Assessing the performance of local government.
Stevens, Philip Andrew
We consider the measurement of performance in the public sector in
general, focussing on local government and the provision of library
services by English local authorities in particular. We will consider
two methodologies that assess the performance of local authorities in
terms of the efficiency with which they provide services and consider
methods that allow us to account for exogenous influences on
performance, such as the socio-economic profile of the population served
by the authority. We find that although both methods' results
appear similar, the implications for potential cost savings vary widely.
Omitting to account for background factors leads to an overstatement of
the level of inefficiency and hence the scope for reducing expenditure.
Keywords: local government; efficiency; SFA; DEA JEL
classification: D20, H40, L32
I. Introduction
The performance of the public sector is always an issue that
attracts interest. There are two reasons for this; one is its size and
the other the services it provides. The public sector represents a
sizable proportion of the economy, and it is getting bigger. According
to OECD figures quoted in the Financial Times (22/03/05), the share of
general government spending in GDP is forecast to rise from 37.5 per
cent in 2000 to 45.2 per cent in 2006. Moreover, any inefficiency is
likely to have a major impact upon the nation's welfare.
Education, policing and the like affect the whole of society and
the vulnerable in particular. Crime affects the poor disproportionately,
partly because the wealthy can move to safer areas or purchase security
measures. The private sector often cannot be relied on to produce these
services efficiently and/or equitably. Indeed, it is precisely because
of this that many services are provided or at least financed by the
public sector. The difficulties in the measurement of the output and
performance of the public sector arise in great part for the very same
reasons that the services are in the public sector in the first place.
In this paper we consider the measurement of performance in the
public sector in general, focussing on local government and the
provision of library services by English local authorities in
particular. We will consider two methodologies that assess the
performance of local authorities in terms of the efficiency with which
they provide services and consider methods that allow us to account for
exogenous influences on performance, such as the socio-economic profile
of the population served by the authority.
In section 2 we outline the main issues surrounding assessing the
performance of public sector organisations and relate these to local
government. Section 3 discusses techniques of efficiency analysis. In
section 4 we describe the data used in our empirical analysis. Our
results are discussed in section 5 and section 6 provides some
concluding comments.
2. Assessing public sector performance
There are three main problems in assessing public sector
performance: identifying the outputs, the absence of prices, and the
problem of attribution. It is useful to make an important distinction
between activities, outputs and outcomes. Activities are the units of
provision, for example the activities of the highways department of a
local authority would include the number of checks carried out and the
number of road repairs carried out. Outputs may require a bundle of
activities; having a properly functioning road requires both that it is
checked for problems and that these are fixed when required. Outcomes
are the characteristics of outputs which affect utility, in our highways
example it might be having free flowing traffic on the roads in an
authority's region.
It is often difficult to identify what the outputs of public sector
organisations are. There are some services where it is difficult to
identify any of the outputs. The problem is that we tend to observe
activities rather than the actual outputs. This has led to a
concentration on processes (which can be easily counted) rather than the
outputs the service was designed to provide. Thus in many cases the
focus has become one step removed from the organisations' raisons
Even if we can observe and measure the outputs of government, the
services it provides, we seldom observe output prices. Thus it is
difficult to aggregate the many services that organisations within the
public sector provide up to an organisation-level indicator, much less a
sector-wide measure of performance. In markets, prices carry important
information about the value of the goods and services traded to the
consumer--through their willingness to pay--and to the provider--since
providers will not generally offer goods and services of which they
cannot cover the costs of providing them.
The third problem is that of attribution. Many of the outcomes
which government (either local or national) seeks to affect are
influenced by other factors. Certain local authorities may find it
difficult to provide waste collection services because they are sparsely populated. It is important to remember that what we are interested in is
the marginal impact of the public sector. This accords with what is
often called 'value added'.
The problems of identifying the outputs and the lack of prices in
the public sector led to its output being measured by the amount of
money spent for a long time. Thus in the public sector, if nowhere else,
it could be said 'we must be doing better, we are spending
more'. Productivity measurement was, therefore, impossible by
Valuing local government outputs
There are two related reasons why is it so important to measure
prices. The first is to allow us to aggregate outputs--to add up apples
and oranges. In the private sector, the relative valuation of two
products or services is simple since under certain assumptions the
relative prices tell us all we need to know. The second use for prices
is to account for quality change. If the quality of a good in the
private sector improves over time, ceteris paribus, its price will
increase. Thus relative prices allow us to compare different goods
within and between years.
