Initial water temperature influence on the thermal state of evaporating droplets/Vandens pradines temperaturos itaka garuojanciu laseliu terminei busenai.
Miliauskas, G. ; Sinkunas, S. ; Norvaisiene, K. 等
a--thermal diffusivity, [m.sup.2]/s; B--Spalding transfer number;
[c.sub.p]--mass specific heat, J/(kg K); [c.sub.0]--speed of
electromagnetic radiation propagation in vacuum, m/s; D--mass
diffusivity, [m.sup.2] /s; h--Planck's constant, J s; Fo--Fourier
number; g--evaporation velocity, kg/s; [I.sub.[omega]]--spectral
intensity of radiation, W/(m ster); [I.sub.[omega]0]--spectral intensity
of blackbody radiation, W/(m ster); k--conduction; k+r--conduction and
radiation; [k.sub.0]--Boltzmann's constant, J/K; L--latent heat of
evaporation, J/kg; m--vapour mass flux, kg/([m.sup.2]s); n--number of
the term in infinite sum; [n.sub.[omega]]--spectral index of refraction;
[n.sub.[omega][kappa]]--spectral complex refractive index; Nu--Nusselt
number; p--pressure, Pa; P--symbol of free parameter in heat-mass
transfer; q--heat flux, W/[m.sup.2]; r--radial coordinate, m;
[r.sub.[omega][beta]]--reflectivity; [R.sub.[mu]]--universal gas
constant J/(kmol K); t--free selected time, s; s--free direction
coordinate, m; T--temperature, K; [beta], [gamma], [phi], [PHI]/--angles
in figure 1, rad; n--non-dimensional radial coordinate;
[lambda]--thermal conductivity, W/(mK); [K.sub.[omega]]--spectral index
of absorption; [mu]--molecular mass, kg/kmol; [rho]--density,
kg/[m.sup.3]; [tau]--time, s; [omega]--wave number, m-1;
[x.sub.[omega]]--spectral absorption coefficient, [m.sup.-1].
Subscripts: C--droplet centre; co--condensation; e--equilibrium
evaporation; f--phase change; g--gas; i--time index in a digital scheme;
it--number of iteration; I--control time; j--index of radial coordinate;
J--droplet surface; k--conduction; [laplace]--liquid; m--mass average;
r--radiation; rs--radiation source; R--droplet surface; v--vapor;
vg--gas-vapor mixture; [omega]--spectral; 0--initial state;
[infinity]--far from a droplet.
Superscripts: + - external side of a droplet surface; - - internal
side of a droplet surface.
1. Introduction
Sprayed liquid technology is widely used in modern industry and
understanding of liquid fuel and water droplet evaporation is important
when designing technological processes. Rapid evaporation of liquid
droplets allows a more efficient burning of fuel. Disperse water
injection is an effective way to control the rate of thermal processes.
A wide range of liquid spray technology application and variety of
droplet evaporation conditions influences the continuing interest in the
research of droplet heat and mass transfer. Applied research methods are
discussed in detail [1]. In modern studies there is an objective to take
into account dynamics of combined heat and mass transfer process and
their interaction in more detail. One of the factors which influence the
interaction of transfer processes is radiation absorption of semi
transparent droplets. The effect can be evaluated via the spectral
radiation modeling [2-10]. The models are described in detail in [1, 2]
and their analysis is outside the scope of this paper. Among spectral
radiation models there are models based on geometrical optics theory.
This theory is not valid for small-size droplets
(diameter-to-wavelength) [2] but is used to determine local radiant flux
in droplets. This is important when evaluating the interaction of
combined heat transfer processes in the droplet. Additionally, heat and
mass transfer processes are influenced by the droplet Stefan
hydrodynamic flow. This effect traditionally is evaluated using Spalding
parametric functions [11, 12]. The analytical droplet evaporation models
based on Stefan's logarithmic formulas for vapour flux are
presented in [13-15]. When modeling small droplet evaporation the effect
of Knudsen layer needs to be accounted [1, 16, 17]. The important
parameters for droplets evaporation process is the temperature of
sprayed liquid, droplet dispersity, and partial vapour pressure in the
gas and gas temperature. Conditions of heat and mass transfer between
droplets and its surroundings are important also. The influence of
individual factors to heat and mass transfer processes can be assessed
using benchmarking method beginning with the simple droplet models and
then considering more complex cases. The choice of the basic parameters
for benchmarking is essential. It can be any heat and mass transfer
parameter [P.sub.k] of conductively heated droplets. Function
[P.sub.k](Fo) is independent on droplet dispersity [18] when initial
water temperature for all conductively heated evaporating droplets is
the same and the gas temperature and the vapour pressure in the gas is
This paper evaluates the initial temperature effect to the droplet
thermal state during evaporation process.
