The whoop curve: predicting entrepreneurial and financial opportunities in the performing arts.
Wacholtz, Larry ; Wilgus, Jennifer
"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I
often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in
terms of music."
Albert Einstein (Songwriters Resource Network, 2010)
"If we do our job ... Music's not black or white,
it's green."
Jim Caparro, PGD (Knab, 2001)
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a
long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die
like dogs. There's also a negative side."
Hunter S. Thompson (Rudolph, 2010)
A performance art product such as a film, sculpture, painting,
musical recording or live concert emulates what we are often thinking,
our hearts are feeling and our souls are judging. We often express,
through our selection of artistic products, our introspective emotional
thoughts by laughing, crying, feeling heartbreak, love, sadness, longing
and other emotions we can sense or feel. Determining demand for
performance art is thus complicated; it is based on emotions. One person
may experience a film, computer game, recording or a live performance as
positive and exciting, while another may find it revolting and still
others may not even notice. It's the same for those who create,
own, and manage the acts, recordings, videos, films, computer games,
cell phone applications and songs we love, hate and ignore.
While preference formation is complicated, there is a financial
motivation for its prediction. The entrepreneurs behind the artists or
the entrepreneurial artists themselves are financially motivated to
create entertainment products that satisfy consumer wants and needs
(emotions). Additionally, they are encouraged to economize on products
that have a high probability of not satisfying consumers. Towards this
end, the authors develop a framework for entrepreneurial evaluation of
entertainment products. The framework which we label "the whoop
curve" represents an estimate of the ex-ante probability of success
of the entertainment product. By whoop curve, we mean to say a
relationship that predicts the current and future enthusiasm of an
entrepreneurial product. We illustrate that these probabilities can be
derived by considering the revealed strength of the emotional
connections consumers have to the act.
The whoop curve model has two beneficial characteristics. First,
the actual measure of success is a probability that some defined
benchmark outcome will be achieved at a future specified date. The
benefit of this feature is that probabilities are easily understood.
Second, the benchmark of success can be modified to fit the
entrepreneurial activity. In our example, we adapt the model to the
music industry where success might be measured by unit sales at some
future date. However, it can be adapted to include ticket sales, tour
dates and other measures of success.
The technique used to derive the whoop curve is not new. Called
duration analysis in other fields (i.e. engineering, economics and
sociology), this method is a time honored and well established
statistical technique (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 1999; Hald, 1990;
Lancaster, 1997; Van den Berg, 2001). Our contribution is to develop, at
an introductory level, the technique and concepts of duration analysis
applied to an entrepreneurial problem in the music industry. Following
Genc's (2004) duration modeling for introductory econometrics, an
example problem is worked out using Microsoft Excel; a software program
accessible to entrepreneurial students and music industry practitioners.
Our choice of the whoop curve terminology (as opposed to duration
analysis) is intended to signal that the topic can be easily
incorporated into undergraduate entrepreneurial curriculum.
The paper is structured as follows. The next section develops the
entrepreneurial problem. Section 3 introduces the whoop curve. An
example of the derivation of the whoop curve employing Microsoft Excel
is developed in Section 4 and Section 5 concludes.
The traditional entertainment and performance arts industries are
large and complex. They are a collection of artists, entertainment
conglomerates, film companies, record labels, consumers, the mass media
(radio, television and print), cell phone networks, and Internet portals
that together form the industry. There are local, regional, national and
world markets. The artists are typically composed of songwriters,
musicians, producers, recording artists, singers, audio engineers,
graphic artists, actors, film directors, union members, and computer
For the purpose of this paper, we consider the entrepreneurial
problem of record labels. They have to find and sign artists to their
labels and songs to their publishing companies. They provide hundreds of
thousands of dollars to recording artists to pay for advances,
producers, musicians, audio engineers, background singers and studio
rental time. Additionally, they provide money to market the recordings
to various types of consumers through promotion, publicity and
distribution to retail outlets. Labels range in size from worldwide
distribution companies (entertainment conglomerates), such as
Bertelsmann, Disney, Sony, Universal, and TimeWarner to the one-person
operation that offers digital downloads over the Internet.
