Cross-country empirical studies of systemic bank distress: a survey.
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Detragiache, Enrica
A rapidly growing empirical literature is studying the causes and
consequences of bank fragility in contemporary economies. The paper
reviews the two basic methodologies adopted in cross-country empirical
studies, the signals approach and the multivariate probability model,
and their application to study the determinants of banking crises. The
use of these models to provide early warnings for crises is also
reviewed, as are studies of the economic effects of banking crises and
of the policies to forestall them. The paper concludes by identifying
directions for future research.
Keywords: Banking crises; financial fragility.
JEL classification: E44, G21
I. Introduction
Until recently, research on banking crises was inspired mostly by
the experiences of the 19th and early 20th century. In particular, the
field was dominated by studies of the Great Depression, when numerous
and catastrophic bank failures occurred around the world. (1) Beginning
in the 1990s, a resurgence of banking crises provided new impetus and
new materials to researchers, and a rapidly growing literature is
studying the causes and consequences of bank fragility in contemporary
economies. This paper surveys this work and tries to highlight
directions for future research.
The paper is organised as follows: the next section reviews the
basic facts about the recent wave of financial crises. Section 3
presents the two basic methodologies adopted in cross-country empirical
studies of the determinants of banking crises, and Section 4 discusses
how these models have been used for crisis prediction. Section 5 reviews
the literature and evidence on how various factors contribute to bank
fragility. Section 6 surveys work on the economic effects of banking
crises. Section 7 concludes by pointing to some of the issues that
further research could usefully focus on.
2. The resurgence of financial instability in the 1990s
Following the financial disasters of the 1920s and '30s, the
postwar years marked a return to economic and financial stability, and
banking crises were rare and isolated events. A calm macroeconomic environment, favourable economic growth, low inflation, and pervasive
controls on international capital flows contributed to financial
stability. Also, in many countries, including the more free-market
oriented ones, bankers' freedom of action remained severely
restricted by watchful central banks, wielding a wide array of
regulatory powers to control the quantity and price of credit.
Following the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system and the first
oil shock, macroeconomic stability became elusive. But even during the
turbulent 1970s the banking sector remained sound in most countries,
perhaps thanks to the low (indeed negative) real interest rates and the
persistent regulatory straightjacket.
Once lax monetary policy was abandoned, real interest skyrocketed,
and credit markets began to be liberalised in the early 1980s, several
financial crises broke out in Latin America and other developing
countries, often accompanied by widespread bank distress. Most
explanations for these crises, however, focused on fiscal profligacy,
external shocks, and exchange rate policy as the main culprits, while
bank fragility continued to garner little attention. An important
exception was Diaz-Alejandro's (1985) masterful account of the
Chilean crisis. As the title unambiguously indicates (Goodbye financial
repression, hello financial crash), this paper traced the roots of the
Chilean crisis directly to the banking system and its botched privatisation in the late 1970s.
If bankers might have been innocent by-standers during the LDC debt
crises of the 1980s, this was certainly not the case in the US Savings
and Loans debacle which unfolded during the same period. This episode
demonstrated how the erosion of bank capital following financial
liberalisation, generous deposit insurance, and ineffective regulation
could conspire to make gambling and looting an optimal business strategy
for scores of bank managers (Kane, 1989; Akerlof and Romer, 1993).
Though US tax-payers eventually shouldered a large fiscal cost, the
macroeconomic effects of the S&L episode were negligible.
With the arrival of the 1990s, financial crises in which the
banking sector played centre stage and macroeconomic consequences were
sharp and--at times--protracted, became more and more widespread. In the
Scandinavian countries currency devaluation and falling asset prices
caused banking crises and economic slowdown (Drees and Pazarbasioglu,
1998). In Japan the collapse of the asset price bubble rendered most of
the banking sector insolvent, though open bank failures remained rare.
Regulatory forbearance and lax monetary policy allowed the process of
balance sheet repair to stretch over more than a decade, and banks
continued to finance poorly performing firms (Hoshi and Kashyap, 2004).
After over 40 years of rapid expansion, Japanese growth ground to a halt
in 1992, and has yet to recover.
The crisis that perhaps contributed the most to put bank health
squarely on the list of the key components of macroeconomic stability
was the Tequila crisis, which began in Mexico in December 1994. In
contrast to the earlier Latin American experiences, before the crisis
the Mexican Government finances appeared mostly sound. Nonetheless, the
combination of a faltering banking system, dollar-denominated debt, and
political shocks resulted in the devaluation of the currency and
financial meltdown (see, for instance, Calvo, 1996, and Edwards and
Vogh, 1997). Eventually, the cost of bailing out the banks reached
almost 20 per cent of GDP; despite the generous rescue, bank credit to
the private sector and economic growth in Mexico remain lacklustre to
this day. If the Tequila episode had left any observer in doubt about
the dangers of bank fragility, the East Asian crises of 1997-8 drove the
point home; even economies with sound public finances and a spectacular
growth record could be brought to their knees within a few months, as
banks buckled, depositors lost confidence, asset prices collapsed, and
foreign capital inflows evaporated (see, for instance, Lindgren et al.,
The banking crises of the 1990s spurred numerous case studies, some
descriptive and some econometric, of specific banking crisis episodes,
as well as several attempts to draw generalisations from individual
experiences. (2) They also stimulated more systematic efforts to assess
bank fragility around the world. In 1996 the IMF and the World Bank
published comprehensive studies of bank distress in their member
countries (Lindgren, Garcia, and Saal, 1996 and Caprio and Klingebiel,
1996). This led to the remarkable discovery that a full three-quarters
of the membership had experienced significant banking problems during
1980-96. These studies showed that the extent and nature of the problems
varied substantially, including cases of insolvency of one or two large
banks and situations in which loss-making government-owned institutions
needed chronic recapitalisation. But weaknesses extended to all regions
of the world and levels of development. Bank fragility was pervasive and
multifaceted, a phenomenon ripe for more systematic empirical
The surveys provided the raw material to construct a sample, while
economic theories and case studies suggested mechanisms and channels
through which economic conditions and structural characteristics might
impact bank stability. In the rest of the paper we will summarise the
main methodological approaches, results, and open questions in
cross-country studies of banking crises.
3. Two econometric approaches to identifying the determinants of
banking crises
The signals approach
The signals approach, originally developed to identify turning
points in business cycles, was first applied to banking crises by
Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999). This study focuses on the phenomenon of
the 'twin crises', namely the simultaneous occurrence of
currency and banking crises. To this end, the paper documents the
incidence of currency, banking, and twin crises in a sample of twenty
industrial and emerging countries 1970-95. Currency crises are
identified based on an index of market turbulence developed by
Eichengreen et al. (1995), while the onset of a banking crises is
assumed to coincide with depositor runs leading to the closure or
takeover of one or more banks, or with large-scale government
intervention to assist, take over, merge, or close one or more financial
institutions, leading to more intervention elsewhere in the financial
Currency crises are found to be much more frequent than banking
crises in the sample (76 episodes versus 26); of these, 19 episodes are
twin crises, so a wide majority of banking crises is also accompanied by
an exchange rate crash. However, because the sample was chosen to
include only countries with fixed or heavily managed exchange rates for
which currency crashes are more common, the sample selection criterion
may overemphasise the importance of the exchange rate for banking
The second step in Kaminsky and Reinhart's analysis is to
describe the behavior of fifteen macroeconomic variables in the 24
months preceding and following crises and compare it with the behaviour
during tranquil times. Concerning banking crises, the main indications
emerging from the data are that in the months preceding a crisis
monetary growth and interest rates (both lending and deposit rates) are
above normal, suggesting a high level of demand for money and credit.
