Authenticity analysis of personal identity documents by the methods of holographic interferometry. Part II/Asmens tapatybe patvirtinancio dokumento autentiskumo tyrimai holografines interferometrijos metodais. II dalis.
Greicius, S. ; Janusas, G. ; Vasiliauskas, R. 等
1. Introduction
Forgery of personal identity documents is an integral part of
organized crime, the precondition of international smuggling drugs,
weapons and other goods, illegal immigration, human trafficking,
terrorism, mobility, fraud, money laundering. These sides of organized
crime put the greatest threat to internal security of the EU, while the
harm made to the economy, including distortions of the domestic market
can reach hundreds of billions of euros.
According the data of Interpol National Central Database for
December of the year 2013 [1] in 166 countries there were lost or stolen
39 millions of travel documents (ordinary passports or foreigners'
passports, sailors books, national personal identity cards, etc.) and
the main part of them possibly has got into the hands of organized crime
groups. The Most preliminary calculations reveal that a faked passport
may result in up to 500,000 EURO damage to the state [2]. Therefore,
expeditious inspection of personal identity documents still remains a
very important issue for law enforcement bodies (officers of migration,
police, State Border Guard Service).
In the Second Report on the implementation of the EU Internal
Security Strategy in 2013 presented in COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION
External Borders Fund (EBF) supported and in future will support Member
States in their efforts to fight the use of faked and falsified identity
and travel documents. It is stated that EBF assisted the member states
in purchasing specific equipment used by border guards and in consular
offices to verify the authenticity of documents. The EBF also
contributed to the development of FADO (False and Authentic Documents
Online), a web-based tool facilitating the exchange of information
between the Member States on detected document fraud [3].
At the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) held on
10-13 of June 2013 was adopted the EP Resolution "On organised
crime, corruption and money laundering: recommendations on action and
initiatives to be taken" [4], in which recommendations to the
Member States in cooperation with the European Parliament, the
Commission, with the support of Europol, Eurojust and the EU Fundamental
Rights Agency, to devise indicators, which should be as uniform and
consistent as possible, in order to measure the extent and economic
costs of, and social harm caused by organised crime, corruption and
money laundering at EU level are given. The EP calls on the Commission
and the Council to consider the establishment of an EU criminal
organizations list, the establishment of an European network to link
different universities, dealing with organized crime, corruption and
money laundering, and to encourage university research in these areas.
In the Public Register of Authentic identity and travel Documents
Online PRADO [5], the information about the authentic European identity
and travel documents, about validity of the documents and other legal
issues related to them, as well as technical and some descriptions of
the most important security measures are presented. All EU passports are
produced in compliance with the European Council Regulation (EC) No.
2252/2004 of 13 December 2004 "On Standards for Security Features
and Biometrics in Passports and Travel Documents Issued by Member
States" and European Council Regulation (EC) No. 444/2009 of 28 May
2009 [6, 7]. In majority of the countries in the world, including all EU
countries, modern personal identity and travel documents are produced in
compliance with international standards, in particular the
recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Almost 200 countries--ICAO members in the world have the signed treaty
on issuing Machine Readable Travel Documents--MRP--passport which is in
compliance with ICAO recommendations, the requirements of ISO/IEC
7810:1995 and, ISO/IEC 7810:1995 standards [8]. They define additional
technical specifications applicable for passports and travel documents:
additional security features and requirements including enhanced
anti-forgery, counterfeiting and falsification standards. They cover the
specific requirements for material properties of the document, the
requirements for data page, printing method, copy protection, data
recording methods. A particular attention is paid to the optical
security measures of the document [9].
Despite all the introduced security measures to protect the
documents they continue to be falsified applying for the purpose the
latest modern technologies, special features and capabilities provided
by them. Although the heavy sentence - the arrest or imprisonment of
four to six years is foreseen in Article 300 "Forgery of a Document
or Possession of a Forged Document" of Criminal Code of the
Republic of Lithuania, but trends of fraud, and illegal migration, using
the forged documents, in Lithuania remains the same according the data
of the Lithuanian Criminal Intelligence Analysis Centre.
Officers of the Law enforcement bodies (immigration, police, border
control) for primary inspection of personal identity documents mainly
use mobile document inspection tool kits (e.g. SDK-02 Forgery Detection
Kit) (Fig. 1). In case there is a suspicion over authenticity, a
thorough inspection of the document is done. For the purpose microscopic
analysis methods with reflected, transient and oblique beams of white
light reflected as ultraviolet and infrared light beams are used. In the
analysis process various ratio magnifying glasses (criminalistics, video
spectral ("Regula 4077" and "Regula 4177"),
different devices for document inspection ("Regula 4303",
"Regula 4305", "Regula 5001", etc.), video spectral
comparators are also used.
