"What became of Waring?" Questioning the predicator in English. (Linguistics).
Anderson, John B.
1. An introduction to proxy question words
After a brief discussion of some of the names that have been used
to differentiate the "two kinds of question" illustrated in
(1) a. Did he say that?
b. What did he say?
Jespersen (1924: 302-305) goes on to make a terminological
suggestion of his own: he distinguishes them as
"nexus-questions" (1a) vs. "x-questions" (1b). I am
not concerned here with the former. However, a consideration of
Jespersen's proposed name for the latter, together with the earlier
suggestions concerning their proper naming, makes a good starting point for my concerns here. (1)
The generality of Jespersen's "x" -- "for the
unknown" (1924: 303) -- is in a sense appropriate given the variety
of sentence parts that can be questioned as to their content. (2) gives
a selection of these:
(2) a. Who said that?
b. Who(m) did he say that to?
c. Where is the car?
d. Where did Mary put it?
e. When did Bill say that?
f. What did Jeff become?
g. What is Jo like?
h. What did Nigel do?
i. What did Nigel do to the TV?
j. What happened to the TV?
k. What happened?
(2a-b), like (1b), are questions that invite the supplying of a
nominal label for the "unknown", but (2c-d) anticipate a
prepositional or adverbial complement (there, in the garage), and (2e)
an adjunct (on Tuesday, yesterday), while the remainder of (2) invite,
whatever else, specification of a predicative element of some sort.
Thus, (2f) is most appropriately answered with a predicative nominal (an
architect), and (2g) with a predicative adjectival (morose); (h) is
satisfied by specification of a verbal plus complements and possibly
adjuncts, if any (left, went to London, watched a movie, returned
later), while (2i-j) already have one of the complements specified in
the question, and (k) invites an entire predication in answer. Not all
of these can be answered simply by a sentence fragment of the dimension
of the questioned part; the new information provided may not correspond
to a constituent (as with He dismantled it as an answer to (2i) or John
sat on it as an answer to (2j)). This variety in possible qu estion and
response fits relatively well with Jespersen's term
"x-question" and also perhaps with some of the other terms he
discusses ("detail question", for instance).
But another, more traditional terminology recognises an important
limitation on the formation of such questions. In English and many
languages -- and perhaps universally (as the unmarked situation, at
least) -- the question word is (substituted for a) nominal or adverbial;
(1b) and (2) are thus for some scholars "pronominal questions", with the adverbials regarded as inflected forms of
pronouns, as it were, instances of casus adverbiales. This observation
allows us to make more precise an important distinction between the
questions of (lb)/(2a-e) and (2f-k), or rather between the responses
they invite. The former are what I shall call argument questions, vs.
the predicator questions illustrated by the latter. As arguments I
include both participants (subject and complements of the predicator)
and circumstantials (adjuncts -- (2f)), and disregard whether the
response to the question word typically involves an NP (as with (2a)) or
a PP/adverb (as with (2d)); the response involves identification of an
argument o f the predicator, invoked by the pronominal argument of the
question, and the shape of the pronominal (who, whom, what, where, when)
reflects different aspects of the role of the questioned argument. We
should note that each of these question words can be replaced by a
construction involving a "transitive" question word (Which
witness ...? At what time...? etc.); but I am not concerned further here
with such distinctions.
With predicator questions (2f-k) the question word, always what,
"replaces" the subject of or a complement of the predicator,
but the response is a predicator: nominal (2f), adjectival (2g), or
involving a verb and (particularly in their case) possible arguments
(the rest). There is thus with predicator questions other than the (2f)
type, apparently, a discrepancy between the semantic domain of what is
questioned and expression of the question, whose marker is nominal, as
suggested by the "pronominal question" terminology. Let us
term the element hosting expression of a non-nominal predicative
question a proxy question word. The proxy is not a straightforward
argument: the question proxy is one of a limited set of possible fillers
of this slot, which also typically includes indefinites (something) and
negatives (nothing), which latter, of course, do not show
"wh-movement". The syntax of such proxies thus raises some
interesting more general issues, including the grammatical status of the
question word in (2f) and the like. Here, however, I concentrate on
devices for the questioning of the predicator, rather than explicitly
including attention to indefinitisation and negativisation of the
We can observe, in the first place, that the syntactic status of
the proxy question word does not appear to be consistent: in (2j-k) what
is subject of the sentence; in (2g-i) it is a complement, specifically,
in (2h-i), at least, what would traditionally be labelled the (direct)
object. Also, the proxy "displaces" a potential subject in
(2j) and a potential object in (2i); in both cases the
"displaced" argument appears as a to-phrase. There are obvious
(and related) "solutions" to the two problems presented by
these phenomena: the subject/object discrepancy, and the
"demotion" of potential subject/object to to-phrase. The
"solutions" depend on a pair of theoretical constructs of some
currency. The first would invoke the unaccusative hypothesis; the second
(this and) the relational hierarchy. I am going to suggest that neither
"solution" is appropriate.
