The impact of new media on intercultural communication in global context.
Chen, Guo-Ming
The history of human communication began with the oral or spoken
tradition. Through the course of history, the dissemination of messages
progressed from simply the oral tradition, to script, print, wired
electronics, wireless electronics and finally digital communication. The
greatest change in message dissemination in recent history occurred with
the introduction of computers and the Internet in the early 1990s. Since
then, this drastic change of communication medium has significantly
affected humans' perception of the media, the usage of time and
space, and the reachability and control of the media.
In the present age of digital communication, time has been
compressed by reducing the distance between different points in space,
and the sense of space has led people to feel that local, national, and
global space becomes obsolete (Harvey, 1990). In addition, the
reachability of digital media can now extend to all people, instead of a
limited audience. This is significant because without the confinement of
time and space, the control of message production and dissemination is
no longer a privilege possessed only by church, state, and government,
but instead, equally shared by all individuals.
All these innovations in digital media, or so-called new media,
have changed and continue to change the way we think, act, and live. For
example, digitalization, as a hybridization of print and electronic
media in a binary code, converts analog to digital that requires a
completely different mode of production and distribution.
As Chen (2007) indicated, the impact of digital or new media on
human society is demonstrated in the aspects of cognition, social
effect, and a new form of aesthetics. Cognitively, new media demands a
nonlinear nature and the creation of expectations for content, which
directly influences the way people use media. Socially, the most
manifested impact of new media is the effect of demassification, which
denotes that the traditional design for a large, homogeneous audience is
disappearing and being replaced by a specific and individual appeal,
allowing the audience to access and create the message they wish to
produce (Olason & Pollard, 2004). Visually, new media brings forth a
new digital aesthetic view, which refers to, for example,
"interactivity, manipulation, the prepurposing and repurposing of
content across media, deliberate creation of virtual experience, and
sampling as a means of generating new content" (Chen, 2007, p. 95).
New media is also the main force accelerating the trend of
globalization in human society. The globalization trend has led to the
transformation of almost all aspects of human society. For instance,
socially and culturally, globalization has changed the perception of
what a community is, redefined the meaning of cultural identity and
civic society, and demanded a new way of intercultural interaction (Chen
& Zhang, 2010). Economically, global competition has enormously
intensified. In order to succeed in global business, a company is
required to not only understand the local markets in order to meet their
global clients' needs, but they must also seek out open markets
globally, and foster effective management in global business
transactions (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2007). In sum, due to the thrust
of new media, the global trend creates new social networks and
activities, redefines political, cultural, economic, geographical and
other boundaries of human society, expands and stretches social
relations, intensifies and accelerates social exchanges, and involves
both the micro-structures of personhood and macro-structures of
community (Steger, 2009).
From the scholarly perspective, unfortunately, traditional studies
seldom connected well or integrated the two concepts of
"media" and "globalization" (Rantanen, 2006). Three
established academic fields on the study of the concepts include
communication studies, media and cultural studies, and globalization
studies. Communication studies began after World War II and become an
academic field during the 1950s in the United States. Beginning with
early studies focusing on international communication and speech
communication and continuing on to recently developed intercultural
communication, communication studies as an academic field tends to
ignore the relationship between people and media, or how people use
media in different cultural contexts, and how that closely relates to
the globalization of human society.
The field of media and cultural studies emerged in the 1970s in
Britain on the basis of resisting the dominance of communication studies
in the United States, which was more oriented towards the empirical or
discovery paradigm. Yet, most British media studies focus on the role
media institutions play in the process of globalization. Many scholars
in this area tend to take globalization for granted, by not making an
effort to theorize the concept (Sparks, 1998; Thussu, 2000). As for
cultural studies, originated from the Frankfurt School in Germany, the
field suffers from the lack of concern about the impact media has on
people. The problems that exist in media studies and cultural studies
are like those that appear between the studies of international
communication and intercultural communication. As Servaes (2008) pointed
out, cultural studies in Europe and in the United States mainly pays
attention to cultural issues instead of media issues.