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis' Survey of
Current Business (2010), personal consumption spending on entertainment
and recreation is a large part of the U.S. economy representing $929.3
billion real dollars in 2009. This is approximately 7% of our $12.9
trillion dollar U.S. economy when adjusted for inflation as measured by
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). During the same time period, the
Recording Industry Association of America (2010) reports that the music
industry accounts for $7.7 billion dollars or about 1 percent (0.06%) of
the U.S. economy.
Figure 1 illustrates U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer
Expenditure Survey (2010) data of mean quarterly household consumption
spending on physical platforms (records, CDs, audio tapes), 1984-2008.
We see that since 2000 the households in the sample have dramatically
reduced their consumption of physical platforms. Presumably, the lost
revenue has gone to online streaming, downloaded files, and piracy. In
fact, research appears to support this conclusion (Andersen & Frenz,
2008; Bhattacharijee, et. al., 2005; Dejean, 2009; IIPA, 2010; McKenzie,
2009; Peitz & Waelbroeck, 2004; Stevans & Sessions, 2005;
Zetner, 2006).
The large size of the entertainment and music industries and the
impact of technological innovation suggest two main points. First, there
exists a financial motivation for predicting talent success; a small
proportion of a large market results in high revenues. Second, while
technological innovation has negatively impacted revenues, it has also
created a means to better track consumer preferences and thus their
emotional connections to the act.
There are several examples of how technology can allow
entrepreneurs to estimate consumer preferences. For example, data
collected from per-to-per (P2P) search queries, Billboard charts,
Nielson SoundScan, website hits, and social networking sites represent
revealed consumer choices. Some recent examples of the use of these data
in various studies include Andersen & Frenz (2008), Bhattacharjee,
et. al. (2005), Bradlow & Fader (2001), Koenigstein, Shavitt &
Zilberman (2009), Liebowitz (2007), Oberholzer-Gee & Strumpf (2007),
and Stevans & Sessions (2005).
Traditional ways of identifying talent include tracking consumer
trends through demographic and psychographic research. Demographic
research is an analysis of comparison based on gender, age, income, and
education. Psychographic research is a deeper analysis that groups
individuals by their lifestyles tied to zip codes. The results are used
by labels to market tours, corporate sponsorships and merchandise.
However, shouldn't there be a way to predict success for labels
before they sign an act and spend the money? And, once they are signed,
what is the likelihood that they will be successful in a given time
The tools of economics and access to new data (i.e. P2P search
queries, SoundScan, social networking sites) can be used to help answer
the prediction of success problem. While it may be difficult to predict
emotional responses to performance arts presentations and products,
consumer preferences for those products and services are revealed in
terms of units sold, tickets purchased, or venue attendance. These
revealed preferences can be proxied by web page hits, air play, online
streaming, social network hits and publicity hits, for example.
Therefore, applying the tools of economics and utilizing accessible
consumer data, the authors are able to predict the preferences
illustrated in the whoop curve model in the following section.
Figure 2 illustrates the essential prediction problem: possible
artist outcomes. The vertical line displays the success of the artist
that can be measured in a variety of ways (the example utilizes unit
sales). The horizontal line indicates time. The 45 degree line
represents the investment project line. A curve extending above the 45
degree line indicates acceptance of the entertainment products. A curve
extending below the 45 degree line indicates rejection over time. To be
more specific, Line A illustrates a type of powerful emotional response
by consumers. This of course, indicates the act is already being noticed
and accepted by consumers. Artist development time, marketing and
promotion will be shorter and potential profits are greater. Line B
illustrates that the act is becoming successful yet it has taken far too
long and lies below the investment project line. Thus, the act is being
noticed, yet it is still not popular enough to be signed, as the label
cannot make any profits. Sadly, Line C illustrates the act had some
emotional connection to consumers, yet it quickly faded and would not
even be considered.
The tension for the entrepreneur is that the success curves are not
known before the endeavor is undertaken. That is, it is unknown which
curve the artist will eventually be on. Over time the artist's
success (or lack thereof) will be revealed. However, as previously
stated, industry pressures make prior prediction of the direction
essential. For the prediction problem, the authors suggest using
variables to explain the likelihood of success and thus develop
"the whoop curve". Much like Forbes Magazine uses to determine
their Celebrity 100 List, our approach is similar in spirit. For
example, the Forbes list includes salary, TV/radio, press rank, web rank
and social rank. Our procedure uses conceptual benchmarks such as past
units sold, web page responses, publicity hits in local or national
media, events, tours or shows, social websites and broadcasts or digital
streaming as predictive variables. These data are available through such
sources as Nielson SoundScan, Broadcast Data Services (BDS/The Monitor),
Billboard Charts and Big Champaign.