Products and services have a number of characteristics that are
valued by consumers, which are reflected in their prices (Deaton and
Muellbauer, 1980). For example, when we compare computers, we compare
CPU speed, memory, and hard-disc size; when we compare houses, we
consider the number of bedrooms, the floor-space, and the
characteristics of the neighbourhood. Turning to local government, the
characteristics of waste collection for example would include the
frequency of collection, whether waste is collected from the home or the
roadside, and aspects of recycling. The characteristics of library
services might include the number, type and availability of items. In
the hedonic pricing literature the implicit prices of the attributes of
differentiated goods are derived by observing the joint variation of
product prices and bundles of product characteristics. The estimated
coefficients represent shadow prices of product attributes (i.e. the
value of an additional unit of attribute holding the other attributes
constant). The lack of prices for most publicly provided goods do not
allow us to do this.
There are essentially five ways that one might overcome the lack of
prices for public sector outputs. First, one might use prices from
similar services operated in the private sector. Second, one might try
to replicate the market by considering the impact of public services on
outcomes. Third, we can use the costs of providing the services. Fourth,
one could use value judgement weights. Finally, we could use the pattern
of outputs or activities that are actually provided by authorities to
impute shadow prices implicitly used by providers. Each of these methods
has its strengths and weaknesses.
A common way to overcome the lack of prices in the analysis of the
public sector is to ignore the problem. That is, one can use a method
that does not require weights to be defined and allow the data to
determine them. Thus we use the outcome of managerial and policy
decisions by service providers implicitly to calculate the shadow prices
of each output or activity that was used to determine levels of
provision. This is the tacit assumption made in efficiency analysis
using methods such as data envelopment analysis, although it is seldom
declared so baldly (see Stone, 2002, for an honourable exception).
Local government in England
An important question--and one that goes beyond the scope of this
paper--is why we have local government in the first place. In a large
part, the division of labour between central and local government is a
product of history rather than design (McLean, 2005). Prior to the
Municipal Corporations Act 1835, some of the services provided by modern
day local authorities were provided by Justices of the Peace. The
current system of elected local government emerged in stages between
1983 and 1994.
Local authorities provide a wide range of services. These include,
in descending order of cost: school education, personal social services,
law and order, highways, fire services, libraries, waste collection and
planning. In this paper we will consider one example, library services.
This is because the available data describe a set of activities that
closely resemble a set of outputs. We will consider the efficiency with
which these services are provided using two common tools of analysis and
examine the impact of factors that are beyond the control of the
3. Frontier analysis
Techniques of frontier analysis have become popular tools in the
study of local government performance. (1) Frontier analysis determines
which are the most efficient units in the sample and then compares the
performance of all the others. In this paper we compare two commonly
applied techniques for efficiency analysis--stochastic frontier analysis
(SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). Both have their pros and cons
and so the most appropriate modelling strategy is likely to involve the
use and comparison of both techniques. Comparing the results from the
two methodologies has become common practice (Bjurek, Hjalmarsson and
Forsund 1990; De Borger and Kerstens, 1996; Vitaliano, 1997, 1998),
since it allows one to check the robustness of the resulting efficiency
We shall also tackle the problem of attribution outlined above by
considering the impact of exogenous factors (what are often called
'environmental', 'non-discretionary' or
'background variables') on the delivery of library services by
English Local Authorities. These factors can be particularly important
in determining the demand for and provision of local authority services.
(2) Both DEA and SFA can be extended to include background variables,
but there is no single, unambiguous way in which this might be done.
These variables can be used directly in the determination of the
frontier or they can be modelled as determinants of estimated efficiency
itself. This can be done as one exercise or by using a second step
regression of the efficiency scores. This two-step method, however, has
been criticised for producing biased estimates (Wang and Schmidt 2002).
Data Envelopment Analysis
Data Envelopment Analysis is a linear programming methodology that
has been widely used in the study of local authority performance, for
example in local education authorities (Bessent and Bessent, 1980;
Jesson and Mayston, 1989), and health authorities (Salinas-Jimenez and
Smith, 1996). DEA identifies the frontier using mathematical linear
Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Stochastic Frontier Analysis takes a statistical approach to
determining the unknown frontier required for calculating efficiency.
SFA allows for the existence of inefficiency by decomposing the residual
into two components. The first is a random error component, common to
most statistical regression analysis, whereas the second is an
efficiency component, which is assumed to be distributed in a given way
and independent of the random error term. SFA uses these assumptions
about the distribution of the error components to differentiate between
random errors and inefficiency.
Choosing the appropriate technique
One much touted advantage of DEA over SFA is that it does not
impose a particular functional form on the data. Another is that it can
also handle multiple input/ output technologies easily. This is a useful
feature in the analysis of local authority performance since
authorities, or departments thereof, usually provide more than one
service and, as we have seen, there are considerable difficulties in
converting them into a common metric, like the value of sales. This
advantage may have been overemphasised since we can consider the cost
(or expenditure) dual to the production frontier, which poses no problem
for SFA.
There are, however, some disadvantages with the DEA methodology,
which must be taken into account when one is undertaking the analysis.
