Effectiveness of OR in real-life applications for better returns.
Kumar, Santosh ; Kapur, P.K. ; Jha, P.C. 等
Operations Research (OR) is concerned with scientific and
technological thinking on aspects of human affairs with respect to usage
of resources in day-to-day human activities arising in commerce,
government and industry. In OR, solely the aim has been to improve the
utilization of resources to maximize profits. Number of situations have
been discussed by Ahuja et al., (1993), Checkland and Scholes (1991),
Fang and Puthenpura (1993). Another independent field dealing with
maximizing returns is revenue maximization (RM), a concept from the
field of commerce. For a detailed account of RM has been provided by
Browning and Kumar (2003). The OR and RM have developed their own
methodology, strategies and both have many success claims. Since they
share a common goal, there must be room for OR methodology to enrich RM
or alternatively. There is a need for better integration of these two
fields. Mathematical optimisation and quantitative approaches of OR may
provide better insight to RM and similarly concepts of RM may contribute
further to the development of OR and its applications. Visible progress
of OR is imminent in management of public and private sectors arising
from activities relating to government, commerce and industry.
Blackett (1962) observed and remarked that real-life systems do
interact with other systems and consequently all associated parametric
values frequently change in an OR model but OR has mostly been dealing
with a compromised situation that hardly account for changes arising due
to system interactions. It is true that changes in a real-life situation
can be so complex that an accurate account of all possible changes might
be an impossible task, yet possibility of incorporating changes in a
model is worth investigation. Statistical models involving uncertainties
usually account for changes depicting some pattern and have been
discussed by Fuller (1966). Thus a great deal of attention has been
directed towards analysis of interaction free models and success has
been achieved in maximizing use of the limited resources and developing
quantitative measures for those returns, little attention has been given
to the changing environment that arises due to interactions and
quantitatively assess their consequences. These changes are experienced
at a pace that was never experienced before. Software industry is a good
example, where changes are often experienced. Thus the other aspect of
this paper is to introduce analysis of the changing systems. Therefore,
threefold objectives of this paper are:
(i) To bring RM to the attention of operations researchers.
(ii) To identify and illustrate a method developed in OR, which has
a potential for application in RM and to identify revenue leak in a real
life application.
(iii) To investigate OR models as protean systems and develop
information recycling approach for their analysis.
The Revenue Maximization (RM)
The RM is relatively a new idea that has immersed in parallel with
developments in OR. It also known as 'Revenue Assurance or Revenue
Assurance Management' in telecom industry, 'Revenue
Integrity' in airline industry, 'Revenue Cycle
Enhancement' in healthcare industry. 'Total Quality
Management' is also a term used by many for RM. The main idea
behind RM is to develop strategies and tactical skills to prevent
revenue leaks in an organization.
RM has developed strategies to collect the revenue in a correct
quantity that has been generated by the company without any pilferage and leakage. In a perfect world, all systems would have generated and
collected their due revenue automatically. However, the real world is
complex, each system survives in an interacting competitive environment
and not in isolation. All systems interact with other systems, within
the organization and also with the systems that are external to it. In
real-life environment, interactions come fast and unpredictable. The
management has to operate constantly in the face of these unwanted ugly
challenges. Therefore RM and OR concepts are vital for survival,
profitability and meeting challenges in the modern world. The RM helps
companies to grow, improve profitability and integrity because:
(i) RM projects improve earnings, which is good for the
organization, shareholders, and growth.
(ii) RM is a low-risk, high-return activity.
(iii) RM improves company integrity due to financial reporting.
The awareness of leaks has indirect benefits for the organization.
For example, revenue understanding may alter 'employees and
managers' relationship from 'mistake prevention role' to
'an active contributor to profit role'. This is a concept
common to both OR and RM, as knowledge and purpose based employees will
always be more effective to the organization.
Leaks are inevitable in a changing environment due to technology
and process aging. They do not occur through a defined revenue hole in a
single revenue collection pipe. Leakage finds its way and can mean loss
of millions of dollars through a single source. Leakage does not
necessarily mean a mistake or laziness on part of employees. For
example, a sales marketing person may insist on a pricing plan of a new
service launched by the company. Since company does not fully understand
implications, they may offer a plan that they may not be able to sustain
in the best interest of the organization. This kind of situation is very
common when companies offer extended warranties for promotion. Thus a
conscious new plan is desirable to avoid leaks due to pricing and
promotion. Further when special promotions are introduced the existing
revenue collection system may not be capable to handle new requirements.
