Comment on Dolan on Austrian economics and environmentalist.
Block, Walter E.
Professor Edward Dolan, a mainstream not an Austrian economist, is
nevertheless a good candidate for the prize to be awarded to an outsider
for the greatest contribution to the praxeological school. He did this
by editing Dolan (1976), a very important bulwark of Austrian economics.
(1) In Dolan (2014) our author once again enters into the deep and
treacherous (2) waters of Austrian economics. This time he attempts to
assess the contributions, if any, of praxeology to environmental issues.
He does not find much with which to agree, and is quite forthright in
rejecting this literature. The present paper is an attempt to defend
Austrian economics against his many critiques of it.
Dolan (2014) starts off on the wrong foot, by announcing he will
judge Austrian economics on the basis of three criteria:
* "Have Austrian economists addressed problems that people
think are important?
* Have they been able to offer proposals of practical value to
economic policy, or is their work limited to pure theory?
* Do they offer unique solutions to economic problems, or just
different ways of reaching the same results as the dominant
The first one is problematic. The answer is unclear. Praxeologists
are well-known for studying issues such as banking, unemployment,
inflation, socialism, etc. Surely, there are at least some people who
think these are important. However, there are very few people who do.
Most are concerned more with football, or boxing, or gardening, or poker
or bowling or clothing or music.
So, do "people" think what Austrians do is important? It
is difficult to know how to answer this. Suppose we were to ask this
question of physicists, or botanists, or chemists or mathematicians, or
other physical or social scientists. Such disciplines would also fail
this criterion, if we take a head count. Would not a better criterion
along these lines be: "have Austrian economists arrived at
truth?" This, surely, is the question we should ask of other
intellectual schools of thought, from whatever discipline. It is almost
but not quite irrelevant what the masses of people think of our
The second one also presents difficulties. Economists, at least qua
economists, do not "offer proposals." They are limited to
studying cause and effect. They pose and answer questions such as the
following: If A occurs, will it lead to B? C is already in existence.
What caused it? Economists may properly offer "if-then"
statements: If you want to reduce unemployment for low-skilled workers,
lower the level of or entirely eliminate the minimum wage law. If you
want to increase unemployment for low-skilled workers, then introduce
the minimum wage law and/ or increase its level. But, to "offer a
proposal" such as "introduce the minimum wage law and/or
increase its level" or "lower the level of or entirely
eliminate the minimum wage law" is surely beyond the scope of the
economist, qua economist. (3) It takes him out of the realm of the
value-free positive economics, and places him in the arena of
normativity. Surely, we must distinguish between the normative and the
positive. (4)
As to the third criteria, an objection can be made to the word
"just." Even were it true that Austrians reached identical
conclusions about how the economy works as members of the mainstream
paradigm, this would still be an important contribution. After all, it
would serve as a check on our neoclassical colleagues in the dismal
science, and one day we might diverge. But, in the event, we already
have. Austrians dissent from the dominant paradigm in terms of their
analysis (5) of socialism, central planning, anti-trust, welfare
economics, the business cycle and a whole host of other issues.
Dolan (2014) would have been greatly improved had he distinguished
between Austrian economics and libertarianism. He thinks that "the
third component of the (Austrian) paradigm is that property rights are
the (key) to resolving environmental problems." (6) Nothing could
be further from the truth. First of all, no economic school of thought,
Austrianism certainly included, "resolves" anything. The
dismal science qua dismal science is limited to exploring and explaining
economic reality. Economists, but not in their official capacity, along
with everyone else, may then use these findings to "resolve"
things. But as value free social scientists, they are precluded from
making public policy recommendations.
Secondly, while property rights are indeed the key to resolving
environmental problems, this is a basic element of libertarianism, a
normative pursuit, not economics, a positive one. Dolan (2014) favorably
quotes Dawson (2011, 19) who says "The Austrian or libertarian
policy must therefore be to privatise 'climate change policy,'
repealing all existing climate change legislation ...." In other
words, Austrian economics and the libertarian political philosophy are
synonyms. Anyone who says this or anything like this, whether it be
Dolan or Dawson, is committing one of the most basic errors in all of
social science. Yes, there are libertarian "policies": those
compatible with the non-aggression principle (NAP) and private property
rights. But there are no, there can be no, Austrian
"policies." (7)
Our author now launches into his formal critique of libertarianism,
not Austrianism, his views on this to the contrary notwithstanding,
under the heading of three different challenges. We shall respond to
them in the order mentioned by Dolan.