The main object of passport inspection done by the officers of law
enforcement bodies as well as the object of forgery done by criminals is
MRP data page. According the requirements defined in ISO/IEC 7810:1995
standard and ICAO DOC 9303 its nominal dimensions are 88.0 [+ or -] 0.75
mm x 125.0 [+ or -] 0,75 mm. The applied in Lithuania MRP data page
thickness including any final preparation (e.g. laminate) according the
defined requirements is not more than 0.90 mm. Typical structure of MRP
data page produced in the majority of EU countries is presented in Fig.
2. The structure of MRP data pages produced in Lithuania is analogous.
The documents are usually forged in two ways: intellectually and
materially. In the first case having available stolen blank documents
obtained by fraud, a completely new document with all the requisites and
properly documented is made, but content of such the documents is false.
In the second case a particular part of the document is replaced - false
personal data is added (printed), counterfeit pages are used, stamps and
visas are replaced or counterfeit, photos are replaced. In the latter
case most frequently MRP data page is falsified.
Analysis of document forging statistics in expert institutions of
the foreign countries and Ministry of the Interior and examination of
educational materials reveals the main methods of document
falsification--"erasing and scraping, etching, washing, additional
recording and corrections, photos replacement, changing of other
fragments of the documents" [12].
Investigations of documents (passport) forgery carried out in
expert institutions of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of
Lithuania reveal that the most frequently the data pages are damaged by
the means of mechanical nature in the zones of photo image and personal
data records. As modern computer and laser technologies and other tools
as well are applied for the forgery, rather often the primary document
inspection cannot reliably determine authenticity of the document.
Initial stage of the document forgery, when upper polycarbonate layer of
passport data page and the photograph under it are being removed is
presented in Fig. 3.
After replacement of the photography, which can be inserted by
digital means as well, the data page always contains some technological
defects: the damage of polycarbonate layer near or beyond the
photograph, printing defects near or beyond the photograph, air gaps
after repeated fusion of the laminate layers, micro wrinkles on the
upper layer and other. When performing thorough authenticity analysis of
the passport data page various nondestructive testing methods which
differ in their principles and hardware complexity are used. These can
be the methods of visual inspection, optical and laser interferometry,
ultrasonic, acoustic emission, vibration analysis, the methods of
mechanical loading, thermo graphic, thermal emission and others or their
The results of MRP data page authenticity analysis obtained by
applying the methods of non-destructive testing--the methods of
holographic interferometry and determining the influence of thermal
expansion of the passport data page on its surface deformation are
presented in research [11]. Experimental research with original
reference (specimen) and forged passports were conducted, the fixation
conditions of the data page in the special holding frame and the
parameters of heat loading were determined. The results of the research
obtained in the format of holographic interferograms proved statements
of the set hypothesis that the surface deformation character of the
forged and the original reference data pages should differ.
Further development of theoretical and experimental investigation
with regard to technological and forgery peculiarities of the passport
data page are provided in the current research. The experimental
research the same as in [11] was carried out applying one of the methods
of non-destructive testing--the method of two exposition holographic
interferometry and real time method allowing observation of thermal
expansion process in real time. In the present research the hypothesis
given in publication [11] is used--after mechanical damaging of the page
structure and putting efforts to restore its initial state, always
residual technological defects remain (air gaps in between the layers,
missing or excess of the glue, layers fusion and other). These defects
should be the reason of physical mechanical properties (including
thermal expansion properties of the data page along its width)
alteration in the analysed structure what could serve as authenticity
indicator of the data page.
2. Theoretical research--FEM analysis of thermally deformed
In order to confirm experimental results of the thermal
deformations of data page of passport finite element model (FEM) was
created. Computational scheme of this process is presented in Fig. 4.
All sides of the page are fixed and back side of the analyzed page is
heated while deformation of the front part was measured. The data page
consists of five layers, as this is explained in details in introduction
(Fig. 2).
Modeling was performed by Comsol Multiphysics software. The
tetrahedral quadratic was chosen as a mesh element. Fine mesh guarantees
the convergence of the solution. The tetrahedral element (Fig. 5) is
defined by ten nodes having four degrees of freedom at each node: the
displacements in nodal x, y and z directions and temperature.
Simulation results of thermal deformations of passport data sheet
are presented in Figs. 6-10.
Thermal deformation of the original passport data page can be
interpreted as deformation of the center symmetrical membrane (Fig. 6).