The unaccusative hypothesis would have it that the subject of(2j-k)
is an underlying object. Given Perlmutter's (1978) formulation,
this is in accord with the non-agentive character of the verb, which is
criterial for the identification of those intransitive verbs in Dutch
(for instance) which cannot appear in the impersonal passive
construction, and which, in terms of this hypothesis, are assigned
underlying objects as the source of their overt subjects. Notice too
that (2j) can be answered by either a transitive or an intransitive sentence:
(3) a. Bill torched it.
b. It collapsed.
and the intransitive is normally given a non-agentive
interpretation, and so is unaccusative. Both it's in (3) are
underlying objects; and all of the what's in (2h-k) -- and possibly
(2g) -- are also such. What unifies the distribution of proxy what is
underlying-object status. And the object status of both of the
what's in (2i-j) suggests a solution to the second problem, the
syntactic character of the "displaced" element in (2i-j).
In (2i-j) the "displaced" potential (underlying) object
can be interpreted as an indirect object, like the to-phrase in (4a):
(4) a. Bill gave the earring to his mother.
b. Bill gave his mother the earring.
in terms of a relational hierarchy of the Keenan & Comrie or
Perlmutter & Postal sort, whereby arguments are ranked with respect
to various phenomena in terms of the grammatical relation they bear,
with direct object (or relation 2) being intermediate to subject (R1)
and indirect object (R3). Whereas, according to Perlmutter & Postal,
(4b) exhibits promotion of the indirect object shown in (4a) to direct
object (R3 [right arrow] R2), and "displacement" to oblique ("chomeur") status of the underlying direct object, in (2i-j)
formation of a predicative question appears to involve demotion to
indirect object of the "expected" direct object (R2 [right
arrow] R3) in favour of the proxy what.
Consistent with this interpretation of predicative questions is
apparently the observation that (2h) can, as with (2j), be answered by
either a transitive or an intransitive construction:
(5) a. He sacked his secretary.
b. He worked harder.
and the intransitive in this case is agentive, unergative rather
than unaccusative.
We can thus informally sum up the syntax of verbal predicator
questions as:
Verbal predicator question formation
To question a verbal predicator, deploy a Q-pro-verb and introduce
for it a what direct object while demoting any other potential direct
object to indirect
I use the label "Q-pro-verb" to apply to happen and do in
the relevant examples in (2). The formulation just given is viable only
if appeal can be made to unaccusativity (whereby R2 [right arrow] R1)
and to the relational reranking of the non-wh R2.
It is my belief that reference to neither of these notions should
be legitimate within a properly constrained syntax, whether they are
conceived of directly in relational terms or as following from
positional change (movement). The descriptions envisaged involve
rerankings, reassignment of relations -- or movement associated with
such - within a simple clause. I have argued elsewhere (e.g., Anderson
1980, 1992: Ch. 4) that the positing of such relational/structural
changes is empirically unwarranted, and that since they introduce an
unnecessary enhancement of the capacity of the grammar, they should not
be entertained in principle: there are no intraclausal changes of
relation (or the equivalent in stratal diagrams) or of (in this case)
relationally-sensitive position. However, let us lay aside here these
general considerations: how satisfactory in its own terms is the account
of (verbal) predicator questions in English that I have just sketched
We should note first of all that such an account is not
particularly revelatory: why should proxy what "replace" the
direct object? and why should another potential object be demoted to
indirect object -- rather than, say, oblique (as allegedly in (4b))?
Partly the lack of insight follows from the absence of a principled account of objecthood, let alone deep or initial objecthood, and
including the distinction between direct and indirect object, whose
continuing absence throws doubt on whether there can be such an account
(cf. here e.g., S.R. Anderson 1988). But there are also particular
indications that this strategy -- involving crucially reference to
grammatical relations or their defining configurations -- is not the
direction to look in for illumination, even if we had some hold on
Observe, for instance, that responses to (2i) are not limited to
verb + object, and the corresponding argument to the object putatively
demoted in (2i) is not necessarily itself an object:
(6) a. He threw a brick at it.
b. He took the speakers out of it.
And not all verb + object combinations constitute equally happy
responses; outside some variant of the "X-files", (7) is not
an appropriate response to (2i):
(7) He watched it.
Likewise, the corresponding argument in responses to (2j) is not
necessarily subject or object (in accordance with the unaccusative
(8) a. Nigel threw a brick at it.
b. Nigel took the speakers out of it.
Nor are all (non-agentive) objects/subjects equally felicitous as
responses, as is illustrated by the low acceptability of (9) as such:
(9) a. Nigel watched it.
b. It arrived on Tuesday.
Indeed, Jackendoff (1990: [section]7.1), for instance, uses such
questions as (2i-j) as a test specifically for "patients",
which he regards as an independent relational property additional to the
semantic relation, or 0-role, borne by an argument; for that very reason
patienthood is not to be associated with any one particular syntactic
position or grammatical relation.