Dolan's first critique focuses on the libertarian theory (8)
of justice in property titles. It is of course based on the
Lockean-Rothbardian-Hoppean theory of homesteading. (9) In order to
achieve just title to property, one must "mix his labor" with
the virgin territory to be owned. Dolan objects to this crucially
important element of libertarianism (10) on the grounds that it
"would frustrate the efforts of conservationists like Ted Turner or
environmental organizations like Ducks Unlimited who buy up millions of
acres of critical habitat for the specific purpose of leaving it
unused." My first reaction to this objection is: we need not be
unduly concerned with Ted Turner and Ducks Unlimited. If they do not
like this libertarian notion of awarding property rights to the first
user of unowned areas, let them lump it. What possible criterion should
be employed to determine who owns what other than this method? Should it
be command? Here, the sovereign determines who shall own what property.
But what right does the sovereign have to distribute property? Should it
be claim? Then, whoever claims anything gets to own it. I hereby claim
ownership of the sun, the moon, and the other planets in the solar
system. Note how moderate I am: I do not lay claim to all heavenly
bodies. An economist was asked: "How is your wife?" Came the
answer: "Compared to what?" Even if the homesteading theory
were imperfect in that it did not satisfy the crucially important
desires of worthies such as Ted Turner and Ducks Unlimited, it is far
and away the best possible method of dividing up land not yet used.
Fortunately, however, we need not rely, solely, on these defenses of
homesteading. Block and Edelstein (2012) show how we can have our cake
and eat it too: how homesteading can be upheld, and also satisfy the
fervent not-to-be-denied desires of the likes of Ted Turner and Ducks
Unlimited to own totally virgin territory.
Our author instructs libertarians that the Fifth Amendment requires
compensation for government takings, and yet U.S. courts have not upheld
this requirement. (11) Dolan (2014) also waxes eloquent in criticism of
libertarianism that "today's courts are ... (not) willing to
stand up against the NSA." He also upbraids libertarians for
somehow not realizing that the bench does not support the NAP on
"preponderance of evidence" versus "beyond a reasonable
doubt" and on "negligence" versus "strict
liability." (12)
On the basis of all of this, Dolan presses his criticism; he
accuses libertarians of being guilty of what Demsetz (1969) has called
the "nirvana fallacy." States the latter: "those who
adopt the nirvana viewpoint seek to discover discrepancies between the
ideal and the real and if discrepancies are found, they deduce that the
real is inefficient."
How can libertarianism be defended against these not very powerful
denigrations? In several ways. First, it is just plain silly to think
that libertarians fail to realize that actual courts do not uphold
private property rights and the NAP. Unfortunately, Dolan (2014) does
not offer any cites to the literature where libertarians claim we are
now living in the fully free society. This criticism thus fails. With as
much reason, Dolan might just as well have accused libertarians of
thinking that modern courts have legalized all victimless crimes.
Secondly, Dolan (2014) completely misconstrues Demsetz's
(1969) very valuable nirvana fallacy. Let us first apply this to
equilibrium. There are certain economic welfare benefits that pertain to
equilibrium states, but not to the real world of disequilibrium. We of
course never reach the evenly rotating economy, but we are always
heading in that direction. That is, plan coordination is only fully
realized in the imaginary construction of the evenly rotating economy.
The mainstream economists seize upon this, and claim free enterprise to
be a "market failure" since the real world economy does not
possess these characteristics. Demsetz's (1969) nirvana fallacy can
put paid to this criticism of the free enterprise system.
Here is what Dolan (2014) says about perfect competition:
Austrians are quick to condemn neoclassical economists when they
slip into nirvana mode. Consider the economics of antitrust. The
traditional neoclassical approach has been to compare existing
market processes with the ideal construct of perfect competition.
Finding that the messy realities of the former fall short of the
perfect efficiency of the latter, they declare a "market failure"
and recommend a set of remedial laws and regulations. The Austrian
approach instead, is to compare the messy details of real-world
markets with the even messier institutions of real-world antitrust
law and policy. (p. 202)
The problem with this, the disanalogy, is that while equilibrium
has several undoubted beneficial aspects, the same cannot be said for
"perfect competition." Indeed, a case can be made that this
type of industrial organization would be a disaster (Barnett, Block and
Saliba, 2005). But even if we posit (contrary to fact conditional coming
up), that perfect competition is ideal, is an aspect of nirvana,
Dolan's (2014) attempt to equate this with the supposed failure of
libertarians to realize they do not now live in a fully free society
cannot be maintained. In other words, Dolan is making the following
argument: Libertarians (13) attack mainstreamers for setting up an ideal
system, perfect competition, and then complaining that the real world
does not live up to this bit of nirvana. But libertarians are guilty of
the same exact fallacy. They set up an ideal system, courts that uphold
the NAP, and then complain that the real world does not live up to that
Why does this fail? It flops because there is a relevant difference
between the two complaints. That is to say, yes, there are two ideals:
free enterprise courts for libertarians, and perfect competition (or
equilibrium) for neoclassical economists. But when perfect competition
(or equilibrium) fails to occur in the real world, the mainstream
paradigm scholars blame this on market imperfections. They call for
(more) government intervention in order to address this problem. Whereas
in sharp contrast, libertarians do not at all favor more statism in the
face of judges who would not know a private property right if it bit
them in the nose; rather, they advocate the exact opposite, e.g.,
economic freedom. Here is another disanalogy. Libertarians are fully
aware that current courts do not support private property rights,
despite Dolan's (2014) claims to the contrary. There is no analogue
in the other cases.
