Beyond binary options: effects of two languages on the bilingual mind.
Bialystok, Ellen
1. Introduction
For psychologists, the fascination with bilingualism is to
understand how the landscape of the mind is different for people who
know two languages than it is for people who know only one. How does the
mind accommodate two linguistic systems? Do they share space and
resources or divide the territory? What are the implications for the
rest of cognition? The interesting perspective on all these questions is
from the point of view of the developing mind of children. How does
development change the organization of the mind?
In examining these questions, researchers have traditionally
construed the possible answers in terms of dichotomous choices. This has
been necessary to make any progress with problems that are otherwise
intractable because they are intrinsically multifaceted. But the simple
options do not represent the possibilities - two languages are not a
doubling of one, they are not acquired twice as slowly, and their
potential impact on cognition is complex at best. Nonetheless, most
research proceeds without sufficient acknowledgement of the morass of
complexity inherent in the issues. For example, we routinely compare
monolingual and bilingual children, but such comparison presupposes some
identifiable dimension of contrast. Theories developed to describe a
cognitive phenomenon based on a single language may not simply be
expanded and offered as an explanation when two languages reside in the
mind of the same speaker.
Simplifying assumptions such as these lead to the familiar
dichotomous options, neither of which recognizes the complexity of the
problem and both of which are ultimately unsatisfying. This situation
has been unavoidable until now because research energy needed to be
placed in developing descriptive models of bilingual development. But we
are now in a relatively advanced state of knowledge and it is now
possible to build on this research and take it in new directions. We
must re-examine old assumptions and find more creative solutions to
traditional explanations.
The limitations of confining explanations to binary options will be
illustrated by examining two issues in bilingual development. The first
is representation: How are two languages represented? What is the
relation between the languages and the connection between the languages
and thought? Second, what are the implications of bilingualism for
cognition and cognitive development? It will be argued that dichotomous
choices omit alternatives that may offer more realistic and complete
solutions. Although no solutions are proposed, it is clear that
bilinguals can no longer be described in the same terms that make sense
for monolinguals.
2. Representing two languages
When young children are exposed to two languages from an early age,
there is an inevitable period during which their utterances are
comprised of words selected with apparent disregard for the language
they belong to. Examples of these mixed language utterances have been
well documented for errors in syntax (e.g., Lanza 1992), vocabulary
(e.g., Vihman 1985), and phonology (e.g., Schnitzer -- Krasinski 1994).
Volterra and Taeschner (1978) offered an early explanation for these
observations by proposing a three-stage model of language consolidation.
In the first stage, the child has only one lexical system comprising
words and structures from both languages. The second stage is
characterized by two distinct lexicons that are governed by a single
syntactic system. Finally, the child achieves proper differentiation of
the two languages, distinguishing both lexical and syntactic structures
for each. This model elicited considerable following at first (Arnberg
1987; Grosjean 1982; Redlinger -- Park 1980; Swain -- We sche 1975;
Vihman 1985). Moreover, it was consistent with the position espoused by
Leopold in his influential work: "infants exposed to two languages
from the beginning do not learn bilingually at first, but weld the
double presentation into one unified speech system" (Leopold 1954:
Other studies were critical of the explanation, claiming that
children were indeed aware (at some level) that they were combining
languages but that it was an efficient strategic device to enhance
communication (de Houwer 1990; Genesee 1989; Goodz 1989; Lanza 1992;
Lindholm -- Padilla 1978; Meisel 1989; Pye 1986). According to these
views, children's mental representations of the two languages were
distinct but their use of them was motivated by an effort to facilitate
the expression of meanings. Just as monolingual children overextend words to refer to similar objects, such as using "doggie" to
label squirrels, bilingual children's infusion of their speech with
the other language is more likely evidence of strategic resourcefulness than of conceptual confusion.
The alternatives to represent knowledge of two languages in a
combined repository or as discrete systems offer only starkly opposed
possibilities and illustrate the problem with dichotomies. Genesee
(1989) explains these positions and names them the unitary language
system hypothesis and differentiated language systems hypothesis,
respectively. In his and other studies, the weight of evidence favours
the differentiated view, but the case is never simple to make. Indeed,
even Genesee and his colleagues acknowledge a preliminary period in
which a differentiated representation is simply not supported by the
data (Nicoladis - Genesee 1996).
