Two routes to full employment.
Britton, Andrew
The unemployment figures now show nearly three million people out of
work. No one doubts that this represents a waste of resources on a vast
scale and a social problem of prime importance. Nevertheless, despite
very real public concern, it cannot be said that full employment is now
an objective of government policy, neither was it given a high priority
by any of the political parties at the general election last year. A
common assumption, implicit or explicit, is that mass unemployment is
here to stay--and the humane response is to make the condition easier to
For the last ten years at least the rise in unemployment has been
accompanied by subtle changes in public attitudes to work. On the one
hand those who have jobs seem powerfully motivated to keep them: they
seem to work much harder than they would have done twenty years ago and
with the single-minded purpose of individual economic gain. On the other
hand there are those who question the work-ethic: there are those who
learn to play the welfare system, those who make a virtue of
'dropping out', and those who accept early retirement. Both
those two extremes can be seen as reactions to the experience of mass
unemployment, contrasting with the old view that work is both a right
and a duty. Customers enjoying improved standards of courtesy, managers
appreciating a more co-operative workforce may have concluded (privately
at least) that unemployment, or the fear of unemployment, was not
without advantages. During the recent recession however attitudes seem
to have changed again. As the reality of unemployment has been brought
home to more of the population, pressure has again built up for
'something to be done about it'.
Chart 1 shows the percentage unemployed in this country over the past
hundred years (although not quite on the same definition,
unfortunately). Historical experience suggests that full employment need
not be an unrealistic goal. Prior to the first world war unemployment
was highly cyclical with an average rate around 4 per cent and no clear
trend. Between the wars unemployment was very much higher, with a peak
rate of about 15 per cent in 1932. But after world war two full
employment was maintained continuously until about 1970. It is only in
the last twenty years that the trend has been rising.
Table 1 shows the unemployment figures for a selection of advanced
industrial economies in 1971, 1981 and 1991. The large increase in the
UK figures is broadly matched by those for several other countries,
including France, Belgium, Canada and Australia. But the pattern is by
no means universal. The figures for the United States show a much more
modest increase. Moreover, in a number of countries, unemployment at the
beginning of the 1990s was far lower than it is in Britain, for example
in Japan, West Germany, Austria, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland. This
suggests that mass unemployment is not the inevitable result of modern
technology or of a free market system.
Table 1. Standardised unemployment rates
per cent
1971 1981 1991
UK 3.6 9.8 8.7
US 5.8 7.5 6.6
Japan 1.2 2.2 2.1
Germany 0.9 4.2 4.3
France 2.7 7.4 9.5
Italy 5.3 7.8 9.9
Canada 6.1 7.5 10.2
Sweden 2.5 2.5 2.7
Australia 1.9 5.7 9.5
Source: OECD.
This note will consider what would need to be done to restore full
employment in Britain. If this were the only consideration one could use
conscription or abolish benefits. The real problem is to identify routes
to full employment which are consistent with the kind of economic system
and welfare provision we take for granted. Full employment will not be
achieved without any changes to the structure or institutions of the
economy; the question is the scale of reform which society would accept
as the price of full employment.
It is useful to distinguish two approaches to the problem. The first,
or narrow, approach concentrates on the unemployed themselves, their
skills and motivation, the conditions on which benefits are available to
them, the extent of their effective participation in the labour market.
The second, or broad, approach looks at the state of the economy as a
whole, the international competitiveness of British industry, the
setting of wages and prices, the education and training of the labour
force as a whole. The narrow approach focusses on labour economics and
puts the Department of Employment in the lead; the broad approach is
macroeconomic and suggests that the Treasury and the DTI must take the
main responsibility.