Because all layers of the original passport are evenly glued, it behaves
as a symmetrically fixed, homogeneous object and deforms as concave or
convex surface with the biggest deformation in the center. This result
corresponds to the hologram of thermally deformed data page of the
passport of Republic of Lithuania (Fig. 13). However, bonding of a
forged passport is different, i.e., type of glue varies, layer thickness
of glues, one or more layers could be mechanically deformed irreversibly
and during thermal experiment it behaves as non-homogeneous object.
Thermal deformation of the data page of the forged passport with the
defect in the area of photo (Fig. 7), area of photo and personal data
(Fig. 8) and area of personal data (Fig. 9) were modeled too. Simulation
results show, that vertex of concave or convex deformation is observed
in the area of defect (it is not in the center of measurement area). At
the same time, this method allows to identify has the passport been
properly fixed before the experiment or it has been not. If a passport
is fixed correctly, the interference fringes must be parallel to the
fixing frame (Figs. 6-9). If the passport is not well fixed, i.e., it is
not enough tightened up, fringes cross borders of the fixing frame (Fig.
3. Experimental setup
Experimental research of the MRP data page is based on thermal
expansion of the page along its surface normal (page thickness) and on
deformation analysis of all the surface of the structure simultaneously
when one side of the page is being uniformly heated by a selected heat
source and the results recorded by the method of two exposition
holographic interferometry [11].
With the aim to make analysis of the influence of technological
defects and forgery on thermal expansion of the data page along its
normal, holographic research stand PRISM (the faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Design of KTU) [11] and page holding frame of the
special structure were used. It uniformly (with the set clamping force)
fixes the page along its periphery. A fragment of the holographic
research stand PRISM which ensures performance of the whole optical
system is presented in Fig. 11.
Green light ([lambda] = 532 nm), 20 mW semiconductor laser was used
for the research. Object beam from control block 1 with the help of
optical fibre is directed to the lens system where it is spread and
directed towards the analysed data page (Fig. 12). Support beam by
optical fibre reaches video camera 2 where it interferes with registered
object beam reflected from the analysed data page. With the help of
control block and video camera the ratio between intensities of object
and support beams can be changed seeking for the best brightness of
interference fringes. The interference image from the camera is
transferred to computer, processed by special software and displayed on
the monitor thus enabling real time observation of both dynamical
processes taking place in the analysed object and the deformations
preconditioned by different internal and external factors. The
deformations bellow 20 nm can be recorded.
During experimentation MRP data pages of six passports were
investigated--two passports--Lithuanian and Norwegian with reference
(specimen) data pages and other--four Lithuanian passports--A, B, C, D
with indications of data pages forgery.
Similarly as in the research [11], at first deformation character
in the format of interferograms of the reference (specimen) passport (it
was used for comparative analysis of the other passports data pages)
were obtained by heating its surface and alternating the data page
fixing conditions in special holding frame for data page (Fig. 12). The
research was started from the data pages analysis of Lithuanian and
Norwegian passports. With the aim to verify whether the results obtained
in [11], could be repeated, the same holographic methods enabling to
obtain information on deformation character on the entire data page
surface of one side simultaneously at the same conditions of external
thermal loading and data page fixing were applied.
4. Results
The experimental research results are presented in Figs. 13-18. At
first Lithuanian passport with reference (specimen) data page was
investigated in order to check repeatability of the results achieved in
[11]. This would enable verification of the applied methodology. For
this purpose at the initial stage applying the real time method the
thermal loading diapason in which thermal deformation of the page
holding frame were not observed (it remained stable and had no influence
on data page deformation) was determined. At the next stage the
influence of the holder on the character of the data page surface
deformation was observed. In order to observe the data page deformations
along its surface normal, the page should be fixed uniformly clamping
all its sides with the help of nuts 3 (Fig 12). As only qualitative
assessment of the obtained results (deformation character of the page
and its relative value are defined by location shape and density of
interference fringes on the page surface) was carried out direction of
the page deflection (convexity) was not determined.
Fig. 13 presents the interferograms a, b, c of the reference data
page of Lithuanian passport where the character of deformations due to
heating in normal direction to the page surface is displayed by even
with respect to the page sides' distribution of closed loop
interference fringes. With the rise of heat flow temperature the
location and shape of the interference fringes remains the same, only
their density change. No interference fringes can be observed at the
holding frame sides. This confirms that temperature change and fixation
conditions are optimally chosen as they have no influence on the
obtained results. No other deformation signs can be observed, what
allows concluding that the page structure is homogeneous and no
qualitative defects exist in it. Therefore such pattern of interference
fringes can serve as the reference (specimen) pattern. It should be
emphasized that the obtained experimental results repeat the results of
[11]. Thus it can be concluded that the selected methodology is suitable
for further research.