The restriction to these two options follows from three common
premises regarding language and its representation. The first is that
language is a coherent entity, the second is that its representation can
be located in (mental) space, and third that the representation has a
discernible structure. All three may well be false, but even if only one
of them is, the choice between the two options for mental representation
of two languages is invalidated. Each of the three assumptions can be
challenged, and the alternatives presented by those challenges change
the nature of the possibilities for the bilingual representation of
2.1. Assumption of homogeneity of language
It is axiomatic to say that language is defined differently by
competing theoretical perspectives, but one aspect of that definition
becomes relevant to the assumption that "language" consists of
a coherent body or domain whose representation can be examined and
discussed. It is the problem of what is included in the centrality of
linguistic knowledge. In broad terms, formal theories of language (e.g.,
Chomsky 1981, 1995; Pinker 1994) include only aspects of syntax and
morphology, the abstract rules of UG, as the defining core of language.
Wasow (1989: 163) states that for generativists, the definition of
grammar is "a finite system of rules for characterizing the
membership of some language - that is, for specifying all and only the
sentences of the language." This allows language to be infinitely
productive and enables children to command the vast range of acceptable
permutations of linguistic strings without ever having heard the
specific instantiation. Conversely, functional grammars allow structures
to c onsist simultaneously of grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic
patterns (e.g., Goldberg 1995; Langacker 1986). As Van Valin (1991)
explains, the functionalist view is that language is a set of relations
between forms and functions, conferring no special status on syntax. The
variety of information that enters these relations and converges on
language and language use, including nonlinguistic information, is
treated as equally relevant to the formal study of language. Some
additional options offer hybrid solutions. For example, Locke (1993)
proposes what he calls a "biolinguistic" explanation of
language acquisition that depends on two components of human information
processing: a grammatical analysis module (GAM) and a specialization in
social cognition (SSC). Language itself is defined by the GAM, and that
component essentially governs phonetic processing and generative morphology.
These diverging views of language virtually obviate the possibility
of asking how language is represented because there is not even
consensus on what language is. The assumption that language is a
coherent entity is simply not sustainable given these competing
theoretical perspectives. Moreover, the dichotomy regarding the combined
or distinct representation for whatever domain is included as language
applies to only a small portion of the broader spectrum of linguistic
knowledge in formal views and makes little sense in functionalist views.
Another way of considering the homogeneity of language is in terms
of its division in representational space. It is generally assumed that
the representational form, whatever it is, applies to all aspects of the
language, but there is no forceful argument that should make this so. We
know that language representation is divided to some extent, even across
cerebral hemispheres. The right hemisphere involvement in language may
not monitor such fundamentals as syntax, but it is no less crucial to
normal language functioning than are the more linguistically central
processes that reside in the familiar left hemisphere. Even here, some
of the earliest insights into how language is represented in the mind
concern basic divisions of responsibility. The earliest progress in this
area was to isolate the comprehension functions in Wernicke's area and the distinct production functions in Broca's area. Although
these descriptions are now considered to be oversimplifications (see for
example, Kimura 1993), it remains the case that different aspects of
language processing are housed in these cerebrally distinct locations.
Recent proposals for distinctions in linguistic representation are
subtler. Neville (1992), for example, has used evidence from
event-related potentials (ERP) to claim that open class words
(reflecting semantic knowledge) and closed class words (reflecting
syntactic structure) are represented separately and are differentially
affected by such factors as age of acquisition.
2.2. Assumption of located representations
Different assumptions about the nature of mental representation
radically alter the representational possibilities. A prominent example
is the connectionist Competition Model of Bates and MacWhinney
(Bates--MacWhinney 1989; MacWhinney 1997). On this view, language
representation is distributed, making a demarcation between languages in
mental space logically impossible.
Instead, language processing and language learning is a procedural
interaction of mental processes and contingencies in the linguistic
environment. The primary mechanism is cue validity, a statistical
relation between a stimulus cue and an outcome. The strength of the cue
is determined by such factors as its reliability. Language learners
build up response patterns based on these cues, and these patterns are
the working grammar of the language. For example, word order is a
reliable cue to meaning in English but not Italian, so English speakers
pay attention to word order but Italian speakers do not. Therefore, a
language is defined by a set of cues that lead to certain processing
outcomes and not by a representational space. For learners with two
languages, there would be two sets of cues competing for their priority
in processing.
