A new approach to measuring health system output and productivity.
Castelli, Adriana ; Dawson, Diane ; Gravelle, Hugh 等
This paper considers methods to measure output and productivity in
the delivery of health services, with an application to the NHS hospital
sector. It first develops a theoretical framework for measuring quality
adjusted outputs and then considers how this might be implemented given
available data. Measures of input use are discussed and productivity
growth estimates are presented for the period 1998/9-2003/4. The paper
concludes that available data are unlikely fully to capture quality
Keywords: Health output; productivity; quality adjustments
JEL classifications: D24; 111; L8
1. Introduction and context
Previous papers in this issue have set out the methodology and
results from applying the standard growth accounting approach to
measuring productivity. The EU KLEMS database includes estimates of
output and productivity growth for the non-market services including
public administration, education and health and social services,
employing data from the National Accounts in each country. However,
output in these services is known to be very poorly measured with little
yet by way of international consistency. This is now changing following
the guidelines set out in the Eurostat (2001) Handbook on price and
volume measures in National Accounts and the publication of the Atkinson
Review (Atkinson 2005)--see discussion below.
Measurement of output and productivity in non-market services is
not just of interest to those working within the national accounts
tradition but is also important for policymakers charged with providing,
funding and/or regulating these services. In March 2004 the UK
Department of Health (DH) commissioned a research team from the Centre
for Health Economics at the University of York and the National
Institute of Economic and Social Research to develop new approaches to
measuring NHS outputs and productivity. This paper summarises the main
findings from that work. The main focus of this paper is to set out the
methodology put forward by the research team to measure outputs and
inputs and presents a few sample results for the UK NHS. Readers
interested in details of the methods, data and calculations should
consult the final report to DH, Dawson et al. (2005), and the method
applied to selected health treatments in Castelli et al. (2007).
The Eurostat Handbook made important recommendations on measurement
of non-market output. For purposes of national accounting the preferred
method is to measure outputs (e.g. treatment received by a patient)
rather than activities (number of operations or prescriptions), and
outputs should be quality adjusted. Eurostat deemed the previously
widely employed method of measuring outputs by inputs as unacceptable
and as a result EU countries are moving away from this method in large
areas of non-market services in the direction of the preferred method.
(1) In major respects Atkinson (2005) recommended a methodology for
measuring NHS output growth advocated in the preliminary reports of the
York/NIESR team as applied to health services, as detailed below.
In this paper we formulate an index of health service productivity
that incorporates quality change and calculate the annual value of this
index for the English NHS from 1997/8 to 2003/4. The next section
describes the approach taken to output measurement and we then describe
the data used to populate the output index (section 3) and the results
(section 4). The input index, its construction, data and sources are
briefly described in section 5, which also includes estimates of NHS
hospital sector productivity growth. Concluding comments are offered in
section 6.
2. Measuring output
An aggregate indicator of the movement of the output of an industry
which produces a range of goods is constructed by measuring the
percentage volume change in each output and weighting the resulting
percentage changes by the share of the value of each product in the
value of total output. Thus, in Laspeyres form, where activities are
valued in the base period, the index takes the form:
[I.sup.1] [J.summation over j=1][x.sub.jt+1][v.sub.jt] /
[J.summation over j=1][x.sub.jt][v.sub.jt] (1)
where [x.sub.jt] is the volume of output j in period t, and
[v.sub.jt] is the marginal social value of output J. For many goods and
services, prices are taken to reflect the consumer's marginal
willingness to pay for them. So, in the National Accounts, prices are
used to value private sector output. But consumers do not face full
price for goods and services that are financed by the public sector so
values must be imputed in other ways. Eurostat recommends the use of
unit costs for this purpose. In this case the output index becomes:
[I.sup.2] [J.summation over j=1][x.sub.jt+1][c.sub.jt] /
[J.summation over j=1][x.sub.jt][c.sub.jt] (2)
where [c.sub.jt] is the cost of output j at time t. There are two
major deficiencies with this approach. First, it is questionable whether
costs are proportional to marginal social values. Proportionality
requires the use of marginal costs and that public sector resources are
allocated in line with social preferences (i.e. that the system is
allocatively efficient). Second, the index takes no account of changes
in quality. For example, when the health system adopts more cost
effective ways of treating patients, a cost weighted output index may
record a fall in output, depending on the relative magnitudes of unit
cost reductions and increased treatments.
It is helpful to distinguish between activities (operative
procedures, diagnostic tests, outpatient visits, consultations), outputs
(courses of treatment which may require a bundle of activities), and
outcomes (the characteristics of output which affect utility). The
distinction between outputs and outcomes is identical to that between
goods and characteristics in consumption technology models (Deaton and
Muellbauer, 1980, Ch. 10; Lancaster, 1971) where consumers value goods
because of the bundle of characteristics that yield utility.
Measurement in the private sector focuses on outputs rather than
the characteristics they produce because of the assumption that the
market price of the output measures the consumers' marginal
valuation of the bundle of characteristics from consuming the output. In
the private sector we do not need to concern ourselves with measuring
characteristics or counting activities because they are embodied in the
outputs which are produced and the prices at which they are sold. In the
public sector there are no prices to reveal patients' marginal
valuations of services so we have to find other means of estimating
their value and we define the quality of the output as a function of the
vector of outcomes it produces. This means that values can be found by
combining information on outcomes with that about outputs or activities;
see the discussion for the health sector in Triplett (2001) or
non-market services in general in O'Mahony and Stevens (2006).