Among external balance indicators, export growth appears below trend
before banking crises, and the real exchange rate is appreciating.
Finally, real output growth falls below trend about eight months before
the peak of the banking crisis, while stock prices peak at about the
same time. This suggests that banking crises are preceded by a cyclical downturn.
The third part of Kaminsky and Reinhart's study is a more
formal econometric investigation of the factors associated with the
onset of crises using the signals approach. According to this
methodology, the behaviour of each relevant variable during the 24
months prior to a crisis is contrasted with the behaviour during
'tranquil' times. A variable is deemed to signal a crisis any
time it crosses a particular threshold. If the signal is followed by a
crisis within the next 24 months it is considered correct; otherwise it
is a false alarm. The threshold for each variable is chosen to minimise
the in-sample noise-to-signal ratio. (3) Finally, the performance of
each signal is compared based on three yardsticks: the associated type I
and type II error (probability of missing a crisis and probability of a
false signal, respectively), the noise-to-signal ratio, and the
probability of a crisis occurring conditional on a signal being issued.
Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999) find that for banking crises the
indicator with the lowest noise-to-signal ratio and the highest
probability of crisis conditional on the signal is the appreciation of
the real exchange rate, followed by equity prices and the money
multiplier. These three indicators, however, have a large incidence of
type I error, as they fail to issue a signal in 73-79 per cent of the
observations during the 24 months preceding a crisis. The incidence of
type II error, on the other hand, is much lower, ranging between 8 and 9
per cent. The variable with the lowest type I error is the real interest
rate, which signals in 30 per cent of the pre-crisis observations.
Another interesting finding is that indicators reflecting developments
in the real rather than the monetary sector seem to be more closely
associated with banking crises rather than currency crises. In addition,
twin crises are preceded by more acute 'warning signs' than
individual crises and have more protracted adverse effects.
The multivariate logit approach
With the signals approach each possible covariate is considered in
isolation, and the econometric model does not provide a way to aggregate
the information provided by each indicator. What should be done if one
indicator signals a crisis but another does not? Another difficulty is
that, by focusing only on whether or not the variable in question has
crossed the crucial threshold, the methodology ignores a lot of
information in the data; whether an indicator is barely above the
threshold rather than well above it is presumably important in assessing
fragility, but the signals method does not make use of this information.
An alternative methodology to study the covariates of banking
crisis, which remedies some of these problems, is the multivariate logit
approach developed by Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998). With this
approach, the probability that a crisis occurs is assumed to be a
function of a vector of explanatory variables. A logit econometric model
is fitted to the data and an estimate of the crisis probability is
obtained by maximising the likelihood function. Thus, the model produces
a summary measure of fragility (the estimated probability of crisis)
which makes the best possible use of the information in the explanatory
variables (subject to the hypothesised functional form).
More formally, in each period the country is either experiencing a
crisis or it is not. Accordingly, the dependent variable takes the value
zero if there is no crisis and takes the value one if there is a crisis.
The probability that a crisis will occur at a particular time in a
particular country is hypothesised to be a function of a vector of n
explanatory variables X(i, t). Letting P(i, t) denote the banking crisis
dummy variable, [beta] denote a vector of n unknown coefficients, and
F([beta]'X(i,t)) denote the cumulative probability distribution function evaluated at [beta]'X(i, t), the log-likelihood function
of the model is:
In L = [[summation].sub.t=1..T]
[[summation].sub.i=1..n]{P(i,t)ln[F([beta]'X(I,t))] +(1 -
p(i,t))ln[1 - F([beta]'X(i,t))]]}.
The probability distribution F is assumed to be logistic. Thus, the
estimated coefficients reflect the effect of a change in an explanatory
variable on ln(P(i,t)/(1-P(i,t)). Therefore, the increase in the
probability depends upon the original probability, and thus upon the
initial values of all the independent variables and their coefficients.
An important methodological issue is how to deal with observations
following the onset of a banking crisis, when the behaviour of some of
the explanatory variables is likely to be affected by the crisis itself.
For instance, the real interest rate might fall due to the loosening of
monetary policy that often accompanies banking sector rescue operations.
Clearly, this type of feed-back effect would muddle the relationships;
to avoid this problem, years during which the crisis is unfolding are
typically excluded from the sample.
Another key element of our study was the construction of the
banking crisis dummy variable. Beginning from a sample of all the
countries in the world, economies in transition were excluded based on
the view that the problems in these countries were of a special nature.
The following step was to identify all episodes of banking sector
distress, drawing from the surveys of Caprio and Klingebiel (1996) and
Lindgren et al. (1996) and from other case studies. To distinguish
between fragility in general and crises in particular, and between
localised crises and systemic crises, we established--somewhat
arbitrarily--that for an episode of distress to be classified as a
full-fledged crisis in our panel, at least one of the following four
conditions had to hold: the ratio of nonperforming assets to total
assets in the banking system exceeded 10 per cent; the cost of the
rescue operation was at least 2 per cent of GDP; banking sector problems
had led to a large scale nationalisation of banks; extensive bank runs
took place or emergency measures such as deposit freezes, prolonged bank
holidays, or generalised deposit guarantees were enacted by the
Government in response to the crisis.
Table 1 shows a version of the regressions in our 1998 paper, in
which the sample has been extended through 2002 and to include more
countries. The number of crises episodes in the baseline specification
has risen from 31 to 77, a sizable improvement (table 2). (4) The
findings are by and large consistent with those of the earlier paper,
indicating that the relationships are fairly robust.
Low GDP growth, high real interest rates, and high inflation are
significantly correlated with the occurrence of a banking crisis. Thus,
crises tend to manifest themselves during periods of weak economic
growth and loss of monetary control. Exposure to real interest rate risk
is also a source of banking fragility. This is consistent with the view
that higher and more volatile real interest rates during the 1980s and
1990s, relative to the previous two decades, may have contributed to the
greater incidence of banking crisis. Changes in the terms of trade and
exchange rate depreciation are not significant. The fiscal variable (the
budget surplus scaled by GDP) has a positive coefficient, but it is
significant only when deposit insurance is omitted. (5)
Among the banking sector variables, the ratio of broad money to
foreign exchange reserves, measuring vulnerability to a run on the
currency, enters positively and significantly, suggesting that bank
exposure to currency crises plays a role in banking crises. Credit to
the private sector enters with a positive sign, indicating that
countries where the banking sector has a larger exposure to private
sector borrowers are more vulnerable, perhaps as a result of mismanaged
liberalisation. Also consistent with this finding, high lagged credit
growth, which may capture a credit boom, is significantly and positively
correlated with the probability of a crisis in all specifications.
