Accepted June 17, 2013
This research work was funded by EU Structural Funds project
"In-Smart" (Nr. VP1-3.1-SMM-10-V-02 012).
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M. Vaicekauskis *, R. Gaidys **, V. Ostasevicius ***
* Kaunas University of Technology, Kcstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, Kcstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Kaunas University of Technology, Kcstucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
Mechanical properties of the material used in FEM analysis
Density Young's
[rho], kg/ Poisson's modulus,
Component Material [m.sup.3] ratio GPa
Turning tool, tool
holder, fixing Steel C45 7850 0.33 210
contact areas, horn,
Insert Carbide 15000 0.24 640
Piezoceramic rings PZT5 7800 0.371 66