How do we combine information on outcomes with outputs? We can do
so in two equivalent ways: we can measure the outputs and attempt to
estimate the marginal valuations attached to them, or we can measure the
outcomes produced by each unit of output and attempt to estimate
marginal valuations of the outcomes. The bundle of outcomes produced by
a unit of output is likely to change over time in the health sector
because of, among other things, changes in technology or treatment
thresholds. In a private market the price of output would change to
reflect this. But in the absence of market prices for health sector
outputs it is likely to be easier to calculate the change in the
marginal value of output by focusing on the change in the vector of
outcomes. We show below how the changing mix of outcomes (quality
change) may be allowed for in principle. We discuss in section 4 how
quality adjustments based on the currently available data can be
incorporated into an output index and show the results of applying these
methods to calculate experimental quality adjusted indices. We have made
suggestions as to how the quality adjustment can be improved by the
collection of additional data in the concluding section.
Health services have many characteristics which patients regard as
important. These include the impact of treatment on health outcomes, the
length of time waited for treatment, the degree of uncertainty attached
to the waiting time, distance and travel time to services, the
interpersonal skills of GPs, the range of choice and quality of hospital
food, the politeness of the practice receptionist, the degree to which
patients feel involved in decisions about their treatment, etc. In this
paper we consider how to incorporate two important dimensions of quality
in a cost-weighted index: the health outcomes arising from treatment and
how long patients have to wait before receiving treatment.
The most important characteristic of health care is the
contribution it makes to health status. The measure of health outcome
should indicate the 'value-added' to health as a result of
contact with the health system. Given the objectives of the health
system, it is important to measure the health gain accruing to patients
as a consequence of treatment. A unit of measurement used in a number of
countries is the Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY). This measures the
change in the quality of life and the duration of the benefit and,
therefore, allows both for treatments that improve the quality of life
without affecting life expectancy and treatments that improve life
expectancy. Health gains accruing over time are discounted and appear as
the present value of the benefit of treatment. In theory the health
outcome consequent on treatment is the difference between QALYs with
treatment and without treatment. In figure 1, the area under the
'with treatment' curve less the area below the 'without
treatment' curve gives the health benefit of the treatment. In
practice, even with routinely collected data on health outcomes, it will
not be possible to measure this true treatment effect. First, for
ethical reasons, few patients are left without treatment. All we will
observe is the difference between health state before treatment and
after treatment. Second, even routinely collected outcomes data would
not provide a continuous monitoring of post treatment health state. We
would only have snapshot estimates at particular points in time.
Lack of data on without treatment health states may not be a
serious deficiency for construction of an output index designed to
measure the rate of growth of quality adjusted output. If, over time,
improved treatment results in after treatment health state [h.sup.*] in
year t+1 being higher than in year t, an index using observational data
will record an increase in quality adjusted output. Where the aim is to
measure the rate of growth of output, we are interested in whether the
rate of growth of [DELTA]h = [h.sup.*] - [h.sup.o] is a reasonable
approximation to the rate of growth of the effect of treatment on the
discounted sum of QALYs. The important issue is how well the rate of
change in measures based on the snapshots [h.sup.*], [h.sup.o]
approximates the rate of change in the areas under the two time profiles
of health streams with treatment [h.sup.*](s) and without treatment
Hence, despite the imperfections of the difference between
snapshots of before and after treatment health status for calculating
the level of productivity, we suggest that rates of change of measures
based on snapshot measures of [h.sup.*], [h.sup.o] will improve
estimates of health sector output growth compared to estimates where
such information is not used.
In practice, including health outcomes in the output index has
proved difficult, mainly because of a lack of data. One important
outcome is whether patients survive their treatment. Survival rates,
though, are only part of the story. In England, fewer than 3 per cent of
NHS patients die within 30 days of their hospital treatment (Dawson et
al., 2005). Routine data on health outcomes are not collected for the
majority of patients treated in most health care systems so there is no
information with which to quality-adjust the vast majority of health
care activities.
In the absence of data on health effects of treatment we have no
alternative to using unit costs to weight outputs. Hence we suggest
indices that make use of currently available data to quality adjust cost
weighted outputs. Setting health status when dead to zero, the expected
increase in discounted QALYs from treatment j at time t is:
[q.sub.jt] = (1 - [m.sub.jt])[q.sup.*.sub.jt] - [q.sup.o.sub.jt]
where [m.sub.jt] is the probability of death within a short period
of treatment for condition j, [q.sup.*] are discounted QALYs if treated
and [q.sup.o] are discounted QALYs if patients were left untreated.
Letting a denote the survival rate (= 1 - m), the ratio of expected
discounted QALYs across time period t + 1 and t, on the assumption that
[q.sup.*.sub.jt] - [q.sup.*.sub.jt+1] does not change over time is given
[q.sub.jt+1] / [q.sub.jt] = [a.sub.jt+1][q.sup.*.sub.jt] -
[q.sup.o.sub.jt] / [a.sub.jt][q.sup.*.sub.jt] - [q.sup.o.sub.jt] =
[a.sub.jt+1] - [k.sub.jt] / [a.sub.jt] - [k.sub.jt] (4)
where [k.sub.jt] = [q.sup.o.sub.jt] / [q.sup.*.sub.jt]. The only
reason why [q.sub.jt] changes over time is that the post-operative
survival rate changes. Clearly increases in [a.sub.jt+1], other things
equal, lead to a higher quality adjustment factor.
