Volatility persistence in the presence of structural breaks in the Indian banking sector.
Kumar, Dilip ; Maheswaran, S.
Modeling the volatility of asset returns has been a fertile
research topic in the area of economics and finance for the last two
decades because of its importance for capital market theories (Baillie
et al., 1996). Volatility, in general, represents risk or uncertainty
associated with the asset and, hence, exploring the behavior of
volatility of asset returns is relevant for the pricing of financial
assets, risk management, portfolio selection, trading strategies and the
pricing of derivative instruments (Poon and Granger, 2003). The Indian
banking sector has experienced significant growth in the last decade and
has become an important investment target, by providing enormous
investment opportunities to investors and portfolio managers. Like in
the other sectors in India, investors investing in the banking sector in
India face higher risk, as well. Hence, it is essential to study the
behavior of the volatility of returns from the Indian banking sector. It
is well known that the volatility of financial asset returns changes
over time. The dynamic nature of the volatility is generally modeled by
making use of the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) class of models (Engle, 1982 and Bollerslev,
1986) by specifying the conditional mean and conditional variance equations, which are potentially helpful in forecasting the future
volatility of asset prices. Numerous extensions of GARCH models have
been proposed in the literature. For instance, Engle and Bollerslev
(1986) propose the Integrated GARCH (IGARCH) model to capture the impact
of a shock on the future volatility over an infinite horizon.
The volatility of the returns of financial assets may be affected
substantially by infrequent structural breaks or regime shifts due to
domestic and global macroeconomic and political events. The standard
GARCH model does not incorporate sudden changes in the variance and
hence, may be inappropriate for investigating volatility persistence and
volatility forecasting. Lastrapes (1989) applies the Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model to exchange rates and finds
a significant reduction in the estimated volatility persistence when he
accounts for monetary regime shifts. Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990)
investigate the persistence of volatility in the GARCH family of models
when there are sudden changes in the variance and find that volatility
persistence is overstated if structural breaks are ignored. Sudden
changes in the variance can also influence the intensity or the
direction of information flow among markets, stocks or portfolios as
shown by Ross (1989).
Inclan and Tiao (1994) propose the Iterated Cumulative Sum of
Squares (ICSS) algorithm which can help in detecting structural breaks
in the volatility of a financial time series. The ICSS algorithm detects
both a significant increase and decrease in volatility and, hence, can
help in identifying both the beginning and the ending of volatility
regimes. Aggarwal et al. (1999) apply the ICSS algorithm on some
emerging market indices for the period from 1985 to 1995, and find that
volatility shifts are impacted mainly by the local macroeconomic events
and the only global event over the sample period that affected several
emerging markets was the October 1987 stock market crash in the United
States. Malik (2003) apply the ICSS algorithm in detecting time periods
of sudden changes in the volatility of five major exchange rates, and
find that volatility persistence is overstated if those sudden changes
are ignored. Fernandez and Arago (2003) utilize the ICSS algorithm to
detect structural changes in the variance for European stock indices and
their findings are in confirmation with the findings of Aggarwal et al.
(1999) that the markets not only react to local economic and political
news, but also to news originating in other markets. Malik, Ewing, and
Payne (2005) find that controlling for regime shifts in volatility
dramatically reduces the persistence of volatility in the Canadian stock
market. Hammoudeh and Li (2008) also obtain similar findings for the
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stock markets. Wang and Moore (2009) find
that, with the new European Union members, the persistence in volatility
is significantly reduced when the model incorporates regime changes.