First, a key problem with DEA is its heavy reliance on the accuracy of
the sample data; there is no allowance for stochastic errors. All
deviations from the frontier are treated as inefficiencies. Indeed, the
calculation of the frontier assumes that the DMUs operating at the
frontier in particular are not measured with error. If this is not the
case, it is possible that the frontier is defined largely by authorities
whose outputs are overstated and/or expenditure is understated due to
misreporting or other random influences on the data generation. This
will affect the efficiency scores of all firms for whom these
authorities define the relevant section of the frontier. (3)
In some circumstances a DMU may achieve a high efficiency score
merely by being different (in its input or output mix) from other units.
When the number of DMUs under consideration is small it is more likely
that this problem will occur. The relative efficiency score achieved by
each DMU can be sensitive to the number of inputs and outputs specified
(Sexton et al., 1986; Nunamaker, 1985). Consider the extreme example of
an authority that concentrates on one particular output to the exclusion
of others, and is the only authority to do so. It will automatically be
deemed to be efficient. This authority will be the most efficient at
using this input or producing this output, as there are no others with
which to compare it (Smith and Mayston, 1987). In general, the more
input and output variables are included in the model, the higher will be
the number of DMUs with an efficiency score equal to unity (Nunamaker,
1985). (4) This does not pose a problem for SFA since one can use
standard statistical tests to evaluate the performance of the model.
However, SFA crucially relies on the independence of the efficiency
scores from the frontier to decompose the error, which in certain
circumstances may not hold.
Accounting for background factors
The performance of a local authority in providing a particular
service depends partly on the ability of staff to provide the services
and the management to allocate resources efficiently and partly on the
particular environment where the authority operates. For example, in
areas with a high proportion of individuals for whom English is not the
first language, teachers must devote time and resources to make up for
any deficiency. Whilst these background factors can influence the
distance of an authority from the minimum cost frontier, since they have
no control over them, the inefficiency that they cause cannot be
considered to be the 'fault' of the authority. In this context
it is useful therefore to consider the inefficiency of an authority net
of these factors. Since DEA is a linear programming methodology and SFA
an econometric one, the methods whereby each one accommodates background
variables are necessarily different.
Accounting for background variables in DEA
Two ways of introducing background variables have been considered
in the existing literature. The first is to introduce such variables
directly in the computation of the DEA efficiency scores. In the DEA
analysis the linear programme will determine how much the discretionary
inputs can be reduced while keeping the exogenous (nondiscretionary)
ones fixed (Banker and Morey 1986). (5)
The second method used to introduce background variables is a
two-stage approach. In the first stage the DEA frontier is derived,
without accounting for the environmental effects. In the second stage a
truncated regression model for the predicted technical efficiencies is
formulated and the impact of the environmental variables is evaluated. A
large number of studies have used the two-stage method with DEA (Bjurek
et al. 1990; Chilingerian, 1995; Vitaliano, 1997, 1998; Worthington,
1999). However, this procedure will give biased results because the
model estimated at the first step is misspecified (Wang and Schmidt,
2002). Moreover, it is curious that one has used a linear programming
method to obtain the production technology and a statistical method to
decompose the calculated efficiency scores.
Theory is relatively quiet on 'where background variables
ought to go'. This is due in large part to the concentration of
researchers on those variables over which economic agents have some
control. Empirical researchers have included these variables to control
for 'other influences', but it is only with the arrival of
frontier analysis, which explicitly allows organisations to operate
within the production possibilities set or feasible cost set, that the
issue of the channels through which these factors exert their influence
has been forced to the surface once more. Methods of resolving this
problem have so far tended to be empirical rather than theoretical
(Coelli et al., 1999; Stevens, 2004).