Two variants of equation (4) were used to estimate a quality
adjusted output index. The first assumed that the no treatment outcome
would have been death so [q.sup.0] and hence k equals 0. In this case,
assuming resources are optimally allocated so unit costs are a valid
measure of the value of treatment, we can calculate the survival
adjusted cost weighted output index:
[I.sub.1] = [[summation].sub.j][x.sub.jt+1]([a.sub.jt+1] /
[a.sub.jt])[c.sub.jt] / [summation.sub.j] [x.sub.jt][c.sub.jt] (5)
where x are activities, c are unit costs and a are the survival
rates from treatment. In practice there may be conditions whereby the no
treatment outcome, [q.sup.0], would have been survival but at a reduced
level of health. Suppose the ratio [k.sub.jt] = [q.sup.o.sub.jt] /
[q.sup.*.sub.jt]) was constant through time. Then the quality adjusted
cost weighted activity index is given by:
[I.sub.2] = [[summation].sub.j][x.sub.jt+1]([a.sub.jt+1] -
[k.sub.j] / [a.sub.jt] - [k.sub.j])[c.sub.jt] / [summation.sub.j]
[x.sub.jt][c.sub.jt] (6)
which we call the survival adjusted cost weighted output index with
health effect.
Dawson et al. (2005) show that the index (5) will underestimate the
more general index (6). Recall that these indexes are merely taking
account of increases in survival. Suppose we compare two patients, one
whose condition is such that he has zero chance of survival if not
treated (k = 0) and another who would continue to live without
treatment, although at a reduced health level. Suppose there is an
increase in the mortality rate from treatment. The loss to the patient
who would have died anyway is small relative to the loss experienced by
the patient who chooses treatment rather than enjoying her remaining
QALYs had she foregone treatment. Conversely, if a new treatment
increases the survival rate for both, the risk from undertaking the
operation is reduced more for the patient who had some chance of
survival. Sample calculations of both the simple survival adjustment and
that involving health effects are presented in section 4 below.
An important observation is that unless we are willing to assume
that k = 0, we cannot divorce a survival adjustment from the health
effect. In addition the assumptions underlying these calculations are
unlikely to hold in practice, especially given that post-treatment
outcomes do not change over time. Without data on impacts on health
status before and after treatment, quality adjustments based on health
outcomes are likely to be minimal. The assumption underlying equations
(5) and (6) that resources are allocated efficiently is also unlikely to
hold in most health systems. If unit costs are not proportional to
health gains, then the index is likely to be biased in directions
difficult to fathom. For example an increase in survival will have a
smaller effect on the index the smaller is the cost weight [c.sub.jt].
As long as unit costs are proportional to health gains this is
reasonable. The increase in the health effect from an increase in
survival is proportional to [q.sup.*.sub.jt] and the smaller is
[c.sub.jt] the smaller is [q.sub.jt] = [a.sub.jt][a.sup.*.sub.jt] -
[q.sup.o.sub.jt] and the more likely is [q.sub.jt] to be small. But if
this condition does not hold, the fact that survival gains in low cost
activities will have smaller effects on the index than survival gains in
high cost activities is less appealing if the health gains from those
low cost activities are significant.
Instead, if patients' marginal valuations of the gains from
treatment were available, one could use a value weighted activity
index--see examples of the application of this alternative in Castelli
et al. (2007).
The index in equation (6) assumes that there is no change in life
expectancy over time. We can argue that, for some treatments, changes in
life expectancy after treatment and without treatment are primarily due
to factors outside the control of the health system and so should not
affect the calculation of the growth rate of health output from one
period to the next. However, the age structure of patients treated may
change over time and, if younger patients are treated, they will have
longer to enjoy the increased health status post treatment. Therefore we
can modify the basic index to take account of the age of treated
patients--the modification to the basic equation to account for this is
given in the Appendix table.
In conclusion, on health effects, in future it may be possible to
estimate [q.sup.*.sub.jt], [q.sup.o.sub.jt], using new data on
longer-term survival and on health status from surveys of patients
before and after treatment and from the results of evaluations of
different types of treatment. Until then the quality adjustments for
this characteristic are likely to be a serious underestimate of the true
change in output of the health sector.
The second characteristic which the research project focused most
attention on was waiting times. Waits for diagnostic tests and treatment
may affect individuals in two ways. First, they may dislike waiting per
se irrespective of the effect of treatment on the discounted sum of
their quality adjusted life year ([q.sub.jt]). Thus waiting time is
regarded as a separate characteristic of health care, distinct from its
effect on health. Second, longer waits delay and hence reduce the health
gain from treatment. Delay may be associated with deterioration in the
patient's condition and the pain and distress while waiting for
treatment results in a loss of quality adjusted life years for the
patients affected. Here, the waiting adjustment is akin to a scaling
factor multiplying the health effect.