The study of globalization began in the early 1990s, a time when
the trend of globalization significantly increased its impact on human
society in terms of scope and scale. Nevertheless, although scholars
from different disciplines are involved in the study of globalization
(e.g., Giddens, 1990; Pieterse, 2009; Robertson, 1992; Waters, 1995),
and most agreed that without media and communication globalization will
not emerge as such a great impetus of the transformation of human
society, the role of media and communication in the theorization of the
concept of globalization remains vague and less specified. Surprisingly,
according to Rantanen (2006), the contribution of scholars from the
field of media and communication to globalization theories is far less
than scholars from other disciplines such as anthropology and sociology.
The separation problem of communication studies, cultural/media
studies, and globalization studies in scholarly research has been
gradually alleviated in recent years, but more studies in this direction
are still needed. It is then the purpose of this paper to integrate
these concepts through the examination of the relationship between new
media and intercultural communication. In order to explore how new media
influences the process of intercultural communication, the discussion in
this paper contains two parts. In the first part, I explicate the nature
of new media and its interdependent relationship with globalization. In
the second part, I explain the impact of new media on intercultural
communication from different perspectives.
New Media and Globalization
As mentioned above, the rapid development of new media has been the
main force accelerating the trend of globalization in human society
during the last few decades. With its distinctive and unique nature, new
media has brought human interaction and society to a highly
interconnected and complex level. Through this convergence the mutual
enhancement of new media and globalization has led to the transformation
of almost all the aspects of human society. New media being considered
"new" is not only because of its successful integration in the
form of the traditional interpersonal and mass media, but also because
of its new functions that enable individuals to equally control messages
in interpersonal media, which allows them to control messages in mass
media (Crosbie, 2002). New media functionally allows people to interact
with multiple persons simultaneously with the ability to individualize
messages in the process of interaction.
New media enjoys five distinctive characteristics: digitality,
convergency, interactivity, hypertextuality, and virtuality (Chen &
Zhang, 2010; Flew, 2005; Lister, Dovery, Giddings, Grant, & Kelly,
2009). First, digitalization is the most prominent feature of new media.
New media or digital media dematerializes media text by converting data
from analog into digital form, which allows all kind of mathematical
operations. New media also makes it possible for a large amount of
information to be retrieved, manipulated, and stored in a very limited
Second, new media converges the forms and functions of information,
media, electronic communication, and electronic computing. The
convergence power of new media can be easily demonstrated by the
emergence of the Internet in terms of its powerful function embedded in
computer information technologies and broadband communication networks.
This also leads to the industry convergence displayed by the constant
merger of big media companies and the product and service convergence
evidenced by the successful connection and combination of media's
material, product, and service in the media industry.
Third, the interactive function of new media, i.e., between users
and the system regarding the use of information resources, provides
users a great freedom in producing and reproducing the content and form
of the information during the interaction. In addition, the
interactivity of new media makes the interaction among different
networks and the retrieving of information through different operational
systems, both available and convenient. The freedom in controlling the
information endows new media a great power in the process of human
Fourth, the hypertextuality of new media brings forth a global
network center in which information can freely move around and
spontaneously interconnect. This global network phenomenon has begun to
rebuild a new life experience for human beings, which in turn will lead
the transformation of economic activities, cultural patterns,
interactional styles, and other aspects of human society (Castells,
Finally, the cyberspace formed by new media allows people to
generate virtual experience and reality. The invisible cyberspace not
only induces a gap between reality and virtuality, but also effectuates
the free alternation of one's gender, personality, appearance, and
occupation. The formation of virtual community that crosses all the
boundaries of human society definitely will challenge the way we
perceive reality and have traditionally defined identity. (Jones, 1995).
With these distinct features new media pushes the trend of
globalization to its highest level in human history. As defined by
Steger (2009), globalization "refers to the expansion and
intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time
and world-space" (p. 15). In other words, globalization is "a
social process in which the constraints of geography on social and
cultural arrangements recede and people become increasingly aware that
they are receding" (Waters, 1995, p, 3). It involves the expansion,
stretching, intensification, and acceleration of social activities in
both objective/material and subjective/human consciousness levels, or
different levels of human society, including the entire world, a
specific nation, a specific industry or organization, and an individual
(Govindarajan & Gupta, 1997).
