The evaluation of English education policies.
Machin, Stephen ; McNally, Sandra
Educational inequalities are evident even before children start
school. Those connected to disadvantage widen out as children progress
through the education system and into the labour market. We document
various forms of educational inequality. We then review available
evidence for England about the impact of school-level policies on
achievement and their potential for reducing the socio-economic gap. We
discuss evaluation evidence under four main themes: school resources;
market incentives; school autonomy; and pedagogical approaches.
Keywords: Educational inequality; evaluation; school policies
JEL Classifications: 12
I. Introduction
One key feature of the English education system since the 1988
Education Act has been the design and implementation of a number of
educational policies aimed at improving educational standards and
achievement. (1) There have been a range of policies introduced at all
stages of education, and by now there have been a number of evaluations
of these policies.
In this paper we take the opportunity to make a critical appraisal
of these evaluations and consider the scope that different policies have
had to influence educational achievement. There are now evaluations of
policies aimed at different ways of trying to enhance educational
performance and/or reduce educational inequalities. Thus, we think it is
timely to consider these together, with the aim of developing a better
understanding of which kinds of evaluations have been successful and
what kinds of policies have delivered education improvements in England.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we
describe educational inequalities at different stages of the education
sequence as a means of motivating the need for implementation of
education policies and for their evaluation. Section 3 focuses in more
detail on evaluation of particular school-level policies. Section 4
offers some concluding remarks.
2. Educational inequalities
Gaps in educational achievement can be identified at different
points throughout individuals' lives. Indeed, inequalities in
education emerge early in the lifecycle and gaps can and do widen as the
education sequence progresses. These inequalities are described in this
section of the paper, with the aim of using them as motivation for why
evaluation of educational policies aimed at alleviating educational
inequalities and reducing achievement gaps is an important research area
in the education field. The description we offer is ordered by the
education sequence that individuals follow, beginning with the
pre-school years, moving through the years of compulsory schooling, then
on to post-compulsory education and finally to adult, or lifelong,
Pre-school education gaps
By now it is well known that gaps in educational achievement are
present even before children start school. The environments in which
they grow up, and their family background, mean that children enter
school with differing levels of cognitive (and non-cognitive) skills.
Consider the vocabulary skills of five-year olds in the Millennium
Cohort Study (MCS), as reported in table 1.2 The table (taken from
Dustmann et al., 2010) breaks down the MCS vocabulary test by gender and
ethnicity. The test scores have been standardised to have a mean of 50
and a standard deviation of 10, so it is evident from the dispersion in
the numbers in the table that sizeable gaps in vocabulary skills exist
by gender and across ethnic groups even at the time of school entry.
Compulsory schooling
The gaps seen at school entry evolve through the years of
compulsory schooling. Some gaps widen and others narrow as
children's abilities at school lead them to move up or down the
distribution of educational outcomes. This, of course, can be affected
by educational policies that have scope to affect educational
Educational inequalities remain pronounced in the years of
compulsory schooling. Consider figure 1, which shows one example of
educational inequality, namely test score differences associated with
family background. The figure shows reading test score differences
associated with a one unit increase in the PISA index of economic,
social and cultural status (ESCS) for 15-year olds in 39 countries,
based upon data from the 2009 Programme of International Student
Assessment (PISA). (3) The test scores have a mean of 500 and a standard
deviation of 100 and the mean score varies significantly by country (as
shown on the y-axis of the figure). In all countries, however, there is
a significant positive association between family background measured by
the ESCS index and test scores. The mean impact of a unit increase in
the index is 38 across countries (i.e. 38 per cent of a standard
deviation) and the range of estimates goes from 17 (Indonesia) to 52
(New Zealand). The striking finding from the PISA data is that test
score gaps systematically vary by family background in countries with
very different education systems and where the quality of schooling
Post-compulsory education
Educational disadvantages acquired in the years of preschool and
compulsory schooling strongly impinge on whether individuals participate
in post-compulsory tertiary education. Figure 2 shows the percentage of
individuals who complete tertiary education in thirteen countries broken
down by the level of their parents' education. The black bar
corresponds to parents with the lowest level of education (ISCED 0-2,
those with completed education at pre-primary, primary or upper
secondary level) and the red bar to those with the highest level (ISCED
5-6, those with a completed tertiary education). The gaps are sizeable
and show a consistent pattern across all the countries in the
figure--the per cent of individuals who complete tertiary education is
far higher if their parents also have a tertiary education.