Concerning the institutional variables, the level of development as
measured by GDP per capita is negatively correlated with systemic
banking sector problems, indicating that developing countries are more
vulnerable to bank fragility. In addition, the presence of an explicit
deposit insurance scheme appears to be a risk factor, probably because
the positive effect operating through a reduction in self-fulfilling
panics is more than offset by the negative effect operating through
moral hazard. We will return to deposit insurance in Section 5.
4. Using econometric models of banking crises as early warning
systems (6)
As banking crises spread in the 1990s, the need to improve
monitoring capabilities of financial vulnerabilities at both national
and international levels became acute, and the search for useful
'early warnings' of banking crises intensified. Many authors
identified variables displaying anomalous behaviour before a crisis. For
instance, Gavin and Hausman (1995) and Sachs, Tornell, and Velasco
(1996) proposed using credit growth as a crisis indicator to detect
credit booms. Mishkin (1996) highlighted equity price declines, while
Calvo (1996) suggested monitoring the ratio of broad money to foreign
exchange reserves, which had sharply increased before the Tequila crisis
in Mexico.
In one of the first systematic evaluations of alternative
indicators, Honohan (1997) uses a sample of eighteen crisis and six
non-crisis countries and divides the former into three groups according
to the type of crisis--macroeconomic, microeconomic, or related to the
behaviour of the Government. He then compares the average values of
seven indicators for crisis countries with the same averages for the
control group. His results show that crises due to government
intervention are associated with high levels of borrowing and central
bank lending to the banking system. Further, banking crises stemming
from macroeconomic problems are associated with high loan-to-deposit
ratios, high foreign borrowing-to-deposit ratios, and high growth rates of credit. Interestingly, crises originating from microeconomic
pressures are not associated with abnormal behaviour in any of the
Rojas-Suarez (1998) proposes an approach similar to the CAMEL early
warning system used by US regulators to identify problem banks. (7) In
emerging markets, particularly Latin America, she recommends also
monitoring a number of non-CAMEL indicators, such as deposit interest
rates, the spread between lending and deposit rates, the growth rate of
credit, and the growth rate of interbank lending. Because bank level
indicators are compared to banking system averages, however, this
approach is better at identifying weak banks within a system rather than
systemic crises. Also, since the approach requires detailed bank level
information, it is difficult to utilise for a large number of countries.
The signals approach introduced by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999) was
later applied to crisis prediction and further refined in Kaminsky
(1999) and Goldstein, Kaminsky and Reinhart (2000). (8) Since the
likelihood of crisis is expected to be greater when several indicators
signal simultaneously, Kaminsky (1999) develops a composite index,
constructed as the number of indicators that cross the threshold at any
given time. Alternatively, a weighted variant may be used, in which each
indicator is weighted by its signal-to-noise ratio so that more
informative indicators receive more weight. The best composite indicator
outperforms the real exchange rate in predicting crises in the sample,
but it is worse at predicting tranquil observations.
In Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (2000), we show that crisis
probabilities estimated through a multivariate logit framework result in
lower in-sample type I and type II errors than the signals of Kaminsky
and Reinhart (1999), and can thus provide a more accurate basis for an
early warning system. To explore how the logit model can be used to
monitor bank fragility, we construct out-of-sample forecasts of crisis
probabilities using coefficients estimated from the multivariate logit
model and forecasts of right-hand-side variables drawn from professional
forecasters or international institutions.
How can these forecasted probabilities be used to make a
quantitative assessment of fragility? We consider two frameworks. In the
first, the monitor wants to know whether there is enough fragility to
take action. The measure of fragility is the forecast probability of a
crisis. Deciding when this probability is high enough to act involves
trading-off the costs of taking action when there is no crisis against
the costs of doing nothing when the trouble is real. The monitor can be
thought of as choosing this threshold by minimising a loss function that
reflects the likelihood of having to pay either type of cost, which is
evaluated based on the in-sample probabilities of type I and type II
errors. So the optimal trigger for action depends not only on the
in-sample predictive power of the model, but also on the costs of making
a mistake. These costs, of course, vary across decision-makers. In a
second monitoring framework, the monitor is simply interested in rating
the fragility of the banking system. Depending on the rating, different
courses of action may follow. It is desirable for the ratings to have a
clear interpretation in terms of probability of crisis, so that they can
be compared. Both monitoring frameworks can be used as tools to
economise on precautionary costs by pointing to cases of high fragility
that warrant more in-depth monitoring.
Applying the monitoring frameworks to six crisis episodes (Jamaica,
Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand) shows that, while
both actual and forecasted data would have indicated high vulnerability
in Jamaica, the picture would have been much rosier for the Asian
countries (see table 3). Although signs of fragility were present in
Thailand and the Philippines, the overall image for these countries was
fairly reassuring, as expectations of continued strong economic growth
and stable exchange rates offset the negative impact of relatively high
real interest rates and strong past credit expansion. (9)
Econometric analysis of systemic banking crises is a relatively new
field, and the development and evaluation of monitoring and forecasting
tools based on this analysis are also at an early stage. So far, these
tools have met with only limited success, as in-sample prediction
accuracy cannot be replicated out-of-sample, a problem common to many
areas of economics. One explanation may be that new crises are different
from those experienced in the past, so that the coefficients derived
from in-sample estimation are of limited use out of sample. Another
problem may be that banking crises are rare events, so in-sample
estimates are based on relatively few data points.
One way to improve monitoring capabilities is to develop
alternative scenarios--with high and low forecasts for the explanatory
variables--and to examine banking sector fragility in the context of
such scenarios. Stress-testing exercises utilised in the Financial
Sector Assessment Programs by the IMF and World Bank are a step in this
direction. Another strategy might be to explore how movements in
high-frequency variables, such as spreads on the interbank market or on
commercial paper issued by banks, stock market valuation of banks, and
corporate vulnerability, move before the onset of crises. Significant
data collection efforts are needed to make this type of exercise
feasible for a large sample of countries, however.
5. Studies of the determinants of banking crises
Following the early studies by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999) and
Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998), work on the determinants of bank
fragility has proceeded on several fronts. Most of the studies use the
multivariate limited dependent model, while the signals approach has
remained more popular in applications aimed at constructing early
warning systems. In this section we summarise some of this work,
organising the material based on the category of explanatory variables
Individual bank measures of fragility and systemic crises
The literature on early warnings of individual bank failure is well
established, with empirical studies dating back to the early 1970s. This
literature uses bank balance sheet and market information to explain and
forecast the failure of individual institutions. (10) A few studies have
adapted this approach to study systemic banking crises. For instance,
Gonzalez-Hermosillo (1999) uses bank-specific as well as macroeconomic
data to investigate episodes of banking distress in different regions of
the US and in two countries, Mexico and Colombia. She finds that
non-performing loans and capital asset ratios often deteriorate rapidly
before bank failure. This study also explicitly investigates how
individual bank failure can be affected by overall fragility in the
banking sector, and finds little evidence of such contagion.