The rest of the note is organised as follows: first the concepts of
full employment and the natural rate, or NAIRU, are compared; then some
calculations are presented of the growth rate of output and the time
scale that would be required to achieve full employment. Then an attempt
is made to assess the merits and practicalities first of the narrow
approach and then the broad. The two approaches are not mutually
inconsistent, and a final section considers how they might best be
Full employment and the natural rate
William Beveridge defined full employment as a situation where
'those who lose their jobs must be able to find new jobs at fair
wages within their capacity, without delay' ('Full Employment
in a Free Society', page 20). 'Idleness' he added
'is not the same as Want, but a separate evil, which men do not
escape by having an income. They must also have the chance of rendering
useful service and of feeling that they are doing so'. This is a
social objective which will not necessarily be achieved at the point of
equilibrium between the effective supply and demand for labour. Indeed
all the evidence of the last twenty years suggests that at the point of
equilibrium the rate of unemployment has been much too high to fit
Beveridge's description of full employment.
It is easy to speak loosely of an equilibrium point, or a natural
rate of unemployment, but it is much more difficult to define it
precisely or to provide numerical estimates. One approach is to define
the natural rate (or NAIRU) as the level of unemployment which would now
be consistent with a constant rate of inflation. If that definition were
taken literally then we must now be close to the NAIRU since the rate of
inflation has been roughly constant for the last few months. In practice
something more subtle is required. An alternative definition would be
the sustainable level of unemployment, that is to say the level which
would be compatible on average over the next few years with the rate of
inflation staying broadly constant (or perhaps staying within a target
The original Friedman definition of the natural rate of unemployment
did not refer just to constant inflation, but to a rational expectations
general equilibrium for the economy as a whole. But to make that concept
operational one needs to know what time-scale of adjustment is involved.
Is this a short-run or a long-run equilibrium? For example is it the
level of unemployment possible with the existing capital stock or that
which would be made possible by full adjustment after some years of
additional investment? For practical purposes Friedman's reference
to 'the Walrasian equations' does not take us very far
As the economy emerges from a long and deep recession, the actual
unemployment rate is almost certainly above the rate which could be
sustained in the medium term, but perhaps not very far above.
Unemployment last reached three million in 1986, and then fell sharply,
during a period of exceptionally rapid growth to just 1 1/2 million in
1990. It might seem that all we need is to repeat that experience, and
perhaps continue the boom a little longer this time to reach full
employment. Unfortunately, the history of the last few years strongly
suggests that this approach would not work. Despite the 'supply
side' reforms of the 1980s the evidence since then suggests that
the sustainable rate of unemployment has not been reduced. The most
obvious signal that the economy was over-stretched at the end of the
1980s was the deterioration in the balance of payments. An increasing
proportion of firms were constrained by shortages of plant or skilled
labour. The rate of inflation speeded up. The recession which followed
may be seen as a necessary correction (an over-correction in fact) to
the over-heating of the economy. Following such a violent cycle it is
difficult to know what level of unemployment would now be sustainable,
but recent history suggests that the answer lies somewhere between 1 1/2
and 3 million; it may well be in the upper half of that range.
The labour market obviously does not in fact reduce the level of real
wages to the point where the unemployed can all find a job 'without
delay'. In the Institute's macroeconomic model this impasse is
written into the equations. One interpretation is that the labour force,
or the unions that represent them, will press for unrealistic wage
increases unless the fear of unemployment acts as a discipline. Another
interpretation is that many of the unemployed do not really count in the
balance of the labour market, because employers do not think that they
are suitable to fill the vacancies which exist.
The output increase implied by full employment
We define full employment as recorded unemployment of about one
million or less. In the post-war period unemployment was typically less
than a half of a million, but that might not be an appropriate figure to
aim at now. Some frictional unemployment is unavoidable; as the economy
develops old jobs are destroyed and new ones created, and some job
changes will inevitably involve a short spell of unemployment. The
economy may now require more flexibility of this kind than it did in the
1950s or 1960s. It is easier now both to hire and to fire. Firms are
less willing (or less able) to support employment levels in excess of
their immediate requirements. The same is increasingly true of the
public sector. There will also be some cyclical unemployment on average
over a run of years unless the economy becomes much more stable than it
has been since the 1970s. An average of one million unemployed over the
cycle would imply just a few hundred thousand at the peak. A level of
one million unemployment would amount to about 4 per cent of the labour
force. It would put this country towards the low end of the ranking of
OECD countries, but still above Japan, Austria, Iceland, Luxembourg and
Switzerland (on 1991 figures).