I have suggested (1998: [section]3), on the other hand, that there
is (contra Jackendoft) at the core of patienthood a rather closer
relationship with particular semantic relations. The motivations for
this will form the basis for the account of the syntax of proxies
proposed below. But before proceeding with looking at these let us
introduce some further relevant material that is also problematical for
the above formulation of predicative question formation.
(2i-j) are not the only proxy question type that can be responded
to with verb + object (2i) or verb + object/subject (2j). We also have
(10) a. What did Nigel do with the TV?
b. What became of the TV?
If these too involve demotion -- of the with- and of-phrases -- in
favour of the proxy, are these phrases to be distinguished from the to
phrases of (2i-j) as obliques? What insight is yielded by such a
suggestion (involving differential demotion)? How does it relate to the
observation that (7), though not a very satisfactory response to (2i-j),
is an adequate, if rather banal, response to (10a)? Or the observation
that, on the other hand, neither of (9) is a particularly happy reply to
(10b)? Appropriate responses to the latter seem to form a subset of
those triggered by (2i-j). Thus, (10b) invites a response involving
(deictically) "negatively oriented movement" ("away
from" some location established as a reference point), including
"movement out of existence":
(11) a. It's (been) moved next door.
b. it blew up.
The "positive" orientation of (9b) is inappropriate, and
such "movement" is lacking in (9a). Undergoers of
"negatively oriented movement" are readily seen as
"patients"; but the converse is not the case. So that
interpreting (6) as responses to (10b) involves some inferential effort.
None of this emerges in any natural way from the formulation I offered
Further, an unaccusative interpretation of (10b), with the
"displaced" argument constituting a potential direct object,
scarcely seems appropriate, given that either an agentive or a
non-agentive intransitive response is acceptable, given appropriate
choice of argument; either (12b) or (12c) is an acceptable response to
the question in (12a):
(12) a. What became of Waring?
b. He died.
c. He emigrated.
d. He took early retirement.
This assumes, of course, a principled account of unaccusativity,
such as Perlmutter originally offered. Even (12d), with agentive
transitive verb, constitutes an appropriate response.
In an effort to extricate ourselves from these various undesirable
consequences of the syntactic-relational account of proxies outlined
above, let us begin, in [section]2, with a further consideration of the
notion "patient", which will lead to a reformulation of verbal
predicator question formation in terms of reference to semantic
relations, in particular to the "neutral" semantic relation
Anderson (1997a) terms abs(olutive). That is followed, in [section]3, by
a more detailed consideration of argument questions and the role of abs
in their formation. This is intended to help highlight in some detail
what is distinctive about predicator questions. [section]4 addresses the
analysis of nominal predicator questions and offers a formulation of how
they are formed. Finally, in [section]5, we return, via a consideration
of adjectival questions that suggests a characterisation that is a blend
of nominal and verbal predicator question formation, to verbal
predicator questions and a rather more formal account of the formation
of the structures realised in (2h-k) and (10), one which again crucially
involves abs.
2. Patients and non-patients
Jackendoff (1990: [section]7.1) argues that in addition to a
conventional set of [theta]-roles there should be recognised an
"action tier" of semantic relations comprising the roles of
"Patient" and "Actor". Assignment of these roles to
elements cuts across classification in accordance with [theta]-role. So
that, for instance, a Patient or "affected entity" -- may be
(in his terms) either Theme, as with the ball in (13a), or Goal, as with
the tree in (13b):
(13) a. Pete hit the ball into the field.
b. The car hit the tree.
Both of these NPs meet Jackendoff's test (1990: 125) based on
"the ability of an NP to appear in the frame <(14)>":
(14) {What happened, What Y did} to NP was ...
Anderson (1998: [section]3) argues that patients are even more
widespread than Jackendoff allows. Thus, whereas, as Jackendoff (1990:
127) observes, the Theme object of(15a) is not obviously interpreted as
a Patient -- witness (15b):
(15) a. Bill received a letter.
b. ? * What happened to a/the letter was Bill received it.
c. ? * What happened to Bill was he received a/the letter.
the Theme in (16a) is much better as such:
(16) a. Somebody else received Bill's letter.
b. What happened to Bill's letter was someone else received it.
Likewise, although the Goal subject in (l5a) is perhaps not an
obvious Patient, as indicated by the inferential gap presented by (15c),
that in (17a) is again much better:
(17) a. Jack received a serious head wound.
b. What happened to Jack was he received a serious head wound.
And even the non-subject non-object Goal in (18), unlike that in
(13a), allows an obvious Patient interpretation:
(18) a. Arnold threw a bomb into the bedroom.
b. What happened to the bedroom was that Arnold threw a bomb
into it.
Indeed almost any role can be associated with Patienthood given an
appropriate choice of participants and circumstantials in the
We can perhaps make a distinction, however, between the Patients in
(16-18) and those in (13). The former are indeed contextual patients,
whose Patienthood can be contextually established or suppressed; they
may be associated with a range of [theta]-roles. A particular argument
of certain predicators, however, is inherently a Patient, and its
Patienthood is difficult to suppress: this is the case with (13).