Bongini, Claessens and Ferri (1999) investigate the Asian crises by
focusing mostly on individual institution data. Specifically, they
analyse how CAMEL variables, bank size, and corporate connections, as
well as country dummies, explain bank failures. They find that CAMEL
variables do reasonably well in predicting distress, that big financial
institutions are more likely to become distressed but less likely to be
closed, and that connected institutions are more likely to experience
trouble. They conclude that while exogenous shocks played a role in
causing the systemic crisis in Asia, there were also significant prior
weaknesses at the individual bank level that contributed to distress.
Financial liberalisation and crises
The view that financial liberalisation may lead to greater
financial fragility has been often articulated (Caprio and Summers,
1993; Stiglitz, 1994; see also Allen, 2005, this volume). Financial
liberalisation gives banks greater opportunities to take on risk. With
limited liability and implicit and explicit guarantees, when bank
capital and charter value erode, bankers do not bear much downside risk.
Unless the country has well developed institutions and good prudential
regulation and supervision to curb risk-taking, liberalisation may
increase fragility beyond socially desirable limits.
Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998) find that banking crises are
indeed more likely to occur in countries that have liberalised their
financial systems, even after controlling for other country
characteristics. This effect, however, is mitigated by a strong
institutional environment, especially respect for the rule of law, low
corruption and good contract enforcement. These results are consistent
with the view that if liberalisation is not accompanied by sufficient
prudential regulation and supporting institutions to ensure effective
supervision, it is likely to result in excessive risk-taking and a
subsequent crisis. Later empirical studies by Mehrez and Kaufmann
(1999), Glick and Hutchison (2001), Arteta and Eichengreen (2002), and
Noy (2004) similarly find that financial liberalisation can
significantly increase bank fragility.
International shocks, exchange rate regime, and crises
Another line of research investigates the impact of worldwide
economic shocks and the exchange rate regime on bank fragility. A number
of observers noticed the relationship between financial difficulties in
emerging markets and tighter monetary conditions and growth deceleration in the industrialised world. (11) For instance, the Volcker disinflation in the US in 1979-81 has been blamed for contributing to the financial
crises in Latin America in the early 1980s. Similarly, the monetary
tightening in the United States in 1994 may have contributed to the
Mexican crisis. Eichengreen and Rose (1998) is the first empirical paper
on the role of international shocks in banking crises. It finds a strong
effect of OECD interest rates and, to a smaller extent, OECD GDP growth,
on bank fragility in developing countries. Arteta and Eichengreen (2002)
find that when the sample is extended to include more recent years, the
evidence of an OECD effect becomes weaker. These authors conclude that
the banking crises of the mid-1990s were different from earlier
episodes, with external factors playing a much smaller role compared to
domestic factors.
The impact of external factors on bank fragility might vary with
the exchange rate regime. For instance, flexible exchange rates may have
a stabilising effect on the financial system since the exchange rate can
absorb some of the real shocks to the economy (Mundell, 1961). Flexible
regimes may also curtail the tendency of countries to over-borrow in
foreign currency and discourage banks from funding dangerous lending
booms through external credit (Eichengreen and Hausmann, 1999). Further,
with a fixed exchange rate (and even more so with a currency board),
lender of last resort operations are severely limited, as domestic
monetary expansion risks undermining confidence in the currency peg.
Thus, a country with fixed exchange rate regime may be more prone to
bank runs and financial panics (Eichengreen and Rose, 1998; Wood, 1999).
On the other hand, Eichengreen and Rose (1998) note that a
commitment to a currency peg may reduce the probability of banking
crises by disciplining policymakers. The lack of an effective lender of
last resort may also discourage risk-taking by bankers, decreasing the
likelihood of a banking crisis. Finally, developing countries are often
plagued by lack of credibility and limited access to international
markets, and suffer from more pronounced effects of exchange rate
volatility due to their high liability dollarisation. Thus, the
additional transparency and credibility associated with fixed exchange
rates may insulate a country from contagion (Calvo, 1999).
Empirically, Arteta and Eichengreen (2002) find that countries with
fixed and flexible exchange rates are equally susceptible to banking
crises. In contrast, Domac and Martinez-Peria (2003) find that adopting
a fixed exchange rate diminishes the likelihood of a banking crisis in
developing countries. In addition, once a crisis occurs, its economic
cost is larger under a fixed exchange rate.
Studies on the impact of dollarisation on banking fragility
similarly reveal mixed evidence. Arteta (2003) investigates the impact
of deposit and credit dollarisation for a large number of developing and
transition countries and finds no evidence that dollarisation increases
fragility. De Nicolo, Honohan and Ize (2003) perform a similar test, but
measure fragility using average Z-scores (measuring the distance to
default for the banking system, which is different from the actual
occurrence of a systemic crisis) and non-performing loans across a large
number of countries. In contrast to Arteta's results, they find
that dollarisation is positively related to both measures of bank
Bank ownership and structure and crises
The nature of bank ownership, whether private or public, domestic
or foreign, has been found to have a strong association with various
aspects of bank performance. Does the likelihood of a systemic banking
crisis also depend on who owns the banks?
State ownership of banks, although declining, continues to be
popular in many countries, despite widespread evidence of political
abuse and governance problems in state-owned institutions (World Bank,
2001). La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer (2002) and Barth, Caprio
and Levine (2001) find that greater state ownership in banking is
associated with reduced competition, poorer productivity and lower
growth. Concerning systemic crises, Caprio and Martinez-Peria (2000)
show that greater state ownership at the beginning of the 1980s is
associated with a greater probability of a banking crisis during
1980-97. Using simple cross-sectional regressions, Barth, Caprio and
Levine (2001) confirm this finding.
Whether developing countries should welcome foreign ownership of
banks is also a highly disputed issue, particularly as the share of
banking assets controlled by foreign banks soared in Africa, Latin
America, and Eastern Europe in recent years (World Bank, 2001).
Empirical studies have shown that by improving overall operating
efficiency, foreign entry helps create the conditions for improved
financial intermediation and long-term growth (Claessens, Demirguc-Kunt
and Huizinga, 2001).
On systemic fragility, one concern is that foreign banks may not
have a lower long-term commitment to the host country and might flee at
the first signs of trouble. Even worse, they may introduce a new source
of contagion by withdrawing from the host country when conditions in
their home country deteriorate. Existing empirical evidence does not
support these concerns. Demirguc-Kunt, Levine, and Min (1998) find that
the presence of foreign banks is associated with a lower risk of banking
crisis. Dages et al. (2000) find that foreign banks operating in
Argentina and Mexico had stronger and less volatile loan growth than
domestic banks during and after the Tequila Crisis (1994-9). Peek and
Rosengren (2000) reach a similar conclusion for both direct (or
cross-border) lending and local lending by foreign banks in Argentina,
Brazil, and Mexico from 1994 to 1999. In Malaysia, Detragiache and Gupta
(2004) show that foreign banks performed better during the crisis, but
only those from outside the region, while foreign banks with an Asian
focus did not perform significantly better than domestic banks.
