Case studies of cybercrime and their impact on marketing activity and shareholder value.
Smith, Katherine T. ; Smith, L. Murphy ; Smith, Jacob L. 等
E-commerce is a fundamental part of marketing activity. Most
e-commerce takes place on the websites of publicly traded companies. The
term 'cyberspace' refers to the electronic medium of computer
networks, principally the Web, in which online communication takes
place. A challenge facing e-business or cyber-business is that it is
vulnerable to e-crime, also called cybercrime. Cybercrime can totally
disrupt a company's marketing activities. Cybercrime costs publicly
traded companies billions of dollars annually in stolen assets, lost
business, and damaged reputations. Cybercrime costs the US economy over
$100 billion per year (Kratchman et al. 2008, Mello 2007). Cash can be
stolen, literally with the push of a button. If a company website goes
down, customers will take their business elsewhere.
In addition to the direct losses associated with cybercrime, a
company that falls prey to cyber criminals may lose the confidence of
customers who worry about the security of their business transactions.
As a result, a company can lose future business if it is perceived to be
vulnerable to cybercrime. Such vulnerability may even lead to a decrease
in the market value of the company, due to legitimate concerns of
financial analysts, investors, and creditors. This study examines types
of cybercrime and how they affect marketing activity. In addition, the
study reviews 10 case studies of publicly traded companies affected by
cybercrime, and its impact on shareholder value.
The research questions addressed by this study include: (1) What
are some ways that cybercrime affects marketing activity? and (2) Do
cybercrime news stories negatively affect shareholder value? Results
suggest that there are a number of types of cybercrime that have
detrimental effects on marketing activity. Furthermore, the costs of
cybercrime go beyond stolen assets, lost business, and company
reputation, but also include a negative impact on the company's
stock price.
E-Business and E-Risk
Corporate managers must consider e-risks, that is, potential
problems associated with e-business. Precautions must be taken against
e-fraud, malicious hackers, computer viruses, and other cybercrimes. To
some extent, electronic business (e-business) began with the early
computers in the 1950s. However, not until development of the World Wide
Web in the 1990s did e-business really take off. E-business is
exchanging goods or services using an electronic infrastructure.
Only a short time ago, using the Internet as a primary way to do
business was considered too risky. Today, e-business is simply business;
it's the way business is done in the twenty-first century. The
Internet is widely used for both business-to-business (B2B) transactions
and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. The B2B market is from five
to seven times larger than B2C. The B2B market is predicted to exceed $5
trillion in the early 21st century. The B2C market is growing as fast
but is characterized by a much smaller average transaction size
(Kratchman et al. 2008).
In a span of about 50 years, computers transformed the way people
work, play, and communicate. The first electronic computer was built in
1946. The computer network that would evolve into the Internet was
established in 1969. By the mid-1990's, millions of people were
using their personal computers to "surf the web." A brief
history of the Web and e-commerce is shown in Exhibit 1.
E-risk is the potential for financial and technological problems
resulting from doing business on the Web (e-business). Changes in
economic, industrial, and regulatory conditions mean new challenges.
Troublemakers in cyberspace seek systems to infiltrate and misuse. Just
for the fun of it, there are some people who try to hack into a business
firm's computer system. Once access to the system is achieved,
intruders can potentially cause major problems by deleting or changing
data. Poorly developed accounting systems threaten a company's
survivability and profitability of e-business operations.
Risks related to e-business on the Web include the following (Smith
et al. 2003):
* The changing e-business environment alters risks, so old
solutions may no longer work.
* International business activity expands the scale and scope of
* Computing power, connectivity, and speed can spread viruses,
facilitate system compromise, and compound errors in seconds potentially
affecting interconnected parties.
* Hackers never stop devising new techniques; thus, new tools mean
new vulnerabilities.