Here is Dolan's (2014) opening salvo:
The property rights approach works best when the number of parties
involved in environmental dispute are few and proximate. When they
are many and remote, neither face-to-face bargaining nor common law
litigation works well. Many of the most important environmental
issues of our times fit this pattern, including urban smog, acid
rain, ozone depletion, ocean acidification, and anthropogenic
climate change. I will refer to this class of problems as
environmental mass torts. (p. 204)
Our author employs a "hypothetical Vermont farmer, call her
Nancy Norman," maintains that she would be unable to stop
Midwestern power plants from harming her maple trees, and implies this
would be unfair, uneconomic, problematic. Why? There are several
reasons. Let us consider each in turn.
First, if the Midwestern power plants polluted first, our girl
Nancy is "coming to the nuisance." Thus, she should not win
her case against them. But what is wrong with that? If Midwestern power
plants indeed homesteaded the right to place pollutants into the air,
homesteaded them in effect, then they would have the property right to
continue to do so. If airports were there first, engaging in noise
pollution, that is allowing airplanes to take off from and land on their
property, then Dolan's argument would presumably shut them all
down, if some Johnny-come-lately to the neighborhood objected. That is,
the newcomer would be "coming to the nuisance" and would have
no proper choice other than to accept the extant level of pollution.
Second, "Norman would have to prove actual damage. In any
legal action, she would have to bear the cost of expert testimony
regarding the science of acid rain, and would have to rebut
defendants' testimony that some other agent, say a fungus, might be
harming her maple trees. The testimony would have to establish her
contentions beyond a reasonable doubt." But what, pray tell, is
wrong with that? If I accuse Dolan of stealing my car, I would have to
prove this claim before any court, even an extant one, would award me
damages. And proving this might be expensive to me. But surely Dolan
would not want the court to compel him to pay me under any other
circumstances. Why should Nancy not have to jump through the same type
of hoop? The burden of proof properly rests with those who wish to
overturn property titles, not the other way around.
Norman would have to sue each polluter individually, unless she
could prove they acted in concert, which presumably they do not.
She would have to prove strict causality, not just regarding the
point that acid rain in general damaged her trees, but that each
individual defendant contributed causally to the damage." (p. 205)
Now this is a far more serious complaint than the other two. Here,
at last, there is a real problem, an important challenge put forth by
Dolan for us to consider.
There are two responses that can be made by the libertarian who
favors private property rights as a solution to this difficulty. On the
one hand, consider a different kind of pollution, one emanating from
automobiles. Each car, even with a catalytic converter, lets off an
insignificantly small amount of toxin. It would be cumbersome in the
extreme for Nancy or anyone else to sue them all. Each one could hide
behind a de minimus defense. Rothbard (1982) offers the following
While the situation for plaintiffs against auto emissions might
seem hopeless under libertarian law, there is a partial way out. In
a libertarian society, the roads would be privately owned. This
means that the auto emissions would be emanating from the road of
the road owner into the lungs or airspace of other citizens, so
that the road owner would be liable for pollution damage to the
surrounding inhabitants. Suing the road owner is much more feasible
than suing each individual car owner for the minute amount of
pollutants he might be responsible for. In order to protect himself
from these suits, or even from possible injunctions, the road owner
would then have the economic incentive to issue antipollution
regulations for all cars that wish to ride on his road. Once again,
as in other cases of the "tragedy of the commons," private
ownership of the resource can solve many "externality" problems.
This nails it. (14) To be sure, not every case of what Dolan calls
environmental mass torts can be handled in this manner. But, surely some
of them can, preeminent amongst them roads and highways.
On the other hand, consider just how far extant law has deviated
from what libertarian jurisprudence would be, based on private property
rights and the NAP. Another quotation from Rothbard (1982) will make
this clear:
In the classic case of Holman v. Athens Empire Laundry Co. (1919),
the Supreme Court of Georgia declared: "The pollution of the air,
so far as reasonably necessary to the enjoyment of life and
indispensable to the progress of society, is not actionable."