Adult learning
Educational inequalities do not stop increasing when individuals
complete their full-time education. They also tend to widen for adults
in their working lives as adult education and training occurs more for
those who already have higher education levels. This is shown in figure
3, which shows the percentage of adults in 28 countries who received
non-formal job-related education in 2007 by education level. In all
cases, this percentage is higher if individuals have higher levels of
This section makes it evident that educational inequalities emerge
and persist at all stages of the education sequence. Some educational
achievement gaps widen out as individuals progress further through the
education sequence, especially those connected to disadvantage. Thus,
there is a significant need for careful evaluation of educational
policies that are designed to try to affect inequalities in education.
The raft of education policies introduced in the English education
system in the past fifteen years or so offers a very good setting to
consider such evaluation methods, and their success (or otherwise) in
enabling us to gain a better understanding of what works in education,
and this is what we consider in the next section of this paper.
3. Policy evaluation relating to schools in England
Although policies at all stages of the lifecycle are relevant for
improving educational attainment and reducing inequality, in this
section we focus on school-level policies in England. This is because
the years of compulsory schooling are a very important time for
government intervention in a way that potentially affects all students.
(4) It is also because, in addition, there is a body of good evaluation
research of school-level policies in England in recent years. We need to
be selective of policy areas to be able to offer a rigorous critical
appraisal and we have therefore chosen to discuss policies and their
evaluation under the following headings: the efficacy of school
resources; market incentives; school autonomy; and pedagogical
approaches for raising educational attainment in schools.
School resources
One of the perennial debates in the economics of education
literature is whether additional school expenditure has an effect on
raising pupil attainment. It is also important to ask whether such
policies can be implemented in such a way as to reduce the kinds of
attainment gaps discussed earlier.
The relevant question is not about spending per se (which of course
is necessary) but whether additional spending can be cost effective at
the typical levels found in developed countries. Internationally, there
are many studies about school expenditure but there are different views
about how best to interpret results. Hanushek (2008), for example,
argues that accumulated research suggests no clear, systematic
relationship between resources and student outcomes. However, others
place more weight on studies with a particularly strong methodological
design that show positive effects (e.g. the class size studies of
Angrist and Law, 1999; Krueger, 1999; Krueger and Whitmore, 2001).
The difficult empirical issue in this area is that additional
school resources are often disproportionately allocated to disadvantaged
students. Unless this is fully dealt with in the methodological design,
the relationship between resources and attainment is easily obscured.
The positive association between school resources and educational
disadvantage is counterbalanced against the negative association between
educational disadvantage and educational attainment. The net result can
easily be an observed association between school resources and
educational attainment that is too low and does not reflect the true
causal relationship. (5) It is very difficult to prove that this
particular problem has been overcome, particularly where it is not
possible to implement randomised controlled experiments. Yet as the
third biggest category of government expenditure (in the UK), (6) it is
important to get a sense of whether an increase or a reduction of
spending is likely to affect student outcomes--which are so important
for the future of the economy as well as for the individual's
future prosperity.
There have been several recent studies looking at this issue for
England using a census of all pupils (the National Pupil Database) and
expenditure data for all schools. The English National Curriculum is
divided into four 'key stages', at the end of which students
are evaluated by their teachers (at ages 7 and 14) or they undertake
national tests that are externally set and marked by the school (at ages
11 and 16). Two studies that evaluate the relationship between
expenditure and attainment in secondary school are by Levacic et al.
(2005) and Jenkins et al. (2006). They look at outcomes at age 14 (end
of Key Stage 3) and age 16 (end of Key Stage 4) respectively. Both
studies find a small positive effect of resources on pupil attainment. A
difficulty is that they use political control as an instrument for
school expenditure. This involves making the assumption that political
control of a Local Authority only influences pupil-level outcomes
through school expenditure. This might not be the case, since Holmlund
et al. (2008) show that changes in political control are correlated with
changes in the demographic characteristics of Local Authorities, even
when the sample is restricted to Local Authorities where the election
outcome is 'close' and there is a small difference in the
share of seats of the two largest parties.