The central aim of this paper is to examine the sudden changes in
volatility in the Indian banking sector using the ICSS algorithm and
investigate the impact of such sudden changes on the persistence of
volatility, from the vantage point of volatility modeling and to assess
the forecasting ability using the GARCH class of models for the Gaussian
distribution, Student's i distribution and the generalized error
distribution (GED) for the period from January 5, 2000 to November 30,
2011. In particular, we investigate whether or not the inclusion of
regime shifts in the GARCH class of models reduces the persistence of
volatility. In addition, we also compare the out-of-sample performance
of the GARCH class of models with and without sudden changes by
considering the one-step ahead forecasting ability. We find that
incorporating regime shifts in the GARCH model provide better
performance in terms of forecasting ability. The study of the impact of
structural changes in volatility on the accuracy of volatility forecasts
has largely been ignored in the context of the Indian market. Hence, our
study can be considered as a contribution on this topic in the context
of the Indian banking sector.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
introduces the tests we will use in this study. Section 3 describes the
data and discusses the computational details. Section 4 reports the
empirical results and section 5 concludes with a summary of our main
2.1. Detecting points of sudden changes in variance
We employ the ICSS (iterated cumulative sum of squares) algorithm
introduced by Inclan and Tiao (1994) to detect sudden changes in the
variance of a given time series. According to the ICSS algorithm, the
return series exhibits a stationary variance over the time period until
a sudden change occurs in the variance and thereafter the variance
becomes stationary again until another sudden change occurs. This
process is repeated through time, and hence provides for a time series
to have an unknown number of sudden changes in the variance.
Suppose [[epsilon].sub.t] is a time series with zero mean and with
unconditional variance [[sigma].sup.2]. Suppose the variance within each
interval is given by [[tau].sub.j.sup.2], where j = 0, 1, ..., [N.sub.T]
and [N.sub.T] is the total number of variance changes in T observations,
and 1 < [k.sub.1] < [k.sub.2] < ... < [k.sub.NT] < T are
the change points.
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[tau].sup.2.sub.0] for 1 < t <
[k.sub.1] (1a)
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[tau].sup.2.sub.1] for [k.sub.1] < t
< [k.sub.2] (1b)
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[tau].sup.2.sub.NT] for [k.sub.NT] < t
< T (1c)
In order to estimate the number of changes in the variance and the
time point of each variance shift, a cumulative sum of squares procedure
is used. The cumulative sum of the squared observations from the start
of the series to the kth point in time is given as:
[C.sub.k] = [k.summation over (t=1)] [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t]
where k = 1, ..., T. The [D.sub.k] statistics are given as:
[D.sub.k] = ([C.sup.k]/[C.sup.T]) - [k/T] k = 1, ..., T with
[D.sub.0] = D = 0
where [C.sub.T] is the sum of squared residuals from the whole
sample period.
If there are no sudden changes in the variance of the series then
the [D.sub.k] statistic oscillates around zero and when plotted against
k, it looks like a horizontal line. On the other hand, if there are
sudden changes in the variance of the time series, then the [D.sub.k]
statistics values drift either above or below zero. Critical values
obtained from the asymptotic distribution of [D.sub.k] can be used to
assess the significance of changes in the variance under the null
hypothesis of constant variance. The null hypothesis of constant
variance is rejected if the maximum absolute value of [D.sub.k] is
greater than the critical value. Hence, if [max.sub.k] [square root of
(T/2)] [absolute value of [D.sub.k]] is more than the predetermined boundary, then [k.sup.*] is taken as an estimate of the variance change
point. The 95th percentile critical value for the asymptotic
distribution of [max.sub.k] [square root of (T/2)] [absolute value of
[D.sub.k]] is 1.358 as given in Inclan and Tiao (1994) and Aggarwal et
al. (1999) and hence the upper and the lower boundaries can be set at [+
or -] 1.3 58 in the Dk plot. If the value of the statistic falls outside
of these boundaries, then a sudden change in variance is identified.
There exists a plethora of literature saying that the variance of
financial data is time varying, going back to Engle (1982) and
Bollerslev (1986). However, it needs to be noted that the ICSS algorithm
assumes constant variance within each regime. Sanso, Arago and Carrion
(2004) find certain drawbacks in the ICSS algorithm that invalidates its
use for financial time series. In particular, the ICSS algorithm
neglects the excess kurtosis properties of the process and also it does
not take into consideration the conditional heteroskedasiticity that is
well known to exist in financial time series. To deal with these
drawbacks, they propose the critical value of 1.4058, which corrects for
excess kurtosis and conditional heteroskedasticity, as estimated by
Monte Carlo simulations. In this paper, we follow the recommendations of
Sanso et al. (2004) and use a critical value of 1.4058 for [max.sub.k]
[square root of (T/2)] [absolute value of [D.sub.k]].