Unlike the Forbes ranking, however, the whoop curve
probabilistically weights the predictive variables by correlations based
on how quickly or slowly (weeks or months) the acts and their recordings
are able to gain rankings based on the strength of the emotional
connections consumers have to the act (displayed by the purchasing,
using or stealing of the acts products).
To demonstrate the predictive problem, consider the release of a
recording by two previously unknown artists--Taylor Fast and Taylor
Slow. Initially, Taylor Fast has 25,000 social network hits on her
website from individuals interested in her music. Alternatively, Taylor
Slow has only 250 network hits. Based on this information the label
(large conglomerate or one-man show) is trying to determine how
successful each will be within two years. Success is defined as unit
sales exceeding 500,000 by two years. The probabilities of their
successfully achieving the goal of 500,000 unit sales within one and two
years are plotted against time in Figure 3.
Based upon the example, Taylor Fast gains consumer acceptance
quickly; the probability that she will achieve the entrepreneurial goal
is almost 100% after one month. Taylor Fast's unit sales are
represented by Line A in Figure 2. Taylor Slow never really gains
consumer acceptance. As such, Taylor Slow's unit sales look more
like Line C in Figure 2. Figure 3 is indeed the whoop curve; the
probabilistic weights of success. If you are entrepreneurial, who would
you be more "whooped" about after 1 month? Who would you be
more "whooped" about after a year? Which artist would you be
more likely to spend your time and resources on?
Because the whoop curve measures probabilities over time, the curve
can be illustrated in other intuitive ways--perfect for classroom
illustration. One method that illustrates the essence of the whoop curve
is decision tree analysis. Figures 4A and 4B illustrate the decision
tree representation for the probability of success (in terms of consumer
acceptance) in 1 month, 12 months and 2 years for Taylor Fast and Taylor
Slow, respectively. Like the whoop curve, decision tree analysis
provides a basis of comparison between the two artists. Taylor
Fast's probability of success rises with each time period more
rapidly than Taylor Slow's probability of success. In fact, within
1 month Taylor Fast is highly likely to reach the goal of 500,000 units
sold while Taylor Slow is likely to never reach that goal. Obviously the
keys to Figures 4A and 4B are the probabilities.
By applying the predictions of the whoop curve, entrepreneurial
efforts could shift from using costly traditional marketing, promotion,
and publicity campaigns to help consumers discover new acts towards a
more favorable decision making process of artist selection. Thus,
industry leaders improve their decision making ability and ultimately
improve their profit margins. The next section illustrates how to
estimate the probabilities, and thus the whoop curve, so that if you are
an entrepreneur, you can determine who to be "whooped" about.
To illustrate how the whoop curve is derived, the authors construct
a hypothetical example using the data presented in Figure 5. The columns
within Figure 5 represent previous artists (Taylor A through Taylor M),
the length of time to achieve the goal of 500,000 units sold, whether
the goal was reached within 24 months, and the number of social website
hits. The table shows that the artists with the majority of social
website hits, on average, successfully and rapidly attained the goal
within the specified period of time.
The correlations between the explanatory variable (social website
hits) and the attainment of the goal can be exploited to derive the
whoop curve via the theory of maximum likelihood. In this case, the
likelihood function is known in other fields of science as a Weibull
distribution (Lancaster, 1997). The log-likelihood function defined on
the Weibull distribution to be maximized is given in equation (1):
Here the functions f and F are the probability and cumulative
density functions for the Weibull random variable. The variables
[t.sub.i], [social.sub.i], and [d.sub.i] are, for each artist i, the
number of months needed to achieve the goal, the number of social
website hits, and attainment goal indicator. The parameters to be
estimated are [alpha], [beta], and c.
