The extent of gift authorships in business journals.
Manton, Edgar J. ; English, Donald E.
The faculty at 15 AACSB accredited colleges of business who had
co-authored published articles in business journals were surveyed for
their views on: 1) the impact of AACSB on faculty scholarly efforts, 2)
the preferred order of author listing on a published article, and 3)
whether they had worked with co-authors who did not deserve an
authorship position on a published work. Of the 181 respondents, 63.8%
indicated that the AACSB has had a significant or very significant
effect on faculty publishing efforts. Sixty seven percent (67%)
responded that the author who had done the most work on a publication
should be accorded the first author position on an article. Of major
significance is that 41% reported working with a co-author who had
performed very little work and 10.5% reported working with a co-author
who had done no work on a published article.
During the past 50 years there has been a very significant increase
in the level of multiple authorship in business journal articles. During
the 1960's the vast majority of business journal articles were
authored by a single author. By 2000 the percentages of both two
authored articles and in many instances those having three or more
authors per article had exceeded the percentage of sole author articles
in business journals (Manton & English, 2006).
Why has this occurred? During this period university missions have
evolved to incorporate a stronger commitment to research and scholarly
pursuits. Also accreditation agencies have increased pressure for
faculty to make scholarly contributions in their standards. With this
increased pressure, faculty have also been exposed to significant
increases in the expansion of knowledge within their disciplines as well
as advances in technology and means to analyze data. To successfully
publish an article in a business journal many faculty have had to join
with other faculty who have (Schroeder, Langrehr, & Floyd, 1995):
1. knowledge in the same discipline;
2. knowledge in a related business discipline;
3. knowledge of a discipline external to business;
4. statistical or math knowledge;
5. knowledge of the computer or software;
6. knowledge of publication skills in order to successfully publish
an article.
The foregoing reasons for co-authorship would most likely result in
higher quality research projects. There is, however, another possibility
for the high level of multiple authorship in business journal articles.
This is the possibility of the existence of "gift"
authorships. This would occur when an author would afford an undeserving
faculty member an undeserved authorship position. The incidence of such
authorships is relatively high in medical journals and the occurrence of
undeserved authorships in medicine has been well documented. The
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors has developed
guidelines for appropriately identifying authors. These are (Bennett and
Taylor, 2003):
1. Substantial contribution to the conception and design of a
study; or acquisition of data; or interpretation of data;
2. Drafting manuscript or critically revising it for important
intellectual content;
3. Giving the final approval of the version of the manuscript to be
Business journals have no universal criteria for identifying the
ordering of authors. There is no general definition of what is expected
to identify an author and, for the most part, it is left to the authors
to identify the co-authors and to list the order of their inclusion. Are
the pressures to publish in business schools resulting in improper inclusion of co-authors who have contributed little or nothing to a
published work?
"Gift" authorships are intellectually dishonest,
deceptive, and cause dilution of credit for the research endeavor. Such
activity may result in unfair and undeserved rewards from faculty
performance evaluation procedures and may cause morale problems among
faculty. Additionally reports to accrediting agencies concerning faculty
research production would not be accurate. And finally, the academic
journals would not be identifying authors correctly. With the rapid
increase in co-authorships in business journal articles, the extent of
undeserved authorships in business journals should be studied.
The main purpose of the study was to determine the extent of
"gift" co-authorships--authorship positions which were granted
to individuals who had performed either very little or no work on a
published article. The reasons for co-authorships was also to be
determined. In addition, the impact of AACSB-International on research
endeavors of business faculty was to be determined as well as the
preferred arrangement of listing co-authors on a published work.
The following research questions were sought to be answered by the
current study:
1. What is the impact of the AACSB-International upon research and
publication efforts?
2. What is the preferred arrangement for co-author listing on
3. What are the major reasons for co-authorship arrangements?
4. What is the extent of co-authorship arrangements with co-authors
who have done very little work on a published article?
5. What is the extent of co-authorship arrangements with co-authors
who have done no work on a published article?
All of the AACSB accredited colleges of business were reviewed and
those colleges with fewer than 100 faculty members and without a
doctoral program were selected. These colleges were selected because
they would have been the schools most likely to seek AACSB accreditation
during the past 20 or 25 years, a period which witnessed a much stronger
emphasis on faculty scholarly endeavors. Larger schools with doctoral
programs would have had a strong research mission prior to this time.
There were 234 such colleges. It was decided that half of the colleges
would be requested to participate in the survey. The 234 colleges were
arranged alphabetically and a coin was tossed to determine which of the
colleges would be sent a letter requesting participation in the survey.
A head would mean that the first college would be selected and all odd
numbered colleges after that. With a tail, the second college and all
subsequent even numbered colleges would be included. A head was observed
which resulted in selecting colleges # 1 ,# 3, #5, and so forth.