Two main ways of modelling waiting as a scaling factor were
developed. The first is to value treatment at the time the patient is
placed on the waiting list; health effects are therefore discounted to
this date. The second is to value treatment at the date it is actually
received; health effects are discounted to the date of treatment. The
first has the property that waiting has a cost, in units of health,
which increases with the length of the wait but at a decreasing rate; an
extra day after a long wait costs less than an extra delay after a short
wait. The second adjustment is more consistent with the timing implicit
in equations (5) and (6) above--we measure activity when it takes place,
which suggests that we should measure the benefit from treatment at the
time it takes place. In this case discounting acts like an interest
charge--the longer the wait the greater the charge, so that reducing
long waits has a greater impact than reductions in short ones.
Finally we also considered incorporating waiting times as a
separate characteristic where results from contingency valuation studies
were used as weighting factors. These studies ask patients how much
money they would be prepared to forego for both an increase in health
level and a reduction in waiting times. Equations incorporating waiting
times adjustments are given in the Appendix table.
3. Data for the output index
Activity data
We calculate output growth in the NHS from 1998 to 2004 (Dawson et
al., 2005). It has been possible to make the NHS output index more
comprehensive over this period, due to better data collection. The
number of different activities for which data were available expanded
from 1,321 categories in 1998/9 to 2,060 by 2003/4. In table 1, these
activities are grouped by sector under broad headings for the hospital
and primary & community care sectors.
Given space constraints, this paper concentrates solely on hospital
activity--readers are referred to Dawson et al. (2005) for details for
other activities. The best data in the UK relate to hospital inpatient activity and detailed electronic information is available for every
patient treated in the NHS hospitals (the Hospital Episode Statistics,
HES). We define a unit of hospital output as 'continuous inpatient
spells of NHS care' (CIPS). These are defined as continuous periods
of patient care anywhere within the NHS. An NHS spell might comprise
multiple episodes, including the transfer from one hospital to another
as well as the move from one consultant to another within a given
hospital (Lakhani et al., 2005). CIPS capture the 'completed
treatment' to the maximum extent that is currently feasible in the
Activity is described using 565 Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG),
which are the UK equivalent to Diagnostic Resource Groups (DRG).
Activity in each HRG is reported separately for elective and
non-elective (emergency) treatment. Figure 2 graphs the number of
episodes for each year from 1998/9 to 2003/4. It shows little change in
electives up to 2001/2 with some growth thereafter. Non-electives show
more significant growth, especially in the final year.
Health outcomes
The health outcomes associated with each treatment are not observed
directly, so have to be estimated by piecing together the probability of
short-term survival from treatment, post-treatment health status and
healthy life expectancy. Thirty day survival rates are derived from HES
and show a continuous improvement from 1998/9 to 2003/4 (table 2).
Healthy life expectancy is derived from life tables and the 1996
Health Survey for England (Prescott-Clarke et al., 1998) and estimated
according to the average age of patients in each HRG.
Waiting times
A survey of the literature on the cost of waiting (Hurst and
Siciliani, 2003) found some evidence on deterioration of health and
premature death associated with waiting for cardiology treatment but
little for other procedures. The main variant of our suggested scaling
waiting time adjustment has a charge for waiting which represents the
welfare loss as a result of not having been treated immediately. This is
an offset against the benefit of the treatment which applies for the
residual life span. Interest is charged on the cost of waiting and the
marginal disutility of waiting increases with the length of the wait. We
refer to this as 'discounting to date of treatment with charge for
We calculate indices using a measure of inpatient waiting time
termed the 'certainty equivalent wait'. This reflects the
possibility that the disutility of being on a waiting list depends not
just on the average wait but also on the risk of a longer than average
wait. We measure the certainty equivalent wait as the waiting time for
patients at the 80th percentile of the waiting time distribution for
each elective HRG. Reductions in these relatively high waiting times
deliver benefits to all patients on the waiting list by reducing the
uncertainty of a long wait.
Waiting times are measured as the time between being placed on the
inpatient waiting list and being admitted. Year-on-year changes in
waiting times were volatile over the period, whether measured as the
mean days spent waiting or at the 80 per cent percentile of the
distribution (table 2).
Cost weights
Since 1998, every NHS provider has been required to provide
information on its cost and volume of activity by HRG to the Department
of Health. This information is published annually as the National
Schedule of Reference Costs. These costs are the basis for setting
tariffs for hospital care under 'Payment by Results'
(Department of Health, 2006a). The procedure for assigning costs to CIPS
is detailed in Dawson et al. (2005). The coverage of the NSRC has
increased over time, to include costs of outpatient care, critical care
services, accident & emergency, pathology, radiology, chemotherapy,
and rehabilitation (Department of Health, 2006b).
4. Results on output growth
We first present calculations of output growth to illustrate the
sensitivity of estimates to various quality adjustments to take account
of survival, for inpatient activity (table 3). The first quality
adjustment includes the survival adjustment alone. The next two include
the health effect; assuming a value of k = 0.8 across all treatments
except where mortality (m) is high (column 3) and the previous
calculation but including the life expectancy adjustment (column 4). The
value of k = 0.8 is derived from the sample of procedures where data on
before and after treatment outcomes are available (Castelli et al.,
2007). Looking at the average across the five years of the study,
including a simple survival adjustment increases growth in output by a
small amount. Including a health effect increases the adjustment for the
reasons set out above. Finally the inclusion of the life expectancy term
reduces the quality adjustment reflecting the increasing average age of
patients treated in the NHS during this time (Dawson et al., 2005).
