Balancing of turbomachine rotors by increasing the eccentricity identification accuracy.
Goroshko, A. ; Royzman, V. ; Ostasevicius, V. 等
1. Introduction
Various studies show that more than 40% of accidents are caused by
excessive vibration of turbomachinery parts. Modern CAD systems, such as
Solidworks and ANSYS, have proven themselves in solving some of
turbomachinery design problems, but in the finished machine balancing
problems, they can only serve as a tool in the hands of researchers.
Most modern turbomachinery rotors and powerful electrical devices
are balanced in view of their flexibility during use [1], since for them
methods of balancing of rigid rotors in the two extreme planes of
correction in low-speed balancing machines are not effective [2, 3].
Such rotors are balanced on operating speeds in at least three
correction planes in an effort to detect and compensate for imbalances
that are normally distributed along the length of the rotor. It is
required that deformation of the entire length of the rotor, or in
places where they can focus largest imbalances should be initially
measured [4]. Most often, in these places the rotor deflections are
measured and which it is necessary to calculate eccentricities and the
corresponding values of the imbalances, and then balancing loads [5].
Identification of the eccentricities of the measured deflection is
an inverse problem. Here, by corollary (the measured deflections) it is
necessary to find the cause of the rotor eccentricity. Complexities
inherent to inverse problem of identifying the eccentricities arise from
the incorrect setting of inverse problems [6].
Unfortunately, in the literature little attention is paid to the
methods of overcoming the problems encountered in identifying the
eccentricities of real turbomachinery rotors. One of the abovementioned
problems is bad conditionality of systems of linear equations. As a
result, their solution may be unstable, and the identified values of the
parameters--inaccurate. Without the use of special methods for
increasing the stability and reducing the scattering yield of desired
values of eccentricities, identification methods can be ineffective.
In this paper, the authors offer effective methods for
identification of eccentricities in real machine rotors with acceptable
accuracy by obtaining stable solutions of systems of corresponding
2. Solution of the inverse problem of identification of the
turbopump rotor eccentricities
The test type turbopump unit TNA-150 (Fig. 1) had an increased
vibration caused by rotor imbalance and it was necessary to understand
the causes of increased vibration, to reduce the vibration, rotor
deformation, stress and load on its bearings to the level of 300 N
(according to the engineering specifications).
Since balancing the entire rotor on low speed machines in two
planes of correction did not lead to the desired results, it was decided
to balance the rotor to operational speed in three planes of correction,
where the largest weight is loaded, namely in the planes of the two
compressor disks 2 and 3 and the drive turbine 1 (Fig. 2).
The aim was to identify the results of measurement in the three
sections of the rotor deflection magnitude and location of
eccentricities (imbalance) of each of the compensating masses for
further installation of balancing loads.
The integro-differential dependencies resulting from the theory of
bending allowed to write the equations of motion of the rotor, with the
result that each of the three rotor sections in the projections on two
mutually perpendicular planes were recorded by equations relating the
unknown distribution of stiffness EJ, mass m, and projections [e.sub.y]
and [e.sub.x], and eccentricities e with deflections y of the rotor
[[alpha].sub.0][K".sub.zz] (Z,[[omega].sub.j]) +
2[[alpha].sub.1] K' (Z,[[omega].sub.j]) +
+[[alpha].sub.2]K (Z,[[omega].sub.j]) -
[e.sub.y][[omega].sup.2.sub.j] = [[omega].sup.2.sub.j], y, (1)
where [[alpha].sub.i] = [[alpha].sub.i] (Z) = 1/m
[d.sup.(i)]EJ/d[Z.sup.i]; = 0, 1, 2;
K (Z,[omega]) = y"/[[1 + [(y').sup.2]].sup.3/2] -the
curvature of the elastic
line of the rotor, Z--the coordinate of the rotor section, measured
along the axis of rotation from point O (Fig. 2). Coefficients
[[alpha].sub.0], [[alpha].sub.1], [[alpha].sub.2], [e.sub.x], [e.sub.y]
are the unknown values.
