Open institutional structure.
Deng, Feng
Today "open society," "open access," "open
source software," "open space," and so on are all popular
terms in our daily life and in academic writings. People are using these
terms in a more or less positive sense. However, what does
"open" exactly mean? Can we identify a common institutional
structure across different open institutional forms? (1)
The conventional wisdom in property rights or even institutional
theories is that when the costs of delineating or defining property
rights are higher than the benefits, it is then beneficial to leave a
good in the public domain or the "open" form of institutions.
This could be called a "residual theory" for open institutions
that simply equates "public" to "open." In other
words, only when a private property rights arrangement cannot solve the
problem (through internalization of externalities, Coasian transactions,
and so on) do we resort to open institutions. Contrarians naturally ask
whether open institutions must be in the public domain.
A seemingly different view is held by many people who more or less
regard open institutions as decentralized private ordering. This view is
probably shared by many commentators on the IT industry, especially open
source software. For example, Benkler studied the phenomenon of
"commons-based peer production" that is characterized by
"large-scale collaboration in many information production fields
... in the digitally networked environment without reliance either on
markets or managerial hierarchy" (Benkler, 2002, p. 374). His
survey includes NASA Clickworkers, Google's rating of web sites,
Napster, and many others. No doubt these different forms of production
in the IT industry represent different degrees of open institutions that
have been emerging due to the development of information technology. A
fundamental question is: are open institutions just decentralized
private ordering? How can we reconcile this view with the
"residual" theory of the public domain?
The view of decentralized private ordering also excludes most
political institutions, even in a democratic country, from open
institutions. There are obviously many challenges to this view. For
example, in a recent paper by North, Wallis and Weingast (2006),
"open" means unfettered competition in both economic and
political arenas. By regarding open institutions as the fundamental
structure for the latest stage of human society, their definition of
open institutions not only includes democratic political institutions,
but also suggests a positive view of open institutions that casts doubt
on the traditional wisdom.
In the literature on urban property rights and institutions, one
main type of institutional structure is the integration of property
owners and collective goods providers in the form of political or
economic organizations (Foldvary, 1994; Beito, Gordon and Tabarrok,
2002; Deng, 2003), such as homeowners associations, shopping malls
(McCallum, 1970), and even suburban local governments (Fischel, 2001).
On the other hand, diversity and externality's positive role has
been emphasized in the urban literature (Jacobs, 1961), albeit rather
separately from most formal theories. One question arises: do open
institutions represent another fundamental institutional structure in
urban areas, or more generally, in our society?
In this paper, we explore the following research questions about
open institutions. First, what characterizes the so-called open
institutions? In other words, we want to identify an institutional
structure that is common across the different forms of open
institutions. Our goal is to explore a definition of open institutional
structure that could be used to assess the openness of institutions.
Second, what are the economic advantages of open institutions? The
answer to this question can help us better understand where and when we
need to have open institutions rather than traditional proprietary
institutions. We focus on three different fields in order to draw some
general conclusions about this fundamental institutional structure. Open
source software (OSS) is the best known example of open institutional
format in industrial production, especially in the IT industry. Open
science is about creation and evaluation of more general human
knowledge. Open squares present an example of the physical arrangement
of social activities in a built-up environment. Despite the breadth of
our coverage, this paper does not attempt to be a comprehensive survey
of the related fields in the literature. Instead, we are interested in
exploring the common features of open institutions in different fields.
We first submit a general definition of open institutional
structure. In contrast to conventional institutional and property rights
theories that focus on transaction and contract, we argue that open
institutional structure is really about production. In particular, we
argue that what is produced by open institutions is a collective good,
with no clear direction for the final product, and relying on highly
variable human-related input that is difficult to identify ex ante.
Integration of consumers into production is a necessary condition for
motivating people to participate in the open production process. A
defining feature of open institutions is ex post voluntary
participation, which precludes the hold-up problem and effectively
transforms the transaction cost problem into a production model.
The next section presents a brief review of the three different
types of open institutions, namely, open source software, open science,
and open squares. The third section explains why open institutions are
really about production. Then, a common definition of open structure is
summarized in the fourth section. The fifth section includes several
theses we develop in order to understand the economic rationale for open
institutions. The last section includes the conclusion and additional
In this section we briefly examine several major types of open
institutions including open source software, open science, and open
(urban) squares. Our focus is on the elements of their basic
institutional structures that are common across these different fields.
Open Source Software
Open source software (OSS) is one of the most important
developments in industrial organization in recent decades and the most
widely studied among our examples of open institutions. The most famous
examples include the Apache web server and the Linux operating system.