But this sort of thing has been going on since at least as early as
the 1870s (Horwitz, 1977). Polluters have been given a legal carte
blanche since that time. Is it any wonder that firms have taken
advantage of this lacuna in the law? Any company that kept its airborne
garbage to itself when not required by law to do so would put itself at
a disadvantage via its competitors.
Under proper libertarian law pollution would indeed be
"actionable" as a trespass of soot particles. If so, then
several effects helping out "Nancy" would come to fruition.
Whenever the Nancy of the day was beset by dirt emanating from the local
factory, she could have availed herself of a lawsuit. There, if she
offered evidence buttressing her complaint, she would be granted damages
and an injunction against such further incursions. Since she would have
had to prove her case, there would have been an incentive for the market
to promote environmental forensics. This would have led, via the
"invisible hand," plants to use cleaner burning, albeit more
expensive anthracite coal, rather than the cheaper but dirtier sulfur
variety. Firms would have had more of an incentive to install smoke
capturing or prevention devices in their chimneys, thus keeping more of
this effluent to themselves, and allowing less to seep out to the Nancys
of the world.
From early days of the U.S. until about 1870, these phenomena were
actually taking place (Horwitz, 1977). But then, at the outset of the
progressive period, the legal philosophy of Holman started to take root.
If pollution was no longer actionable, this called a halt to
environmental forensics, to meshes in chimneys, to cleaner burning
fuels, etc. So, of course Nancy is in trouble nowadays. She can no
longer sue those who trespass on her property. But posit that the
earlier quasi-libertarian legal philosophy had prevailed uninterrupted
until the present day. Suppose that modern technology were harnessed in
the direction of enhanced and sophisticated environmental forensics,
meshes in chimneys, cleaner burning fuels, etc. Then, Nancy's
predicament would all but disappear.
The trouble with Dolan's analysis is that he looks at the
modern world and finds it wanting. He blames this on free enterprise and
private property rights. He does not seem to realize that present
conditions are a function of the law, and legislation and court findings
were not, to put it mildly, in favor of protecting property rights in
pollution since at least the late 19th century. It is as if Dolan were
to blame unemployment, inflation, the business cycle, poor housing
conditions, etc., on the free enterprise system, when these difficulties
actually emanate from phenomena such as minimum wages, unions, the
federal reserve system, rent controls, etc.
Let us take another hack at this. Contrary to Dolan, there is no
problem, no problem whatsoever, with specifying an ideal system,
criticizing present reality on the ground that it does not measure up
and working to rectify matters so that we make improvements toward the
goal. In my own view, this all depends upon the case in point. That is,
the "devil is in the details." It is the specifics that can be
problematic. For example, the medical researcher posits a world in which
there is no cancer. He notes that at present this dread disease afflicts
people. He attempts to improve the situation through medical research.
If anyone thinks this presents a difficulty, he should have his head
examined. On the other hand, if this medical researcher is so filled
with venom for cancer, so determined that no one shall die of this
affliction, that he shoots all cancer patients in order that they not
die from that malady, then there is indeed something rotten in Denmark.
Or, consider a criminologist who wants to reduce crime, and notices that
at present, this ideal situation has not yet been reached: there are
still rights violations. If the means through which he wants to decrease
criminal behavior is to legalize all drugs, then bless him. On the other
hand, if he intends to achieve this goal by making legal crimes such as
murder, rape and kidnapping, then we are in great difficulties.
The problems with neoclassical economists regarding perfect
competition are two-fold. First of all, it is by no means an ideal
situation to have an indefinitely large number of firms in every
industry, limited to selling homogeneous products. Worse, if anything,
is their fetish to break up large corporations, simply because they are
big, into teeny, tiny mom-and-pop firms.
A similar difficulty arises regarding equilibrium. This, too, is
not an ideal situation, one toward which we should strive in the real
world. Mises (1922) says the following about this concept:
To assume stationary economic conditions is a theoretical expedient
and not an attempt to describe reality. We cannot dispense with
this line of thought if we wish to understand the laws of economic
change. In order to study movement we must first imagine a
condition where it does not exist. The stationary condition is that
point of equilibrium to which we conceive all forms of economic
activity to be tending and which would actually be attained if new
factors did not, in the meantime, create a new point of
equilibrium. In the imaginary state of equilibrium all the units of
the factors of production are employed in the most economic way,
and there is no reason to contemplate any changes in their number
or their disposition.