Government initiatives have provided a better framework to examine
causal effects in this context. Machin et al. (2004, 2010) evaluate a
flagship policy of the Labour government in the early 2000s--the
Excellence in Cities (EiC) programme for English secondary schools. In
this programme, schools in disadvantaged, mainly urban, areas of England
were given extra resources to try to improve standards. Initially most
of the funding was directed at core strands (Learning Support Units;
Learning Mentors; a Gifted and Talented Programme). Over time, schools
were allowed greater flexibility in how to use the funding. The
methodological approach is based on
'differences-in-differences', where schools in the
'treatment group' were compared with schools in appropriately
defined comparison groups before and after the policy came into effect.
Similarly to the study by Levacic et al. (2005), they find evidence for
small average effects of additional resources for maths but not for
The studies looking at resource effects for primary schools
(Gibbons et al., 2011; Holmlund et al. 2010) find that effects are
substantially higher for economically disadvantaged students. For
secondary schools, both Machin et al. (2010) and Levacic et al. (2005)
find that resource effects are higher for disadvantaged students
(although this is not found by Jenkins et al., 2006). These findings are
encouraging for policy because they suggest that mechanisms have been in
place to ensure that disadvantaged students benefit disproportionately
from increasing school resources. This helps to reduce the attainment
gap between socio-economic groups from what it might otherwise be. On
the other hand, it is interesting that both Machin et al. (2010) and
Levacic et al. (2005) find that high ability students from disadvantaged
backgrounds are most likely to benefit from these policies. Machin et
al. (2010) highlight a particular group of concern--low ability students
from disadvantaged backgrounds. These are 'hard to reach'
students who may require more resource-intensive programmes. Another
important question is what to make of an effect that appears to be small
(at least on average). Levacic et al. (2005) find that spending 100
[pounds sterling] more per pupil would raise maths attainment by 0.04 of
a level whereas Machin et al. (2011) find that spending 120 [pounds
sterling] more per pupil raises maths attainment only by 0.01 of a level
(after about three years of the policy). (7) Bradley and Taylor (2010)
look at whether the same policy (Excellence in Cities) and the
'Specialist Schools' policy had an effect on student outcomes
at age 16. (8) They also report evidence of only modest effects.
To conduct an accurate Cost-Benefit Analysis, we need information
both on costs and how estimated educational benefits translate into a
range of later outcomes--for example, further education, probability of
employment, wages, crime. Generally, it is not difficult to estimate the
costs of a policy. However, it is often difficult to estimate future
benefits. In the absence of good information, Machin et al. (2010) ask
how much the average benefits in terms of exam achievement would have to
translate into higher wages for the policy to break even. In line with
the literature, they assume an average rate of return to a year of
schooling to be about 8 per cent. Using the Family Resources Survey data
for England and Wales, they obtain a wage profile (an average of weekly
earnings by age, for all individuals). If pupils were to obtain the
equivalent benefit of a whole year of education at age 14 and then
started work at age 16, the lifetime benefit of this extra year is
estimated to be about [pounds sterling]20,000. (9) According to the
National Curriculum, a one level improvement corresponds to about two
years of schooling. If this is true, the benefit of EiC is about 0.02 of
a year of schooling (i.e. 0.01 x 2)--which comes to about [pounds
sterling]400 over the lifetime (i.e. 0.02 x [pounds sterling]20,000).
This is very similar to the cost of EiC policy ([pounds sterling]120 x
3). This very simple analysis suggests that EiC policy breaks even if
improvement in Key Stage 3 results corresponds to years of schooling in
the way suggested by the National Curriculum. Even if this is way off
the mark, benefits of improved attendance at school and higher
achievement at age 14 may lead to economic benefits in the short and
long term that we do not observe--for example, increased probability of
staying on at school beyond compulsory school-leaving, higher
probability of employment, lower probability of turning to crime.
There have been two recent papers about the effects of school
expenditure in primary schools (Holmlund et al. 2010; Gibbons et al.
2011). Holmlund et al. (2010) use the National Pupil Database between
2002 and 2007--a period of time in which there was a large increase in
school expenditure in England. They find evidence of a consistently
positive effect of expenditure across subjects. The magnitude is a
little bigger than that found for secondary schools but still modest.