2. Research method
Droplets are assumed spherically; influence of Knudsen layer for
evaporation is neglected. The change of droplet volume is determined by
vapour flux on the droplet surface [13] and heated liquid expansion:
For Eq. (1) the temperature function [T.sub.R] ([tau]) is required
and it is estimated on the base of energy balance on the evaporating
droplet surface (Fig. 1, a):
Temperature gradient in the droplet is determined by function of
unsteady temperature field T(r, t) which in case of combined heat
transfer by conduction and radiation is described by energy equation:
Eq. (3) is solved analytically. It is assumed that function of
radiation flux in the droplet [q.sub.r](r, [tau]) is known and boundary
conditions are valid:
The system equations (3, 4) using function [f.sub.T] (r, [tau]) = r
[T (r, [tau])- [T.sub.R] ([tau])] is substituted with the infinite
series of integrals assuming that the droplet initially is isothermal
and liquid physical properties dependence on the temperature is
neglected [21].
When the droplet initially is non-isothermal in equation (5) such
initial state is evaluated according [22]. The variability of physical
properties in warming liquid droplet is evaluated according [23].
The radiation flux in the semitransparent droplet is defined by the
system of integral-differential equations:
here: "-" stands for 0 < s < Rcos[beta] (Fig. 1,
a). It is assumed that function of temperature field in the droplet T(r)
is known and boundary condition [I.sub.[omega]](r = R) =
[I.sub.[omega],R] is valid. Using radiation heat flux distribution in a
cylindrically symmetric no isothermal gas with temperature-dependent
absorption coefficient methodology presented in [24] the system of Eq.
(7) for spherical semi transparent volume is transformed to integral
equation [9]:
The angles in the droplet (Fig. 1, a): rsin[gamma] = Rsin[beta];
[gamma] = [pi] - [phi]. For [gamma] = R, [gamma] = [beta] and the
Optical thicknesses representing symbols used in Eqs. (7) and (8)
are described as [26]:
where [r.sub.1] and [r.sub.2] are [theta] integral limits in Eqs.
(7) and (8). The system of Eqs. (1), (2), (5), (7) and (8) is solved
numerically. At first we assume droplet heating time t. This time is
divided into number of I-1 time intervals [DELTA][[tau].sub.i]. The no
dimensional coordinate [eta] for interval from 0 to 1 is divided into
number of J-1 intervals [DELTA][[eta].sub.j]. For such operations
conditions are valid:
The droplet surface temperature [T.sub.R,i] for time moment Ti is
defined numerically solving the system of Eq. (2) by steepest descent
iterative method. Imbalance of heat fluxes on the droplet surface is
achieved no more as 0.01%. Radiation fluxes [q.sub.r,i,j,it] in droplet
concentric sections determined by coordinate [[eta].sub.j] are
calculated according Eqs. (7) and (8). In such calculations we must
evaluate [T.sub.i,j,it-1] temperatures in the droplet. In radiation
spectrum the finite interval [[omega].sub.1]/[[omega].sub.2] is
selected. It is divided linear to NM-1 intervals [DELTA][[omega].sub.nm]
= [[omega].sub.nm+1]-[[omega].sub.nm]. Integrals in Eq. (7) are solved
numerically for wave number using rectangular method and for y angle
using Gauss method with 7 point scheme. Integrals in Eqs. (7) and (8)
for radial coordinate r are replaced by finite sum of integrals for
selected [[DELTA].sub.rj] = [r.sub.j+1]-[r.sub.j] intervals. Integrals
of exponential functions are solved analytically and integrals of
optical thicknesses are replaced by finite sums of algebraic terms. For
here [r.sub.j,0-1] [less than or equal to] rsin[gamma] [less than
or equal to][r.sub.j0] and j0 > 2f. Spectral coefficients of light
reflection r[omega][beta] on the droplet surface are calculated
according [27]. The Brewster angle effect is evaluated assuming
[r.sub.[omega],[beta]] = 1 when [beta] > arcsin(l/[n.sub.[oemag]K]).
The spectral optical properties for water are found according [27, 28]
recommendations. The temperature field [T.sub.i,j,it] in droplet is
calculated numerically solving Eq. (5) when [q.sub.r,i,j,it] is
determined. In infinite sum the finite number of N terms is evaluated.
