Is Wal-Mart smothering small town America?
Entenza, Rachel R. ; Maniam, Balasundram ; Leavell, Hadley 等
Everywhere there is evidence of new establishments being built. It
seems that cities are now reaching out further and small towns growing
up over night. Some call it progress; others call it sprawl. One of the
most recognizable faces popping up in the new development is the
brainchild of Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. New Wal-Marts are
being constructed as currently estimated at the rate of one a day. These
superstores invite strong feelings pro and con and the effect of their
presence is much debated. The purpose of this paper is to examine the
effects of the discount superstore entering into a community.
Is Wal-Mart an example of the great American dream or a small town
nightmare? It is difficult to travel far without finding a Wal-Mart
looming on the horizon bustling with shoppers scrounging to save money.
Founded in 1962 in Bentonville, Arkansas by entrepreneur Sam Walton,
Wal-Mart has grown into a commercial superpower offering products and
services in a one-stop shopping format that may include: automotive
service, banking, fast food, optometry, photography, and hair and nail
salons. Wal-Mart provides low-cost shopping for the cash- strapped
consumer. However, the question continues as to whether the end result
is positive or negative when Wal-Mart locates a store, which can
sometimes be over 200,000 square feet, on the edge of town.
Proponents of the mega-superstore cite the creation of new jobs,
lower-priced goods and increased city revenue as benefits. However, many
people in the communities are convinced its presence will have negative
effects on the smaller, existing community "mom and pop"
stores, and lead to the dissolution of a unique small-town atmosphere.
Studies as to the effects of introduction of big-box retailers, those
with merchandising establishments over 100,000 square feet, have been
conducted in various regions with conflicting results. This study will
analyze those previous studies and also the various viewpoints for and
against the introduction of large discount superpowers into a community.
Emphasis will be placed on the introduction of Wal-Mart as it is
currently the United States' largest retail establishment. There
will also be some discussion as to how currently operating small
businesses can perhaps adapt to doing business in the shadow of the
The debate about large retail establishments entering communities
is not a new one. Authors have been discussing this issue for almost
forty years. "Reactions of a Small Town to a Rumored Discount
House," was written in 1965 with many of the same arguments
regarding Sears and A&P that are now being voiced about Wal-Mart.
Kenneth Stone researched the introduction of Wal-Marts into Iowa,
with data collected on the resulting impact on the host town,
non-Wal-Mart towns, cities and small towns. The most comprehensive study
done regarding the effect of a discount superstore is "Impact of
Wal-Mart Stores on Iowa Communities: 1983-1993."
"The premise of the study is that in areas of somewhat static
population (such as in states like Iowa) the size of the retail
'pie' is relatively fixed in size for a geographical area.
Consequently, when a well-known national chain like Wal-Mart opens a
large store in a comparatively small town, it invariably will capture a
substantial slice of the retail pie. The end result is that other
merchants in the area will have to make do with smaller slices of the
retail pie, or get out of business. In areas of the country where the
population is growing rapidly, there is room for more retail
establishments and the effect will be diluted considerably" (Stone,
Unsurprisingly, Stone's findings support the argument that the
introduction of a Wal-Mart into a town has a negative impact on already
existing businesses resulting in the demise of the pre-existing
businesses. Statistical information for the years 1983-1993 such as
sales dollars for each retail arena was gathered, analyzed, and compared
to pre-Wal-Mart conditions. On a positive note, there was an increase in
retail trade due to the Wal-Mart drawing shoppers from nearby towns.
Businesses selling merchandise that differed from Wal-Mart's
selection usually experienced a slight increase in sales due to a
spillover effect but stores competing with Wal-Mart typically
experienced a decrease in sales. Neighboring towns that did not have a
Wal-Mart experienced decreased sales in nearly all areas except dining.
Overall the study reported a change in the shopping habits in consumers,
moving from local merchants to discount merchandisers, resulting in the
loss of many stores across the state. According to the results of the
Stone study of Iowa and the study conducted in the Northeast, there may
regional differences in the impact of a Wal-Mart opening. Of the
categories of retail studied--building materials, general merchandise,
food, auto supplies, apparel, home furnishings, eating and drinking, and
drug stores--several had different results.
