The Concept of Equilibrium in Different Economic Traditions: A Historical Investigation.
Wang, Jingjing
The Concept of Equilibrium in Different Economic Traditions: A
Historical Investigation
Bert Tieben
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012, 682 pp.
In The Concept of Equilibrium in Different Economic Traditions,
Bert Tieben offers a full-length, extensive study of the concept of
equilibrium that chronicles its four-century evolution from the
prehistory of classical economics to the heyday of neoclassical
economics and contemporary heterodox economics. The book, a daunting
exploration of mountains of literature that runs in nearly seven hundred
pages, is based on Tieben's 2009 dissertation at the Vrije
Universiteit of Amsterdam. Although there are few advanced mathematical
equations that might baffle the reader, the book is not easy to read and
presupposes a detailed knowledge of economic theory.
The book is divided into four parts: a theoretical framework
(chapters one and two), research methodology (chapter three), historical
review (chapters four to twelve), and comparison and summary (chapters
thirteen to seventeen). In these seventeen chapters, Tieben mainly
addresses three related issues: the meaning of economic equilibrium, the
reason for its persistence and dominance in economic analysis, and its
role in controversies among various schools of economic thought (pp. 11,
612). After briefly summarizing the book's main contents, I will
comment on the author's interpretations of Austrian economics.
Chapters one and two mainly explore the meaning of economic
equilibrium and propose an analytical framework for the rest of the
book. To avoid becoming trapped in semantics, as Fritz Machlup's
review of equilibrium concepts, Tieben correctly points out that in
studying the historical development of the equilibrium concept, one
should go beyond definitions. Even so, one must start with a definition,
and he implicitly adopts a Hayekian equilibrium concept--the mutual
compatibility of individuals' different plans for action--as a
benchmark. He argues that plan compatibility or plan coordination is
roughly consistent with viewing equilibrium as a metaphor, like the
invisible hand, to explain economic order, harmony, or decentralized
coordination (pp. 12, 36, 612). Moreover, he provides an analytical
framework that distinguishes between static and dynamic concepts of
equilibrium, that is, equilibrium as an end state or a process. Scholars
choose one or the other based on their distinctive ideologies (what
Tieben calls visions), similarly to what Joseph Schumpeter described as
scientist's subjective evaluation before beginning a scientific
inquiry (p. 36). Thus, Tieben concludes that it is impossible to give
value-free scientific statements (p. 46).
Chapter three discusses the methodology related to the mainstream,
neoclassical equilibrium concept. Tieben asks whether the concept's
dominance and persistence stem from its validity as a scientific tool
for explaining economic phenomena (p. 612). His answer clearly is no. He
examines the scientific criteria adopted by Deirdre McCloskey
(rhetoric), Roy Weintraub (the Lakatosian methodology of scientific
research programs [MSRP]), Alexander Rosenberg (instrumentalist) and
Daniel Hausman (the laws of economics) one by one, although he does not
explain why he chooses these scholars. Tieben largely agrees with
McCloskey's rhetorical view of economics and her opinion that
mathematical equilibrium theory not only leads to "an erroneous
history of economic thought" (p. 49), but inappropriately purports
to be the scientific standard. As for Weintraub's Neo-Walrasian
Research Program (NWP), Tieben compares it to Lakatos's MSRP and
concludes that it fails to incorporate the requirements of having both a
theoretical "hard core" (p. 55) and a "protective
belt" (p. 57) of surprising empirical results. Next, according to
Rosenberg, the criterion of science is predictive success. He argued
that economics is at best a branch of mathematical politics rather than
an empirical science. However, Tieben points out, Rosenberg's view
is not convincing because he never assessed any empirical inquiries in
detail. Finally, Hausman considered economics as a science based on
seven fundamental laws or assumptions of economics (p. 75). Yet, Tieben
noted that not all economists follow--indeed, some economists even
employ the opposite assumptions. One conjecture is that the popularity
of the idea of general equilibrium may stem from chance considering that
William Jevons and Leon Walras did not did not obtain immediate or
foreseeable success in their time (p. 293-94).
Since, as Tieben sees it, no objective scientific standard can
explain the status quo dominance of the neoclassical concept, he turns
to the history of economic thought in chapters four through twelve.
Tieben reviews how the founders of and contributors to preclassical,
classical, neoclassical, and heterodox economics, especially Austrian
economics, employed the equilibrium concept.
Chapters four through seven apply the analytical framework proposed
in chapter 2. For each tradition or period, Tieben identifies
representatives of the end state and process approaches to equilibrium
analysis. For preclassical economists, the distinction between end state
and process lies in different aspects of a self-regulating economy: the
stability of this order or the disruptions away from equilibrium (p.