Moreover, such Patienthood is not independent of the [theta]-roles, or
semantic relations, assigned to the argument. These categorial patients
are either Themes - or, in terms of Anderson (1997a; 1998), absolutives
- involved in "negative" movement, as with the ball in (13a)
and it in (11), or Themes/abs(olutives) that are also Goals, as with the
tree in (13b). The former type, a Patient which is an abs involved in a
"negative movement", can have its predicator questioned by the
like of either (2i/j) or (10b). The latter, abs Goals, are questioned by
(2i/j): to offer e.g. (13b) as an answer to the equivale nt of (10b) -
i.e. What became of the tree? - leaves some inferential work to be done
by the questioner. The description of these latter Patients, as
involving an argument whose role is identified by a combination of two
semantic relations (abs and Goal), requires some further comment at this
Pinker's (1989) discussion of English "lexical causatives" provides a convenient starting point here. Concerning
these, he proposes (1989: 85): "a verb that specifies an argument
that is both a patient and a theme ... is a causative verb. The agent,
by acting on a patient, causes it to change state or location." And
he goes on, taking the sentence in (19) as a text:
(19) I hit the wall.
to describe Patienthood as follows:
A patient is acted or impinged upon or inherently involved in an
action performed by an agent but does not necessarily undergo a
specified change. Of course, in real life a patient may undergo a change
of state or location, but if it does, the verb does not care what the
change is (e.g. the wall could shatter, fall over, or tumble down a
hill, and the verb hit would be equally appropriate). However, the
patient must be inherently involved in or affected by the action,
playing a role in defining what the action consists of. For example,
moving one's hand to within a fraction of an inch of the wall, even
if the accompanying wind or static electricity causes the wall to fall
over, would not count as hitting the wall, because the kind of motion or
act denoted by hitting is inherently defined as terminating in contact
with some patient.
Now, Pinker's idea of causative seems to be unduly restricted.
Verbs of creation (factitives) are usually regarded as causative -- and
are sometimes overtly marked as such, as with fabricate, which bears a
suffix which is either causative or merely inchoative; but their abs
argument is hard to see as a Patient, in that they come into existence
as a result of the action -- and they certainly fail Jackendoff's
(20) * What Fred did to the excuses was fabricate them.
Factitives involve a kind of "positive movement"
("into existence"). And other "positive movement"
sentences involving verbs that would also usually be regarded as
causative also fail the Patienthood test, unless heavily contextualised
in such a way as to introduce "negativity":
(21) ? * What Bill did to the books was bring them here.
There are problems too with the above description of the
predication types that Patients may appear in, which do not necessarily
involve external agency, as evidenced by (one interpretation of) (11)
and by (22a), which does not present the process as agent-induced, but
involves simply the Patient highlighted in 22b):
(22) a. The car rusted away.
b. What happened to the car was it rusted away.
However, what is of interest here is a comparison between
Pinker's and Jackendoff's characterisations of Patienthood
If we restrict ourselves to categorial Patients, Jackendoff's
examples fall into two sets which can be characterised in terms of the
types I suggested above: abs/Theme in "negative movements",
and abs Goals, which latter are for Jackendoff merely Goals, apparently.
Pinker, on the other hand, assigns Patienthood to a subset of
abs/Themes, with no invocation of Goals, despite the terminology used
("acted or impinged upon", "inherently involved in"
...), but he likewise distinguishes between "a change of state or
location". I suggest we can identify the arguments associated with
the former of these ("change of state") with what I'm
describing as abs Goals; the latter involve an abs undergoing a
"negative" change of place. Jackendoff associates Patienthood
with either Themes or Goals; for Pinker Patients are Themes. My proposal
agrees with Pinker's in associating abs with Patienthood (while
differing in allowing Patienthood in the absence of an Agent). But
I'm suggesting further that categorial Patienthood is epi
phenomenal: it is a property of abs involved in "negative
movement" or abs combined with Goal.
Henceforth I shall deploy the terms abs and erg (rather than, say,
Theme or Objective and Agent/Experiencer) to underline not just the
distinctive semantic character of the relations invoked -- with erg
being the "source of the event" and abs being the default
relation whose precise interpretation is most intimately dependent on
the semantics of the verb (cf. e.g. Moravcsik 1978) -- but also their
combinability with other relations to allow for complex roles such as
the Experiencer, which combines location with erg. Likewise, I use
Anderson's (1997a) terms loc(ative) and abl(ative) in the
representations that follow in the next section rather than Goal and
Source. In these terms, (categorial) Patienthood is associated with an
argument of a dynamic predicator that is either an abs argument in a
"negatively-oriented" journey (13a) or an abs in a dynamic
predication that is also loc (13b).