What are the effects of two languages in this model? Neither the
unitary nor differentiated hypothesis applies. Hernandez, Bates, and
Avila (1994) used a sentence interpretation task with Spanish-English
bilinguals and comparable monolinguals to determine what
"in-between" could mean for on-line processing. When
processing sentences such as, "The dog is chasing the cows",
monolingual English speakers first evaluate word order, then agreement,
then animacy, while monolingual Spanish speakers begin with agreement,
then examine animacy, and finally word order. Using the options
presented by the standard assumptions, the counterpart of combined
representations would be that bilinguals would apply the processing
strategies of one of the languages, presumably the dominant one, onto
the other. Following the options of distinct representation, bilingual
speakers would be expected to use the procedures appropriate to each
language uniquely with that language. The results showed neither of
these outcomes. Instead, bili nguals were half-way between in both
languages, using an amalgam of strategies. Bilinguals were neither the
same as each monolingual speaker nor a simple additive conjunction of
2.3. Assumption of representational structure
One aspect of structure that has repercussions for a bilingual
representation of language is the way in which lexicon is connected to a
conceptual system of meanings. The problem of how word meanings are
connected to the appropriate lexical entries has been so complex as to
baffle psycholinguists whose models were carefully purged of any
possible intrusion from a second language. The arrangement that would be
necessary to accommodate two languages is vastly more difficult to
uncover and to understand.
Research that has addressed the issue of two languages and their
relation to a meaning system has found, not surprisingly, that many of
the simple models developed for a monolingual situation are inadequate.
One important model for bilingual representation is that developed by
Kroll and her colleagues (Kroll 1993; Kroll--de Groot 1997; Kroll--Sholl
1992). In their framework, the lexical representations for the two
languages are represented independently of each other but they share a
single conceptual representation. Moreover, the nature of the relation
between words and their meanings changes as a function of fluency in
each language. As language proficiency increases the connection between
a word and its meaning becomes more direct, relying less on a mediating
connection through the L1 lexicon. In this sense, the rather mechanical
models developed to account for representation in a single language
could never capture the dynamic necessary to model the structural
relation between two languages and a meaning system.
The description is more complex, however, when one considers the
structural relation between the two languages. Although the languages
appear to be represented separately (Durgunoglu--Roediger 1987; Kirsner
et al. 1984), they are nonetheless simultaneously activated during
processing (Grainger--Dijkstra 1992; Grainger 1993; Guttentag et al.
1984). Here, the assumption that identifying the structural
representation of the languages, in this case, the distinctness of that
representation, turns out not to predict the consequence. Separate
representation, in other words, does not translate into separate
Another source of evidence for the complex structure that weaves
two languages and a meaning system can be extracted from studies of how
children learn two vocabularies in the early stages of language
acquisition. Pearson and her colleagues (Pearson--Fernandez--Oller 1993;
Pearson--Fernandez 1994) studied Spanish-English bilingual children and
developed computations that allowed them to determine the nature and
function of each of the languages and their relation to each other. Do
children, for example, use the second language to echo the dominant one
or is each language used in a distinct context and for individual
functions? The most striking aspect of the results was the individual
variability among the children. Not only were the children acquiring
vocabulary at different rates and at different levels, but also were
they different from each other in terms of their language environment
and the balance between their developing languages. Clearly, a general
statement describing the structural relation between the two languages
and between each language and the meaning system would be unduly
In summary, these examples illustrate how our imagination of the
possibilities of the mental state of bilinguals is constrained by our
tacit acceptance of certain assumptions. The question about the
independence of the Linguistic representation for the two languages
presupposes adherence to a particular model of linguistic knowledge.
Specifically, it presumes that language is exhaustively defined through
particular aspects, such as morphology, or phonology, that linguistic
representations occupy a coherent and identifiable mental space, and
that there is a fixed and structured relationship that connects
language, particularly lexicon, to a conceptual system of meanings. But
none of these assumptions may be valid, so the two choices that follow
from this set of assumptions may well (and probably do) under-determine
the range of options and may omit entirely the correct description.
Under different interpretations of the nature of language and its mental
representation, the dichotomy between combined or distinc t
representations for the two languages is overruled by a continuum of
intermediate possibilities.
3. Bilingualism and cognition
If learning two languages is a significant experience for
children's development, then we would expect to see influences of
bilingualism on specific aspects of children's cognition. Again,
the question has typically been posed in a manner that leads to a simple
dichotomous choice: either bilingualism has an enhancing effect on
children's cognition or it has a negative one. There is a less
interesting third possibility, namely, that bilingualism is without
effect on cognition, but this option is rarely discussed. Research, of
course, has been less than decisive in crowning a victor from among
these options, especially since the favoured solution varies with the
social and cultural climate (Gould 1981; Hakuta 1986).