Gibbons et al. (2011) use a very different strategy from that used for
other papers and the study applies to schools in urban areas that are
close to Local Authority boundaries. The percentage of poor children in
these schools is much higher than the national average (28 per cent are
eligible to receive free school meals, compared with 16 per cent
nationally). The strategy uses the fact that closely neighbouring
schools with similar pupil intakes can receive markedly different levels
of core funding if they are in different education authorities. This is
because of an anomaly in the funding formula which provides an
'area cost adjustment' to compensate for differences in labour
costs between areas, whereas in reality teachers are drawn from the same
labour market and are paid according to national pay scales. The study
shows that schools on either side of Local Authority boundaries receive
different levels of funding and that this is associated with a sizeable
differential in pupil achievement at the end of primary school. For
example, for an extra [pounds sterling]1,000 of spending, the effect is
equivalent to moving 19 per cent of students currently achieving the
expected level (or grade) in Maths (level 4) to the top grade (level 5)
and 31 per cent of students currently achieving level 3 to level 4 (the
expected grade at this age, according to the National Curiculum).
Bearing in mind that a one level improvement in the National Curriculum
has been interpreted as equivalent to two years of schooling (discussed
above) and that each extra year of schooling has an estimated benefit
over the lifetime of [pounds sterling]20,000, the cost of additional
school resources can be easily justified in a cost-benefit framework.
Taken together, the papers suggest that there is important
heterogeneity in the effects of pupil expenditure with stronger effects
in poorer areas (which is good for reducing the attainment gap between
socio-economic groups). They suggest that school resources can, in an
appropriate setting, matter a lot and that government cuts in this area
are of real concern. (10)
Over the past thirty years, there has been a concerted effort to
increase parental choice, competition between schools and accountability
of schools for the performance of children. If the 'market'
works well, parents should be able to make an informed choice about
which school to send their child to and schools should have an incentive
to improve performance because their funding is linked strongly to pupil
numbers and information is made available to parents through the
accountability framework (school inspections and publication of
'league tables' of school performance).
Legislation from the 1980s has enabled parents to apply to any
state school. Schools are only permitted to discriminate if there is
over-subscription and according to an enforced Code of Practice. The
most important over-subscription criteria is usually proximity to the
school. Evidence that parents act on available information in making
these choices is shown in the literature relating school quality to
house prices. In England, the positive relationship between school
quality and house prices is shown by Gibbons and Machin (2003),
Rosenthal (2003) and Gibbons et al. (2009). (11) Burgess et al. (2009)
also show that academic standards are important in both parents'
stated and revealed preferences for school choice. Of course, the link
between choice and parental income means that many parents are unable to
exercise meaningful choice because of their lower income (i.e. they
cannot afford to live very close to a popular school). Furthermore, West
and Pennell (1999) show that higher socio-economic groups have better
information and understanding of school performance. Thus, 'school
choice' (although good in itself) does not offer the same
advantages to those from lower and higher socioeconomic groups. It does
not help to address attainment gaps by family background.
Parental choice and incentives for schools to perform well should
give rise to competition between schools. In the international
literature, there have been many attempts to investigate whether
increased competition gives rise to improved educational attainment.
However, the international evidence is 'voluminous and mixed'
(Gibbons et al. 2008) and there are few papers in England. Bradley et
al. (2001) look at this at school-level (for secondary schools) and find
that schools with the best examination performance have grown more
quickly. They argue that increased competition between schools has led
to improved exam performance. The first pupil-level analysis on this
subject relates to primary schools in the South East of England (Gibbons
et al., 2008). The authors find no relationship between the extent of
school choice in an area and pupil performance. The study also suggests
that there is no causal relationship between measures of school
competition and pupils' educational attainment. The only case where
choice and competition might be beneficial is in the case of faith
schools. (12) This might be because many faith schools are voluntary
aided and have greater autonomy than other state schools (e.g. there is
less representation from the Local Authority on the board of governors;
they control their own admissions, although they must adhere to the Code
of Practice). Therefore it might be the case that competition would play
a more important role in school performance if schools were more
School autonomy
In most countries, state schools operate within a framework imposed
on them by their jurisdiction in terms of rules about teacher pay and
conditions, admissions, the curriculum, composition of the governing
body and so on. In some countries, more independent state schools have
been allowed to emerge. For example, there are 'charter
schools' in the US, 'free schools' in Sweden and
'academies' in England (since the year 2000). The details vary
between countries but, in all cases, the general idea is that a new
school type emerges where schools that are funded by the state are given
more autonomy than the typical state schools in how they are allowed to
operate. (13) The rationale is that this greater autonomy will encourage
more innovative policies in schools and help to raise standards. They
may also increase competition between schools in the local area, thereby
raising attainment.