Another reason for concern related to foreign entry is its impact
on fragility via competition. Foreign entry might increase competition,
which will likely improve bank efficiency, but more competition may
destabilise the banking system. Beck, Demirguc-Kunt and Levine (2004)
study the impact of bank concentration, bank regulations, and national
institutions on the likelihood of experiencing a systemic banking
crisis. They find that banking crises are less likely in economies with
more concentrated banking systems, fewer regulatory restrictions on bank
competition and activities, and national institutions that encourage
competition. Thus, there is no evidence that greater competition is
damaging to stability. (12) While concentration is also associated with
lower bank fragility, this result likely reflects better risk
diversification by larger banks in more concentrated systems rather than
less competition.
The role of institutions
The role of institutions in affecting bank fragility has been
investigated extensively. In Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998), we
proxy institutional development by GDP per capita and an index of law
and order, and show that weaker institutional environments are related
to higher probability of banking crises. Mehrez and Kaufmann (1999)
consider the effects of transparency on banking crises in financially
liberalised markets. They find that countries with low transparency (or
low corruption) are more likely to experience banking crises as a result
of financial liberalisation.
Another important characteristic of the institutional environment
is the presence of an explicit deposit insurance scheme. While explicit
deposit insurance should reduce bank fragility by eliminating the
possibility of self-fulfilling panics, it is also well-known that it may
create incentives for excessive risk-taking (Kane, 1989). In
Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (2002), we find that explicit deposit
insurance is associated with a higher probability of banking crisis in a
large sample of countries, the more so if bank interest rates are
deregulated and if the institutional environment is weak. These results
support the arguments that moral hazard is a greater problem in
liberalised financial systems where greater risk-taking opportunities
are available, and in countries with weaker institutions, where it is
more difficult to monitor and curb the excess risk-taking by banks.
Furthermore, the impact of deposit insurance on bank fragility varies
with design of the system, i.e., it is possible to curb moral hazard
with better design. Features such as lower coverage, coinsurance,
private sector involvement in the management of the scheme, ex-post
funding, and mandatory membership are associated with lower levels of
bank fragility.
Other studies explore this issue further. Arteta and Eichengreen
(2002) find these results to be less robust, but they look at a
sub-sample including only developing countries and ignore differences in
deposit insurance design. Cull, Senbet and Sorge (2005) investigate how
the decision to introduce deposit insurance affects the volatility of
financial development indicators, such as credit to the private sector
as a share of GDP and the ratio of M3 to GDP. They find that explicit
deposit insurance increases volatility in countries with weak
institutional development. In a related paper, Demirguc-Kunt and
Huizinga (2004) use bank-level data to study how deposit insurance
affects market discipline of banks. Focusing on the disciplinary role of
interest rates and deposit growth, they find that market discipline is
stronger in countries with better institutions, but generously designed
deposit insurance can still curtail it, resulting in fragility.
The issue of how bank regulation and supervision affects banking
crises is very important, since ensuring bank safety and soundness is a
major goal of bank regulators. Barth, Caprio and Levine (2004), having
developed a comprehensive survey database on measures of regulation and
supervision, are able to investigate this issue empirically for the
first time. Their results indicate that regulatory and supervisory
practices that force accurate information disclosure, empower private
sector monitoring of banks, and foster incentives for private agents to
exert corporate control work best to promote bank performance and
stability. In a cross-country setting they show that regulatory and
supervisory regimes with these features have suffered fewer crises in
the past two decades. Barth, Caprio and Levine (2004) also confirm that
poorly designed explicit deposit insurance leads to greater probability
of banking crises, even after controlling for regulation and
supervision. (13)
The political system and crises
Political considerations may play a very important role in
government decisions to deal with insolvent institutions. Based on a
rigorous examination of the US Savings and Loan crisis, Kroszner (1997)
argues that disseminating information about the costs of inefficient
government policy, ensuring competition among interest groups,
increasing the transparency of government decisions, improving the
structure of legislative oversight of the regulatory process, and
allowing entry of foreign banks are all measures that can potentially
improve government financial sector policy and reduce the cost of
crises. These recommendations place great importance on the disciplining
role of information and the existence of competitive elections.
Brown and Dinc (2004) use data on individual bank failures in
developing countries to investigate the impact of political factors on
bank fragility. They find that political concerns play a significant
role in delaying government intervention in failing banks. For instance,
failing banks are less likely to be taken over by the Government or lose
their licences before elections than after elections. This effect
becomes even stronger when the ruling party is politically weak.
This brief summary of the recent additions to the bank crisis
literature reveals that there has been significant interest in how
institutions--economic, financial or political--affect bank fragility.
Another broad area of focus has been the impact of the policy
framework--financial liberalisation, exchange rate regime, policy on
foreign bank entry--on bank stability. Most of the research on these
themes uses the multivariate probability model and low frequency data,
since institutional and structural variables change slowly over time.
Because of this literature, we now know much more and will no doubt
continue to learn more about the fundamental reasons underlying
financial crises. But what are the economic consequences of banking
crises? We turn to this question next.
6. The effects of banking crises
The credit crunch hypothesis
A number of empirical studies of banking crises examine not only
what causes crises but also how crises affect the rest of the economy.
For example, summarising several case studies, Lindgren, Garcia, and
Saal (1996) conclude that bank fragility has adversely affected economic
growth. More systematic empirical investigations have also shown that
output growth and private credit growth drop significantly below normal
in the years around banking crises (Kaminsky and Reinhart, 1999;
Eichengreen and Rose, 1998; Demirguc-Kunt et al., forthcoming).
Measures of output loss relative to trend during financial crises
have been used to compare the severity of these events. For instance,
Bordo et al. (2001) show that financial crises (currency crises, banking
crises, or both) entailed similar-sized output losses in recent years as
compared to previous historical periods. Crises, however, are more
frequent now than during the Gold Standard and Bretton Woods periods,
and are as frequent now as in the interwar years. Hoggarth et al. (2002)
make the point that output losses associated with banking crises are not
more severe in developing countries than in developed countries.
An obvious question raised by these studies is whether causality goes from output losses to banking crises or the other way around. The
answer has obvious policy implications: if crises indeed have real
costs, then the case for generous bank rescue operations is
strengthened, even though these policies have large fiscal costs and
adverse incentive effects ex ante. Conversely, if the output slowdown is
mainly the result of exogenous shocks, then bailouts might not be
beneficial. Sorting out causality, however, is a challenging task.
As the literature surveyed in the preceding section shows, crises
are accompanied by worsening macroeconomic performance triggered by
adverse shocks, such as a tightening of monetary policy, the end of a
credit boom, or a sudden stop in foreign capital inflows. A distressed
banking sector, in turn, may be a serious obstacle to economic activity
and aggravate the effect of adverse shocks. For instance, when banks are
distressed, firms may be unable to obtain credit to deal with a period
of low internal cash flow. In fact, lack of credit may force viable
firms into bankruptcy. Similarly, lack of consumer credit may worsen declines in consumption and aggregate demand during a recession,
aggravating unemployment. In extreme cases, bank runs and bank failures
can threaten the soundness of the payment system, making transactions
more difficult and expensive. These mechanisms suggest that fragile
banks hinder economic activity (the credit crunch hypothesis).