We next consider the impact of allowing for changes in waiting
times. The result was that none of the waiting time adjustments had any
marked effect on growth rates, which is unsurprising given the
relatively small changes observed in table 2. We report summary results
in table 4 in the form of average annual growth rates over the period
1998/9 to 2003/4. All are based on the same survival adjustment with k =
[q.sup.0]/[q.sup.*]=0.8 and the mortality cut off set to m = 0.10. Other
uniform survival adjustments made little difference to the effects of
the waiting time adjustments.
The first and third rows show that there is little difference in
the effect of the forms of the waiting time adjustment. Comparison of
the first and second row shows that the choice of waiting time measure
has no impact. Since the waiting times and life expectancy factors are
non-linear, and there is a variation in waiting times and in ages within
an HRG in a given year, it is possible that our use of a single waiting
time and life expectancy estimate for each HRG may lead to misleading
results. To explore this, we used individual-level data to compute the
equivalent of the waiting time adjustment with discounting to date of
treatment with a charge for waiting. The results are in the fourth row
and again differ little from the same index form using the 80th
percentile wait in the first row.
The results show little or no impact from adjusting for changes in
waiting times, regardless of the formulae or measures of waiting time
employed. The small effects of waiting time adjustments are largely
driven by the lack of change in waiting times rather than the methods
used. To see this, suppose waiting times for the 80th percentile were
reduced by 10 per cent for all HRGs comparing 2003/4 with 2002/3. Then
the discount to date of treatment with charge for wait and low discount
rates equal to 1.5 per cent would add 0.16 percentage points. With the
same discount rates, reducing waits at the 80th percentile by 50 per
cent would add 1.12 percentage points to the growth rate in that year.
While further significant reductions in waiting time will increase the
growth of NHS output, it is important to note that the index measures
changes in both health gain through treatment and reduced waiting time.
Treatment may generate improved quality of life for ten years while a
reduction in waiting from six months to three months will add only a
fraction to the overall gain in output.
In addition, the impact of changes in waiting times is dependent on
the cost shares used to weight activities. If reductions in waiting time
are mainly concentrated in low cost procedures, they will have a lower
impact on the aggregate cost weighted output index than if reductions
were more uniformly distributed. This appears to be true for the data
employed in this study, as illustrated in figure 3 for the final growth
period. In this year 63 per cent of the elective HRGs showed a decrease
in waiting times, with a smaller 52 per cent showing reduction in 80th
percentile waits. Very large reductions in either mean waits or 80th
percentile waits appear to be concentrated in low cost procedures.
In summary, the results above suggest that the impact of
incorporating survival adjustments into a cost weighted output index
depends on assumptions about the health effect but, even so, the
adjustments are quite small. These results are hardly surprising since
the majority of health procedures have little impact on survival. The
data necessary to incorporate changes over time in health status from
treatment are not yet available. Waiting time reductions do not appear
to have a significant impact in the time period considered, regardless
of which model or measure of waiting times is used. This is due to the
small reductions in waiting times over the period and to the limited
impact of these reductions on health status.
5. The input index and productivity
To calculate total factor productivity we calculate an index of
total input use over the period:
[Z.sub.t] = [summation over i][[bar.[omega]].sub.it][z.sub.it] (7)
where [z.sub.it] is the amount of the i'th input used in
producing the activities in period t and [[bar.omega].sub.it] is the
social cost per unit of the i'th input.
As in previous papers in this issue, we divide inputs into three
broad categories: labour, capital and purchased inputs. These papers
emphasised that changes in the quality of factor inputs are important in
explaining productivity change. Labour is by far the most important
input used in producing health services, accounting for about 75 per
cent of total hospital expenditures. Current practice by DH and ONS is
to calculate labour input by deflating payments to labour by a wage
index. This is an indirect measure of the volume of labour input. It is
more usual to estimate labour inputs based on direct measures, such as
the number of persons engaged or hours worked. In particular, the OECD productivity manual recommends the use of annual actual hours worked, to
allow for time paid including overtime, holidays and sick leave.
In addition, labour input should be adjusted to take account of
variations in types of workers employed, in particular the changing use
of skilled workers. The growth accounting method employed to adjust for
the greater productivity of highly skilled workers mirrors that in
previous papers in this issue. This divides labour hours by skill type
and then weights the growth in hours of each type by their wage bill
shares. This captures the fact that more highly skilled workers get paid
more than the unskilled, and, under competitive market conditions, the
wage paid reflects the marginal productivity of workers of different
Two principal sources of data about NHS labour are available--the
NHS Workforce Census, an annual census carried out by the Department of
Health, and the Labour Force Survey, a quarterly sample survey carried
out by ONS. The two sources show similar but not identical trends
through time (Dawson et al., 2005). Data from the NHS Workforce Census
was used to obtain a headcount measure of labour input, while data from
the LFS was used to incorporate hours worked, to incorporate quality
adjustments, and to adjust for agency staff.
To construct a quality adjusted measure of labour input, data on
the proportion of workers in each skill group and their wage rates from
the LFS were combined with the NHS Census data, which acted as control
totals. The data show evidence of upskilling across the NHS workforce,
not only among doctors, nurses and other health professionals, but also
at the lower end of the skill distribution. There has also been a marked
decline in the share of the workforce with no skills.
However, changes in the skill use pattern will only impact if there
are also significant differences in wage rates across skill groups. This
appears to be the case in the NHS - on average those with higher degrees
were earning about four times the average unskilled wages.
