Packaging like at information carrying media.
Jurecic, Denis ; Babic, Darko ; Kropar-Vancina, Vesna 等
Abstract: In this paper elements of visual information and their
importance in the process of transfer to users are described. From the
economics and designers stand point, product must be valorized as well
as the medium by which the information is transferred. The use of
colours, text information and other graphic solutions are in this work.
The evaluation of visual information on product packaging is the main
factor of motiva-tion for buying certain packaged product. First of all,
that rule applies to the selection of colour as the presenter of
packaged product. Second, that also applies to the visual information
(example: pictures, graphics, symbols, codes etc).
Key words: visual information, product packaging, design,
1. Introduction
This paper describes the elements of visual information and their
importance in the process of transfer to users. From the economic and
designing point of view, the product, as well as the medium by which the
information is transferred, must be valorized. The use of colours, text
information and other graphic solutions for that purpose are studied in
this work. Whether the customer will buy a certain packaged product or
not, depends mostly on the customers' evaluation of visual
information on its packaging. It applies primarily to the selection of
colours that represent a packed product. Secondly, that also applies to
the visual information (example: pictures, graphics, symbols, codes
ect). The basic visual effects in the form of information which can be
used in manipulating the user are text, image and colour. The topic of
our research is the medium which transfers that information, i.e.
packaging. Packaging needs to meet two basic aspects of design; it has
to fulfill technical and physical demands (protection of the product,
its transport and distribution) and printing demands in the sense of
decorating the surface, informing the consumers and motivating the
byuers to make the purchase. Before we start developing possible
packaging design, it is necessary to take into consideration the product
itself. A typical supermarket or selfservice can offer more that ten
different variants of a product (such as sweets or cosmetic creams)
produced by different manufacturers.
The challenge which a designer needs to meet is how to make the
customer notice the aspect of his product, which is the eleventh product
on the shelf, and if the customer notices it, how to convince him to buy
this very product instead of any of the other ten. The only remaining
medium which can influence the customer is the packaging itself. It is
thought that, depending on the product type and the source of
information on the packaging, 68-80% of decisions on purchasing depend
on the decision made by the customer in the shop while looking at the
product, i.e. at the graphically equipped packaging on the shelf.
Typical consumers most frequently walk through the store and buy what
they like. A particular product attracts their attention for only a few
During such a short period of time the medium (packaging) must send
the message to motivate customers to purchase it. In those few seconds,
a complicated graphic design cannot send the message "BUY ME"
and neither can contradictory and ambiguous messages. A potential buyer
does not notice such products, and what is not noticed is not sold.
2. Experimental
The examiners have ranked the image information by giving it marks
from 1 to 5. The method is based on the procedure by which each of the
experts (m) participating in the examining, i.e. evaluating of the
objects (n), gives each object a number as the rank of that parameter.
The object of the highest ranking gets the number 1; the next one gets
the number 2, etc. The criteria of the technological process optimality
appear in such considerations in the role of the object. The degree of
the experts' consideration agreement in the observed example has
been performed in the variant of M. G. Kendall. The conformity of the
experts ideas according to Kendall is determined by the expression (1):
W = 12xs/[n.sup.2]x([n.sup.3] - n - b) (1)
where m is the number of experts, n is the number of objects
(questions) presented in table. As the answer to a given question, each
of the mentioned m experts (examinees) in the performed poll gives a
number uij as a ranking parameter in relation to other questions. It is
possible, of course, that the same expert gives the same rank to
different questions.
According to the agreement, the best-ranked answer gets the
parametric value 1, that is rank 1, followed by the next rank 2 etc. In
the observed model k<n, and the objects are given a socalled
standardized rank.
The standardized rank is defined as an analytical medium of the
total number of places occupied by the objects with the same rank k. In
the standardized table, the column Ti has been calculated. The element
of that matrix is calculated according to the expression (2):
[T.sub.j] = [summation over ([t.sub.j])]([t.sup.3.sub.j] -
where tj is the number expressing how many times the j-ti rank has
been repeated in the i- line of the matrix. The expression 0[less than
or equal to]W[less than or equal to]1 is valid for Kendall's
coefficient W. As this coefficient is probability, it means that if W is
nearer to one, the ideas of the experts are in agreement.
3. Results and discussion
Diagram 1 represents the marks of the examinees concerning the
visual information as best identifying the packed product. The results
show that the image information best identifies the product because it
surpasses the colour and the textual information with the average
evaluation mark of 3.76.
The examinees evaluated the image information as excellent in 45%
of the cases, as very good in 24% of the cases, while the rest of the
examinees (30% of them) gave the marks good, sufficient and
insufficient. The examinees obviously opted for the image information
because customers see them easily and quickly on a printed packaging.
Because of that, the outlook of the image information and the success of
a packed product presentation can crucially influence the
customers' decision to purchase. However, the choice of the image
information on the packaging is a very complicated problem for
The simplest and the easiest way of presenting the product by the
image information is printing of the packed product image on the
packaging. This way of identification is applied when the packed product
has a solid form. If the product does not have a solid form, nor a
homogeneous structure, the image information on the raw material used
for making the product can be presented on the packaging. Such image
information have found a good place in marking foods such as different
sorts of juice, milk concentrates etc. However, it is possible that the
raw material has a homogeneous structure and it is not possible to
represent it. In this case, the process of product utilization can be
used as the image information. Cosmetic and sanitary products, as well
as cleaning agents, are very often represented by such image
information. Instead of the product application process, the image
information can present the results of it. Such image information are
applied on products which cannot be applied on the packaging themselves.