The fundamental concept of OSS is that there should be unrestricted
access to the source codes, so that anyone can modify the codes and
circulate them without being restricted as in the traditional
proprietary system. (2)
Although OSS has a long history, its first important milestone was
the establishment of the Free Software Foundation by Richard Stallman in
1983. An important institutional innovation that was first introduced by
the Free Software Foundation is a formal licensing procedure (General
Public License, GPL). In 1995, Debian, an organization set up to
disseminate Linux, developed the "Debian Social Contract" that
evolved into what is now known as "Open Source Definition."
This licensing arrangement allows greater flexibility, including the
right to bundle open source software with proprietary code.
Lerner and Tirole (2000) suggest that many OSS phenomena can be
explained by simple labor economics. In particular, they argue that OSS
participants may be motivated by the following rewards: (1) fixing bugs
or customizing programs for their own benefit; (2) lowering cost to
programmers due to the "Alumni effect;" (3) career concern
incentives; (4) ego gratification incentives. In general, the literature
largely agree that in OSS performance measurement is better and easier
and the performance is more informative of talent; OSS programmers take
full responsibility while their performance within a firm depends on
others; capital formed in OSS is also less firm-specific but rather more
human-specific. The evidence for these arguments includes the importance
of user benefits, accrediting programmers and reputation to developers
in open source projects. (3)
Existing studies on OSS often focus on its different aspects. For
example, Kuan (2001) is probably the first to formally model open-source
software as a make-or-buy problem that results in the integration of
consumers and producers. When users organize to produce a good for
themselves, its quality will be higher than closed source software.
Kuan's approach somehow simplifies the institutional structure of
OSS by ignoring the facts that 1) the good is a collective good, and
that 2) its production requires the collaboration of many people. In a
different approach, Benkler (2002) emphasizes "commons-based peer
production" in OSS, which is regarded as a distinct mode from
market and the firm. In the same way as many other authors,
Benkler's approach focuses on the information economy brought about
by OSS. In spite of the well-known advantages of the Internet in
information exchanges and flows, people can also communicate efficiently
by talking to each other. That is one reason why workers and assets are
often concentrated inside one physical building. Of course, there is no
doubt that the Internet has some unmatched advantages in facilitating
intra-production collaboration, but this factor is not fundamental to
the structure of open institutions, especially in fields that do not
produce information. In this sense, open institutional structure itself
is not directly related to the recent development of information
technology, which is obviously the most important factor to many studies
on OSS.
Langlois and Garzarelli (2008) analyze the spontaneously
coordinated mental division of labor within OSS. They argue that open
source collaboration ultimately depends on the institutions of
modularity. Division of labor by modules can lower the coordination
cost. This perspective emphasizes the importance of some pre-existing
structure of possible tasks from which the participants choose. In this
sense, the unpredictability of final product in OSS is a matter of
Open Science
Many researchers have noted the similarity between OSS and modern
science, which is also called "open science," "public
science," or even "the Republic of Science" (Polanyi,
1962) in contrast to the proprietary mode of developing knowledge
(David, 1998). Much scientific research is now carried on by
universities or public institutes and supported by state funding. (4) It
is characterized by free and wide communication of research results,
peer evaluation, and voluntary participation, in the sense that there is
no constraint on the direction of research. (5) Research findings are
protected by either copyright law or patent law.
Largely from the perspective of externality, Nelson (1959) explains
why few private firms, except a few with large technological bases,
would be expected to invest in basic scientific research. By examining
the emergence of open science from an institutional and historical
perspective, David (1998) argues that the informational problem faced by
the patrons in a new age of science led to the modern institutional form
of open science. In particular, he argues that scientific research was
first made possible by the old system of aristocratic patronage. But
later on, with the development of the new mathematical form of
"mechanical philosophy," evaluation of scientific products
became difficult and various principal-agent problems ensued. The
competition among noble patrons for prestigious clients gave rise to the
institutional form of open science, which features the norms of
cooperation and information disclosure within the community of
scientists and their institutionalization through formal scientific
organizations. (6) It is necessary to point out that peer evaluation was
not only important to the patrons several hundred years ago but also is
an important part of the "production" process of scientific
knowledge. Scientists are both consumers and producers of research
An interesting issue emerged in recent years after many governments
encouraged universities to patent their discoveries, especially in the
biomedical field. The privatization of research has certainly
strengthened the incentives of scientists, but Heller & Eisenberg
(1998) pointed out that privatizing "up-stream" research in
the biomedical field may result in anti-commons problem that is socially
inefficient. Again, we see the delicate balance between proprietary mode
and the open structure in scientific research.
Open Squares
Cities have many public squares, some of which are owned by local
governments while others are built by private property owners. An
intriguing question is why squares are open to the public. This
seemingly inane question becomes important when we consider two cases.
