Commentary: UK housing market: problems and policies.
Armstrong, Angus
Housing is at the top of our political agenda. This is appropriate
given that housing is a necessity as it is essential for the security
and well-being of our families. Article 25 (1) of the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights recognises housing as part of citizens'
right to a "standard of living adequate for the health and
well-being of himself and his family."
There is mounting evidence that we are failing to deliver decent
housing, especially for the younger generation. First, more and more
houses are being bought for investment purposes which raises the cost of
housing. Second, older generations appear to be 'under
occupying' and even hoarding houses while younger generations are
struggling to move into homes. Third, the number of new homes continues
to fall below the number of new families. Fourth, the
re-reclassification of housing associations may leave this essential
source of housing for lower income families less able to access
long-term stable funding.
This Commentary looks at the problems in the UK housing market and
considers fundamental reforms to housing taxation and housing finance.
Home ownership trends
Housing policy is complicated because houses perform several
functions at once. First and foremost, houses provide shelter. An
obvious measure of a well performing housing market is if there are
enough houses for everyone. The Office for National Statistics (ONS)
estimates that there were roughly 27.5 million dwellings (excluding
long-term vacant houses) and 26.5 million households in 2013. But there
may be problems on the horizon. The ONS estimates that the number of new
households is projected to increase by 250,000 per year over the next
decade while the number of net new houses completed over the past decade
averaged 175,000 per year.
The share of households who are owner occupiers has fallen from 69
per cent to 63 per cent over the past decade. This headline figure masks
interesting and divergent trends. Ownership among people under 34 has
fallen by around 20 per cent, while ownership by those over 75 has
actually increased. The decline in the owner occupation rate matches the
rise in households in the private rented sector and coincides with a
steep rise in the number of households who own additional homes.
A new trend in home life is the rise in the number of households
with shared families. For example, children staying at home with their
partners at their parents' home. This trend was relatively steady
until 2006 but has since started to rise by around 7 per cent per year.
The sudden change in trend suggests this has more to do with
affordability than preferences.
Overcrowding is almost exclusively found in rented homes rather
than owner occupied. At the same time a remarkable phenomenon called
'under occupied' housing is on the rise. An 'under
occupied' home is defined as having two or more spare bedrooms.
According to the English Housing Survey, 61 per cent of those who own
their house outright are said to 'under occupy', compared to
39 per cent of mortgage holders and only 15 per cent of private renters.
This evidence suggests some degree of hoarding housing consistent
with housing being a store of wealth. Owners are happy to 'under
occupy', many households are buying second properties and the older
generation are not releasing equity by leaving owned property towards
the end of their life. The market is clearing through higher house
prices which prevents those in the early years of adulthood, who have
most housing cost risk, from becoming owners. (1) This suggests that the
market is becoming less efficient in allocating housing on a basis of
Investment returns
Housing is also the most important asset we own. Households have
more wealth invested in housing than any other asset including pensions.
In 2014 the value of households' and non-profit institutions'
dwellings was 4.43tn [pounds sterling] (ONS data). This is 58 per cent
of the entire net wealth of the UK. Figure 1 shows ONS data for personal
sector housing and net financial wealth as a share of disposable income.
The rise of housing wealth reflects higher owner occupation and house
prices. According to Savills, landlords with mortgages now have more
housing market equity than owner occupiers with mortgages. (2)
It is not only British households that invest. In a world where
secure assets with a positive yield are scarce, UK property is popular
with overseas investors. A popular private sector buy-to-let index
suggests that annual gross returns have been above 10 per cent since the
start of 2014. (3) UK property has all the essential attributes of a
secure asset, such as complete records of ownership and courts that
uphold property rights. According to Property Week, the annual amount of
overseas investment has risen from around 6bn [pounds sterling] per year
a decade ago to 32bn [pounds sterling] in 2014.
Indeed, UK housing has been a sound bet for decades. Over the past
twenty years the price of an average house has risen by 7.3 per cent per
year, higher than a 6.3 per cent total return (dividends reinvested) in
the FTSE100 stock index. However, assuming a very modest rental yield
net of depreciation and repairs of 2 per cent takes the return on
housing significantly higher than other assets and much less volatility.