The powerful impact of globalization, enhanced by the advent of new
media, is revealed in its dynamic, pervasive, interconnected,
hybridized, and individually powerful attributes (Chen, 2005; Chen &
Zhang, 2010). First, globalization is a dialectically dynamic process,
which is caused by the pushing and pulling between the two forces of
cultural identity and cultural diversity, or between localization and
universalization. Second, globalization is universally pervasive. It
moves like air penetrating into every aspect of human society and
influences the way we live, think, and behave. Third, globalization is
holistically interconnected. It builds a huge matrix in which all
components are interconnected with networks. Fourth, globalization
represents a culturally hybridized state, which allows cultural
transmission via new media to take place at a very rapid rate by
permeating and dissolving human boundaries. Finally, globalization
increases individual power in the new media society, which pluralizes
the world by recognizing the ability and importance of individual
Together, the dialectically dynamic, universally pervasive,
holistically interconnected, culturally hybridized, and individually
powerful characteristics of globalization enhanced and deepened by the
stimulus and push of the emergence of new media has led to revolutionary
changes in people's thinking and behaviors, redefined the sense of
community, and restructured human society.
The impact of the integration of new media and globalization can be
summarized into five precise effects, namely, a shrinking world, the
compression of time and space, close interaction in different aspects of
society, global connectivity, and accelerated local/global
competition/cooperation (Chen & Starosta, 2000). In other words,
boundaries of human societies in terms of space, time, scope, structure,
geography, function, profession, value, and beliefs are swiftly changing
and transforming into a new pattern of similarities and
Nevertheless, although the interdependent relationship of new media
and globalization is evident, the specific connection between the five
distinctive characteristics of new media (i.e., digitality, convergency,
interactivity, hypertextuality, and virtuality), and the five manifest
features of globalization (i.e., dialectically dynamic, universally
pervasive, holistically interconnected, culturally hybridized, and
individually powerful), remain a valuable research topic for scholars to
further pursue. This paper only focuses on the discussion of the
relationship between new media and intercultural communication.
The next section first delineates the impact of new media on human
communication, especially from the intercultural communication
perspective, and discusses the present research on the impact of new
media on intercultural communication.
The Impact of New Media on Intercultural Communication
With its distinctive features new media has brought human society
to a highly interconnected and complex level, but at the same time, it
challenges the very existence of human communication in the traditional
sense. New media not only influences the form and content of
information/messages, but it also affects how people understand each
other in the process of human communication, especially for those from
different cultural or ethnic groups.
On the one hand, intrinsically, the new culture hatched from new
media creates a continuity gap between traditions and innovations within
a culture. Before the emergence of new media, according to Bagdasaryan
(2011), traditions and innovations in human society co-existed in a
dynamically synchronized way, but the speed and impact of the new media
resulted in the inability of traditional values to keep pace with the
new cultural values produced by new media. This cultural gap has caused
difficulty in understanding or communication between generations and
among people in the same culture.
New media also extrinsically breeds communication gaps between
different cultural and ethnic groups. The fragmented nature of new media
has switched traditional cultural grammar, cultural themes, or cultural
maps to a new pattern, resulting in the loss of traditional cultural
logic. The rearrangement or restructuring of cultural patterns, or
worldview, demands that members of a culture realign their communication
behaviors within their own community, and to learn a new way of
interaction with people from differing cultures. New media fosters a new
culture in human society, in which the degree of ambiguity and
uncertainty has been reshuffled and has reached its highest point,
especially in the process of intercultural communication. How to
readjust to this new situation and smoothly achieve the goal of mutual
understanding for people from different cultural groups in this chaotic
stage of cultural change becomes a great challenge for the practical
need of interaction in daily life and research in the scholarly
community. It is under this circumstance that we see more and more
scholars are becoming involved in the investigation of the relationship
between new media and intercultural communication (Allwood &
Schroeder, 2000; Pfister & Soliz, 011; Shuter, 2011).
After examining the extant literature, we found that emerging
topical areas in this line of research mainly include three categories:
(1) the impact of national/ethnic culture on the development of new
media, (2) the impact of new media on cultural/social identity, and (3)
the impact of new media (especially social media) on different aspects
of intercultural interaction (e.g., intercultural relationship,
intercultural dialogue, and intercultural conflict).
National/Ethnic Culture and New Media
As Weick (1983) pointed out, in the international electronic
exchange culture plays a significant role in affecting the process and
outcome of the interaction. In other words, culture as a communication
context may dictate the use of media. Chen (2000) found that three
cultural factors, namely thinking patterns, expression styles, and
cultural context, are the three prominent cultural factors that
influence how people behave in electronic media, and the three factors
are the manifestation of cultural values (Chen & Starosta, 2005).
