Theoretical aspects of the calibration of geodetic angle measurement instrumentation/Teoriniai geodeziniv kampu matavimo prietaisu kalibravimo aspektai.
Brucas, D. ; Siaudinyte, L. ; Rybokas, M. 等
1. Introduction
In geodesy, surveying, machine engineering and other branches of
industry there are very widely used instruments that allow precise
planar angle measurements. Such instruments are theodolites, digital
theodolites, total stations, laser scanners, laser trackers etc. Same as
all other measuring instruments these instruments must be tested and
Testing of these instruments in Europe is regulated according to
ISO 17123-3 [1] and ISO 17123-5 [2]. According to the standards an
accuracy of the angle measurement performed by the instrument must be
tested in the field conditions using the known length reference measure
for the angle measurement (triangulation principle). Using such method
it is possible to get only a very restricted number of angular
measurements, it doesn't allow collecting a large number of
different (desired) tested angular values. On the other hand, angle
measuring instruments due to implementation of precise angle encoders
display a vast number of discrete values on their display unit during
measurement, and these values must also be checked, the accuracy of
these values remain unknown even after testing due to limited nature of
testing method itself [3].
Throughout calibration of the angle measuring instruments requires
a large number of angular values to be compared with the reference
values. Such procedure due to its technical complexity is not regulated
by any standard in Europe at all. Very few test rigs are used to perform
the complex testing and calibration of planar angle for geodetic
instruments [4]. Those devices are usually operated by the
companies--manufacturers of the measurement equipment and are not
available for the wide public and the users of these instruments.
Additionally both marketing representatives of the angle
measurement instrumentation and their users (especially in field of
geodesy and surveying) are not interested in additional investments in
periodical testing and calibration of instrumentation. Such approach
eventually leads to high errors in measurements which are especially
evident in construction engineering and legal surveying.
It is obvious that the method and instrumentation is needed for
testing and calibration of the angle measuring instrumentation. Here in
this paper we present the principles of such testing and calibration
together with construction of the test bench and methodology intended
for such tasks.
2. Calibration of angle measures
There are several methods of calibration of angle measuring
instrumentation, nonetheless the method of comparison (of any kind) has
been most widely accepted and is considered to be the most effective and
less time consuming. Comparison--the method of comparing of the angle
measures of tested instrument with the ones provided by the reference
means of angle measurement [5-6].
Reference angle can be produced by different types of measuring
devices, such devices used in some calibration methods are presented in
Table 1 [3, 7, 8].
The first of the methods presented is based on the precise
multi-angular prism--polygon [7]. Usually it has from 12 up to 72 flat
mirrors positioned at very precise constant angle to each other, the
polygon usually is being turned to a certain position together with the
object to be measured and the angle of rotation is registered by the
optic instrument--autocollimator. Such a method is very widely applied
in measuring technique so in geodesy instrumentation as well. This
method has one shortcoming--the discretion of this method is very great,
so it is possible to check only a small number of values offered by the
calibrating measuring instrument.
The second method presented in the Table 1 uses a very precise
tool--Moore's 1440 Precision Index [9, 10]. Moore's 1440
Precision Index is an angular measuring device consisting of two
serrated plates joining together to create the angle standard of
measure. During measurement the upper disk of the Index is lifted, the
lower part rotates with the object to be measured, after that the upper
part is lowered back and the readings are taken. The method according to
many sources is of high precision--0.004" (Table 1), although it
also has some shortcomings--it is very difficult to automate, also
during the lifting of the table (which is necessary technological
operation of the method) the calibrated instrument may lose its
stability, move and unexpected errors may occur.
The third method is a classical one both in geodesy and in general
technique [8, 9, 11]. This method has been very widely used in the past
and it requires a highly accurate circular scale and one or more
(depending on the measuring method) microscopes (preferably
photoelectrical) for the scale readings. The major shortcoming of the
method is the need of circular scale of very high accuracy; the scale
must be of a large diameter for placing the photoelectric microscopes,
it needs a precise manufacturing and a time consuming calibration. Due
to a great cost of such processes this method slowly vanishes from the
common use being replaced by the rotary encoders.
The fourth method presented is the most widely spread one nowadays,
it uses the digital rotary encoders as the reference measure. Using
modern high accuracy digital rotary encoder it is possible to achieve a
very good result comparable with the classic methods. Using rotary
encoders also allows reducing the size of the test bench to minimum and
good possibilities for its automatization.
Presently a very modern method of angle measurement has been
developed using the "ring laser" as reference measure of
angle. The device consists from the split laser beam which rotates into
opposite directions and the angle measurement is performed by the
comparison of the split beams phase difference, in such way a very high
precision is being achieved. This method is slowly taking its place in
technique due to its dynamic nature, by now it was mostly widely used in
the aircraft navigation systems etc.