Commonly leaks are associated with billing, yet they also arise
elsewhere. For example, see details of leaks given in healthcare
industry in Browning and Kumar (2003). These details clearly indicate
that leaks can be within, between and across functions of the
organization. For example, hospital management may enter in a complex
contract, which the existing IT is unable to handle, resulting in a
leak. This situation is not only common in health industry, but such
difficulties are experienced in other large organizations where
automation and computerisation have not integrated well to maintain the
interest of the organization.
To put a stop on a leak is not the same as elimination of a
service. For example, reduction or elimination of a company managed
facility for its employees is not going to result in generating a
regular income but it is reduction in cost by reducing facilities. Such
decisions may be desirable for other reasons but is not a capturing of a
revenue leak. Sustainable increments in revenue will result only by
capturing direct leaks, such as correct premium rate will increase
recurring revenue. Identification and prevention of a direct leak is
usually the first step towards RM and prevention of opportunity leaks is
the next step in RM.
The concept of prevention of opportunity leaks is similar to
preventive maintenance in OR. Similar concepts have been used by
airlines to fill empty seats on an aircraft by offering various price
structures. The tour operators in Japan have used a similar idea to fill
their buses to full capacity. They have created an extra column of
folding seats in the bus between each row of permanent seats, creating
room to accommodate over booking. In case of cancellations, they have
very high probability of operating to their full capacity and when
cancellations are not as many, some people are requested to sit on these
seats at a heavy discounted rate. Every one remains happy. Similarly
there is a need for other ideas and opportunity to improve revenue
collection in a business facing uncertainty. Cost and revenue have a
sibling relationship. RM is also possible by cost minimization, a
commonly used concept in OR. This cost minimization concept in OR leads
to better utilization of limited available resources. Thus OR
methodology may have applications in RM.
It has been pointed out that revenue leaks arise due to the
changing environment, technology change and competition. A change is
inevitable in any organization as discussed by Kumar (1995). All
industries experience changes at a pace that was never experienced at
any time previously. These changes are resulting in mergers and
acquisitions to face the challenges caused by competitiveness.
Consequently more and more challenges are arising for rapid adoption of
new technologies, accelerated pace of product development and marketing
strategies and thereby resulting in revenue leaks due to protean
behaviour of real-life systems. Although every company operates under a
changing environment, yet its susceptibility to leaks and management of
changes differs for each company. Similarly some models may be more
readily adaptable to changes and others may display a rigid behaviour
with respect to a change. It is desirable to incorporate in a model,
when possible, ideas to cope with a change affecting revenue.
Information Recycling in Protean Environment
Recycling is a concept from waste management, where motivation is
to reduce the bulk of solid waste and also to create a useful resource
from waste as given by Grover et al., (2002). This
'waste-to-resource' journey has taken so long in waste
management and hardly been attempted in mathematical modelling and
analysis. Although the concept of information recycling can be
identified in many mathematical methods, for example, solution of a
recurrence equation in dynamic programming is nothing but the
information recycling, see Bellman (1957). In fact all iterative methods
fall in the same class, they can be classified as information recycling
methods. Similarly, many other methods can be traced elsewhere. The
solid waste is a transient state until its usefulness is discovered.
Likewise in mathematical analysis, converting available information from
solution of a problem before change as a useful resource to solve the
new problem, see Kumar (2004a, 2004b). The aim is to extract available
information as a resource for obtaining the new required solution.
The intent is to create a 'path' that joins solutions of
two problems; one of them is a problem for which the solution is known
and the other one is that, which is required to be solved. In the
context of a protean system some input values change in a mathematical
model. Since one set of analysis was completed before changes, the old
problem plays the role of the problem we have a solution for and the new
problem after changes plays the role of the problem that has to be
solved. The model structure is essentially the same but is different
with respect to its input parameters. Thus in the pathway approach, one
is essentially finding a path that joins the solution of the old problem
to the solution of the new problem. Garcia and Zangwill (1981) have
called this a 'path-way method'. Kumar in 1987 coined the term
protean. The idea is that a given real-life mathematical model may
remain valid for relatively longer periods but its associated input
parameters are likely to change due to interactions with other systems.