Based on the distinction of low-context culture and high-context culture
categorized by Hall (1976), Chung and Chen (2007) proposed possible
communication differences for members in the two groups in the process
of electronic interaction (p. 285) (see Table 1):
Table 1 Differences between Low- and High-Context
Cultures in E-communication
Meaning display explicit implicit
Value orientation individual group
Personal relationship transitory permanent
Action base procedure personal
Logic linear spiral
Message learning time short long
Verbal interaction direct indirect
Nonverbal style individualistic contextual
Idea presentation logic feelings
Message style detailed simple
Credibility source authority communication source
It is assumed that cultural values will influence the social
networking process in new media (Vasslou, Joinson, & Coourvoisier,
2010; Veltri & Elgarah, 2009; Vinuales, 2011). Hall's (1976)
low-context and high-context cultures and Hofstede's (2001)
individualism and collectivism dimensions of cultural values are two of
the most common models used in the study of the relationship between
culture and media. For example, Kim, Sohn, and Choi (2010) found that
cultural value orientations affect a user's attitude when using new
media. Their study demonstrates that although the motives for using
social media are similar for students, those in high-context,
collectivistic cultures, such as Korean college students, show more
emphasis on attaining social support from existing social relationships,
while those in low-context, individualistic cultures, such as American
college students, tend to show more interest in seeking entertainment
rather than social relationships. Moreover, Rosen, Stefanone, and
Lackaff (2010) as well found that, compared to high-context,
collectivistic cultures in the process of new media interaction, people
in low-context, individualistic cultures tend to emphasize individual
achievements and self-promotion to extend their social relations
network, though the orientation may trade privacy in the network.
New Media and Cultural Identity
The convergence of new media and globalization brings about at
least six new experiences for human beings, including new textual
experiences, new ways of representing the world, new relationships
between users and new media technologies, new conceptions of the
biological body's relationship to technological media, and new
patterns of organization and production (Lister, Dovery, Giddings,
Grant, & Kelly, 2009). These experiences will inevitably challenge
the traditional formation and definition of social or cultural identity.
In other words, the use of new media is shaking the root of cultural
identity by weakening or strengthening the intensity of the relationship
between people and community (Hampton & Wellman, 1999; Singh, 2010).
The time and space compression caused by the convergence of new media
and globalization creates a universal cyberspace in which new cultural
identity is emerging in different virtual communities.
The new cultural identity formed by new media may not change the
traditional meaning of cultural identity as a unique product through
interaction in a specific group context, which gives members a sense of
belongings to the group, but it will directly challenge the traditional
attributes of cultural identity, namely, temporality, territoriality,
constrastivity, interactivity, and multiplicity (Belay, 1996). More
specifically, cultural identity fostered by new media is no longer a
product of historical development (i.e., temporality) confined in an
avowal process of people in a geographical place (i.e., territoriality).
It may still be a distinct collective consciousness based on the
members' sense-making process (i.e., contrastivity). The virtual
community is characterized by a higher degree of heterogeneity and a
lower level of interconnection (Van Dijk, 1998). In addition, social
interaction (i.e., interactivity) as the foundation of developing
cultural identity remains unchanged in the age of new media, but the
nature of interpersonal and group relationships via social interaction
in the virtual community is unlike those constructed from traditional
face-to-face interaction. Finally, it is still unknown if the new
cultural identity formed by new media will continue to be a
multi-faceted concept or practice (i.e., multiplicity), which can
contrast with the six facets of traditional cultural identity indicated
by Belay (1996), including sociological identities, occupational
identities, geobasic identities, national identities, co-cultural
identities, and ethnic identities.
In sum, new media continues to establish different kinds of new
communities without the limit of time and space, which makes cultural
identity more dynamic, fluid, and relativized, and imposes austere
challenges to the autonomy and stability of cultural identity (Tan,
2005; Tenenboim-Weinblatt, 2010). The impact of new media on cultural
identity has become one of the issues intercultural communication
scholars are most concerned about (e.g., Chen & Zhang, 2010; Cheong
& Gary, 2011; Chiang, 2010; Halualani, 2008; Huffaker & Calvert,
2006; Kennedy, 2006; Koc, 2006; Wang, Huang, Huang, & Wang, 2009;
Wang, Walther, & Hancock, 2009; Weber & Mitchell, 2008; William,
Martins, Consalvo, & Ivory, 2009)
New Media and Intercultural Interaction
The impact of new media on different aspects of intercultural
interaction is apparent and has attracted more and more studies from
intercultural communication scholars. This part discusses the influence
of new media on three common aspects of intercultural interaction in the
global context: intercultural relationship, intercultural adaptation,
and intercultural conflict.