Additionally, a method angle determination by means of linear
measurements (trigonometric) can be noted. This method implements liner
reference with further calculations to determine the measured angle
value. Though the method can be quite time consuming a high accuracy can
be obtained which highly depend on the linear reference used and
possible distance to the reference itself.
To use the described angle measuring methods for the calibration
and testing of the geodetic instruments their accuracy must be higher
than the accuracy of the instruments being calibrated [9-11]. Standard
deviations of the horizontal angle measurement of the most commonly used
electronic tacheometers are listed in Table 2.
Assuming the technical specifications of the most commonly used
geodetic instruments it can be considered that all the angle measuring
methods listed in Table 1 could be used for their calibration and
testing, the difference being in more or less suitable ones for this
As can be seen from Table 1 and 2, basing on the accuracy
requirements most of the most of the angle measuring principles
(instrumentation) could be used for testing and calibration of geodetic
3. Results of the experiment
In case of implementation of any of angle measuring principles some
special instrumentation and arrangement is needed to perform reliable
and high accuracy angle measuring instrument calibration. The
arrangement for calibration of horizontal angles is given in Fig. 1, a
(implemented in Institute of Geodesy, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
The tested/calibrated geodetic device 7 is being mounted on the
test rig rotary table 1 and flexibly attached via the holder 2 to the
stationary part of test rig; the table is being turned at a desired
angular position. The mirror 3 is attached on the top (or any other
part) of calibrated device and rotates with the upper part of device.
The autocollimator 6 is placed on a stationary part of test rig and
pointed to the mirror. The autocollimator transfers the data to a
computer 4 where the data of angular position of the rotary table are
also transmitted.
The principle of tested/calibrated device angular position
determination is shown in Fig. 1, b. After turning the rotary table 9 to
a desired angular position (for testing or calibration) a the
tested/calibrated device upper (rotary) part 11 due to eccentricity e or
looseness in holder joint rotates to an angle e regarding the initial
position (before rotation of the rotary wheel, parallel to longitudinal
axis of the rig).
The mirror 14 (Fig. 1, b) attached to the calibrated device rotates
to a same position and it is possible to determine its angular position
regarding the longitudinal axis of the rig using the stationary
positioned autocollimator 8. Since autocollimator measurements depend
neither on the distance from autocollimator to a mirror, nor on
perpendicular movement of it regarding the autocollimators axis, angle e
can be determined. That way the reference angular position of the
calibrated device upper (rotary) part regarding its lower part (attached
to tribrach) can be calculated:
[[alpha].sub.ri] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i]. (1)
Therefore, a precise angle measure of the tested instrument can be
determined and compared to the reference one disregarding the
eccentricity of instrument attachment to the rig. Such arrangement
allows simple and fast replacement of the calibrated instruments.
Since horizontal angle measurement instrumentation have been quite
widely implemented in multiple branches of industry, therefore
approaches for such testing and calibration have been quite widely
developed. Nonetheless vertical angle measurements are applicable
practically only to the geodetic instrumentation (and some modern
instruments like laser scanners and laser trackers), therefore methods
of calibration have to be developed.
The principle of patented (and implemented in Institute of Geodesy)
method for calibration of vertical angle measurement systems is based on
the trigonometric angle determination. The arrangement for calibration
is shown in Fig. 2.
In this case an instrument to be calibrated is placed at a certain
known distance [l.sub.m] (Fig. 1) from the precise linear reference.
Reference 1 meter scale of accuracy of 1[micro]m is placed
perpendicularly to the sight axis of the telescope while in horizontal
position. The telescope of the instrument is declined at the angle
[[phi].sub.n] accuracy of which must be calibrated. The reading
[h.sub.n] from the scale is taken. The angle of interest is expressed:
[phi] = arctg [h/[l.sub.m]] (2)
where h is the reading from the scale, [l.sub.m] is distance from
the instrument's center to the reading surface of the scale. 1
meter scale is graduated in 1.0 mm increments, and every tenth
graduation is numbered. Measurement range depends on a horizontal
distance between the tacheometer and the reference scale. The closer the
scale is the bigger range of vertical angle encoder can be calibrated.
However, it is important to ensure that the distance between the
reference graduated scale and the tacheometer fits tacheometer's
focusing range.
Implementing these approaches the calibration of both vertical and
horizontal angle of geodetic measurement equipment can be realized.
Since in both cases a large number of angular values can be generated by
reference measure, the instrument can be calibrated in the range close
to full range of measurements with high density of measures tested.