The central status of dynamic loc, or Goal, with Patients goes some
way towards accounting for the marking of the Patient argument displaced
by the proxy question word, as a to-phrase. The happen to/do to
questions are distinguished from become of by inviting responses which
may involve an abs Goal argument as well as a
"negative-movement" abs, which latter can also be invoked by
become of the abs Goal variant is distinctive for the question
construction. To is elsewhere the unmarked Goal marker. An abs Goal
argument normally is unmarked, and is often regarded as an object, in
the presence of an erg subject. We have seen there are problems with
characterising objecthood. But we can capture something of what is
involved if we follow Anderson (1997a: [section]3.3.3) in saying that an
object is (whatever else may be involved) an abs argument denied
subjecthood, typically by an erg argument, which, as elsewhere, outranks
abs. (I am, of course, assuming here that grammatical-relation-status is
derivative of the ar ray of semantic relations associated with a
predicator.) The formation of the proxy questions in to involves the
"displacement" of the abs Goal from subject (with happen) or
object (with do) by the proxy. It is unsurprising that the
"displaced" core (subject/object) argument should have its
Goal nature surface in the form of the preposition otherwise used
for (non-subject, non-object) Goal phrases.
Likewise, the marking of the "displaced" subject in (l0b)
and (12a) can be given a natural interpretation. It is marked with of
This is, among other things, a typical marker of an abs denied object
position in a "negative movement" sentence, as illustrated by
(23) a. The fraudster robbed Bessie of all her money.
b. They deprived him of any excuse.
Compare with e.g., (23a) such constructions as that of (24):
(24) The fraudster stole all her money from Bessie
with abs object and overtly marked Source. Note that I am not
claiming that (23a) and (24a) display the same array of semantic
relations, merely that they share the crucial ones alluded to. Indeed, I
suggest that the objects in (23) are abs (like other objects) as well as
ab1, Source: we have abs Sources. It is by virtue of being both abs and
Source that they outrank the simple abs with respect to objecthood. In
(10b) and (12a) the abs undergoing movement has also been
"displaced", in this case from subjecthood and by the proxy.
In both instances of marks a "displaced" abs in a
"negative journey" predication. As noted, in response to (12a)
an abs argument which may or may not be agentive (abs + erg vs. simple
abs) may be offered, undermining any unaccusative interpretation of
possible responses:
(24) The fraudster stole all her money from Bessie.
(12) a. What became of Waring?
b. He died.
c. He emigrated.
(12c) is an agentive intransitive, with abs + erg subject; (12b) is
non-agentive, with abs subject.
What of the "displaced" argument in (10a)?
(10) a. What did Nigel do with the TV?
It is marked with with. This sentence invites as a response merely
an agentive predicator compatible with the lexical semantics of the
sentence; in particular it is not limited to predicators with
"negative movement" abs or to Patients in general:
(25) a. He brought it home. ("positive journey")
b. He watched it for hours. (non-patient)
It is a general non-factitive abs -- non-factitive given the
anomaly of (26) as an answer to (10a):
(26) He built it from scratch.
Contrast with (10a) something like (27):
(27) What did he have to do with the TV?
(in the sense of "what was his connexion with the TV"),
which allows, among other things, a factitive response such as (26), and
a response in which he is not agentive:
(28) He inherited it.
Again, the use of with in (10a) and (27) is not surprising. With is
in general a marker of "displaced" abs, as in (29):
(29) a. Bill loaded the cart with junk.
b. Bill loaded junk on(to) the cart.
Here the abs argument junk is "displaced" by the Goal the
cart: cf. (29b). Again, I interpret the object in (29a) as
simultaneously abs and loc/Goal: we have a subtype of Patient, usually
referred to as involving a "holistic" interpretation, with the
entity denoted by the (simple) abs exhausting the relevant dimensions of
the abs Goal. (29a) is an appropriate response to (30a) as well as
(30) a. What happened to the cart?
b. What was done with the cart?
With is a generalised marker of "displaced" abs; when a
"negative journey" abs is involved, of is appropriate; we can
differentiate a "displaced" abs Goal as to. There is a natural
basis to the marking of the abs arguments displaced by proxies. That is,
it is consistent with the use of these markers elsewhere, given my
analysis of the "displacees".
Another claim, based on what has emerged in the preceding
discussion, has been embodied in the statement that ends the previous
paragraph: all the displaced arguments are abs (whatever else they might
be). We can thus substitute for the syntactic-relation-based predicator
formation of [section]1 a semantic role-based alternative:
Verbal predicator question formation
To question a verbal predicator deploy a Q-pro-verb and introduce a
what abs compatible with its subcategorisation; this abs displaces to
adjunct status any subcategorised for abs also present
The question then arises: why abs? Does this permit an answer any
more interesting than to "why direct object?"?
The next section looks at the role of abs in questions in general,
as a background to what follows. The subsequent sections consider the
consequences of this for our interpretation of the syntax of proxy
questions, as well as giving more careful attention to the
predicator-question-formation formulation itself.