To identify the stiffness, mass and inertial characteristics of the
rotor, deflections were measured at four different angular frequencies:
[n.sub.1] = 14100 rpm, [n.sub.2] = 15000 rpm, [n.sub.3] = 15600 rpm,
[n.sub.4] = 16000 rpm. Using the obtained values of the projections of
the rotor shaft deflection [y.sub.j], j = [bar.1,4] measured at
frequencies of rotation [[omega].sub.j], j = 1,4, and four first
derivatives [y.sub.j], [y.sub.j'], [y.sub.j''],
[y.sub.j'''], [y.sub.j.sub.IV], j = [bar1,4, constituted
by two systems of linear equations of the type (1) for each of the
calculated cross sections 1,2,3 which are identified by eccentricities,
stiffness and mass.
For the 1st section (OY axis) we have:
Similar matrix equations were formulated for discrete linear
inverse problems for other cross-sections and planes.
The number of matrix, composed of equation systems AX = Y appeared
very high (Table 1).
Apparently, the resulting solutions of systems of equations cannot
be considered reliable. However, this conditionality may be called
"imaginary". Indeed, for the analysis of the matrix A, it
becomes clear that increased conditionality is caused not only by the
proximity of the system to degenerate, but also a huge difference in the
order of the coefficients, i.e. the difference between the values and
norms of the matrix period. Applying the scaling of coefficients, we
look for the following unknowns:
[[alpha].sub.0'] = [[alpha].sub.0] x [10.sup.-11]
[cm.sup.4]/[s.sup.2]; [[alpha].sub.1'] = [[alpha].sub.1] x
[10.sup.- 9] [cm.sup.3]/[s.sup.2];
[[alpha].sub.2'] = [[alpha].sub.2] x [10.sup.-8]
[cm.sup.2]/[s.sup.2]; [e.sub.y'] = [e.sub.y] x [10.sup.2] cm and
B' = B x [10.sup.-3].
Then, for the 1st section (axis OY) we have cond (A) = 217.
Similarly, by scaling the coefficients of the system of units of linear
equations, it was possible to reduce the conditionality of the matrix
composed for section 1 (Ox axis) from 4.968 x [10.sup.14] up to 332, for
section 2 (Oy axis) from 1.715 x [10.sup.14] to 25, for section 2 (Ox
axis) from 6.397 x [10.sup.15] to 103, for section 3 (Oy axis) from
2.074 x [10.sup.14] to 176, for section 3 (Ox axis) from 7.453 x
[10.sup.15] to 3453.
These matrices have acceptable conditionality and so the
corresponding equations were solved using the statistical method with
sustainability developed through additional measurements as well as with
the use of linear filtering method of least squares estimator [7].
Another method of identifying unknown [[alpha].sub.0],
[[alpha].sub.1], [[alpha].sub.2], [e.sub.x], [e.sub.y] in each of the
three sections is also proposed. The analysis of the systems of
equations formulated for OX and OY axes in section 1 shows that out of 8
equations only 5 unknown values could be found, because [[alpha].sub.0],
[[alpha].sub.1], [[alpha].sub.2] are common unknown values for both
systems of equations. This fact allows to simplify calculation of
eccentricities, imbalances and location angles by solving one linear
system, composed of two linear systems with standard linear
transformations. For example, adding the corresponding matrices of the
left and right side of the two linear systems for section 1 and forming
the 5th equation by adding equations, we obtained a matrix system of
equations cond ( A) = 3.1 x [10.sup.14].
After scaling, we have a system of equations with
cond ( A ) = 724 :
The next step of conditionality reduction was to apply scaling by
searching vector K =[[[k.sub.i]].sub.1xn], at which mincond (A') is
reached, where A'--matrix of equivalent system of linear equations
(SLE), which includes the lines A'(j,:) = A(j,:)[k.sub.j], j =
[bar.1, n], i.e. the task is to find [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], k [greater than or equal to] 2 where f (K) =
cond (A'). Equivalent SLE, optimized according to the criteria of
conditioning minimum, looks the following way: A'X = Y x diag
{[k.sub.1], [k.sub.2],..., [k.sub.n]}. To validate this, we used
optimization to find vector K = [1 2.94 2.64 1.19 1.19] and obtained
equivalent SLE which is as follows:
As a result, the conditionality was reduced to cond (A) = 564, i.e.
by 28%. Similarly, two SLEs are formed from 5 equations for sections 2
and 3 respectively. With this approach only 3 out of 6 systems of
equations are solved.