Among the earliest reported benefits of bilingualism was an
advantage in "mental flexibility, a superiority in concept
formation, a more diversified set of mental abilities"
(Peal--Lambert 1962: 20). These findings were a refreshing antidote to
the tombs of despair that had been broadcast for years about the
confusing and disrupting consequences of bilingualism for
children's thinking. It was also an important direction for
bilingual research because it was based on the premise that knowledge of
language has cognitive consequences beyond the simple and restricted
domain of language. Bilingualism, from this perspective, was a
potentially significant factor in cognition and the development of
thought. Nonetheless, the positive results for such measures as
cognitive flexibility first reported by Peal and Lambert have rarely
been replicated (but see Cummins--Gulutsan 1974). Most studies have
focussed on metalinguistic rather than cognitive benefits of
bilingualism, frequently reporting positive outcomes (e.g. , Ben-Zeev
1977; Bialystok 1988; Duncan--De Avila 1979; lanco-Worrall 1972).
Although these are important results, it is less surprising and
theoretically less interesting to discover that learning two languages
influences children's conceptions of language. The more striking
result would be an influence on children's thinking, especially if
that influence were an enhancing one.
A study by Lemmon and Goggin (1989) attempted to replicate the
effects reported by Peal and Lambert in a population of bilingual
university students but failed to detect any bilingual advantages on
such measures as object naming, fluency, flexibility, and nonverbal geometric tests. Still, evidence for the cognitive benefits of
bilingualism continues to be reported, albeit infrequently. Even in the
early research that was the basis for the arguments concerning the
harmful effects of childhood bilingualism, there were glimmers of a
different story. Darcy (1946) found that Italian-English bilingual
pre-schoolers performed better than monolinguals on the Atkins Object
Fitting test, used as a non-verbal measure of intelligence, although
they performed worse on the verbal measure. Hakuta (1987) examined both
degree of bilingualism and cognitive abilities in a study of Hispanic
children in American schools. The results showed that higher levels of
bilingualism predicted performance on a series of nonverbal tasks.
Studies of specific cognitive domains have yielded more consistent
results. Kessler and Quinn (1980), for example, looked at the effects of
bilingualism on scientific problem-solving. They hypothesized that
relevant aspects of a problem may become more salient to bilingual
children than monolinguals because their experiences in two different
languages and cultures would enable them to incorporate two
perspectives. Children were shown a physical. science problem and were
required to rapidly generate as many hypotheses as possible. The
bilingual children produced hypotheses that were more structurally
complex and qualitatively sophisticated than those given by the
monolingual children. The interpretation was that there is a common
underlying ability for both hypothesis formulation and complex
linguistic expression.
It is difficult to know how many studies fail to find enhancing
effects of bilingualism on cognitive processing because such results are
unlikely to be published. Nonetheless, from the range of reported
findings, we can presume that many such outcomes occur, and that
bilingualism is far from a general and assured predictor of advanced
cognitive functioning. It is most likely, in other words, that
bilingualism has an impact on cognitive development only some of the
time, or only under some circumstances. Again, the dichotomy fails to
capture the situation, allowing only for the presence or absence of such
an effect. What is needed, then, is an account of bilingualism that goes
beyond the range of options set out by two simple alternatives.
One way of organizing the effects of bilingualism is in terms of
the specific cognitive processes involved in individual tasks. Elsewhere
I have proposed that two such processes, analysis and control, can be
used effectively to classify tasks according to two primary aspects of
processing. The first, analysis, is the process of restructuring mental
representations to become explicit and detailed, as required by
increasingly complex tasks. The second, control, is the process of
selective attention required to ignore misleading information and attend
only to relevant features of a display. Previous research has shown that
bilingual children demonstrate an advantage when solving problems
requiring high levels of control but no advantage over monolinguals when
solving problems requiring high levels of analysis (review in Bialystok
1992). More recent research has continued to support this explanation.
Bialystok and Majumder (1998) presented monolingual and bilingual
8-year-olds with a set of nonverbal problem-solv ing tasks. Some of the
tasks were constructed to demand higher levels of analysis and others,
higher levels of control. The Noelting Juice Task, for example, requires
children to make judgments about proportions and ratios by stating which
mixture of water and juice will provide a stronger flavour. To solve the
problem, children need explicit representations of the two quantities
and a procedure for comparing them. This kind of knowledge is very
analytic. The Water Level Task, in contrast, requires children to decide
where the water level will be in a tilted bottle. To solve the problem,
children need to ignore the spatial information inherent in the bottle
and draw a line parallel to the gravitational bottom, irrespective of the orientation of the bottle. This requires selective attention, or
control. Using several such problems it was found that there was a
bilingual advantage in problems requiring control but not for those
requiring analysis.