Intercultural relationships
New media, especially social media such as Facebook, blogs,
MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, and the iPhone, have enabled people from
every corner of the world to represent themselves in a particular way
and stay connected in cyberspace. It is obvious that the flexibility of
information presented and shared in the new media will directly affect,
either positively or negatively, the development of intercultural
relationships in the virtual community through the creation of a network
of personal connection (e.g., Boyd & Ellision, 2007; Donath &
Boyd, 2004; Ellison, Steinfield, & Lanmpe, 2007; Parks & Floyd,
1996; Walther, 1992).
Moreover, Elola and Oskoz (2009) found that in foreign language and
study abroad contexts, the use of blogging not only showed a positive
effect on the development of intercultural relationships, but also
increased the degree of participants' intercultural communication
competence. In addition to intercultural relationships on a personal
level, social media also helps to establish international business
relationships (Jackson, 2011). Nevertheless, new media may also produce
a negative impact on intercultural communication. For example, Qian and
Scott (2007) found that revealing too much personal information in
blogs, especially negative information about one's friends,
employer, and others, tends to jeopardize or cause problems in
establishing constructive human relationships intraculturally and
Finally, McEwan and Sobre-Denton (2011) argued that
computer-mediated communication can promote and develop virtual
cosmopolitanism and virtual third cultures. The authors indicated that
through the construction of third culture space, a new, hybrid culture
is created, in which interactants from differing cultures are able to
gather cultural and social information, build online communities, and
form intercultural relationships.
Intercultural adaptation
Because new media enables individuals across the globe to exchange
messages for the purpose of understanding people from different
cultures, it has become popular for sojourners or immigrants to use new
media to communicate with their friends, classmates, and relatives or
family members in both their native and host country in their learning
process or daily life (e.g., Chen Bennett, & Maton, 2008; Trebbe,
2007; Tsai, 2006; Ye, 2006). As shown in W. Chen's (2010) study,
the longer immigrants reside in the host country, the more they
communicate with the host nationals via new media, but the frequency of
surfing their original country's websites is decreasing. W. Chen
also found that the use of new media shows a significant impact on the
process of immigrants' intercultural adaptation. In other words,
the social interaction conducted through new media by immigrants proves
to be a critical element that can determine whether they can
successfully adjust to the host country.
In addition, Sawyer and Chen (2011) investigated how international
students use social media and how it affects their intercultural
adaptation. The authors found that social media provides an environment
for international students to connect with people in both their home and
host countries, which in turn helps them strengthen personal
relationships and fosters a sense of belonging to the host culture. The
use of new media obviously helps international students cope with
cultural barriers in the process of intercultural adaptation. The study
also found that, due to the influence of culture shock, sojourners tend
to rely more on social media in the initial stage of arriving in the
host country, to keep connected with those people they know in their
home country in order to gain a sense of comfort in the new environment.
As time moves on, the use of social media was switched to interacting
with the host nationals to help them better integrate into the new
Furthermore, Croucher (2011) attempted to propose a theoretical
model through the integration of cultivation theory and ethnic group
vitality to illustrate the relationship between social networking and
cultural adaptation. Croucher successfully generated two propositions:
(1) "During cultural adaptation, the use of social networking sites
affects immigrants' interaction with the dominant culture" (p.
261), and (2) "During cultural adaptation, the use of social
networking sites will affect immigrants' in-group
communication" (p. 262). According to the author, the propositions
provide great potential for future research to investigate the impact of
of social media on the process of immigrants' adaptation in the
host culture, which may include
frequency of interaction with dominant culture,
their use of dominant and ethnic media, perception
of the dominant culture, familiarity with dominant
language or cultural norms, identification with
dominant or ethnic culture, involvement in the
dominant political system, and motivation to
acculturate. (p. 262)
Intercultural conflict
New media provides people and governments with a powerful tool to
construct their own image, to define and redefine the meanings of
messages, to set the media agenda, or to frame the news or messages.