First, some private communities also have "private" squares in
the sense that they are only accessible to residents within those
communities. Second, some squares built by private parties are designed
to be open to the public. One example is the SONY Square in Berlin. (7)
It was built by a private company, but designed to be open to the
public, and most visitors are people who visit a nearby movie museum
instead of those who work in the surrounding office buildings owned by
the company. A seemingly more reasonable approach is to have a private
square that serves only people who work in the office buildings. From
the perspective of property rights, it seems strange for a property
owner to intentionally open up part of his property, giving everybody a
right of "trespassing" on that property. Designers'
justifications usually include the fact that an open city square is
livable and is, therefore, an amenity to office buildings. In other
words, an open square in the case of SONY Square is more valuable to the
whole project than a private square. For our purposes, what is more
important is a theoretical understanding of the "livable"
nature of public squares.
Interestingly, when Fennell discussed the tragedy of commons, she
also used an example of people shopping in a downtown Main Street
instead of cheaper suburban shopping centers (Fennell, 2004, p. 924).
Obviously, the busy, warm and livable urban atmosphere in the Main
Street, just as described in Jacobs (1961), provides consumers a sense
of enjoyment that might be offset by the higher prices. In addition to
shop owners and vendors, consumers are also an important part of the
livable atmosphere of the Main Street. The same applies to public
squares, where physical design is only part of the landscape. Visitors
and vendors who come and go are always the living soul of a square. Of
course, there is a degree of difference across different types of public
squares. Visitors are less important (or even counter-productive) to
some squares that focus more on a natural landscape, where it is less
pleasant to enjoy the view with more visitors.
With the rapid development of shopping malls and shopping centers,
many "private" squares inside these places also gradually
become a gathering place for young people, perhaps not shoppers.
Nevertheless, most visitors to these "private" squares are
consumers who are shopping in the malls. This is very different from a
real open square in the city, where visitors may go for many different
purposes and where no restriction is imposed on their accessibility. Of
course, nothing is black and white; many squares may not be fully open
but with managed access by the public.
These three cases are representative of open institutions in
industry, social institutions, and a built-up environment, respectively.
They can give us some general understanding of open institutions that is
applicable beyond their particular institutional forms. Our first
argument is that open institutions are really about production rather
than transactions.
Conventional theories of property rights are almost all about
transactions. Although different property rights arrangements may have
different implications for production, such as owner A being better at
using the property than owner B, they do not directly determine or
affect the mode of production. In contrast, open institutions are
directly about production. For example, OSS is not about free access to
the source code, which by itself is nothing different from free copying
of compiled binary codes, the final format of commercial software
products. The essence of OSS is how different people can fix, improve or
build upon the source codes so that a big software "project"
can be achieved in a voluntary, free access environment. Kogut and Metiu
(2001) pointed out that an important dimension of OSS is a production
model. (8) It can be characterized as decentralized decisionmaking
(regarding who, how, and when to improve on the source codes), albeit
under some voluntary governance structure, and decentralized
collaboration and production. In contrast, a conventional production
mode is characterized by centralized decisionmaking and centralized
production (in terms of people, time and space).
Although the case of public squares is less obvious, its essence is
still about production. What SONY wants in the design of the square is a
social or "livable" square that includes not only the physical
square but also different types of people and the random combinations of
their activities in the square. In this sense, all people who visit the
square also contribute to the production of this "livable"
square. The product of this unintended collaboration of different people
at different times is an ever-changing picture of the square. (9) In a
word, the case of public squares tells us that the random nature or no
clear direction of the final product is a core condition for open
institutional arrangement. Otherwise, we could always arrange for some
fixed patterns of squares in a more efficient way by private ownership
and management.
In this sense, peer collaboration per se is not the distinctive
feature of open institutions. For example, Microsoft employees
collaborate both formally and informally (such as by talk and other
social activities) in their work places. This collaboration is based on
(labor) market transactions that rely on employment contracts.
Outsourcing can also be a form of collaboration that depends on
commercial contracts. In the case of Linux, on the contrary, people
cooperate in production not because of any contract, but because of
so-called "common interest" or "commons." So, it is
the voluntary and decentralized type of peer collaboration that
distinguishes open institutions.
Open science is also about production. Although peer evaluation and
open distribution of research findings follow individual research, the
nature of scientific research dictates that they all be intermediary
goods in the production process. They are the media for collaboration of
"anonymous" scientists all over the world. Even if a
patron-client relationship might be important in the emergence of modern
science (David 1998), it was just part of the old incentive mechanism
for scientists. The real effect of open science vis-a-vis the
patron-client model is the change of collaboration from in-house
production under one noble patron to decentralized production by
numerous "anonymous" scientists. The advantages of
decentralized research are well known; central planning can never
guarantee a groundbreaking discovery in science and technology. As an
example of social institutions, open science is still about production.