Let us estimate the relative error for elements of the vector of
absolute terms. The elements of the vector are [[omega].sub.i.sub.2] x
[y.sub.i], i = [bar.1,4]. Applying the knowledge of the theory of
errors, we find that the relative error of the product is
[delta]([[omega].sup.2] x y) = [delta][[omega].sup.2] + [delta]y, and
[delta]([[omega].sup.2]) = 2[delta][omega]. Given that the measurement
error of rotational speed is 100 rpm = 10.47 rad/s ([delta][omega] =
0.0071 rad/s), and error of deflection measurement is 1 [micro]m
([delta] y = 0.026), the relative error of the first element should be
It follows that for the solution of this problem without the use of
regularization techniques, possible error in determining the unknown
could be hundreds of percent. To increase the accuracy of calculations
and solutions, to ensure the specified accuracy, a statistical method
for increasing the stability of mathematical models was used [8]. It is
possible to solve the system (1) with an accuracy of 5% (Table 2).
The identified values [[alpha].sub.0] and [[alpha].sub.1] allow to
determine the values of stiffness more accurately than the static tests.
For this purpose, each of the 3 sections mentioned found values of the
mass [m.sub.i] and stiffness EJ, i = 1, 2, 3 rotor shaft in accordance
with the formulas:
EJ (Z ) = m (Z) x [[alpha].sub.0](Z), (3)
where M--rotor mass.
Further, we used the formulas:
[D.sub.i] = [M.sub.i] [square root of [e.sup.2.sub.xi] +
[e.sup.2.sub.yi]; [[phi].sub.i] = arctg ([e.sup.2.sub.yi] +
[e.sup.2.sub.xi]); i = 1, 2, 3, to determine the magnitude of the
imbalances of the rotor angle and compiled them with the OX axis of the
selected coordinate system. The results are presented in Table 3.
Finally, using the identified data of eccentricities, we compensate
According to the identified values of stiffness and weight,
critical rotor frequency has been calculated, which is shown in the
adopted dynamic model. For this purpose, the values of influence factors
are calculated, using the known EJ values for the rotor sections and
Mohr's integral. Then critical frequency of the rotor
[[omega].sub.1] = 1732 1/s. and [[omega].sub.2] = 2625 1/s,
corresponding to [n.sub.1] = 16500 rpm and [n.sub.2] = 25080 rpm is
found. The difference between the first critical speed calculated from
the identified masses and stiffness, and critical rotor speed measured
when running TNA is 400 rpm, i.e. 2.49% of 16100 rpm.
For comparison of the critical difference between the actual rotor
speed and the resulting solutions, a determinant secular equation is
composed, based on static factors influence of 3400 rpm. That is, 21% of
16100 rpm. Improving the accuracy of calculations 8.4 times has been
made possible thanks to the solution of inverse problems with the use of
sustainable methods of making.
After balancing of the rotor by setting a special corrective mass
storage, a controlled launch was performed on passage from 0 to 18,000
rpm with oscilloscope readings of strain gauges and vibration sensors.
The resulting deflections depending on the rotational speed in a section
before and after rotor balancing are shown in Fig. 3.
As a result of balancing, the maximum deflection of the rotor shaft
in the range 8000-18000 rpm. was reduced by about 6 times, the amplitude
of vibration supports--by 4 times the static tension in the material of
the shaft--by 3.5 times, and dynamic--by 3 times (Fig. 3).
3. Solution of the inverse problem of identification of aircraft
engine compressor rotor eccentricities
The rotor of the disc-drum type compressor of gas turbine engine
(GTE) AI-20 contains ten individual discs bearing rotor blades, tail
rotor shaft and seal of front and rear bearing assemblies on their
crowns (Fig. 4).