Inclan and Tiao (1994) find that if the time series has multiple
change points, then it is difficult for [D.sub.k] statistic to detect
the correct change points at different intervals due to the masking
effect. To overcome this problem of masking effect, Inclan and Tiao
(1994) propose an algorithm that looks at different pieces of the time
series for the identification of change points in the variance. The ICSS
algorithm looks for one break point at a time by means of the [D.sub.k]
statistic. Once a breakpoint is detected, then the sample series is
further segmented to look for other break points. When all the
breakpoints in the series have been identified, then the next step is to
estimate the GARCH models with and without sudden changes in the
2.2. GARCH model
The log returns are calculated from the stock price indices; i.e.
[Y.sub.t] = [l.sub.n] ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t] - 1) x 100
where [P.sub.t] is a value of the index at time t and In is the
natural logarithm.
The autoregressive moving average model with order p and q (ARMA(p,
q)) is given as below:
[y.sub.t] = [mu] + [[mu].summation over (j+1)]
[[beta].sub.1][y.sub.t+1] + [[mu].summation over (j=1)] [[??].sub.1]
[[epsilon].sub.t-j] + [[epsilon].sub.[upsilon]] (3)
where [[epsilon].sub.t] is serially uncorrected, but dependent to
its lagged values.
The symmetric GARCH model (Bollerslev, 1986) deals with the
symmetric feature of volatility. The standard generalized autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model is given as:
[[epsilon].sub.t] = [Z.sub.t][[sigma].sub.t] [Z.sub.t] - N(0.1)
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [omega] + [alpha](L[)[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t]
+[beta](L) [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] (4)
where [omega] > 0, and [alpha](L) and [beta](L) are polynomials
in the backshift operator L (L' [x.sub.t] = [x.sub.t-i]) of order q
and p, respectively. Equation (4) can be rewritten as infinite-order
ARCH process (assuming that [[alpha].sub.i] [greater than or equal to] 0
and [[beta].sub.i] [greater than or equal to] 0 for all 0.
[phi](L) [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] - [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [omega]
+ [1 - [beta](L)] [V.sub.[upsilon]] (5)
where vt = [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] - [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] is
interpreted as the innovation in the conditional variance, which has a
zero mean and is serially uncorrelated and [theta](L) = [1 - [alpha](L)
- [beta](L)] Here the sum of [alpha](L) and [beta](L) measures the
persistence of volatility for a given shock. If ([alpha](L) + [beta](L))
is equal to 1, then the GARCH (p, q) process becomes an IGARCH (p,q)
process and it may be recalled that the shocks to an IGARCH process have
a permanent effect on the volatility of a return series. For the GARCH
(1,1) process, equation (5) canbe reduced to:
[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] = [[sigma].sup.2] + [v.sub.t] +
[[theta].sub.1][v.sub.t-1] + [[theta].sub.2][v.sub.t-2] + ... +
[[theta].sub.k][v.sub.t-k] + ... (6)
where [[sigma].sup.2] is the unconditional variance and is equal to
[omega]/(1 -[alpha] - [beta]). [[theta].sub.i] is a non-linear function
of the ARCH and GARCH parameters. If [[theta].sub.k] (= [partial
derivative][[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t]/[partial derivative][v.sub.t-k])
remains large as kincreases, then the shocks in the series show higher
degree of persistence. We plot the dynamic impulse response function to
study the relationship between [theta] and k.
2.3. Combined model of sudden changes with the GARCH model
The GARCH (p,q) model with sudden changes in variance can be
expressed as follows:
where [D.sub.1], ..., [D.sub.n] are the dummy variables taking a
value of 1 from each point of sudden change in the variance onwards
and 0 elsewhere.