Conventional wisdom often equates open institutions with open
access. This may be misleading if it is only understood to be free
access to a resource. For example, "open space" is a planning
concept that emphasizes access to a wide area of farmland or forest for
its scenic view or for wildlife preservation. It is based on the
physical attributes of land use instead of a particular institutional
arrangement. Open space can be in the form of private property rights
(McLeod, Woirhaye et al., 1998), public ownership, or a mixture of the
two. In this sense, it is a planning objective rather than an
institutional arrangement. Therefore, we do not regard "open
space" as a type of open institution. This example also tells us
that two major dimensions are necessary to describe open institutions:
first, what to access; second, how to access.
Open institutions are about production of a collective good. (10)
What is open is access to the production process. In spite of some
arguments for the importance of production (see, for example, Langlois
and Foss, 1997), most existing studies on organizations and institutions
focus on transactions. The typical approach is transaction cost
minimization, as studied by Coase (1991), Williamson (1985), Hart (1995)
and many others. The recent growth of OSS certainly points to the
importance of production in understanding open institutions. Many
researchers have noted that OSS is a production model that exploits the
distributed human capital and relies on their collaboration (Kogut and
Metiu, 2001; Benkler, 2002). Although our understanding of market,
hierarchy, and the firm can be synthesized in a transaction cost
framework in the vein of Coase (1991), open institutions clearly develop
along a completely different dimension. They are contrary to
transactions. (11)
In open institutions, access should be open and free. Therefore,
they are contrary to property rights in the sense that they are not
directly dependent on any proprietary mode of production or transaction.
"Open-source development exists because, once property rights are
removed from consideration, in-house production is often revealed as
less efficient" (Kogut and Metiu, 2001, p. 249). The removal of
property rights as a mechanism for the coordination of many people in
the production process does not necessarily imply that property rights
should be absent from all aspects of open institutions. For example,
some form of property rights may be needed to protect the continuous
existence of open institutions itself. Many OSS projects survive from
individual's privatization of the source code by copyrighting all
of its code and then licensing it on the condition that all improvements
and adaptations of the code be openly distributed. Even open squares
need to require that no visitor is allowed to occupy its space for a
long time. Squatters could effectively change the open square into de
facto private property.
One issue merits clarification. Open institutions do not
necessarily imply fragmentation of property because there are no
property rights at all. (12) Hence, many traditional discussions on
externality, which arise due to fragmented property rights and could
potentially be mitigated by various property rights arrangements (Coase,
1960), are not very helpful here because externality is not regarded as
a problem but rather an important source of productivity in the open
No doubt property rights are the main source of motivation for
people to participate in transaction and production in a proprietary
world. Open institutions not only change people's incentive
structure, but also depend on people's non-monetary motivation for
its continuous production. If property interest is still people's
main source of motivation, all efficiency features of open institutions
However, open institutions' need for protection from
individual privatization (or occupation) suggests one way we can
reconcile the two seemingly different views, namely, the
"residual" theory in the public domain, and the one that
regards open institutions as only a form of decentralized private
ordering. Continuous development of decentralized private ordering needs
the legal protection of public domain in order to push back any
individual's privatization effort, which may reduce decentralized
private ordering to individual private property. And vice versa,
whenever a proprietary mode of production becomes infeasible or
inefficient, an open structure becomes the alternative
"residual" mode that has to be protected by public ownership.
Open institutions are also contrary to contract, which is used to
facilitate transactions in a world of property rights. There is no doubt
of the importance of contract in modern market economy. The research
question is of course why and when we need an institutional arrangement
that does not rely on contract.
Many have noted that a key feature of open institutions is
voluntary participation. However, it seems difficult to apply this point
to political institutions. In the sense of North, Wallis and Weingast
(2006), open institutional structure should be applicable to both
economic and political institutions. No doubt there are parallel aspects
between an open structure and the proprietary mode. For example, many
researchers have noticed the similarity between corporate voting and
political voting in a democratic society (see, for example, Fischel,
2001; Dunlavy, 2006). But, as many point out (such as Rodrigues, 2006),
there are fundamental differences between participation in a corporation
and participation in a nation. It remains an important question what is
the similarity between economic and political institutions with regard
to open structure.
The following is a categorization of institutions along the two
dimensions of open versus non-open and economic versus political
Economic Political
Open Structure OSS, etc. Political institutions
(ex ante and ex post in democracy (ex post
voluntary participation) voluntary participation)
Non-Open Forms Corporate voting Non-democratic process
(ex ante (no or limited
voluntary participation) participation)
It is easy to see that the main similarity between open economic
institutions and open political institutions is ex post voluntary
participation. Open political institutions, given their pre-defined
spatial or social boundaries, often only allow ex post voluntary
participation, while both ex ante and ex post voluntary participation
are possible for open economic institutions (except in slavery or other
forms of forced labor). (13) From this perspective, one defining
property of open structure across both economic and political
institutions is ex post voluntary participation. (14)
The Definition of Open Structure
In light of the above discussion, an open institutional structure
should include the following elements:
1. Open access to the production process of a collective good.
2. No property rights and contract are involved in peer
3. Ex post voluntary participation.
4. Consumers are also producers, i.e., the integration of consumer
and producer.