In England, 'academies' are managed by their sponsors and
any governors they appoint. They have responsibility for employing all
staff, agreeing pay and conditions, freedom over most of the curriculum
(except for core subjects) and all aspects of school organisation.
Originally, academies were established as a replacement for a failing
secondary school in an area of economic disadvantage. Details of how the
system operated are well documented by Wilson (2011). More recently the
nature of the academies programme has changed with the prospect of
becoming an academy school becoming much more widely available. Machin
and Vernoit (2010) show that schools that have recently expressed an
interest in converting to an academy are characterised by a more
advantaged student intake (e.g. a lower proportion eligible to receive
free school meals) and higher educational attainment.
Machin and Vernoit (2011) provide evidence on the effects of the
programme for schools that became academies between school years 2002/3
and 2008/9. All these schools were secondary schools. They use the pupil
census (the National Pupil Database) to implement a
difference-in-differences approach. That is, they estimate the impact of
academy school conversion on the school's pupil intake and
performance by comparing average outcomes in these schools relative to
an appropriately defined comparison group, before and after the
conversion took place. They adopt a similar approach to look at the
effect of academy school conversion on neighbouring schools.
There are three main findings. First, there was a step-change in
the pupil intake of schools after they converted to academy status. They
started to attract and admit higher ability pupils. Second, these
schools also started to perform significantly better in GCSE exams (even
accounting for their improved intake). (14) Moreover, the achievement
gains were most marked in schools that made the biggest move in autonomy
(i.e. changing from a community school to an academy, as compared to
moves to academy status from being voluntary controlled or aided, from
being a foundation school or from being a city technology college).
Third, neighbouring schools started to perform better even though they
were left with a lower pupil intake. The positive impact on neighbouring
schools may be because of increased choice and competition and/or the
sharing of academy school facilities (and expertise) with the wider
Thus, the idea of granting schools greater autonomy seems to have
worked well in England. Furthermore, because the policy was initially
targeted at disadvantaged areas, it has been an instrument to reduce
attainment gaps along the socio-economic dimension (when viewed at a
national level). However, one has to be careful about any projection of
effects from a relatively small number of schools that became academies
over this time period. Schools that are enrolling into the Academies
Programme now have different characteristics (e.g. on average they are
less disadvantaged at baseline) and it might be that the Programme has
different effects in such schools. Furthermore, concerns about the
future include whether centrally provided services provided by Local
Authorities (e.g. for students with special needs) will be undermined if
too many schools become academies; whether small schools will have the
people and infrastructure to cope with new responsibilities; whether
more centralised regulation (i.e. a national Schools Commissioner rather
than the Local Authority) will be effective in identifying and dealing
with problems that might arise. A crucial aspect of markets that is hard
to operationalise in the public sector is the exit of schools (or
management) that are doing badly for their students. It remains
difficult, unpopular and slow to close down schools, even if they are
performing badly.
Whereas school autonomy seems to have become a popular concept in
England since 2000, this is not true of some aspects of school
organisation. There have been very prescriptive measures to raise
standards in literacy and numeracy via pedagogical methods.
Top-down policies to influence the teaching of literacy and
numeracy in primary schools were first introduced in the late 1990s to
some Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in England. For the most part,
these were a handful of inner city LEAs--twelve LEAs with respect to the
'literacy hour' and thirteen LEAs with respect to the
'numeracy hour'. There was very little geographic overlap
regarding where these policies were implemented. The background to these
initiatives was concern about poor standards of literacy and numeracy in
English schools. Subsequently both these policies were rolled out
nationally as the 'National Literacy Strategy' and
'National Numeracy Strategy' (in 1998 and 1999 respectively).