Accounting for background variables in SFA
There are also two ways in which one can account for the influence
of background or environmental factors. The first is to include these
influences in the frontier itself. The second method is to include them
as determinants of the efficiency terms themselves. Note that some SFA
studies have also investigated the determinants of cost inefficiency by
regressing the predicted values of efficiency obtained from the
estimation of a stochastic cost frontier on a set of background
variables. An example of this in the context of the study of efficiency
in library services is Vitaliano (1997). However, as Kumbhakar, Ghosh
and McGulkin (1991) and Reifschneider and Stevenson (1991) have noted,
there is a significant problem with this approach. In the first stage,
the efficiency terms are assumed to be independently and identically
distributed, but in the second stage they are assumed to be a function
of these firm-specific factors, implying that they are not identically
distributed, unless all the coefficients of the factors are
simultaneously equal to zero. (6) Kumbhakar, Gosh and McGulkin (1991),
Reifschneider and Stevenson (1991) and Huang and Liu (1994) presented
models to overcome this problem by estimating both the frontier and
efficiency terms in one stage. In this study we will use the results
from Stevens (2005a) who utilises the model of Battese and Coelli
4. Data
Our data on expenditure and activities come from the 2000/1 Best
Value Performance Indicators and Standard Spending Assessment data
provided by the Department for Transport, Local Government and the
Regions (local government is now the responsibility of the Office of the
Deputy Prime Minister). These figures were initially presented as per
head of population, so they were converted back into real terms using
the resident population at midyear on 30 June 1998. The variables in
table 1 are fairly standard in the analysis of library performance
(Vitaliano, 1998; Worthington, 1999). (7) The activities [Q.sub.1A] to
[Q.sub.3] provide a fairly comprehensive measure of the output of local
authorities as providers of library services. One might perhaps argue
that the number of books and recordings available in the council's
libraries could be disaggregated to allow account to be taken of
differences by type of item. There are four types of LA that provide
library services: London Boroughs, Metropolitan Authorities, Unitary Councils and County Councils. By far the largest in terms of expenditure
are the County Councils, with the London Boroughs and Metropolitan
Authorities being of similar size. (8) In our estimation we will include
a dummy variable to identify differences in costs by local authority
type. Whilst it is possible for different types of authority to be
inherently more or less costly than others we do not in this paper
consider this as part of the exogenous determinants of efficiency, but
rather interpret any significant difference as a topic worthy of further
The background variables that we will take into account in our
analysis are presented in table 2. The first factor is population
density, KIDDENS, measured by the population per hectare, since this is
likely to affect the ability of the authority to concentrate provision
in a small number of central libraries. Conversely, sparsely populated
local authorities may have to provide mobile library services to cover
large areas. We include two socio-economic indicators: the percentage of
the population who are income deprived, as defined by the Income Domain
of the Index of Deprivation (Noble et al, 2000), INCIID); and the
percentage of the population for whom English is a second language. The
next two variables account for differences in the age profile of the
population, the percentage of the population who are aged five to
fifteen years of age, YOUNGPOP, and the percentage who are aged over
sixty-five years, OLDPOP. We also include dummy variables for LA type
(the baseline LA type is Unitary Authority).
5. Results
First we outline the results using the SFA models, next the DEA
models and finally we compare the predictions of efficiency with each
other. Before we continue, it is important to note that the efficiency
scores themselves represent the ratio of observed expenditure to the
minimum feasible expenditure required to produce the set of outputs Q.
Therefore they are bounded below by one, which signifies that the
authority lies on the minimum cost frontier.
Stochastic Frontier Analysis
The results of the stochastic frontier analysis are presented in
table 3. (9) In column (1) we present the results of the specification
excluding background variables. Column (2) presents the results for the
stochastic frontier with the background variables included in the
frontier. Column (3) present the results for the models including the
background variables in the efficiency determinants.
In all specifications the coefficients on the four output measures
have the expected positive sign, although the coefficient on
In[Q.sub.1A] is insignificantly different from zero in the column (1).
This is the specification which excludes the background variables in
either the frontier or the set of efficiency determinants and leads us
to believe that this insignificance 1s due to misspecification.
Neglecting to account for the influence of these environmental factors
might lead one to conclude that the cost of running libraries is
unrelated to the number of books issued!
Turning to the impact of the background variables, we see that when
they are included the size and significance of the coefficients on the
authority type dummies are reduced. This suggests that much of the
apparent variation between authority types is due to the different
environments in which they operate.
The direction and significance of the effect of the background
variables are consistent across specifications. The only exception is
the effect of population density. The results for model (2) suggest that
there is no significant direct relationship between population density
and expenditure on library services. The results for model (3) suggest
that there may be an indirect one: libraries serving densely populated
areas have higher levels of inefficiency. Costs are lower in authorities
with a large young population (under 16) as well as a large portion of
over 65s. Authorities serving in more deprived areas tend to have higher
costs ceteris paribus. These results do not depend on whether we
consider their influence to be a direct one (influencing costs via the
cost frontier itself) or indirect (influencing costs via their effect on
inefficiency). We find no significant effect of the proportion of the
population for whom English is the second language on costs. One
explanation for this is the fact that this variable is highly correlated with income deprivation.
We can examine the effect of our model specification on the
estimated efficiency scores themselves by considering table 4. For model
(3) we calculate both gross and net efficiency scores, i.e. both
including and excluding the effect of the environmental factors, with an
asterisk denoting that the scores are net of environmental factors. (10)
Thus the figures for model (1) and model (3) are fairly comparable,
since none of the three have the environmental effects removed; also,
Models (2) and (3)* both take account of these factors.
As one would expect, the efficiency scores for model (1) and the
gross efficiency scores for model (3) are the closest to each other,
although there is less variation in the scores for model (1). These
three models have similar means, with the average authority having costs
just over 20 per cent above the minimum possible for their set of
outputs. All three models suggest that some authorities are spending
twice as much as they could be.
The scores for Model (2) and the net efficiency scores (3) * are on
average much lower than those for the scores excluding the effects of
the environment. Our results suggest that, once one accounts for the
influence of environmental factors, authorities are, on average,
spending between 3 and 10 per cent more than the feasible minimum to
provide their library services. Note that the conclusions one draws
about the potential for cost savings is quite different if one considers
the effect of environmental factors to be on the technology of
production (the minimum cost frontier) or on the efficiency with which
authorities provide a given set of outputs.