Among the properties of open institutional structure listed above,
the first one is the foundation of open institutions. The second one is
a necessary condition that effectively excludes proprietary structure.
Once property rights and contract are involved in the production
process, individual's "privatization" effort will
inevitably lead to the proprietary mode of in-house production and the
open structure will collapse. The third property defines the nature of
open access that is applicable to both economic and political
institutions. The fourth property provides the incentives for people to
participate in the open production.
According to this definition, can "freeware" be regarded
as a type of open institutional arrangement? Can the so-called
"flexible production" be counted as an open institution? The
answers to these two questions are probably both negative. Freeware is
only open in the transaction process because users can only download the
binary codes and cannot get involved in its production. Although
flexible production allows submission of customized orders, it is also
only open in the transaction process and directly relies on contract and
property rights.
Understanding why open institutions exist is equivalent to
understanding under what conditions they are more efficient than the
proprietary mode of production. We focus on three basic aspects of open
institutions: (1) what is produced? (2) Why are people motivated to
participate in the open institutions? (3) How do people deal with the
hold-up problem?
Collective Goods
It is almost common sense that open institutions are related to
collective goods as the term "commons" is often used in
related research. (15) Given the wide variety of institutional forms in
providing collective goods, especially the private provision of
collective goods, a natural question is what type of collective good
should be provided by open institutions.
Thesis 1: The product of open institutions must be a collective
good, which a) has no clear direction ex ante, b) has decentralized
production relying on highly variable human-related input that requires
high motivation from at least some individuals, who are difficult to
identify ex ante, and c) does not rely on large investment of physical
The best example to illustrate the central role of collective good
for open institutions is GPL, the formal licensing procedure which
requires that all subsequent modifications and development of open
source software must also remain open. Information products are special
because they are bundles of private goods and collective goods. In the
case of software, the private good is the medium such as the CD or hard
disk; the collective good is the content such as the source code or
binary code. Since the source code can be easily modified or improved,
GPL effectively prevents the software program from becoming a private
good, which could be used by its owner for private benefits. In other
words, when the product is a private good, the incentive structure for
open institutions collapses. This also shows an important reason why the
production process of open institutions cannot be based on property
It might be argued that since GPL itself is based on property
rights, OSS cannot be said to be without property rights. However, we
need to distinguish between the production process and boundary
protection. GPL is basically the legal tool in a proprietary world that
is borrowed by OSS to protect its non-property-rights regime from
becoming prey to possible invaders who are motivated by a property
interest. Its production process is not based on GPL. In the face of
private predation, GPL defines the boundary of OSS by defending its
public status in a proprietary world.
The final product of open institutions should have no clear ex ante
direction, roadmap or design. There are several possible reasons for
this. First, the nature of some products may directly depend on the
randomness or variability of its final format. Open squares are a case
in point. What we desire is a livable square that changes every minute
and cannot be accurately predicted (in terms of people and activities
inside it). If we know in advance whom we are going to meet and what we
are going to see in a square, that is an uninteresting place without any
attraction. Second, and more importantly, what open institutions reap
from their open structure are the productive or positive effects of
externality. Clear direction for the final product precludes the
necessity of utilizing externality. Third, the final form of the
collective good, if it exists at all, may simply be unpredictable given
the limit of human knowledge. This point is most obvious in the case of
open science. Fourth, if the final product has clear direction then it
will be easier and probably more efficient to organize the production
through contract and traditional governance structure in a proprietary
Of course, it is in a matter of degrees that the final product of
open institutions has no clear direction ex ante. As Langlois and
Garzarelli (2008) argue, open source collaboration may need to rely on
institutions of modularity, which in turn requires some pre-existing
structure. Those pre-existing structures can provide some direction for
the final product, but many details remain to be determined. Here there
appears to be a tradeoff between the need for no clear direction for the
final product and the need for modularity.
The unpredictability or variability of the final product implies
that production in open institutions must be highly human specific and
decentralized. The causal link also goes in the other direction. For
information products and especially their variability (which is the
primary source of efficiency gains for OSS), many researchers have noted
the central role of human capital in its production (Benkler, 2002). The
highly variable nature of human capital is the source of innovation and
creativity. Whenever the variation of human-related input to the
production is not high, the proprietary mode may become more efficient.
If large investment of physical capital is needed and if human
input is relatively standard in the form of large-scale teamwork, then
the proprietary mode may be more efficient than open institutions. Open
squares require little physical capital other than the presence of human
beings. The same is true for the software industry. "[I]n many
industries, the development of individual components requires
large-scale teamwork and substantial capital costs, as opposed to (for
some software programs) individual contributions and no capital
investment (besides the computer the programmer already has)"
(Lerner and Tirole, 2005, p. 115). In other words, a large physical
capital investment makes it economical to concentrate workers together
and standardize their inputs.
