A note on Rothbardian decision-making rents.
Topan, Mihai Vladimir
One elegant way of solving the problems posed by the theory of the
firm would be to discover, within the framework of the classical theory
of distribution, an economic (or catallactic, in Misesian terminology)
function responsible for the creation (1) of firms. By positively
identifying and describing this function, by negatively differentiating
it from all other functions and by connecting it to a specific form or
share of income, a satisfactory theory of the firm could be provided.
Rothbard (2009 [1977], pp. 601-603) comes very close to such an
objective (2) through his decision-making owner function and
decision-making ability rent. After a very brief restatement of the
Misesian-Rothbardian theory of entrepreneurship, we will present these
concepts as Rothbard introduced them. Then we will discuss briefly some
other instances in which he makes use of them, as well as the source of
inspiration the author himself mentioned. After an
analytical/theoretical critique of the mentioned concepts, we conclude.
There is no doubt that--at least from a theoretical point of
view--the closest disciple of Ludwig von Mises was Murray N. Rothbard.
This can also be seen, among the many topics these two giants tackled,
in their theory of the entrepreneur. The role or economic function of
the latter they both see as uncertainty bearing:
The term entrepreneur as used by catallactic theory means: acting
man exclusively seen from the aspect of the uncertainty inherent in
every action. (Mises, 1998 [1949], p. 254)
Like every acting man, the entrepreneur is always a speculator. He
deals with the uncertain conditions of the future. His success or
failure depends on the correctness of his anticipation of uncertain
events. If he fails in his understanding of things to come, he is
doomed. The only source from which an entrepreneur's profits stem
is his ability to anticipate better than other people the future demand
of the consumers. (Mises, 1998 [1949], p. 288)
If all people were to anticipate correctly the future state of the
market, the entrepreneurs would neither earn any profits nor suffer any
losses [...]. What makes profit emerge is the fact that the entrepreneur
who judges the future prices of the products more correctly than other
people do buys some or all of the factors of production at prices which,
seen from the point of view of the future state of the market, are too
low [...]. On the other hand, the entrepreneur who misjudges the future
prices of the products allows for the factors of production prices
which, seen from the point of view of the future state of the market,
are too high. His total cost of production exceeds the prices at which
he can sell the product. This difference is entrepreneurial loss.
(Mises, 2008 [1951], pp. 7-8)
We shall deal further with the nature of profit and loss, but
suffice it to say here that the active entrepreneurial element in the
real world is due to the presence of uncertainty. (Rothbard, 2009
[1977], p. 434)
They [the capitalist-entrepreneurs] must advance present money in a
speculation upon the unknown future in the expectation that the future
product will be sold at a remunerative price. In the real world, then,
quality of judgment and accuracy of forecast play an enormous role in
the incomes acquired by capitalists. (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 510)
Entrepreneurship deals with the inevitable uncertainty of the
future. (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 552)
A distinguishing mark of the Rothbardian analysis of
entrepreneurship is the utmost care not to fall into the Kirznerian
("propertyless") interpretation of the Misesian entrepreneur.
(3) He always insists, therefore, on the entrepreneur as owner of
property. In addition, as one of the quotes above also shows, he always
speaks about the capitalist-entrepreneur, precisely so as not to deprive
of any element the person who copes with uncertainty in the real world.
For Rothbard he is most certainly an owner (if not, what is he
risking?); he is also a capitalist (advances property/ resources within
a temporal horizon implying waiting/time); he is an entrepreneur because
the future he has in view is uncertain, and the resources advanced in
production can be lost. The gross income, therefore, of a real world
entrepreneur will be composed of several elements: a wage component (if
he also provides labor, such as management); an interest component; and
a (pure) profit and loss component. (4)
It is here that Rothbard introduces a supplementary element which
we think is problematic. Namely, he identifies the "ownership
function" as sufficiently delineated conceptually by the idea of
decision-making, some sort of ultimate assuming of the resource
allocation responsibility/burden. The owner must decide the allocation
of his property/resources. And for this decision, Rothbard
"rewards" him with a special form of income: the
decision-making rent (or the "decision-making ability rent"):
But is there a function which owning businessmen perform, and would
still perform in the ERE, beyond the advancing of capital or possible
managerial work? The answer is that they do execute another function for
which they cannot hire other factors. It goes beyond the simple
capital-advancing function, and it still continues in the ERE. For want
of a better term, it may be called the decision-making function, or the
ownership function. Hired managers may successfully direct production or
choose production processes. But the ultimate responsibility and control
of production rests inevitably with the owner, with the businessman
whose property the product is until it is sold. It is the owners who
make the decision concerning how much capital to invest and in what
particular processes. And particularly, it is the owners who must choose
the managers. The ultimate decisions concerning the use of their
property and the choice of the men to manage it must therefore be made
by the owners and by no one else. It is a function necessary to
production, and one that continues in the ERE, since even in the ERE
there are skills needed to hire proper managers and invest in the most
efficient processes; and even though these skills remain constant, the
efficiency with which they are performed will differ from one firm to
another, and differing returns will be received accordingly.