Engle and Ng (1993) propose the sign bias, negative size bias,
positive size bias and joint tests in the standardized residuals to
determine the response of the asymmetric volatility models to news. From
equation (7), [z.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t]/[[alpha].sub.t]. Suppose
[S.sub.t]--is a dummy variable which takes value 1 if
[[epsilon].sub.t-1] is negative and [S.sub.t.sup.+] is a dummy variable
that takes value 1 if [[epsilon].sub.t-1] is positive and zero
otherwise. Hence, the regression equations for the sign bias, negative
size bias, positivesize bias and joint tests are as follow:
Sign biastest: [z.sup.2.sub.t] = [alpha] + b [S.sup.-.sub.t] +
Negativesize biastest: [z.sup.2.sub.t] = [alpha] + b
[S.sup.-.sub.t] [[epsilon].sub.t-1] + [e.sub.t]
Positive sizebiastest: [z.sup.2.sub.t] = [alpha] + b[S.sup.-.sub.t]
[[epsilon].sub.t-1] + [e.sub.t]
Joint test: [z.sup.2.sub.t] = [alpha] + b[S.sup.-.sub.t] +
c[s.sup.-.sub.t] [[epsilon].sub.t-1] + d[S.sup.-.sub.t]
[[epsilon].sub.t-1] [[epsilon].sub.t]
where a, b, c and d are constants, et is the residual series of the
regression equations.
In order to investigate the impact of sudden changes in volatility
on the volatility persistence of the banking sector in India, we use the
weekly price data (3) of the CNX Bank Nifty Index (composed of 12 stocks
from the banking sector) for the period from January 5, 2000 to November
30, 2011. All data are obtained from the website: www.nseindia.com. The
weekly data are associated with Wednesday. If Wednesday is a holiday,
Tuesday data points are used instead. Table 1 provides the descriptive
statistics of the weekly returns of CNX Bank Nifty.
The return series of CNX Bank Nifty exhibits a leptokurtic
distribution (fat tails) and is positively skewed. The Jarque-Bera
statistic confirms the significant non-normality in the return series.
The ARCHLM test supports the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity
and Box-Pierce Q-test strongly rejects the null hypothesis of no
significant autocorrelations in the first 20 lags in the return series.
Insignificant KPSS and significant ADF test statistics confirm the
non-rejection of the null hypothesis of stationarity and the rejection
of the null hypothesis of a unit root in the series.
4.1. Sudden changes in variance
Table 2 presents the number of sudden changes in the variance, the
time periods identified as when such sudden changes have occurred, the
mean return during that time period and the standard deviation of the
returns over the respective time periods between variance changes for
the CNX Bank Nifty index.
We detect three change points in the CNX Bank Nifty index using the
ICSS algorithm which represent the presence of four distinct volatility
regimes in the time series of returns. The time points of the sudden
change in the volatility of CNX Bank Nifty are related to various
domestic and global economic events to a moderate degree. In May 2006,
Indian stock market indices suffer a major decline of about 1100 points.
The turbulence in the period from 2008 to 2009 was caused by the impact
of the global financial crisis (sub-prime crisis) which adversely
impacted the Indian stock market also. In 2009, the UPA election victory
was a major event that impacted the Indian stock market in terms of
reducing the uncertainty about the future of the Indian economy. These
macroeconomic and political factors may have contributed to the increase
in market return volatility which in turn contributed to the overall
uncertainty in the Indian banking sector also. In addition, it may be
noted that the sub-prime crisis adversely impacted Indian banks because
of their exposure to international markets. It can be observed that the
first volatility regime (from 12-Jan-2000 to 10-May-2006) and the last
volatility regime (27-May-2009 to 3 O-Nov-2011) have nearly the same
standard deviation but the mean return in first regime is about 3.44
times the mean return in the last regime. Furthermore, we observe a
higher standard deviation during the period of the subprime crisis and
this is also the only regime with a negative mean return.
Figure 1 presents a graphical representation of the sudden changes
in the variance and the related volatility regimes for the CNX Bank
Nifty index. The bands represent [+ or -] 3 standard deviations for the
time point when sudden changes are experienced. Hence, the figure
clearly displays where the regime begin and end, as identified by the
ICSS algorithm.