Additional refinements to the quality adjusted index were also
considered. First, a further disaggregation of doctors was carried out
using data from the NHS staff earnings survey--this resulted in growth
in quality adjusted doctors about 30 per cent above numbers employed,
suggesting the qualification data alone (which resulted in an increase
of about 4 per cent) are not sufficient to capture all quality change.
However, with doctors representing less than 1.5 per cent of the NHS
Trusts wage bill, this leads to only a very small adjustment for the
hospital sector.
Secondly, an adjustment for training received by an individual in
addition to their certified qualifications was also made. In 2003/4, for
example, LFS data showed that just over 50 per cent of staff in the NHS
had received some form of job related training. Clearly, the impact of
training on workers' productivity will vary considerably depending
on the type of training in question. The results of adjusting for job
related training were to raise the quality adjusted labour input growth
rate on average from 1999/2000 by about 5 per cent, a small but not
insignificant impact. Therefore our estimates of quality adjusted labour
were scaled up to reflect the impact of on-the-job training.
Intermediate and capital inputs
Intermediate input expenditure data for the hospital sector comes
from Trust Financial Returns (TFR) and is deflated by a modified version
of the DH Health Services Cost Index (HSCI) to derive a volume measure.
Intermediate input was defined as all current non pay expenditure items
in the TFR, and hence excluded all purchases of capital equipment and
capital maintenance expenditures as these items cannot be allocated to a
particular year's output. The share of hospital drugs in
intermediate expenditure has been rising rapidly, from about 24 per cent
in 1998/9 to 34 per cent in 2003/4. The share of external purchase of
health care from non-NHS bodies has also increased through time but
remains small at about 6 per cent of total intermediate expenditure in
These numbers for intermediate input were deflated by an aggregate
price index, derived as a chain linked index of corresponding HSCI
items. This resulted in a very small upward adjustment in the
intermediate input deflator compared with one using all items in the
HSCI, as the prices of capital items have been growing more slowly than
current items and in the case of computers have been falling. Capital
input for the hospital sector is measured by depreciation reported in
the Trust Financial Returns, deflated by the ONS capital consumption
deflator, plus an allowance for depreciation of capital purchases in the
current year, deflated by a chain linked deflator for capital items in
the HSCI.
It should be noted that the prices and therefore also the
quantities of drugs used are measured in a way which almost certainly
does not take account of improvements in quality over time. Thus,
compared with a quality adjusted index of inputs, we probably understate the growth in inputs used by the NHS and overstate the rise in
Table 5 shows average period input shares and average growth in the
three inputs where labour input is the quality adjusted variant. Labour
represents the highest share followed by intermediate inputs. The growth
rates of each of the three input categories are very close in this time
Combining the input shares with growth in real inputs allows the
calculation of total input growth. Subtracting this from output growth
yields total factor productivity growth rates. In order to calculate
hospital level productivity growth rates, it is necessary to incorporate
activities other than inpatients into the analysis, to maintain
consistency between output and input measures. Thus we added
outpatients, accident and emergency and other procedures carried out in
hospital to our cost weighted output index; the only quality adjustment
for these additional activities was the inclusion of waiting times for
outpatients. In addition before-and-after measures of health status were
available for a handful of HRGs (Castelli et al., 2007). In order to
apply equation (6) to all inpatient activities we have to assume values
for k. This is included mainly for illustrative purposes. For elective
procedures we assume that the ratio of before-and-after health status
was 0.8, as suggested by the mean for the elective procedures for which
estimates were available. For non-elective HRGs we assume
[h.sup.o.sub.j]/[h.sup.*.sub.j] = 0.4 on the grounds that non-elective
patients may have worse health than elective patients if not treated.
The fact that we do not have comprehensive data on before-and-after
treatment outcomes means that our uniform adjustment understates health
outcomes for some HRGs and overstates health outcomes for others. Most
especially, some patients are admitted to hospital when the expectation
of death is very high. For HRGs where the mortality rate is high, we
make no health effect adjustment and use only the change in survival.
Finally we included adjustments for waiting times using 80th percentile
waits and by assuming discounting to date of treatment with charge for
wait, with discount rates on waits and health equal to 1.5 per cent.
Table 6 shows the TFP growth rates for both the unadjusted and
quality adjusted variants of our output measures. In most years this is
negative, with a slight tendency to improve over time. The finding that
TFP growth is negative is not unusual in the private sector, as can he
gleaned from the EU KLEMS database. Negative TFP growth is most likely
to occur in service sectors where output is poorly measured and quality
adjustment is minimal. When inputs are measured correctly, with
adjustments for quality change, then the TFP residual is close to a
measure of pure technical change so long as output is also measured
correctly. But as emphasised in many parts of this paper, we are only
capturing part of the improvement in quality of care via our proposed
adjustments for survival, health effects and waiting times. Because of
this incomplete adjustment for quality change we expect to underestimate
TFP growth. There are also reasons why in the short term at least we
might expect negative growth rates. The literature on the impact of
information technology on productivity in the private sector points to
an important role of organisational changes in facilitating benefits
from new technology, with the suggestion that we could observe declining
TFP in the short run due to disruption of production processes. There is
no doubt that the NHS is undergoing significant organisational change.