The decision-making factor is necessarily specific to each firm. We
cannot call what it earns a wage because it can never be hired, and thus
it does not earn an implicit wage. We may therefore call the income of
this factor, the "rent of decision-making ability." (Rothbard,
2009 [1977], pp. 601-603)
The total gross earnings of an entrepreneur consist then of up to
four possible elements: interest, wage, decision making rent and pure
profit/loss. At this point, Rothbard comes dangerously close to the
conclusions of the very author he strived so hard to differentiate from:
Israel Kirzner. Specifically, by introducing this additional distinct
function of ownership and its subsequent (supplementary) form of
remuneration/income, he ends up separating--something considered as a
shortcoming in Kirzner--ownership from entrepreneurship. If this is not
so, and if it is still the ownership function that also receives the
profit/loss residuum, then we have a function with two incomes, a
situation which violates the "one function--one income"
principle implied in the theory of distribution. (5) Not to mention the
emptying of the catallactic function of the entrepreneur, that would
remain without an income share.
While Rothbard does not make extensive use of the
"decision-making ability" and "decision-making
rents," (6) he does mention (at least one of) them several times in
Man, Economy, and State. First, there is this place (we quote
extensively to better clarify the context; the concepts appear in the
second paragraph):
Labor is usually treated as a perfectly divisible factor, as one
that varies directly with the size of the output. But this is not true.
As we have seen, the truck driver is not divisible into fractions.
Further, management tends to be an indivisible production factor. So
also salesmen, advertising, cost of borrowing, research expenditures,
and even insurance for actuarial risk. There are certain basic costs in
borrowing which simply arise from investigating, paperwork, etc. These
will tend to be proportionately smaller the larger the size--another
indivisibility, with returns increasing over a certain area. Also, the
broader the coverage, the lower insurance premiums will be.
Then there are the well-known gains from the increase in the
division of labor with larger outputs. The benefits from the division of
labor may be considered indivisible. They arise from the specialized
machines that must first be used with a larger product, and similarly
from the increased labor skills of specialists. Here too, however, there
is a point beyond which no further specialization is possible or where
specialization is subject to increasing costs. Management has usually
been stressed as particularly subject to overutilization. Even more
important is the factor of ultimate-decision-making ability, which
cannot be enlarged to the extent that management can.
What any given firm's size and output will be is therefore
subject to a host of conflicting determinants, some impelling a
limitation, some an expansion, of size. At what point any firm will
settle depends on the concrete data of the actual case and cannot be
decided by economic analysis. Only the actual entrepreneur, through the
give and take of the market, can decide where the maximum-profit size is
and can set the firm at that point. This is the task of the businessman
and not of the economist. (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], pp. 597-598)
Then, after the standard quote provided above, Rothbard mentions
the decision-making rents again in chapter ten, when discussing monopoly
profits versus monopoly gains to factors of production:
The monopoly gains must, then, be imputed to either labor or land
factors. In the case of a brand name, for example, a certain kind of
labor factor is being monopolized. A name, as we have seen, is a unique
identifying label for a person (or a group of persons acting
co-operatively), and is therefore an attribute of the person and his
energy. Considered generally, labor is the term designating the
productive efforts of personal energy, whatever its concrete content. A
brand name, therefore, is an attribute of a labor factor, specifically
the owner or owners of the firm. Or, considered catallactically, the
brand name represents the decision-making rent accruing to the owner and
his name. (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 679; his emphases)
And fifteen pages later, in the same chapter and a similar context:
Yet many monopolized [...] factors are labor factors--such as brand
names, unique services, decision-making ability in business, etc.
(Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 694)
In all these instances, Rothbard seems to assimilate, more or less,
the income of decision-making to a type of wage, and to view the
decision-making ability as some sort of labor. This can also be found in
other works of the great Austrian master. For instance somewhere else,
he says:
The fact remains that just as the costumer earns interest plus
managerial wages plus profit, so will a landowner earn interest
plus managerial wages plus profit (and "wages" can include wages of
"decision-making"). The profit goes to better forecasters, and
poorer ones will suffer losses. (7)
For now let us just notice the tension in Rothbard's usage of
the concept. On the one hand decision-making is not labor, as it is
something logically antecedent to it. Someone has to decide the hiring
of laborers (and, presumably, actually hire them, managers included). On
the other, it is labor, even if a special type of labor (some unique
ability or talent, possibly even associated with a brand name).
In a footnote, (8) Rothbard indicates as his source of inspiration
a "fertile, but neglected hint" of Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, who
in the introduction to his Capital and Interest wrote the following:
But even where he [the undertaker (BB)/the businessman (MR)] does
not personally take part in the carrying out of the production, he yet
contributes a certain amount of personal trouble in the shape of
intellectual superintendence - say, in planning the business, or, at the
least, in the act of will by which he devotes his means of production to
a definite undertaking. (Bohm-Bawerk, 1890, p. 8)
So far, it seems that a decision-making function is suggested. But
Bohm-Bawerk goes on like this (again, we quote extensively so as not to
miss the context):
The question now is whether, in view of this, we should not
distinguish two quotas in the total sum of profit realized by the
undertaking; one quota to be considered as result of the capital
contributed a second quota to be considered as a result of the
undertaker's exertion.
On this point opinions are divided. Most economists draw some such
distinction. From the total profit obtained by the productive
undertaking they regard one part as profit of capital, another as
undertaker's profit. Of course it cannot be determined with
mathematical exactitude, in each individual case, how much has been
contributed to the making of the total profit by the objective factor,
the capital, and how much by the personal factor, the undertaker's
activity. Nevertheless, we borrow a scale from outside, and divide off
the two shares arithmetically. We find what in other circumstances a
capital of definite amount generally yields. That is shown most simply
by the usual rate of interest obtainable for a perfectly safe loan of
capital. Then, of the total profit from the undertaking, that amount
which would be enough to pay the usual rate of interest on the capital
invested in it, is put down to capital, while the remainder is put to
the account of the undertaker's activity as the profit of
undertaking. [...]
On the other hand, there are many, especially among the younger
economists, who hold that such a division is inadmissible, and that the
so-called undertaker's profit is homogeneous with the profit on
This discussion forms the subject of an independent problem of no
little difficulty--the problem of the Undertaker's Profit. The
difficulties, however, which surround our special subject, the problem
of interest, are so considerable that I do not feel it my duty to add to
them by taking up another. I purposely refrain then from entering on any
investigation, or giving any decision as to the problem of
undertaker's profit. (Bohm-Bawerk, 1890, pp. 8-9)
Bohm-Bawerk, by deliberately trying to restrict his inquiries to
the phenomenon of interest, avoids altogether the thorny question of
profit and of the specific economic function thereby remunerated. While
he indeed suggests a decision-making function, he does not speak (or
suggest, I think) a decision-making rent. And when considering the
corresponding income share of the said function, he speaks about profit.
Two possible roads open up at this point: (1) either Bohm-Bawerk would
have elaborated on the undertaker's contribution apart from labor
as the entrepreneurial function, remunerated with profit; and, as he
abstracted from/ assumed away uncertainty in his concept of the
"perfectly safe loan" in order to more precisely delimit the
role of capital and the fundamental source of interest, this
entrepreneurial function would have most probably incorporated
uncertainty. (2) Or, he would have discussed this "act of
will" type of undertaker's contribution in the context of
certainty (or in ERE, as Rothbard has put it); but, then again, what
remains of the idea of entrepreneurship as uncertainty bearing?
Whatever Bohm-Bawerk might have thought on these matters is, in a
sense, irrelevant. It is not uncommon for later authors to rescue
insights from previous ones, and to use them in ways that would have
totally surprised the latter. Rothbard's insight, then, must be
judged on its own merit. To this we now turn.
Let us take a closer look at the decision function and the
decision-making rents to see if they hold water. A fundamental question
to be answered immediately would be: can these rents be negative?
Rothbard's answer is no (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], pp. 603-604), and
is based on his standard analysis of rent (which must always be
positive--no matter how small, but positive--in order to induce the
factor owner to partake in the production process). But what is
"rewarded" through these (positive) rents when there are
losses and in his capacity as entrepreneur the owner has failed to
correctly forecast the relevant market data? (He made a wrong judgment;
can we in some sense emphasize only the fact that he made a decision
nevertheless?) We would be in the strange--if not outright
contradictory--situation of rewarding the individual (as owner) for the
mere fact that he took a decision, only to concomitantly penalize him
(as entrepreneur) for his uninspired decision. Does not, one wonders,
the idea of decision-making imply the desideratum of successful
decisionmaking? (9) And, if so, does not successful decision-making
refer to uncertainty bearing and overcoming?