In Fig. 14 the interferograms of the reference Norwegian passport
obtained under the same experimentation conditions as applied for the
investigation of the Lithuanian passport are presented. The character of
data page surface deformation along normal in the obtained
interferograms is the same as of Lithuanian passport--this can be proved
by the same closed loop shape of the interference fringes. Just density
of interference fringes differs what can be explained by different
thicknesses of the data pages. The obtained results prove that no
qualitative defects exist in the reference page. Therefore comparative
analysis of interference fringe images of reference passports and other
passports under investigation can be performed with sufficient
In Figs. 15-18 interferograms of the falsified data pages of
passports A, B, C, D. obtained applying identical temperature regimes
and other parameters of the experiment as for the reference passport are
presented. Data page of the passport A as shown in Fig. 15 is evidently
forged as location and shape of the obtained interference fringes
differs from the reference image. The zones of face image and data
recording are defected due to polycarbonate layers delamination,
mechanical removal of primary data records, new data recording and
uneven joining of the layers. The mentioned facts are the reason of
physical and mechanical properties change in the data page what resulted
in the change of thermal characteristics at different page zones causing
non even page deformation along its normal.
In Fig. 16 interferograms of the falsified data page of passport B
with obviously different localization and shape of interference fringes
as compared with the reference data page are presented. The zones of
closed loop interference fringes were formed due to thermal loading in
face image and personal data recording zones similarly as for the data
page presented in Fig. 15. At the same time the fringes crossing the
bottom border of the fixing frame indicate that the data page was not
properly fixed before the experiment--it is not enough tightened what
allows its deformation along surface normal. Therefore in case of such
shape fringes appearance during real inspection process, fixation of the
data page along its borders should be corrected. Under thermal loading
conditions up to +10[degrees] [+ or -] 1[degrees] from initial ambient
temperature the interferograms presented in figures Figs. 15-16 just
prove that mechanical defects of the page have significant influence on
deformation character and magnitude what allows concluding on the
existence of the fact of forgery in the zones of face image and personal
data recording.
In Figs. 17-18 interferograms of data page deformations of the
passport the falsification quality level of which is "significantly
higher" than of the passports shown in Figs. 15-16 are presented.
They are obtained at the same temperature regimes and experiment
conditions as for Lithuanian and Norwegian passports. Two zones of
interference fringes in which deformation character due to temperature
loading yet differs from that of the reference data page can be
distinguished. Under thermal loading when the applied for 4 sec heat
flow temperature is 29,5-31[degrees]C the interference fringes as shown
in Fig. 17 can be observed also near the left side of the data page
holder. This leads to the unambiguous conclusion on forgery of the
passport. As the methods of holographic interferometry are the methods
of non-destructive testing, in order to determine by what means exactly
the passport was forged the other methods, evaluating composition of the
material should be applied.
Deformation character of the data page of passport D as shown by
the interferograms of Fig. 18 is rather close to the character of
deformations of the reference data page. Nevertheless the existence of
differences in deformation is more obviously highlighted at thermal
loads. The fact that the data page is forged can be concluded from the
analysis of the interferograms in Fig. 18, b and Fig. 18, c under the
applied for 4 sec heat flow of the temperatures 26.0-26.5[degrees]C and
29.5-31.0[degrees]C accordingly. In these interferograms the
deformations at the right side and the left bottom zone can be clearly
distinguished. These indicators allow concluding that the passport is
forged, nevertheless in order to determine by what means this "high
quality" forging was performed special methods of criminal
expertise are to be applied.
5. Coclusions
1. The methodology for non-destructive authentisity verification of
MPR data page based on the influence of thermal expansion on its surface
deformations which are visualized by high resolution methods of
holographic interferometry is proposed for throrough inspection of the
2. The carried out experimentation with MPR data page selecting
thermal loads on it as well as its fixing conditions allowed determining
surface deformation shapes of the reference MPR data page to which
surface deformation shapes of other inspected passports can be compared.
3. Computational model of MPR data page thermal behaviour taking
into account the change of physical mechanical properties of the data
page which precondition the variation of its thermal deformations along
the normal over the surface was obtained.
4. Simulation results of the MPR data page deformations due to
thermal loading and the influence of its fixing conditions for the
reference and forged passports were validated by experimental methods of
holographic interferometry.
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S. Greicius *, G. Janusas **, R. Vasiliauskas ***, K. Pilkauskas
* Mykolas Romeris University, Kaunas Faculty of Public Security, V.
Putvinskio 70, 44211 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Mykolas Romeris University, Kaunas Faculty of Public Security,
V. Putvinskio 70, 44211 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
**** Kaunas University of Technology, Mickeviciaus 37, 44244
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
cross ref
Received January 15, 2014
Accepted April 18, 2014