Given its nature of open access and voluntary participation, the
success of open institutions depends crucially on the high motivation of
at least some of the members. These core members cannot be identified ex
ante because, otherwise, a firm can be set up to recruit only those
high-powered people. Besides, ex ante identification of most active
members runs against the core efficiency source of open structure: the
productive power of uncertainty and externality. Members'
motivation is also where open institutional structure connects to
theories on collective good and organization. For example, given the
almost unlimited size of open institutions, Olson's (1965) argument
implies that, on the one hand, direct material incentives from the
collective good must be trivial, though on the other hand, there must be
significant private benefits to some core members who are highly
motivated. The latter condition is necessary because conveying
significant benefits to all members in an open institution is certainly
impossible and the high mobility rate also makes it infeasible. Then,
the question becomes: in what format do these private benefits appear
within an open structure?
Consumers and Production
Many researchers have observed that most participants in OSS are
also its users. In open science, consumers of scientific discoveries are
also researchers who share their findings through peer review and open
publications. In the case of open urban squares, the presence of
visitors directly contributes to the creation of a livable square. Then,
why do open institutions feature the integration of consumer into
Thesis 2: Integration of consumers into production, to different
degrees, is a necessary condition for the incentive structure and
efficiency of open institutions.
There are several possible reasons for the integration of consumer
into production in open institutional structures. First, the final
product of some open institutional arrangements is directly dependent on
the consumers. The best example is the open square. Visitors (consumers)
are simultaneously part of the final product--the livable urban
square--and its producers.
Second, integration of consumers into production can guarantee that
there are some private benefits to at least those consumers of high
performance. Given the absence of monetary incentives within an open
structure, the integration of consumers and producers can help to
provide some direct non-monetary incentives, such as fixing bugs and
customizing programs. Lerner and Tirole (2000) listed some private
rewards to OSS participants that fit into simple labor economics. In
their empirical studies on the factors that determine the scope of open
source licensing, they found that restrictive licenses are more common
for applications geared toward end-users and less likely for those
oriented toward developers (Lerner and Tirole, 2005). (16) In other
words, open source licensing tends to be more open and less commercial
when the consumers are more integrated into production.
Third, the integration of consumers and producers is to some extent
similar to "user-driven innovation" in some industries such as
machine tool instruments and scientific instruments (von Hippel, 1988).
This shows the importance of highly variable human capital and its
creativity to open institutions. (17) Human capital is certainly
accumulated through consumers' experiences with the product. In
OSS, users are more familiar with the features and problems of the
software and, hence, are better at designing and improving the software.
For example, Kogut and Metiu (2001) noted that an efficiency gain from
the OSS model is concurrent debugging and design. Kuan's (2001)
empirical study also points to the efficiency of OSS in debugging code.
Some may argue that, as Tirole and Lerner (2000) pointed out, many
participants in OSS write codes to advance career concerns. They do not
sound like consumers. Here we can distinguish two types of consumers.
The first type is comprised of those who use the final binary codes. The
second type is similar to scientists in working in open science. They
read and improve the source codes of OSS; they "consume" the
source codes for further development and improvement without necessarily
using the binary codes for other production purposes. In this sense,
they are still consumers of OSS products.
Ex Post Voluntary Participation
The hold-up problem due to relationship-specific investment has
been the central issue for modern studies on the firm and property
rights (see, for example, Klein, Crawford, and Alchian, 1978;
Williamson, 1985; Hart, 1995). Why has it seldom been mentioned in the
literature on open institutions? The key is ex post voluntary
participation. Although voluntarism is often regarded as the foundation
for open institutions from a moral perspective, it is also an important
efficiency property for the open structure.
Ex post voluntary participation in the open structure means that
any individual can exit at any time in any way without significant cost.
This, on the one hand, implies the absence of firm specificity of human
capital and, on the other hand, implies the disappearance of the hold-up
problem. Individuals may choose to contribute to human capital that is
specific to a particular open product, such as Linux, but since their
rewards or the values of their investment are measured by non-monetary
terms, such as fame and reputation, those rewards cannot be taken away
if the individual chooses to leave the project. A scientist whose
research on a university-specific project (say a highly local project)
results in high quality publications is not affected by moving to
another university, because he has built up his reputation in the field.
Of course, the open institution might be said to suffer from the loss of
one or more high-power participants. But, who knows what new people may
bring into the open institution? The departure of a beautiful actress
from an urban square might leave all people regretful, but the entry of
a clown may make them even happier. That is the real life of an urban
square. Again, we see the crucial role of uncertainty and externality in
the creativity and productivity of open institutions.