One way to identify eccentricities is solving a matrix equation on
the basis of experimental data:
Y = A (Y + e)[[omega].sup.2], (4)
where Y = [[[y.sub.i]].sub.1xn] ; e = [[[e.sub.i]].sub.1xn;] A =
Here the coordinates of the vector Y have a deflection of the rotor
shaft in the landing places of the discs, vector e--the eccentricities
of the discs, and A--elements of the matrix are the product of the
static coefficient of influence on the masses of the corresponding discs
Assuming that [??] = A[[omega].sup.2] (1 -
A[[[omega].sup.2].sup.-1], we arrive at the solution of discrete linear
inverse problem of the following type:
F = [??] x e. (5)
Due to the fact that conditionality cond ([??]) is usually large
and vector elements are measured with errors, the task of identifying
the type of the eccentricities of the rotor (4) cannot be solved in
practice, since its solutions will be false. Thus, the actual challenge
in the way of solving this inverse problem is to overcome the
instability of its solutions, caused by poor conditioning of the matrix
[??]. The problem will be incorrect and its solution will be unstable
because small errors in Y will be highly increased in the solution X.
The research [8] shows that stability of solutions can be reached by
applying multiple measurements, which in fact is using the method of
least squares.
By increasing the number of measurements, the measurement error can
be reduced. But in practice the way of infinite increase of measurement
accuracy is not possible, because sooner or later the lack of
information (for example, not knowing the exact value of corrections
etc.), rather than scattering the arithmetic average, becomes the
determining factor. Accumulating experimental data thus decreasing the
standard deviation of the arithmetic average can only make sense as long
as it is not negligible compared to the standard deviation analogue
which takes into account the lack of information. Multiple measurement
accuracy, therefore, is limited due to systematic error caused by the
lack of information.
So, despite the fact that the Least Squares Estimator (LSE) is an
unbiased estimator, it is unsustainable, and the method of least squares
is ineffective for systems of linear algebraic equations with large
numbers of conditionality. The cause of instability is the huge variance
of the LSE. As mentioned in [7], likelihood function should only be used
as a preliminary tool while solving the inverse problem. Instead, it is
reasonable to rely on a certain communicative statistics that takes into
account the systematic deviations of the compared random sequences.
To solve the inverse problem of determining the eccentricity of the
rotor it is proposed to apply to LSEs linear filtering. The basic idea
of filtering as a method of regularization is to consciously leave some
bias in the estimate obtained, while significantly reducing its
scattering. Consequently, it is necessary to find such an estimate,
which is still acceptable at offset and the variance--significantly less
than that of the LSE. With the purpose of filtering it is proposed to
apply data compression and produce a truncated assessment. For this
purpose it is suggested to use multivariate analysis of the data
compression method--the method of principal component analysis and
(PCA), known in statistics [7, 10].
Suppose the following equation is solved instead
of (5):
AX = Y + [??]Y, (6)
where Y--true value; [??]Y--vector of "noise" values,
with regularly distributed components [??][y.sub.i] ~ N(0,
Then there is the multivariate normal variable [??]Y with zero mean
<[??]Y> = 0 and covariance matrix
[SIGMA] = cov ([sigma]Y).
As it is known, one of the most important roles in the analysis of
the formation of the stability of solutions for linear inverse problems
belongs to Fisher matrix I, which is equal to the inverse of the
covariance matrix of the LSE Q = [I.sup.-1]. Fisher matrix for the LSE
model (6) can be found from the formula I = [A.sup.T] [[SIGMA].sup.-1]
A, where the covariance matrix of the "noise" is obtained
[SIGMA] = [(Y - [bar.Y]).sup.T] (Y - [bar.Y])
or by the formula:
I = [[((X - [??]).sup.T] (X - [??])).sup.-1],
where [??] is LSE.