The difference is even greater when considering the after tax
return. Home owners pay council tax and stamp duty when they move (1 per
cent on the average home) which are small relative to overall housing
costs. Wealth in housing is also sheltered for means testing, which
becomes especially important when faced with uncertain late in life
health costs, and increasingly sheltered from inheritance tax. By
comparison, owners of financial assets pay income and capital gain
taxes. Therefore, the after-tax and risk-adjusted rate of return on
housing has been far in excess of other investment options.
Intergenerational fairness
There is surprisingly little, if any, credible economic evidence
that owner occupation leads to better economic outcomes, such as better
education, health, fewer social problems, to mention a few. (4) Owner
occupiers are likely to be wealthier and have better outcomes, but there
is no evidence this is caused by housing tenure. The evidence that
ownership limits labour mobility is also not very conclusive.
Ownership can adversely affect other citizens through
intergenerational fairness. The 50 per cent rise in house prices over
the past decade benefits the existing owners at the cost of those
wanting to become owners. The younger generation, perhaps simply not old
enough to own in 2004, now have to save 50 per cent more, or 93,000
[pounds sterling], from after-tax income just to afford an average UK
home. This explains the divergent owner occupation trends noted earlier.
There are parallels between the government debt and house prices.
The burden of servicing and repaying the public debt and paying more for
housing falls on everyone in future generations. Even those who rent are
not exempt; house prices and rents move roughly together. Yet there is a
marked contrast in the desire to repay government debt but support
housing demand and house prices. Over the past decade the increase in
public debt was 1 trillion [pounds sterling] and the increase in the
value of dwellings was 1.3 trillion [pounds sterling].
Economic cycles and growth
A second way rapidly rising house prices can impose costs on others
is through economic and financial instability. A simple approach to
valuing home ownership is the user cost of capital. This adds up the
cost of borrowing, essentially the interest charge, plus the cost of
wear and tear on upkeep and minus the expected rise or fall in price. If
the user cost is less than the cost of renting, then it makes sense to
own. When house prices are expected to rise strongly the user cost can
fall to zero or even negative.
According to the IMF, housing cycles in the UK have the greatest
amplitude of OECD countries. (5) This matters because aggregate demand
is highly correlated to house price cycles. A recent Bank of England
blog has discussed the correlation between house prices and job losses.
(6) The Bank also suggests a link between household debt and the
sensitivity of spending. (7) There are disputes about the cause, but no
doubt about the correlation. If households are required to take larger
mortgages this may increase the amplitude of economic cycles further.
The consequences for financial and economic stability are at the heart
of the UK's boom and bust history.
Another reason for concern about rising house prices is the
consequences for long-term income. Feldstein (1982), using a growth
model with different productivity for the housing stock and businesses
capital stock, shows that spending on housing may be consistent with
slower productivity and lower long-term income. (8) If a greater share
of savings is being invested in property, less may be available to
support the nation's more productive capital stock. Less investment
over the long term results in diminished supply and income potential.
One option is to borrow from abroad to invest in our capital stock.
But overseas borrowing needs to be serviced which can ultimately reduce
our income. Assuming we do not borrow from overseas, our national
savings rate last year of 12.5 per cent and capital to output ratio of
2.2 and a depreciation rate of 4 per cent, implies long-term income
growth of 1.7 per cent. Rising house prices can crowd out productive
Planning and supply
Over the long term we clearly need more housing supply as household
formation exceeds new supply. Yet as long as the government chooses not
to build council houses, supply depends mostly on choices made by
private sector agents who respond to their own incentives. For all the
effort of successive governments to increase supply, the outcome has
been disappointing. In 2013, the last year of data, the number of new
houses completed was 138,000. This is well below the 177,000 average
over the past decade, and the projected 250,000 new households each year
over the next decade.
The real question is why supply continues to fall below target.
Perhaps the most compelling answer is the planning system. The current
government intends to decentralise planning by giving more power to
local councils and prioritising the development of so-called
'brownfield' sites. (9) While all governments seek to overhaul
the system, with so much wealth in the housing stock there are strong
interests of owners or 'insiders' to proceed with caution.
Even if housing supply targets are met this would not solve some
the amplitude of cycles. Houses last for around fifty years, so the
market is dominated by stock rather than flow of new supply. Assuming
supply targets are met, the flow of new houses is less than 1 per cent
of the stock. Indeed, if the construction industry were also more
procyclical, expanding when house prices are rising, this may even make
economic cycles bigger. The US is a cautionary tale of how a more
elastic supply of new homes does not ensure lower amplitude of house
price cycles.