4. Results of the testing
The preliminary calibration of the geodetic angle measurement
instruments was performed according to the methodology described above
at Institute of Geodesy, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
For precise measurements of horizontal displacements of the
instrument high accuracy two axis horizontal table (Fig. 5) was used
(ensuring accuracy of movement of up to 1 Lim). The industrial
laboratory linear 1 m scale of high accuracy with the scale strokes at
every 1 mm was used. After the measurement and calculation of linear
distance from tacheometer to the scale performed according to the
previous chapter, it was determined that the distance l equals to 2.4215
m. At this distance the vertical angle encoder can be calibrated in the
range of 25 degrees in both faces of the tacheometer. One of the main
advantages of this new method is that any mean of the angle can be
determined in the range of 37 degrees (if the focusing range is 1.5 m)
by changing both horizontal and vertical distances.
The objective of experiment was to test the calibration method and
obtain preliminary results of the systematic errors (biases) of the
vertical angle measurements using Trimble 5503 (5 arcsec stated st.
dev.) and Nikon DTM352 (5 arcsec stated st. dev.) tacheometers. The
results of horizontal angle measures calibrations are given in Figs. 3
and 4.
As can be noted from the preliminary graphs (Figs. 3 and 4), both
tacheometers produced deviations of measurements showing certain
systematic errors of measurement (Typical curves), which could be
eliminated from measures thus increasing the final accuracy of
measurements. The interesting discovery was that despite the stated
accuracy of instruments (5 arcsec stated st. dev.), Nikon DTM352 showed
far higher practical accuracy of measurements (though the results should
be double-checked during later experiments).
Accuracy of both instruments horizontal angle measurements is
sufficient and falls in the stated limits of 5 arcsec st. dev. Results
of vertical angle testing experiment of Nikon DTM352 are given in Fig.
As can be seen from Fig. 5 some of the systematic errors of
vertical angle measures can be noted, though more serious and thorough
analysis of results is needed. By determination of accurate systematic
errors across the range of vertical angle measurements and later
numerical removal of determined errors (biases) the accuracy of
instrument can be substantially increased.
5. Conclusions
1. Calibration of angle measuring instrumentation can increase both
knowledge on uncertainty of measures (by determination of random errors
across the measuring range) and measurement accuracy by determination
and subsequent elimination of systematic errors;
2. No calibration of geodetic angle measuring instrumentation is
legally required, only outdoor basic testing with error determination at
very limited angular values is officially required;
3. The indoor calibration and testing method for vertical and
horizontal angles is proposed in the paper;
4. The proposed methods allow precise determination of measurement
errors at great amount of angular values thus allowing precisely
determine the systematic and random errors;
5. Results of initial testing of the instruments show that (though
more thorough testing is needed) the standard deviation of less than 1
arcsec can be achieved.
This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the
project No. VP1-3.1-SMM-07-K-01-102.
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Received January 07, 2013
Accepted January 07, 2014
D. Brucas *, L. Siaudinyte **, M. Rybokas ***, K. Grattan ****
* Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania,
[email protected]
** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania,
[email protected]
Table 1
Technical specifications of angle measuring methods and devices
Angle standards of measure Discretion
1. Polygon--autocollimator 10[degrees],
2. Moore's 1440 Precision Index 15'
3. Circular scale- microscope 3[degrees],
4. Photoelectric angular encoders 1", 0.1"
5. Ring laser 0.1"
6. Trigonometric methods (angle 1" (highly dependant
determination by means of on linear reference
linear measurements) used)
Standard deviation Bias
1. 0.15" 0.30"
2. 0.4" 0.1"
3. 0,2" ~3"
4. ~ 0.3" ~ 1"
5. ~ 0.4" ~ 1"
6. 0.01" (highly [+ or -] 0.1" (highly
dependant on linear dependant on linear
reference used) reference used)
Table 2
Technical specifications of the most commonly used electronic
Instrument model Standard deviation of angle measurement
Leica TPS403/5/7 3", 5", 7"
Leica TPS1201/2/3/5 1", 2", 3", 5"
Leica TPS5000 0.5"
Leica TCA1800 1"
Leica TCA2003 0.5"
Trimble M3 3", 5"
Trimble 3601/2/3/5 1,5", 2", 3", 5"
Trimble 5603/5 3", 5"
Trimble S6 "High precision" 1"
Sokkia SRX1/2/3/5 1", 2", 3", 5"
Sokkia 130R SET1/2/3/4 1", 2", 3", 5"
Sokkia 30R SET2/3/5/6 2", 3", 5", 6"
Sokkia 200 NET1 1"
Sokkia 100M NET1 1"
Topcon DT202/5/7/9 2" 5" 7" 9"
Topcon GPT3002/3/5/7(L)N 2", 3", 5", 7"
Topcon GPT8201/2/3/5A 1", 3", 2", 5"
Topcon GPT9001/3/5A 1", 3", 5"
HP 3820A Elect. Total St. 2"