Will the spiral of silence spin on social networking sites? An experiment on opinion climate, fear of isolation and outspokenness.
Xiaodong, Yang ; Li, Li
The spiral of silence theory proposed by Noelle-Neumann (1973) is
regarded as one of the most significant theories in the field of public
opinion. According to Noelle-Neumann, individuals' willingness to
overtly express is closely associated with their perception of opinion
climate. By comparing their own opinions with perceived current public
opinion and future opinion trends, people make decision on whether speak
out or not. One main notion of this theory is that individuals who hold
unpopular opinions will be isolated by the popular opinion holders,
resulting from which they tend to be reluctant to speak out (Moy, David,
& Keith, 2001). Since the theory of spiral of silence was first
proposed in the 1970s, a great number of studies have been conducted to
examine the factors that influence individuals' willingness to
speak out in the offline communication settings (Salmon & Neuwirth,
1990; Shamir, 1997; Willnat, Lee, Detenber, 2002). With the development
of information and communication technology (ICT), a sizable number of
studies have tried to examine its applicability in the context of
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The results have demonstrated
that the process of spiral silence could be changed due to the
characteristics of online communication, as individuals tend to be more
autonomous than in offline communication (e.g., Liu & Fahmy, 2011).
Individuals become more likely to express their opinions in online
communication when they find that they cannot be identified (Bargh,
McKenna, & Fitzsimons, 2002; Hertel, Niemeyer, & Clauss, 2008).
Recently, social network sites (SNS) are becoming a crucial part of
individuals' social life. However, SNS differentiates from other
online communication platforms in a number of ways, such as chatting
room and online forum. The anonymous environment of CMC could be
moderated on SNS for they are bounded systems within which individual
display his/her profile public or semi-public, share connections with
other users in his/her articulated list of "friends", and view
others' list of connections (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Besides,
SNS have a higher level of social presence or media richness compared
with other CMC tools, such as E-mail, IM and chatroom, for it integrates
numbers of those tools (Brandtzaeg, Staksrud, Hagen & Wold, 2009).
By implication, the social dynamics on SNS would be distinctive from
both FTF and CMC. Hence, the spiral of silence process on SNS is
expected to perform differently. Moreover, most previous studies, which
have examined spiral of silence in online contextual environment, were
conducted in a general CMC setting, while few studies have been done to
explore individuals' willingness to speak out on SNS. Furthermore,
scarce of studies have been done in the context of China. Therefore,
this study would conduct an experiment to test this theory on SNS, with
respect to the issue of legalization of prostitution in China, which is
a controversial topic.
Theoretically, this study is among the first to examine the spiral
of silence theory in the China's SNS context. By investigating the
influential factors (i.e., fear of isolation and climate of opinion) of
individuals' outspokenness in SNS, this study can find out whether
the spiral of silence exist in a new context of SNS. Practically, our
findings could be used to understand the dynamics of public discussion
on SNS and help authorities better promote public discussion and civic
engagement regarding the public issues.
The Context of Study
Prostitution practices vary greatly from country to country.
Prostitution is legal in some countries, such as Australia and
Singapore; however, prostitution is considered as a serious crime in
other countries, such as China and Thailand. Supporters for the
legalization of prostitution generally believe that it is a harmless act
and should not be considered as a crime. Prostitution is a sex act
nothing about immoral but freedom and there is no harm in charging for
it. Meanwhile, if the prostitution practice could be legalized well, it
would encourage cleaner working conditions for those sex providers and
purchasers. For those proponents, however, prostitution is an absolutely
immoral practice and should be considered as a crime. Moreover, some
objectors even define prostitution as a type of rape, since it turns a
woman into an object for a man's use, and practice is demeaning to
women. Due to its controversy, this study employs the issue of
prostitution legalization as the research context to examine
people's willingness to speak out.
Literature Review
Spiral of silence & SNS
Neumann (1973) postulates that individuals would scrutinize the
public environment to make evaluation about the climate of opinion due
to their fear of isolation, and the perceived minority tend not to speak
out. The online anonymous identities change the process of spiral of
silence, for individuals would be liberated from communication
apprehension when they find that they cannot be identified (Bargh et
al., 2002; Hertel et al., 2008). The assumption of social control in the
theory of spiral of silence, which indicated that expectation of others
would discourage individuals to speak out, would be falsified in the
virtual community, for individuals would get rid of pressures given by
others, resulting from which individuals can express true selves
"against a duplicitous world in which you have to conform to the
expectation of others" (Coyne, 1999, pp.4). Besides, LaRose and
Eastin (2004) proposed that the willingness to speak out can be
reinforced when individuals succeed in expressing opinion without
suffering negative responses in online context. Empirical studies on
spiral of silence in CMC setting have demonstrated that online context
would increase individuals' willingness to speak out (Liu &
Fahmy, 2011; Schulz & Roessler, 2012).