Barnes, Connell, Hermenegildo, and Mattson (1996) studied the
regional impact of introduction of Wal-Mart in the Northeast. The
Northeast study cites difference in the results when compared to the
Iowa report. Results of the northeast study did not mimic the very
negative impact of the reported effects on Iowa. A year after the
Wal-Mart introduction, almost every industry reported the number of
retail establishments remained constant. The authors of the study
contribute these positive results to differences between the two regions
such as the population density of the areas studied. The Northeast has a
greater population density and the geographical areas studied already
hosted a large number of retail outlets that may account for the
dilution of the impact expected for the opening of Wal-Mart. The authors
also note that the Northeast has had a large consumer opposition to
Wal-Mart in recent years and the heightened awareness may have negated
the novelty attraction of the new store that other areas may face
(Barnes et al., 1996).
Forty years ago, McNeal (1965) was researching the same subject,
fears about the impact of Sears & Roebuck and A&P on small
towns. The debate about large retail establishments entering communities
is not new. Today thee is concern regarding Wal-Mart where in the past
there was much to-do over such establishments as Sears and A&P.
During the research of this paper, an article surfaced entitled
"reactions of a Small Town to a Rumored Discount House,"
written in 1965. It appears that much of the sentiments expressed by the
research subjects in this previous paper, including the reactions of
retailers as well as consumers, are still some of the same sentiments
described today.
A third study, the Shils report, touches on not only the economic
but also the sociological impact that the discount chain may have on
small businesses in communities. The majority of the report echoes the
study done by Stone regarding the decrease in the number of retail
establishments in the areas. It supports the thesis that such
mega-retail discount chains have an overall negative impact on the area
by citing sociological effects perceived to have occurred since the
opening of such a store. Shils goes as far as to declare that a loss of
retail stores creates "social instability."
The main concern of those opposed to the introduction of a Wal-Mart
or other discount superstore is the effect on existing businesses in the
community. Category killers are another type of large retailer,
described as such because they specialize in one type of product and
usually obliterate the competition. Wal-Mart and other national
enterprises involve such large networks of stores that the buying power they have in the industry is unmatched. Wal-Mart does not solicit
vendors; they solicit Wal-Mart. The financial advantage for
manufacturers with a relationship with the super-giant is remarkable.
Wal-Mart has such power that they can make demands for products designed
specifically for their retail establishments.
Since Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer of music
merchandise, their desires quickly become reality. When Wal-Mart wants
artists to produce alternate versions of their albums with cleaner
lyrics, the record companies comply. (Peled, 2001). This demand is
causing a rift in the industry. For example Wal-Mart demands cheap DVDs
which Universal is unwilling to create for fear of damaging the
profitable rental business. Meanwhile Warner obliges with its
high-volume, low-margin approach. Tandy Brands Accessories sell 39% of
its total sales to Wal-Mart; Clorox sells 23% of its total sales to
Wal-Mart. In a study by Useem, Schlosser, and Kim, "One Nation
under Wal-Mart," they describe the manufacturing executive's
trip to Bentonville to close a deal with Wal-Mart. They state,
"there are two types of executives these days: those who have
learned to play by Wal-Mart's rules, and those who still
haven't learned the right answer to ... 'Who's No.
1?'" (Useem, Schlosser, and Kim, 2003)
So can the small business compete in the shadow of a retailer that
has the power to set their own price? "Industries that sell
commodity products--which are as diverse as drugstores and lumber
retailing--have been quick to fall to superstores, notes Dun &
Bradstreet's David Kresge" (Ehrenfeld, 1995). Still, some
companies have chosen to maintain direct competition with
"big-box" retailers. In the attempt to be able to offer
comparable prices, many have formed purchasing collectives to be able to
purchase larger quantities than possible independently and receive
larger discounts. Two of these collectives are the hardware alliances
Cotter & Co. and Ace Hardware Corp. These purchasing arrangements
have helped some stay competitive (McCuine, 1994).
Although some companies have continued to thrive against Wal-Mart
including Dollar General and Save-A-Lot, experts unsurprisingly suggest
avoiding direct competition. Dollar General and Save-A-Lot have been
able to survive based on low overhead costs; the stores are usually
around 6,000 square feet and use palletized displays rather than
shelving. They generally carry one brand of an item and use
opportunistic purchasing to sometimes beat Wal-Mart pricing (Barron,
1999). Faced with a Wal-Mart or category killer, local retailers have
few choices: lost revenues and possibly failure or adaptation and
co-existence. Experts recommend differentiation when it comes to
competing with a large discount store. Businesses must offer specialty
items not carried by the larger businesses or emphasize something that
will create a niche market. Customer service and expertise are two of
these areas. Faced with a Home Depot in the area, Joe Waksler, owner of
a local hardware store employed these methods. He stocks more items per
square foot in his 5,000 square foot store because he is able to
purchase oddball items not feasible for the big retailer, who buys in
volume (White, 2001). Nurseries are also very successful in competition
with discounters by specializing in rare or exotic items not carried in
superstore garden departments.