4.2. ARMA (0,0)-GARCH (1,1) estimation with and without sudden
After identifying the time points of sudden changes in the variance
using the ICSS algorithm, the next step is to introduce these sudden
changes in the variance in the GARCH class of models. For each GARCH
model, we consider three different distributions: the Normal
distribution, the Student's t distribution and the GED
distribution. The in-sample estimation period is from January 12, 2000
through December 15, 2010 with a total of 571 observations. The
remaining 50 observations covering the period from December 22, 2010
through November 30, 2011 are set aside for the evaluation of the
out-of-sample performance of all the GARCH models used in this study.
First, we determine the order of ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(1,1) model for the
CNX Bank Nifty index based on the minimum value of the Schwarz Bayesian
Information Criterion (SBIC). We find the ARMA (0,0) specification to be
suitable for the mean equation over the given estimation period. Table 3
and 4 presents the results from the standard GARCH model with and
without sudden changes in the variance for the Normal distribution, the
Student's t distribution and the GED distribution. The set of dummy
variables is included in the variance equation of the GARCH model
accounting for different volatility regimes. ARCH-LM test statistic for
10 lags and Ljung-Box statistics for 20 lags are used as diagnostic
tests for the standardized residuals and the squared standardized
residuals from the GARCH model.
In the ARMA (0,0)-GARCH (1,1) model without a consideration for the
sudden changes in the volatility, a and p are highly significant at 1 %
level of significance and the persistence of shock (represented by (a +
P)) is very high (0.976 for the Normal distribution, 0.972 for the
Student t distribution and 0.974 for the GED distribution). This
indicates that volatility shocks are highly persistent when we ignore
the sudden changes in volatility in the model. On the other hand,
([alpha] + [beta]) is only (0.793 for the Normal distribution, 0.796 for
the Student t distribution and 0.794 for the GED distribution) for the
GARCH model which accounts for sudden changes in volatility, which
indicates that the persistence of variance is drastically reduced when
sudden changes are included in the model. These results are consistent
with the earlier findings of Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990), Aggarwal,
Inclan and Leal (1999), Malik, Ewing and Payne (2005) and others, who
have argued that the standard GARCH model overestimates volatility
persistence when ignoring sudden changes in the unconditional variance.
Our results also support the same notion in the context of the Indian
banking sector that volatility persistence is significantly reduced when
we incorporate regime shifts in the model. The model with the Gaussian
distribution performs quite well when sudden changes are considered. On
the other hand, the estimates of the models when sudden changes are
ignored with the Student's t and GED innovations clearly suggest
that the conditional distribution has fatter tails than the Normal
distribution because n is significantly between 1 and 2.
We evaluate the accuracy of model specifications by mean of several
diagnostic tests. The Ljung-Box test statistics for the standardized
residuals, Q (20) and the squared standardized residuals, Qs(20), up to
20 lags are insignificant for all model specifications at the 5% level
of significance, which indicates that the standardized residuals and the
squared standardized residuals are independently and identically
distributed (IID) series. The ARCH-LM statistic up to 10 lags also
confirms the absence of heteroskedasticity in the residual series for
all model specifications. Also, the estimated residuals from the models
when we account for sudden changes in the variance follow a Gaussian
distribution due to the Jarque-Bera statistics. This indicates that the
GARCH model which considers sudden changes in the variance is well
specified for examining the volatility persistence in Indian banking
sector. Furthermore, we do not find any significant bias from the
perspective of the sign bias, negative size bias, positive size bias and
joint tests in the standardized residuals, as proposed by Engle and Ng
(1993), for all the estimated GARCH models used in this study.
Figure 2 presents the plots of the dynamic impulse response
functions derived from equation (6) for the CNX Bank Nifty index for the
GARCH models, with innovations following Gaussian, Student's t and
GED distribution, up to a forecast horizon of 30 weeks. The impulse
response for the GARCH model controlling for the endogenously determined
sudden changes in volatility is given by solid line and the impulse
response for the GARCH model ignoring sudden changes in volatility is
given by dashed line. The comparison of the impulse response functions
further emphasizes the importance of incorporating sudden changes in the
variance in the model. The response to a unit shock to nt exhibits rapid
decay when regime shifts are accounted for in the GARCH model when
compared to when the regime shifts are ignored. We find CNX Bank Nifty
dynamic impulse response function shows that 5.86% of the impact of a
unit shock on conditional variance persists after 15 weeks, in case the
model does not account for regime control variables, but only 0.15% of
unit shock persists when controlled for sudden changes in the variance.
