Economics in the Integrated Business Curriculum: in or out?
Genc, Ismail H. ; Bekmez, Selahattin ; Miller, John R. 等
We analyze the unique experiment of teaching junior level economics
to business students at the University of Idaho within the framework of
the Integrated Business Curriculum (IBC). Economics was originally
directly embedded in the IBC program, but later became an independent
course to be taught in conjunction with the IBC. We look at the costs
and benefits of teaching economics within and outside of IBC. We use
concepts and criteria borrowed from software engineering, to develop
what we call The Three C's of Curriculum Development, Cohesion,
Coupling and Cost.
JEL Classification: (Primary) A22, (Secondary) I21
The idea of integrating a common body of business courses has
gained wide acceptance within the academic and professional business
communities. In recent years, the American Assembly of Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB) has been actively promoting such
integration, noting that without integration the traditional business
education could become out of touch with the reality of the business
world (Smith, 1995).
The general literature on various innovative teaching methods has
grown dramatically as a response to demands for change and is far too
large to list all here. (However, interested readers may also refer to
Stover et al. (1997), Dangerfield and Bailey (1996), and Cluskey et al.
(2001) on issues related to integrated undergraduate education.) We
focus here on studies, which concentrate on devising methods in business
schools to improve the managerial skills of the graduates (among others,
see Pharr and Morris (1997), Byrne (1993), and Lataif (1992)). The
arguments about the improvement usually focus on adapting a system that
has "cross-functional" integration or interdisciplinary and
team-based approaches to business problems (Miller, 2000).
A common point in this literature is that business students should
learn management skills in a team-based environment, not in the
traditional textbook way. Many companies are dissatisfied with the
education and research coming out of traditional business programs, and
thus have turned more to in-house training (Leonard, 1992). Also, as
Mintzberg (1992) points out, the graduates of business schools are
parachuted into mid-level companies with authority over people who have
vast knowledge in on-the-ground business and customer relations, thus
creating a two-tier system. A boss has formal education, but not enough
experience on one side, and an employee knows the customers, market
conditions, and business environment, but has less formal education.
This in no way means that everybody has dropped the so-called
traditional teaching models. As a matter of fact Jacobs (1991), Pharr
et. al. (1998), Cotton (1982), St. Clair and Hough (1992) and Mason
(1996) warn those who rush to integrative programs about problems
created by the newly invented methods such as teacher knowledge,
assessment, commitment from the faculty members and their institutions.
A few undergraduate business programs listened to the demands of
the business world and attempted to develop new integrative programs.
However, the scope and content of an integrative program varies from
school to school, or even from year to year within the same school. No
undergraduate program, however, is more integrated than that of the
University of Idaho College of Business and Economics (UI CBE).
Furthermore, many business programs embarked on a curriculum
development process to survive in the competitive educational market,
and especially to improve employment prospects for their graduates. The
College of Business and Economics at the University of Idaho is an
example of an institution that has adopted the policy to review the
curriculum constantly. Its Integrated Business Curriculum (IBC) is the
result of these efforts.
One specific challenge for program designers is to incorporate the
relevant disciplines of economics and accounting into the program. In
this study, we consider the position of economics vis-a-vis the IBC at
the UICBE. In the first format of the IBC, economics was a direct part
of the program, spread throughout it. In the latter format, it is a
separate course with close cooperation with the IBC.
Miller (2000) analyzes the costs and benefits of fully integrating
economics into IBC as in the earlier format. Nevertheless, the later
innovation in the structure of the program, which can be attributed
partly to the academic aspirations but also to economic constraints, as
well, necessitates a fresh look at the pluses and minuses of economics
education within the integrated business curriculum framework.
In other words, in this analysis, we try to compare the cost and
benefit of two alternative methods of economic education within the
integrated business education framework. The first option is the full
merger of the economics material within the integrated business
curriculum, not necessarily as a distinctively identified module but
rather as support material to all business issues being discussed in the
modules. The second option is to take economics out of the integrated
business curriculum and make it into a semi-independent course under a
different title, but in close cooperation with the integrated business
curriculum program.
