The effects of temperature on the mechanical and tribological properties of progressing cavity pump NBR stator rubber.
Wang, Huiming ; Wang, Shijie ; Lv, Xiaoren 等
1. Introduction
The screw pump production system is popular in high viscosity
mining due to its flexibility, reliability, strong corrosion resistance,
and high volumetric pump efficiency [1]. The swelling resistance,
mechanical properties, and wear resistance of stator rubber, the key
component of screw pumps, directly affects the service life and
performance of crude oil screw pumps. Consequently, it is important to
select an appropriate material to improve screw pump efficiency and
service life [2].
Temperature significantly affects the service life of screw
pumps' rubber stator. On one hand, bearing the high temperature and
high pressure environment under well; on the other hand, the friction
between lifting fluid and the stator rubber generates heat, so that the
rubber's temperature rises [3]. High temperatures cause the rubber
strator to physically change, making the rubber age prematurely. As a
result, the pump's working performance is adversely affected; the
rubber may fall off and damage the pump even further. Sombatsompop [4]
found that with an increase in temperature, rubber swelling increased.
When there was a small amount of rubber and it maintained a symmetrical
swelling shape, rubber swelling increased. Coronado [5] studied the
effects of different biological diesel temperatures on nitrile rubber
hoses, and found that temperature has little impact on rubber quality
loss. Li Ping et al. [6, 7] found that swelling increased under these
same conditions when the temperature rose. With a temperature increase,
rubber tends to experience chemical degradation, cross linking, and
fracture, which changes the rubber's properties. Wei et al. [8]
found that the rubber's dynamic performance without aging decreased
as the temperature increased. Persson et al. [9] found that as the
temperature increased, the rubber elastic modulus decreased and the
spacing of wear cratering increased. The research of Baeka et al. [10]
showed that under high temperature, tear strength reduced due to
accelerated rubber aging. The wear rate increased significantly and the
wear rate displayed a wide change range periodically.
Little research has been conducted on the effects of temperature on
stator rubber in regards to crude oil medium performance. Such research
would likely have important practical significance in the oil industry.
This study investigates the swelling, mechanical, and tribological
behaviors of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) in a crude oil medium
under different temperature conditions. It also provides a basis for
selecting screw pump stator rubber material to prolong the pump's
working life.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
This experiment examined three NBR samples with different
acrylonitrile contents: 18 wt-% (designated N18), 26 wt-% (N26), and 41
wt-% (N41). Which were commonly used as the stator rubbers in screw
pump. In order to better study the relation between masterbatch of
rubber and rubber's performance, three NBR samples had the same
component, the mass fraction of component was the same except carbon
black, because the mass fraction of carbon black was adjusted to ensure
the same hardness of three vulcanized NBR samples. The main components
of NBR rubbers and their mass fractions possessed the following
qualities: crude rubber 100, ZnO 2.5, stearic acid 2, dioctyl phthalate
(DOP) 10, sulfur 1.5, and accelerating agent 2. All NBR samples were
purchased from Shanghai Redze Chemical Co., Ltd. The hardness of the
samples after vulcanizing treatment was approximately 70 Shore A.
2.2. Sample preparation
Firstly, specimens of each rubber type were prepared for swelling
in crude oil for 168 h. The Crude oil medium was acquired from the
Shuguang oil production factory in Liaohe Oilfield. It possessed a high
solidifying point, high wax, low sulfur, and low colloid content. The
specimen size was 40 mm x 20 mm * 5 mm. The crude oil immersion
temperatures were 25[degrees]C, 50[degrees]C, 80[degrees]C, and
120[degrees]C respectively. The static crude oil immersion experiment
used a hanging patch tester in a glass container in the JC202 thermostat
(Nantong Jiacheng Instrument Co. Ltd., China). After the samples reached
the desired immersion time, they were removed from the container and
dipped quickly into kerosene, acetone, anhydrous ethanol, and water to
remove excess oil. Then, the samples were wiped with filter paper and
the swollen rubber specimens were immediately weighed in the air and in
distilled water with the BS224S electrical balance with the accuracy of
0.1 mg (Sartorius, Germany).
2.3. Characterization techniques
2.3.1. Hardness & swelling test
Sample hardness was measured with the TH200 Shore durometer with an
accuracy of 0.1 Shore A (Beijing Time High technology co. Ltd., China).