Another way of characterising full employment is in terms of the
duration of unemployment. Beveridge spoke of new jobs being found
'without delay'. Currently, as it happens there are about one
million people who have been unemployed for less than three months. No
doubt the duration profile would change if the labour market picked up,
but one consequence of reducing total unemployment ought certainly be to
reduce the average duration substantially. (It is often argued that the
long-term unemployed, since they are relatively unlikely to find
employment, do not exert any 'useful' downward pressure on
real wages. This appears to be the case, although the fear of becoming
unemployed for a long spell must be a more powerful deterrent to rash
pay claims than the fear of becoming unemployed for a few weeks.)
To reduce unemployment from nearly three million to about one million
would, of course, imply a substantial rise in output. The scale of that
rise, and its consequences for other macroeconomic variables, can be
explored by constructing alternative scenarios for the future, using the
Institute's model. The rise in employment would be more than the
fall in unemployment as the higher demand for labour attracted more
workers into the labour force. The percentage increase in output would
be less than the percentage increase in employment if the productivity
of the unemployed who found work was less than the average. On the other
hand some high productivity jobs would have to be created as well, in
particular to make the exports needed to match the extra demand for
Table 2a below shows the base projection. This is not a forecast so
much as a smooth extrapolation of trends which the model has identified
in the data for the past. The economy expands at about 2 per cent a
year, with unemployment at about 2.7 million and inflation about 4 1/2
per cent a year.
Table 2b shows the very different outcome made possible by a much
lower sustainable unemployment rate. The model has been changed so that
the sustainable rate falls steadily to reach 1.2 million or 4 per cent
by the year 2001. This is done simply by 'doctoring' the wage
equation. There is no attempt to specify the policies which would be
required to bring this about. Interest rates and exchange rates are
assumed to remain the same as in the base case.
The model indicates the way the economy would generate the demand
necessary to bring actual unemployment down. The main route is through a
reduction in the growth of wages which, with a fixed exchange rate,
improves competitiveness and hence increases exports. Real wages remain
below their 1992 level until 2003, by which year they are 13 1/2 per
cent below the level in the base run. Initially both consumption and
investment are cut back, because real incomes are lower and real
interest rates are higher. Once the adjustment is complete the economy
follows a new growth path with output about 9 per cent above base, and
investment now substantially TABULAR DATA OMITTED higher so as to build
up the required stock of fixed capital. Employment has been increased by
about 2 1/2 million and unemployment reduced by about 1 1/2 million.
This large increase in activity has taken place spontaneously according
to the model without the need to assume more expansionary fiscal or
monetary policies. There is no balance of payments problem, because
TABULAR DATA OMITTED growth is export led, following the fall in nominal
The simulation illustrates the narrow approach to achieving full
employment, for example by enabling (or requiring) the unemployed to
compete more effectively for jobs in the labour market. The broad
approach would produce a different scenario, because it would involve
reform of the economy as a whole making the whole labour force more
Table 2c illustrates the consequences of achieving full employment by
the broad route. The employment equations on the model are changed so as
to reduce the number of workers required to produce a given level of
output by some 5 per cent. That on its own would not reduce the
sustainable level of unemployment in the model at all--in fact it would
increase it. The exports equations are also changed so that a higher
volume is sold at any given level of relative prices. This could
represent some 'non-price competitiveness' gain. The wages
equation is also changed, as it was for Table 2b, so as to make the same
level of unemployment sustainable.
The prospect now is much brighter, perhaps implausibly so. Output
growth for the first five years averages 4 1/2 per cent, an
extraordinary recovery by any UK standards. This means that real wages
can rise substantially over that period instead of falling as they do in
Table 2b. (The time path for real wages is different from that in the
base run, but their level from about 2003 onwards is virtually the
same.) Inflation is higher than in Table 2b, but still lower than in the
base case. The problem of the balance of payments has been solved by the
assumption of a much better export performance--in the absence of such
an improvement the real wage would have had to fall so that relative
price competitiveness could improve, and that would have made the fall
in unemployment more difficult to achieve.