On the other hand, there are several channels through which
exogenous adverse shocks to the economy might cause a decline in credit
and economic activity even if the banking sector itself is relatively
healthy. For instance, adverse shocks may trigger a fall in aggregate
demand, leading firms to cut production and investment and,
consequently, credit demand. Increased uncertainty may also cause firms
to delay investment and borrowing decisions. Finally, adverse shocks
might worsen agency problems and complicate lending relationships, for
instance by reducing the net worth of borrowers. This, in turn, might
cause banks to abandon high risk borrowers (flight to quality) or raise
lending spreads. So output and bank credit may decelerate around banking
crises even if there is no feedback effect from bank distress to credit
availability. (14)
Existing studies of individual country experiences have found
conflicting evidence on the relationship between bank distress and real
activity. In a study of the so-called capital crunch in the United
States in 1990, Bernanke et al. (1991) argue that a shortage of bank
capital had little to do with the recession. Domac and Ferri (1999)
reached the opposite conclusion for Malaysia and Korea during 1997-8.
They found small and medium-sized firms to have suffered more than large
firms during the crisis. Since these firms are usually more dependent on
bank credit than large firms, this is evidence of a credit crunch. Data
from a survey of Thai firms, on the other hand, suggest that poor demand
rather than lack of credit caused the decline in production, although
many firms complained about high interest rates (Dollar and
Hallward-Driemeier, 2000). For Indonesia and Korea, Ghosh and Ghosh
(1999) test an aggregate model of credit demand and supply and find
evidence of a credit crunch, but only in the first few months of the
crisis. Finally, using firm level data from Korea, Borensztein and Lee
(2002) show that firms belonging to industrial groups (chaebols) lost
their preferential access to credit during the banking crisis, although
this was not necessarily evidence of a credit crunch.
New evidence on the credit crunch hypothesis comes from a recent
study by Dell'Ariccia et al. (2005). To identify the real effects
of banking crises, this paper follows the
'difference-in-difference' approach adopted by Rajan and
Zingales (1998) to study the effects of finance on growth. Using a panel
of countries and industry-level data, the authors test whether more
financially dependent sectors perform significantly worse during banking
crises, after controlling for all possible time-specific,
country-specific, and industry-specific shocks that may affect firm
performance. The main result is that indeed more financially dependent
sectors suffer more during crises, evidence in favor of the credit
crunch hypothesis. The results are robust to controlling for other
possible explanations, such as flight-to-quality during recessions, the
effects of concomitant currency crises, and the exposure of bank
portfolios to specific bank-dependent industries. Furthermore, the
magnitude of the effect is nontrivial: more financially dependent
sectors lose about 1 percentage point of growth in each crisis year
compared to less financially dependent sectors. Finally, consistent with
the theory, the differential effects are stronger in developing
countries, in countries where the private sector has less access to
foreign finance, and where the crises are more severe.
Intervention policies and the costs of crises
A few studies have used cross-country empirical analysis to study
which intervention policies can minimise the costs of a banking crisis.
This question is as important to policymakers as it is difficult to
answer through empirical analysis. One problem is that compiling
accurate information on intervention policies for a large enough sample
of crises is a laborious task. Another difficulty is that the sequence,
timing, and specific modalities of a bank support strategy are crucial
to the outcome, and it is difficult to capture these complex dimensions
through quantitative measures of policies.
Honohan and Klingebiel (2003) construct a database with estimates
of the fiscal cost of 40 banking crises and catalogue the policies
adopted in each episode, classified according to five broad categories:
blanket guarantees to depositors, liquidity support to banks, bank
recapitalisation, financial assistance to debtors, and forbearance. With
this database, the authors explore how the different intervention
policies affect the fiscal cost of the bailout, after controlling for
country and crisis characteristics. They conclude that more generous
bailouts resulted in higher fiscal costs.
Further evidence on the determinants of the fiscal costs of crises
is provided by Keefer (2001), who focuses on the political economy of
crises resolution. He finds that when voters are better informed,
elections are close, and the number of veto players is large,
governments make smaller fiscal transfers to the financial sector and
are less likely to exercise forbearance in dealing with insolvent
financial institutions. Thus, transparency, information dissemination,
and competition among interest groups play an important role is shaping
crisis response policies. The relationship between intervention policies
and the economic--rather than fiscal--costs of crises is explored by
Claessens, Klingebiel, and Laeven (2003). Costs are measured by the
output loss relative to trend during the crisis episode. The main
finding is that generous support to the banking system does not reduce
the output cost of banking crises. However, since omitted exogenous
shocks may simultaneously cause a stronger output decline and more
generous intervention measures, the interpretation of the results is
ambiguous. Nevertheless, the results survive even after the authors
control for a large set of variables such as GDP growth prior to crisis,
existence of deposit insurance, inflation rate at the onset of the
crisis, state ownership of banks, degree of dollarisation and others.
7. Conclusions
Cross-country econometric research on systemic banking crises has
progressed rapidly in recent years. As a result, we have a better
understanding of how systemic bank fragility is influenced by a host of
factors, ranging from macroeconomic shocks, the structure of the banking
market, broad institutions, institutions specific to credit markets, and
political economy variables. Because (fortunately!) banking crises are
rare events, existing studies are based on a relatively small number of
episodes. Going forward, as broader samples become available, it will be
important to continue to assess the robustness of the conclusions
reached to date.
To improve model performance it may also be useful to perfect the
definition of a banking crisis. Some crises are the result of
long-simmering problems being brought into the open, while others are
sudden events, triggered by severe exogenous shocks. While the two
phenomena are certainly related, because they both are rooted in
underlying institutional weaknesses and may have similar manifestations,
distinguishing between these two types of crises may help identify
clearer and more robust relationships, especially with macroeconomic
As is often the case in economics, empirical models have been more
useful in identifying factors associated with the occurrence of banking
crises than at predicting the occurrence of crises out of sample. In
part, this reflects the fact that, for the most part, the empirical
models were not conceived as forecasting tools. Developing useful early
warning indicators of impeding bank vulnerability will doubtless remain
a priority for policymakers, and more specific research in this
direction would be useful. Work with annual data suggests that
macroeconomic correlates of crises tend to lose significance if they are
lagged by one year. This likely indicates that the time it takes for
adverse economic shocks to be transmitted to the banking system is quite
short. Consequently, the search for useful early warning indicators
should move towards high frequency data, such as market data. To explore
how market data performs in crisis prediction, however, requires more
work to define and date crisis episodes accurately. Future research
should proceed in this direction.
The question of how institutional variables, such as politics and
regulation, influence bank fragility has been a fruitful area of
exploration, and there are several directions in which this work can
continue. For example, it would be interesting to study how compliance
with banking regulation and the introduction of the BASEL II capital
agreement might affect financial stability, particularly in developing
countries (see also Goodhart, 2005, this volume). Another area of focus
has been the impact of policy choices such as liberalisation, foreign
bank entry, and the resulting market structures on bank fragility. As
banking systems around the world are being quickly reshaped by
globalisation and consolidation, the study of how these trends affect
bank fragility will continue to attract attention.