We will try to evaluate the costs and benefits of the two
arrangements with the help of criteria borrowed from software
engineering and economics.
Faculty in the IBC team-teach six cross functional,
interdisciplinary junior-level business modules made up of the content
previously found in the stand-alone courses, marketing, finance,
production and operations management, information systems, human
resource management, quantitative methods, and international business.
The whole program is developed on an hour-by-hour basis for the entire
year by the faculty team during the summer. It normally is spread over
two consecutive semesters
Economics now has a special status in the program. Originally
economics was fully integrated into IBC like the standard business
disciplines. But in the most recent format, economics is taken out of
the main body of IBC, delegating its content to a separate course to be
taught in coordination with it. Accounting, too, has been recently
incorporated into the system in a manner similar to that of economics.
Figures 1 and 2 represent the junior level course structure in the
CBE with specific reference to economics. The figures represent the
difference in breadth and depth of the junior-level program between the
two versions of IBC. Note that the depth of the program remains the same
in both versions, but that the program becomes wider in the new version.
These diagrams facilitate our use of software engineering concepts in
evaluating this curriculum change.
In software engineering, the courses shown at a lower level on the
vertical axes of both figures are called "sub-ordinate."
Likewise, the courses placed at a higher rank are called
"superordinate." Thus, the original format, in which economics
is spread among the modules of IBC, economics is subordinate to the main
IBC modules, because they are the courses to be taught with a support
from economics. The new classification puts economics at the same level
with these les.
Most of the economics content has been kept with the move to the
new system, although certain minor adjustments have been made to the
topic coverage in the new structure. Error! Reference source not found.
shows the contents of the new economics course.
The biggest hurdle in analysis of curriculum change is surely the
yardstick with which the cost-benefit analysis is carried out. Though we
recognize the near-impossibility of creating a universally acceptable
quantitative criterion, we employ a qualitative analysis, based on
concepts borrowed from software engineering. These concepts suggest the
characteristics of "good" software, and we believe they can
apply to innovations in the education field as well. More specifically,
we will make use of the software engineering concepts cohesion and
coupling. By adding a third concept, namely cost, we have what we call
the Three Cs of Curriculum Evaluation. To our knowledge, this is a novel
method of interdisciplinary program evaluation.
In software engineering, Stevens et al (1974) were the first to
introduce the notion of cohesion, an ordinal scale of seven levels that
describes the degree to which the actions performed by a module
contribute to a unified function. That is, "cohesion is a measure
of one-ness of a module" (Rinker, 2002). Cohesion shows the
functional strength of a module.
According to Stevens et al. (1974) and Yourdan and Constantine
(1979) the idea of coupling was introduced about the same time as
cohesion. Coupling is "a measure of interconnection among
modules" (Rinker, 2002). In computer science jargon high cohesion
and low coupling are desirable characteristics of good software.
Nevertheless, empirical research has shown that most of the time the two
concepts are inversely correlated for any software program. These
concepts, cohesion and coupling, have found their places in standard
computer science textbooks. (See for example, Friedman and Friedman
(2000).) Cost, on the other hand, is the economic opportunity cost as
explained further below.
In applying these criteria to the question at hand, we try to
analyze "quality improvements" obtained as a result of a
policy change, Q, from one mode of economics instruction to another. Q
is assumed to be directly proportional to the variables, cohesion,
coupling, and cost, to yield a relationship that can be expressed as
1. Q = f(Cohesion, Coupling, Cost)
where f stands for any functional form. The exact specification of
f turns out to be immaterial here. The question, we have to analyze is
the partial impact of the right hand side variables on the dependent
Slightly drifting away from software engineering methods of
evaluation, we concentrate on the cost and benefit of policy changes on
the subjects affected from these changes. Thus, in the rest of the
paper, we define the 3C concepts within the framework of economics, and
carry out a cost-benefit analysis for several categories of individuals
such as students, economics faculty, the UI CBE faculty, etc., who are
directly or indirectly affected by the reorganization. The categories
are based on the list identified by Miller (2000).