The core of these initiatives was a daily 'literacy hour'
and 'numeracy hour' to be taught in primary schools. They
aimed to improve the quality of teaching through more focused
instruction and effective classroom management. Both the 'literacy
hour' and 'numeracy hour' were supported by a framework
for teaching, which sets out termly objectives for the 5-11 age range
and provides a practical structure of time and class management. With
regard to the 'literacy hour', a range of texts were specified
and teaching objects set out at three levels (text, sentence and word)
to match the text types studied. The daily literacy hour was divided
between 10-15 minutes of whole-class reading or writing; 10-15 minutes
whole-class session on word work (phonics, spelling and vocabulary) and
sentence work (grammar and punctuation); 25-30 minutes of directed group
activities (on aspects of writing or reading) and a plenary session at
the end for pupils to revisit the objectives of the lesson, reflect on
what they have learnt and consider what they need to do next. The
framework document for the 'numeracy hour' also contained a
booklet of examplar lessons and training on strategies to teach mental
calculation. The hour itself consisted of a three-part template for
daily mathematics lessons, starting with 10-15 minutes of oral/mental
arithmetic practice, then direct interactive teaching of whole classes
and groups, and finally 10 minutes of plenary review.
Neither the literacy nor numeracy hour represented an increase in
the overall time allotted to teaching these subjects. But both
represented a dramatic change in how these subjects were taught. This is
explained in detail by Machin and McNally (2008) with respect to the
literacy hour.
Since the National Strategies were preceded by de facto pilot
projects (although they were not seen to be such at the time), there has
been opportunity to evaluate their effectiveness via a
difference-in-differences strategy. That is, one can compare educational
attainment at the end of primary school in 'treatment schools'
to schools in an appropriately defined comparison group, before and
after the 'pilot' project was introduced. Machin and McNally
(2008) evaluate the 'literacy hour' using this methodology.
(15) The results point to a significant impact of the literacy hour with
there being a 2-3 percentage point improvement in the reading and
English skills of primary school children affected by the introduction
of the policy. Perhaps of most significance is that effects are
generated at an extremely low cost per pupil. The main costs were local
centres and literacy consultants in each Local Authority, with some
funding to schools for teacher training and resources. Machin and
McNally (2008) estimate costs of only about 25 [pounds sterling] per
pupil whereas (discounted) labour market benefits for the improvement in
reading are estimated at between 69 [pounds sterling] and 179 [pounds
sterling] per year of working in the labour market.
Although the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies are likely
to be responsible for a considerable proportion of the improvement in
educational performance of primary schools in the 2000s, there is a hard
core of students for whom generic pedagogical approaches are not
sufficient. About one-fifth of students still do not attain the
government targets of 'level 4 or above' by the end of primary
school (in the National Curriculum, 'level 4' is the expected
level of knowledge and skills at this age). Another more recent
initiative to try to address this was the 'Every Child a
Reader' programme introduced to schools in some Local Authorities
in the mid-late 2000s. The core of this initiative is Reading Recovery,
which provides children in the greatest difficulty with daily one-to-one
tuition for up to twenty weeks. The programme has been evaluated by a
consortium of research institutions (Tanner et al., 2010). The economic
evaluation (by researchers at IFS) (16) is also based on a
difference-in-differences methodology (as described above). They find
that schools introducing the policy had significantly better educational
attainment for children at age 7 in reading and writing (i.e. the end of
Key Stage 1). The overall effect is similar to the 'literacy
hour' in that it increases the proportion of students achieving the
expected standard by about 2 percentage points. However, it is
considerably more expensive. The programme costs 3,000 [pounds sterling]
per child in the first year and 2,600 [pounds sterling] per child
thereafter. The future benefits depend on how long the effects endure
for. The authors estimate that for the policy to break even, it would
have to increase the probability of obtaining better formal
qualifications at age 18 by at least 4 percentage points.