Studies such as these show that the choice between the options of
either facilitating or inhibiting effects of bilingualism on
children's cognition is too restrictive. The effect of bilingualism
on the child's development appears to be complex, interacting with
task conditions, levels of proficiency in both languages, and stage of
development. Bilingualism as an abstraction neither helps nor hinders
children's coguitive development in the broad sense. Instead,
children who acquire two linguistic systems develop as well different
ways of representing and accessing knowledge, both linguistic and
nonlinguistic. These differences distinguish bilingual children from
monolinguals but not in a simple quantitative dimension that could
resolve the dichotomous options presented in the standard question about
the cognitive development of bilingual children.
4. Beyond dichotomies
The two examples of issues in the study of bilingualism and the
development of bilingual children have illustrated how an approach that
considers bilingualism to be a simple additive condition onto
monolingualism is misleading and nonproductive. Research addressing both
the nature of mental representations for two languages and the effects
of bilingualism on cognition indicates that the correct description in
each case requires an answer of far greater complexity than was
contained in the simple binary choice. Bilingualism, it turns out, is
different from monolingualism in multiple ways. Bilingual children
experience development differently from monolingual children, not just
because they know two languages, but because the mental organization
that underlies language and thought is different.
There is a corollary to this argument. Just as it is impossible to
describe bilingual development in some simple terms with respect to
monolingual development, it is also impossible to compare the
development of bilingual children with each other in ways that assume an
overriding generality of experience. There is no single solution to the
question of mental representation, and multiple arrangements can even
co-exist in the mind of an individual speaker (e.g., de Groot 1993).
Efforts to chose one of two possible arrangements, for example, one
system or two, and then to declare that this is the configuration that
defines language learning and bilingualism for children of that age (or
even that proficiency level) are doomed to failure. Rather, it is more
likely that languages and concepts are linked in dynamic ways and
restructured as the needs change and fluency evolves. Weinreich (1953)
recognized this in one of the first serious efforts to understand the
bilingual mind. He acknowledged that his three possibl e configurations
for linguistic representation, namely, compound, co-ordinate, and
subordinate, change and evolve, and most likely simultaneously co-exist
in the mind of a single learner.
There is another perspective on this issue that in an important
sense may obviate the entire issue of comparing the representational
structure of bilinguals to that of monolinguals. Grosjean (1989) calls
the assumption that a bilingual possesses two distinct language systems
the monolingual view. The bilingual is considered to behave the same as
each monolingual. In the bilingual view, in contrast, the two languages
are integrated into a unique whole. Bilinguals, he claims, function on a
dimension of monolingual to bilingual modes of communication in which
the combined linguistic resource is used selectively and appropriately
for the given mode. In a bilingual mode, for example, language mixing
and switching is normal and comprehensible. There is no assumption of
confusion or absence of differentiation in the underlying representation
but an identification of social conditions that elicit language use in
different appropriate forms. Nonetheless, the underlying competence that
permits its this movement along t he dimension from bilingual to
monolingual modes is undoubtedly different in important ways from the
underlying competence of monolingual speakers.
Grosjean's bilingual view is derived primarily from analyses
of language use and demonstrates how language functioning is
qualitatively different for bilinguals than for monolinguals. A similar
point but waged more from the perspective of language representation
than from language use is made by Cook (1997). He argues that
multilingual competence is different from both that of a monolingual and
from the combination of two monolingual systems that have been simply
collated into one. He points out that the usual assumption is the
monolingualist view in which one language is the norm and all else is
deviant. Consequently, straying from the norm entails negative
consequences. In the multilingualist view, the assumption is that it is
normal for humans to know more than one language. From this perspective,
it is the monolingual who is deprived.
Studies of mental structure have never been easy to conduct and
descriptions of cognitive and linguistic development are always fraught
with inference and uncertainty. These difficulties are compounded when
two languages occupy the linguistic domain of mind. But progress is not
made when hypotheses are generated from simplifying assumptions about
the two languages. Construing complex problems as presentations of two
mutually exclusive options forces one to adopt a position that is
perhaps more radical than necessary because we necessarily discard one
kind of description, even if it has some theoretical and empirical
support. Researchers need to confront the complexity of bilingual
development more directly, to recognize the qualitative differences that
are introduced when another language is added, and to evaluate the
contribution of competing alternatives to find their unique contribution
to a more complete solution. Our research to date has brought us to the
point that we are now ready to elaborate our mode ls to accommodate the
natural complexity of the phenomenon we are studying and go beyond the
world of simple binary choices.
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