With regards to SNS, users presenting themselves, making social
network connection, and maintaining relationship with others (Ellison,
Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007; Kane, Fichman, Gallaugher, Glaser, 2009),
the contextual factors on SNS are distinctive from the ones in a general
CMC setting, for it revolutionizes the way individuals share information
about themselves and others within a system. On one hand, SNS are
cue-richer compared to the general CMC setting, for they not only
provide text-based cues, but also audiovisual ones; on the other hand,
SNS are commonly used for one-to-many communication instead of
one-to-one communication (Antheunis, Valkenburg, & Peter, 2010).
Furthermore, the theory of spiral of silence proposed an assumption
that the majority would impose social sanctions to those who express
unpopular opinions (Oshagan, 1996), however, this process would be
moderated in CMC setting, for it precludes numbers of social cues
through which the normative influence individuals' willingness to
speak out and social context convey formality (Burgoon, Buller, &
Woodall, 1989; Kiesler, Siegel, & Mcquire, 1984; McDevitt, Kiousis,
& Wahl-Jorgesen, 2003). As SNS are cue-richer, individuals'
fear of isolation and potential social sanction would vary between SNS
and CMC.
In addition, SNS allows users to set disclosure rules, such as they
could set friend groupings, block lists and use other tools to manage
privacy. Level of anonymity in SNS is low compared to the general CMC
setting (Brandtzaeg, Staksrud, Hagen, & Wold, 2009). Accordingly,
there are still "others" in SNS, which could put forth
pressures to individual when they express opinion in public. Besides,
the theory of conformity maintained that when one's action is
visible or under surveillance by other members of a group (e.g.
followers on Twitter), one is more likely to match attitude, belief and
behaviors to group norms (Brandtzaeg et al., 2010; Cialdini, &
Goldstein, 2004).
Overall, differentiating from the general CMC setting, users might
perform distinctively in SNS when they make decisions on whether speak
true selves out or not, for SNS offer individuals a revolutionized way
of communication, which imitates FTF communication to certain extent,
such as developing relationship with strangers, reinforcing offline
friendship and presenting oneself in the face of others. Therefore,
exploring individuals' willingness to speak out in SNS would
complement the research on spiral of silence in online context.
Fear of isolation
Noelle-Neumann (1984) added the fear of isolation concept as one
major motive to explain why people imitate others in the book of The
Spiral Silence. She posited that fear of separation or isolation is
caused by our 'social nature' because every social beings
wants to be popular and respected. When an individual's opinion is
perceived to be in the majority, this person may express opinion freely
and openly without fear of isolation. Conversely, if individual's
standpoint is rated in the minority, he or she may keep silent in order
to avoiding confrontation or embarrassment (Shoemaker, Breen &
Stamper, 2000). Extant research has indicated that fear of isolation is
negatively correlated with the possibility to express opinion in face to
face communication (Glynn & Park, 1997; Kim, Han, Shanahan &
Berdayes, 2004).
However, Short, Williams & Christie (1976) found out that
anonymity could liberate individuals from negative social sanctions
because of less social presence and seldom contacts in computer-mediated
forums. As SNS are different from the general CMC setting, which shows
lower level of anonymity (Brandtzaeg, et al., 2009), opinion expression
of users may vary distinctively compare to CMC setting, especially on
some controversial issues. Therefore, in this study, fear of isolation
is studied as a naturally-occurring (quasi) variable to examine its
influence on willingness to speak out in SNS.
Climate of opinion
Climate of opinion belongs to the central concepts of spiral of
silence theory, and Noelle- Neumann (1973) believed that climate of
opinion has a significant role in people's choice of outspokenness.
Specifically, before deciding to or not to overtly express their opinion
toward certain topics, people will firstly examine the position that
they stands on by perceiving the climate of opinion (Noelle-Neumann,
1973). In the FTF setting, numerous researches have been conducted to
study the influence of people's perception of opinion climates on
outspokenness. Scholars found that perception of current opinion
distribution and future opinion trend respectively exert effects on
willingness to speak out (Glynn et al., 1997; Shamir, 1995; Salmon &
Neuwirth, 1990).