Slavin et al. (2011) review a wide range of evidence on programmes
to help struggling readers (using international evidence). This includes
one-to-one programmes like Reading Recovery but also one-to-one teaching
programmes by para-professionals/volunteers; small group tutorials;
classroom instructional approaches; and instructional technology. The
review is very positive about the effectiveness of programmes like
Reading Recovery. The authors conclude that there should be a strong
focus on improving classroom instruction and then providing one-to-one
tutoring to students who continue to experience difficulties. Given the
likely costs involved (as documented by the IFS researchers for England)
compared with the costs of more classroom instructional methods (like
the literacy and numeracy hours), it would seem that the optimal
programme would only implement one-to-one tuition in a context where
classroom instructional methods had already been improved as much as
possible. However, these more expensive programmes (if well targeted)
might be especially helpful for 'hard to reach' students who
are not helped sufficiently by more generic programmes. If they are
successful, they might reduce problems much further down the line such
as drop-out at age 16/17 (which is a bigger problem in England than in
many other European countries). Another question is whether such
programmes really need to be prescribed from central government or
whether they can be left to individual schools. Arguments for
intervention at a central or local level are economies of scale in the
provision of relevant infrastructure (e.g. training programmes) that are
difficult to organise by practitioners at a school level, who are mainly
occupied with day-to-day activities in their own school. However, too
much prescription (especially from a high level of government) can mean
that schools do not have the flexibility to adapt programmes in a
suitable way for their own circumstances and takes away the professional
autonomy sought after in other areas of educational policy. A more
highly skilled and trained teaching workforce might remove the need for
prescribed methods of classroom instruction. There is little research
for England showing the importance of teacher quality because the
relevant data are not made available to researchers (and not collected
at classroom level). (17) However, the importance of teacher quality is
well illustrated in other countries such as for the US. For example,
Rivkin et al. (2002) show that having a teacher at the higher end of the
quality distribution is very important for raising student achievement.
However, the cost of recruiting, retaining and on-going training of
teachers is expensive. Furthermore, a consequence of the increase in
graduate opportunities over recent decades (especially for women) is
that it is more difficult to attract and retain highly qualified people
in teaching.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we began by describing educational inequalities that
appear at all stages in the lifecycle and used this as a motivation for
then discussing evaluation of various school-level policies in England.
It is clear that educational attainment gaps along various dimensions
are evident from the earliest time these are measured and throughout the
lifecycle. Of special concern for social mobility is the gap according
to family background. We therefore review various school-level policies
that have been implemented in England where there is at least some
economic evaluation of a high standard, with the aim of seeing how they
have scope to impinge on educational inequalities. We are necessarily
selective and consider evaluations in the areas of school resources,
market incentives, school autonomy and pedagogical approaches in turn.
There have been several recent studies about the effects of school
resources on educational attainment. Quite often, they find evidence of
a modest effect of school resources on educational attainment. The
exception is the recent study by Gibbons et al. (2011), which suggests
larger effects. This study applies to schools in urban areas and is of
particular interest because of the larger proportion of disadvantaged
students in these areas. In fact, several of these studies suggest that
expenditure effects are larger for economically disadvantaged students.
This suggests that school resource policies can help to reduce
attainment gaps by family background (especially if deliberately
introduced to do so). This is good news for the Pupil Premium policy,
although worrying because school expenditure will fall in real terms for
most schools.
The evidence for the effects of choice and competition suggests
that higher socio-economic groups benefit more from school choice and
competition does not seem to raise educational standards. However, this
might be because many schools have not had enough flexibility to respond
to competitive pressures. The evidence on school autonomy (i.e. in the
context of 'the academies programme') suggests that this
produced positive educational achievement gains both for participating
schools and their neighbours in the areas where they were first
introduced. It can be viewed as a policy with some redistributive
effects because academies were first introduced to disadvantaged areas.
However, the early effects of academies cannot be extrapolated to a much
bigger programme that no longer targets particular areas. The expansion
of the programme presents new challenges--for example for monitoring and
accountability; for small schools; for services traditionally provided
by Local Authorities to all schools in their area.
Pedagogical approaches have been shown to be important for
improving educational attainment. Classroom instructional methods (as
manifest in the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies) can be
extremely cost-effective. However, they will not necessarily be enough
to lift the performance of hard-to-reach children. If we are serious
about improving the prospects of these children, then programmes like
Reading Recovery may be necessary. Although they are expensive, they
have been shown to be effective and may be important for reducing
serious problems down the line, such as reducing the number of people
who are 'not in education, training or employment' at a young
age. The need actually to prove such effects (to help future investment
decisions) is why longitudinal studies and high quality economic
evaluation should remain high on the policy agenda.
Finally, it is worth remarking that England offers a useful setting
for an appraisal of evaluations of education policies, due to the quest
for evidence-based policy formation and because of the large number of
policies that have been implemented. However, the policies that seem to
work best are those where a need for intervention can be identified
(e.g. because things are not working properly) and so one needs to be
careful to recognise that their scope to generate educational
improvements is often place and context specific. There is therefore a
need to be very careful indeed if one wishes to try to generalise the
results from economic evaluations of education policies like the ones
described in this paper to other settings.