* Digitization creates unique problems for digital information and
There have been many research studies on the topic of e-commerce
marketing and some specifically related to cybercrime. A selection of
representative studies will be briefly reviewed here. Smith (2009)
identified the annual growth rate of e-commerce to be as high as 28%,
while individual countries may have much higher growth rates. In India,
for example, which has a younger market, the e-commerce growth rate has
been projected as high as 51%. Kotabe et al. (2008) evaluate the role of
e-commerce, performance, and outsourcing. Gregory et al. (2007) study
the impact of e-commerce on marketing strategy.
E-commerce websites are vulnerable to various risks, including
cybercrime. These risks can be minimized by establishing effective
controls. In addition, Web assurance services can be used to provide
various levels of assurances that controls are in place (Runyan et al.
2008). Cybercrime is distinct from other threats facing business today,
as described by Speer (October 2000), and contains unique
characteristics. Zomori (2001) examines potential and real risks of
e-business, caused by cyber-crime and money laundering. He emphasizes
that trust is fundamental to doing e-business. Loss of trust and the
ability to conduct e-business would not only represent a financial loss
of e-business companies, but in society at large.
Oates (2001) stresses the importance of preventing, detecting,
investigating, and prosecuting cybercrimes with the goal of reducing
their impact on business and the public's confidence. In order to
stop cybercrime, the private, public, and international sectors must
openly share information on the methods they are successfully using to
detect and prevent these crimes.
Kshetri (2005) draws upon literatures of psychology, economics,
international relations and warfare to examine the behavior of cyber
criminals. He finds that countries across the world differ in terms of
regulative, normative and cognitive legitimacy regarding different types
of Web attacks. The cyber criminal's selection criteria for the
target network include symbolic significance and criticalness, degree of
digitization of values and weakness in defense mechanisms.
Riem (2001) found that the greatest threat to computer security
comes from employees, consultants and contractors working within the
company, rather than from outside hackers attempting to obtain access.
Yapp (2001) agrees that the greatest threat to security is still from
the inside, which is where nearly 70% of all frauds, misuses and abuses
originate. Inadequate password policies and controls are the root of the
most problems.
The corporate reputation or image of a company benefits from good
news and suffers from bad news; the results often include a
corresponding increase or decrease in the company's stock price.
Prior studies have examined stock market consequences of news regarding
ethical behavior (Blazovich and Smith 2008), firm reputation and
corporate governance characteristics (Fukami et al. 1997), workplace
quality (Ballou et al. 2003), and firm environmental reputation
(Clarkson et al. 2004).
With regard to e-commerce, prior studies have used event studies to
evaluate the impact of e-commerce initiatives (Subramani and Walden
2001, Chen and Siems 2001) and to identify special characteristics of
e-commerce firms to evaluate firm valuation or stock returns (Hand 2000;
Trueman et al. 2000; Rajgopal et al. 2002). This study adds to the
research literature regarding stock market performance and e-commerce,
by investigating the effect of cybercrime on a company's stock
price and e-commerce marketing activity.
Types and Costs of Cybercrime
Cybercrimes are the modern-day counterparts of age-old crime.
Before the electronic age, con artists went door-to-door and used verbal
communication to gain the confidence of their victims. The modern con
artist uses the Internet and online communications to commit crimes.
Exhibit 2 lists some of the common types of cybercrime.
The problems caused by the various cybercrimes vary over time. For
example, computer viruses are not regarded as serious a threat as they
once were. Infections by computer viruses are decreasing, most likely as
a result of better anti-viral software and anti-viral procedures. In
addition, the decrease in computer virus infections may be partly due to
new laws against computer viruses and criminal prosecution of
perpetrators of computer viruses. Federal, state, and local agencies
share information and team up for operations. For example, the Secret
Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation created a joint cybercrime
task force in Los Angeles (Grow and Bush 2005).
The direct costs of cybercrime for a sample of firms are shown in
Exhibit 3. In just four years, for this sample, the cost of cybercrimes
escalated from about 100 million to over $250 million. Theft of
proprietary information topped the list, going from about $20 million to
over $60 million. Financial fraud was second on the list, almost
doubling in four years. Also incurring a substantial increase was
"Insider abuse of Net access." Sabotage became a major problem
in the final year.