96-97). The preclassical economists Sir Dudley North and Pierre de
Boisguilbert, respectively, pioneered these approaches (p. 97). Next,
Tieben maintains that Richard Cantillon, who emphasized the
equilibrating role of entrepreneur, followed North. He also asserts that
Francois Quesnay and the Physiocrats (except A.R.J. Turgot) followed
Boisguilbert instead of
Cantillon by focusing on an unstable process of capital
reproduction and economic decline. (1) Differences of views about
equilibrium continued and grew among the classical economists. Because
their works are so comprehensive (or inconsistent) and modern
interpretations also varied, it is hard to identify definitively these
authors' predecessors. However one interprets their works and the
origins of their works, though, the classical economists were engaged in
the two branches of equilibrium studies, which were to transform greatly
in the neoclassical period.
In contrast to the earlier chapters, chapters 8 through 12 do not
contrast two scholars who took opposite positions, but only underline
the dominant aspect--end state or process--of specific traditions.
Chapter 8 and 9 discuss Jevons on partial equilibrium and Walras on
general equilibrium. (2) Their neoclassical economics transformed the
equilibrium paradigm by concentrating only on the characteristics of
static equilibrium. Chapter 10 investigates the contributions of
Austrian economics as a type of heterodox economics that focuses on
disequilibrium analysis. It is laudable that Tieben does not dismiss
Austrian economics, as most mainstream economists do, but some of his
arguments are doubtful, as I discuss below. Finally, chapter 11 focuses
on J. M. Keynes's contributions to monetary equilibrium. And
chapter 12 is on monetary dynamics by studying Stockholm and Austrian
schools, which arrived at opposite conclusions on whether public policy
should aim to achieve monetary equilibrium although their starting
points are similar (p. 467).
The remaining chapters investigate disequilibrium studies, such as
in Keynesian macroeconomics, Kirznerian entrepreneurship theory, and
evolutionary and institutional economics. In the concluding section, the
writer insightfully points out that the equilibrium concept is
indispensable in disequilibrium studies: "What better way to study
this world than by freezing it for a second" (p. 615). However, he
fails to identify the value of "freezing," as an imaginary
construction (3) in, rather than the goal of, economic analysis. In
arguing that non-Walrasian theory is more visionary but achieves less
satisfactory results than neoclassical theory, Tieben implicitly and
incorrectly assumes a tradeoff between the fruits of mathematical
formalism and ideological vision. In describing Austrians as artists (p.
614), for example, he deprecates their analytical insight.
I turn now to Tieben's remarks on Austrian economics. After
subtly distinguishing subjective value from marginal utility, Tieben
asserts that "the proper name of the revolution ... should be the
subjective revolution" (p. 299) instead of the marginal revolution.
But while it is true that Carl Menger did not use the term
"marginal utility," his theory of value reflected its meaning
precisely. Tieben correctly notices that Menger defined the value of a
given quantity of good as the "satisfaction of least
importance" (p. 311). However, Tieben fails to see that it
expressed the essence of marginal utility exactly. One possible reason
is the ambiguity of the concept: whereas marginal utility in Austrian
economics means the values individuals attach to marginal units of
discrete goods, mainstream economics discusses bundles of goods instead
of particular goods (Klein 2007). Salerno (1999) perceptively saw that
Menger reconstructed the theory of price based on marginal utility
instead of subjective value.
Tieben's second error is in his repeated claim that
disequilibrium is at the heart of the Austrian tradition, while price is
of secondary importance (pp. 303, 310). This neglects Klein's
(2008) argument that the study of equilibrium may not be important to
Austrian economics. The essence of Austrian economics is not the market
process, but rather price theory and its applications. Prices are the
end results of the process of exchange, incidental manifestations of
economic activities, and symptoms of an economic equilibrium (Menger,
2007). Only through understanding price formation can we understand
specific economic events and how production, exchange, and consumption
are conducted to satisfy people's diverse wants (Schumpeter 1951;
Salerno 1997).
Third, Tieben is mistaken to argue that the Kirznerian
entrepreneurial process is governed by uncertainty in the Knightian
sense (p. 523). Kirzner (1963) followed the Misesian tradition that
defines entrepreneurship in terms of uncertainty and uncertainty in
terms of ignorance. But Kirznerian ignorance is much narrower than
Knightian uncertainty. As High (1982) explained, Kirzner implicitly
relied on "a distinction between ignorance that causes uncertainty
and ignorance that does not." Kirzner called the latter "sheer
ignorance": it refers to a situation in which a person is unaware
of something's existence, which in turn relates to realized facts.
Ignorance that does cause uncertainty--Knightian uncertainty--by
contrast, refers to a situation in which one does not know both the
probability and distribution of an instance because it impossible to
form a class of instances applied to future circumstances (Knight,
1921). This may be one reason Kirzner is, as Tieben writes, "on the
brink of being labeled a hard core neoclassical by his own
brethren" (p. 521).