Sub-market housing
Some families cannot afford to participate in the private housing
market. Housing Associations (HAs) are not-for-profit private
organisations that provide rental accommodation at sub-market rates and
carry out property development. They fund development from retained
earnings and a grant from central government to the tune of around 1bn
[pounds sterling] per year. HAs are the third largest source of housing
providing homes to 10 per cent of the population and 20 per cent of new
housing supply. The government has extended its 'Right-to-Buy'
to HA tenants in the hope that they will replace homes sold with new
In October 2015, the ONS reclassified HAs as public sector
corporations. This meant that the government became the country's
largest landlord with over 2.8 million families as new tenants and
inherited 60bn [pounds sterling] of new public sector debt. The
proximate cause for the reclassification was probably the
government's decision to extend 'Right to Buy', which
meant that HAs could no longer 'fly under the radar' as de
facto public bodies since the Housing and Regeneration Act of 2008.
But this is unlikely to be the end of the story. The government has
said it will take whatever actions necessary to reverse the
reclassification decision. There is a precedent for re-reclassification:
Further Education Colleges were reclassified in 2010 then
re-reclassified in 2012. Convincing the ONS will require significant
change in the governance of HAs. The problem is that these changes may
undermine the funding of HAs and therefore limit the possibility of
developing new homes to replace the existing stock.
The HA funding model was surprisingly sound. They receive a steady
income stream of social rents and because the government's claim
via its grant is subordinate to private creditor claims this gives
investors comfort that their credit risk is limited. Therefore, HAs can
aggregate their borrowing and tap domestic long-term investors such as
pension funds and insurance companies. As a result, unlike private
developers HAs have little reliance on short-term debt.
Figure 2 compares housing supply from private developers and HAs.
Private developers' completions fell by 45 per cent in the crisis
period while HA completions rose steadily, providing counter-cyclical
support to the economy and the construction sector. This is quite a
success for a section of the housing market that is notoriously
difficult to fund (consider for example the sub-prime debacle in the
US). HAs may be boring, but their funding structure meant that they have
contributed to our economic stability.
The lesson of the re-reclassification of Further Education Colleges
is that government may have to relinquish control well beyond the cause
of the reclassification in the first place. In other words, government
will have to step much further back than simply dropping 'Right to
Buy' plans. The risk is that the government may have to step so far
back from control of HAs that they are no longer able to rely on
long-term private funding. This will lead to an even greater share of
our housing market being funded by short-term finance.
Housing taxation
A first priority must be to improve the taxation of housing. At
present our taxation of housing is possibly the worst of all worlds. We
tax the purchase of houses by stamp duty, which limits the efficient
allocation of housing and labour mobility. Council tax has no connection
to existing property values. Unlike other assets the income and capital
gains on primary residences are untaxed. No attempt is made to tax the
excess returns on housing which accrue because of its relatively fixed
An efficient tax system would be consistent across assets and leave
the decision about how much to consume today versus save and consume
tomorrow unaffected. This is difficult for owner occupiers as the
'dividend' or income from their investment is the housing
services the household consumes. This suggests a tax on the value of
housing services consumed. Further, because of the relatively fixed
supply there is a strong case that housing earns an 'excess
return'. An efficient tax system would tax this element, or more
likely create an allowance based on a 'normal return' and tax
any additional capital gains.
If a capital gains tax were introduced, this would reduce the gains
in an upturn and losses in a downturn, so dampening house price cycles.
This may also reduce the resistance to planning, reduce 'under
occupancy' and even increase the flow of savings in productive
investment. To make such a tax manageable, investment in properties
would be exempt and the gains would be paid on final sale or even death.
This would avoid any incidence on 'cash poor' home owners. The
revenue raised could be offset by scrapping the stamp duty transactions
These ideas are unfortunately in the opposite direction to recent
policies. Recent changes to inheritance tax limits allow couples to
transfer even more wealth in housing to descendants free of tax. This
creates another tax advantage to home owing. Previous governments
removed the tax relief on mortgages (MIRAS) without lasting electoral
damage. This shows that changing the taxation of housing for the better
is possible.