Of more consequence for the health sector is the notion that there
are diminishing returns as increased activity allows treatment of more
complex and hence most costly cases. Some evidence in support of this is
provided by the increased average age of patients treated in hospitals,
from 48.6 years in 1999/00 to 50 years in 2003/4. In addition there has
been some increase in the expenditure shares of HRG categories with the
title 'complex elderly' from 3.4 per cent of expenditures to
4.2 per cent over the same period. Changes in the case mix are likely to
be larger within than across HRGs but we lack the necessary data to
examine this. Data that identified the characteristics of patients would
also be useful in identifying the extent to which changes in health
sector productivity are affected by diminishing returns.
6. ONS work
The Office for National Statistics has built on the work described
here (UKCEMGA, 2006) and has added a number of extra dimensions to the
approach. The study rightly explores a number of issues not covered in
this paper, such as benefits of improved primary health care; progress
obviously needs to be made with such issues. Nevertheless they draw
public attention to some issues which we feel deserve comment.
The ONS study focuses on the benefits of statins in reducing
coronary heart disease. This brings to the fore a question we allude to only in passing; the benefits from statins obviously lead to an increase
in the gross output of the health service. But do they reflect an
increase in total factor productivity? In other words, are they an input
supplied by the pharmaceutical industry or are the benefits resulting
from them entirely a result of the skills of health service staff and
nothing to do with the pharmaceutical industry? However this issue is to
be resolved, it seems to us unlikely that the answer is that adopted in
the ONS study--that the benefits are entirely due to medical staff and
nothing to do with the industry which supplies the drugs. Thus we fear
that the ONS study overstates the productivity gains arising from this
source. To address this issue the same sort of effort needs to be put
into measuring the output of the pharmaceutical industry, which has been
deployed in measuring production of computers.
Secondly the study includes an element reflecting changes to
'patient experience' based on data collected from patients
about how happy they have been with a range of aspects of their
treatment, such as politeness of doctors and quality of hospital food.
Quantifying and aggregating such data in order to produce a single index
raises all sorts of problems. But even if these have been resolved there
is a more important one which the ONS study does not address. How much
does patient experience matter, relative to what we assume to be the
core function of the health service, treating patients successfully? The
ONS study assumes that a 1 per cent improvement in patient experience is
of equal importance in an overall output index to a 1 per cent point
increase in survival rates. It seems to us very unlikely that most
patients, when presented with this sort of equivalence, would say that
it reflected their views. A weighting of even one to ten comparing
'patient experience' to survival rates might seem to be on the
high side for the former. In any case some thought needs to be given to
the issue before it is possible to produce a satisfactory composite
Finally, the ONS study presents figures taking account of the
Atkinson adjustment to allow for the fact that the value of health
increases with time and probably broadly in line with real earnings.
While we do not have any difficulty with the proposition that the value
of health increases with time, we have yet to be convinced of the case
for the Atkinson adjustment, noting that it is difficult to relate to an
analysis of the link between national accounts, the concept of income
and economic welfare (Sefton and Weale, 2006).
7. Conclusion
We have demonstrated how quality change can be accounted for in
calculating indices of output and input for the health sector and
explored the influence of different assumptions about the form of
quality adjustment. These indices have been estimated for the hospital
sector of the English NHS using the best available data. As more data
become available it will be possible to obtain a clearer impression of
the progress that the health sector makes in advancing social welfare.
Dawson et al. (2005) recommend routine collection of data on
outcomes before and after treatment. They suggest that the following
points need to be addressed in such a data collection exercise. First,
since the scale of NHS activity is so broad and the potential volume of
patients is so large, sampling seems a more sensible strategy than
attempting to measure health effects for all NHS patients in a sector.
Second, the timing of before and after health status measurement may
depend on the type of activity; clinical advice could be used to
determine the appropriate period for follow-up surveys. Third, given the
pace of technological change in medicine, a continuous sampling of the
NHS patient population will be required to capture trends in the impact
of NHS services on patients.
Finally, the research team considered the feasibility of a
programme of routine collection of outcomes data. They suggest this
could start with a few high volume elective and medical conditions that
would permit sampling rather than complete coverage. The data would also
be immensely useful for other purposes, including monitoring of Trust
performance and improved cost-effectiveness analysis of particular
This research was funded by the Department of Health, to whom we
owe thanks. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the
Department of Health. This report has benefited greatly from discussion
with numerous experts, including the members of the Steering Group
Committee, Jack Triplett (consultant to the project team), Sir Tony
Atkinson, Barbara Fraumeni, Andrew Jackson, Azim Lakhani, Phillip Lee,
Alan Maynard, Alistair McGuire and Alan Williams. A number of
individuals and organisations contributed to assemble the data used in
this report. We are grateful to Kate Byram, Mike Fleming, Geoff Hardman,
James Hemingway, Sue Hennessy, Sue Macran, Paula Monteith, Casey Quinn,
Sarah Scobie, Bryn Shorney, Craig Spence, Karen Wagner, Chris Watson,
BUPA, the Cardiff Research Consortium, Health Outcomes Group and York
Hospitals NHS Trust. Any errors and omissions remain the sole
responsibility of the authors.
Atkinson, T. (2005), 'Measurement of government output and
productivity for the national accounts', Atkinson Review: Final
Report, HMSO, 31 January.
Castelli, A., Dawson, D., Gravelle, H., and Street, A. (2007),
'Improving the measurement of health system output growth',
Health Economics (forthcoming).