Tieben makes some minor errors. He points out "Menger's
doubts about the use of mathematics" (p. 305); however, as Hayek
(1976) showed, Menger "does not even refer to the mathematical
method in any of his writings on methodology." Tieben argues that
Mises's belief in the "confluence of all marginalist currents
... was wrong" (p. 349), simply by quoting Mises's statement
about the similarity among the Austrian, Anglo-American, and Lausanne
schools (p. 346), while ignoring its context. As Salerno (2009) pointed
out, "Mises's remarks were intended as a generic defense of
theoretical research in economics," and "Mises's opinion
was delivered at an economics conference in Germany that was heavily
attended by the still influential remnants of the German Historical
School who were antagonistic to economic theory" (p. xxviii-xxix).
In sum, Tieben misunderstands the nature and certain contributions of
Austrian economics, which may be a result from inappropriate citations
and overreliance on one or two scholars' analyses.
This book includes many interesting comments and anecdotes,
although some of these are presented without detailed evidence. For
instance, Walras held to a scientific socialist vision (p. 266) and was
not original in inventing the equimarginal principle (p. 274-275); Karl
Menger "rescued general equilibrium analysis from oblivion"
(p. 294); Marshall "never considered economics as a mathematical
science" (p. 201); and the "socialist calculation debate made
Hayek and Mises aware of the essence of Austrian thought" (p. 349).
Also, Tieben makes many interesting remarks on the priority of academic
discoveries, such as that the "first ideas concerning economic
equilibrium" came from the ancient Greeks, Aristotle was the
"first to recognize that traders have a reciprocal benefit from
exchange," James Steuart was the first to use the word
"equilibrium," and Marshall was the "first to realize the
usefulness of equilibrium theory" in studying complex economic
It is intellectually challenging for most narrowly specialized
Ph.D. students in economics to set off on a march through a history of
economic thought. In this regard, Tieben has done a good job. Given the
comprehensive range of topics covered, it is inevitable that the author
relies on many secondary sources and draws some quick conclusions. Yet,
the book might have been more penetrating if he had discussed how the
social or economic contexts influenced on economists' understanding
of the equilibrium concept, as Hoselitz (1951) did in documenting the
evolution of entrepreneurship definitions.
On the whole, I recommend this book. This book may sharpen
mainstream economists' understanding of the nature of economics.
Austrian economists may read the chapters on the Austrian school,
Austrian monetary economics, and Kirznerian entrepreneurship theory with
mixed feelings. It is inspirational to learn that the Austrian school
attracts more and more attention, while it is a pity to know some
details and even some important Austrian concepts are not correctly
understood. However, reading this book still helps in the sense that
Austrians can get a general idea of how Austrian economics is understood
by other scholars such as Tieben and be induced to provide more clear
and precise explanations. Moreover, it may expose readers to some
questions they may have never considered before. A final bit of
practical advice for reading such a thick book: it may be good to read
first the discussion of Marshallian and Walrasian equilibrium, as it is
likely to be already familiar, and then to go back to the other
High, Jack. 1982. "Alertness and Judgment: Comment on
Kirzner," In Israel M. Kirzner, ed., Method, Process, and Austrian
Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises (Chapter 13). Lexington,
Mass.; Toronto: Lexington Books.
Hoselitz, Bert F. 1951. "The Early History of Entrepreneurial
Theory," Explorations in Entrepreneurial History 3: 193-220.
Kirzner, Israel M. 1973. Competition and Entrepreneurship. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Klein, Peter G. 2007. Introduction to Principles of Economics by
Carl Menger. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
--. 2008. "The Mundane Economics of the Austrian School,"
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 11, nos. 3, 4: 165-187.
Menger, Carl. 1871. Principles of Economics. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig
von Mises Institute, 2007.
Salerno, Joseph T. 1999. "Carl Menger: The Founding of the
Austrian School." In Randall G. Holcombe, ed., Fifteen Great
Austrian Economists. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
--. 2008. "The Entrepreneur: Real and Imagined,"
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 11, nos. 3, 4: 188-207.
--. 2009. Introduction to Man, Economy, and State with Power and
Market by Murray Rothbard, Scholar's Edition. Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig
von Mises Institute.
Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1951. Ten Great Economists: From Marx to
Keynes. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tieben, Bert. 2012. The Concept of Equilibrium in Different
Economic Traditions: A Historical Investigation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Jingjing Wang (
[email protected]) is a Ph.D. student at the
University of Missouri.
(1) For Boisguilbert and the Physiocrats, economic decline is a
synonym to disequilibrium.
(2) As cofounders of marginal revolution, not only do Jevons and
Walras significantly differ from Menger, but also huge differences exist
between Jevons and Walras (p. 270).
(3) Cantillon pioneered the method of imaginary construction (p.
133). One famous imaginary construction is evenly rotating economy
(ERE), which is employed by Mises (1949) in order to study the role of
entrepreneurship and human action.