Data Envelopment Analysis
We calculate six DEA models. The first three are the DEA analogue to model (1) above. That is, they include expenditure as the sole input
and the four outputs of library services ([Q.sub.1A]-[Q.sub.3]). Models
are calculated for the constant returns to scale model (model (5c)), the
input-orientated variable returns to scale model (model (5vi)) and the
output orientated variable returns to scale model (model (5vo)). The
second three models include background variables as non-discretionary
inputs (models (6c), (6vi) and (6vo)). Again we calculate constant
returns to scale, input- and output-orientated variable returns to scale
models. We use the scores obtained in models (5c), (5vi) and (5vo) as
the basis for a second stage analysis of the effects of the background
variables using a truncated (tobit) regression.
The results of the tobit analysis of the determinants of the gross
efficiency scores for models (5c) (5vi) and (5vo) are presented in table
5. The pseudo-[R.sup.2] suggests that around half of the variance of the
efficiency scores can be explained by the background variables. The
signs, significance and relative sizes of the coefficients are similar
to those for both of the stochastic frontier models with background
variables included, which is reassuring.
The efficiency scores generated by the DEA are described in table
5. The rows denoted with an asterisk represent the background-adjusted
efficiency scores based on the results of the tobit estimation. These
are rescaled so that the minimum predicted value now lies on the
frontier. What is most apparent from our analysis is the fact that the
efficiency scores from the DEA are very different from those predicted
by the SFA. The mean efficiency scores are much higher, and the standard
deviations are also generally greater.
The descriptive statistics only tell part of the story. The
pertinent question is whether the scores bear any relation to each
other. Since we have seen that the results will be misleading if we
exclude the influence of external factors, we concentrate on the models
that include the background variables. There is a statistically
significant correlation between all of the efficiency scores. This at
least shows that we are not producing white noise and that our models do
indeed tell us something about the performance of these local
authorities. The two SFA models have very similar predictions to each
other, suggesting that the way we choose to model the influence of
background variables has a minimal influence on our results. Since we
only have one input, it is little surprise to discover that the constant
return to scale and input-orientated variable returns to scale DEA
models are very highly correlated. However, the degree of correlation
between the two methods of accounting for background variables in DEA is
much lower. What is often considered important from a governance
perspective is the ranking of organisations. They often appear to be
used by the general public to assess performance, often more so than the
indicators on which rankings are based. Such rankings are used to divide
organisations into high and low performers and so it is less reassuring
to discover that the (Spearman) rank correlation between the efficiency
scores obtained from the different methods of analysis are lower than
the (Pearson) correlations.
6. Discussion
We have considered the effect of using two alternative
methodologies--SFA and DEA--that are very common in the analysis of
efficiency in the private sector and have become increasingly so in the
public sector. We have found that the predicted efficiencies we obtain
from each of these methods bear some resemblance to each other in that
they are correlated with each other, but are quite dissimilar in the
level of inefficiency--and hence the potential for cost savings--that
they imply. We have also found that if we ignore the circumstances in
which the local authority operates, we will overestimate considerably
the level of inefficiency in the authorities and the sector as a whole.
In order to put the implications of our results in terms of the
potential for cost savings in some context, consider table 8. It is
clear that the choice of method has a considerable impact on the scope
for reducing local authority spending. The DEA methods imply much
greater potential cost savings than the SFA estimates. Using the SFA
method without accounting for the influence of exogenous factors, we
would predict that local authorities could reduce their spending by 20
per cent whilst still maintaining the same level of service. However,
much of this is due to the effect of the background variables, in
particular the age structure and income of the population the authority
services, and also possibly its density. The estimated effect of these
variables depends on whether one considers them to be direct cost
drivers or determinants of efficiency. This assumption has only a minor
influence on the rankings of authorities but a larger one on the
opportunity for reducing expenditure. Once we account for the
environment in which the authority operates, the scope for cost savings
may fall as low as 3 per cent.
The results of applying the DEA methodologies have very different
implications for the reduction of local government expenditure. They
suggest that, even once one accounts for the influence of the
characteristics of the authorities' population, there is scope for
expenditure to be reduced by over one-fifth.
Library services are an area of local authority provision where we
can perhaps more closely observe the true outputs of local government
because the measured activities represent the outputs fairly well. This
is not to say there are not important aspects of library services that
are excluded. Part of the service that one would expect from a library
is aid in choosing and finding the appropriate items. In the private
sector, people would be willing to pay a premium to libraries that
increased the likelihood of them obtaining the book or recording they
required. In the absence of such a measure, it is possible that what
appears to be inefficiency could merely be certain authorities providing
more of this kind of service. Indeed, one could imagine that at
libraries that do not offer this service, the number of items issued was
inflated due to people either taking more than they needed because they
were unsure if a particular item would meet their requirements or
returning to replace items that did not do so. The marginal impact of
library services on people's lives is to provide access to the
appropriate media.