Thus a given mathematical model may have to be analysed again and again
when changes are experienced in the form of input parameter. Similar
analysis would have to be carried out again and again for obtaining new
results for different input parameters. Since one is dealing with a
familiar OR model, its analysis is not an issue, but the issue is to
make use of available information for obtaining the new solution when
some input values might have changed in the mathematical model. This is
similar to post-optimal analysis, but in protean systems changes are
beyond the control as they arise due to system interaction. The
information recycling approach attempts using the existing information
to get to a new solution see Kumar (2005, 2006), Kumar and Bappoo (1999)
and Kumar et al. (2007). Changes also arise due to thrust for growth,
see Graff (2007) and also an application of vehicle routing for supply
of a soft drink company, see Cheong et al., (2002). Thus information
recycling idea may prove useful for analysis of mathematical models in a
protean environment.
The information recycling methods are more appropriate for models
to be analysed in a 'protean environment', see Kumar (1995).
In these models the input changes but broadly speaking model structure
remains unchanged. The word protean is used to reflect an environment
that changes. Changes in any real-life system are natural. These changes
might be experienced due to interactions with other internal and/or
external systems. Thus input data associated with various aspects of the
model may change. This 'repeated use of the same model with changed
input values has been described as a protean environment. The authors
believe that applied mathematical models should attempt to incorporate
changes and where possible develop methods to solve these problems in a
protean environment. The expectation is that the recycling information
may result in more efficient solution methods that may reduce
computational efforts to solve problems arising in a protean
environment. More work is required to make a meaningful statement. This
in our opinion is a philosophy and a challenge to create new mathematics
for various methods to meet the demand of the changing time.
Conventional discussion on sensitivity and postoptimality analysis
of a mathematical model is broadly an information recycling approach,
however, in those discussions generally it is assumed that changes take
place in a defined structured way. Such an assumption is unrealistic as
real cause of a change is an interaction of a given system with other
systems. Since these interactions are beyond control of any one, so are
the changes arising from those interactions. For example, in a network
model, G (N, E), let N represents the set of nodes which is a kind of
infrastructure and it is safe to assume that infrastructure may hold on
for a considerable time but the set of edges represented by E is a set
of relationships between various nodes which may experience changes
frequently due to interactions. For example, travel time on a particular
link may change due to blockage created by an accident, but it goes back
to its normal time once the accident has been cleared.
Thus, this concept from waste management to mathematical modelling
and analysis of a real life system in a protean environment attempts to
search for a path between an existing solution and the required new
solution. In summary, "a mathematical problem of interest is to
find a path joining a solution of a given model before changes to its
new solution after changes". Note that we are dealing with changes,
which have: (1) No restriction in the manner they may arise, and (2) the
aim is to obtain the new solution by using the existing information from
the available solution obtained earlier before changes.
An application of an OR Model to RM
The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and its variants in OR have found
extensive applications in inventory control and many other situations.
An analogy may be identified between an inventory situation and a loan
on a credit card. This analogy helps us to pose a problem that has
revenue implications in RM. Consider a financial institution that
extends credit card facilities to a typical cardholder. For example, the
situation may be described as follows:
(i) Annual demand rate, denoted by D, for loan on a credit card of
an individual is assumed deterministic and known.
(ii) The loan amount increases at a constant rate with time.
(iii) When the credit facility provider places a demand note on
that individual for clearing the outstanding loan, an ordering cost is
(iv) The bank is expected to offer a specified lead-time to the
cardholder to take action to clear the existing loan amount within the
prescribed limits.
(v) Shortages are allowed at a specified penalty cost in the form
of interest. It means full loan amount is not demanded, however, the
balance would attract interest.