3. Free absolutives and argument questions
Anderson (1997a: [section]3.3.4) argues that the double dependency
exhibited by (the nodes associated with) Bert in the syntactic structure
of (31):
is associated with a free or unsaturated abs relation contracted by
may, as made explicit in (32), which extends the representation to
include categorial information:
Bert and Charlie are categorially names which depend on functors
bearing the semantic-relational features {erg,loc} and {abs}
respectively; the functors here (elsewhere realised as e.g. adpositions)
are not given separate linear placement, as indicated by the vertical
dependency arc. These semantic relations satisfy the valency of the verb
love, indicated to the right of the slash in its categorial
representation. Names are characterised by the presence in their
(primary) categorisation of N alone (the naming feature); the modal may
is associated with the presence of the P (predicativity) feature alone,
which confers finiteness. Common nouns combine N and P, with N being
preponderant, indicated as {N;P}: the preponderant feature appears to
the left of the semi-colon. Common verbs, like love, have P preponderant
over N, as illustrated in (32). May is shown in (32) as subcategorised
for {P;N} alone, satisfied by love. But in (32) it has a dependent abs,
too. This abs, associated with the node dependent on and t o the left of
the root, is introduced by a general requirement that predications
contain an abs; if such is not specified in the predicator's
subcategorisation, a free abs is introduced.
The syntactic tree is erected on the basis of the categorial
information, with each category projecting a node and with categories
being made dependent on the elements whose valencies they satisfy. The
node associated with the unsaturated abs depends on the abs-free
predicator, and serves as a host to the argument of love that is highest
on the subject selection hierarchy, Bert, which assumes a second
semantic role thereby, and which thereby also satisfies the requirement
that that abs, like any functor, be satisfied by a dependent argument.
This involves a non-movement analogue of raising Linearisation is in
accord with dependency (head-left) except in the case of the dependent
free abs, which precedes its head.
Anderson (1997a: $3.3.4) also suggests that formation of the
syntactic subject is a sub-case of raising. A modal such as may is
categorially {P}, associated with their distribution as finites. Common
verbs are {P;N}, associated with a distribution that is basically
non-finite. Non-modal auxiliaries are both {P} and {P;N}. The common
verbs are enabled to occupy a finite position by virtue of the secondary
finiteness redundancy:
Secondary finiteness
This creates a complex categorisation which permits common verbs to
be finite where the head of the sentence, P, and the head of the verb
phrase, P;N, can occur in the same position (basically, in non-NICE
circumstances). This is shown in (33):
in which the Bert argument satisfies both the {erg.loc} requirement
of the {P;N} category and fills the free abs dependent on the {P}
introduced by secondary finiteness. Again, the argument whose relational
specification is highest on the subject selection hierarchy is
"raised" to fill the unsaturated abs position.
The syntactic subject will often but need not coincide with the
morphosyntactic subject, marked by imposing concord on the verb, as with
Bert in (33). The subjects do not coincide in (34a), for instance:
(34) a. There remain a few exceptions.
b. Here comes the bus.
Anderson (1997b) suggests that the structures in (34) are a residue
of the Old English "verb-second" construction, wherein occupation of the immediate-pre-verbal position was not regulated by the
subject selection hierarchy. If there in Present-day English (34a) is an
expletive, we can regard it as a default syntactic subject inserted in
the absence of selection of a full subject, with a few exceptions being
morphosyntactic subject only; and there shows inversion, whereby
(according to Anderson 1997c) it retains its status as syntactic subject
of remain but not of the auxiliary in (35a), just like any other
syntactic subject, as illustrated by (35b):
(35) a. Do there remain a few exceptions?
b. Has John remained in London?
Neither there nor John is the syntactic subject of the preceding
auxiliary (in English syntactic subjects precede their predicators), but
they are both subject of remain(ed). However this can scarcely be the
case with (34b), which represents an unassimilated residue of the
"verb-second" structure, lacking a proper syntactic subject
completely: here is not a subject. These intransitive locational
predications allow the head of the sentence and the head of the verb
phrase to occupy the same position, so the verb that intervenes between
the two dependents can be a common (non-auxiliary) verb. The
constructions in (36) and (2b-i) also illustrate a residue of
(36) Seldom had he seen such a mess
but they allow a range of different verb types, and the intervening
verbal must be auxiliary. The wh-forms of (2) represent the most
systematic and pervasive departure in Present-day English from the
principle that immediate-pre-verbal position is occupied by (if
anything) a subject. The various immediately post-finite-verbal nominals
in (2) - and (36) - are morphosyntactic but not syntactic subjects of
the finite verb.
Anderson (1997a: [section]3.6.2) suggests that presence of a
(participant or circumstantial) argument that is questioned overrides
the normal process of subject selection, and the questioned argument
comes to occupy the position otherwise accorded to the subject. This is
associated with the interrogativisation redundancy:
which adds a governed N and a superjoined P to any element
characterised by P on its own ("\P\"), i.e. an auxiliary or
other finite verb (created by secondary finiteness). The superjoined P
takes a special kind of abs which, though, like free abs, serving as a
host to another argument, hosts only a questioned, wh element. This
provides for the structure for (2d) given in (37):
Mary is raised to fill the free abs of the P;N component of did,
but fails to occupy subject position by virtue of its being occupied by
a wh element. In (2a) the wh element would have been subject anyway, and
the "overriding" effect is not apparent, though who depends
three times on said, which, as a result of secondary finiteness and
interrogativisation, incorporates three component predicator
This provides a sketch of the syntax of argument questions, and an
account of the crucial role of abs therein. But what of predicator
4. Nominal predicator questions
Wh can be realised only when it is a feature of N, which introduces
nominal arguments. Questioning the predicators in (2g-k) involves, in a
rather obvious way, a proxy question word. Before looking at the
syntactic mechanism associated with these proxies, let us return to
questions of the (2f) type, another example of which is given here with
some related variants:
(38) a. What did they become?
b. What did they turn into?
c. What were they?