The problems caused by omitted variables are not unique to library
services. An analogy to one of the problems outlined above is the case
of hospital readmission. If patients are readmitted to hospital because
the treatment they received was substandard, this would appear as an
additional output.
In conclusion, frontier techniques such as DEA and SFA provide a
useful tool for the analysis of service provision in local government
and in the public sector more generally, but they do not provide a
silver bullet. As with all empirical techniques, they are only as good
as the analyst that uses them. It is important to be aware of precisely
what it is that is being produced by the organisation and understand the
impact of the omission of indicators of particular aspects.
On the surface such methods appear to overcome the problem of
aggregation. However, the question still remains as to whether it is
appropriate to consider the question 'what are the appropriate
weights?' as being purely (or rather merely) a technical one. The
call to 'let the data do the talking' is in many ways an
admirable one, but it must be understood precisely what the data are
telling us. The data cannot tell us what the weights ought to be, merely
what the implicit weights were to create the outcomes observed. Because
of this such methods cannot tell us the true performance of an
organisation without the specification of proper weights.
In the linear programming literature, this requires the definition
and imposition of weights in the linear program. In the econometric cost
function paradigm, of which the stochastic frontier methodology is a
part, the marginal costs of producing an output are taken to be
exogenous, defined by the production technology. Moreover, the levels of
output themselves are taken to be exogenous. What do these assumptions
imply for the measures of efficiency we calculate?
The efficiency scores calculated by a stochastic cost frontier are
made up of technical efficiency--getting the most outputs for a given
set of inputs, or using the least inputs to produce a given set of
outputs--and allocative efficiency--choosing the inputs and outputs in
the correct proportions, given their relative prices. There are a number
of problems here for the public sector performance analyst.
Consider the process of how public sector organisations operate.
First they have a constituency; this defines the scale of the operation.
The size and make-up of this constituency determines the potential as
well as actual demand for their services. For local authorities, many of
the characteristics of their constituency are exogenous factors, the
remainder they can only control in the longer term and are more
correctly considered quasi-fixed as adjustment is not costless. Local
authorities cannot move to other areas, or refuse to serve parts of
their community. They may have some influence on geographical
boundaries, but these are determined ultimately by central government.
Over the longer term, the authority may influence the socio-economic
makeup of its constituency, through its policy decisions, although there
are boundaries to the extent to which a local authority's education
strategy for example can influence the incomes of its population; much
of any increase is likely to be captured by other authorities as well
educated people move to more affluent areas.
All this suggests that the activities and outputs are to some
extent exogenous. Nevertheless, authorities still have some control over
both the quantity and the quality of the services they provide. The
minimum leaving age and the population determine the number of pupils
taught in compulsory school, but not how many exams they pass or the
knowledge that they gain. Before we can consider the calculation of
performance in the public sector to be a purely technical matter, what
is needed is a technique that can better account for the level of
control organisations have over their inputs and outputs and the
environment in which they operate, and a set of weights that reflects
the impact of these outputs consumers.
Table 1. Inputs and outputs
Variable Mean Std Dev
[Q.sub.1A] Number of books issued by the
authority's libraries 2,678,115 2,335,234
[Q.sub.1B] Number of other items issued by
the authority's libraries 217,276 196,061
[Q.sub.2] Number of visits to public
libraries 2,004,709 1,624,734
[Q.sub.3] Number of books and recordings
available in the council's
libraries 389,163 264,880
E Net expenditure on libraries 4,217,533 2,817,699
Local authority types