Housing finance system
A second priority for a better housing market is an effective
housing finance system. Housing finance is simple in theory, but
difficult in practice. In theory, young households want a long-term loan
to fund the purchase of a long-term asset. Middle-age and older
households are looking for safe long-term assets to invest in for their
retirement. The ideal contract between generations is fixed in real
terms, and second best is fixed in nominal terms. Short-term floating
rate mortgage debt is third best for both sides.
In practice this is hard to achieve. When the young move house, or
when interest rates fall, they pay off the existing mortgage which
shortens the duration of pension savings and introduces refinancing
risk. Long-term investors have to price non-stationary credit risk (risk
falls as the mortgage is repaid) which interacts with refinancing risk.
This is all possible, but expensive.
No country in the world has found a satisfactory solution without
state involvement. In the US Fannie and Freddie removed residual credit
risk (before President Clinton's housing reforms in the 1990s),
meaning that investors only had to manage prepayment risk. In Canada the
residual credit risk is managed through insurance, where the ultimate
insurer of last resort is the state. In Germany the state implicitly
supports Pfandbriefe (covered bonds) which have not defaulted in over
200 years. Of course the state is also sadly adept at policy failures.
But the key point is that in each case mortgages are funded by long-term
domestic investors.
House purchases in the UK are almost exclusively reliant on bank
finance at short-term interest rates. Housing used to be funded by
'sticky deposits' from building societies. All changed in 1986
when Building Societies were allowed to de-mutualise to increase
competition with banks. The funding structure of former building
societies either replicated banks or were much worse (like Northern
Rock). This was all in the name of greater competition with no thought
given to stability issues in finance. As a consequence, housing finance
involves a greater maturity mismatch of assets (mortgages) and
liabilities (funding) and greater leverage.
Interest rates influence the user cost of capital (discussed above)
through mortgage costs and expectations of price appreciation. Mortgages
are priced on short-term interest rates which are more volatile than
longer-term rates. It is no surprise that our house price cycles
coincide with the fortunes of the banking sector. Every downturn in the
property markets coincides with serious stresses on the banking system.
As Goodhart and Perotti (2015) make clear, a more stable housing
market will require less maturity mismatch and leverage in housing
finance. (11) Mortgage supply would be more efficient if funded by
long-term sources of finance. Most other countries manage this. It
requires leadership in the design of the financial system to meet the
economic objectives of the citizens who underwrite the system. (12) The
Treasury and Bank of England have the capacity to develop a housing
finance system that delivers stable funding and less financial
(1) See Sinai and Souleles (2005).
(2) Reported in the Financial Times, 15 January, 2016.
(3) LSL. Buy-to-let index (2015).
(4) O'Sullivan and Gibb (2012).
(5) IMF (2014).
(7) Bank of England (2104).
(8) Feldstein (1982).
(9) Brownfield is land previously used for commercial purposes.
(10) Some studies note the increase in the planning and appeals
process just as policymakers are trying to shorten it.
(11) Goodhart and Perotti (2015).
(12) Armstrong (2013).
Armstrong, A. (2013), 'A better housing finance system',
National Institute Economic Review, 223, February, content/223/1/F4.full.pdf+html.
Feldstein, M. (1982), 'Inflation, tax rules and the
accumulation of residential and non- residential capital', The
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 84, 2, pp. 293-311.
Floden, M. (2014), 'Did household debt matter in the great
recession?' Supplement to Blog Post on, 16 February.
Goodhart, C.A.E. and Perotti, E. (2015), 'Maturity mismatch
streching: banking has taken the wrong turn', LSE Financial Markets
Group Paper Series, Special paper 235.
IMF (2014), Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 14/234.
LSL (2015), Buy-to-let Index, November,
O'Sullivan, A. and Gibb, K. (2012), 'Housing taxation and
the economic benefits of homeownership', Housing Studies, March.
Sinai, T. and Souleles, N.S. (2005), 'Owner-occupied housing
as a hedge against rent risk', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120
(2), pp. 763-89.
United Nations (1948), The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Angus Armstrong *
* National Institute of Economic and Social Research and Centre for
Macroeconomics. E-mail:
[email protected]. This commentary is
based on a written submission to the House of Lords Economic Affairs
Committee for their inquiry into 'the economics of the UK housing