Sample mass was weighed with weighing electronic balance with a 0.1 mg
precision. The volume change rate (VCR) was calculated using the
following equation:
VCR = [[([m.sub.2] - [m.sub.4]) - [m.sub.1] -
[m.sub.3])]/[[m.sub.1] - [m.sub.3]]] x 100% (1)
where [m.sub.1] is the sample weight in air before the swelling
experiment; [m.sub.2] is the sample weight in air after the swelling
experiment; [m.sub.3] is the sample weight in water before the swelling
experiment, and [m.sub.4] is the sample weight in water after the
swelling experiment - all in mg.
2.3.2. Tensile and tribology test
The NBR specimens' mechanical properties were tested before
and after swelling by using Shanghai non-metallic material testing
machine plant XQ-250 rubber strength testing machine. The specimens
displayed an ASTM-B dumbbell shape, 2 mm thickness, 500 mm/min tensile
speed, and 20 mm gauge length. The tensile fracture permanent
deformation ([TS.sub.F]) was calculated using Eq. 2; all results in this
paper are the average of three or more trials.
[TS.sub.F] = [[[L.sub.2] - [L.sub.0]]/[[L.sub.1] - [L.sub.0]]] x
100% (2)
[L.sub.0] is the dimensioning spacing before stretching in mm;
[L.sub.1] is the dimensioning spacing after tensile fracture in mm;
[L.sub.2] is the dimensioning spacing that the NBR of tensile fracture
which was stood for 3 minutes already.
In accordance with mutual movement of the metal rotor and rubber
stator, the tribological behavior of the NBR samples in crude oil was
measured using an ring- on-block tester, as shown in Fig1 (Jinan Shidai
Shijin Test-ing Machine Group Co. Ltd., China). During the test, the
tester speed was 200 r/min and the time was 7200 s. Thesteady-state
friction coefficient of the samples was recorded. The worn specimen was
successively dipped into kerosene, acetone, anhydrous ethanol, and
distilled water to remove excess oil. Samples were weighed before and
after the wear experiment using an electrical balance.
2.3.3. Morphology test
Specimens were examined with a field emission scanning electron
microscopy (FE-SEM, Hitachi JSM-6360, Japan). Swollen surface morphology
and tensile fracture surface morphology samples were saw-cut from rubber
specimens; they had sizes of approximately 8 mm x 8 mm x 5 mm, were
mounted on aluminum stubs (025 mm x 5 mm) after cleaning, and then
coated with gold in a JEOL JEE-400 Vacuum Evaporator. The swollen
surface and tensile fracture surface images were magnified 500 and 200
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Effect of temperature on the swelling behavior of NBR
Fig.2 shows the NBR samples' volume change rate (VCR) variants
in crude oil at different temperatures. As the temperature rose, the VCR
of N18 and N26 increased in a linear relationship. After swelling for
168 h at 120[degrees]C, N18 exhibited 29.13% VCR and N26 exhibited 7.14%
NCR.N41's VCR decreased as the temperature rose; its VCR was almost
zero at 120[degrees]C.
According to the similar dissolving principles, the more similar
the rubber and solvent's solubility parameters (SP), the more
easily the medium can permeate the rubber's three-dimensional
network structure, thus resulting in increased swelling.N18 displayed
8.7 ~ 8.8 SP, N26 displayed 9.4 ~ 9.9, and N41 displayed 10.3 ~ 10.5;
the crude oil SP value in the experiment was 7.6, so N18 exhibited the
largest VCR at the same temperature in crude oil, and N41 exhibited the
lowest VCR.
With the increase in temperature, crude oil viscosity decreased,
the interactive force between particles weakened, the liquidity and the
kinetic energy of crude oil molecules became reinforced [11], and the
crude oil more easily permeated the rubber's three-dimensional
network structure [12]. On the other hand, temperatures also prompted
nitrile rubber chain elongation, rubber net structure expansion,
molecule interval enlargement, and larger quantities of crude oil
entering the NBR molecular structure. As a result, the volume change
rates of N18 and N26 increased gradually; for N41, the volume change
rate slightly decreased with rising temperatures. With increasing
acrylonitrile content, the rubber molecule chain flexibility reduced.
The molecular network structure expanded under high temperatures, causes
chain ruptures, cross linking, the internal structure of rubber mess,
the precipitates of NBR increases, resulting in reductions in rubber
Fig. 3 displays N26 surface topography after swelling for 168 h at
different temperatures in crude oil. The crude oil permeated the
rubber's three-dimensional network from the rubber surface, and
diffused inside. The N26 surface uplifted first, then uniformly; pits
and precipitates increased. When crude oil reached 120[degrees]C, cracks
appeared near the precipitate.
3.2. Effect of temperature on the mechanical behavior of NBR
Tensile strength and tensile fracture permanent deformation
indicate rubber quality. Fig. 4, a shows the tension strength change
curve at different temperatures for 168 h. Tensile strength depends on
the chemical bond force on the main chain and the force between them.