Now more and more industries are feeling the pressure from
Wal-Mart. Most recently gas stations have found themselves pitted
against the sales giant. People are very willing to trade convenience
for price. By 2003, over 700 Wal-Marts had gas stations, pumping over
one million gallons a day (Useem, Schlosser, & Kim, 2003). As
Wal-Mart expands its services, more areas are feeling the pressure.
The issue of the growing rate of Wal-Marts is also a concern when
competition is in danger of being eliminated. Many believe that Wal-Mart
practices a saturation policy, placing several stores impractically
close together to drive out competition. Sam Walton grew his empire by
placing large stores in under-served areas. However, today, Wal-Marts
are often placed less than 20 miles apart. CEO Lee Scott describes the
expansion of Wal-Mart: "We've found that a smaller population
than what we originally had thought can support a Supercenter. So you
can put two Supercenters--Rogers (Ark.) and Fayetteville--roughly four
miles apart. Same thing is true in Dallas, Houston, and Atlanta."
And within those four miles Wal-Mart is building new Neighborhood
Markets or "Small-Marts" (Useem, Schlosser, & Kim, 2003).
Once saturation has eliminated the competition, the least profitable
stores are then shut down. In 2002, there were 350 abandoned Wal-Marts
in the United States (Jacobus, 2002). This has been referred to as a
scorched earth policy of retailing (McCuine, 1994). Some business
analysts can not resist expressing sentiment while retaining a business
perspective. Michael LaFaive is quoted as saying, "While it can be
heartbreaking to personally see small, family-owned businesses get
'crowded out' by the big boys, a proper economic analysis must
consider productivity increases in net terms. To this end, it is
important to remember that the successes of megastores like K-Mart or
Staples is based on the voluntary association of consumers" (1997).
While businesses in direct competition with discount warehouses do
not generally fare well, the introduction of large retailers actually
increase sales in unrelated firms such as restaurants due to a spillover
effect. In the Stone study, eating and drinking establishments in the
Wal-Mart towns grew faster than the state average. People living in a
town without a Wal-Mart are traveling to shop at the Wal-Mart towns and
consequently dining there. There was a corresponding decrease in sales
for eating and drinking establishments in nearby non-Wal-mart towns.
Stone attributes the increase in sales in home furnishing stores to the
spillover effect as well, since Wal-Mart has a limited selection of
these items.
Reactions by a community to the announcement of a discount
superstore vary from one extreme to the other. In Bristol, Tennessee the
town council attempted to sue the townspeople lobbying to block the
construction of a Wal-Mart on the grounds of the lost revenues that
would be generated by the store.
Many residents support the construction of Wal-Mart because of the
low prices offered and the variety of products readily available at the
one-stop shop. It is very appealing to think you can get your oil
changed and a new car loan all in the same 30 minutes. "The average
Wal-Mart carries between 60,000 and 75,000 SKUs (Stock Keeping Units)
... The number of SKUs is used to measure the number of individual items
carried by a store" (Clarkin, 1998). Wal-Marts are especially
attractive to the low income individuals residing in the town. In the
1965 study McNeal found that 85 percent of the consumers were in favor
of a new establishment that would offer lower prices. The crowded
parking lots at local Wal-Marts are often filled to capacity,
demonstrating that the enthusiasm for lower priced merchandise overrides
the opposition. While there are concerns among the public for the
welfare of existing merchants, the individual's strongest
commitment is more personally related to their own budget.
Wal-Mart's low pricing has actually been recognized for helping the
United States economy.
"Wal-Mart has begun to generate an economy-wide Wal-Mart
effect. Economists now credit the company's Everyday Low Prices
with contributing to Everyday Low Inflation, meaning that all
Americans--even members of Whirl-Mart, a ritual resistance group that
silently pushes empty carts through the superstores--unknowingly benefit
from the retailer's clout ... 'You add it all up,' says
Warren Buffet, 'and they have contributed to the financial
well-being of the American public more than any institution I can think
of'" (Useem, Schlosser, & Kim, 2003).
Wal-Mart and large retail establishments also provide more revenue
to the community in the form of sales taxes gained from the sale of
goods, as well as property taxes that would be paid by the store.