LONDON London Borough 0.22 0.41
METRO Metropolitan Authority 0.25 0.44
UNITARY Unitary Authority 0.30 0.46
COUNTY County Council 0.23 0.42
Variable Min Max
[Q.sub.1A] Number of books issued by the
authority's libraries 272,322 13,600,000
[Q.sub.1B] Number of other items issued by
the authority's libraries 12,849 1,100,455
[Q.sub.2] Number of visits to public
libraries 170,960 9,735,791
[Q.sub.3] Number of books and recordings
available in the council's 33,193 1,665,005
E Net expenditure on libraries 372,971 16,200,000
Local authority types
LONDON London Borough 0 1
METRO Metropolitan Authority 0 1
UNITARY Unitary Authority 0 1
COUNTY County Council 0 1
Table 2. Background variables
Variable London Metropolitan
Borough Authority
KIDDENS Population per hectare 61.34 20.05
(31.60) (9.65)
INCIID % of the population who 0.248 0.296
are income deprived (0.106) (0.063)
YOUNGPOP % population aged 5-15 0.137 0.148
(0.019) (0.008)
OLDPOP % population aged over 65 0.129 0.155
(0.018) (0.013)
E2L % population with English 0.244 0.063
as a second language (0.138) (0.067)
Variable Unitary County
Authority Council
KIDDENS Population per hectare 18.6 2.555
(15.61) (1.43)
INCIID % of the population who 0.232 0.168
are income deprived (0.082) (0.036)
YOUNGPOP % population aged 5-15 0.146 0.138
(0.012) (0.005)
OLDPOP % population aged over 65 0.151 0.171
(0.029) (0.024)
E2L % population with English 0.053 0.018
as a second language (0.081) (0.018)
Variable Total
KIDDENS Population per hectare 24.49
INCIID % of the population who 0.237
are income deprived (0.087)
YOUNGPOP % population aged 5-15 0.143
OLDPOP % population aged over 65 0.152
E2L % population with English 0.089
as a second language (0.119)
Table 3. Results--stochastic frontier analysis
(1) (2) (3)
CONSTANT 2.622 *** 3.87 *** 1.710 ***
(0.661) (0.597) (0.483)
ln[Q.sub.1A] 0.166 0.375 *** 0.467 ***
(0.133) (0.088) (0.079)
ln[Q.sub.1B] 0.093 ** 0.080 ** 0.069 **
(0.045) (0.036) (0.032)
ln[Q.sub.2] 0.366 *** 0.231 *** 0.198 ***
(0.098) (0.078) (0.075)
ln[Q.sub.3] 0.277 *** 0.183 *** 0.216 ***
(0.056) (0.052) (0.046)
LONDON 0.172 *** 0.104 * 0.124 *
(0.061) (0.061) (0.063)
METRO 0.110 ** 0.081 * 0.032
(0.052) (0.045) (0.061)
COUNTY -0.070 0.150 -0.115 *
(0.081) (0.092) (0.066)
Background variables Frontier Efficiency
LNKIDDENS 0.032 0.201 **
(0.025) (0.094)
YOUNGPOP -6.060 *** -7.259 ***
(1.713) (2.631)
OLDPOP -3.868 *** -7.965 *
(0.869) (2.376)
E2L 0.074 -0.486
(0.221) (0.386)
INCIID 1.664 *** 2.397 ***
(0.308) (0.548)
CONSTANT 1.046 *
[gamma] 0.915 *** 0.752 *** 0.611 ***
(0.080) (0.159) (0.163)
Log likelihood 19.268 66.787 62.109
Observations 139 139 139
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. * significant at 10%;
** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. [gamma] is an indicator
of (although not exactly equal to) the proportion of the overall
variance explained by inefficiency.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of efficiency scores (SFA)
Min Max Mean s.d.
Model (1) 1.038 2.200 1.203 0.182
Model (2) 1.034 1.434 1.096 0.055
Model (3) 1.017 2.753 1.223 0.343
Model (3) * 1.012 1.245 1.028 0.025
Note: Model (3) * represents the net efficiency scores of model (3).
Table 5. Results: tobit estimation of DEA scores
(Model 5)
LKIDDENS -0.001 -0.003 -0.009
(0.045) (0.045) (0.041)
YOUNGPOP -11.572 *** -12.189 *** -11.117 ***
(3.279) (3.227) (2.944)
OLDPOP -7.502 *** -7.043 *** -6.771 ***
(1.714) (1.686) (1.538)
INCIID 3.145 *** 3.292 *** 2.916 ***
(0.543) (0.541) (0.493)
E2L -0.069 -0.151 -0.192
(0.436) (0.428) (0.390)
LONDON 0.145 0.253 0.266 *
(0.157) (0.159) (0.144)
METROPOLITAN 0.145 0.221 * 0.200 *
(0.122) (0.124) (0.113)
UNITARY 0.016 0.083 0.133
(0.107) (0.110) (0.100)
CONSTANT 3.504 *** 3.367 *** 3.240 ***
(0.612) (0.601) (0.548)
Pseudo [R.sup.2] 0.482 0.506 0.556
Log likelihood -53.043) -53.005 -42.154
Observations 139 139 139
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. * significant at 10%;
** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Table 6. Descriptive statistics of efficiency scores (DEA)
Min Max Mean s.d. Frontier
Model (5c) 1 4.039 1.536 0.473 8
Model (5vi) 1 3.805 1.482 0.457 17
Model (5vo) 1 3.611 1.452 0.412 17
Model (5c) * 1 2.391 1.478 0.302 1
Model (5vi) * 1 2.096 1.326 0.236 1
Model (5vo) * 1 2.397 1.458 0.312 1
Model (6c) 1 4.039 1.412 0.496 42
Model (6vi) 1 3.805 1.345 0.460 54
Model (6vo) 1 2.649 1.157 0.214 54
Notes: Models marked with a * represent the net efficiency scores of
the respective models, based on the estimation presented in table 5
rescaled so that the minimum = 1.