Case Studies of Cybercrime
The following cases were obtained by conducting a search of news
stories regarding e-crime, cybercrime, and computer fraud on the
ProQuest online database of current periodicals and newspapers. The
ProQuest Research Library provides online access to a wide range of
academic subjects. The ProQuest database includes over 4,070 tiles,
nearly 2,800 in full text, from 1971 forward (ProQuest 2010). These
cases examined in this study were used because they were listed at the
top of the search, involved publicly traded companies, and included full
news stories.
In February 2000,,, and were among
many Internet sites affected by a group of cyber-terrorists who hacked
into the company websites and made alterations to program coding. The
problem was so severe that the companies were forced to shut down in
order to repair the damage and stop the unauthorized activity. As a
result of the site closing, program changes were made to help prevent
future break-ins (Kranhold 2000).
The Western Union branch of First Data Corp came under attack by a
private hacker. In September 2000, the perpetrator hacked into the
company site and stole credit-card information for 15,700 customers.
Apparently, the theft was made possible during a routine maintenance
process when an employee left the files unprotected and vulnerable to
attack. First Data Corp immediately notified authorities and both the
FBI and CIA became involved with the investigation (Colden 2000).
In October 2004, the perpetrator gained access to the ChoicePoint
Inc.'s database and thereby managed to pilfer 145,000 credit card
files before leaving the system. The perpetrator did not have to crack
the system with hacking procedures; however, he simply lied about his
identity over the phone and on a few forms. As a result, the data was
simply handed over to him. As a normal course of business, companies
like ChoicePoint Inc. distribute this type of information for a price to
individuals for legitimate business purposes. In this case, the
perpetrator made up false information about himself and was given access
to the files. As a result of the incident, the company has taken steps
to prevent this problem from recurring (Perez and Brooks 2005).
The Federal Trade Commission in November 2004 conducted a survey in
which its operatives posed as distraught customers of numerous banks in
order to gauge the banks' ability to respond to and prevent
e-theft. Citizen's Financial Group and Hibernia Corporation were
ranked among the bottom five banks in terms of preventing and fixing
e-theft (Saranow 2004).
A half million customers at Wachovia Inc. had confidential
information illegally acquired by a professional criminal in May 2005.
The criminal did not use a sophisticated hacking technique but employed
traditional bribery to enlist eight former employees of Wachovia Corp.
and Bank of America Corp. These former employees acquired and then sold
the information to the criminal for $10 a name. The criminal buyer
subsequently sold the information to collection agencies and law firms.
The New Jersey police investigated the crime (Yuan 2005).
In June 2005, a hacker accessed credit card files in the
CardSystems Inc.'s database. The company processes credit card
transactions for small to mid-sized businesses. The hacker compromised
the security of over 40 million cards issued by MasterCard, Visa USA
Inc., American Express Co., and Discover. Because of the security
breach, several banks were negatively affected. J.P. Morgan Chase was
forced to investigate the security of its clients in June 2005. The
company did not close any accounts immediately but began looking through
the millions of potentially affected accounts (Sidel and Pacelle 2005).
Washington Mutual Inc., like J.P. Morgan Chase, was affected by the
security failure at CardSystems Inc. In Washington Mutual Inc.'s
case, the company was forced to close down over 1,400 debit-card
accounts (Sidel and Pacelle 2005).
Exhibit 4 provides the following information about the cases
previously described: company name, ticker symbol, type of crime,
perpetrator, and damage sustained.
Impact of Cybercrime on Company Stock Market Performance
In many cybercrime news stories, the perpetrator is a hacker. In
other stories, the perpetrator has relatively little computer expertise.
Types of crime included cyber-terrorism, e-theft, netspionage, online
credit card fraud, and phishing. Affected companies include dot-com
giants Yahoo, Amazon, and EBay, and banks such as JP Morgan Chase and
Washington Mutual. Damages vary from the closure of websites to stolen
confidential information.