4.3. Out-of-sample forecasts
In this section, we investigate the forecasting ability of the
GARCH model with and without incorporating the sudden changes in the
variance. We use the squared return as a volatility proxy for the
out-of-sample evaluation. We calculate root mean squared error (RMSE),
mean absolute error (MAE) and logarithmic loss errors (LLE) to measure
the forecast accuracy of the models used.
If [[sigma].sup.2.sub.f,t] is a volatility forecast for day t and
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.a,t] is the actual volatility on day t, then
RMSE = [[[1/T] [T.summation over (t=1)] [([[sigma].sup.2.sub.ft] -
MAE = [1/T] [T.summation over (t=1)] [absolute value of
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.ft] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.at]]
LLE = [1/T] [T.summation over (t=1)] [ln
where T is the number of forecasting data points.
Table 5 presents the forecast evaluation of 50 one-step ahead
forecasts generated from ARMA (0,0)-GARCH (1,1) model for the Normal
distribution, Student's t distribution and the GED distribution
with and without incorporating sudden changes in the variance.
The results indicate that the GARCH models which incorporate sudden
changes in the variance provide relatively good forecasts of the Indian
banking sector's volatility whereas the GARCH models without
considering regime control variables seem to be a poor alternative.
Hence, the results of the one-step-ahead forecast evaluation analysis
suggest that the volatility models which account for sudden changes in
the variance provide excellent out of--sample predictability.
In this study, we have detected sudden changes in the volatility of
the Indian banking sector and investigated the impact of such sudden
changes on volatility persistence, from the vantage point of volatility
modeling in general and in particular, on the forecasting ability of the
models. We have applied the Iterated Cumulative Sum of Squares (ICSS)
algorithm to identify the regime shifts in the data series. We find that
the sudden changes in volatility are largely associated with domestic
and global macroeconomic and political events. In addition, when these
regime shifts are incorporated in the volatility model (GARCH models),
we find that the persistence in volatility comes down significantly.
This suggests that ignoring sudden changes in volatility will lead to
overestimating the persistence of volatility which in turn may lead to
potential errors by risk managers to come up with the Value-at-Risk
(VaR) measure. Risk managers, generally, set minimum capital
requirements based on the VaR measure and an overestimation of the
persistence of volatility leads to a misevaluation of the VaR and hence
the minimum capital necessary for safety. Also, out-of-sample forecast
evaluation analysis confirms that volatility models that incorporate
regime shifts provide more accurate one-step-ahead volatility forecasts
than their counterparts without regimeshifts. Hence, considering sudden
changes in the variance may improve the accuracy of the estimation of
the volatility persistence and consequently in the VaR and may help in
the optimal allocation of funds.
Caption: Figure 1: Time plot for the returns with a band of [+ or
-] 3 standard deviation for the CNX Bank Nifty index.
Caption: Figure 2: Dynamic impulse response function for CNX Bank
Nifty index returns.
Note: The solid line corresponds to the GARCH model, controlling
for the endogenously determined sudden changes in volatility and the
dashed line corresponds to the GARCH model, ignoring sudden changes in
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Dilip Kumar (1) S. Maheswaran (2)
(1) Corresponding author, Research Scholar, Institute for Financial
Management and Research, Chennai 600034
[email protected]
(2) Professor, Centre for Advanced Financial Studies, Institute for
Financial Management and Research, Chennai 600034, mahesh(S).ifmr.ac.in.