We have stumbled here upon a thorny question: up to what point, and
for what purposes is ERE as such useful? Specifically, what remains of
decision-making in ERE? Rothbard himself seems to suggest in another
place that the answer might be "nothing":
In the ERE, where all techniques, market demands and supplies,
etc., for the future are known, the investment function becomes purely
passive and waiting. There might be a supervisory or managerial labor
function, but this can be analyzed under prices of labor factors.
(Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 434)
On the other hand, if we were to suppose that decision-making rents
can be negative, it becomes very difficult to understand what the
difference would be between them and profits/losses. They both vary;
they can both be positive or negative. Moreover, they must both pertain
to ownership, as otherwise the question arises: if decision-making
pertains to ownership, to what does uncertainty bearing pertain? (If the
answer were again "entrepreneurship", what would this concept
still mean?)
One route has been left in suspension above, when we discussed
Rothbard's inclusion of the decision-making function under labor
factors (and of the decision-making rents under "wages"). That
is, the implied suggestion that it might be fruitful to separate within
the broader category of labor, a special subcategory, special enough so
that it deserves a separate and dedicated catallactic function, together
with a form of income. While not without merits, this idea falls under
heavy fire by Rothbard himself elsewhere:
Catallactically, labor is hired by entrepreneur-capitalists. It is
grossly unscientific to separate laborers into arbitrary categories and
to refer to one group as "labor" and "workers,"
while the other group receives various other names. To give them other
names implies a difference in kind between their contribution and the
contribution of others, but this difference does not exist. (Rothbard,
2009 [1977], p. 565)
Succinctly put, the problem is the following: will the Austrian
theory of the firm be an entrepreneurial theory of the firm, or a
decision-making ability theory of the firm?. Which one is the
fundamental/ essential aspect, and provides for the nature of the
economic phenomenon of the firm?
An element of appeal in this perspective (the one accepting the
decision-making rents concept) could be the idea of specificity induced
into the activity of the businessmen. Some affinities with the
resource-based theories of the firm are immediate (10) (even though the
Rothbardian theoretical edifice in its entirety permits a quite thorough
criticism of such theories). Professor Joseph Salerno, for instance,
builds up the concept of the "real/integral entrepreneur" by
means of the integration of the ownership, capitalist and
entrepreneurial functions:
An important sidelight of this integration of the ownership
function with the capitalist and uncertainty-bearing functions is a new
perspective on the nature and organization of the firm. The firm appears
now as the projection of the owner's personality, with all its
cognitive and temperamental idiosyncrasies, into objective reality. Each
firm's organization is shaped to accommodate the unique
decision-making ability of the owner and it is perpetually transformed
in a dynamic world by his decisions. The firm's organization is,
furthermore, the immediate source of the integral entrepreneur's
decision rents. (Salerno, 2008, p. 206)
Nevertheless, in my opinion, the specificity element does not by
itself justify the introduction of the above-discussed new element
(decision-making rents). Seeing human action under uncertainty exactly
for what it is--real world human action--at once implies that
entrepreneurial judgments must be as specific as possible. (11)
Moreover, profit and loss can account for the correctness of specific
(idiosyncratic, even) entrepreneurial judgments or decisions:
Most uncertainties are uninsurable because they are unique, single
cases, and not members of a class. They are unique cases facing each
individual or business; they may bear resemblances to other cases, but
are not homogeneous with them [...]. Estimates of future costs, demands,
etc., on the part of entrepreneurs are all unique cases of uncertainty,
where methods of specific understanding and individual judgment of the
situation must apply, rather than objectively measurable or insurable
"risk." (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], pp. 554-555)
The entrepreneur, in making his decisions, is on the contrary
confronted with unique cases about which he has some knowledge and which
have only limited parallelism to other cases. (Rothbard, 1956, p. 19)
As for the "high" versus "low" cost firms in
any line of business, they can be explained at least in two ways,
without the need for the special (ERE) decision-making ability. On the
one hand, the possibility of error implies the possibility of being way
off target, or just a bit off the mark. This would suffice to explain
differences in profit, although it is true that these would have to be
of a rather ephemeral nature. As for the more lasting differences, the
idea of non-monetary income (or even direct consumption) could explain
the constantly low profits (high costs) of skillful entrepreneurs who
(for instance) opt for poor commercial locations because they are closer
to their home.