Exhibit 5 shows the effect of the cybercrime news story on the
company's stock price. Shown in the exhibit are the company name,
date of the news story pertaining to the cybercrime, the stock price on
the date of the news story, the percent change in the company stock
price for one and three days before the story, and the percent change
for one and three days after the story. The short time period (three
days before and after) was used, as is common in events studies, because
wider time periods tend to be influenced by confounding events other
than the one under investigation.
To determine if the cybercrime news story had a significant impact
on the company's stock price, a matched pair t-test was used. The
change in the company stock price was compared to the percent change in
the Standard & Poor's 500 stock market index. For -1 day and -3
days, there was no significant difference between the change in company
stock price and the S&P 500 index. However, after the story, the
change was significant for both +1 day (prob>.01) and +3 days
(prob>.02). Thus, for this sample, the cybercrime results in a
significant impact on the average company's stock price in the
short term.
The Internet companies, Amazon, Ebay, and Yahoo, were affected most
by the cybercrime news stories. Their stock prices dropped from 2 to 6
percent on +1 day and 7 to 9 percent on +3. The research question
addressed by this study was: Do cybercrime news stories negatively
affect shareholder value? The answer appears that cybercrime and
resulting news stories do affect shareholder value, at least in the
short term, via significant decreases in stock price. Since this is an
event study, based on cybercrime news stories, it does not investigate
the longer-term impact. Such analysis would be problematic given other
factors, beyond the event of the cybercrime, which would affect stock
market performance.
Stopping Cybercrime
Cybercrime is detrimental to marketing operations and to a
company's stock market performance; consequently, business firms
and their stakeholders clearly benefit from stopping cybercrime.
Preventive measures can be employed to help prevent cybercrime. However,
no matter how many preventive measures are used, unless properly and
continuously "fine tuned," a single intrusion detection
technique may tend to under-report cybercrimes or over-report such as
excessive false alarms. Companies generally find it necessary to employ
multiple intrusion detection techniques to efficiently and effectively
detect electronic crimes. Intrusion detection techniques include
tripwires, configuration-checking tools, and anomaly detection systems.
Since prevention techniques are fallible, business firms should also
establish procedures for investigation of and recovery from cybercrimes
after they occur.
Qualified professionals can help resolve cybercrimes. Business
firms often lack qualified computer security personnel; thus, hiring
outside professionals, e.g. forensic accountants, may be necessary. For
a company with computer security personnel, outside professionals may
still be needed if the electronic crime resulted from negligence on the
part of the company's computer security personnel. Law enforcement
agencies can help with cybercrime investigations; although, many law
enforcement agencies lack the technical expertise to investigate
electronic crimes. Most can obtain warrants and seize computer
equipment, but may be unable to find the evidence needed to resolve the
Additional Threats to Computer Security
Based on movies and television shows, many people think that the
greatest threat to computer security is intentional sabotage or
unauthorized access to data or equipment. While sabotage and
unauthorized access are serious problems, they are not the main threat
to computer security. There are five basic threats to computer security:
(1) natural disasters, (2) dishonest employees, (3) disgruntled
employees, (4) persons external to the organization, and (5)
unintentional errors and omissions. The extent that each of these
threats is actually realized is shown in Exhibit 6.
As shown in the exhibit, human errors cause the great majority of
the problems concerning computer security. Unintentional errors and
omissions are particularly prevalent in systems of sloppy design,
implementation, and operation. However, if the systems development
process is done properly, errors and omissions will be minimized. An
effective internal control structure is an integral part of any reliable
information system.
The key to computer security and the success of any control
structure is in the people of the organization. Research has shown that
systems development is most effective when the users are involved, and
most likely to fail when they are not. The following steps by management
are integral to effective computer security (Kratchman et al. 2008):
* Design controls and security techniques to ensure that all access
to and use of the information system can be traced back to the user.
* Restrict access by users to the parts of the system directly
related to their jobs.
* Conduct periodic security training.
* Assign an individual or committee to administer system security
in an independent manner.
* Clearly communicate and consistently enforce security policies
and procedures.