Spectral representation of the Fisher information matrix has the
I = [VDV.sup.T], D = diag ([[lambda].sub.1], [[lambda].sub.2], ...,
[[lambda].sub.n]), [[lambda].sub.1], [greater than or equal to]
[[lambda].sub.2], ... [[lambda].sub.n], > 0 (5)
where ([[lambda].sub.1], [[lambda].sub.2],...,
[[lambda].sub.n])--eigenvalues of the Fisher matrix, V--orthogonal
matrix whose columns define the directions of the principal axes of the
ellipsoidal region of admissible estimates of the problem set
incorrectly (5) [7]. At the same time, the LSE converts according to the
system of eigenvectors of the Fisher matrix:
[??] = V [??], (7)
where [[??].sub.1], [[??].sub.2],..., [[??].sub.n]--principal LSE
components. These are the components [??] in the coordinate system that
is rotated relative to the initial system so that the coordinate axes
were parallel to the main axes of LSE scattering ellipse.
As it is known, the trace of the covariance LSE matrix is equal to
the sum of its eigenvalues:
tr ([OMEGA]) = [n.summation over (i=1)] <[([[??].sub.i] -
[x.sub.i]).sup.2] = [n.summation over (i=1)] [[[lambda].sub.i].sup.-1].
This shows that the total deviation from the true LSE object is
defined by the range of matrix I. The largest contribution to the total
deviation is made by the smallest eigenvalues, i.e. the "tail"
of the Fisher matrix. So, the essence of filtering is a compromise
choice of such a large number of principal components v [less than or
equal to] n that provide sufficient accuracy of assessment with an
acceptable variance. By increasing, v it is possible to reach a more
accurate representation of X the average through [[??].sub.v], but at
the same time more and more terms from the "tail" of the
Fisher matrix spectrum are taken into account, and it quickly
deteriorates the quality of assessment.
Truncated estimate of the LSE is calculated as follows: []
= [V.sub.vmin] [??]. Taking into account that:
[??] = [V.sup.T] [??], (8)
we get:
[] = [V.sub.vmin] [V.sup.T] [??]. (9)
Truncated estimation method was used to solve the inverse problem
of identifying unknown eccentricities of aircraft gas turbine engine
AI-20 compressor rotor (Fig. 4). A five-mass mathematical model of
compressor rotor shown in Fig. 5 was set up to search eccentricities.
Critical rotor speed on rigid supports are 14000, 28900, 65300,
130600 and 419300 rpm. The number of matrix condition cond (A)
[approximately equal to] 573. This means that the accuracy of
measurement of the deflections of the rotor 10-5 m, which corresponds to
a relative error of 6-10%, the error in determining eccentricities for
normal inverse isolation system (3) can reach 5730%, that is, the
resulting solution will be totally unreliable. In this situation using
the LSE with 50 measurements can slightly improve the accuracy (upper
estimate will decreases approximately by 7 times), which is also
The following numerical experiment was carried out with the help of
principal component analysis (PCA) and MATLAB program to test the
effectiveness of the proposed linear filtering method. On the basis of
the specified sections of the exact values of eccentricities e = [[77.4,
89.9, 105.0, 79.0, 59.5].sup.T] x [10.sup.-6] m the exact values of the
rotor deflections Y were determined by solving the direct problem, in
which the rotor matrix A is assumed to be given without errors. These
values Y = [[76.35, 100.23, 107.52, 109.53, 98.16].sup.T] [10.sup.-6] m.
have been taken for the expectation of deflections in the given
sections. Further, the standard deviation [sigma] = [??]/3, where [??] =
[10.sup.-5] m--measurement accuracy, is set using a computer random
number generator to obtain different implementations of deflections
prepared as random variables distributed by the normal distribution law
with the above mentioned parameters. In this experiment, 50 deflection
realizations generated in each of the examined sections were provided
for. For each Y realization the corresponding e implementation was found
and their expectation values [??], which coincide with the LSE, were
By carrying out the spectral decomposition of the Fisher matrix
according to (7), a diagonal matrix D with the eigenvalues on the main
diagonal (sample variance principal component analysis) and a matrix of
eigenvectors V were obtained. Since the total sample variance was 82116,
the dispersion of the main component was 78.2% of the total variance,
and the three main components reached 99.2% of the total variance, it
was sufficient to choose three eigenvectors of covariance matrix (v = 3)
for filtering of the estimation.