A letter including copies of the letter to be sent to the faculty
and a copy of the questionnaire was sent to the deans of the 117
selected colleges of business requesting their participation. The deans
were asked whether they would be willing to request their faculty
participation in the study. They were asked to indicate their agreement
to participate or not by means of an addressed post card which they
would return to the researchers. Of agreed to participate, they were
asked to deliver the questionnaire, the cover letter, and an addressed
return envelope to the tenured and tenure track faculty in the college
through the college mail distribution system. If they agreed to
participate, they were asked to indicate the number of tenured and
tenure track faculty, including department chairs/heads, in the college.
The questionnaire included 15 questions which could be answered in
4 or 5 minutes. There were three demographic questions asking gender,
academic rank, and whether they were tenured or tenure track. They were
asked their preference for order of author names on a published article.
The respondents were asked to indicate their view on the impact of the
AACSB on faculty publication efforts. They were asked for the number of
articles on which they were the sole author and then the number of
articles on which they were a co-author. If they indicated no co-author
work they were asked to stop and to return the questionnaire. The
faculty involved in co-authored publications were then asked seven
questions about their co-authoring arrangements. The main questions
relating to the study purpose were:
1. As a co-author have you ever worked with a co-author who did
very little work on a published article?
2 As a co-author have you ever worked with a co-author who did no
work on a published article?
Of the 117 colleges of business only 17 returned the post card with
15 indicating they would participate. Some respondents were not the
deans of the college. Each of the schools responding "yes"
indicated the number of tenured and tenure track faculty at their
school. That number (plus five) of cover letters with questionnaires and
return envelopes were packaged and mailed to the person signing the post
The 15 schools indicated a total of 924 tenured and tenure track
faculty. There were 185 respondents for a response rate of 20%. Due to
the nature of the survey, it is felt that this represents a higher
percentage of the population to be studied than indicated by this
number. Since it is a study of authorship, faculty who have not
published would not have participated. Also since it is a study of
co-authorship, perhaps some of those faculty who have only published
articles on their own may not have participated. Of the 185 respondents,
181 indicated that they had co-authored journal articles. Only four
faculty indicated that they were sole authors and they did not respond
further to the questions dealing with co-authorship.
Seventy-eight or 42 % of the 185 respondents were full professors.
Fifty-seven (30.8%) were associate professors, while 48 (26.0%) held the
rank of assistant professor.
Two respondents did not indicate their rank. One-hundred thirty or
70.3 % of the respondents reported having tenure, while fifty-three or
28.7 % indicate that they are on tenure track status.
The 185 respondents were generally representative of the recognized
business disciplines--see Table 1.
Of major interest was the perceived effect of the
AACSB--International on business faculty research and publication
activities. Table 2 indicates the responses of all 185 faculty members.
About 87% of the respondents answered that the AACSB has had an impact
of faculty publishing activities, with about 64% indicating significant
or very significant impact. Only 7.6% felt there was no impact on
research efforts from the AACSB and 5.4% were undecided on the issue.
As previously indicated four of the respondents were authors who
had not been involved in a co-authored publication. They did not respond
to the questions dealing with co-authors. The first question of the 181
co-authors dealt with the preferred listing of authors on a published
article. Table 3 indicates the responses. One-hundred and twenty-one or
about 67% indicated that the author who had done the most work on the
research effort should be listed first. The next highest arrangement
selected was an "alphabetical listing" which was identified by
29 or 16%. Third was "person conceptualizing the research
first" with 18 or about 10% selecting this choice.
Table 4 indicates the co-authorship team composition of the
discipline or skills of the co-authors who have joined together to
publish an article. An overwhelming majority--172 of the 181 (95%)--of
the co-authors report co-authoring an article with someone from the same
business academic discipline. One-hundred and twenty or 66.3% state that
they have worked with an author from a business discipline, but one
which differs from theirs. Seventy eight or 43% needed to add math
skills to their research effort by adding a co-author who possessed such
skills. Sixty or fully one-third of the co-authors report writing with
authors who are from disciplines external to business. This reflects the
AACSB efforts for interdisciplinary research endeavors on the part of
business faculty. Thirty-five percent indicate that they have worked
with co-authors who have research documentation and/or publication
skills. Only about 23% report needed to add co-authors who have
computer, software, or programming skills. These would seem to be valid
reasons for co-authoring articles and should result in higher quality
The primary purpose of the study was to determine the extent of
undeserved co-authorships in business journals. How extensive are
"guest" or "gift" authorships which are given
gratuitously to undeserving authors for aid in career progression or are
given as the result of authors not carrying out their responsibility on
a project and not being removed for authorship? Table 5 reflects
undeserved co-authorships. Seventy-four or about 41% indicated that they
have worked with co-authors who have performed "very little"
work on a published journal article. And 19 or 10.5% of the respondents
indicated that they have co-authors identified on articles who actually
performed no work.