Marketing information systems should be well defended against
internal and external threats, including interruptions to information
processing, whether resulting from natural disasters or manmade
sabotage. According to the AICPA's 2009 Top Technology Initiatives,
information security management is the top-rated key factor in doing
business. In fact, in most recent years, information security management
has been identified as the technology initiative likely to have the
greatest effect in the upcoming year (AICPA 2009). While not in the top
ten, another important technology initiative identified in the study was
customer relationship management, which includes sales force automation,
sales history, and campaign marketing, applications.
This study identifies types and costs of cybercrimes, how they
interrupt marketing and business activity, and specific cases in which
publicly traded companies are affected by cybercrime. In addition, the
study analyzes the impact of the cybercrime news stories on shareholder
value. Results suggest that costs of cybercrime go beyond stolen assets,
lost business, and company reputation, but also include a negative
impact on the company's stock price. Consequently, publicly traded
companies must do all that they can to avoid becoming a victim of
cybercrime and its negative impact on marketing activity and shareholder
To defend against cybercrime, intrusion detection techniques should
be established. Techniques include tripwires, configuration-checking
tools, and anomaly detection systems. Since prevention techniques are
fallible, business firms should also establish procedures for
investigation of and recovery from cybercrimes after they occur.
Future research could extend the current study by analyzing a
larger sample of publicly traded companies that have been the victim of
cybercrime. By employing a larger sample, future research might
investigate the specific impact of different types of cybercrime on
firms according to industry type and/or specific categories of marketing
activity (e.g. customer order processing, supply chain, etc.). In
addition, a longitudinal study might investigate whether different time
periods affect the impact of the cybercrime. Perhaps as time goes by,
investors may be less alarmed by news stories about cybercrime if such
crimes become more commonplace.
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Chen, A.H. and T. F. Siems. 2001. B2B e-marketplace announcements
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Clarkson, P, Y. Li, and G. Richardson. 2004. The Market Valuation
of Environmental Capital Expenditures by Pulp and Paper Companies. The
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Colden, Anne. 2000. Western Union reassures clients No financial
fraud found since hacking. Denver Post (Sep 12): p. C1.
Fukami, C., H. Grove and F. Selto. 1997. Market Value of Firm
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University of Colorado at Boulder.
Gregory, Gary, Munib Karavdic, and Shaoming Zou. 2007. The Effects
of E-Commerce Drivers on Export Marketing Strategy. Journal of
International Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 2: 30-57.
Grow, Brian and Jason Bush. 2005. Hacker Hunters. Business Week
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Kotabe, Masaaki, Michael J. Mol, Janet Y. Murray. 2008.
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perspective. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 37, No. 1 (January):
Kranhold, Kathryn. 2000. Handling Aftermath of Cybersabotage. Wall
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Kratchman, Stan, J. Smith, and L.M. Smith. 2008. Perpetration and
Prevention of Cyber Crimes. Internal Auditing. Vol. 23, No. 2
(March-April): 3-12.
Kshetri, Nir. 2005. Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A
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4 (December): 541-562.
Luehlfing, M., C. Daily, T. Phillips, and LM Smith. 2003. Cyber
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18:5 (September-October): 9-13.
Blazovich, Janell and L. Murphy Smith. 2008. Ethical Corporate
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Mello, John, Jr. 2007. Cybercrime Costs US Economy at Least $117B
Each Year. TechNewsWorld, Website: (July 26).
Oates, Brad. 2001. Cyber Crime: How Technology Makes it Easy and
What to do About it. Information Systems Management, 18 (3) (June):
Perez, Evan and Rick Brooks. 2005. File Sharing: For Big Vendor of
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Gauge How Much Information Fell Into Wrong Hands; The Model:
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Sidel, Robin and Mitchell Pacelle. 2005. Credit-Card Breach Tests
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Katherine T. Smith, Business Author
L. Murphy Smith, Texas A&M University
Jacob L. Smith, Grace Bible Church
Exhibit 1: Information Technology: Historical Timeline
Pertaining to the Web and E-Commerce
1946 The first electronic computer, ENIAC, is constructed at the
University of Pennsylvania.