Integrals in Eq. (5) are solved numerically using rectangular method.
Stability of digital scheme in iterative intensity of radiation on
droplet inner surface are defined by equation [25]:
cycle for time moment Ti requires to keep constant droplet radius
[R.sub.i,it] [equivalent to] [R.sub.i-1]. At the end of iterative cycle
the radius of droplet [R.sub.i] is calculated solving the system of Eq.
(1). The above calculations are provided after every time step.
Numerical investigation is ended when estimated time t is reached or
when the diameter of evaporating droplet diminished to 10 microns.
3. Results and discussion
Evaporation of water droplets heated by conduction and radiation
source with temperature [T.sub.r,s] = [T.sub.g] is modelled by above
discussed iterative digital scheme for NM = 151, J = 81, N = 101, I <
201. The comparison of equilibrium evaporation results obtained using
digital scheme presented in this work with experimental results [19] and
theoretical research [2] in case of heating by conduction and radiation
of water droplets is presented in Fig. 1, b. For equilibrium evaporation
[q.sup.+.sub.f] [congruent to] [q.sup.+.sub.[summation]] is assumed.
In our research water with initial temperature 293 K which is lower
than equilibrium evaporating droplets temperature is named sub cooled.
In opposite case, water with initial temperature 363 K is named sub
heated. The initial water temperature is significant to the thermal
state of the evaporating droplet (Fig. 2). If spayed water is sub cooled
then droplets heat until reaching equilibrium evaporation temperature
via unsteady evaporation process. If sprayed water is sub heated, then
droplets cool down until the equilibrium evaporation temperature is
reached. Droplet thermal state dynamics is defined by heat transfer
peculiarities between droplets and surrounding. The peculiarities are
well highlighted by dynamics of the evaporating droplet surface and
centre temperatures.
Functions [[bar.T].sub.[eta],k] (Fo) are individual to every
cross-section and locate between characteristic functions
[[bar.T].sub.[eta][equivalent to]O,k] (Fo) and
[[bar.T].sub.[eta][equivalent to]1,k] (Fo). The set of functions
[[bar.T].sub.[eta],k] (Fo) determines thermal state change during
unsteady evaporation regime for conductively heated water droplets. At
the end of unsteady evaporation regime the curves get close to each
other [[bar.T].sub.[eta],k] (Fo [right arrow] [Fo.sub.e,k])[right arrow]
1 and their merge represents the beginning of equilibrium evaporation.
The thermal state of no isothermal droplet determines mass average
temperature [T.sub.m] (Fo). The curves [[bar.T].sub.R,k] (Fo),
[[bar.T].sub.C,k] (Fo) and [[bar.T].sub.m,k] (Fo) are characteristic.
Functions [[bar.T].sub.[eta],k] (Fo) are defining temperature change in
cross-sections of the droplet defined by coordinate [eta] = r/R(Fo).
Those cross-sections are symmetric in respect of the droplet centre. It
is obvious that thermal state of conductively heated droplets does not
change during equilibrium evaporation regime (Fig. 3):
[[bar.T].sub.m,k] (Fo [greater than or equal to] [Fo.sub.e,k]) = 1
and [[bar.T].sub.m,k] (Fo [greater than or equal to] [Fo.sub.e,k]) =
Radiation absorbed by semi transparent droplets essentially changes
their thermal state (Fig. 4, a). This shows that during combined heating
functions [T.sub.[eta]k+r] (Fo) for different size droplets are
individual during the evaporation process. Peculiarities of the droplet
surface and centre temperatures change determine non isothermality of
combined heated droplets (Fig. 4, b). Radiation absorbed by droplets
accelerates their heating if initial water temperature is lower than
equilibrium evaporation temperature (Fig. 2, a, b), but slows droplets
cooling process if the initial water temperature is higher than
equilibrium evaporation temperature (Fig. 2, a, c). Therefore, in the
case of the same surroundings temperature the droplet mass average
temperature is always higher in combined heating case than for
conductively heated droplets independently of the sprayed water
temperature (Fig. 4, a).
Radiation absorbed by droplets changes the droplet thermal state
and influences evaporation process (Fig. 5). Absorbed radiation flux in
water droplets mainly depends on surroundings temperature and droplets
The radiation absorption by smaller droplets is lower (Fig. 5, b).