To date, along with extensive application of internet and computer,
many scholars have devoted to test the effect of opinion climates
perception on outspokenness in CMC scenario. For instance, Liu and Fahmy
(2009) found that the effect of perception of current opinion climate
and future opinion trend on willingness to overtly express has no
significant change in CMC environment compared within the FTF scenario.
There are also studies that demonstrate in CMC environment, both the
perceptions of majority and minority opinions become more moderate and
people are more likely to express than in the FTF setting (McDevitt et
al., 2003; Hardy & Scheufele, 2005). Besides, many researches find
that climate of opinion plays a similar part on willingness to speak out
on SNS with that on offline scenario. A study conducted in testing
spiral of silence theory in Facebook showed that individuals who
perceive they are majority opinion holders in a dominant climate opinion
are more likely to overtly express than those minority-opinion holders
(Chen, 2011).
Based on the above literature review, we posit the following
H1: Participants with high level of fear of isolation are less
willing to speak out than participants with low level of fear of
isolation on SNS platform.
H2: Participants whose opinions are contrary to the dominant
opinion climate are less willing to speak out than those participants in
a non-dominant opinion climate on SNS platform.
Besides, as Neumann (1973) indicated in the spiral of silence
theory, individuals would be reluctant to speak out when they evaluate
themselves as unpopular opinion holders because of their fear of being
isolated by those who hold the dominant opinion, therefore, a research
question is proposed as follows:
RQ: Is there interaction effects between opinion climate and fear
of isolation on outspokenness?
40 mainland Chinese college students, 20 male and 20 female, aged
between 20 to 25 years, and who actively used Renren (www.renren.com) in
the past three months, participated in this study. RenRen is a popular
social networking site among Chinese students adopting real name system
and is the equivalent of Facebook, a popular U.S. based social
networking site, in China. Convenient sampling took place on RenRen
website until we hit the required number of eligible participants.
Experimental Design and Procedure
A two-factor between-subjects experimental design with opinion
climate condition (dominant vs. non-dominant) as the manipulated
variable, and fear of isolation (low and high) as the
naturally-occurring (quasi) variable was adopted. The dependent variable
was outspokenness.
An email was sent to all eligible individuals via RenRen to inform
them about the experiment, and to invite their participation. Willing
individuals were requested to send a response email stating if they
agree or disagree with the legalization of prostitution in Mainland
China. Among all the reply, we choose 40 participants who were not in
favour of the legalization of prostitution. These participants were
randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions: either the
dominant or the non-dominant opinion climate condition, such that there
were 20 participants in each condition. After assignment to condition,
all participants were requested, via a second email, to visit an
experiment website via a unique uniform resource locator.
On the experiment website, all participants first answered the same
set of questions on age group, gender and preexisting view on the issue
of the legalization of prostitution in China. After exposure to the test
stimulus, all participants were directed to a subsequent page on the
experiment site where they were requested to fill up a questionnaire
that assessed fear of isolation and opinion expression.
Separately, to check our manipulation, each screenshot was assessed
by 10 third-party individuals, who were requested to indicate if they
agree or disagree that there was a clear overall opinion generated in
each blog. Both stimuli were found to accurately portray the opinion
climate that they were intended to portray. Besides, all participants
were thanked and debriefed via email at the end of the experiment.
We designed two blogs on RenRen websites for this study with two
kinds of climates of opinions. A screenshot of a blog, in which nine out
of the ten available comments were contrary to the participants'
own view on the issue, was used in the dominant climate condition. As
this study recruited participants who were opposed to the legalization
of prostitution, the dominant climate condition was designed to be the
one in which nine out of ten comments were in favour of the legalization
(Figure 1). Meanwhile, a screenshot of a blog, in which five comments
were supporting and five comments were against the legalization of
prostitution (Figure 2) was used in the non-dominant climate condition.
Notably, in order to keep participants' identities confidential, we
have removed all potential identifiable information in the Figures. [See
Figure 1 & 2]
Fear of isolation. The fear of isolation was operationalized as the
positive and negative emotions regarding a conversation. A 6-item
composite measure, adapted from a previous study by Scheufele et al.
(2001), was utilized to measure fear of isolation. On a 7-point scale
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), participants
rated their level of agreement with the following statements: (a)
"I worry about being isolated if people disagree with me," (b)
"I avoid telling other people what I think when there's a risk
they'll avoid me if they knew my opinion," (c) "I do not
enjoy getting into arguments," (d) "Arguing over controversial
issues improves my intelligence," (e) "I enjoy a good argument
over a controversial issue," and (f) "I try to avoid getting
into arguments." Among them, items (d) and (e) utilized
reverse-coding for analysis. A composite index was created from the mean
score of all six items, with higher scores indicating greater fear of
isolation (M = 4.70, SD = .88, Cronbach's [alpha] = .76). Items (d)
and (e) were subsequently removed to improve the reliability of this
composite measure (M = 5.01, SD = 1.14, Cronbach's [alpha] = .86).