Posit, however, arguendo, that despite Mises's clear, concise
and correct analysis, that for some reason it is "good" to
move our present economic situation toward, or even to attain,
equilibrium. Again, the means toward this end are crucial. One of the
aspects of the evenly rotating economy is that there will be no profits
earned. So, one way to make our economy congruent with equilibrium would
be to ban profits at present. Needless to say, that would be highly
problematic. But another way to achieve this end would be to ban all
government laws such as rent control, tariffs, minimum wages, that
retard our ability to act in a coordinated way with each other. That, of
course, would be highly desirable.
Let us now return, finally, to the libertarian desire to see heaven
on earth: a situation in this vale of tears where the NAP is no longer
broken. To this end, the libertarian works to end all cases of murder,
theft, rape, arson, kidnapping, etc. Why is this a problem, if all the
means used, too, are also compatible with the NAP? It is clearly not.
Thus we can see Dolan's error. He falsely analogizes between the
libertarian desire to promote peace and justice, and the goal of
mainstream economists to impose perfect competition. Yes, in both cases
an ideal situation is compared to an actual one, and the goal is to
transform the latter into the former. But of this a valid analogy cannot
be made. Just because it is unjust and improper to make the world safe
for perfect competition via anti-trust legislation does not at all imply
it is illicit for libertarians to try to shape the world in the
direction of the NAP.
The problem rests not with trying to change reality so that it
matches some ideal. It all depends upon how this is done, and which
ideal we are talking about. In the libertarian view, imposing perfect
competition violates the NAP. However, introducing the libertarian legal
code is an unmitigated good. Dolan argues that because the imposition of
perfect competition has all sorts of drawbacks, this must also pertain
to installing the NAP as the law of the land. Nothing could be further
from the truth.
A last minor point in this section: I cannot see my way clear to
agreeing with Dolan (2014) that there is any disagreement between
Rothbard (1982) and Anderson (1989). The latter urges jail sentences for
incessant polluters who drop garbage on other people's property
whether in the macro sense (orange peels, egg shells, coffee grinds) or
the micro (these types of things, but all ground up into dust). The
former would agree, given that this was proven beyond a reasonable
doubt. Does Dolan think Anderson would acquiesce to prison terms for the
accused in the absence of any proof? Nothing I read in Anderson leads me
to that conclusion. Anderson is no wild man watermelon, calling for jail
sentences for those who exhale.
There is a difficulty in this section right at the outset: it is
mislabeled. Dolan characterizes this as bringing the price system to
bear; but what he really has in mind are not at all market prices.
Instead, he is defending something very different: tradable emissions
rights, emissions trading, pollution fees, taxes, etc.
If someone fails to distinguish between a market price on the one
hand and tradable emissions rights, emissions trading, pollution fees,
taxes on the other, it is highly problematic. For this is a most basic
distinction. A price is an amount of money someone voluntarily gives up
in order to attain a good or service. A commercial interaction where
prices play a role is necessarily a non-coercive one. These other
entities are at best semi- or demi- or quasi-prices. They do not occur
in free markets, but rather under market-like circumstances. It cannot
be denied that there are certain similarities between the two. Perhaps
that is what has confused Dolan. But if we are to make sense of these
phenomena, we must peer beneath the surface to the underlying reality,
something not undertaken by this author. (15) We must sharply,
maniacally even, separate in our minds what is agreed upon by all
parties (prices) from what is not (taxes, government fees, etc.).
Dolan (2014) attempts to hoist Rothbard (1982, p. 77) by the
latter's petard. He defines tradable emissions rights (TERs)
markets as the purchase and sale of homesteaded, (16) and therefore
legitimately owned rights to pollute. In other words, for this author,
what is traded in a TER is something owned by the seller, under
libertarian law. Let us allow Dolan (2014) to speak for himself on this
An Austrian case for emissions trading follows naturally from
Rothbardian homesteading of pollution easements. Rothbard (1982, p.
77) uses the example of noise pollution from an airport. At time T,
he imagines, an entrepreneur sets up an airport in an open area
with no one nearby to be bothered by the noise. The facility emits
X decibels of noise into the surrounding unused airspace, thereby
homesteading the right to X decibels. If someone builds a house
nearby at time T+1, says Rothbard, they have no cause for action
against airport, since they have "come to the nuisance." However,
if the homeowner bought the property for a price that reflected
ambient noise of X decibels, and at time T+2 the airport increases
its noise emissions to 2X decibels, the homeowner would have a
cause of action for 1 decibel of excess noise. Rothbard specifies
that the titles to pollution easements created by homesteading are
transferable by sale, gift, or bequest. Furthermore, they are
separable, in the sense that it is permissible to sell them without
selling the airport itself.
If purchases and sales of noise easements became frequent, some
entrepreneur would no doubt set up an exchange to trade them in
standardized units. Soon a fully developed, fully private emissions
trading scheme would spontaneously emerge, with the supply of
easements for each type of pollution capped by the number that had
been legitimately homesteaded. Once population density increased to
the point that no part of the relevant airspace or watershed
remained unused, there could be no further homesteading and the
caps would become permanent. (p. 209)
There are problems with this. First a minor one. I think there is a
typo here. Dolan (2014) should have said "the homeowner would have
a cause of action for 1X decibels of excess noise." That is,
"1X decibels," not "1 decibel." The major difficulty
is that Rothbard is talking about emissions, noise in this case but it
could have been soot, or smells, or anything else, that was homesteaded.
That is, these rights were legitimately owned by the seller. But this is
not at all what tradable emissions is all about. Rather there is no
recognition in mainstream depictions of this phenomenon.
The typical case is as follows. There are three firms, call them A,
B and C, that together emit into the air and/or water 50 tons each of
pollution, or 150 tons total. These emanations are trespasses onto the
physical property and bodies (lungs) of innocent victims. Due to hockey
stick considerations, the authorities have decided that 100 tons of such
lawlessness is optimal. How to achieve this goal? In the bad old not TER
method, called "command and control," each firm would be
legally required to cut back from 50 to 33.3 tons, and that would be the
end of it. This order could be mandated in the form of a regulatory
requirement or a very high tax on any emissions in excess of the 33.3
tons, it matters not which for our purposes. There is not even a hint
that these 150 or 100 tons emissions are justified on the basis of
libertarian homesteading. The new presumably good method, the one based
on quasi-market principles (TERs), is to allow each of these three
companies to purchase and/or sell rights to engage in pollution to their
heart's content. Possibly, there will be no purchases or sales, and
each company will cut down its rate of emissions by one third. Or, one
of them, A, perhaps with newer plant and equipment will decrease by 50
percent or more because it can do so relatively cheaply, and B may stand
pat, while C may even increase its tonnage, and pay A for this privilege
of not only not having to cut but to actually increase its level of
The point is, Dolan (2014) is extrapolating from a case where the
rights to emit noise, or whatever, was licitly owned, to one where it
most certainly is not. Thus, his failure is to distinguish NAP
violations from non-NAP violations. It cannot possibly be underestimated
how important this distinction is. Without it, we might as well have
markets in rape rights, or murder rights, or kidnapping rights, or theft
rights. What we are talking about here is nothing less than a
contradiction in terms on Dolan's part.
Next, Dolan (2014) considers pollution fees. States he on this
Pollution fees are another way to inject prices artificially into a
world where muddled property rights and imperfect courts prevent
them from emerging spontaneously. I find that neoclassical
economists tend to like pollution fees better than emissions
trading, but for Austrians, they are probably an even harder sell.
They object that pollution fees are a form of tax, and that all
taxes are bad. Even so, that does not mean they are equally bad.
(p. 210)
Obviously, this author should have mentioned libertarians, not
Austrians, since only the latter, not the former, can say anything even
remotely resembling the claim that "all taxes are bad."
Libertarians, of course, must agree with Dolan (2014) that some taxes
are worse than others. For example, an income tax of 5 percent is worse
than one of 4 percent. But our author is not content with this truism.
He goes further:
... the effects of pollution fees must be compared not with the
operation of a nonexistent tax-free market, but with a situation in
which pollution goes altogether unpriced. Whatever one's distaste
for taxes, the latter situation is, arguably, even less congenial
to economic coordination. (p. 210)
And here again we must agree with Dolan: it is difficult to say
which is worse: a tax or allowing some to trespass pollutants onto other
people's property. It all depends upon the extent of each. However,
there is no reason to believe that these are the only realistic options.
As we have seen in our criticism of Dolan above, the market is indeed
capable of not so much "pricing" of pollutants, but forbidding
(17) them. (18)
Dolan (2014) now considers, and rejects, objections to TERs and
pollution taxes. The first is the calculation objection: governments
have no way of knowing the proper, efficient taxes, nor the optimal
amount of pollution (150 tons in our example). He does so on the ground
that libertarians "offer no institutionally practicable
alternative" to the present system. Nonsense. Rothbard (1982)
entirely fits this bill. (19) Second, he maintains that the proper
comparison is between TERs and pollution taxes on the one hand, and
"the current mish-mash of command-and-control policy, CAFE
standards, ethanol blend ratios and the rest (which) is a mess."