During unsteady evaporation the reduction of [q.sub.r,R] is slight, but
it enhances during equilibrium evaporation (Fig. 5, a). This is caused
by the rapid reduction of droplet radius during the last stage of
evaporation. In combined heating case the droplet evaporation is faster
than for conductive heating. This effect for superheated water droplets
is more significant. It is also seen that sub heated water droplets
heated conductively evaporate faster than sub cooled droplets in
combined heating case (Fig. 5, a). The higher sped of evaporation is
determined by participating of liquid internal energy in evaporation
process of cooling droplets. During evaporation process local radiation
flux in the droplet changes significantly (Fig. 5, b). For larger
droplets radiation absorption in droplet surface sub layer is intensive.
With decreasing of evaporating droplets radiation flux absorption
decreases (Fig. 5, a) also becomes more even in droplet until becomes
approximately linear in the final evaporation period (Fig. 5, b).
The non-linear character of curves [[bar.q].sub.r] can be explained
by the effects of light reflection at the inner surface of a droplet,
which enhances when optical thickness of semi transparent droplet
reduces. The initial water temperature determines peculiarities of heat
fluxes change on the droplet surface (Fig. 6).
Function of radiation heat flux [bar.q].sub.r,R] (Fo) for sub
cooled and sub heated droplets differs only quantitatively. Comparison
of heat flux functions [q.sup.+.sub.k] (Fo), [q.sup.-.sub.k] (Fo) and
[q.sup.+.sub.f](Fo) for sub cooled and sub heated water in unsteady
evaporation process differs quantitatively and qualitatively. For
conduction heat flux [q.sup.-.sub.k] such difference is very obvious.
Value of [q.sup.-.sub.k] for sub heated water droplets during unsteady
evaporation reduces to radiation heat flux value [q.sub.r,R].
For the sub cooled water droplets value [q.sup.-.sub.k] during
unsteady evaporation initially reduces to zero, but later enhances up to
value [q.sub.r,R]. Evaporation heat flux [q.sup.+.sub.f] of sub cooled
water droplets continuously increases during evaporation process. For
sub heated water droplets value [q.sup.+.sub.f] initially reduces
intensively until minimal value and later continuously increases during
evaporation process. During the equilibrium evaporation regime the
influence of sprayed water temperature is only quantitative.
Radiation flux absorbed in the droplet changes dynamics of droplet
thermal state (Fig. 7). During equilibrium evaporation regime (Fig. 7,
a) and during unsteady evaporation regime (Fig. 7, b) the thermal state
change of droplet significantly differs. During equilibrium evaporation
the droplet thermal state peculiarities are depended on droplet heating
way, whereas during unsteady evaporation the thermal state dynamics
additionally is affected by sprayed water temperature. For sub heated
water droplets the temperature decreases most rapidly when droplets are
heated by conduction and for sub cooled water droplets the temperature
increases faster when droplets are heated in combined way (Fig. 7, b).
During unsteady evaporation the temperature change rate of droplet
surface sub layers continuously reduces, but for the droplet centre
layers temperature change rate initially enhances until reaches maximum,
and then continuously reduces. At the end of unsteady evaporation
regime: d[[bar.T].sub.R]/dFo [right arrow] 0, d[bar.T]C/dFo [right
arrow] 0 and d[[bar.T].sub.m]/dFo [right arrow] 0.
The thermal state of droplets heated by conduction does not change
during equilibrium evaporation: d[[bar.T].sub.m,k] (Fo [greater than or
equal to] [Fo.sub.e,k])/dFo [equivalent to] 0. The temperature of
droplets in the case of combined heating during equilibrium evaporation
is decreasing (Fig. 4).
4. Conclusions
Sprayed water temperature has a significant influence on droplets
thermal state change and on unsteady evaporation process. The influence
of water initial temperature is convenient to determine using a
parameter based on the ratio of water initial temperature and droplet
equilibrium evaporation temperature [[bar.T].sub.0] =
[T.sub.0]/[T.sub.m,e]. For sub cooled water the value of parameter T0
< 1 and droplets during unsteady evaporation warms up to temperature
[T.sub.m,e]. For sub heated water the value of parameter [[bar.T].sub.0]
> 1 and droplets during unsteady evaporation cools down to
temperature [T.sub.m,e]. The influence of initial water temperature for
droplets evaporation process is negligible when parameter
[[bar.T].sub.0] [approximately equal to] 1. The influence of radiation
flux absorbed by sub cooled and sub heated water droplets for their
thermal state change is different. 10.5755/j01.mech.19.2.4160
Received March 09, 2012 Accepted March 25, 2013
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G. Miliauskas, S. Sinkunas, K. Norvaisiene, K. Sinkunas
Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaicio 20, Kaunas, 44239,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]