It is our conviction, therefore, that the separation of the
ownership and entrepreneurship functions even at the theoretical level
(therefore as catallactic functions, as opposed to real persons) remains
problematic. The "residual" functions of
property/ownership--isolated by the elimination of labor and waiting
elements (12)--imply at once both uncertainty bearing and
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(1) More precisely, for the creation and structuring, expansion,
reorientation/restructuring, reduction or dismantling of firms.
(2) This was pointed out by Joseph T. Salerno, both in the
introduction to Rothbard (2009 [1977], p. xliv) and in Salerno (2008, p.
206). In the study guide to Rothbard (2009 [1977]), Robert Murphy also
designates this Rothbardian contribution as "fairly unique"
(Murphy, 2006, p. 115).
(3) A much-debated topic in the Austrian economics literature. One
of the main points of contention is the view laid out in ch. 2
("The Entrepreneur") of Kirzner (1973). For outstanding
analyses of this matter (and much more) see Salerno (1993) and Hulsmann
(1997). For Rothbard's views see Rothbard (1997 [1957], ch. 14,
Professor Kirzner on Entrepreneurship), for example.
(4) An (self) insurance premium could also be included; or various
other rents, such as for self-provided location, for instance. We ignore
these further, as they do not change the substance of our argument.
(5) See Hawley (1907, p. 112). Frederick B. Hawley has a very
interesting treatment of enterprise and entrepreneurship, very much like
that of Mises. Without the sophisticated tools of the latter (such as
economic calculation, case probability, specific understanding etc.) he
manages to de-homogenize the role of the entrepreneur (or, as he calls
him, "enterpriser") from various other contributions to the
final product: laborer (including manager), capitalist, and insurer.
Apart from his theory of entrepreneurship, he is interesting for his
methodology (staunch defender of deductive method). Nevertheless, in his
"macro" analysis, he is rather pre-Keynesian, considering the
business cycle to be a normal occurrence in market economies due to
(natural) disproportions between available savings and possible
investment channels. See Topan (2009).
(6) The same can be said about other concepts touched upon in
Rothbard's works, such as "quasi-money" (Rothbard, 2009
[1977], pp. 826-827).
(7) Rothbard (1997 [1957], p. 308). It is rather peculiar that
Rothbard includes, on the previous page, entrepreneurship in the labor
category: "Over the whole economy, then, the prices of capital
goods are imputed back to land and labor, until finally, the net incomes
are earned by: land, time, labor (including entrepreneurship)."
(8) Footnote 50, p. 602 of Rothbard (2009 [1977]).
(9) Even if it might look like we are torturing a bit the texts to
find arguments on our side, there are instances in which Rothbard
suggests decision-making comes with success/failure, and cannot be
meaningfully separated from uncertainty (and, therefore, confined to,
and isolated in ERE). Thus, in Ethics of Liberty, he says at some point
that: "If Crusoe had eaten the mushrooms without learning of their
poisonous effects, then his decision would have been incorrect--a
possibly tragic error based on the fact that man is scarcely
automatically determined to make correct decisions at all times."
(Rothbard, 1998 [1982], p. 32) And again: "The less farsighted entrepreneurs suffer losses for poor handling of decisions under
uncertainty." (Rothbard, 1998 [1982], p. 39, n. 3) Passages of this
sort can also be found in Man, Economy, and State: "In addition to
the capital-supplying function, the corporate capitalists also assume
the entrepreneurial function: the crucial directing element in guiding
the processes of production toward meeting the desires of the consumers.
In the real world of uncertainty, it takes sound judgment to decide how
the market is operating, so that present investment will lead to future
profits, and not future losses." (Rothbard, 2009 [1977], p. 434)
(10) See, e.g., Nelson (1991).
(11) One could define entrepreneurial judgments, along Misesian
lines, as referring to particular circumstances of time, place and
persons from the future. See Topan (2005), for instance.
(12) As well as implicit insurance premiums or various land rents,
if such is the case.
Mihai Vladimir Topan (
[email protected]) is President of the
Ludwig von Mises Institute--Romania. He is also assistant professor at
the Department of International Business and Economics, Academy of
Economic Studies--Bucharest. The present paper is supported by the
research project CNCSIS TE nr. 38/03.08.2010. The author would like to
thank Marius Spiridon, Dan Cristian Comanescu, Radu Musetescu and
Matthew McCaffrey for valuable comments and suggestions. The remaining
errors are, of course, my own.