But what about full free enterprise? Not some "nonexistent ideal of
perfect enforcement of property rights," but rather an actual
system based roughly on the property rights system stemming from
homesteading that was working until about the 1870s, coupled with
advances in modern forensic technology. Is this free market system to be
swept down the memory hole, merely because during the progressive period
(Horwitz, 1977) it was jettisoned? Here, Dolan (2014) is making the
mistake that might well be characterized as misplaced concretes: the
government does not allow free enterprise to work, therefore market
cannot be efficacious. Contrary-to-fact conditionals would appear to be
beyond his ken.
Dolan (2014) next errs when he conflates two very different things.
First is the undoubted fact that it is difficult, well-nigh impossible,
for a court, any court, to come to a precise estimate of damages for
contaminants that cause cancer. Second are the very well-founded
critiques of Cordato (2004) and Carden (2013) to the effect that TERs
are subject to the Austrian critique of socialist central planning.
Dolan argues in effect that since the first is factual, and it is, we
may safely ignore the second. Not so, not so. Our author argues in this
manner because he really cannot appreciate that libertarian law can deal
with what he calls environmental mass torts. His arguments on that score
have been found wanting. The present mistake is but an implication of
that one. Try this as a mental experiment. Assume that U.S. law and
court decisions pre-1870, coupled with modern progress in environmental
forensics, really could function adequately, at least as well as it did
before that turning point in our history. Then, would Dolan (2014) be in
a position to reject the contributions of Cordato (2004) and Carden
(2013)? I contend that Dolan would then not be able to take on this
perspective. Dolan (2014) underestimates the power of the argument put
forth by Cordato (2004) and Carden (2013). Yes, the judge has no
objective way to award damages. But the market process (20) can achieve
objective prices; if they are the wrong prices, someone will lose
profits and go bankrupt. True, only in equilibrium will the prices
generated by the market be the ones that maximize utility of all
participants in commerce. But, we are always and forever tending in that
direction. In sharp contrast, the judge has no such market process
working in his favor, at least not the one employed by the state
Dolan (2014) makes a good point in his defense of TERs on the
grounds that they do not compensate this victim of pollution. He offers
a second-best argument: they are better for coordination purposes when
the prices of emissions are raised without making the victim whole than
when they are not raised and the victim is still not compensated. True
enough. But, we must insist, libertarian law in a realistic setting is
still preferable to the TER system in that it does both.
The last objection to TERs dealt with by Dolan (2014) is that they
in effect support stolen property. Who is the theft from? Why, from the
victims of pollution. They have had their property and their lungs
inundated with trespassing dust particles. Who are the thieves? This is
as readily answered: the trespassers. Why does our author reject this
criticism? He sees this as a "legitimate objection" but still
defends TERs on the ground that "proper design of the trading
scheme could overcome it, at least in part." But if this is a
"legitimate objection" which can only be overcome in part by
proper design, (21) why not reject TERs as socialistic (McGee and Block,
A fair summary of what appears above is that Dolan (2014) consists
of a tissue of errors. Nonetheless, the Austro-libertarian community, I
think, must be grateful to this author for his efforts to undermine the
veracity of this school of thought. Why? Because these are important
challenges. If we cannot answer them, we might as well pack up shop.
Hopefully, Dolan (2014), plus the present response, will convince others
who might be on the fence on these matters that the Austrian school of
economics, and the libertarian political philosophy, are still going
concerns. Who knows? Possibly Dolan himself might come to that precise
Let me close with one substantive point, where Dolan (2014) does
not appear to have done his homework. He says: "In my view,
Austrian economists qua economists have to deal with climate change and
the link in the spirit of 'What if Chicken Little is right this
time?' That is, they need to propose solutions that would work if
at some point real scientists persuade them that climate change is a
real threat." Obviously, the absolute last time this will be
mentioned, Dolan confuses Austrianism and libertarianism; he should have
posed this challenge to the latter, not the former.
In the event, he has been anticipated on this very point. This
appears in Block (2012): Question: "... how can we solve the
problem of global warming without infringing the property rights of the
emitter?" Response (Block, 2012):
If we are still in arguendo mode, positing a vast polluter, then we
are not at all violating his rights when we compel him to cease and
desist. Hey, he is in effect a murderer. We stop him in
self-defense, just as we would a guy running at us, screaming and
brandishing a knife or gun.
In other words, if Chicken Little is right, and underarm
deodorants, (22) aerosols, (23) refrigerants, (24) etc. really cause
global warming, which in turn leads to cancer and other dread diseases,
(25) then by gum and by golly, the libertarian would prohibit them at
the point of a gun. Using these products would under these wild-eyed
assumptions be akin to shooting howitzers up into the air, with no
consideration of where they may land. But the point is, libertarians
have already responded to this "spirit" called for by Dolan.