According to Stone's study, general merchandise sales in a town
hosting a Wal-Mart increased 53.6 percent on average after the first
year of the opening. The increase in sales spawns new revenue for the
town which can be used at the discretion of the city council. Another
example of the benefits of introducing a big-box retailer is the case of
the redevelopment of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota. In an effort to
revitalize the town's retail district, it was proposed by a city
planner to introduce a big-box retailer. At first opposed to the idea
for fear of losing the small town identity, the project became a reality
when it was estimated that the current property tax of $370,000 would
shoot to $2.5 million with the increase in property value (Werner,
Those against the developments cite several reasons for their
opposition. Many view Wal-Mart as a bully and they do not believe that
the benefits described by proponents outweigh the costs to the
community. Local retailers are the number one opponents, fearing for
their future in the face of super-sized competition.
Residents also fear that sprawl will accompany the introduction of
a "big-box." Big-box is a term used to describe retail
establishments over 100,000 square feet that are typically characterized
as large concrete structures devoid of any attempt at a pleasing
appearance. Sprawl is the dispersed development outside of compact urban
and village centers along highways and in rural countryside. Some of the
negatives are:
* the loss of open space and unique natural areas
* overdependence on the automobile and superhighways
* the impact of traffic on air quality standards
* the threat to water quality and aquifers
* the expense of costly new infrastructure
* the homogenization of rural landscapes
* the reduction of wildlife habitat
* the mismanagement of stormwater and sewage
* the deterioration of historic commercial centers (Peled, 2001)
In the past, small town shopping was centered around the downtown
district, where many consumers spent time leisurely shopping and
socializing. Some blame the demise of these small town activities on the
discount warehouse outside of the town center, a concrete eyesore.
Aesthetics are also a problem for some people. The image of a cozy,
united town is contradicted by a huge concrete building without windows
on a plain of seemingly endless blacktop.
The intense struggle that may manifest between those in favor and
opposed to a Wal-Mart opening is documented in the film "Store
Wars: When Wal-Mart comes to town" by Micha Peled. He chronicles
the struggle between the Ashland, Virginia city council and residents,
who formed an opposition group called the Pink Flamingos. Although the
council wins in the end and Wal-Mart is allowed to open, this
documentary takes a close look at the viewpoints involved in such an
emotional battle. Many of the points described in this paper are
expressed in the film (2001). JOBS
The creation of jobs is often a key selling point to gain support
for the introduction of a large store such as Wal-Mart. However, this is
open to debate. An employer such as Wal-Mart needs a large staff to
operate its facilities. One source estimates that the building of a
Wal-Mart introduces 250 jobs into the local community. However, this
figure is countered by opposition claims that since Wal-Mart drives
other businesses out of business, the net employment effect is closer to
100 (Jacobus, 2002). A dramatic difference was noted by Shil. That
survey found that only four percent of respondents saw their employment
rising as the result of the new chain, while fifty-nine percent
predicted serious losses in employment (1997).
The quality of the jobs created by Wal-Mart is in question as well.
Wal-Mart is under scrutiny for many of its labor relations and business
practices even though they were voted one of the 100 best companies to
work for by FORTUNE magazine. However that survey was by corporate
executives and not the line employees themselves. Wal-Mart typically
hires part-time, entry-level positions. Generally part-time positions do
not qualify for benefits such as healthcare. This results in many
workers working for a limited number of hours, at much lower wages, and
ineligible for healthcare.
Wal-Mart is also staunchly anti-union. When a union successfully
formed in the meat cutting section of one store, Wal-Mart's next
move was to remove the meat packaging operations of the store. When
threat of a legal battle ensued, Wal-Mart contended that that section
was being phased out anyway and the persons who had formed the union
were offered other, comparable jobs in the store. The butchers argued
this story was merely a cover because the store had just invested in a
$40,000 wrapping machine. Wal-Mart officials say that there is an open
door policy in regards to the labor relations which renders unions
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) assert that Wal-Mart
squelches employee unionization so that they may maintain control over
the masses and maintain sub-par practices (Cray, 2000). Studies have
shown that although workers at Wal-Mart enter their positions with pay
comparable to the union wage, a significant gap begins to emerge after a
period of two years. According to a survey conducted by Wal-Mart itself,
employee turnover is due to lack of recognition and inadequate pay
(Peled, 2001). Al Norman, a self-proclaimed "sprawl-buster"
and one of the largest activists against Wal-Mart warns in an interview
that, "We're putting an enormous downward pressure on the
quality of jobs in this country" (Raphael, 1999). A Wal-Mart
employee takes home on average less than $250 per week (Peled, 2001).
The study conducted by Barnes and Connell on the introduction of
Wal-Marts in the Northeast showed increased unemployment two years after
the introduction of Wal-Mart. They feel Wal-Mart's propensity to
hire part-time help explains the lack of positive widespread impact on
the unemployment rate of the area (1996).