The classic transaction cost approach posits that a firm's
willingness to invest in human capital is determined by how specific it
is to the firm. An individual's willingness to contribute to the
human capital depends upon factors such as search costs and adverse
selection, which ultimately affect their salaries. The usual solution in
a proprietary world is to internalize these problems within an
institution, where there is the problem of shirking and monitoring. The
costs of shirking and monitoring are especially high when human capital
is highly varied and difficult to assess ex ante. Do open institutions
also internalize all those problems (such as the hold-up problem) within
a particular organization?
The answer is negative. Internalization is no longer an appropriate
term here since it often reminds people of what goes on inside a firm.
How do open institutions deal with the problem of shirking and
monitoring? Or more accurately, do they exist inside an open
institution? For political institutions, this problem does not exist at
all because shirking and lack of monitoring means the loss of voice in
the decision process. There is no participation, no voice, and no
reward. For economic institutions such as OSS, shirking also means loss
of influence in the direction or development of the project. In other
words, the uncertainty of the final product (the collective good) makes
shirking (and consequent loss of influence on the production) itself a
punishment or loss of reward. In this sense, the incentive structure of
open institutions is closely integrated with its governance structure.
Seniority or fame becomes the direct and (possibly) primary reward. In
contrast, money is often the most important form of reward inside a
firm. Although money helps to create labor-market competition
(otherwise, it is difficult for people to compare jobs in different
firms), it makes the incentive structure loosely connected to the
governance structure.
In a word, ex post voluntary participation precludes the hold-up
problem but loss of efficiency due to relationship specific investment
from either the institution or individuals may still exist, albeit at a
smaller magnitude. This is, in our view, an important difference between
a production-oriented approach (such as open institutions) and
transaction-oriented approach (such as firms).
Thesis 3: With ex post voluntary participation, a defining feature
of open institutions, the hold-up problem disappears, and efficiency
loss from relationship-specific investment is reduced. The close
integration of the incentive structure with the governance structure
makes shirking and monitoring a non-problem in open institutions.
The above discussion also suggests some downsides of open
institutions or cases in which they may not be able to prevail. First,
the institution will be less likely to invest in physical capital, let
alone firm-specific human capital. Investment in physical capital
increases the firm specificity of human capital, which in turn might
lead to greater loss to the institution if the individual who uses the
physical capital leaves. This is a real possibility in spite of the fact
that newcomers may bring in other sources of productivity.
Second, given its close integration of incentive structure and
governance structure, open institutions may not be so good at
facilitating labor market competition as the firm. Reputation,
seniority, and fame are all more specific to a particular institution
than salary. Money can better lubricate the labor market as a single and
objective measure.
Let us look at the case of the SONY square. Assume that SONY built
the square in a non-open, commercial and proprietary way. SONY can even
hire (or contract out) many people to perform different types of social
activities in the square. In that case, consumers are still integrated
into production, albeit in a way specified ex ante, and there is no ex
post voluntary participation. However, one or a group of those employees
or service firms may some day refuse to participate in the
"production" process by holding up on some specific (human)
capital that could not be replaced immediately. In the presence of the
hold-up problem, the final product will not be complete, let alone its
non-randomness that is detrimental to a livable square. It is
interesting to note that this kind of "private" square does
exist in many theme parks or tourist sites. But, in that case, tourists
keep changing every day, and the square is always new to tourists who
come on a particular day. The opposite is true for an urban square:
people keep coming to the same square.
This paper presents an exploration of a general understanding of
open institutional structure that lies behind many different forms of
open institutions. By analyzing open source software, open science, and
open squares, we argue that the essence of open institutions is about
production. This is in contrast to traditional studies on institutions
and organization that focus on transaction, which is based on
proprietary structure.
The open institutional structure is defined by open access to the
production process, no property rights or contract in peer
collaboration, ex post voluntary participation, and the integration of
consumers and producers.
Open institutions produce a collective good without a clear design
for the final product, relying on highly variable human-related inputs
that are difficult to identify ex ante. Integration of consumers into
production provides various non-monetary incentives for participation in
open institutions. Through ex post voluntary participation, the hold-up
problem from relationship-specific investment disappears in open
institutions. In this way, a transaction cost problem of intra- and
inter-firm collaboration is transformed into a production model based on
open structure. Uncertainty and externality then become the source of
creativity and efficiency.
Although our focus is on the defining features of open
institutions, it does not mean that open institutional structure does
not have its problems. Some problems, such as the tragedy of commons,
are well-known and some, such as the costs embedded in its governance
structure, are less well-known. Open institutions are complementary to
the proprietary structure in the sense that the open structure may only
be able to thrive in some particular circumstances, while the
proprietary structure prevails in others. Furthermore, there are many
benefits, including social benefits, from private property rights.