With the increase of acrylonitrile content, the nitrile groups (-CN)
increased, the density of the Polar group and the molecular weights per
unit area increased, and molecular spacing decreased. There are
advantages to the cross linking reaction; it became more slip resistant
[13], resulting in higher tensile strength. Fig. 4, a reveals that the
swollen rubbers' tensile strength declined as the temperature rose.
With increasing crude oil temperatures, it was possible to investigate
the rubber's aging and main change ruptures. Rubber tensile
strength dropped rapidly.
Fig. 4, b shows the [TS.sub.F] change curves of swollen rubber at
different temperatures after 168 h of crude oil immersion. As the
temperature increased, the TSF curve decreased. With more acrylonitrile
content, Nitrile Groups (CN) increased, crosslinking density increased,
the internal forces between the molecules of NBR became enlarged, the
chain molecules became more tangled, the tensile fracture permanent
deformation gradually declined, and rubber resilience decreased. When
the temperature rose, more crude oil permeated the rubber, rubber size
increased, the entanglement chain stretched, the crosslink band
orientation fractured and rearranged, the resilience property enhanced,
and the TSF curve decreased.
The microstructures of the tensile failure section were examined
with a scanning electron microscope. Fig. 5 shows the tensile fracture
morphologies of NBR at 120[degrees]C after being immersed in oil for 168
h. The figure shows that the crack extends inward from the surface. The
rubber surface exhibits more cracks and potholes, and some cracks
penetrate the rubber. Therefore, tensile fractures started at the
surface and gradually expanded inward. The surface cracks appeared due
to swelling; the actual area reduced, which bore the stretch weight. The
actual tensile stress increased, so it accelerated the crack growth and
decreased tensile strength.
The high-temperature crude oil entered the rubber center because of
the perforative crack, that made structure changing of NBR. Relative to
N18, N26 crack depth was smaller. The actual bearing area increased, so
the tensile strength increased. After analyzing the tensile fractures of
N41 from SEM morphologies, it was observed that the crack and extension
layer did not exist on the surface. N41 fractured overall, so the
tensile strength was the highest of the three.
3.3. The effects of temperature on the tribological behavior of NBR
Fig. 6, a illustrates the wear mass of swelled NBR samples in crude
oil under different temperatures. With increasing temperatures, NBR wear
mass increased (especially at 120[degrees]C), elastic modulus decreased,
viscoelastic parameters increased, friction force increased, and wear
mass increased. At 120[degrees]C, NBR aged and tear strength decreased,
so the wear mass significantly increased. This was in agreement with the
observation by Zuevetal [14].
Fig. 6, b shows the frictional coefficient variation of NBR samples
in different crude oil temperatures. They displayed the same changing
trend: the frictional coefficient decreased as the temperature
During the wear process, oil molecules that had permeated the
rubber's three-dimensional network structure moved from the inside
to the surface under shear force. Oil molecules lubricated by forming an
oil film on the rubber surface. The swelling quantity increased with the
rise of the soaking temperature, and the oil film on the rubber surface
became larger. There were more holes and cracks on the rubber surface
after swelling; as the frictional resistance decreased, the coefficients
of friction decreased. Increasing temperatures intensified the
oil's molecular motion, thus increasing NBR swelling. The molecular
network structure changed and molecule chains elongated and fractured.
4. Conclusions
This study investigated the effects of temperature on the swelling
and tribological behaviors of NBR rubbers. Increasing acrylonitrile
content had the following effects: VCR declined; with increasing
temperatures, the VCR of N18 and N26 rubbers increased linearly, but the
N26 change was smaller; for N41 rubber, the volume change rate slightly
decreased; tensile strength increased; tensile fracture permanent
deformation decreased; with the increase in temperature, the tensile
strength and the tensile fracture permanent deformation of all three NBR
rubbers decreased; the force of interaction between molecules enlarged.
The wear mass of NBR increased with the rise of immersing temperature,
but the friction coefficient declined. Therefore, high-acrylonitrile NBR
has good heat resistance, swelling resistance, mechanical properties,
and wearing capacity, but poor resilience.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contact NO. 50875178),
Liaoning Natural Science Foundation (Contact NO. 2013020039).
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Received November 06, 2015
Accepted July 04, 2016
Huiming Wang, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University
of Technology, Shenyang, 110870, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Shijie Wang, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University
of Technology, Shenyang, 110870, China, E-mail:
[email protected]
Xiaoren Lv, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University
of Technology, Shenyang, 110870, China, E-mail:
[email protected]