Finally, the field of banking crises is at the crossroads of open
economy macroeconomics and the microeconomics of banking and regulation.
These two areas of research have evolved quite separately in the past,
but to understand financial crises insights from both fields must be
brought together. Exploring more closely how bank level information can
be incorporated in cross-country empirical models of banking crises
would be a useful direction for future research.
Data Appendix
Variable Name Definition Source
BANKING CRISIS Dummy variable that 1998 list updated by the
equals one if there is a authors using Caprio and
banking crisis and zero Klingebiel (2002) and IMF
otherwise. country reports.
GROWTH Rate of growth of real WDI
TOT CHANGE Change in the terms of WDI
REAL INTEREST Nominal interest rate IFS: Nominal interest
minus the contemporaneous rate is the treasury bill
rate of inflation rate (line 60c), or if
not available is the
discount/bank rate
(line 60), or if not
available is the deposit
rate (line 601) WDI:
(GDP Deflator Based)
inflation rate
INFLATION Rate of change of GDP WDI
M2/RESERVES Ratio of M2 to inter- IFS: M2 is money plus
national reserves quasi money (Current LCU,
lines 34+35) which is
converted to US$ and
divided by total foreign
exchange reserves of the
central bank (US$)
DEPRECIATION Rate of depreciation IFS: Dollar/local
currency exchange rate
(line ae)
CREDIT GROWTH Rate of growth of real Growth in IFS line 32d
domestic credit to the divided by the GDP
private sector deflator (WDI)
PRIVATE/GDP Ratio of private credit Domestic credit to the
to GDP private sector (IFS line
32d) divided by GDP (WDI)
(all in local currency)
GDP/CAP Real GDP per capita WDI: constant 1995 in
thousands of US$
DEPOSITINS Dummy that equals one if Updated Demirguc-Kunt and
the country has explicit Detragiache (1998)
deposit insurance figures using Demirguc-
(including blanket Kunt, Kane, and Laeven
guarantees) and zero (2004)
otherwise for the given
Table 1. Banking crisis determinants
Multivariate Logit regressions of crisis regressions are estimated
updating the analysis in Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998). In
estimation, errors are clustered by country. The period covered is
1980-2002, with 94 countries and up to 77 crisis occurrences in the
sample. The dependent variable takes the value one for the first year
of the crisis and zero otherwise. Observations for periods during
which the crisis is taking place are excluded from the sample. For
the crisis episodes for which the crisis duration is unknown, three
years after the crisis are dropped from the sample. Variable
definitions and sources are given in the Appendix.
(1) (2) (3)
GROWTH -0.0967 *** -0.0991 *** -0.1115 ***
(0.0259) (0.0265) (0.0319)
TOTCHANGE 0.0005 0.0006 -0.0024
(0.0061) (0.0064) (0.0066)
DEPRECIATION -0.0675 0.0713 -0.1037
(0.3892) (0.3830) (0.3918)
RLINTEREST 0.0006 *** 0.0005 *** 0.0005 ***
(0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002)
INFLATION 0.0007 ** 0.0006 ** 0.0007 **
(0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003)
RGDP/CAP -0.0367 ** -0.0359 ** -0.0414 **
(0.0156) (0.0168) (0.0175)
M2/RESERVES 0.0012 * 0.0062 ***
(0.0007) (0.0021)
PRIVATE/GDP 0.0010 ** 0.0016 ***
(0.0003) (0.0004)
[CREDITGRO.sub.t-2] 0.0038 ** 0.0044 *
(0.0019) (0.0023)
No. of crises 77 75 65
Observations 1670 1612 1356
total correct 67 70 70
crises correct 60 60 58
% no-crises correct 67 70 70
Pseudo-R2 0.07 0.08 0.09
Chi-sq 216.07 *** 230.12 *** 307.22 ***
AIC 593 579 494
(4) (5)
GROWTH -0.1175 *** -0.1035 **
(0.0332) (0.0274)
TOTCHANGE -0.0028 0.0004
(0.0067) (0.0065)
DEPRECIATION -0.1233 0.0490
(0.3946) (0.3811)
RLINTEREST 0.0006 *** 0.0005 ***
(0.0002) (0.0002)
INFLATION 0.0007 *** 0.0006 **
(0.0003) (0.0003)
RGDP/CAP -0.0544 ** -0.0478 ***
(0.0184) (0.0178)
M2/RESERVES 0.0066 *** 0.0013 *
(0.0022) (0.0007)
PRIVATE/GDP 0.0012 *** 0.0010 ***
(0.0005) (0.0003)
[CREDITGRO.sub.t-2] 0.0041 * 0.0035 *
(0.0022) (0.0019)
DEPOSITINS 0.5859 0.5131 **
(0.2786) (0.2582)
No. of crises 65 75
Observations 1356 1612
% total correct 68 68
crises correct 62 61
% no-crises correct 68 69
Pseudo-R2 0.10 0.08
Chi-sq 348.28 *** 248.72 ***
AIC 493 579
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. * significant at 10%;
** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Table 2. Banking crises dates and durations by country
Country Crisis episodes 1980-2002
Algeria 1990-1992
Argentina 1980-1982,1989-1990,1995,
2001-2002 *
Benin 1988-1990
Bolivia 1986-1988, 1994-1997 **, 2001-
2002 *
Brazil 1990,1994-1999
Burkina Faso 1988-1994
Burundi 1994-1997 *
Cameroon 1987-1993,1995-1998
Central African Republic 1988-1999
Chad 1992
Chile 1981-1987
Colombia 1982-1985, 1999-2000
Congo, Rep. 1992-2002 *
Congo, Dem. Rep. 1994-2002 *
Costa Rica 1994-1997 **
Cote d'Ivoire 1988-1991
Ecuador 1995-2002 *
El Salvador 1989
Finland 1991-1994
Ghana 1982-1989, 1997-2002 *
Guinea 1985, 1993-1994
Guinea-Bissau 1994-1997 **
Guyana 1993-1995
India 1991-1994 **
Indonesia 1992-1995 **, 1997-2002 *
Israel 1983-1984
Italy 1990-1995
Jamaica 1996-2000
Japan 1992-2002 *
Jordan 1989-1990
Kenya 1993-1995
Korea 1997-2002
Lebanon 1988-1990
Liberia 1991-1995
Madagascar 1988-1991 **
Malaysia 1985-1988, 1997-2001
Mali 1987-1989
Mauritania 1984-1993
Mexico 1982,1994-1997
Nepal 1988-1991 **
Niger 1983-1986 *
Nigeria 1991-1995
Norway 1987-1993
Panama 1988-1989
Papua New Guinea 1989-1992 **
Paraguay 1995-1999
Peru 1983-1990
Philippines 1981-1987, 1998-2002 *
Portugal 1986-1989
Senegal 1983-1988
Sierra Leone 1990-1993 *
South Africa 1985
SriLanka 1989-1993
Swaziland 1995
Sweden 1990-1993
Taiwan 1997-1998
Tanzania 1988-1991 **
Thailand 1983-1987, 1997-2002 *
Tunisia 1991-1995
Turkey 1982,1991, 1994, 2000-2002 *
Uganda 1994-1997 *
United States 1980-1992
Uruguay 1981-1985, 2002 *
Venezuela 1993-1997
Notes: * The crisis is still ongoing as of 2005. ** The end
date for the crisis is not certain, a four-year duration is assumed.