In order to use fear of isolation as a between-subjects variable, a
median split (Med = 5.00) was performed such that scores on the first
50th percentile were recoded as "1" and labeled as "low
fear", and the remaining scores recoded as "2" and
labeled as "high fear".
Willingness to speak out. Individuals' outspokenness was
operationalized as whether individuals are willing to express unpopular
opinion. Adapting from a previous study by Neuwirth and other
researchers (2007), which investigated the relationship between fear of
isolation and opinion expression, participants were asked to consider
the likelihood they would pursue five different opinion expression
strategies on a 7-point scale varying from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7
(strongly agree) with the following statements: (a) "I will say I
agree with the legalization of prostitution in China on this Remen
platform.", (b) "I will give neutral comments without
revealing what I really think on this Remen platform", (c) "I
will discuss with these people my opinions about the legalization in
China.", (d) "I will give my own view about the legalization
of prostitution in China on this Remen platform.", and (e) "I
would say nothing about the legalization of prostitution in China on
this Remen platform". Items (b) and (d) were reverse-coded for
analysis. The mean of the five items were computed to create a composite
index, with higher scores indicating greater outspokenness (M = 3.40, SD
= .88, Cronbach's a = .54). Items (a) and (b) were subsequently
removed to improve the reliability of this composite measure (M = 3.56,
SD = 1.25, Cronbach's [alpha] = .85).
Preliminary Analyses
A total N = 40 was considered for analysis. There were 10 male and
10 female participants in each opinion climate condition. No univariate
outlier was found. Assumptions regarding the form of the model,
independence of error, and normality were met. Although the homogeneity
of variance assumption between the two experimental conditions were not
met, Leven's F (3, 36) = 3.10, p = .04 (<.05), these results
were deemed acceptable for analyses of variance to proceed because the
variance ratio between the largest cell variance and the smallest cell
variance is smaller than four (Tabachnik & Fiddell, 2013).
Main and Interaction Effects
With an alpha level of .05, a two-way between-subjects ANOVA was
conducted with opinion climate condition (dominant vs. non-dominant) as
the experimentally manipulated independent variable, and fear of
isolation (low vs. high) as the naturally-occurring (quasi) independent
variable. The score on outspokenness was analyzed as the dependent
There was a statistically significant main effect of opinion
climate condition on outspokenness, F (1, 36) = 6.70, Mean Square Error
(MSE) = 1.40, p = .01 (< .05), partial [[eta].sup.2] = .16.
Participants in the non-dominant opinion climate condition (M = 4.02, SD
= 1.37, n = 20) reported greater outspokenness than participants in the
dominant opinion climate condition (M = 3.10, SD = .96, n = 20). The
main effect of fear of isolation on outspokenness was statistically
non-significant, F (1, 36) = .023, MSE = 1.40, p > .05. The opinion
climate by fear of isolation interaction effect was also found to be
statistically non-significant on outspokenness, F (1, 36) = 1.98, MSE =
1.40, p > .05.
This study was designed to examine whether the spiral of silence
exist on SNS or not, for SNS use is becoming prevalent in
individuals' social life. Overall, according to our results,
climate of opinion plays a crucial role in the process of
individuals' opinion expression on SNS, while the fear of isolation
is found to be a non-significant factor influencing outspokenness, and
no interaction effects between climate of opinion and fear of isolation
has been found.
In terms of climate of opinion on SNS, individuals in a dominant
climate of opinion, which is different from their own, are less likely
to speak out their true thinking, while those in a non-dominant climate
tend to express their own opinions. Congruent with Neumann's spiral
of silence theory (1973), this study provides consolidate support that
individuals are reluctant to speak out when they evaluate they are the
minority opinion holders in the climate of opinion on SNS platform.
However, this finding in present paper is inconsistent with a number of
previous studies that have been conducted to test the theory of spiral
of silence in the general CMC settings, such as online forum or chat
room, which indicated that the effects of climate of opinion on
individuals' willingness to speak out could be moderated (McDevitt
et al., 2003; Hardy & Scheufele, 2005).