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M., Castelli, A., Jacobs, R., Kind, P., Loveridge, P., Martin, S.,
Stevens, P. and Stokes, L. (2005), 'Developing new approaches to
measuring NHS outputs and productivity: final report', York: Centre
for Health Economics, Research Paper 6: 2005.
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Department of Health (2006a), Implementing Payment by Results:
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--(2006b), Reference Costs 2006 Collection: Costing and Activity
Guidance and Requirements, London, Department of Health.
Eurostat (2001), Handbook on Price and Volume Measures in National
Accounts, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European
Hurst, J. and Siciliani, L. (2003), 'Tackling excessive
waiting times for elective surgery: a comparison of policies in twelve
OECD countries', OECD Health Working Paper 6, Paris, OECD,
available at www.oecd.org/health.
Lakhani, A., Coles, J., Eayres, D., Spence, C. and Rachet, B.
(2005), 'Creative use of existing clinical and health outcomes data
to assess NHS performance in England: Part I--performance indicators
closely linked to clinical care', British Medical Journal, 330,
Lancaster, K. (1971), Consumer Demand: A New Approach, New York,
Columbia University Press.
O'Mahony, M. and Stevens, P. (2006), 'International
comparisons of output and productivity in public services provision: a
review', in Boyne, G.A., Meier, K.A., O'Toole, L.J. and
Walker, R.M. (eds), Public Service Performance: Perspectives on
Measurement and Management, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Prescott-Clarke, P. and Primatesta, P. (1998), Health Survey for
England 1996, London, The Stationery Office.
Sefton, J. and Weale, M.R. (2006), 'The concept of income in a
general equilibrium', Review of Economic Studies, 73, pp. 219-49.
Triplett, J. E. (2001), 'What's different about health?
Human repair and car repair in national accounts and national health
accounts', in Cutler, D. and Berndt, E. (eds), Medical Care Output
and Productivity, Chicago, Chicago University Press.
UKCEMGA (2006), 'Public Service Productivity: Health',
http:// www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/article.asp?ID=1429.
(1) The use of quantity indicators is seen as feasible for services
provided to individuals, such as education, health and social services,
but less likely to be implementable for collective services such as
defence--inputs are likely to remain used for measuring output in these
Table 1. Components of the NHS output index
Activity categories Cost share
2003/4 2001/2
Hospitai sector
Inpatients 1136 33.48
Outpatients 299 10.99
Accident & Emergency 9 2.17
Critical care services 12 3.97
Primary & Community care sector
GP & practice nurse consultations 5 12.44
Dentists 1 4.69
Prescriptions 184 16.48
Mental Health 19 9.56
Other * 99 6.20
Total 2060 100.00
Note: * includes audiological services, renal dialysis, pathology,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, spinal injuries, rehabilitation, ambulance
journeys, ophthalmic services etc.
Table 2. Change in mortality rates and waiting times
Waiting time (days)
30 day
survival rate (%) mean 80th percentile
1998/99 96.92 88.7 132.2
1999/00 96.94 80.8 117.7
2000/01 97.07 82.3 119.0
2001/02 97.01 85.2 124.4
2002/03 97.14 88.5 128.9
2003/04 97.24 85.9 126.8
Table 3
Laspeyres CWOI index, CIPS, adjusted for
survival, 30 day mortality rates. Average annual growth
rates 1998/9 to 2003/4 (% p.a.)
Health Health effect
effect and life
Unadjusted Simple [q.sup.0]/[q.sup.*]=0.8
survival if m<0.10,
[q.sup.0]/q =0 otherwise
1998/9-1999/00 1.87 1.27 0.78 1.12
1999/00-2000/1 0.91 1.16 1.58 1.37
2000/1-2001/2 0.95 0.89 0.91 0.76
2001/2-2002/3 4.44 5.37 6.59 6.31
2002/3-2003/4 5.81 6.37 7.15 7.13
Average all years 2.78 2.99 3.36 3.30
Table 4. Laspeyres CWOI index, CIPS, adjustments for
changes in waiting times. Average annual growth rates
1998/9 to 2003/4 (% p.a.)
[r.sub.W] =
Form of waiting Measure of [r.sub.L] = [r.sub.W] = 10%,
time adjustment waiting time 1.5% [r.sub.L] = 1.5%
Discount to date
treated, with
charge for waiting 80th percentile 3.33 3.34
Discount to date
treated, with
charge for waiting mean wait 3.32 3.32
Discount to date
on list 80th percentile 3.24
Discount to date
treated, with
charge for waiting individual data 3.48 3.49
Survival adjustment
only 3.30
Note: [r.sub.W] = discount rate on waits, [r.sub.L] = discount rate on
life expectancy.
Table 5. Average period input shares and average growth
in inputs, 1998/9-2003/4, hospital sector.
Total NHS Shares Input growth
Labour 0.72 4.34
Intermediate 0.20 4.93
Capital 0.08 4.76
Table 6. Total factor productivity growth, hospitals, per
cent per annum
Unadjusted Quality adjusted
1998/9-1999/00 -2.82 -3.53
1999/00-2000/1 0.30 0.56
2000/1-2001/2 0.17 0.01
2001/2-2002/3 -2.01 -0.95
2002/3-2003/4 -1.13 -0.39
Average -1.11 -0.87