Personal motivations of individuals can generate great outcomes, just as
the "invisible hand" shows us. Nevertheless, a comprehensive
comparison between the open institutional structure and the proprietary
structure is beyond the scope of this paper. That will be an important
topic for further research.
Many studies (see, for example, Williamson, 1985; Barzel, 1989;
Coase, 1991; North, 1991; Hart, 1995) have shown that institutional
arrangements based on the proprietary structure evolve to deal with
various problems from uncertainty. In that tradition, uncertainty is
often regarded as a negative factor and, hence, needs to be controlled.
But, our analysis shows that open institutions' production
efficiency lies in exactly the uncertainty and unpredictability brought
about by highly variable and creative human capital. In other words,
open structure responds to the need to harvest the positive value of
Besides, open institutions can mitigate the negative effects of
uncertainty by resorting to the law of large numbers. For example, if a
programmer decides to quit from an OSS project, then his vacancy could
easily be filled by another voluntary programmer from the large number
of volunteers in OSS. In this sense, institutions respond to both
negative and positive sides of uncertainty. Open institutions represent
an approach to capture the positive effects of human creativity while
controlling its negative effects in an open way.
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(1) Following North, Wallis and Weingast (2006), I distinguish
institutional structure from organizations. Institutional structure is
what is common across many seemingly different organizations in a
society. In this sense, institutional structure is more fundamental than
the general term of institutions in defining the rule of games.
(2) OSS is different from shareware or free software. Shareware is
only freely available in the binary form and its underlying source code
is not openly accessible. Freeware (or public-domain software) has no
restrictions placed on subsequent users of the source code.
(3) For a recent review and a collection of studies on OSS, see von
Krogh and von Hippel (2006).
(4) No doubt that scientists working in the private sector also
contribute to the scientific enterprise. Given the purpose of this
paper, we focus on those in the public sector rather than proprietary
(5) Again, as in OSS, academic research is partly shaped by earlier
models and approaches. It is also influenced by politics inside the
academic world. It is a matter of degrees how unpredictable the
direction of research is.
(6) Given the importance of religion in European history, no doubt
it also played an important role in the development of modern
institutions of scientific research (Su 2000).
(7) I thank Tianxin Zhang for providing this example.
(8) Another dimension that they refer to is public ownership of
intellectual property.
(9) A plausible argument is that the square might be due to
consumption or preference externality, in which one person's
ability to have his own preferences satisfied depends on the number of
other people in the same area who share the same preference. However,
the problem with this approach is that it is too rigid to explain a
livable square that keeps changing. People may simply like to consume a
changing picture of the square instead of some fixed number of people
(10) A private good such as software can become a collective good
once its content can be freely copied. In that case, the content is the
collective good while the media where the content is stored remains a
private good.
(11) The distinction between production and transaction may not be
as clear as it sounds. For example, collaboration in the production
process could also be analyzed as transaction (Alchian and Demsetz
1972). We treat collaboration as part of the production process.
Obviously there is an overlapping area between the two concepts.
(12) Fennell (2004) has a good discussion of the reasons and
consequences of property fragmentation. She identified some positive
reasons for fragmentation: (1) fragmentation may be important for people
to relinquish power over the resource without actually transferring the
power or property; (2) it might be a way to temporarily force the
negotiation to spread over people or generations, during which more
information can be collected and information asymmetry could be avoided.
(13) If given Tieboutian mobility, ex ante voluntary choice is
possible for local political institutions. But in reality it is often
difficult to achieve mobility purely for the purpose of political
participation. People move for many other reasons.
(14) Of course, there are also other fundamental differences
between economic institutions and political institutions. For example,
Rodrigues (2008) notes that in the corporate world investors are not
looking for democratic experience, value choices, or membership in a
collective commitment; instead, they are looking for profit and monetary
(15) In this paper we use the term "collective good"
instead of "public good" because the latter has a narrower
definition (non-excludability and non-rivalry in consumption) and is
often associated with public institutions.
(16) In Lerner and Tirole's 2005 study, the authors classify
licensing into two types: restrictive ones that require modification of
the program must make the source code available; highly restrictive ones
that prohibit modification of the open source program from mingling with
other non-open source software.
(17) This point also affirms Hayek's argument that
decentralized local knowledge makes spontaneous private ordering more
efficient than central planning.
Feng Deng (
[email protected]) is professor at the Research Center
for the Economy of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River and the School
of Tourism and Land Resources, Chongqing Technology and Business
University. The author thanks Lanlan Wang and Tianxin Zhang, who were
initially co-authors, for their helpful discussion when the research was
begun. The author is also grateful to Xiangui Su for his introduction to
the history of science. Comments from Peter Gordon, Sunsheng Han and
Zhou Yu are gratefully acknowledged. All remaining errors are the
author's own.