In showing what success would look like, these scenarios TABULAR DATA
OMITTED assume that the aim of full employment is attainable. They
suggest however that the process will have to be a slow one. The narrow
approach, concentrating on the unemployed themselves, would require
actual cuts in average nominal wages, if the time scale for the return
to full employment was too short. The broad approach would require
impossibly rapid growth of output, and especially of exports, if the
timescale was too compressed. The simulations allow nine years for the
reform to take place, in both the narrow and broad approach, with a
further seven years or so before the target is approached. It would be
useful to bear this minimum timescale in mind when considering the two
approaches in more detail.
The narrow approach
We now have a great deal of experience of special employment measures
in this country. The list of schemes gets longer and longer, many of
them being variations on the same themes. They involve some combination
of retraining, assistance with searching for work, selective employment
subsidies, temporary work in the public sector and a tightening up of
the conditions for receipt of benefit. At the most, the schemes may have
reduced unemployment by a few hundred thousand each year since the
Proposals to introduce similar schemes on a much larger scale run
into problems of administrative feasibility. When unemployment is low it
is possible to consider each case individually, to direct each claimant to the appropriate job vacancies or training schemes. If relatively
small sums are being spent on job creation or selective subsidy in the
private sector it does not matter too much if some of the money is not
very well spent. When the numbers in receipt of training allowances are
relatively low, the allowances can be quite generous. But if literally
millions of cases are involved then the task becomes unmanageable, and
the expense prohibitive. We experienced this situation in this country
in the 1970s. A contemporary, and more sudden, change of the same kind
can be observed in Finland, where a successful scheme of employment
creation has been swamped by the numbers who have lost work as a result
of the collapse of export markets in the old Soviet Union.
This does not mean that the narrow approach to full employment is
impossible. Some combination of subsidy with compulsion could probably
be devised which would result in the creation of even two million
low-paid jobs, although there would be no question of giving individual
attention to the needs or the abilities of two million
'clients'. The most perplexing issues concern the social
implications of such a large-scale scheme. It involves creating a large
low-productivity sector in the economy, perhaps a regimented sector,
rather clearly differentiated from the rest. Those who worked in that
sector would tend to be uneducated and unskilled; they would be poor
relative to the rest of society and many of them would still be
dependent on public support (even if it was indirectly through a subsidy
to their wages as in the new 'Workstart' scheme). The
segregation of the labour market is most obvious with a
'Workfare' system, but applies to some extent to any
introduction of permanent special employment measures on a large scale.
The likelihood must be that many individuals will be permanently (or at
least frequently) employed on such schemes. This is not at all what
Beveridge had in mind in defining full employment. One kind of social
marginalisation and alienation could simply be replaced by another.
The broad approach
Those who follow the broad approach argue that the whole economy must
be strengthened and reformed before full employment can be restored. The
situation could be likened to that of Eastern Europe, although happily
the adjustment needed is not on the same scale. The point of similarity
which might be argued is that unemployment in Russia or the eastern
lander of Germany cannot be tackled effectively except in the context of
'root and branch' reform. The British economy needs to be made
more efficient and competitive so as to be able to participate in the
open markets of Europe or the world as a whole.
One merit of the broad approach is that the necessary wage restraint
(the doctoring of the wage equations in the model simulations) seems
more likely to be forthcoming in the context of rising wages and rising
living standards. The weakness is the scale of the improvement in
competitiveness which this approach requires. The immediate and direct
consequence of higher output per head is to reduce employment not to
increase it. That effect must be offset by higher output (mainly of
exports) before any reduction in unemployment can occur.