1958 To counter Soviet technological advances, the U.S. forms the
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), with the Department
of Defense, to develop U.S. prominence in science and
technology applicable to the military.
1969 ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet, established with
four nodes: UCLA, Stanford, UC-Santa Barbara, and University
of Utah.
1970 First applications of electronic data interchange (EDI).
1984 Science fiction author William Gibson coins the term
"cyberspace" in his novel, Neuromancer.Internet host
computers exceed 1,000.
1988 Internet worm disables 6,000 of 60,000 Internet hosts. The
worm was created by a Cornell University graduate student;
infected computers were connected through ARPAnet and other
E-mail networks in the Internet loop. Some of the US's top
science and research centers were affected.
1991 Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN in Geneva, develops a
hypertext system to provide efficient information access. He
posts the first computer code of the World Wide Web in a
relatively innocuous newsgroup, "alt.hypertext." Later,
people refer to the Internet itself as the Web.
1995 The Bottom Line is Betrayal authored by K.T. Smith, D.L.
Crumbley, and L.M. Smith: the first business educational
novel focused on international trade, global marketing, and
emerging technologies.
1997 Inception of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce.
US Postal Service issues electronic postal stamps.
2009 Internet host computers (i.e., computers with a registered IP
address) exceed 200 million. Users in over 150 countries are
Exhibit 2: Common Types of Cybercrime
Cybercrime Description
Computer virus A computer virus is a computer program that
piggybacks or attaches itself to application
programs or other executable system software; the
virus subsequently activates, sometimes causing
severe damage to computer systems or files.
Phishing Phishing occurs when the perpetrator sends
fictitious emails to individuals with links to
fraudulent websites that appear official and
thereby cause the victim to release personal
information to the perpetrator.
Botnet A Botnet infection occurs when a hacker transmits
instructions to other computers for the purpose of
controlling them, and then using them for various
purposes such as spam distribution or phishing.
Spoofing Spoofing is use of email to trick an individual
into providing personal information that is later
used for unauthorized purposes.
E- theft E-theft occurs when a perpetrator hacks into a
financial institution e.g. a bank and diverts
funds to accounts accessible to the criminal. To
prevent e-theft, most major banks severely limit
what clients can do online.
Netspionage Netspionage occurs when perpetrators hack into
online systems or individual PCs to obtain
confidential information for the purpose of
selling it to other parties (criminals).
Online credit Online credit card fraud is illegal online
card fraud acquisition of a credit card number and use of it
for unauthorized purposes such as fraudulent
Online denial Online denial of service is use of email barrages,
of service computer viruses, or other techniques to damage or
shut down online computer systems, resulting in
loss of business.
Software piracy Software piracy is the theft of intellectual
assets associated with computer programs.
Spam Spam refers to unsolicited email; spam is illegal
if it violates the Can-Spam Act of 2003, such as
by not giving recipients an opt-out method.
E-fraud E-fraud is the use of online techniques by a
perpetrator to commit fraud. Popular forms of e-
fraud include spoofing, phishing, and online
credit card fraud.
Cyber terrorism Cyber terrorism occurs when terrorists cause
virtual destruction in online computer systems.