Table 7. Correlations between efficiency scores
Model (3) * Model (5c) * Model (5vi) *
Pearson correlations
Model (2) 0.875 0.815 0.787
Model (3) * 1 0.766 0.756
Model (5c) * 1 0.957
Model (5vi) * 1
Model (5vo) *
Model (6c)
Model (6vi)
Spearman rank
correlations 1
Model (2) 0.894 0.570 0.509
Model (3) * 1 0.625 0.565
Model (5c) * 1 0.910
Model (5vi) * 1
Model (5vo) *
Model (6c)
Model (6vi)
Model (5vo) * Model (6c) Model (6vi)
Pearson correlations
Model (2) 0.543 0.562 0.544
Model (3) * 0.580 0.567 0.555
Model (5c) * 0.781 0.603 0.600
Model (5vi) * 0.830 0.590 0.586
Model (5vo) * 1 0.377 0.378
Model (6c) 1 0.997
Model (6vi) 1
Spearman rank
Model (2) 0.438 0.356 0.345
Model (3) * 0.475 0.578 0.574
Model (5c) * 0.853 0.499 0.507
Model (5vi) * 0.945 0.487 0.493
Model (5vo) * 1 0.388 0.394
Model (6c) 1 0.996
Model (6vi) 1
Model (6vo)
Pearson correlations
Model (2) 0.539
Model (3) * 0.554
Model (5c) * 0.591
Model (5vi) * 0.574
Model (5vo) * 0.371
Model (6c) 0.993
Model (6vi) 0.996
Spearman rank
Model (2) 0.352
Model (3) * 0.586
Model (5c) * 0.494
Model (5vi) * 0.469
Model (5vo) * 0.370
Model (6c) 0.990
Model (6vi) 0.994
Note: All correlations significant at the 1% level.
Table 8. Implied potential cost savings
Potential cost savings
Model (1) 21%
Model (2) 9%
Model (3) * 3%
Model (5c) 30%
Model (5vi) 26%
Model (5c) * 29%
Model (5vi) * 21%
Model (6c) 22%
Model (6vi) 20%
(1) For example, Ganley and Cubbin (1992) and O'Mahony et al.
(2001); see Worthington and Dollery (2000) for an extensive review of
earlier work on the topic.
(2) For example, it is not appropriate to compare the raw cost and
outcome of social services in a deprived inner city area with the social
services provided in a rural area, where the population may be older and
more dispersed (Smith and Mayston, 1987).
(3) For example, consider three authorities using the same level
expenditure who would, if it were not for random influences, be
producing the same outputs. However, because of these unmeasured random
influences (say different weather conditions) one is producing a little
more of one output and another authority is producing a little less.
This would mean that the frontier would be defined by the authority
'overproducing' and the other two authorities would appear
inefficient and the efficiency scores for those authorities for whom
these frontier authorities would be examples of best practice would be
inflated. Moreover, because of the peculiar way in which DEA constructs
the frontier, this may even make authorities elsewhere appear
inefficient who are not so.
(4) It has been suggested, as a general rule of thumb, that it is
advisable to ensure that the number of DMUs is at least three times the
combined number of inputs and outputs (Banker et al., 1989). Smith
(1997), using a Monte Carlo simulation framework, finds that a larger
sample gets closer to the true efficiency. Also, as we have seen,
efficiency scores increase with an increasing number of inputs and the
more so with small samples. Hence large sample and parsimonious models
can reduce the impact of the various problematic issues underlined
(5) Some studies have treated the environmental factors as normal
inputs and outputs and they have been proportionally increased/decreased
in the linear programme (Ganley and Cubbin, 1992; Smith and Mayston,
1987). However, the methodology described by Banker and Morey (1986) is
more suitable to account for those factors that the local authority
cannot modify.
(6) For more on this subject see Coelli, Rao and Battese (1998),
chapter 8.
(7) In a previous version of this paper we tried to use user
satisfaction measures, provided by the 2001 BVPI (Best Value Performance
Indicators). The inclusion of such indicators would have provided an
evaluation of the cost effectiveness of the local authority, rather than
the most restrictive measure of cost efficiency. However, the impact of
these indicators was never statistically significant and they were
therefore dropped from the analysis.
(8) More information on how these indicators vary by authority type
is presented in Stevens (2005b).
(9) These results are discussed in more detail in Stevens (2005a)
along with comparison with further specifications of the SFA model.
(10) Note that the local authority type is not included in the set
of background variables in the calculation of the net efficiency scores.
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Philip Andrew Stevens, National Institute of Economic and Social
Research. e-mail:
[email protected]. This paper originates in work
undertaken at the Institute on local authority cost effectiveness on
behalf of the DETR, DTLR and ODPM. I would like thank Mary
O'Mahony, Hiroko Plant, Michela Vecchi, Martin Weale, Willem de
Boer and participants at the NIESR conference on 'Productivity and
Performance in the Provision of Public Services' at the British
Academy for help and comments. All mistakes remain the author's