This interesting finding of the effects of climate of opinion on
individuals' outspokenness on SNS might be explained as the unique
characteristics of SNS. Individuals could be identified on SNS platform
as the users create identification profiles and make them public or
semi-public, thus, SNS users are not anonymous, which is different from
the feature of anonymity in the general CMC settings. A huge number of
previous research has documented that computer-mediated interaction,
which have higher social equalization and anonymous, could lead to
higher level of participation (Gallupe, Bastianutti, & Cooper, 1991;
Kiesler et al., 1984). However, users on SNS platform are not anonymous,
distinctive with the general CMC setting. Hence, SNS could not reduce
status consciousness and inequality, on account of which,
individuals' opinion expression on SNS could influence others'
impression towards them.
With regard to fear of isolation, it is found to be non-significant
associated with individuals' willingness to speak out in the
context of SNS. Besides, this study also found no significant
interaction effect between climate of opinion and individuals' fear
of isolation. The finding is inconsistent with previous empirical
studies (Glynn & Park, 1997; Kim et al., 2004). According to those
studies, individuals' fear of isolation is negatively correlated
with their willingness to expression opinion in FTF setting, while this
effects could be moderated in the general CMC setting. One plausible
explanation for the inconsistency could be that the study is only
designed to expose the participants to the stimulus and then ask them to
conduct a survey questionnaire to measure their willingness to speak
out, but not to ask them to post comments on the SNS platform. Hence,
the participants in this research may not have a feeling of the natural
setting, due to which, the effects of fear of isolation may be
influenced by this methodological issue.
Besides, there are several limitations in this pilot experiment
study. Firstly, this study employs the technique of hypothetical
scenario to induce the participants to believe they are located in the
circumstances of online discussion, which could threaten the external
reliability as they are not in a natural setting. Future studies should
be conducted in a natural setting to overcome this methodological issue.
Second, a quato sampling of 40 participants in total imperil the
representativeness and generalizability of this study. In addition, a
post-test of manipulation check employing a new group of participants in
this study could impair the internal reliability as the
participants' perception of the two treatment conditions in this
experiment may different from those in the new group.
Despite of these limitations, this study has several theoretical,
methodological and practical enlightenments. With regard to theoretical
implication, the findings in this study have contributed to the theory
of spiral silence as it is conducted in SNS context, which is different
from both FTF and CMC setting. Lacking in social cues, such as facial
expression, behavioural violence, and other body languages, interactions
on SNS platform is different from in FTF setting. Moreover, lacking in
anonymity, discussions on SNS could not reduce the influence of social
status as in CMC setting. Therefore, this study has filled a research
gap in testing of spiral of silence theory.
A number of past empirical studies on the spiral of silence have
applied similar techniques, either by asking participants to imagine a
situation in which they are minority opinion holders, or by inducing
them to believe that a real discussion is taking place (Baldassare &
Katz, 1996; Hayes, Glynn, & Shanahan, 2005; Huang, 2005; Moy, Domke,
& Stamm, 2001). However, this study has taken actions to manage this
methodological problem embedded in the use of hypothetical scenarios in
experiments through exposing the participants to two pictures of
webpages of SNS platforms, including dominant and non-dominant climate
of opinion respectively.
In the case of practical contributions, differing from previous
studies testing the theory of spiral of silence in CMC setting, this
study is conducted on a popular SNS platform where the users are not
anonymous as they are in the general CMC setting. Anonymity is found to
be one of the main factors in testing theory of spiral of silence in CMC
setting, which could moderate the effects of climate of opinion and fear
of isolation (Morris & Ogan, 1996; Siegel, Dubrovsky, Kiesler, &
McGuire, 1986). However, along with development of SNS, more and more
forums are now requiring users to fill in their real names, result from
which there would be less anonymous on SNS platform. Although the
research findings from this study indicate that the main effect of fear
of isolation on outspokenness is non-significant within a non-anonymous
CMC environment, future research should pay more attentions to these
unique characteristics on the process of individuals' opinion
Furthermore, the climate of opinion is found to have significant
effects on individuals' willingness of opinion expression in this
study. Since individuals holding unpopular opinions towards a disputed
topic in the dominate climate of reverse opinion are prone to keep
silence, it could jeopardize the process of democratic discussions.
Furthermore, as SNS use has becoming more and more important in
individuals' social life, political participation, and civic
engagement, more actions should be done to encourage the expressions of
minority opinion holders in order to create health and democratic
conversations on those platforms.
Correspondence to:
Yang Xiaodong
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 31 Nanyang Link, WKWSCI Building, Rm
05-01 Singapore 637718
TEL: 65-94673167
[email protected]
Li Li
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 31 Nanyang Link, SCI building, Rm
05-11 Singapore 637718
TEL: 65-67906971
[email protected]
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Yang Xiaodong, Li Li
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore