Computational model of the heating system.
Barauskas, R. ; Grigaliunas, V. ; Gudauskis, M. 等
1. Introduction
A lot of today's publications are allocated for optimization,
automatization and application of artificial intelligence in heating
systems creation. This is done for economic [1, 2] and ecological [3, 4]
reasons. New types of heating systems are analyzed, designed and
developed. Some publications present solar energy [3], heat pump with
air to air, air to water, geothermal [5], district-heating systems [6],
The primary objective of smart heating systems is to maintain a
comfortable temperature in the rooms. The heating system is controlled
by thermostats with defined time parameters. In [1, 2] a computer
controlled system for increase of efficiency of the heating system is
proposed. It follows human presence in the rooms and analyzes their
activity. Dependent on the human activity, the system controls the
heating system parameters values.
The aim of our paper is to propose a method for increasing electric
efficiency of older houses heating systems by making simple changes in
heating pumps. It has been demonstrated that appropriate start-stop
control of the pump may result in significant reduction of the overall
pump operation time.
The heating system under investigation consists of the boiler,
heater and connecting pipes (Fig. 1, a). The heater is situated in a
closed box, which imitates the room to be heated. In the future the air
volume within the box is referred to as the heated space (HS).
The boiler is assumed to be an ideal one, the temperatures of which
are always constant and equal (60[degrees]C) at the zones of connection
of the supply and return pipes. In this model the temperature of the HS
is assumed to be uniform throughout its volume. The temperature of the
HS is influenced by the heat exchange processes through its outer
surface, as well as, through the surface of the heater in contact with
HS. The heat conductivity and surface convection coefficients of the
heater are assessed by assuming it as an equivalent pipe. The transient
heat transfer problem is solved under assumption that the heating fluid
flow rate is a known time function. The aim of the analysis is to find
the time law of the fluid flow rate, which ensures minimum power
consumption by the pump. Steady temperature of HS within given
tolerances must be maintained.
The model is developed by providing mathematical formulations of:
* diffusive heat exchange (conduction) in the fluid, in the walls
of the pipes and of the heater;
* convective heat transfer due to the fluid flow;
* convective heat transfer through between the fluid (air) and
adjacent solid structure.
2. Finite element model
The structural vector of nodal temperatures of the model is
presented in Fig. 1, a. The supply and return pipes each may be
discretized into n FE. The heater is presented as a single FE between
nodes n+1 and n+2. Each node of the model is characterized by two
temperatures (fluid and pipe). The full structural nodal temperatures
vector is obtained by supplementing the nodal temperatures vector of the
pipes and heater by the temperature [T.sub.r] of the HS. The full length
of the nodal temperatures vector is 2n+3. It should be noted that the
latter node presenting the HS is described by only one temperature
value, whereas all the remaining nodes are characterized by two
temperatures (fluid and pipe).
The full model of the system is composed of the following types of
Diffusive (conductive) heat exchange in the pipe wall:
combined physical meaning of the last term at the left-hand side
and of first term at the right hand side of Eq. (1) is the power of the
convective heat exchange between the external surface of the pipe and
the air. The FE is used in-between of the degrees of freedom (DOF)
corresponding to the fluid and pipe temperatures of all nodes of the
supply and return pipes.
Diffusive (conductive) heat exchange in the fluid within the pipe
FE and heat transfer due to the fluid flow rate w:
where the physical meaning of the last term at the left-hand side
of Eq. (2) is the heat transfer due to the fluid flow rate. The FE is
used in-between the DOF corresponding to fluid temperatures of all
adjacent nodes of the pipes.
Convective heat exchange between the fluid and pipe:
where [] = [[alpha]] [P.sub.fp] [L.sub.p]/2.
The FE is used in-between the DOF corresponding to the fluid and
pipe temperatures of all nodes of supply and return pipes. No heat
capacity terms are employed in this FE element equation as the heat
exchange takes place through the hypothetical separating surface between
the fluid and adjacent pipe wall.
Diffusive heat exchange in the heater wall:
where [k.sub.hh] = [[lambda].sub.h][a.sub.h]/[L.sub.p]; [c.sub.hh]
= [c.sub.h][[rho].sub.h][A.sub.h][L.sub.h]/2.
The element is used in-between the DOF corresponding to the pipe
temperatures of heater nodes n+1 and n+2.
Diffusive (conductive) heat exchange in the fluid within the heater
FE and heat transfer due to the fluid flow rate w:
Convective heat exchange between the fluid and the heater:
The element is used in-between the DOF corresponding to the fluid
and the heater wall temperatures of nodes n+1 and n+2 (see explanation
of formula (3) regarding the absence of the heat capacity terms).
Convective heat exchange between the heater and HS:
Two identical FE are used in-between the heater wall temperature
DOF of nodes n+1 and n+2 of the heater, on one side, and the DOF
corresponding to the HS temperature of node 2n+3, on the other side.