(3) The reason we have preferred to make use of weekly data is that
daily observations may be associated with biases due to non-trading, the
bid-ask spread and asynchronous prices as explained in Lo and MacKinlay
(#) Means significant at 1% level. Where ARCH-LM (10) refers to the
Lagrange multiplier test for conditional heteroskedasticity with 10
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of stock returns
CNX Bank Nifty
Mean 0.003
Median 0.005
Standard deviation 0.050
Minimum -0.174
Maximum 0.294
Quartile 1 -0.024
Quartile 3 0.034
Skewness 0.240
Kurtosis 2.988
Jarque-Bera Statistics 240.011 (#)
ARCH-LM(IO) 34.502 (#)
Table 2: Sudden changes in the variance as identified by the
ICSS algorithm
Index Number of Time period between Mean Standard
change variance changes deviation
CNX Bank 3 12-Jan-2000 to 0.004726 0.040575
Nifty 10-May-2006
17-May-2006 to 0.003577 0.054418
28-May-2008 to -0.000610 0.095912
27-May-2009 to 0.001373 0.039083
Table 3: ARMA (0,0)-GARCH (1,1) model with no sudden changes
in variance
Without ICSS
[mu] 0.443 * 0.485 (#) 0.498 (#)
(0.183) (0.185) (0.173)
[omega] 0.581 0.676 ([dagger]) 0.630 ([dagger])
(0.358) (0.355) (0.358)
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.083 (#) 0.078 (#) 0.082 (#)
(0.030) (0.026) (0.028)
[[beta].sub.1] 0.893 (#) 0.894 (#) 0.892 (#)
(0.035) (0.031) (0.033)
1/v -- 0.087 * 0.641 (#)
-- (0.038) (0.059)
Log-Likelihood -1690.542 -1687.361 -1686.611
SBIC 5.966 5.966 5.963
JB-stat 8.670 * 9.886 (#) 9.139*
[0.013] [0.007] [0.010]
Q(20) 22.610 23.247 22.826
[0.308] [0.277] [0.297]
Qs(20) 15.649 15.019 15.082
[0.617] [0.661] [0.656]
ARCH-LM(IO) 0.607 0.568 0.577
[0.808] [0.840] [0.833]
Sign bias 0.675 0.628 0.623
[0.499] [0.530] [0.533]
Negative size bias 0.668 0.857 0.739
[0.504] [0.392] [0.460]
Positive size bias 0.704 0.599 0.669
[0.482] [0.549] [0.503]
Joint test 5.292 5.474 5.152
[0.152] [0.140] [0.161]
Table 4: ARMA (0,0)-GARCH (1,1) model while controlling for
sudden changes in the variance
[mu] 0.461 * 0.492 * 0.500 (#)
(0.184) (0.187) (0.181)
[omega] 2.763 2.708 2.696
(1.969) (2.177) (2.094)
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.049 0.049 ([dagger]) 0.050 ([dagger])
(0.029) (0.029) (0.029)
[[beta].sub.1] 0.744 (#) 0.747 (#) 0.744 (#)
(0.126) (0.140) (0.135)
1/v -- 0.048 0.589 (#)
-- (0.034) (0.052)
Log-Likelihood -1678.485 -1677.763 -1676.976
SBIC 5.957 5.966 5.963
JB-stat 3.330 3.293 3.330
[0.189] [0.193] [0.189]
Q(20) 23.728 23.667 23.603
[0.254] [0.257] [0.260]
Qs(20) 18.237 17.699 17.756
[0.440] [0.476] [0.472]
ARCH-LM(IO) 0.747 0.716 0.717
[0.680] [0.710] [0.709]
Sign bias 1.465 1.426 1.422
[0.143] [0.154] [0.155]
Negative 0.198 0.150 0.186
size bias [0.843] [0.881] [0.853]
Positive 0.461 0.445 0.465
size bias [0.645] [0.656] [0.642]
Joint test 5.869 5.697 5.634
[0.118] [0.127] [0.131]
Table 5: Out-of-sample forecast evaluation
Without With
GARCH (1,1)--Gaussian
RMSE 21.165 21.084
MAE 17.978 15.104
LLE 1.647 1.201
GARCH(1,1)--Student -t
RMSE 21.179 21.094
MAE 17.965 15.094
LLE 1.645 1.197
RMSE 21.198 21.113
MAE 18.030 15.061
LLE 1.652 1.188