These two situations on the surface may look different but
mathematically similar. In the case of a credit card system, a 30day
billing is a norm for convenience only. This may have revenue
implications. Why not a fortnight or two months or any other period of
time more appropriate? Furthermore, if a particular credit card holder
has an amount due for payment is less than the expense incurred in
collecting that revenue, is it worth for a notice of collection? Why not
wait for the loan to grow a bit more before incurring the collection
cost? Thus it may be desirable to hold on to a notice until funds
demanded justify the associated expense. Thus an optimum amount, when a
demand notice must get activated is a reasonable question. This aspect
requires data from credit card companies and its analysis. Thus there
are several questions that need investigation. The authors could not
obtain necessary information due to data confidentiality. However, some
information was available from the web that gives interesting insight.
The source is: The Credit Card Report: Credit card Spending in
Perspective, VISA, Vol. 1, November 2002 Obtained from the internet for
the Australian market. Many facts, dealing with credit on Visa card have
been mentioned in this report but to single out one fact, the report
indicates, "As on June 2002, financial institutions had on issue
9.6 million credit cards". This number must have grown several
folds by now. Thus a few cents saving on each account may mean easily in
millions of dollars to these financial institutions. It is for this
reason; EOQ approach may have applications in RM.
Automation and Revenue: An Illustration of Inappropriate Revenue
It is a real case study of an individual who was renting a house at
$265 per week, which is equivalent to $1148 per calendar month and at
the end of the current lease the rent was increased to $270 per week,
which in terms of a calendar month is equivalent to $1170 per month.
This individual didn't renew the lease but to accommodate his other
plans he continued on a 28 days notice basis on new rental rate for a
couple of months. The new rental was to be effective from May 23, 2004.
This individual visited the real estate agent on May 21, 2004 to pay
advance rent for a month, however, the computer was down and neither the
agent nor this individual remembered the exact new amount that was due.
In accordance with Estate Agent's regulations, he also gave a
notice of vacating the property on July 3, 2004, thus fulfilling the
requirement of 28 days notice. In the absence of a clear picture about
the rent, it was agreed that the agent accepts monthly rent at old rate
and necessary adjustments to be paid later. The tenant received a letter
in the mail that the balance due to clear the rent until July 3, 2004 is
$463.14. This individual disagreed with this figure and asked for
clarification. The dispute was for a small amount; it was arising as
Demand request from the estate agent
Estate Agent's calculations were based on their Real Estate
Software: Number of remaining days for rent from May 23 to July 3, 2004
= 42 days for which rent is (1170X12X42)/366 = 1611.14--1148 (paid
already) = $463.14 as was demanded.
Tenant's approach and his justification
Balance for the period from May 23 to June 22, 2004 =
1170--1148(already paid) = $22. Days from June 23 to July 3, 2004 = 11
days Rent for 11 days = (1170X11)/30 = $429 Thus total Balance to be
paid is $429+22=$451 as the final figure.
Final collection
Since the computer would not give a clearance on receiving $451,
the tenant, as was agreed earlier, paid a cheque for $22.00 to clear the
balance from the previous month. Thus the computer updated the rent paid
to June 22. The new calculation for the remaining period was calculated
using the software, which was $421.96 as follows:
Days from June 23 to July 3, 2004 = 11 days.
Rent for this period was = (1170X12X11)/366 = $421.96
Thus the total amount paid in settlement was = 22+ 421.96 =$443.96
in two separate cheques.
This simple example indicates a possible source of discrepancy that
may result in an under or over collection of revenue, depending on the
situation, month and period involved. For example, daily rent rate is:
For Feb. (nonleap year) > for Feb. (leap year) > April, June,
Sept., and Nov> Jan. March, May, July, Aug. Oct., and Dec.
Concluding Remarks
This article has introduced revenue maximisation, a field of study
from commerce, to operations researchers. It has been pointed that both
Operational Research and Revenue Maximising share a common goal and can
enrich each other by adopting each other's methodology and
strategies. Therefore, it is desirable for operations researchers to
develop familiarity with the field RM and implement their strategies. It
has also been pointed out that real-life systems are protean in
character, and analysis for these systems may be better achieved by the
information-recycling concept taken from waste management area. A real
case of software based revenue leak from a rental situation has been
cited. These ideas may result in better returns and create new
theoretical challenges for research.
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Santosh Kumar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University
of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia E-mail:
[email protected]
P.K. Kapur, Department of Operational Research, Delhi University,
Delhi, 110007, India, E-mail:
[email protected],
P.C. Jha, E-mail:
[email protected]