Convective heat exchange between the HS and outer air:
The element is used in-between the DOF of HS air temperature and
the DOF of outer air temperature. In addition the heat capacity of the
external wall of the HS is considered as [C.sub.w].
In case the supply and return pipes are presented each by a single
FE, the structural equation obtained by assembling Eqs. (1)-(8) reads as
[C[??] + (K + w[K.sub.w])T = S[T.sub.a]. (9)
Assume the temperatures of the fluid and pipes at the boiler wall
[T.sub.b] = [{[T.sub.fin], [], [T.sub.fout],
[T.sub.pout]}.sup.T] are known. The mask IS is used, where corresponding
DOF are marked by., ones" as:
IS = [1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 1 1 0]. (10)
Eq. (9) is re-arranged by employing the matrix blocs corresponding
to "ones" and "zeros" in the mask as:
[c.sup.00] [[??].sup.0] + ([K.sup.00] + w(t)[K.sup.00.sub.w])T =
[S.sup.0][T.sub.a] + [S.sub.b](t), (11)
where [S.sub.b] =-([K.sup.01] + w(t)[K.sup.01.sub.w])[T.sub.b].
3. Computational example
In the initial state the system is connected to the boiler and flow
rate equals zero. The thermal equilibrium condition is presented in Fig.
The flow rate of heating fluid 0.1 kg/s supplied from time moment
500 s until 10000 s. Fig. 3 presents the distribution of temperatures in
the system at time moments 5200 s, 10080 s, 17040 s. Fig. 4 presents
variation in time of heater inlet, heater outlet and HS temperatures.
4. Minimization of the flow rate for maintaining the prescribed
temperature of the heated space
It is necessary to find the control law ensuring the minimum power
consumption by the pump in order to maintain the prescribed temperature
value in the HS. Generally, the control law of the heating fluid flow
rate can be obtained by solving the optimal control problem as fixed
flow rate [??], start-stop control: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
where t is period of the rate pulse; [??] is rate pulse duration
during the period.
Fig. 5 presents the time relationships of the five-stage process:
* During the 1st heating stage a constant heating fluid rate w is
maintained in the circuit until steady HS temperature is reached.
* During the 2nd heating stage the heating fluid rate is controlled
as periodic pulses, where <pump on> time
part comprises one-half of the pulse time period [??]/[tau] = 1/2.
The drop of the average temperature in the HS is only 0.3[degrees]C
compared with the steady value of the temperature at continuous heating.
The temperature drop of the return fluid is about 1.5[degrees]C.
* During the 3rd heating stage the heating fluid rate is controlled
as periodic pulses, where <pump on> time part comprises one-fourth
of the pulse time period [??]/[tau] = 1/4. The drop of average
temperature of the HS is 1[degrees]C compared with the steady value of
the temperature at continuous heating. The temperature drop of the
return fluid is about 4[degrees]C.
* During the 4th and 5th heating stages <pump on> time part
is [??]/[tau] = 1/8 and [??]/[tau] = 1/16. The drop of the HS
temperature is 2[degrees]C and 3[degrees]C and the drop of the return
fluid temperature is 8[degrees]C and 11[degrees]C correspondingly.
Fig. 6 demonstrates that the duration of the activity time of the
pump during the pulse time period only minutely influences the value of
average temperature in the HS, though temperature fluctuations with
respect to aver age values become larger as the activity time of the
pump decreases.
In case constant average flow rate is maintained during each
heating stage, the average temperature of the HS remains constant, Fig.
The relationships of the steady temperatures in the heated space
against the <pump off> time part during the period at different
temperatures of the boiler are presented in Fig. 8. The curves
demonstrate that the decrease of temperatures of the HS due to the
decrease of the average flow rate is almost independent on the
temperature of the boiler, until the <pump on> time part during
the pulse time period is not less than 1/4.
5. Conclusions
1. The circulation pump activation law in the form of periodic
pulses enables to save the average electric power necessary for
maintaining the prescribed average temperature of the heated space. As
the average electric power was halved, the temperature drop in the
heated space decreased by only ~0.3[degrees]C;
2. In case the average fluid flow rate provided by the pump is
maintained constant, the variation of the pulse duration does not
influence the average temperature value in the heated space;
3. Until the <pump on> time part comprises not less than 1/4
of the period, the drop of the temperature of the heated space is less
than 1[degrees]C.
This research was funded by EU Structural Funds project
"In-Smart" (Nr. VP1-3.1-SMM-10-V-02-012), Ministry of
Education and Science, Lithuania.
Received May 12, 2015
Accepted January 06, 2016
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R. Barauskas *, V. Grigaliunas **, M. Gudauskis **, L. Obcarskas
**, K. Sarkauskas ***, A. Vilkauskas **, A. Zvironas **
* Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Informatics, Kaunas
University of Technology, Studentu St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas, Lithuania,
[email protected]
** Institute of Mechatronics, Kaunas University of Technology,
Studentu st. 56, LT-51424 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]
*** Department of Automation, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st. 48,
LT-51367Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
[email protected]