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(1) See Machin and Vignoles (2005) for a description of some of
these policies and education reforms.
(2) The MCS is a longitudinal survey of around 19,000 children born
in the UK over a twelve-month period from 2000 to 2001. The first survey
took place when the children were around nine months old. Follow-up
interviews have, at the time of writing, taken place when children were
aged three, five and seven.
(3) The PISA ESCS index is derived from the following variables:
the International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status (ISEI);
the highest level of education of the student's parents, converted
into years of schooling; the PISA index of family wealth; the PISA index
of home educational resources; and the PISA index of possessions related
to 'classical' culture in the family home. The variable is
scaled to have a mean zero and a standard deviation of one, so the
numbers in the figure can be read as a per cent of a standard deviation.
See OECD (2011) for more information.
(4) Students are not forced to attend pre-primary education or to
stay in education beyond age 16. The compulsory years of education are
the only time that government education policies can potentially affect
all students.
(5) Holmlund et al. (2010) illustrate that this is an important
concern in an English context.
(6) This refers to education spending as a whole, although most
education spending is at school level.
(7) In the Key Stage attainment tests, progress is measured in
'levels'. At each Key Stage, the National Curriculum defines
the level which students are expected to achieve. In the Key Stage 3
test (i.e. the test used in Levacic et al., 2005, and Machin et al.,
2011), most children achieve within the range of levels 3-8.
(8) Specialist schools are state-maintained secondary schools with
a designated subject specialism. They need to apply for specialist
status and, if successful, receive significant additional funding.
(9) The estimated benefit is calculated based on the weekly
earnings of all individuals in the Family Resources Survey (2002/3)
between the ages of 16 and 64. The Net Present Value of an extra year of
schooling at age 14 is then calculated using a discount rate of 3.5 per
cent--the recommended discount rate in the UK HM Treasury Green Book
(10) In education, nominal spending is staying constant (apart from
the 'pupil premium'). However, simple calculations suggest
that even schools benefiting from the 'pupil premium' will
experience a real decrease in funding because of high inflation.
(11) See reviews of the wider literature in Black and Machin (2010)
and Machin (2011).
(12) Faith primary schools are attended by about a fifth of all
pupils. One third are Catholic Schools (voluntary aided) and two-thirds
are Church of England schools (under more direct control from the Local
Authority), with a very small number of schools aiming to educate
children of other faiths. Such schools can only discriminate by religion
in the event of over-subscription. As a result, many of these schools
have a significant minority of children from other faith traditions than
their own.
(13) See Machin and Vernoit (2011) for a more detailed discussion
of how greater autonomy exists in one particular type of these newer
kinds of schools, academies in the English secondary school sector. In a
nutshell, there is more autonomy as compared to a traditional state
school in that there is less control from the Local Authority, as
admissions and teacher hiring are under school control, governing bodies
are both more diverse and have more responsibility for school polices
and the curriculum followed can be more broadly defined (as the National
Curriculum is only followed in English, maths, science and ICT).
(14) GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education.
The exams are undertaken by pupils in their final year of compulsory
schooling when they are aged 16.
(15) Very similar results are found for the 'numeracy
hour' in subsequent analysis (available on request).
(17) While the new School Workforce Census will certainly help
researchers, it is still the case that teachers are not linked to
classes they teach. There can be many classes in a year group.
Stephen Machin * and Sandra McNally **
* Department of Economics, University College London and Centre for
Economic Performance, London School of Economics. E-mail:
[email protected]. ** Centre for Economic Performance, London School of
Economics. E-mail:
[email protected]. We would like to thank Alex
Bryson for giving us detailed and helpful comments.
Table 1. Age 5 differences in vocabulary tests by gender
and ethnicity, Millennium Cohort Study
Ethnic group Boys Girls
White British 55.9 56.5
Black, Caribbean 48.4 * 51.0 *
Black, Other 44.2 * 47.2 *
Bangladeshi 40.4 * 41.7 *
Pakistani 40.6 * 40.7 *
Indian 49.8 * 50.3 *
Chinese 41.2 * 55.2
Number of Children 4,587 4,452
Notes: Based on Table 3 of Dustmann, Machin and Schonberg
(2010). The vocabulary test is standardised to have mean 50 and
a standard deviation of 10. A * denotes statistically significant
differences relative to White British boys or girls respectively.