Letter from the editor.
Anitsal, M. Meral
Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Executive. We are confident that
this volume continues our practice of bringing you interesting,
insightful and useful articles by entrepreneurs and scholars.
The EE is an official journal of the Academy of
Entrepreneurship[R], a non-profit association of scholars and
practitioners whose purpose is to advance the knowledge, understanding,
and teaching of entrepreneurship throughout the world. It is our
objective to expand the role of the EE, and to broaden its outreach. We
are interested in publishing articles of practical interest to
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial scholars, alike. Consequently, we
solicit manuscripts from both groups.
The Entrepreneurial Executive is funded by the proceeds of
membership dues and conference registration fees at Academy of
Entrepreneurship[R] and Allied Academies meetings. We do not receive
funding support from any university or agency. We encourage readers to
become members of the Academy and to attend conference meetings.
Upcoming conferences are announced on the Allied Academies home page:
www.alliedacademies.org. In addition, information about the
organization, its affiliates and the journals of the affiliates is
displayed, as are instructions for submitting manuscripts for
The manuscripts contained in this issue were double blind reviewed
by the Editorial Board members. Our acceptance rate in this issue
conforms to our editorial policy of less than 25%.
M. Meral Anitsal
Tennessee Tech University