I shall argue that on one (predicative rather than equative)
interpretation these also involve a proxy strategy despite each of them
invoking as the most natural response a nominal. For these too may
involve (nominal) predicators that (of course) do not have a question
pronoun, which is limited to arguments. Specifically the wh forms here
occupy an argument position which otherwise is associated with the
corresponding equative, rather than predicative, structures. Let me
spell this out in more detail.
Each of the verbs in (38) may be associated with a predicative
nominal structure, as in (39):
(39) a. They became accountants.
b. They turned into accountants.
c. They were accountants.
In these sentences the verb governs a nominal predicator, possibly
via a functor carrying a semantic relation, as shown in (4):
Become and turn are directional verbals, denoting movement into a
class; and be is locational, as well as being copular/auxiliary, so P
rather than P;N. Be can also appear in a simple non-locational
predicative, where some classification regarded as permanent is
involved, as in (41):
(41) Moppy and Muriel are quadrupeds.
in which case I assume the copula governs the predicative N;P
directly, as implied in Anderson (1997a), or via a simple abs . But what
is most significant is that in each of the sentences in (39) and (41)
the second nominal is a predicator.
Contrast with these the post-verbal arguments in (42):
(42) a. Those children became the criminals you see before you.
b. Those children turned into the criminals you see before you.
c. Those children are the criminals you see before you.
which are responses to argument questions with who:
(43) a. Who did those children become?
b. Who(m) did those children turn into?
c. Who are those children?
Nominal arguments involve a {N} category, typically (but not
necessarily) realised as a determiner, which as "transitive
pronouns" are {N/...}, as represented in (44):
Both those very children and the criminals you see before you are
constructions headed by the configuration in (45):
and as such either is available for subject selection, in being
hierachically indistinguishable as arguments that are both abs, as
witnessed by (46) alongside (42c):
(46) The criminals you see before you are those children.
Notice too that though the postverbal nominals in (39) and (42) can
be said to differ in definiteness also, not all arguments are definite,
of course. Cf. the equative in (47):
(47) His opponents are (some) farmers from Yorkshire.
with an indefinite post-verbal non-predicative nominal.
I'm suggesting, then, that the proxies in the case of nominal
predicators take up an argument slot corresponding to (what would
become) the non-subject argument in the equivalent equative
constructions available to the verbs involved. The predicative nominal
question is parasitic upon the equative structure, with its
"extra" nominal argument. We can formulate this as:
Nominal predicator question formation
To question a nominal predicator introduce in place of this
predicator a what argument compatible with the subcategorisation of the
governing verbal predicator
This differs in two respects from verbal predicator question
Verbal predicator question formation
To question a verbal predicator deploy a Q-pro-verb and introduce a
what abs compatible with its subcategorisation; this abs displaces to
adjunct status any subcategorised for abs also present
Firstly, with nouns the proxy argument is substituted for the
predicator rather than being added; secondly, no
"displacement" is involved with nominals. Before returning to
the characterisation of verb questions, let us look briefly at the
adjective type of (2g), the formation of which, unsurprisingly (given
e.g. Anderson 1997a: [section]2.3.4), can be seen as intermediate
between the noun and verb types.
5. Verbal predicator questions
Like, the pro-adjective in questions inviting predicative adjective
constructions in response, as illustrated by (2g):
(2) g. What is Jo like?
may take elsewhere, like become, either a nominal predicator or a
nominal argument:
(48) a. Jo is like a woman possessed.
b. Jo is like her sister.
Only the latter is a natural response to (49):
(49) Who(m) is Jo like.
which invites a nominal argument response, as well as possibly
being a kind of indirect answer to (2g). (48a) provides a more obvious
kind of answer to such a question. But so does (50):
(50) (Jo is) mad.
As I've suggested, the what in (2g) can be interpreted as a
proxy question form for adjectival predicators.
We can thus perhaps formulate the formation of such questions as
Adjectival predicator question formation
To question an adjectival predicator deploy a Q-pro-adjective and
introduce in place of its dependent predicator a what argument
compatible with its subcategorisation
Adjective questions thus, like verb questions, involve a pro-form;
but, as with nouns, the wh-element substitutes for a predicative, and
there is no "displacement".
As we have seen, the proxy with verbs is always an abs that
"displaces" a rival abs that may be present to adjunct status.
Recall (2i), (2j) and (10a):
(2) i. What did Nigel do to the TV?
j. What happened to the TV?
(10) a. What did Nigel do with the TV?