Many large retailers have corporate fundraising programs designed
to contribute to the communities in which they are located.
Wal-Mart's community involvement program is titled Good Works and
has received many awards for its contributions. Wal-Mart is one of the
leading supporters of education in the United States as well as the
leading supporter of children's health issues. According to the
Wal-Mart website, they contributed $196 million to the communities they
serve through local grants and programs. Huge corporate donations are
definitely a plus to hosting the retailers. These funds may be used to
the benefit of the community and its inhabitants.
Even though Wal-Mart donates millions to charitable organizations,
its philanthropy has still come under fire. Many report that although
Wal-Mart's contributions are high in total dollar figures, their
contribution as a percentage of sales is far below traditional industry
standards which is estimated at around one and a half percent. Wal-Mart
counters these claims with the statement that they are helping
communities every day with low prices.
It appears that as Wal-Mart's numbers grow, so does the
community competition against the store. There have been some towns that
have successfully lobbied against Wal-Mart opening. But the opposition
has extended beyond community organizations such as Ashland's Pink
Flamingos. In some areas legislation is being drafted to prevent big-box
retailers from entering. California has hosted several legislative
projects. Los Angeles and San Diego have considered legislation that
would limit the size of a retail establishment. There are many concerns
regarding what would happen when government begins to interfere with
capitalism (Desjardins, 2002).
Whether or not legislation is involved, it appears that retailers
may be heeding the call of the consumer. There are currently projects
being undertaken by the big-box retailers to generate a friendlier image
for themselves. Wal-Mart is currently introducing Neighborhood Stores
which are less than a quarter of the size of the usual superstore. Other
retailers are downsizing as well. Home Depot is experimenting with
smaller stores that carry much of the same items but allow easier in and
out for those who do not want to fight a crowd to pick up one or two
items. Part of this movement may also be due to a study which shows that
more than 20 percent of respondents are shopping less at major retailers
and more at smaller stores than they were four years ago (White, 2001).
The sensitivity over big business crowding in and damaging
communities has become so intense that it has spawned the creation of
countless websites aimed at providing information regarding businesses
and their business practices. One of these sites is Other
websites seem to take an almost militant approach to Wal-Mart and other
organizations. Two of these are and
Just as opposition to Wal-Mart continues to grow, so does the realm
of Wal-Mart itself. Wal-Mart is continuing to make efforts to become the
only retailer a consumer could need. Although courts recently put a stop
to the effort of Wal-Mart to acquire a bank, they continue to propose
ways in which to expand. "Some see Wal-Mart's expansion into
financial services as the business equivalent of the 19th century
'manifest destiny' doctrine, and one that Wal-Mart is quite
content to allow to take its course, however long that may take (Cocheo,
While there may be much hype and negative publicity circulating for
Wal-Mart, they have gotten where they are today for one reason,
customers like them. This can be evidenced by the overflowing parking
lots 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As long as people are shopping
at the stores they will continue to succeed. If they face opposition
that succeeds in one town they will simply move one town over and open
an establishment. The supporters from the initial proposal will follow
that store and drain revenues from the first town.
Some changes for the company are anticipated. Changes such as those
that have begun with the smaller Neighborhood Markets and more
aesthetically pleasing exteriors may help Wal-Mart shake the bully image
that it has garnered throughout the last decade. Just as small stores near a new Wal-Mart have had to adjust their marketing strategy, it is
anticipated that Wal-Mart too will begin to adapt to appease the
consumers. Although there appears to be growing opposition to the
erection of stores, this should dissipate along with the growth rate of
the stores, due to the advent of Internet shopping and trends that are
hinting that consumers are not shopping at massive discounters as much
as they were four years ago.
As mentioned earlier, if small stores are going to attempt to
compete with Wal-Mart they will need to adjust their marketing strategy.
Differentiation appears to be the most effective strategy although some
have succeeded in direct competition through the development of
purchasing collectives and opportunistic buying or low overhead formats.
So the battle continues to rage and ultimately the question of
Wal-Marts' has been left unanswered. Is Wal-Mart good for the
community or detrimental? The question may fade in importance as the
variety of shopping options continues to expand. However, with the
remarkable empire that has been created with Wal-Mart, it is unlikely
that the company will not continue to draw customers as they continue to
adapt to customer wants.
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Rachel R. Entenza, Sam Houston State University Balasundram Maniam,
Sam Houston State University Hadley Leavell, Sam Houston State