But is the broad approach feasible in practice? And how could
productivity be raised? All we can do is offer some suggestions as to
what might or might not be important as ingredients in a strategy with
the aim of reaching full employment by this route. A series of studies
by the Institute has suggested that one of the main reasons for the
differences in output per head and in quality of production between
Britain and Continental Europe lies in the proportion of the labour
force with vocational qualifications and training. This gap could
probably be closed, since there is no reason to suppose that there is
any difference in innate aptitudes; but of course it would take a long
The first aim would be to improve standards of secondary education
and vocational training for everyone, not just those most obviously at
risk of unemployment. Here Continental practice could act as a guide,
although this might involve the sacrifice of other educational
objectives. The employment of school-leavers in unskilled jobs could if
necessary be stopped, either by regulation or by incentives. Even so
there would be a need for new investment, research and marketing if
firms were to take the opportunity to move up-market created by a
better-trained workforce.
An interventionalist government could use the reform of training as
an opportunity to influence the structure and efficiency of British
industry. The government would provide or subsidise training in the
skills it thinks will be needed in the future, and then channel the
skilled labour into the firms which were prepared to take the
opportunities for innovation which had been created. This would require
a break with the policy of disengagement which has characterised
industrial policy since the 1980s. It would open the process of
industrial development to political pressure in a way which might prove
a serious handicap. The alternative would be to leave the direction of
advance to market forces. Competition between firms should ensure,
eventually, that the skills are used effectively. This process might be
helped by the inflow of foreign capital and by the continued transfer of
Continental or Japanese production methods to this country.
At one time it was widely believed that full employment could be
achieved if the influence of trade unions was reduced sufficiently and
if bargaining was conducted more at a local level. This was one motive
for the employment legislation of the 1980s. It may be too soon to be
confident of the effects of that legislation, but it appears at this
stage to have made the labour market more flexible, so that unemployment
can rise and fall more rapidly--but it does not seem to have made a
lower average level of unemployment compatible with price stability.
In the past prescriptions for full employment (from a different
school) have often included an element of wage restraint, incomes policy
or national bargaining. The experience of the 1970s is mixed and may not
be a good guide to policy now. The reform of employment law and
negotiating practice during the 1980s has changed the British labour
market fundamentally. The move to workplace bargaining and the fall in
union membership has largely destroyed the institutional basis on which
incomes policies were once built. It is still essential that the
implications of pay for jobs are appreciated and taken into account in
bargaining. This requires the cooperation of workers and their
representatives, at least at local level, which is more likely to be
forthcoming if pleas for wage moderation are made in the context of
plans for growth and improvements in training (the 'broad'
approach rather than the 'narrow'). But international
experience suggests that a formal incomes policy is neither necessary
nor sufficient for full employment.
An assessment of the two routes
In the 1930s Keynes presented his solution to the problem of
unemployment as a triumph of the creative intellect over prejudice and
ingrained habits of thought. This note makes no such claim. The two
routes to full employment described here involve no innovations of
economic theory, just the application of familiar ideas to familiar
problems, with a shift of emphasis giving much greater priority to the
goal of full employment than it has received for many years. If the
shift of emphasis is sufficient the problem can perhaps be solved, but
progress will be neither easy nor quick.
The narrow approach on its own would risk creating a permanent
underclass; the broad approach on its own would take several decades and
might initially raise unemployment rather than lower it. The best
strategy would involve both approaches at once. Initially a much
expanded system of special employment measures would be introduced,
reducing unemployment and also the growth of real wages. Meanwhile
better education and training for the population as a whole would
improve productivity and competitiveness. New jobs would be created
which would be filled by the newly trained workforce. This would leave
vacancies which the unemployed would fill. Thus the unemployed would
find 'real' jobs indirectly as a result of a general economic
expansion. Eventually the special employment schemes could be run down.
The timetable required in total is probably of the order of ten to
twenty years. This suggests that the strategy would need bipartisan
political support if it was to be successfully brought to a conclusion.
It is not clear that the objective has sufficient public support for it
to be given the priority it would need. But the experience of the last
few years does at least re-open the question. The possibility of full
employment can still capture the imagination if only as a distant goal.