As in software engineering, we define cohesion as a measure of
"one-ness" of the contents of the IBC program. In other words,
if all the courses which are part of IBC serve one purpose only then is
IBC highly cohesive. Any divergence from that phenomeonon contributes to
dilution in the cohesiveness. The more cohesive a structure is, the more
specialized it is in its job. Because economics is not a core business
topic, and IBC is mainly a regrouping of the several business
disciplines as mentioned above, taking economics out makes IBC more
cohesive in this sense.
Coupling measures how each part within IBC connects to other parts.
Although IBC becomes more cohesive with the exclusion of economics, it
is a fact that all current modules of IBC need economics support in one
way or another. Economics perhaps is the most common denominator of all
modules. By taking economics out, it is more difficult to see the
theoretical connection among topics considered within IBC. Thus, there
is less coupling within IBC after the departure of economics. In
fairness to software engineering, let us acknowledge that we are
interpreting coupling in a totally different way here, which in a sense
contradicts the measure of "good" software. We see more
coupling to be better as opposed to worse as is the interpretation in
software engineering.
Cost is probably the most economically familiar concept of the Cs.
We consider cost to be the opportunity cost of not having economics as
part of IBC.
Our strategy is to look at the two scenarios, one with economics in
IBC and other outside it, and consider the cohesion and coupling
involved. We then relate this to the consideration of cost for the
parties involved. This allows us to rewrite equation 1 for cost. Assume
that for a given level of quality, Q0, the cost function can be
expressed as
2. C=g(Cohesion, Coupling, Q0)
where g represents a functional form. Equation 2 is graphed in
Figure 3. Graphically speaking, the cost of adopting coupling/cohesion
combinations indicated by points 1 and 2 in the figure is given by the
position of the isocost line running through each coupling~cohesion
combination. The slope of the isocost line represents the subjective
weights attached to each component. Needles to say, the cost weighting
by students, faculty and administrators is an issue of conflict. (This
may necessitate the consideration of yet another C, that is Conflict.
Given the vast variety of users of a specific software program, this may
very well apply to software engineering. We believe this is our
give-back to Software Engineering!) This point is illustrated by the two
sets of the isocost curves [C.sup.j.sub.k] where j=a, b and k=1, 2.
Thus, the equilibrium point is obtained at the equality between the
isocost and isoquant curves.
We will next analyze the costs and benefits of the two alternative
modes of teaching economics within the construction of IBC with the
tools explained above.
With economics out of IBC, the increased cohesiveness makes it
easier for students to follow the material, because it is more closely
connected. However, the relatively weaker coupling obtained in IBC
following the departure of economics makes it more difficult for
students to see the background of the discussions, and the links among
business topics which are more often than not explainable with the help
of the economic theory. The universal applicability of marginal analysis
is just one example
Miller (2000) suggests that, the direct inclusion of economics into
the IBC program was not questioned by students, who saw the economics in
action. Student interest in economics topics within IBC was further
apparent from the content of student presentations. The new format of
IBC obviously makes that opportunity more difficult. In that sense, this
is a disservice to students' learning experience. Even though most
of the economics topics of the IBC program are carried over to the newly
created IBC economics course, Managerial Economics, the new course is a
one semester course, and the presentation of topics sometimes precedes,
while sometimes comes quite later than the related IBC material.
From a students view point the opportunity cost of not having
economics within IBC, but rather in the form of a separate course, means
an additional class to register for, take exams in, etc. The testing in
the separate course is unsurprisingly more detailed than the testing of
economics concepts within the IBC program itself. Furthermore, even
though it does not increase the upper level economics credit hour
requirements, withdrawal of economics from IBC led to a 17 credit hour
newly designed IBC plus a two credit hour managerial economics course in
lieu of the previous 18 credit hour IBC program in total credit hours.
The faculty made this choice, however, it increased required courses for
the students.