The best example for that is the printed packaging for toothpaste.
Taking into consideration that toothpaste is of a homogeneous
structure but of an unstable form, the picture of healthy, white and
sound teeth as the result of the product application is used as the
image information. The image information presenting damages caused by
the non-application of the product has a similar impact as the previous
one, only its message is more dramatic for the potential customer and,
therefore, expected to have a better effect. The second most important
element was the colour as an information carrier on the packaging. The
examinees gave colours the following marks: 32% of the examinees said
the colour was very good as the identification parameter, 18% of them
thought it was excellent, 27% opted for good and 23% thought that the
colour is a bad identifier (marks sufficient or insufficient). It is
obvious that the examinees gave such answers because they know that many
companies use one or several colours in combination as steady elements
of their packaging. Such colours as information carriers are later
continuously used in all advertising materials and they became, with
time, a strong identification element with a strong visual effect. The
examples are the following products: the hand creme Nivea, the chocolate
Toblerone and Coca Cola. Each of those products can be combined with
"its" colour: Nivea with blue, Toblerone with yellow and Coca
Cola with red. Because of that, the choice for the graphic design of
packaging is very demanding. For achieving the maximal effect of one
type, one has to use the colours of one kind, for the maximal effect of
another type, one has to use the colours of another type. Because of
that, in choosing the colours one has to be careful and seek a
compromising solution among the functions of the most important colours
in the concrete example. The third best identifier of a packed product,
in the examinees' opinion, is the textual information. About 50% of
the examinees marked this factor as very good, 23% of them marked it as
good, while 24% of them said it was excellent or sufficient. Only 5% of
them thought the textual information was a bad identifier and marked it
as insufficient. The name of the product and its manufacturer, the
guidelines on how to use it and preserve it, the data about its weight,
quantity, price, and expiry date--all of the information identify the
packed product in a concrete way. It can happen that a product packaging
contains too many or too little information. For example, if the product
is a medicine, it is necessary to give as much information as possible
but if it is fruit, the information has to be adapted to a particular
product. Tables 1 and 2 show the evaluation marks given by the
examiners, on the bases of which the standardized ranks were calculated
(Calculation 1).
Calculation 1. Evaluation of the correlation ranks of the visual
information which best identify the packed product
4. Conclusions
The examinees' evaluation reached a high percentage of
agreement of about 77.5%. The information system on a packaging is a
dynamic appearance which is based, in fact, on two different variables
that lead to optimization.
These are legal standards (norms) which the manufacturer has to
respect in terms of obligatory information, such as information on the
harmfullness of smoking, danger of poison, quoting the barcodes etc. A
greater area on the packaging is reserved for them. On the remaining
area of the packaging one should include graphic, protective and design
elements in order to come up with a clear and recognizable solution for
representing a packed product. It is necessary that a packaging designer
makes the message more attractive in order to attract the attention of
the targeted consumers. A graphic designer must make the message
readable, clear and understandable for customers and shape it in such a
way that it can influence a potential customer in the desired way.
5. References
Bessen, A. H.: Design and Production of Corugated Packaging and
Displays, Jelmar Publishing Co., Planview, 1994
Favre, J. P.: Color Sells Your Package, ABC Edition, Zurich, 1969
Jackson, C.: Colorme Beautiful Ballantine Books, Jelmar Publishing Co.,
New York, 1991
Jurecic, D.: Evaluacija elemenata vizualne informacije na grafickoj
opremi ambalaze, magistarski rad, Varazdin, 2004
Keller, G.: Uloga boja u dizajnu ambalaze i prodaji proizvoda,
savjetovanje Ambalaza i marketing., Zagreb, 1972
McCaughey, D. G.: Graphic designe for corrugated packaging, Jelmar
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1995
This Publication has to be referred as: Jurecic, D.; Babic, D.
& Kropar-Vancina, V. (2006). Packaging Like at Information Carrying
Media, Chapter 24 in DAAAM International Scientific Book 2006, B.
Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 3-901509-47-X,
ISSN 1726-9687, Vienna, Austria
DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2006.24
Authors' data: M. Sc. Jurecic D.[enis], Assoc. Prof. Dr. Babic
D.[arko], Professor Kropar-Vancina V.[esna], Faculty of Graphic Arts,
University of Zagreb, Getaldiceva 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Table 1. Evaluation of the visual information
which best identify the packed product
EXPERTS Examinees mark
number Text Image Colour
1. 2 5 5
2. 4 4 5
3. 3 5 3
4. 2 1 3
5. 2 5 2
6. 1 5 4
7. 5 5 5
8. 5 4 3
9. 4 5 3
10. 2 5 5
Table 2. Normed ranks of the evaluated visual information
which best identify the packed product
EXPERTS Normed ranks according to the furmulas 1 i 2
numb. Text Image Colour [SIGMA] T
1 1 2,5 2,5 6 6
2 1,5 1,5 3 6 6
3 2 2 2 6 6
4 1 2 3 6 0
5 2 2 2 6 6
6 1 2 3 6 0
7 2 2 2 6 24
8 1 2 3 6 0
9 1 2 3 6 0
10 1 2,5 2,5 6 6
[SIGMA] 13,50 20,50 26