Filtered LSE, calculated according to formula (9) is [] =
[[84.64, 92.14, 97.31, 76.96, 62.88].sup.T] x [10.sup.-6] m. Relative
error of truncated estimates, calculated as:
[??] e = ([parallel][][parallel]
-[parallel]e[parallel])/[parallel]e[parallel], (10)
reached [??]e =0.18%, while LSE made
[??] e = [[188.3, 238.3, 419.8, 58.8, 74.6].sup.T] x [10.sup.-6] m.
The relative error of the LSE was [??] e = 182%, that is, the
accuracy of the solution using a truncated assessment compared with a
conventional LSE increased again by 1167 times. The results demonstrate
a sufficiently high accuracy and efficiency of the described method for
producing regular statistical solutions of linear inverse problems using
LSE linear filtering method with the help of PCA method.
4. Conclusions
1. The current research presents the results of utilizing the
methods for improving stability of linear discrete inverse problem
solutions to identify the eccentricities according to measured
deflections for TNA -150 turbopump unit. As a result of balancing,
maximum rotor shaft deflections in the range of 2000-18000 rpm decreased
approximately by 6 times; the amplitudes of vibrations in supports
(bearings)--by 4 times; static stress in the material of the shaft--by
3.5 times; and dynamic stress--by 3 times.
2. Application of LSE linear filtering method using PCA has been
offered to ensure the stability of the solutions of inverse problems for
identification of eccentricities with measured deflections and
compliance. The bottom line is that filtering should have such effect on
the LSE, which could substantially reduce the ellipsoid of LSE
scattering by compressing the information contained in the matrix of
scattering, due to "truncating" the "tail" of the
Fisher matrix spectrum.
3. The study validates high efficiency of using truncated estimates
to solve the inverse problem of identifying unknown eccentricities in
the rotor of aircraft engine AI20 compressor using empirically
determined compliance values and rotor deflections.
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Received March 31, 2016
Accepted May 11, 2016
A. Goroshko *, V. Royzman *, V. Ostasevicius **
* Khmelnytskyi National University, Instytutska St. 11, 29016
Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:
[email protected]
** Kaunas University of Technology Institute of Mechatronics,
Studentu 56, 51424 Kaunas, Lithuania,
[cross.sup.ref] http://dx.doi.Org/10.5755/j01.mech.22.3.14576
Table 1
Conditionality of the matrix of type (1) linear
equation system
Section number axis Value of condition number
1 OY cond (A) = 1.4 x [10.sup.15]
OX cond (A) = 5.0 x [10.sup.14]
2 OY cond (A) = 1.7 x [10.sup.14]
OX cond (A) = 6.4 x [10.sup.15]
3 OY cond (A) = 2.1 x [10.sup.14]
OX cond (A) = 3.5 x [10.sup.3]
Table 2
The results of inverse problem solution
Section [e.sub.x], m [e.sub.y, m]
1 -5 x [10.sup.-6] -5.8 x [10.sup.-6]
2: -9 x [10.sup.-6] 1.7 x [10.sup.-6]
3: -6.2 x [10.sup.-6] 30 x [10.sup.-6]
Section [alpha]0, [m.sup.3]/ a1pha,
Number [s.sup.2] [m.sup.2]/
1 185.65 -270.3
2: 710.65 -247.18
3: 280.83 -680.00
Table 3
The results of solving the problem of identifying
THA rotor imbalances
Identified values Section
1 2
Stiffness [EJ.sub.i], [Hm.sup.2] 414.7 1594
Reduced [m.sub.i] x [10.sup-3] kg/m 2.2 2.0
Imbalance [D.sub.i], gr cm 23.7 2.48
Angle with [[phi].sub.i], degrees 95 170
Ox axis [degrees] [degrees]
Identified values Section
Stiffness [EJ.sub.i], [Hm.sup.2] 23998
Reduced [m.sub.i] x [10.sup-3] kg/m 8.3
Imbalance [D.sub.i], gr cm 30.6
Angle with [[phi].sub.i], degrees 102
Ox axis [degrees] 3'