IBC Economics Faculty
The economics faculty teaching the newly created IBC course,
Managerial Economics, has the grand task of designing a more cohesive
course out of the topics which were originally chosen to conveniently
accommodate IBC needs. Topics ranging from microeconomics to
macroeconomics, to international economics, to social choice theory, are
difficult to justify teaching one after another unless a good connector
is found. From experience in experimental versions of this course, we
find that students most of the time seem to be wondering "why this
topic now" unless a good explanation is provided. However, once the
new course is developed and good connectors between topics are
established, it seems to work more smoothly. We would advise that
faculty make frequent references to IBC modules in justifying the
content of such a course material. Nevertheless, as related IBC topics
to be presented, it is still quite difficult to present a cohesive
framework, especially in connection with the IBC material to which
Managerial Economics is supposed to be a support.
Topics chosen from a wide scope of economics presented
independently of IBC has low coupling. That is another challenge, which
is in close proximity of the cohesion problem as identified above.
The biggest gain an IBC economics faculty gets from teaching
outside of IBC can be stated in terms of the opportunity cost. The
teaching load is much less in the newer format since economics faculty
members are no longer involved with time-consuming student mentoring
activities of IBC along with class attendance and faculty team meetings.
The economics faculty members also gain full control of the tests and
teaching style even though, the contents are not exclusively determined
by him or her.
Non-IBC Economics Faculty and Economics Program
Of the 3Cs, cost seems to be the only relevant point of discussion
for the non-IBC economics faculty. Miller (2000) states that although
the involvement of economics faculty in IBC brought an extra burden on
the economics faculty, which necessitated hiring temporary instructors
to solve the teacher problem, it brought a better visibility of the
economics field to the colleagues in the college.
College of Business and Economics Administration
Here, too, considering the cost side is the most relevant issue.
The creation of managerial economics has extended the width of the
junior level course offerings, as mentioned above while discussing
Figure 1. This necessarily brings a heavier coordination task onto the
shoulders of the college administrators, which is increased cost.
Nevertheless, the original format would have required hiring more
economics faulty to cover other economics classes since IBC has grown so
much that assigning one economics faculty to each section was
prohibitive in terms of cost.
In this paper, we analyzed the unique experiment of teaching junior
level economics to business students at the University of Idaho within
the framework of Integrated Business Curriculum (IBC). Economics was
originally directly embedded in the IBC program, but later became an
independent course to be taught in conjunction with the IBC. We looked
at the costs and benefits of teaching economics within and outside of
IBC. Such a policy change definitely affected several constituencies
such as students, faculty and administrators. We developed what we call
the Three C's of Curriculum Evaluation, that is, "Cohesion,
Coupling and Cost," to analyze the impact of taking economics out
of IBC on the affected parties. We benefited greatly from software
engineering in computer science in developing the criteria. It is clear
that these criteria can be applied to other educational policy
consideration, as well. We hope such an analysis can help other schools
better evaluate their curriculum change decisions.
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Ismail H. Genc, University of Idaho Selahattin Bekmez, Mugla
University Jon R. Miller, University of Idaho
Table 1: Managerial Economics Contents
Topic Hours Module
Introduction 1
Free Riders and Team Production 1 Team Building
Game Theory and Team production 1 Team Building
Voting and Social Choice 1 Team Building
Price Discrimination 1 Business Systems-Business
Operation Decision
Exchange Rate Determination 2 Business Systems
International Economics 2 Business Systems
Balance of Payments 2 Business Systems
Demand Estimation 2 Product Process Planning
Data Analysis and Graphs 1 Planning & Decision Making
Multivariate Linear Regression 5 Planning & Decision Making
Sources & Interpretation of 1 Planning & Decision Making
Economic Forecasts
Business Cycles 1 Planning & Decision Making
Economics of Information 2 Management Firm Resource
Productivity and Cost 1 Management Firm Resource
Productivity and the 1 Management Firm Resource
Service Sector
Pricing 1 Business Operation Decision
Auctions 2 Business Operation Decision
First Day 1
Last Day Wrap-up 1
Midterm 1
Final Examination 0
Total 30