However, cultural dissimilarities result in different ways in media
representation on the individual or governmental level. Because the
underlying order, perspectives and practical limitations of the media in
any society are based on their cultural value orientations, the
different forms of media representation tend to reflect the asymmetry of
intercultural communication and inevitably lead to the problem of
intercultural confrontation or conflict in interpersonal, group, and
national levels (Chen & Dai, in press; Hotier, 2011). The media
coverage of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Google's withdrawal
from P.R. China are two good examples of the illustration of
intercultural conflict in the media context.
According to Ni (2008) and Zhou (2007), Western media has long
portrayed P.R. China as an authoritarian, backward, irrational, and
mysterious nation. The P.R. China is commonly criticized by Western
media for abusing human rights, political corruption, social
instability, and environmental pollution. In order to construct a
positive national image, the Chinese government carefully and tactically
used its state-owned media to set up three agendas for the 2008 Beijing
Olympic Games, namely, green Olympics, humanistic Olympics, and
scientific Olympics. While most Western media was less prejudiced and
biased in reporting the success of the Beijing Olympic Games and agrees
that the games presented the image of a rising great power (Ding, 2011;
Gan & Peng, 2008; Shi 2009), media agencies such as the New York
Times and Washington Post placed much emphasis on the coverage of
protests during the Beijing Olympic Games by criticizing the Chinese
government's failing to fulfill its promise to loosen restrictions
on free speech during the time of the Olympics. As Murray (2011) argued,
Western media coverage of the protest controversy is embedded in the
Western beliefs in freedom of expression, human rights, individual
equality, and social justice, which are in contrast to Chinese cultural
values of harmony, face saving, group interest, and social order. The
coverage based on different cultural values between Chinese media and
Western media made confrontation unavoidable.
As for the case of Google's withdrawal from P.R. China, after
the analysis of news framing between China Daily and the Wall Street
Journal, Kuang (2011) found that the themes that dominated in China
Daily were criticism of Google and the US government, Google's ploy
to avoid censoring, and Google's loss and failure, while the
recurring themes in the Wall Street Journal reports were about
China's violation of human rights/government censorship,
business-government relations, and international relations. The findings
show that news agencies often reflect their nation's agendas,
interests, and values (Bennett, 1990; Entman, 1991), which eventually
sparks intercultural conflict or face-off between countries.
This paper examines the relationship between new media and
intercultural communication in the global context. It is argued that new
media not only provides a space in which people of different cultures
can freely express their opinions and establish relationships, but may
also challenge the existence of human communication in intracultural and
intercultural contexts because of its specific characteristics that are
significantly dissimilar to traditional media. With its focus on
intercultural interaction, this paper explicates the impact of cultural
values on new media, the impact of new media on cultural identity, and
the impact of new media on three aspects of intercultural interaction,
namely, intercultural relationships, intercultural dialogue, and
intercultural conflict. Two implications can be made based on the
delineation of this paper.
First, this paper only deals with the directional influence of
cultural values on new media, new media on cultural identity, and new
media on intercultural interaction. It is plausible that the
relationship of new media and other variables discussed in this paper
can be mutual. In other words, for future research scholars can examine,
for example, the possible impact of new media on the formation of new
cultural values, the transformation of or rendering obsolete old
cultural values, and the impact of cultural identity on the use of new
media. Moreover, in addition to the three categories examined in this
paper, the scope of the relationship between new media and intercultural
communication can be expanded to other themes, such as the investigation
of co-cultural variations in the use of new media to communication
within and across cultures, the impact of new media on intercultural
dialogue, and the potential use of new media to resolve intercultural
Second and finally, because the impact of new media on human
society is still in its initial stages, the possible effect of new media
on human communication mentioned in the first part of this paper remains
dynamic and still lacks systematic studies from scholars. Hence, the
impact of new media on intercultural communication discussed in this
paper is largely confined to the old model of media functions. How to
unlock this limitation and shift from the context of traditional media
to new media remains a great challenge for scholars to observe in this
line of research. In other words, future research needs to observe and
study the question, "Is intercultural communication possible?"
raised by Shan (2010), under the context of new media in global society.
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Guo-Ming Chen
University of Rhode Island
Correspondence to:
Guo-Ming Chen, Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Rhode Island
10 Lippitt Road, 310 Davis Hall
Kingston, RI 02881, USA
[email protected]