I am assuming that the first two involve "displacement"
of a Patient, loc + abs, marked by to, and the third
"displacement" of a simple abs, marked by with, as proposed in
[ss]2. As adjuncts, these "displaced" abs forms are optional,
as illustrated by (2h) and (2k):
(2) h. What did Nigel do?
k. What happened.
with only a proxy abs.
We have the same kind of lexical derivation in the case of such
forms as is found with the "holistic" formations mentioned in
(29) a. Bill loaded the cart with junk.
b. Bill loaded junk on(to) the cart.
Anderson (1997a: 200-201) suggests that the verb in (29a) is
derived from that in (b) by lexical incorporation of its abs argument
and addition of abs to the loc of the basic verb's argument
Holistic verb formation
The "displaced" abs in (29a), which is also readily
omitted, is thus interpreted as an adjunct co-indexed with the
incorporated abs. Likewise the by-phrase in passives is an adjunct
coindexed with an incorporated erg. Abs arguments, however, are the most
susceptible to incorporation (Anderson 1997a: [section]3.5), and such
incorporations crucially introduce a "replacement" abs
associated with a non-incorporated argument. The loc argument of a
holistic verb has abs added to it.
Q-pro-verbs involve again an incorporated abs (which here is
optionally also loc, to allow for the Patient variants), and
introduction of abs, not added to the existing loc in this instance, but
"free-standing" and recipient of a copy of the wh feature
which the verb cannot express:
Q-pro-verb formation
And the "displaced" abs in (2i), (2j) and (10a) is once
more co-indexed with the incorporated abs. This is again a
"pre-syntactic", lexical formation. Verbal predicator question
formation thus differs from that associated with other predicators in
involving incorporation of an abs and provision, as with other such
incorporations, of a new abs, which in this instance provides a slot for
the proxy. We return in a moment to the non-verbal constructions
What, at this point, of (10b), however, in the light of the
preceding discussion?
(10) b. What became of the TV?
The allegedly "displaced" abs does not appear to be
simply an adjunct. It is thus not omissible:
(51) * What became?
Nevertheless, is the post-verbal phrase of (10b) not
"displaced", in some sense? As discussed in [section]2, the
marking with of is suggestive of such. And compare (39a) and (42a):
(39) a. They became accountants.
(42) b. Those children became the criminals you see before you.
Of the TV corresponds in terms of its semantic role with the
subjects of these sentences. And it is the equivalent of them and not
the proxy that is subject of the verb become in the corresponding
(38) a. What did they become?
whereas in (10b) it is the proxy which is subject. This divergence is itself a clue, I suggest, to the syntax of (10b).
Become is a verb that takes two abs arguments: in (39a) and (42a)
the subject is an abs and the postverbal element is an abs + loc, this
being predicative in (39a) but not in (42a). Recall here (40a) vs.
(44a). In the noun predicator question of (38a) the proxy wh-form
substitutes for the nominal predicate. If (10b) is the verbal
equivalent, the proxy will be an abs which "displaces" an abs
+ loc incorporated into the verb, in accordance with Q-pro-verb
formation. We can thus associate with (10b) the structure in (52):
The lower half of the line of categories above became shows the
results of Q-pro-verb formation, whereby the verb comes to have two
simple abs arguments; the basic lexical categorisation of become is as
in (53):
(53) P;N/{abs}{abs,loc<{P}>}
where the optional "{P}" allows for predicative uses. One
abs in (52) is filled by the proxy what, the other by of the TV. Either
abs, as hierarchically equivalent, may be selected as subject. Selection
of of the table would result in a sequence indistinguishable from (38a).
Selection of the proxy results in (10a), with the what successively
satisfying, as shown in (52), the free abs of subjecthood and the wh
introduced by the question predicator.
With devenir 'become' in French the non-proxy abs is
selected as subject in the construction equivalent to (10a). So that
(54) may be associated with the meanings attributable to both of (10a)
and (38a):
(54) Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont devenus?
what-is-it that-they are become
(= 'What have they become? What has become of them?')
(54) neutralises the distinction marked in (10a) vs. (38a). This
neutralisation is blocked in English.
Here, in the analysis of (10a), as elsewhere in the syntax of verb
questions, crucial is the special status of abs -- as potentially free
(unsubcategorised-for), as constituting the argument type most amenable to incorporation, and as potentially labelling two complements of the
same verb. An account which ignores semantic relations, on the other
hand, throws very little light on the variety of predicator questions
and in particular on the mechanism of proxies.
Q-pro-verb formation is intended to give more explicit expression
to verbal predicator question formation. Similarly, we should provide
for adjectival predicator question formation by way of a Q-pro-adjective
formation rule:
Q-pro-adjective formation
and nominal predicator questions by simple proxy formation:
Nominal proxy formation
The verbal and adjective rules also incorporate proxy formation,
but this is dependent on copying of the wh feature to a distinct
(1.) I am grateful to Fran Colman, Sylvie Hancil and Graeme
Trousdale for discussing with me some of the material presented here.
All aberrations are mine, of course.
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