Exhibit 3: Costs of Cybercrime
Total Annual Losses by Sample Respondents
Year 1997 1998
Theft of proprietary info. $20,048,000 $33,545,000
Financial fraud $24,892,000 $11,239,000
Virus $12,498,150 $7,874,000
Insider abuse of Net access $1,006,750 $3,720,000
Sabotage of data/networks $4,285,850 $2,142,000
Unauthorized inside access $3,991,605 $50,565,000
Laptop theft $6,132,200 $5,250,000
Denial of Service n/a $2,787,000
Outside system penetration $2,911,700 $1,637,000
Active wiretapping n/a $245,000
Telecom fraud $22,660,300 $17,256,000
Telecom eavesdropping $1,181,000 $562,000
Spoofing $512,000 n/a
Total Annual Losses $100,119,555 $136,822,000
Year 1999 2000
Theft of proprietary info. $42,496,000 $66,708,000
Financial fraud $39,706,000 $55,996,000
Virus $5,274,000 $29,171,700
Insider abuse of Net access $7,576,000 $27,984,740
Sabotage of data/networks $4,421,000 $27,148,000
Unauthorized inside access $3 ,567,000 $22,554,500
Laptop theft $13,038,000 $10,404,300
Denial of Service $3,255,000 $8,247,500
Outside system penetration $2,885,000 $7,104,000
Active wiretapping $20,000 $5,000,000
Telecom fraud $773,000 $4,028,000
Telecom eavesdropping $765,000 $991,200
Spoofing n/a n/a
Total Annual Losses $123,779,000 $265,586,240
Source: Luehlfing et al. 2003
Exhibit 4: Cybercrime News Stories
Company Symbol Type of Crime Perpetrator Inc AMZN cyber-terrorism hacker
ChoicePoint Inc CPS netspionage third party
Citizens Financial CNFL e-theft potential
Group hacker
EBay Inc EBAY cyber-terrorism hacker
First Data Corp FDC netspionage, online hacker
credit card fraud
Hibernia Corp HIB e-theft potential
JP Morgan Chase JPM e-theft, hacker
netspionage, online
credit card fraud
Wachovia Corp WB netspionage Former
e-theft, employees
Washington WM netspionage, online hacker
Mutual Inc credit card fraud
Yahoo! YHOO cyber-terrorism hacker
Company Damage Inc Closed down the website
ChoicePoint Inc 145,000 individuals had confidential information
Citizens Financial Rated in the lowest 5 banks by the
Group FTC in preventing e-theft
EBay Inc Closed down the website
First Data Corp 15,700 customers had confidential information
Hibernia Corp Rated in the lowest 5 banks by the
FTC in preventing e-theft
JP Morgan Chase Investigating numerous possible
Wachovia Corp 500,000 customers lost confidential information
Washington Forced to close 1,400 debit-card
Mutual Inc accounts
Yahoo! Closed down the website
Exhibit 5: Effect of Cybercrime News on Stock Price
Percent Change in Company
Stock Price
Company Date -3 -1 0 Inc 02/10/00 (1.56) 5.33 0.00
ChoicePoint Inc 05/03/05 0.69 0.64 0.00
Citizens Financial Group 11/17/04 0.00 0.00 0.00
eBay Inc 02/10/00 4.42 1.00 0.00
First Data Corp 09/12/00 2.51 1.34 0.00
Hibernia Corp 11/17/04 0.72 (0.31) 0.00
JP Morgan Chase Co 06/21/05 0.11 0.03 0.00
Wachovia Corp 06/01/05 1.11 (1.17) 0.00
Washington Mutual Inc 06/21/05 (1.12) (0.58) 0.00
Yahoo! 02/10/00 (3.01) (1.33) 0.00
Avg % Change Stock Price 0.39 0.49 0.00
Avg % Change S&P 500 (match days) 0.21 (0.21) 0.00
Significance (prob.) 0.40 0.14 n.a.
Percent Change in
Company Stock Price
Company +1 +3 Inc (2.30) (7.22)
ChoicePoint Inc (1.36) (1.00)
Citizens Financial Group 0.00 0.00
eBay Inc (5.54) (8.55)
First Data Corp (3.94) (2.91)
Hibernia Corp (0.52) (1.13)
JP Morgan Chase Co 0.61 (1.30)
Wachovia Corp (0.19) (1.36)
Washington Mutual Inc (2.43) (1.80)
Yahoo! (6.37) (9.18)
Avg % Change Stock Price (2.20) (3.45)
Avg % Change S&P 500 (match days) (0.44) (0.82)
Significance (prob.) 0.01 0.02
Exhibit 6: Threats to Computer Security
Natural disaster 8%
External persons 5%
Human errors 67%
Dishonest employees 10%
Disgruntled employees 10%
Source: Smith et al. 2003.
Note: Table made from pie chart.