Table 3. Estimated crisis probabilities--actual vs.
forecast data
Estimated crisis probabilities are as given in Demirgilq-Kunt and
Detragiache (2000). They define four fragility zones, increasing in the
level of fragility, based on type I and type II errors. The probability
intervals for each zone are: Zone I, 0.000-0.018; Zone II, 0.018-0.036;
Zone III, 0.036-0.070; Zone IV, 0.070-1.000.
Banking crisis Estimated crisis probabilities
Based on actual data Based on forecast data
Jamaica (1996) 11.0 6.0
Indonesia (1997) 14.4 2.4
Korea (1997) 4.4 2.3
Malaysia (1997) 3.7 1.8
Philippines (1997) 5.9 3.5
Thailand (1997) 13.8 3.3
(1) Among studies of banks and credit during the Great Depression,
see for instance Bernanke (1983), Haubrich (1990), and Calomiris and
Mason (1997). Gorton (1988) uses a sample of banking crises from the US
National Banking Era (1863-1914) to test whether panics were caused by
depositors' reaction to a forthcoming economic downturn or by
self-fulfilling beliefs.
(2) Some examples of case studies include Garcia-Herrero (1997),
Drees and Pazarbasioglu (1998), Jaramillo (2000), Gonzales-Hermosillo et
al. (1997), Ramos (1998), and Schumacher (2000). Among papers drawing
general lessons, see Davis (1995), Gavin and Hausman (1995), Goldstein
and Turner (1996), Mishkin (1996), Rojas-Suarez and Weisbrod (1995), and
Sheng (1995).
(3) The authors use an 'adjusted' version of the
noise-to-signal ratio, computed as the ratio of the probability of false
alarms (type II error) to one minus the probability of a missing a
crisis (type I error).
(4) As in Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998), we estimate the
model without country fixed effects because we want to include
non-crisis countries as controls. In the new regressions, however, we
allow for the error terms to be correlated within each country by
clustering the errors by country. In the 1998 paper we just used robust
standard errors.
(5) Also, including the fiscal deficit in the regressions markedly
reduces the number of observations.
(6) See also Bell and Pain (2000) for a recent review of leading
indicator models of banking crisis.
(7) CAMEL stands for Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management,
Earnings and Liquidity.
(8) Borio and Lowe (2002 and 2005, this volume) also present a
model based on the signals approach. In a related paper, Boyd, Gomis,
Kwak and Smith (2000) focus on the cost of crisis and present a detailed
review of macro conditions before, during and after crises, for more
than 50 crisis countries, basing their discussion on a general
equilibrium model. They highlight the great diversity of economic
conditions that precede crises, drawing the conclusion that it is
difficult to rule out sunspots, i.e. random events, as the cause of many
(9) Using a variant of the multivariate logit model, in which the
crisis dummy takes the value of one in the year before the crisis and
the value of two in the year of the crisis, Hardy and Pazarbasioglu
(1999) also find that macroeconomic indicators were of limited value in
predicting the Asian crises. In none of these countries was the
pre-crisis period identified as problematic. They conclude that the best
warning signs for these crises were proxies for the vulnerability of the
banking and corporate sector.
(10) See Demirguc-Kunt (1989) for a review of this early
(11) See Eichengreen and Fishlow (1998) for a review of this
(12) This study does not address the question of whether foreign
entry leads to a less concentrated banking system, however.
(13) It is not possible to control for the quality of regulation
and supervision in a panel of data, such as is typically used on banking
crisis regressions, because measures of these dimensions are only
available after 1999. Results from cross-sectional tests show that
countries with more generous deposit insurance design are likely to have
experienced crises since the 1980s, even after controlling for
supervision and regulation.
(14) An additional problem is that changes in the aggregate stock
of real credit to the private sector are not a good measure of the flow
of credit available to the economy, especially around banking crises,
because of valuation effects caused by inflation or exchange rate
changes. Also, a decline in the stock of credit may result from
restructuring operations that transfer non-performing loans to agencies
outside the banking system (Demirguc-Kunt, et al., forthcoming).
Arteta, C. (2003), 'Are financially dollarized countries more
prone to costly crises?', International Finance Discussion Paper,
Board of the Governors of the Federal Reserve System, No. 763.
Arteta, C. and Eichengreen, B. (2002), 'Banking crises in
emerging markets: presumptions and evidence', in Blejer, M. and
Skreb, M.(eds), Financial Policies in Emerging Markets, Cambridge, MA,
MIT Press.
Akerlof, G.P. and Romer, P. (1993), 'Looting: the economic
underworld of bankruptcy for profit', Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, pp. 1-73.
Barth, J., Caprio, G. and Levine, R. (2001), 'Banking systems
around the globe: do regulations and ownership affect performance and
stability?', in Mishkin, R. (ed.), Prudential Supervision: What
Works and What Doesn't, University of Chicago Press.
--(2004), 'Bank regulation and supervision: what works
best?', Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, A. and Levine, R. (2004), 'Bank
regulation, concentration and crises', World Bank mimeo.
Bell, J. and Pain, D. (2000), 'Leading indicator models of
banking crises--a critical review', Financial Stability Review,
Bank of England, issue 9, article 3, pp. 113-29.
Bernanke, B.S. (I 983), 'Nonmonetary effects of the financial
crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression', American
Economic Review, 73, pp. 257-76.
Bernanke, B.S., Lown, C.S. and Friedman, B.M. (1991), 'The
credit crunch', Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2), pp.
Bongini, P., Claessens, S. and Ferri, G. (1999), 'The
political economy of distress in East Asian financial
institutions', World Bank mimeo.
Borio, C. and Lowe, P. (2002), 'Assessing the risk of banking
crises', BIS Quarterly Review, pp. 43-54.
Bordo, M., Eichengreen, B., Klingebiel, D. and Martinez-Peria, M.S.
(2001), 'Is the crisis problem growing more severe?', Economic
Policy, 32, pp. 51-82.
Borensztein, E. and Lee, J.-W. (2002), 'Financial crisis and
credit crunch in Korea: evidence from firm-level data', Journal of
Monetary Economics, 49, pp. 853-75.
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Enrica Detragiache, Development Research Group, The World Bank, and
Research Department, International Monetary Fund, respectively. This
paper was prepared for this special edition of the National Institute
Economic Review. We would like to thank Robert Cull for helpful
suggestions and Baybars Karacaovali for excellent research assistance.
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper
are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the
views of the IMF, the World Bank, their Executive Directors, or the
countries they represent.