A survey of 15 colleges of business including 924 tenure and tenure
track business faculty was conducted to determine the impact of the
AACSB-International on the publication efforts of faculty, the preferred
arrangement of authors on journal articles, and the reasons for
co-authoring an article. The main purpose of the study was to determine
the level of undeserved co-authorships. Such authorships would be
unethical and would represent a breach of integrity.
The majority (63.8%) of the 185 respondents indicated that the
AACSB-International has had a significant impact on their publication
efforts. Of these, twenty percent state that the impact of AACSB has
been very significant. The form of co-authorship preferred by the
majority of the respondents (64%) was that the author doing the most
work should be listed first in the list of authors. A distant second was
for the alphabetical listing of authors at 16%.
Most of the 181 co-author respondents (95%) report working with
authors in the same business business discipline. Two-thirds state that
they have worked with authors from a business discipline other than
their own. More than 40% of the co-authors report needing to add a
person who has mathematics or statistics skills. Over one-third of the
faculty researchers indicate that they have worked with another faculty
member who has significant knowledge of publication processes or
research report documentation in order to get published. Another
one-third of the co-authors indicate that they have worked with an
author who is outside the business field.
The main purpose of the study was to determine the extent of
undeserving co-authorships in business journals. "Gift"
authorships are inappropriate and indeed are probably unethical. They
are deemed to be a breech of integrity by the AACSB-International. An
extremely high percentage (40.9%) of respondents indicated that they
have worked with an author who did "very little" work on a
published work. And further, over 10% indicated that they had a
co-author who actually performed no work on a published article. This
would seem to represent a serious indictment
of the manner which authors are identified on published business
journal articles. What might be the impact of this practice? First,
undeserved promotions, awards of tenure and merit pay increases may
result with the adverse effects on faculty morale. Second, accreditation
reports--both for regional accreditation and for AACSB accreditation
would be overstated and would contain exaggerated or even fraudulent claims of faculty authorship participation. Recent standard changes of
accreditation agencies call for universities to be completely accurate
and honest in their reports and "gift" authorships would not
reflect accurately faculty participation in scholarly endeavors. And
finally, the journals themselves would not be accurately identifying the
authors in their published journal articles. It would seem that journal
editors would have a responsibility to accurately present to the public
those who are responsible for the research work, the methodology, and
the conclusions of any published work.
It would seem that college of business and universities need to
address the issue of multiple authorships to assure integrity in
appropriately identifying co-authors. An approach similar to that taken
by the medical field would seem appropriate. A forum of college deans
with representation from the AACSB-International and the editors of
business journals could develop guidelines for appropriate and accurate
authorship identification.
Bennett, D. M. & Taylor, Mc D. (2003). Unethical practices in
authorship of scientific papers. Emergency Medicine, 15: 263-270.
Manton, E. J. & English, D. E. (2005). The growth of scholarly
collaboration in business journals. Unpublished.
Schroeder, D. M., Langreh, F.W., & Floyd, S.M. (1995).
Marketing journal co-authorship: Is it a hit or a miss with coauthors?
Journal of Marketing Education, 17: 45-58.
Edgar J. Manton, Texas A&M University-Commerce Donald E.
English, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Table 1: Academic Discipline of Respondents
Specialization N Percentage
Management(HR, O.B, P.M., Str.M.) 47 25.4
Accounting 26 14.1
Finance 21 11.4
Economics 28 15.1
Marketing 24 3.0
MIS 22 11.9
Statistics/ QM 6 3.2
Other (law, entrepreneurship, 11 5.9
hospital management)
Total 185 100.0
Table 2: Impact of the AACSB on Research
AACSB Influence N Percentage
Very Significant 37 20.0
Significant 81 43.8
Somewhat 43 23.2
Not at all 14 7.6
Undecided 10 5.4
Total 185 100.0
Table 3: Preferred Order of Listing Co-Authors
Listing Order N Percentage
Most work first 121 66.9
Alphabetical listing 29 16.0
Person conceptualizing research first 18 9.9
Most senior member first 2 1.1
Other reasons 9 5.0
No response 2 1.1
Total 181 100.0
Table 4: Reasons for Co-Authorship
Reasons N Percentage
Co-author in the same discipline 172 95.0
Co-author-other business field 120 66.3
Specialist in math/statistics 78 43.1
Specialist in research documentation 64 35.4
Specialist in a field outside of business 60 33.1
Specialist in computer/software 41 22.7
Table 5: Undeserved Authorships
Level of work Yes % No % Response %
Very little work 74 40.9 19 10.5 106 58.6
No work 161 89.0 1 0.5 1 0.5