Statistically, the parameter [beta] represents the correlation
between the probability of goal attainment within 24 months and social
website hits. In the example, [beta] is most likely positive. The
parameter c represents how likely the goal will be achieved holding
social website hits constant at zero. The parameter can be positive or
negative. The parameter [alpha] measures the influence of time on the
probability of goal attainment. In our example, it appears that the goal
is more likely to be achieved as time passes. It is expected that
[alpha] will be greater than one ([alpha] < 1 implies time negatively
effects the probability). The specific formula for the Weibull density
is given in equation (2):
f([t.sub.i] | [social.sub.i], [alpha], [beta], c) = exp(c +
[beta][social.sub.i])[alpha][t.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.i] exp(-exp(c +
[social.sub.i])[t.sup.[alpha].sub.i]) (2)
while the cumulative density is defined by (3):
1-exp (-exp(c + [beta][social.sub.i])[t.sup.[alpha].sub.i]) (3)
New variables and, hence correlations, can be added to the formula
to strengthen the predictability of the model. Figure 6 specifically
documents how the likelihood is constructed in Microsoft Excel given the
hypothetical data set found in Figure 5.
Figure 7 illustrates how the likelihood function is maximized by
choice of [alpha], [beta], and c using Microsoft Excel solver. The
maximization reveals three parameters given in Rows 19-21 of Column B.
The most relevant parameter estimate, defined as [beta], is the effect
of social website hits on the probability of goal attainment. The
estimate of 1.2881 indicates that an increase in social website hits
will positively influence goal attainment.
Figure 8 is the whoop curve that was defined by the previous
parameter estimates and equation (3). In this case, we ask two
hypothetical questions. First, suppose that a talent had 25,000 social
website hits (Taylor Fast), what would we expect her whoop curve to look
like over time? Second, suppose a competing talent (Taylor Slow) had 250
social website hits, what would her whoop curve look like over time?
Figure 8 depicts the results whereby Taylor Fast is highly likely (87.8%
chance) to obtain the entrepreneurial goal within one month while Taylor
Slow is unlikely to fulfill the goal attainment (probability of
attainment is never above 39.8% in the example). A conclusion can be
determined from this analysis. Based on past correlations of this
example, artists with high social website hits are more likely to attain
goals. Therefore, entrepreneurs would have a vested interest in
identifying talent with this attribute.
Given the large size of the entertainment and performance arts
industries and the pressure to identify successful acts, the authors
have shown that a basic whoop curve can provide creative artists and
entertainment industry entrepreneurs with a powerful, yet inexpensive
process to predict financial success. Utilizing industry constructs, the
whoop curve probabilistically weights the predictive variables by
correlations based on how quickly or slowly the acts are able to gain
rankings given the strength of emotional connections consumers have to
the acts. As a result, the predictive problem of success encountered in
the industry is addressed enabling entrepreneurs to spend their time and
resources more efficiently on acts most likely to satisfy consumer
desires. Thus, industry leaders improve their decision making ability
and ultimately improve their financial success.
Because the whoop curve model measures success in probabilities,
the model is easily understood. This enables educators the opportunity
to motivate their students in the decision making process while
incorporating tools that are applied in the industry. As a result both
industry leaders and students (future industry leaders) benefit by
learning the whoop curve methodology.
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Larry Wacholtz, Belmont University
Jennifer Wilgus, Belmont University
Figure 5
Hypothetical Data Set
1 The Data
2 Months to Attained Social Web
3 Name 500,000 Goal Hits (thsands)
4 Taylor A 1 1 25
5 Taylor B 2 1 15
6 Taylor C 3 1 16
7 Taylor D 7 1 10
8 Taylor E 10 1 6
9 Taylor F 12 1 5
10 Taylor G 14 1 4
11 Taylor H 13 1 3
12 Taylor 1 20 1 3
13 Taylor J 22 1 2
14 Taylor K 23 1 1
15 Taylor L 24 0 0.5
16 Taylor M 24 0 0.25
Figure 8
Whoop Curve Results for Taylors Fast and Slow
40 Prob of reaching goal
41 Months Taylor Taylor
42 Elapsed Fast Slow
43 0 0.B77B297B2 2.B0BB6E-14
44 4 1 1.1955IE-07
45 3 1 3.15006E-05
45 12 1 0.001029342
47 16 1 0.013024S51
4S 20 1 0.092669534
49 24 1 0.39B363139