And the answer is clear. Then, they would be NAP violations.
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(1) Enquiring minds must be excused for wondering why a
non-Austrian economist was chosen to edit this very important Austrian
book, and who was responsible for this decision.
(2) It is deep and treacherous because it appears that Austrian
economics is so easily misunderstood by non-Austrians such as Dolan.
(3) Dolan (2014) accuses mainstream economists of "trying to
maximize efficiency or social welfare." Surely, some of them do,
nay, most of them do, but when they engage in such activity they are no
longer doing so as positive economists. They are entering the area of
normative economics. Dolan unfairly condemns the entire
"neoclassical approach" for this error. But, surely, there is
at least one neoclassical economist who refrains from such confusion. Do
not ask me to mention one, since this is indeed a common error on their
part. Even if we cannot point to a single extant example, as a
theoretical matter it is unfair to condemn all those who espouse the
dominant paradigm because its basic principles do not necessarily lead
in this direction.
(4) Dolan (2014) himself distinguishes between normative and
positive law, but, unhappily, fails to apply this insight to economics.
For example, he writes: "we will pay particular attention to the
distinction between normative legal principles--the way the law should
look if it is to serve the purposes of economic coordination and
libertarian justice--and principles of positive law as actually
practiced today." See on this distinction between normative and
positive economics: Barnett (1995), Block and Cappelli (2013), Rothbard
(1960, 1997).
(5) Note, I do not say "public policy recommendations."
(6) Material in parentheses supplied by present author.
(7) Nor is this any slip of the tongue or the finger on the part of
Dolan. He commits this error elsewhere. For example, he writes
"Many Austrian writers have strong ideas about how property rights
should be defined." No, no Austrian writers, qua Austrian
economists, have any ideas about this, strong or weak. Dolan (2014)
cites Rothbard (1982) in this regard, but the latter, while certainly an
Austrian economist, wrote that essay not as a value-free economist, but
as a value-oriented libertarian.
(8) Not the Austrian economic theory; I shall not again mention
this point.
(9) To mention the three authors who have made very significant
contributions to this theory. For other explications and defenses of
homesteading, see Block (1990, 2002a, 2002b), Block and Edelstein
(2012), Block and Yeatts (1999-2000), Block vs. Epstein (2005), Bylund
(2005, 2012), Grotius (1625), Hoppe (1993, 2011), Kinsella (2003, 2006),
Locke (1690), Paul (1987), Pufendorf (1673), Rothbard (1973, p. 32),
Rozeff (2005), Watner (1982).
(10) Not Austrianism; I know, I know, I promised, but I just
can't resist.
(11) Epstein (1985) will be glad to learn of this from Dolan
(2014). See also Whitehead and Block (2002).
(12) Parenthetically, I must also object to Dolan's (2014) use
of the phrase "rent seekers" to depict corporate capitalists.
For reasons in favor of rejecting this terminology, see Block (2000,
(13) It is of course Austrian economists who do this, not
(14) For the case on behalf of road privatization, see Block,
(15) For a critique of these socialist schemes, see McGee and
Block, 1994.
(16) What happened to Dolan's (2014) previous critiques of
homesteading, pray tell. Here, he relies on them fully.
(17) Sue the road owner not the individual motorist; improvements
in forensics technology.
(18) Well, illegitimate ones that have not first been homesteaded.
(19) Others who support Rothbard on this matter include: Block
(1994, 1998, 2009a, 2011a, 2011b, 2012), DiLorenzo (1990), Horwitz
(1977), Lewin (1982), McGee and Block (1994).
(20) Dolan's appreciation of the market process is not as
robust as it could be. Perhaps he could benefit from reading some of the
Austrian literature on this subject: Boettke and Prychitko (1998), Cowen
and Parker (1997), Ebeling (1985, 1990), Ekelund and Sauman (1988), Fink
(1982), Foss and Mahnke (2000), Foss and Christensen (2001), Gordon
(1995), Kirzner (1982, 1992, 1997), Lachmann (1976, 1977), Langlois
(2001), Robertson and Yu (2001), Thornton (1994), Wagner (1989), Yeager
(21) "Proper design" would appear to be part of the
Nirvana fallacy against which Dolan (2014) constantly inveighs.
(22) See
(23) See
(24) See
(25) We are now deeply into argumentum arguendo.
Walter Block, Ph.D. (
[email protected]), holds the Harold E. Wirth
Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and is Professor of Economics at the
Joseph A. Butt, S.J. College of Business, Loyola University New Orleans.